Galen Catholic College - Reflections Newsletter Issue 14 2021

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Reflections Galen Catholic College Newsletter

Year 9 Prints Pop!

The Year 9 Photography Print classes have worked very hard this term to complete the reduction lino printing process that they started back at the beginning of Term 3. The repeated interruptions of Term 3 meant that it was completed over an unusually long period of time. Students researched Pop Artists initially and used Adobe Photoshop to prepare a portrait of a famous icon. The process included carving parts of a lino block, then printing it. Students reduced the lino with further carving of specific areas and printing on top of the previous image to reveal a multicoloured print. The results are always sensational and so rewarding.

ISSUE 14 NOVEMBER 12, 2021

House Points

Faith in our Future

82 points 78 points 77 points 74 points

Galen Catholic College acknowledges the Traditional Owners of country the Yorta Yorta Nations including all 8 clan groups and recognise their continuing connection to land, waters and culture. We pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging.

72 points 72 points 60 points 57 points

Wellbeing Links

Uniform Shop

Email: Phone: 0357216322

Opening Hours Tuesday: 9am - 5pm Thursday: 8am - 4pm Phone: 03 5723 8320 Email:

Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636

Black Dog: Lifeline:

Gateway Health: (03) 5723 2000

Secondhand Uniform Shop Open each Thursday during Term

Student Absences Phone: 5721 6322 or email:

Headspace: 1800 650 890

MensLine: 1300 78 99 78 Head to Health:

Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800

Mindspot: 1800 61 44 34

Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement:

SANE Australia: 1800 18 7263

GriefLine Community and Family Services:

Our Faith. Our Story. Our Identity.

Our Learning

Our Community

Our Culture

1. Our Faith. Our Story. Our Identity. Living with Faith & Integrity Our faith is nourished through Gospel values woven through every dimension of life at Galen. 2. Our Learning Growing through Learning Our learning is provided in a meaningful, student-centred stimulating environment that engages, supports and recognises individual aspirations and achievements. 3. Our Community Connecting as Community Our community values the reciprocal relationships that foster and enhance success in our broader community. 4. Our Culture Enriched by our Culture Our culture supports life-long learning, as well as a positive, inclusive and collaborative educational environment directed towards becoming leaders in learning.

new horizons II 2

Faith Integrity Respect Self Team



Reflections Newsletter LEARNING & TEACHING AT GALEN

Unit 4 Visual Arts & Technology Exhibition VOTING CLOSES SOON!

See outstanding work from Unit 4 Visual Arts & Technology students in the Emerge 2021 exhibition booklet online.

ONLINE NOW AT: A huge thank you to all the students who have studied in the Arts this year. It’s been hard to make your kitchen tables into your art studios but you have done amazingly well. Thank you to all the teachers that have helped encourage and support the students to fulfil their potential. Many of the Year 12 works can be seen at the Benalla Art Gallery in the ‘Showcase 2021’ exhibition on until 28th November. Remember to check out the Year 12 Visual Arts and Technology Exhibition booklet online and vote for what you think is the best work on show here:

Year 10 Studio Art 2D still life artworks

Year 10 Studio Art 2D students have been dabbling in still life drawing during remote learning painting with their contemporary selection of objects to paint from with their current assignment. Make sure you stop to have a look at their great work as you stroll through the Arts building. 3


Dirrawarra Awards

The Dirrawaraa Awards to recognise the achievement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait students in the region. We were very proud to be able to present the Dirrawarra awards with our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students last Thursday morning. Due to the COVID restrictions it was a different ceremony as we were not able to have students from different year levels mixed together. However, we were able to spread out in the Resource Centre and watch the Youtube video of the awards and present the students who were attending with their certificate. The students were also very impressed with the gift that the Year 12s received (pictured right), and enjoyed morning tea beforehand. A big thankyou to the Dirrawarra Awards Committee who organised the event and to Lucia Tekesic, Lucy Miller, Sara Korman and Deb Doyle who organised Galen’s event. Jareel/Scholar Award (For an individual who has shown commitment and dedication to their studies) • Owen Dinsdale Year 7 • Joshua Knight Year 7 • Kiahla Collins Year 7 • Dylan Davey Year 9 • Tate Bevan Year 8

Yaddy/Innovation Award (For an individual who shows a great attraction towards the Arts, Music or Drama who shows a creative aptitude). • Sienna Fraser Year 10

Mundgee Award (for an individual who shows ability in outdoor recreation or sports at school and/or within the community). • Abbey Moore Year 9 • Joel Smith Year 11 • Rory Beattie Year 9

STEM Award - for Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (For and individual who has shown commitment and dedication to Science, Technology, Engineering and /or Mathematics studies). • Kye Millington Year 12 • Griffin Fraser Year 12

Guritcha/Resilience Award (For an individual who has demonstrated a commitment to their school and community values). • Ella Ely Year 8 • Amitee Turnbull Year 7 • Isabella Knight Year 9

Deadly Achievement Award (A leadership award for a Year 12 student who shows dedication to their studies and commitment to educational outcomes). • Kye Millington • Griffin Fraser Congratulations to all of the award recipients.

Yarraboyn/Leadership Award (For an individual who takes initiative to empower others to do their best, is a role model and /or who has shown the qualities of a true friend at school and/or within the community). • Jenna Woods Year 11



If you would like to watch the awards presentation please click on the link:

Reflections Newsletter

Year 10 Business $20 Project This week saw the Yr 10 Business classes sell their product to the school community. Students have been working on their $20 Project since returning to school, and all groups did a fantastic job selling a range of products ie. lolly bags, lemonade, snow cones, zooper doopers, cookies and lots more. The students were given a total of $20 for any

expenses incurred and worked in groups to plan, run and evaluate the success of their small enterprise. This semester, all additional profit was donated to the St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal. Well done to the students involved and thank you to their many loyal customers.

Earthcare launches Families program! The College, through the Stewardship of Resources Committee, is committed to supporting sustainability in the College and wider community. Galen is part of the Catholic Earthcare Program for Schools and this is now being extended to a Families Program. To find out more about getting involved, please visit:

Football Achievement Congratulations to Charlie Haring (7/2) who did really well with his footy this year, despite the interruptions and early finish for the Wangaratta & District Junior League. He achieved and recently received several awards including the W&DJFL’s 2021 Ken Farrell Medal (under 14’s) with 22 votes and the W&DJFL’s Under 14 Best First Year Player Larkin Family Trophy. Well done Charlie!

Thank you Thank you to local artist and Galen parent Joelene Mitchell who donated an “Art Tracer” recently. They are valued around $300 and rather than selling it she considered our students and thought it may be valuable for their learning. Thanks to Joelene, it is much appreciated by the Arts staff and will be valued by the students too.

Faith Integrity Respect Self Team



Faith Integrity Respect Self Team

Year 7 (2022) Booklist Information Edgars Books and News/North East School Supplies of 55 Murphy Street, Wangaratta is Galen Catholic College booklist supplier. The items on the booklist were selected by the school and are stocked by us. Galen recommends that students/parents use Edgars Books and News/North East School Supplies booklist service as the easiest and most effective way to obtain the correct items.

Please note that electronic books (Digital) can only be ordered online and are non-refundable.

Booklists are also available through the Parent Access Module (PAM). To assist families who are unsure of how to access PAM, Galen has set up two computers in the Senior Library and one of the Library staff will assist parents to navigate their way through the website. If you are familiar with PAM but have lost your password please contact the front desk on 5721 6322.

Collection Times from 46 Murphy Street, Wangaratta (Opposite Edgars Books & News)

Parents are requested to submit the Booklist online at by Monday 6th December 2021 ORDERING ONLINE - Access our website: •

Select your School

Enter all relevant student details as provided on the front cover of your booklist (not parent name).

Select the book and stationery items you wish to order.

• •

Complete the required payment and delivery details. Make sure to choose the appropriate collection or delivery option.

Click “Submit your Order”

Payments can be made by either Visa or MasterCard via a scure PayPal site. Special circumstances relating to online payment or pickup will be considered by calling Edgars Books & News/North East School Supplies on 0407 221 861 (between business hours) or email

When your student booklist has been processed you will be contacted by phone or SMS to notify you that your school book package if ready to be collected from 46 Murphy Street, Wangaratta.

Monday to Friday 8.30am – 5.00pm Saturday – 9.00pm – 1.00pm If you are ordering online and would prefer the School Package to be delivered there is an option to tick delivery and we will arrange for your School Package to be delivered to your home or work address. For easy delivery, we recommend using an office address (please include parent name). If you will be away from home during delivery periods.

For booklist information for current Year 7-11 students, please visit the Galen website.

Secondhand Textbooks As you prepare for your Headstart classes and the 2022 school year, make sure you visit the Sustainable School Shop for secondhand text book trading at: Please note, that there is no expectation to have text books ready for our Headstart program. 6


Reflections Newsletter

Australian Mathematics Competition Thank you to the wonderful and dedicated students who participated in the Australian Mathematics Competition in 2021. We had students from each year level participate. I am very proud to announce the following students who got a credit or distinction: Credit • Erin Chadban Year 12 • Alexandra Grantham Year 9 • Chiara Lestino Year 10 • Mietta Habets Year 11

Held in term 3, the AMC has five divisions: Middle Primary (years 3–4), Upper Primary (years 5–6), Junior (years 7–8), Intermediate (years 9–10) and Senior (years 11–12). I would like to thank all the students who participated this year and welcome all students to consider participating in 2022. Michael Webbers Learning Area Leader - Mathematics THE SCORING SYSTEM

Distinction • Brodie Watson Year 11 • Paris McLaurin Year 11 • Dexter Hill Year 7

• Questions 1 to 10: 3 points for correct response. • Questions 11 to 20: 4 points for correct response. • Questions 21 to 25: 5 points for correct response. • Questions 26 to 30: 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 points respectively for correct response. For all questions, there is no penalty for an incorrect or blank response. AWARD ALLOCATION

The AMC is an engaging 30-problem competition that demonstrates the importance and relevance of mathematics in students’ everyday lives; it is open to students in years 3 to 12. Australia’s leading educators and academics, with a deep understanding of our national curriculum standards, actively design the unique AMC problems each year. The AMC is coordinated and supported by Galen Maths teachers who actively promote but do not mandate participation. Our competition is fully online. We offer ongoing support and resources before the competition and on the day.

In each year group for each Australian state or each country, certificates of merit are awarded as follows. PRIZE




Top 0.3%

Top 3%

Top 20%

Top 55%

Top 0.3%

Top 5%

Top 25%

Top 60%


A Proficiency certificate is awarded to all students who have achieved a pre-set score but have not been awarded a Credit (or higher) certificate. The remaining students receive Participation certificates. Students receive the highest possible of these two awards. A Best in School certificate is awarded to a student if the school and student meet the pre-set criteria. It is awarded in addition to a certificate of merit. Note: These percentages are approximate and may vary according to the number of students in a group and the score distribution.

Community Notices


170 Haydon Drive, Bruce ACT 2617 AUSTRALIA Telephone: +61 2 6201 5136

AMTT Limited ACN 083 950 341 Copyright © 2019 Australian Mathematics Trust



Remembrance Day

What is Remembrance Day? On 11 November 1918, the guns of the Western Front fell silent after four years of continuous warfare. With their armies retreating and close to collapse, German leaders signed an Armistice, bringing to an end the First World War. From the summer of 1918, the five divisions of the Australian Corps had been at the forefront of the allied advance to victory. Beginning with their stunning success at the battle of Hamel in July, they helped to turn the tide of the war at Amiens in August, followed by the capture of Mont St Quentin and Pèronne, and the breaching of German defences at the Hindenburg Line in September. By early October the exhausted Australians were withdrawn from battle. They had achieved a fighting reputation out



of proportion to their numbers, but victory had come at a heavy cost. They suffered almost 48,000 casualties during 1918, including more than 12,000 dead. In the four years of the war more than 330,000 Australians had served overseas, and more than 60,000 of them had died. The social effects of these losses cast a long shadow over the postwar decades. Each year on this day (11th November) Australians observe one minute’s silence at 11am, in memory of those who died or suffered in all wars and armed conflicts. Source:

Reflections Newsletter

Koorie Country Culture

Galen was delighted to welcome back Wanyara after COVID-induced break. On Wednesday 10th November, Yorta Yorta folk Sarai Roe, Maleek Briggs and Minjaara Atkinson led 8.1 and 8.2 in all things Koorie: art, games, dancing, history and yarning. The students enjoyed learning traditional games designed to improve learning skills for hunting and war. They enjoyed a game of gorri which traditionally would be played with a possum skin ball. They learnt about the artefacts that were brought along to share traditional culture and they learnt about painting and art as a form of storytelling. They enjoyed the opportunity to ask questions and learn first-hand from Yorta Yorta people.

“I used Aboriginal art symbols to create my own story. I used a family symbol, a waterhole and shared my story with others” Lily Boman (Champagnat 3) “I learnt that you cannot buy the Aboriginal flag anymore because the maker of the flag sold the copyright. Now even Aboriginal people have to pay royalties to use it” Zoe Landgren (Bridgid 1) “I learnt that only Aboriginal people that belong to the Country are allowed to do a Welcome to Country. All others have to do an Acknowledgement of Country” Sofia Gallo (Bridgid 1) “I learnt about the traditional owners of the land and how they lived off the land and used the resources to live sustainably. I did like feeling the possum fur; it felt a lot softer than other materials I felt and it was pretty comfy” Declan O’Sullivan (Champagnat 3)

“I liked doing the painting. It’s a good way to share your story in a different way” Lily Essex (Champagnat 2) “I learnt that they use to hunt fish into a smaller area to make it easier to spear them. I learnt this when we played a game that simulated the same thing, except we were the fish and there were two fisherman with balls on the outside trying to hit us. Games were a form of teaching life skills” Rylee Hooper (Champagnat 6) Miss Cassie Martin has loved teaching Koorie Country this year. She said “the best part about this course, is the bringing in local Koorie people to teach their own culture. For too long Europeans have teaching history that doesn’t belong to them. Creating an opportunity for students to connect to the country that’s right on their doorstep has also been good.”

“It was good to be able to hold the artefacts; the tools that they used; coolamon, digging stick, shield, fire carrier, were passed around as Sarai yarned about them” Riley Mcilroy (Champagnat 3) “It was good to learn about the traditional games that their ancestors also played. We played Gorri that required us to run through the enemy on either side and grab a cone without getting hit. Apparently, they use to play this game with spears, which I wouldn’t play. I got hit the first time, but the second time I made it through” Rosie Carroll (Champagnat 1) 9


See outstanding work from Unit 4 Visual Arts & Technology students in the Emerge 2021 exhibition booklet online.


Who’s Who at Galen Leadership Team • Bernard Neal: Principal • Patrick Arcuri: Deputy Principal - Staff & Students • Dale Gleeson: Deputy Principal - Teaching & Learning • Jim Samon: Deputy Principal - Catholic Identity • Emily Hordern: Business Manager • Kylie Quin: Senior School Leader • Jonas Anderberg: Junior School Leader • Daniel Armitage: Professional Learning Leader • Noelia Araya: Acting Human Resources Leader • Sara Korman: Innovative Curriculum Design Leader • Tess Barnard: Executive Assistant to the Principal • Beth Code: Staff Representative • Anthony Batters: Director of Staffing

Advisory Council • Fr. Nathan Verallo & Fr. Shibu Pezhumthottathil: Co-Pastoral Leaders • Colin McClounan: Advisory Council Chair • Bernard Neal: Principal • Patrick Arcuri: Deputy Principal • Emily Hordern: Business Manager • Lyndel Annett: Staff Representative • Chris Dwyer: Parent Representative • Leah Waring: Parent Representative • Kim Saunders: GPA Representative • Angelo Pomponio: Parent Representative • Glenn Mercer: Parent Representative • Leonie Irwin: Catholic Education Sandhurst representative

Parents Association Executive • President - Margaret Anderson • Vice President - AnnMaree Christian • Secretary - Interim Cathyrn Carboon / Louine Robinson • Treasurer - Kim Saunders The Parents Association can be contacted via email: Members of the Board can be contacted via the office on 03 5721 6322 or email:

The best way to contact Galen staff members direct is by email. All staff have email addresses which follow the formula:

For newsletter enquiries please contact the Publications & Promotions Officer:

Galen Catholic College

College Street, Wangaratta | Reflections PO Box 10 630 Wangaratta VicNewsletter 3676

Principal: Bernard Neal Email: Phone: 03 5721 6322 Web:

Galen Catholic College production of





December 9th 10th 11th BOOK BY Theatre2021 7.30pm JOHNSON Licensed exclusively by MusicCATHERINE International (Australasia).

Matinee:BYSatJUDY 11th 1.30pm ORIGINALLY CONCEIVED CRAYMER All performance materials supplied by Hal Leonard Australia

TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM Wangaratta Performing Arts & Convention Centre

In person or by phone (10am - 4pm Mon to Fri) 03 5722 8105 Or online:

Licensed exclusively by Music Theatre International (Australasia). All performance materials supplied by Hal Leonard Australia

Secretary: Sue Phillips. 2 Brewers Lane, El Dorado, Victoria, 3746 ABN99624206395

Gold Flag Trail Day 4 December 2021 El Dorado welcomes you when the village hosts their annual Gold Flag Trail Day on Saturday 4th December. The dozen participating businesses and attractions will fly their gold banner flag and an event map will be available to help you navigate around the venues. Organised by the El Dorado Tourism Business Group Inc, supported by the Rural City of Wangaratta, the event aims to give visitors and locals the opportunity to spend some time to meet the growers and makers and check out what the region has to offer. While you’re here in El Dorado pick up a brochure or a “Walks & Rides Guide” at the General Store to guide you on one of the many walks or bike rides. Discover Monument Hill Walk, with a magnificent view of the town and valley or follow the shared path from the centre of town to the historic Tin and Gold mining dredge. Drop in on our participating businesses: McEvoy Tavern, El Dorado Post and General Store, El Dorado Museum, Kaye’s Place, Tolpuddle Cheeses, The Plough Inn, Indigo Valley Wines, Glenbosch Estate Vineyard, Eldorado Road Wines in Beechworth, Eldorado Cherries, El Dorado Garlic & Chilli Co., Mt Pilot Estate wine tasting, Biancavera Rubega Gallery/Studio, and El Dorado Pottery. For further information contact; Vera Rubega or M 0437 256 131 follow us on socials @gold_flag_trail

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