ISSUE 6 Galen Catholic College Newsletter
MAY 18, 2021
Neverland cast perform in Pan
A huge congratulation to all staff and students who were involved in the Junior Production PAN, culminating in Friday nights performance. I was an audience member at the 10.30am Matinee on Friday which was a novel experience having previously been on stage working with the band/singers for many years. I have seen countless times the positive impact these shows have had on our own students - cast, musicians, backstage. But what I haven’t been able to previously witness first hand was the joy amongst the young audience (Our Lady’s Primary students and others) watching the show. There were many moments when these students reacted enthusiastically, such as yelling out to the cast informing them where other cast members were hiding. Singing along especially to “Never Smile at a Crocodile”, and enjoying the close contact with cast members who ventured into the theatre such as in the fight scene and the Crocodile chasing Hook. This total engagement was exciting to watch.
The Arts is a wonderful vehicle for being able to express and feel a gamut of emotions whether you are giving (performers) or receiving (audience) and everyone involved should be very proud knowing that so many of those students will have left that theatre having been thoroughly moved and entertained. As for the young performers it was great to witness the start of a wonderful production journey that many of these students have just begun. The ultimate example is Des Flanagan who will be performing as the lead in Moulin Rouge later this year who began his journey in shows such as these. To the many staff members involved – well done as I know first-hand how much work you have all put in to make PAN possible and to allow our own students to have meaningful experiences. Many wonderful memories came flooding back to me as I reflected on my own journey in that terrific theatre. David Ashfield
Faith in our Future
Galen Catholic College acknowledges the Traditional Owners of country the Yorta Yorta Nations including all 8 clan groups and recognise their continuing connection to land, waters and culture. We pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging.
Upcoming Events To view the Galen Calendar for upcoming events, simply login to PAM and see the ‘Calendar’ section. If you’re having any issues logging onto PAM, please contact the school office on: or the SIMON Co-ordinator:
Wellbeing Links Email: Phone: 0357216322 Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636
Lifeline: Gateway Health: (03) 5723 2000 Headspace: 1800 650 890
Uniform Shop Opening Hours Tuesday: 9am - 5pm Thursday: 8am - 4pm Phone: 03 5723 8320 Email:
MensLine: 1300 78 99 78 Head to Health:
Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800
Mindspot: 1800 61 44 34
Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement:
SANE Australia: 1800 18 7263
GriefLine Community and Family Services:
Secondhand Uniform Shop
For student absences, phone: 5721 6322 Or email:
Wednesday: 1pm - 5pm
Our Faith. Our Story. Our Identity.
Black Dog:
Our Learning
Our Community
Our Culture
1. Our Faith. Our Story. Our Identity. Living with Faith & Integrity Our faith is nourished through Gospel values woven through every dimension of life at Galen. 2. Our Learning Growing through Learning Our learning is provided in a meaningful, student-centred stimulating environment that engages, supports and recognises individual aspirations and achievements. 3. Our Community Connecting as Community Our community values the reciprocal relationships that foster and enhance success in our broader community. 4. Our Culture Enriched by our Culture Our culture supports life-long learning, as well as a positive, inclusive and collaborative educational environment directed towards becoming leaders in learning.
new horizons II 2
Faith Integrity Respect Self Team
Reflections Newsletter LEARNING & TEACHING AT GALEN
Mason’s Friday Morning Marathon Year 12 student Mason Fendyk considered taking the bus to school from Beechworth, just as he usually would on Friday May 14. However, he opted to run it instead, notching up a marathon effort of 42.9km.
Other than feeling a bit tired, and just a little sore, Mason mentioned that other than that, “I’m all good.” So, will you be running home this afternoon? “Nah, I’ll take the bus.”
When asked what prompted him to do this, “I just thought it would be funny to say I ran a marathon to school.” And when asked if he is a regular at parkrun he replied… “What’s parkrun?” “No, I’m not a regular runner, I only do an occasional 5k every few weeks.” Leaving Beechworth at 3am, Mason arrived in Wangaratta at around 7am, running his school marathon in an awesome time of 4h 13m, with an average pace of 5:55 per km. Not his first marathon run, Mason also did “just a random one last year around the bush in Beechworth.”
Senior Girls Netball
Tuesday 4th May saw the Year 11 and 12s girls netball team have a great day out. The first game of the day was against Cathedral College, winning by 20 goals. Game 2 against Catholic College Wodonga was another comfortable win for the Galen senior girls taking home the win by 26 goals. Court 7 was proving to be the court of the day as they continued their winning streak to Wodonga Senior Secondary College in the third game of the day by 7 goals; a much more contested game, to put themselves in top position on the ladder of Pool A, landing a spot in the grand final on court 7 against town rivals Wangaratta High School. This was the game of the day, the defenders stopped everything in their tracks, working hard to turn the ball over to put us in the lead and at the other
end of the court the shooters were able to convert all attempts taking home the flag for the day by 6 goals. It was a great team effort from all parts of the court, defenders were dynamite, shooters were on fire and the mid court ran all day. There was no player of the day as it was such a team effort everyone put in 100% on the day, however, to win games you need to get goals in and the shooters sure did that for us.
Wellbeing - Create a Family Media Plan Media should work for you & work within your family values & parenting style. When media is used thoughtfully & appropriately, media can enhance daily life. But when used inappropriately or without thought, media can displace many important activities such as face-to-face interaction, family-time, outdoor-play, exercise, unplugged downtime & sleep. By creating a Personalized Family Media Use Plan, you can be aware of when you are using media to achieve your purpose.
This requires parents & users to think about what they want those purposes to be. The tool below will help you to think about media & create goals & rules that are in line with your family’s values. To make YOUR family’s Media Use Plan, start by entering your family’s information. This information will remain private and confidential. Go to the link below to create a media plan for your family. 3
Year 10 Work Experience
This year, Year 10 students are required to complete three days of work experience. This will occur on June 9th, 10th and 11th, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday after Year 10 exams. There will be no Year 10 classes on these days. It is up to individual students to find and organize a placement. If you are having trouble finding a placement, please check the list of past employers I emailed to Year 10 students for ideas or come see me. •
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Once a placement has been organised please complete the work experience forms that have been emailed and return them to Senior Building 2 or scan and email. Everyone must complete the arrangement form before the placement starts to be covered by insurance. Students are able to complete work experience in Victoria or NSW. All other states are not covered by insurance. If the preferred place of work experience can’t accommodate the June 9-11, please let me know and we can see if we can negotiate another time for you to complete the placement. Placements can also occur during term holidays.
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Northeast Health Wangaratta is not able to take students for placement due to COVID-19 restrictions. Students have been emailed about this, please do not contact Northeast Health directly. Victoria Police is not offering work experience this year due to COVID-19. Please do not contact them directly. Placements can be arranged outside your place of residence. For example Melbourne, but accommodation and transportation are the responsibility of the family. Galen will not be able to assist with transport or accommodation.
Given the rapidly changing nature of work, every involvement you have in the world of work is an opportunity to enhance your awareness and understanding and contribute to your portfolio of skills. Hopefully this program will be a success for all involved. Peter Girolami Careers and Further Education Coordinator
Galen Parents’ Association
Our 1st meeting for this term was held on Monday 26th April, we had a great attendance with HOUSE Leaders attending to partner with our group enhancing family engagement. Our main focus for this meeting was opportunities discussed with the HOUSE leaders to work with the school to create social, networking and family events to promote our inclusive school environment . Other agenda items include the Principal’s & Treasurer’s report and the association approved two Funding Applications for the Breakfast Club, purchase of new equipment and the Wellbeing program in
support of the Glen Gerreyn’s visit to Galen on Tuesday 25th May. Keep an eye out in this newsletter for a social event coming up for all families. Our next Meeting will be held in Rutherglen - dinner at Poachers Paradise Tuesday 8th June at 6.30pm. We would love to see local parents/guardians attend this night, everyone welcome. Please RSVP to or make contact for further queries. Kim Saunders - President
Year 9/10 Netball The Year 9/10 Netball team began the day well with a close match against Catholic College Wodonga. Unfortunately, they went down by 4 and this ended up being the closest game for the day. With big wins against Victory Lutheran and Wodonga Secondary College the team ended up third overall in their age group after a convincing win against Cathedral College in the final. Many thanks to a talented group of girls who conducted themselves beautifully to represent their school and their year levels. A special thanks to POD for organizing the equipment and to Deb Doyle and her special team of helpers for coordinating the day seamlessly. 4
Reflections Newsletter
Senior & Intermediate Tennis bound for State Finals in Melbourne!
The Senior and Intermediate Tennis squads competed in the Hume Regional Round Robin Thursday, April 29th at Merriwa Park, amid glorious sunshine. Beth, Emily, Lucy and Millie played Mt Beauty and won convincingly 36 games to 7. Then, they defeated Kilmore IB School easily, 30-13. Strong, consistent and strategic tennis has resulted in representing the College, at the State Championships on May 17th. Fabulous work girls! Senior boys; Jesse, Lachie, Fraser and Harvey played Broadford first and won 24-9 without dropping a set and then beat Shepparton 24-8, again not losing a set. Their final games were against Bright, who had some very strong players. Once again the boys focused keenly on each point and won 20-11. Congratulations on an awesome performance! Digging deep has guaranteed a spot at the State Finals. Special mention to Lachie, who played a vital role by stepping up to cover for Dan Smith, who sustained a football injury, just prior to game day. Galen’s Intermediate Boys and Girls squads had an equally impressive day. Lauren McInnes, Sophie Paton, Ruby Rigoni and Jessica McInnes played exceptional tennis all day and came out on top after a very close deciding last round. The girls were pushed at times but always managed to compose themselves and out compete their opposition. Ethan Palmer, Charley Holland Dean, Will McCarthy and Zac Borbridge were up against some strong opposition on the day. To their credit, they were able to play an outstanding level of tennis, and dominate most rounds of the 5
competition. Like the Girls, the Boys finished in first place and will travel to the State Finals in Melbourne on the 21st of May. Thank you to Hugh Canning and Emma Paccagnan for the way they supported the teams on the day. We should be proud of the way our students represented the College with an elite level of talent and sportsmanship. A huge thanks to Peter O’Donohue and Ren White for all your ‘behind the scenes’ support.
Night of the Notables
Family and friends of students in 9.3 & 9.4 are warmly welcomed to the Night of the Notables.
WEDNESDAY 2ND JUNE, 6PM at the Auditorium (9.3) & Galen Resource Centre (9.4) Come and spend an evening dedicated to the phenomenal and fantastic achievements of Australia’s notable men and women. From advocates to athletes, entrepreneurs and explorers to our war veterans. Our year 9 student’s will present their visual display and performances for their chosen individuals, in a presentation spectacular. Vote for the best dressed, best performance, best visual display and best overall presentation. We hope to see you there.
Business Studies $20 Project
On May 6th, Mrs White’s and Mr Batters’ Year 10 Business Studies classes completed a trading day for their $20 Project. Students worked in small groups and were given $20 to fund a service or good they were to sell during their lunch hour. The project was to be marketed to mothers, as part of the Mother’s Day theme. Some of the ideas included raffles of gift cards, flowers,
chocolates, a lemonade stall, lolly bags, amongst many others. The day was a great success with the students enjoying the project, mothers enjoying the produce and over $200 profit being donated to charity. Well done to all those that participated. We look forward to doing this project again next term with our new students in Semester 2.
Reflections Newsletter
Focus on VET
VET Certificate III in INFORMATION, DIGITAL MEDIA GAME DEVELOPMENT There is a demand in today's modern world for employees skilled in the field of digital media and information technology! This course provides students with the fundamentals to confidently operate computer equipment and computing packages. This qualification provides basic digital skills to support a wide range of varying industry occupations. This course also offers a gaming theme designed to introduce students to the many career opportunities available for programmers in games, interactivity and creative industries. Students develop advanced IT skills, communicating effectively in the ICT sectors and the course exposes students to the advanced uses of computers. The qualification is designed to support information activities in the workplace and to achieve a degree of self-sufficiency as an advanced ICT us
During the course, you’ll learn about: • Use computer operating systems and hardware • Work and communicate effectively in an ICT environment • Operate application software packages specifically C# • Operate a digital media technology package specifically the Unity Game Engine • Use social media tools for collaboration and engagement • Participate and contribute to a sustainable and safe work environment Get VET clip link
Immerse yourself into the digital media industry. The qualification will provide you with practical skills and knowledge in the creative industry sector. Learn how to create amazing content, and launch an exciting career with a large range of job opportunities. Media students get to work with industry standard software and equipment developing skills in web development, 3D content creation and 2D digital animation. Enhance your creativity, explore the world and tell your story. The Certificate III in Screen and Media is the perfect foundation to make that break into the vibrant and exciting industry of digital media. Start your pathway towards a career as a web developer, multimedia designer or digital animator. This is also a great way to improve your information and communications technology skills, to help make you more employable. Gain these skills: • use digital technologies and multimedia • create digital images • create and texture 3D models • create 2D digital animations • create a website • work with traditional and digital art tools to create interactive content • gain workplace health and safety knowledge Get VET clip link
See more VET subject student experiences on Vimeo: 7
Glen Gerreyn Workshops Tuesday 25th May at the Galen Stadium Student Workshops • Session 1 – Brilliant Young Mind Periods 1 & 2 (9am – 10:45am) for Year 12 students brilliant-young-mind
• Session 2 – Hope Express Periods 3 & 4 (11:10am – 12:55pm) for Year 10 & 11 students hope-express
I N V I T A T I O N Parent, Guardian, Carer & Student Workshop • Session 3 – Men of Honour
BBQ and drinks provided (6pm – 7pm) 7pm – 8:30pm – Year 8 & 9 Boys with a significant male role model (eg. dad, big brother, uncle, family friend, coach etc) men-of-honour Over the past twenty years Glen has shared his message of hope with over a million people around the world; engaging with students, parents teachers, employees, sporting groups and commununity leaders. Glen’s been invited to speak at TEDx events and on national TV and radio. He’s authored five books and created the ‘Men of Honour” character development course. Glen has a unique ability to capture the attention of thousands, while deeply affecting individuals. So much more than beling able to inspire, is the absolute art of being able to compel people to take action in their lives. Therein lies Glen’s undeniable gift. With the unique ability of encoding today’s data into tomorrow’s dialect. Glen continues to offer audiences profound experiencs of meaning and identity, shifting perceptions, challenging boundaries and motivating positive change.
Thank you to the Galen Parents’ Association for their assistance to help fund 50% of these workshops. 8 | Reflections Newsletter
Celebrating Catholic Education Week in Wangaratta Delivering a seamless Foundation to Year 12 education A place to grow
Nurturing the individual
Faith and spirituality
A place to belong
Social Justice in action
For enrolment enquiries, contact your local Catholic school for more information
Our Lady’s Primary School
Telephone: 03 5721 3783
St. Bernard’s Primary School
St. Patrick’s Primary School
Telephone: 03 5721 4431
Telephone: 03 5721 5795
Wangaratta’s Catholic Schools celebrated Catholic Education Week 2021 with the focus theme, ‘Faith in Our Future’. Our local Wangaratta Catholic School cluster, known as ‘Catholic Schools Wangaratta’ is an education partnership providing a seamless learning journey for students beginning with Foundation through to Year 12. This partnership consists of Catholic Primary Schools including: St Bernard’s, St Patricks and Our Lady’s, each providing a nurturing learning environment. This seamless learning journey continues at Galen, beginning in Year 7. With a breadth of learning opportunities, students complete their education pathway in a setting designed to meet the challenges of students needs and growth, all the way to year 12. At Borinya, an alternate education setting is provided for a wide range of learners, allowing them to achieve and find pathways to success. Wangaratta Catholic Schools work closely together, sharing
Galen Catholic College Telephone: 03 5721 6322
Borinya Community Partnership Telephone: 03 5721 2174
strong values in faith, academic, social and spiritual wellbeing, quality learning and teaching. During Catholic Education Week Bishop Shane Mackinlay presented a keynote for staff within the diocese, posing questions for reflection upon the 2021 theme, ‘Faith in Our Future’. Wangaratta Catholic School Principal’s agreed that this year’s theme is a fitting one. Our Lady’s Principal Mark Walsh commented, “The five Catholic schools in Wangaratta have a proud tradition of preparing students for their respective futures. The faith and wellbeing dimension of our schools supports our academic actions to grow well rounded students ready to take on whatever pathway they choose after school life. Our task as communities of faith is to provide contemporary, relevant and engaging learning experiences in a supportive social environment, which prepares them for a future that we sometimes struggle to imagine.”
Future ready skills Enquire about Galen’s extensive VET, VCAL and VCE study options today. E:
Faith Integrity Respect Self Team
| P: 03 5721 6322
Reflections Newsletter
Senior VCD & Studio Art inspired
Students studying Units 1 & 3 Visual Communication Design and Studio Art had the opportunity to see the work of top selected folios and final works on Friday 7th May. Studio Arts students visited Top Arts at NGV while VCD students viewed Top Designs at Melbourne Museum. As part of their visit to Melbourne, VCD students saw ‘The Story of the Moving Image’ at ACMI, which took them on a journey through the past, present and future of moving image through interactive experiences, digital innovation and captivating stories. Studio Art students also saw the work of
Australian Impressionists at NGV in one of their new exhibitions ‘She-Oak and Sunlight’, showcasing more than 250 artworks drawn from major public and private collections. Overall, students reported that they enjoyed the day out, viewing art and design in a real-life gallery setting, in contrast to virtual gallery spaces online. They also noted that they had gained lots of ideas to incorporate into their own work after seeing the impressive folios and works on display, which notably, were created by Unit ¾ VCE students while remote learning last year.
Who’s Who at Galen Leadership Team • Bernard Neal: Principal • Patrick Arcuri: Deputy Principal - Staff & Students • Dale Gleeson: Deputy Principal - Teaching & Learning • Jim Samon: Deputy Principal - Catholic Identity • Emily Hordern: Business Manager • Kylie Quin: Senior School Leader • Jonas Anderberg: Junior School Leader • Daniel Armitage: Professional Learning Leader • Noelia Araya: Acting Human Resources Leader • Sara Korman: Innovative Curriculum Design Leader • Tess Barnard: Executive Assistant to the Principal • Beth Code: Staff Representative • Anthony Batters: Director of Staffing
Advisory Council • Fr Nathan & Fr Chibu: Co-Pastoral Leaders • Colin McClounan: Board Chair • Bernard Neal: Principal • Patrick Arcuri: Deputy Principal • Emily Hordern: Business Manager • Lyndel Annett: Staff Representative • Chris Dwyer: Parent Representative • Leah Waring: Parent Representative • Matt Chadban: GPA Representative • Angelo Pomponio: Parent Representative • Glenn Mercer: Parent Representative • Leonie Irwin: Catholic Education Sandhurst representative
Parents Association Executive • President: Kim Saunders • Vice President: Margaret Anderson • Secretary: Cathryn Carboon • Treasurer: Leigh Chadban The Parents Association can be contacted via email: Members of the Board can be contacted via the office on 03 5721 6322 or email:
The best way to contact Galen staff members direct is by email. All staff have email addresses which follow the formula:
For newsletter enquiries please contact the Publications & Promotions Officer:
Galen Catholic College
College Street, Wangaratta | Reflections PO Box 12 630 Wangaratta VicNewsletter 3676
Principal: Bernard Neal Email: Phone: 03 5721 6322 Web: