Galen Catholic College - Reflections Newsletter Issue 7 2021

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ISSUE 7 Galen Catholic College Newsletter

JUNE 11, 2021

Galen duo makes waves with underwater robotics technology There are two things 2020 Galen Graduate Lachlan Carboon and his friend and business partner Ryan Falconer (current Galen Year 12 student) love to do – build things and solve problems. The duo are currently using their talents to improve the safety of the bridges you drive across, the jetties you fish from and the weirs that protect your water supply. The Wangaratta students have been engaged by Melbourne startup ROVing Intelligence to develop software for remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) used to survey underwater assets including jetties, weirs and bridges. The opportunity came about through their involvement in Startup Shakeup, North East Victoria’s innovation network. Lachlan and Ryan were classmates at Galen Catholic College when they won the Startup Shakeup Pitchfest people’s choice award in 2019 for an online booking system connected to a smart lock that allowed remote entry to buildings. The duo’s winning innovation didn’t progress further, but their business mentor Mark Cooper put them in touch with ROVing Intelligence founder Matt Curtain who was looking for techsmart, creative minds to work on his startup. “Their energy, creativity and open thinking brings a lot of value to startups like mine,” said Matt who has taken on fifteen university interns in total. “Personally I get heaps of satisfaction in being able to be part of their growth.” “It’s shown us how much work goes into a startup and what it takes to make it a success,” Ryan said.

Matt, Lachlan and Ryan were due to present at the Wangaratta Regional Study Centre on Friday May 28th to showcase the ROVs underwater survey capabilities in the region. In addition to their work with ROVing Intelligence, Lachlan and Ryan are developing their own new business idea which is almost ready to pitch. “I’m feeling really confident with the research I’ve done and the pitch I’ve created – all those things I’ve learnt through Startup Shakeup. You develop the confidence to know how to back your ideas. You know when to walk away and when the idea is worth pursuing,” Lachlan said. He praised the high-quality advice and mentoring offered through Startup Shakeup, saying it “makes the impossible seem possible”. “One of the best parts is all the connections I’ve made and grown. I have this group of people through Startup Shakeup that I can come back to for feedback and they’ll be here to support me. And the quality of what I’ve learnt is so high. I’ve learnt so much.” Lachlan is currently studying a Degree in Mechatronics at Deakin University, a mix of mechanical, software and electrical engineering, while Ryan is competing Year 12 at Galen Catholic College and plans to study an electrical engineering or mechatronics degree next year. Both have well and truly been bitten by the entrepreneurial bug. “We’ll keep working on business ideas and startup projects we have in development,” Ryan said. “Hopefully in the future Ryan and I will own our own company, a successful one we’ve built from the ground up. That would be amazing,” Lachlan added.


Faith in our Future

Galen Catholic College acknowledges the Traditional Owners of country the Yorta Yorta Nations including all 8 clan groups and recognise their continuing connection to land, waters and culture. We pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging.

Upcoming Events To view the Galen Calendar for upcoming events, simply login to PAM and see the ‘Calendar’ section. If you’re having any issues logging onto PAM, please contact the school office on: or the SIMON Co-ordinator:

Wellbeing Links Email: Phone: 0357216322 Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636

Lifeline: Gateway Health: (03) 5723 2000 Headspace: 1800 650 890

Uniform Shop Opening Hours Tuesday: 9am - 5pm Thursday: 8am - 4pm Phone: 03 5723 8320 Email:

MensLine: 1300 78 99 78 Head to Health:

Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800

Mindspot: 1800 61 44 34

Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement:

SANE Australia: 1800 18 7263

GriefLine Community and Family Services:

Secondhand Uniform Shop

For student absences, phone: 5721 6322 Or email:

Wednesday: 1pm - 5pm

Our Faith. Our Story. Our Identity.

Black Dog:

Our Learning

Our Community

Our Culture

1. Our Faith. Our Story. Our Identity. Living with Faith & Integrity Our faith is nourished through Gospel values woven through every dimension of life at Galen. 2. Our Learning Growing through Learning Our learning is provided in a meaningful, student-centred stimulating environment that engages, supports and recognises individual aspirations and achievements. 3. Our Community Connecting as Community Our community values the reciprocal relationships that foster and enhance success in our broader community. 4. Our Culture Enriched by our Culture Our culture supports life-long learning, as well as a positive, inclusive and collaborative educational environment directed towards becoming leaders in learning.

new horizons II 2

Faith Integrity Respect Self Team



Reflections Newsletter LEARNING & TEACHING AT GALEN

Breakfast Club

“I love Wednesday mornings” is often heard from students as they collect a hot ham and cheese toastie from Breakfast Club before starting their school day.

We are always looking for new people willing to commit to at least one Wednesday morning (approx 8am - 8.40am) per year to assist. If you are interested in volunteering please contact Cheryl Taylor -

Galen runs a Breakfast Club where everyone in our school community is welcome to have a free nourishing start to the day each Wednesday morning before school. Whether it’s a freshly cooked ham and cheese toastie or choosing from a selection of seasonal fruit, to be consumed later in the day. The success of the program is due to the generosity of our large team of weekly volunteers. Staff and students actively practice Galen’s values as they work side by side preparing over 200 breakfasts each Wednesday morning. Fortunately, even more students will be able to look forward to Wednesday mornings with thanks to the generosity of the Galen Parents' Association for supplying 4 new sandwich toasters, Harvey Norman Wangaratta for donating 1 new sandwich toaster and Appin St Bakery for donating loaves of bread every week in support of Galen’s Breakfast Club. It’s a joyful and often hectic 40 mins in the kitchen of Soul Food Café as the duty team do their best to cater for every student that comes over but they always say, they find it an incredibly rewarding experience.

Medieval Day

Year 8 Humanities students recently participated in Medieval Day. All classes experienced three activities ranging from examining armour, dressing in clothing, participating in a Knights Tournament and learning about Crime and Punishment in the European Middle Ages. Students had a blast wielding swords, being put in the stocks and connecting their class studies to these real life experiences.



Integrated Studies Lift Off! In Year 9 Integrated studies, students are challenged with mathematical problems that have real life applications. In the Rocket unit we design and build rockets. Then we launch them and use technology to record their flightpath. This enables us to use trigonometry to calculate height reached. We can determine acceleration and average speed. We discuss forces and how drag will impact the flight. We evaluate the construction and make recommendations for improvement. Students enjoy the creative side of this unit and it allows them see how we use many scientific and mathematical concept in real life. We also really love launch day.

See their rockets launch at:

Sorry Day National Sorry Day was held on Wednesday 26th of May to acknowledge and remember members of the Stolen Generations. National Sorry Day is important for all Australians to reflect on how we can contribute to the healing process for our nation together. It has been 13 years since Kevin Rudd made his Apology Speech in parliament. As part of National Sorry Day, Social Justice students;



Ruby Cook, Charlize Moloney, Lydia Wooldrage and Mia Grantham braved the cold and wet conditions to draw a message on behalf of the Galen community to demonstrate our unity and support of this day and the beginning of National Reconciliation Week. The message was drawn at Galen’s new entrance around an imprint embedded in the concrete symbolizing the acknowledgement of country.

Reflections Newsletter

Focus on VET

Certificate III in Music Industry Performance

Certificate III in Sport & Recreation

Do you dream of becoming a musician? Is there an instrument that you excel on and want hone your skills and learn more about the industry to launch a successful career? The Certificate III in Music Industry has been designed to give you these skills and help you forge a pathway into the industry. Students undertaking the Certificate III in Music Industry will have completed the Certificate II or have the skills required to enter the course at this level. Throughout the course, you will have the opportunity to further develop your skills on your chosen instrument through workshops and regular performances with the band, or solo. While the course is designed to fine tune your skills on a particular instrument, you will also learn more about the industry, and other activities related to music performance. Small class sizes and one-on-one lessons on your instrument ensures that you are able to have all your questions answered, and learn hands on from the teachers. Some key topics covered include: • • • • • • •

Performing skills in both group and solo work Music Industry skills for gigs including PA Systems Operation of equipment safely Music Business Song Writing Recording Music

If you’re interested in planning, conducting and managing activities and events in the sport, recreation and fitness industries, start your career with the Certificate III in Sports and Recreation. You will develop a range of skills needed to communicate, coach, instruct and educate different user groups in recreation and community sport settings. Work Health & Safety, Risk Management, First Aid and Emergency Response are all vital parts of the course that develop job ready skills for participants. This qualification can lead to pathways and employment in areas such as: • • • • • • •

Sports Center Management Personal Training Sporting Events Management Sport and Recreation Attendant Community Activities Officer Recreation Officer Specialist Coach/Trainer in areas such as swimming, life guarding, gym management

Get VET link:

Get VET link:

See more VET subject student experiences on Vimeo: 5



ENTER HEYWIRE Aged 16-22 and from regional Australia? Share your story with the Heywire Competition. Up to 40 winners will have their story featured on ABC TV and radio. Winners will also have the opportunity to come together to discuss how life could be improved for young people in their communities. Competition closes 16 September. Department of Health Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment

Department of Social Services Department of Education, Skills and Employment



Reflections Newsletter

Food & Beverage – Staff Needed! Wangaratta Turf Club, incorporating Oaks Wangaratta, are seeking Food & Beverage staff to join its casual events team. Hosting a variety of functions and events, we offer a workplace that is fair, supportive and committed to the training and developing its employees. Successful candidates will have the ability to be flexible, the following skills would be desirable however training is available: • Ability to work well under pressure • High level of customer service • A working knowledge of the food/beverage 7


• • •

Availability to work nights/weekends Current RSA accreditation Willingness to learn and develop new skills

In return we offer: • Great working conditions • Training/development opportunities Interested candidates are encouraged to provide a resume and cover letter to Lachlan Hart via

Galen Calendar To view the Galen Calendar for upcoming events, simply login to PAM and see the ‘Calendar’ section. If you’re having any issues logging onto PAM, please email the school office on: • or the SIMON Co-ordinator: •

Scouts Awarded

Congratulations to Galen students including Luke Mercer, Flynn Tywford, Rose Dennehy and James Lee who have recently been awarded for their efforts in Scouts. Luke Mercer (Year 9) was awarded the Australian Scout Award (ASA, or Medallion), which is the highest award in the Scout section.

Flynn Tywford (Year 10) also obtained his ASA and also in the Venturer Scout Section both Rose Dennehy (Year 12) and James Lee (Year 12) are about to complete the highest Award in Venturers being the Queen Scout Award. Well done to all four of you!

Who’s Who at Galen Leadership Team • Bernard Neal: Principal • Patrick Arcuri: Deputy Principal - Staff & Students • Dale Gleeson: Deputy Principal - Teaching & Learning • Jim Samon: Deputy Principal - Catholic Identity • Emily Hordern: Business Manager • Kylie Quin: Senior School Leader • Jonas Anderberg: Junior School Leader • Daniel Armitage: Professional Learning Leader • Noelia Araya: Acting Human Resources Leader • Sara Korman: Innovative Curriculum Design Leader • Tess Barnard: Executive Assistant to the Principal • Beth Code: Staff Representative • Anthony Batters: Director of Staffing

Advisory Council • Fr Nathan & Fr Chibu: Co-Pastoral Leaders • Colin McClounan: Board Chair • Bernard Neal: Principal • Patrick Arcuri: Deputy Principal • Emily Hordern: Business Manager • Lyndel Annett: Staff Representative • Chris Dwyer: Parent Representative • Leah Waring: Parent Representative • Matt Chadban: GPA Representative • Angelo Pomponio: Parent Representative • Glenn Mercer: Parent Representative • Leonie Irwin: Catholic Education Sandhurst representative

Parents Association Executive • President: Kim Saunders • Vice President: Margaret Anderson • Secretary: Cathryn Carboon • Treasurer: Leigh Chadban The Parents Association can be contacted via email: Members of the Board can be contacted via the office on 03 5721 6322 or email:

The best way to contact Galen staff members direct is by email. All staff have email addresses which follow the formula:

For newsletter enquiries please contact the Publications & Promotions Officer:

Galen Catholic College College Street, Wangaratta 8 |Wangaratta Reflections PO Box 630 VicNewsletter 3676

Principal: Bernard Neal Email: Phone: 03 5721 6322 Web:

Galen Catholic College UNIFORM SHOP TRADING HOURS FOR TERM 3 - 2021

The Galen Catholic College Uniform Store will be closed for the school holidays on Thursday 24th June at 4 pm and will re-open for Term 3 on Thursday 8th July at 10am EXTENDED TERM 3 TRADINGS HOURS

Thursday 8th July

Open 10:00 am to 2:00 pm

The store will resume normal trading hours on Tuesday 13th July at 9am.


Tuesday Open 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Thursday Open 8:00 am to 4:00pm

Please call Malourie on 5723-8320 Email:

Battle of the Buskers COMING SOON Visit for more information and registrations

May 2021

Safer Cycling Corridors Phillipson Street, Wangaratta We're providing a safer and more connected journey for cyclists in west Wangaratta. The Safer Cycling Corridor project aims to improve safety for cyclists on Phillipson Street, between Sisely Avenue and Edwards Street in Wangaratta.

When to expect us

This section of Phillipson Street is a key cycling route for students at Wangaratta West Primary School, St Bernard's Primary School, Wangaratta High School and Galen Catholic College.

What impacts can I expect?

It also provides a north-south connection through west Wangaratta, adjoining existing bike lanes along Williams Road, as well as a shared path on Rowan Street which connects Phillipson Street with the One Mile Creek trail.

What we’re doing Cyclists are completely exposed to the full force of a collision, making them one of our most vulnerable road users. Separated bike lanes reduce the risk of collisions between vehicles and cyclists, providing riders with more room to travel safely and reducing congestion by creating a better flow of traffic. We’ll use painted buffer zones, line marking, on-road symbols, bollards and rumble strips to help guide drivers and cyclists as they travel along Phillipson Street and through improved intersections. Intersections will be highlighted with green pavement markings; painted kerb outstands and bollards at each corner to improve safety for cyclists. The map overleaf provides an overview of where the various safety improvements are being applied on Phillipson Street.

You’ll see our crews on site installing these treatments from early June (weather dependent), with the new cycling corridor expected to be operational by early July 2021.

While we complete the works, temporary lane closures may be required at times and speed restrictions will be in place. There may be minor traffic delays. The work will be managed to minimise disruption to residents, landowners and businesses.

Using the new cycling corridor safely Whether on a bike or in a vehicle, it’s important to share the road, travel at a safe speed and obey the road rules. Victorian road rules require that when drivers pass a bicycle rider, they leave a space of at least 1 metre between their vehicle and the cyclist in speed zones 60km/h or lower, and 1.5 metres when passing in a speed zone over 60km/h. If you’re riding a bicycle continue to look out for leftturning vehicles ahead. If you’re in a vehicle, use your mirrors and do a head check before turning left to ensure that the bike lane is clear before you start your turn. You must always give way to riders already in the bike lane and only turn when safe to do so.

Find out more Call: 133 778 Email:

Safer Cycling Corridors Phillipson Street, Wangaratta N

Galen Catholic College


Not to scale

ds ar w St

Link into existing shared path on Edwards Street


Parking retained, with signage to ‘watch for bikes when reversing’

Appin Park PS

1 Wangaratta High School

Wangaratta District Specialist School

Appin St


St. Bernards PS


Link into existing shared paths along One Mile Creek Extension of ‘no standing’ zone times

Williams Rd


4 3

Rowan St


Phillipson St


Parking retained at shops, with signage to ‘watch for bikes when reversing’ Wangaratta


West PS



Cusack St





Swan St


Steane St

Roy St


Parallel parking retained Sisely Av


A bike lane in both directions, with wide painted lines to separate cyclists from traffic and parked cars


Wide painted lines will create space for cycling and reduce the risk of conflict with traffic and car doors

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At each intersection corners will be extended to help motorists see people cycling


In the narrower section between Williams Road and One Mile Creek rumble strips will be used instead of wide painted lines

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Rumble strips will alert motorists to the bike lanes



Wayfinding marking will guide cyclists to off-road shared paths at the Rowan Street roundabout and at the One Mile Creek Bridge

At each intersection there will be green pavement to enhance the visibility of the bike lanes

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Improved line marking and new painted warning symbols at bus stops


Between One Mile Creek and Edwards Street wide painted lines will provide separation from traffic (northbound), and traffic and parked cars (southbound)

Intended as general information only - design details may vary. Images show examples from other locations to demonstrate indicative outcome, some images edited.

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