black bqg
3rd yr. Curriculum Surveys
Research Homceopathy Departmental
sut [rER, 1970
2 7
.tttrr{2;':-/l(V az:z:a o.-1/llzr-.9(
MERELY MOR,TAL... Horrible things only happen to other
people or dothcyi We have Plent! ofpeople on our books whoturned out to be mortal aft€r all, €ven though they werc students at thetime. Some ofth€m will nevei workagiin. But they wcre wise enough to tike
that everrbodv is merelv mortal
including voui Write todry quoting reference bi: for details of our
Foun&tion l'olicy. T€ll narne. address and date Mrrk coN'TDENTIAL,
us Your
a Foundation Policy. It didn'tcost them much (just {4-o-o r year) and now we are p.ying them a rcgular
f[edicaf Sickness
month\ ,ncome and willgo "n,.J,'ing s eirher nntil rhev rre 6lor unril they reach the agiofo5, uhichever is
P.O. Bor ++q,;/ ro CJrrndos Street, Cavendish Sq., Lon.l"n, WrM oAD.
e3rliest.Isn\ it time you realised
Telephonc: or-olb r686
or+rhr'i8(2a hoursns
vOL. 26 No 2 SUMMEF 1970
rhe B-^I.SA, A,G.M. was quire a succ€ss, Vocafional t,aiting in its iginal lom was
vel aN
Black Bag
truly clobhere.l wllh thrce points
(1) Gene,al 12)
.gaZn€ ol tli. [edlcal School, The Udv.€try of Brlrlol
drod.! he
tuining shoul.t be
by a @uncil elected hom rhe Me<lical tuolession an l nal by the
(3) fhe wo.k iuni
statt have to do
must be rcduced so they have
rhe BJ|,A. has adople.l a very similar The Adebl Foy€l l.$nmry,
Oihet matlerc brcudhl uo tncluded ,hc
arislol ? Edltors : Alex€nder Lawrence firiotiy Bayley
Busine$ Man.g€n Rury llolm6n
Foblen o! toclsns 'chatdes. rhis is a nalio@l ptoblffi aN al ptesenl is being tackle.l hy NewcasIa who ate explotins vaious poteatial loopholes-
d the D-H.S,S. not backing down ovet this issre, v€ ar€ to press lot paynefi lot extacunicul wotk. Feeling rcn high about this an l sbike aclbr ms dis.rsscd It the &islol stu<lents concehed .nd uD in court, B.M,SA- wilt pay then bgal leea. We arc alio to pre$ td the abolition ol the mearc test tor clinical sludenls ahd an in6w in ghftl to bting the clinical stf dent opottionatelv into line with othe.
arunnl Edltor Fon Slrnpson, M-8., Ch.ts.
lurses' Repr.tentadG
A laee nmbet ol othet lopics wete discussd <luing the thrce days includinE the O.Es rcporl @ economics, maried acconmo.lation, iote.national altaits, and Scop€.
S. & H. fr6tn/€ll Lid., 267 Ponhnd Road,
London, G€25
rhe irevitable resolution con.lemnins taclal
mation to slop ananging electives to segtegared iospilais unaninously wheteas
F. Bailey and gon Ltd.,
*as.letealeel od lhe ercunds rhat it tyas
inttBion on personal libedy.
O. SLalon. P. Flemins.
COI{TEflTS: 2 3.rd y.. Cunlculum Sudsy znd yr. Cunlcdum S{rN€y 7 Depsrimental Fss€arch 14
by Micn€et
The EAitors h@e reeiveA no
thmb, t!!i rravel" ad D. lBrooker
by J. Ash
Letters to the Editors The Glaxo compelitlon eerly nexl lem.
Third year Cuniculum Survey [1968-9] of dhe Aultmn !erm, a q6lio@iie cod@nliig dhe ouilioulm of ithe p.eniods rtar .ss dlisblj,hted a@lrg diud€dts *ibkl brd judt @pl€ftcd thdir F€clinrida[ dludis. Of 108 quddioubirg A,i .rhe €!d
i$ued, 87 wer€ .dturs€d.
Tho mai! ftrlditrgF oI ihe Olidioo or
dhe rFnera,l
ing rin 2nd M-8.
sf,€y @
dandard of ltlac,tr-
tuim tr !"s
w6 Bldd for, u3irg a 4 sdalo rrhere I *'as hieb
I 2
t.7 1.9
The easin6, inter€sq ftlcEne ,io clini@l nedkine, Erd reld.l@ to threienrtitrc bsig of hedidine {€rc €ch givd .atioes on a 4 loiit srle (wherc I s,as very intscdtirs,
piimory purFds of a lodeu€ dbblrld be di6er to ouitim ldhe !y arb!6, q pdi ove. tho ftcesary falEE{ dlart€iliar, Xhe i*rcd@ liotr o{ dd.lilsd ledtN nbl,e6 mtdt Mdly chmse rlblid idL. TtMlh enlia drtmtdb at the 6d of fie qu€thio@nhite, 6eErt Slud6trb crftidbed th. ndsdtti.&ogy l6cturs fo. @rEly ffbdiorg dut ifi6 lodtDre ndt€s th€t bad issued. 25% thousht tbat 1@tur6 sbolild idL{6lt aid 9ngge$ lin6
fd fu-
lhd dlridy, ald 19% dh@ehl ihdir pii@ry pi{p6e u} 'lopplerMt ard b.i4 lrp [o ihlte ltedl'tr@k ittrorwlion", Mst stDrdeqls (5o%) fawued a eeulax, dre{rtem Affiodi, vbite 30% fBv' oubd one a yar (lefthF lhe pr&€dt ftqiide a
6 ssod @mpMnib.).
82% ltton€ht ihe
Fhorid tte lid
ih€ fom of "@lli'rlro as€mq!" bt tultoib. in addition to e'miDatirors- In lho previos yoa.'6 qu€sdm@ire, ov6 60% were in fawu of "@s6meit of tN€r6
durinc lhe @ui€e, foe@€d by e exEm." Wrhd 6ksd 6bout fthe ltyF of examination pref€red, a @ftina-dion of mltiDle .trorice
Phanaco|oey .................. C.U Riologt ........... .........
t.7 3.r
2.2 2.5
2.3 2.4
3.0 2.0 2.4 1.9
Anatom, tud Embryology
Reteyd@e to MPd
2.4 2.5 2.7 2.4 2,0 1.9
2.5 2,7 2.7
1.5 1.6 1.6 1.3
MocD (84% of th@ llhb rdimd qu6tiomhrire) @sido.ed tht! 6 lEdonal asssmtrt ot ledtuere by studodlb murld tmpMe lhe 6fr6ieNy of teebliag Lif irt wq€
Nay qugdiioN gB iavourd by
while 36% favoured €ey qrBtiore onl% ad 10% swrftiple cftoie qd6tiois only. ANATOMY Deqiilte th6 frdt
!h4 diie @!rd have w6 foud lto be w.y uefDr, dpeially $led out a[ pebonal d,i$e1ion, 69% wh@ th6e Fqe of ar adeqrrandly deulilsd {dsrhd dhe dlsddlineffi tubnid tyCtein m'turc add nEds tho wrliting of lenethy {ibri.h orp€rariEd in undls w @d v, hrd al6o mi|]s umeessany. Wh@ 6ked 1to 6sr@e operar!€d ir milh I ard n, s&d fte 6m bdtsq l@tur6, rt€xib,ooh, duplritaJte.l ald lee wd€ diss€rdt€d hy dludmb lxhomTho povidior df dupli@tdd [edhfe nse6
trtr16, pnadti@ls, and ltdtDnia:ls dliina piae $da[6. [n th€ diqobi,olosy @6. dupli@Jred nbt6 were f@nd ,!o b3 by fai tlte m<dl,
fEilptul !@.ning
Alrhoush 50% 2
srud6ntB rhouabt
A,fth@sh 69% (lNidercd th€ ooroDrt of
be lednit
e6r,h anE]tomy dhbr
'lboutr tjisht", 4E% fonrd
Amhomy reqlliltd
Xim€" no! ,pni'€Jte
ilt .*ptt$cd abaot ors nq,E eDiot€d dE Mst dlldqris (abnlt 70%) f@6ur.d Oro dtuedioE sf iPdinotr o,ly ?% eiistins lutotliduspot r€vi3ioo nEthod, dd aio,€d tho dfildy of tisue s€a{ionl and id1nd tubrarr th6 rie dffit€d to dlis at 1te 50% ihslliktd {his. 5JS ib&eht ody ths d@or*l6fi6 oI ord of th6 g)se qas 'abqn def!t". Itr spite of rlhe c!t6 tic rlndlled dr 'FiEtc spqiios F"s Bte{ur, ud 41% ftoueht b!fth studr 55% @jorEd the dissesdrs rcdt sped@n dd /di@ setion dtudy lde 6lN. and ody 1l% 6o6veb (fr*i&€d,it useflf It vbs dougblt ttl bost dtuddtt6 {73%) In lhe provioN ye,is queddomtire, ()€ 60% wqe h fasu of ir6sdaed of ttr$- thie ih. Fetiou y@18 IlBbolocy @ur.c gr* &ii.s th€ @r!ise, folloqld br D ws "btots nig$ ir @!h" tq the uderdlandiie of hrbolbrt, 6xami@!i@". Moit, Wafta Bd Ist6e1, aEd PaYhna EVBRYOLOCY_ .. wrisbd nEF fdrd oo be dbe moe a;.fJ \@rly 90% of studedts eaE 'I3nsrEo" ,d(rls. s dbe be$ t€dboot. 35% noud thc tetG Shrdy ]faatr oiha lu,bjedts, aid 23% ibsri it requirsd "r!16 @!!
lDo ddrailed, but au €qiar mder io6d 1b6n imufraiedr in aLdiail, M<6t sfr!d€.63, ho*4d, €€re€d [ten there s@ loo mly Nf6I€1B rto €xperiD€.&l w!k. Eusue,tio6 Lpojedled s dlide wqe prderrEd by @%.
The ddorFtiatioN prbdtidarla
dudDs aEsromy fourd no be abodt delt in
ty ftlq md
alhoush 41% ftn!.d
'faridy holpfur'. 50% foudd {h@
nfx€d fe.li4E
Fadticals. WMlt
Exie c'm6dl6 weF nede by e ndtE the dithd amdlfyins alls$@ dila to 6ho Net\ qll6iioB. or @kinc of dudd.s, poinrs
ldt @voftd by
ljh€ quealib,@iirc.
of farh!
dhey ooddidered
@de Ep rbst .{ dhe 2trd MA. cosq In atr uDibut{rltly ftE1nal sdjedt th€y tu'
{dertd ladodtandling in dedlh ftoo dcily CorEidsiry the @urE
at lqe[h aboun
S6tdar1 $ud@ts prc&asted
a whbl€, 38%
sciddific/ h qdbcrinology, mcr Sudqlts ord- of sfiidqtb tuu1d like &e F6€d qbflsrt equq.l der6d ihe l€diurEs "a edod b.laG trdts€l <,$diet bela,e midralftd, n66 q@ld i,ike a mre clidibal th msr of ithe brlbjedt Edd ba.*emmd apprmd. 21% rou,ld like the pre-olinloal daioiial". though ?2% rculd h.{e pr€fe tqrght c)rr@ @nt1rrte.i[y vrfth o]rinioal red dore tuFhs$,s on "acdio6 of horEeddim. Tti! $38 e incl6e rin the
MICROBIOI'GY ]n E @u@ *hich rillluded Bad.riology, Adlibidtics b][d'6!y, Imu! dlogy 5rd Vtrolo€y, IjllrunDlogy lds foid
lhe mdt difrouil)t s*ii,@. rSlEMrt" c,as rte modt @d rtei:lb@k, ard atlpush 50!5 of dllrls tho o$d it foutd (he t@t 'ladul",
dilhd "!dt i€ry uedtl" or ''u5dl6". A ddiabl6 f@trre of tte didbidllogy @u!8e w@ rbe printcd le6)e not6, the succas of Ptich is @iioDed earlder io t&e rqroit. 40% fotrld dr
PIIARMACOLOGY E5% found the liblEry Ptbied ider€30ins,
aj,hhoD€h 23% itsusht r'r t ot Eo mddr jlire. Th@ q4 a E@[ by 65% of 3i,)derls
fd mrc
ftutoiiail diine.
Mo$ found th6 Fartologt colle a
tb.lElG htste dlii[.s[ and yndfic dp€klt3, ard &7% Iomd th. ledlrc ut6n. I-tdture rdt6 previdcd fo. ore 6€djiorc of ih6 oo{F€, veft foDnd to 6e usetr by oE 90% thoueh 80%
rrnbd rylb
of {he e@
,Creup wnn€d a more clidical
od€dtoldl (sr6e,
Fdd a Nre oliditally 6la3t tsr ody 50%
CONCLUSION F]ln fthe 6ulie
of th. BW6y,
pdr*s @6.ce e1rii6 ould b€ ftramlbted Itrto ddPll)ldals in the dubsequodt }d
ahc -na'til4( @iI for a !yI6tE, fourd in h* y@'s ssrey, b €dro€d by lhe *am we'looe Siyq t'b leldt@ not6 aad h@d-
iqs, ad al$ lry 6e id@ of lrmy shtdqrs on fte piimry ?u4.s of @ l€.ture.
Ir a Ery in(di@ (D6e s{rse it is 6a{i.l to lss emlid&io6, a qlqr grlide 6
to s,iEt ,is exlodted of studenb wodd nbt
For se stud y@ iurnrins thft tu o @f, foi mvdtut awy fjlm old.dty,Ie 't'adi@!s". In ae.oomy tle nw llnoijal stsitu in tlre disscction ttrom ib prefqttd to lladiel disdridiotr etsrios. ]i is .sk€d eba [o ldl]hdlogy, .t l@$ $me "plEcti@l
iis6" 6aodd
dddtld $
tdlolialls, .trd
th€ doat suoc.lsful pdr of tb€ latlproct gadti@lh rh. lu{odd$r€ d6tMds-
Ihe €ss€sm.dr of lildlllB I a diffcdlt slrbjet to dal qdlth in rrE !ie, h4 it is al6 tbiat s,oBe f€edbq.I o! tad$ng srdards ,i€ i€€dcd. WitL over too srudcr& in ih6 iXh6.tte, a }€dt dudbd of l]E{o6 dad b6 ,va$€d by a {fl tad lsdlrG. Finaty th. a[ by @!y io! a oo!€ o['idi@l allooach d@tG soEe 6t!&lqaiion, Afth@sh
gE e cpod
ieo(hld{N b ih€i. cools, rt lias $@c ii,c difrolix .o s tbe rel€llAnce of soDe Falts, esl,eidry i! a4tion I of 2ral M.B. Peft.F dle .4n{fr ifigd6adi@ Fu14 hdp d@ eftdjdi@l bpis tosliha a4d hete Enrninate lthe !€llh to lhe B,Rr ACKNOTIjDGDMENIS Tb& mu,c be swl to Mi6 Dr.,o.n td the draff of {he Delarrm@t of Medidl Sbris66, *io $ radily eaw hh€ii hdlp
gtPre{i@ md
of ldi6
Second Year Curriculum Survey 11968-91 T o postophicd
......... Neur@tomr .,....... CeIl Biolog, II ......... Hbtolog .. ....... Cell Biolosy
BiEhennsir ......--.
Rdwto cli,ncd M..1. 7.2 r.9
5.0 3.6 7.1
L9 72
t3 5.5 t0 3.3 sa rdir ot Med. 4,2 5.2
5.0 5.5 5.9 2.O
A quBtitl@lire colcordog the ofllo- $ e€ff idoo Bry tEdlorE ht lih@ sHs luD of the prwioB prelldi€r ya rc t bc $Ee aesodietion gil,th intoFdt add didtiibut€d at th€ €!d of tb6 Alllum [qD tdetelo. tto .rinisl medidino ahd a,n outla$bd *lth Flgvrc ao 6c irc Of 115 q!.dtio@'!6 ised, lO7 rc sci@$nc 6.sis of odidim. abra i! lartiMost of th€ quetios w@ of itrtq6t qrhdy Mkeil dr B€nBvi'odal Aciffi add El'doly so ths reba.d dcrBrtn rg brt {he qu€s$t'!6aite arko ir.ftded s()G of seq€d I! mod€didlry bdy 9% wre datritu iD haUE i!b! @d6ffd dqtN willh rgt! and 6ctrdli6ts ad 62% @!i€d r 6€parbt6 Tho idtorc*, 6.dl6, rclcalJrc !o ddi€i bcdi.ine and ftlev?ffi {o the loieniitrc @lrF for @di6 ody. 57% 6oughlt ldlat $6 Fadidal qre did lot hol€ ary rdM badi6 of o.didift wre @d giecc d'iqs srhid harc betr @!En€d o{ ro a 10 poid ar all ad orily 55 ilEdtrd the plqd.Bl @te (wbere 10 Li6 v€ry intdesnit€; rcry liE ro t *ed €3 dt mr. nE e fadb liight Fritr cF@in r6G la* of idi€cdt ed sftEt m$ reibtEd to i[6orty rih* f14r foud il 6e su]bjedl. The slibj€$t3 d3t Th@ dt ors odiniotr iE ftYour of found to t'e lh€ IMt m€dioino w@'€E '3 pDvid€d in l€{tnr€s and ptes idtcr.dding. Neui@lmy, bni4 !dt6 ti4. 9l|x fcrDd {ftdt ff6. N4rc"ehooy /A,!qt('my aDd Co]rl Eisrosy I sfl sl.d bighly dn tde of 'lh@ radides, dilc EiG hatdod! scdt l4dt{ E d 71% tlFurhh thal .hdiltry 6nd Ce][ Biofogy I (ae. off ttle Eidtology Pmd$@l noaes rc My Th@ !85 a faiily veu tqtd in'n!.. @da!ir'n bttwd rdorlpe to olini@t modidia€ ard rdkeac to t&e sdi.ditrc tolis oI D€dcinE panxicdbdt rin rhc aiitrs of Biodronistry, Edadd..l Sdgp :d Tklpoe!h!&i@.1 Anhtomy-
The edines of tbe sbj.€b do6 not
Wilh r€erd {b
42% qadt d !o
6qj tr,ice a te@; 29% hnd 23% irhrourbolt the ],ebr
otrG a
Mnd "(56%) wrred offtrs!! os6$lMn by brbG lit qddili.d io .!3G and 55% Frbd dh. *or lto be . @nbiiD6{6 ot DrftipL ddiEc qu.stioB od cdoay8.
Pain-fuar-neglect i.e. increased Patient therapeutic acumulative on preferably ntium Chloride.
Another patient for Sensodyne.
Prole :.otu. SnD() a\ .ihble fr om: Prore-ioMrRerdron. Dnirio.,.suPor lv'tie' l rd, o.,urear\onhRuod.Hai5eld,Hetu.
tuihnt[sParliIt$omn Flhnlilillt
'lltil[[Rllf in Paralvsis Agitans
and Drug-indriced Parkinsonism Dscroases dgidity aDd trcmol
Ele{al$the mood Diminishes salivation comhats akalhisia
Ntan'l[JEcTtoil ls ona aTlcalLY trlEcrrvE lil A cBlsls
Pr0cyclidine Hydrocfilorids
Tobhl! 015 mg. Ampouks 0t 10 ns. ii 2 FLrllinJomdioi hava ahlo oi reousl
Burrouqhs wetlcome & Co., Darford, Kent (The Wellcome Foundation Lld.
Departmental Research What's Going on DEPARTMENT
wliibrir he Delhftn€dt oJ Medi.ire th@ arc th@ mair eredF:(t) At the Medicd Sctoor Dr. J. R. Olbmp is l@dins a .6@nn sd'up of boih bliochemliCh dd @€di@I l€att Feltok ln a dhdy af ertu prrdtdis, iaoludite @s.
We haw orc M€diJoaI R*anfi CouBil Fe @ slrliiing lin Odrobd, Dr. Paul Bm,
ald one S.II.O. (R€.fi6), D..
& TasE,
by Llhe I@ft€x Rqatch Flt *. 'Dppo*od We tpF that {Ei! ftrrk will gi* B sre
t] $il€ihr glstrl)riitedriBl dise$ @! ia dy inltaG be lscialed slilh aD abemality of nu'rrr. idea a!
(2) At the B.R.I.
(a) Dr. Carir Boltod lEs lEc€dly jdined u oD a l{@lt Foudadiotr Fdtrovddp
is al$ *orki4 oD tbe @.ious oo@FlicaroioB of diabets aDd ,ir strldtirg n€tfrods of
G) D._ Maldotn Jarstr i! inteftdred in rtaetlberr ad he sbar6 a ididt iPFrioE!61 be!86 lihe Medi.b( UDilt 6nd
the Roral Nati@r I{@pd,!41
for Rheulglic
dn Badh. Muc.h of his .ilpnAs ritr I'j6DrE i!3iate the
*irh caF s'{. of mtubl qd lbnotual itDis i6 per fosned tbe. We hoF tb@r sifh aa iNree i! fie s!6@ for uhe DolqiEnslt ib6t w $a{ be abf€ iD dbit some ftsu@tology do
(3, At Southded.l Horpnd Di J. V@id 1016 t6 setting Dp E lqborardry lor his
dluili6. Uidil
!s ready he
b @rEoe lin th6 Medi@l S.nodl. I{b
rtrhe €dli@di,on of ijmuoFdLi6 teFts ritrdlde l:nldtde Lh Enib$ dis6€s srfi i& oneriDjl dibeh€ dd in w''m @ the lo€i@i vaiioN t?6 sf otr@prive t L He is a s CftAq's ani€$ and aelie di6da$, and r€ernly rhc ba b@ rookile jldr chrdlidt Fi6 a sFoiat idtondt iir li!i<b. Wc lrft $re st!d6 fd (EFdbDrotion adtigeG 04 hope lthEn he ndU he able to entend tfs adiviiiis no pioblerB of deatoEto€, dc Itis dc ndt itrcldd6 the .idhe. &6(t) Dr. H@to4 Dr lrw ts@ atd one R*aNh Asislanl Dr. l. Moris, @ srEiafllie litr he Diriici,on of Midici@ eudh siudriDg {hane6 tu Uil€ satt ftftabo1itu in e Qrdiolrosy, Deletoloey, o!c., {ihich I malhbsorptiotr syndrome ard de als l\Ifi bE adtire re!€nr:h trcgtuGs aDal Lis
Snrdyins <frblg€ ,iD l!b6 hpo
in the atdonldion of lrile 4ids olon dd the dlhDeEs +n biL slt
Pref. A. E. R@d.
Ddlatbllim s.fter @ledtomy,
DEPARTMENT QF SURGERY (.) Dr. Rsk{l Bary, frrBirE dirh a R*@fth Corsit Fd.lo*sbip is R6antd ir nb6 Delutur€d! of Sueory dludriag xlhe effedt of @ligndlt dis6a& o! is q[@m€d eitih Butltaal and dmuno, tho urmovq of cd[5 wi]lhin the s@[l b@el logi€{ dtErs of o4D tra.sdadtarior ard crrrg them!,y in @n and arirqjB. (d) I m ensased h l@&ios at rhe Ore livq and elela kidney ttupl6r'ftc pait €ntuw dmss play iD ,!he !6thogeG;is bav€ l'q .pelf(,m€d ir trfu. of heF{ic drc€plELFlhy. Fig lircr'prEoraiirotr leing a hypodheidic (€) Dr. Palrl Sarmon is mrkirg bn the hyporbric pernidoD deabq is beidg (mhohcPic liM stfudiute 6nd t'Ddriotr of ,ihe bndr todd invesisakd. s\l6dui dI dhe mall inlt€dir t dth iD t@tih and in taF!,ladhlioo ,is pqsible rft€r dix hou6 di@e. udiis ndidjorive n€diiquB fo. eniuBliing l&tasi ard s6Fmtioa try edriiThe liwr is ale being ttudlbnhed fushnion fFdioa of ,ihe btuh bordq. h€tercrodira}Iy, in rdbe dig, silh a vilw o The gadt@nlterelbgica( inrercdts @ (hee prcvidira latieds didb euil,iBry 0ivds. Th6 forc oov€drd y thr6! wo.keB ard, of ttuEplafled ]liv€r u&4!pB aublhy uj€$ @ur, we bare many plbjedrs @ a .Inri6l pFvided siit! 5 ntJr@,I pical bl@d 6u!ply. f@dt i@hrdir,g a faiifly in(€e idfr.rc.r itr o 6dto"ic Bidnpy tBledBuf3 dtr fjs6 @ fibre oFdi,c endodi@kl€y. us€d to ifledtieale the .6h{iv€ il4uo(f) Dt. Mb.liiD Eaitoe, vto l@lrty sul4rBsire pot Dcy oI anrdies {AI-S) joided !5 fron I{dm@mith Horplcal, is Fised ir hofi$ fdftoqritrg imuization islting up t thnliqug tur llvesdgadioD of ffi rfifi@Id iiy!6 of Fig leuocYte- AIJ
adt@io. 9irtudlbry holmB. Dr. Maitin EUqrs/od ir o a M€di@l Rerch ColE
FelE €hip
Ih hid. Dr. fi.dos
aedid n6.stEic [r.a!tscne, pt€6itiz.d by ex!o6!re lir viw to tid!€y a{.gleft f..€m.rft, 'r! higbly !filctire
d€!.{adsiig Nt le rdarladts in Fhw @tiedls qidh adBEoed Drie,E t deDhric Fati@rts. di!@ 6,ave bd ..€ated bv Eeio@r itfo' 3. Irypor&al@ia fofowirs sdi!y'doltd!66tiB P@ si@ ot pig line rh @orliE 6ts. 't6elitdilc acariGt tbe eltPtorff re nbuBlv iEJNdized 4- Eff* of ttdDerqruE riados @ ru'r4;. In fou oa.6s .@s!iw tll@t infE-rcd a.a1t64 of @r6on dioxide M.sis @red add one .ffiisid laeted srithDt-Rs.CorDck. (I-€stmr) Basic rdsrcb @Frtrs meiboib ol long Dr. L A- Bseta 1 Clidir2r nii@l io as6 lh€ Pdolm' tem prdeMtion !t subz@ lcdFs_ .lr of a l@ aolErt! lot I Prilts uds lbe isolated p€rtusd Bt Mrilv {E dmidiliary ottsbFia maEc' h@rt 6 6 mode!. Flir,ltv iDorasi4 *oit"ti. o*tio ((tutdtdc FlYiae nancv of mse mat@^rv r:dimmlr od S$Bd) and s' 6 widet appl@tiob prc nsed s oqth [6 dG to a ctanee i. the 2. Analysis of swet of dadrbaic ;,nbn. sllR dihq rhd d iEmu@_ f€.ihtrG Drcvjdd by obstetnc nYirg detrudive syndrcre [t th€ hodt. sqtr4ils ,i! Englhn'i, Wa,l6 and NorchP.of- A G ridddl UNI\,ERSITY DEPARTMENT OF Dr. & S. Corn .t (I-.dtllg) FI]BLIC IIEALTII 1- IMali4 ie 6duacY of lhe infs' rEd CD- dre'sr. The 6st mid I would Ute io s!l6 2. rBe{ilitog s@ of lb€ caa6 of d tbat a ;dsidembl,e mout of the crsr uins the Llord Haiftne oPPatEtift oI my 6taft (Frtioularly tl!* sdlh tG for €s anialYsis 3bli6ii@t andlor edid.djologiql brv/' ledge) k rako uP bY 8lvitrg s,tis6€l I'r J. B.loffi A@edthtsf. for lie iiver trrNplarraadniw asddla@ to idieid@b M_thin rle Meliei F,dlhv vho arc erryiDs out Dr. J. E GalleDgq Relief of drMic !biE. Ako. the trw ll@.lih EdElioD Cowil L'ld. {o; Eierad dd Ware has e R6€ttb DL P. t F. Eslett 1- Ue of EDr!)mx itr the AEbol,an@ Divisim snidh hd b€4 ddedtrqli6.d fom Irndd !0d t' !@ tEsed tu ihis DeFn2- Mo.e wftle6pFad Be of Entonox in modr. Mdb6 ot ny Delaittrdt witl b. assbhtrs $i!h Fft of tbdir ,E@firt Prc_ l. AD6thebic &.hnliquq in dismrlinielrs datiDs to hoajJbh ed@tioo. Glrftdtlv. i"t r.dt is €o, on nDridad.n-*tw4. As6mat of local Psbl€N in @ledge oi ard a'fiitud6 10; ard ProIBed rdadr wrk d hbtE acdidelts and fatnitv 5 as€snett of [h€ effec of dnbe]a' rndiiidutis lvlidliD he D€Fadme are rio!*l das$etie on exptrlEive forces pNLlins perna.l or greuP l@rd Po_ iedts, Exdpls of rte forDtr dshde hatlS Dd.lotmedt of dtEriti&ble !6tieit ;rcblffi of iJrdsadl 3doot dildreD; epiciuit ui[! fo. Efl{ilalod. i*;otow "t inI@tiw b6!@t: etiddiBlood eEs analtlis olosy of slddular fe€; €ralBti@ of @mmosBphy. A E'ouP apltrM.b i! b€ins D.. G.WEy Codhol o{ oi}rgon @@atratro6 !n adodied u regad ttr oleBtiodl lgarEh u,n$ dririd'l2r r6l6rde to helth e rc tudmt inc$atos (sirh D.. Buibon) of medi,el €8. DEPARTMENT OF RADIODIAGNOSTS Dretr; and diher pdlrec _ prof_ R. C, SrofndeL The fo gr,/ina de onlE of the P$jeots DEPARTMENT OF ANAESFEEIICS ib.i hav€ ttd dodpldfd or a.e dE pmg€8s ir tlE D.Eitm{t of Radiodias$dis dn [h€ Pnfssor J. Ctunon-Ero.! UM B-ri$ol Hosdita,Ls alt hhe lr6enri 1. Iiitogcat€d Fh"''o.adiogB!trY. 2. Elstrcslardde in flowm€teE. 1. A tdiw of t&ondrob1!!!o@ eEd 3. aniiioal Tlial of Ke{alai chddrcllqoid fbe@ {N. B. Murthy). with Dr. J. -^. B€men dd Dr. C. 2 an adh;s of a @s @amoshdby smv (n1. r. Oitsl. Dr. J. N, P@eil 0-!dt'ls) t. Medllo{k of edii@tiag arteial aid L Arhbes of Edidloeiel tudjds! itr fitru dylplildia (M- J. Glib6on- J. I{. vtuc oxygpnotiotr bY oldll6allls_ 2. Dtstribuftiotr and e&rdnd of ln- 4. PrEFr.tion for baldu elrma (4. v. 8
CONCISE MEDICAL TEXTBOOKS series ot modem medical textbook$ wdtt€tr with a trYofon pulpose' trilst to helD the studenr acquLe a sound knowledge of ttc tumlameotal prin'iiples oI tle sub'ied b€ h siudyiig, Secodly' itr hi! dioical yeers. lo refrcsh his memory otr lhc basic itrftrrmriion he has gaimd hom these texlbook&
NEW BOOKS IN THIS SERIES CARDIOLOGY Julian bt D. G. lulim, M.A., M.D., F.R.C.P.E, ri.R.c.P-. M.R.7.C.P., coelt'dnt Phvi.iM, Rotol ldnd@y, Edinbutqh; Seniot lzctwet in Medicire, Vnivdsirt oJ Edin' butsh, lllustdted bt J. L Hdll, M.8. Ph.D
BIOCHEMISTRY Dalta & Ottaway bt s. P. Dattd, B.Sc., M.8., BS., Ptol6sot ol M.dicd Bioche@sttr, Uaiv.nity ol Ihhdonj and l. H. o Nor,8.s.., Ph.D., A,R.I.C., Senio kctutet in Biochenistry, U uive Ni tt ot Edinblrg h. 2nd edl{on 446 pagee 104 lllo3lrallom 30e
356 pag€s 105 lllo3lratlom 953 (t1.75)
bt L M. Holn6, M.D,
bv R. G. Penn, M.B, B.Ch.\Wates), rcc& t Lictuet in Pharmdcoloqv, Ch@ing Ctoss
Hostitd Me.lical School, tpadon. 292_paqe3 14 lllusrra[ons 30s (e1.50)
Bailliere Tindall
Cassell, 7
5. Radiolo€y of @rEiobm of the biadder (d. Ptrkq). 6. The drnody 0f th€ deni@,vtdal juroiiotr in no@l leMft end in @DsBlllihal mmalLid (R. J. Bwood-M.D 7. Crnpdier ma,lysis of !@lient rad{ioD to iitr6vdou irj@rrbn of @ntr$rl nedia (P. Dovi6). 8. Cqnputer arhlrtis of bmarll 6owol l@i@ in c.{x drcn (W D. Jtu). 9. +IidriocYlocis X (J. Endi9. 10. Diagnsdc ue ot ultra&und (F. J. Ros). 11. Ulh€{ound a.d to<lioactiE i$toF iaver.,iiga,tionB oI th6 livei (F. I- Rs6 dd E- Rhy6 Da!i€s). 1.
to n@pl6iL
T&e b€haviou of cuiltured lrnFhqid
ftom idedlioB rDondMleosis, Bur'!1$tt Itnpll(fu md nBso-phqrF4lal cardinom
is bdinre enpared to ddteot tte ?rese@ of r{ru dd rim.ddlerdnEd adliees, and ao etruqidate lhe rcle of the vim h dtimulstiEg
thdii pmliferarlion, Olher siudis aF eking cel! 6t€erc no le{roie iMeased vfn! Frcdudtion
r,i!h E fiew to
rdhe ultima{E
F.R.C.O.G., CoNuh@t Obstetic
Gta@.oloEica! Sury@n, UnivzEitt ColleEe
51 lllullrlilon!
28s (i1,40)
& I Henrietta Slreet, WC2 dadloloeft ot . iaddine. Itr orldinion, a @dpaiiM is boine mqde blweq EB rliius and Htrp6 sioiii qlbicd hd id€ntly been showtr to be sdiDogenir
2. Ih€ elula
basis of imuological puatr€tu @d seFitis.Uor sd ils rel'aioD$ip to orgln honognLitrg. Slrldid arc bdiig ede aten on llhe sleEi-
nc m@lmism of dr'bar€d ituaul'iiry, lakilg 6 moddls nhe tui€r-i€€oelridion medranim rin arrtibody Imdudtion dd {he .6Po!M of (hymuderi\€d cd[s. Th6 @n' tor indudrion ioto, ud I@very frm, paEb6i! ix thynsdeliEd
<llil$ioN requirod @1.{6
are boine dofin€d and @mpared qll\h
The d*hanlism th6e and
DEPARTiMEINT OF PATIIOLOGY The relstioEhip ot EB sd other he.per
foi mrarrcw-ddived @1l3. for cxperation Htwd
t ?es is being tunthq lnv6r0ie6ll€d
d attdFi sDesiflcirly
orde rto drnlne rthe narture of th6 molecule io\,olved is
3. FiN fhucluFl uil Brb-ellulq
aioml chega iD tEBplrted liYeN md in liveE siored for tMpLntition. Invediig6XibN @ &irg udenc*d to detemift tLe 6,ite of lhe @lliedt mrphol'ocioal Bld dzrme funptional ohlde€s in
sb{e[,!rlar ole6ne[6s of hs!b]i@yt6 id
transpladed lte6 udddeDrins rejcEcion. h tddi,tioD, limila. ohense a€ being elsht in livors alored befde tramplanta4ion uodq
The Medical Protection SocietY ASSETS EXCEED
1892 =
first thing we tlo, Iets kill all the lawYers" "The
Bul killing lawyers is itlegal. Som€
doctors and dentists Pr6l€r
to snjoy iomptere inmunlty lrom lilisious palients ihroush msmbeFhip
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Benefits includo unlimited indemnity against costs and damages aising out of allogations ol prc lessional nsgllg6nc6. All doctors workinq in N.HS. bospitals are required to balong to a recognisod protection organisalion, This includes pr€'rogisirction
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E fn" Secretary H. A. Constable, M.R.C.S', L.R.C.P., = W1. = == == 10
Medical Protection Society, 50 Hallam Street, London,
= =
iaryins @ndirtios, t() d€t .bi!.ct oltiDl ndtho& for p.orttalBd4utatiol dgan stor-
n6.t 'ritr of !00th niqrioD ard iw6iigEtio[! dn omlatadv. prituE a6toDy. I! a8e. 063r !6rrod dhldi6 e @liDe May thir Pmfdor Ri,.nad L nothodh for dh. arnttrdial tndud0iu of bver Greeuy brcuglrt 'Ei, ht! 16@&A ta.m with dq@ge ir ani@t! llo be u.ed for €[poti- M.R.c. oDFn to thr D€ranh€lt rlo oa!.y medr.l ,livd lraGplstuio!, dr ord.i to qta e loDa t€@ proiEt oo co€dildiw prbprovid. u cxFnidedsi sniidrt lrtu cea6 ,tr lisual ,p€r!.Faioo. ouparable to ttt otttaiolirg in blllrE DBPARTMENT OF PIIY$OI'GY AhE DriE Gsrd i 66r in th€ dopnt4, Morbid .roaory rDd hirobgr n*{ti. r.ed ba3 t€@ iE Euslo pbrsiolos/. The (s) A study of @lisBot ftram@. P!of6so!'s ou latJofrtory ha bq iNolvG) Th6 histop6lholoCi@l &Ds61i. ttt r!@Eladt€d dis livd, the Bpolg cd in 6!thd drudcs @ t n4hanica,l of Falt dd Sow Tvitd M@of the lrDlh iodo of he pi8 ,id rrcFili6 @li Ducl6. Dr Isis bor coEpAted dclhrcd hrpel!@i{iqly, ald 6. rhe prolEti6 of Ddtor uite i! Donb, add ulkait r(brrt .d"a€Fs is hman EBl bioFid Ealie mNde etth ltr wbole durol€ oorHe ha ale l@Ied art th6e afler wirfr rpociel ideft!€ 1to reFI tl?('ioD. rlcovc.y ft@ tFa€ .edi@ a.d .f1o6 cross t aapLntatiotr. (c) AD inv6liEatio! @nol4ring Fticd illsrQtioll frorn a forei8D lere. Wort also goir€ o! to Gx.Eire @Eunaliu pl!8r€s qri,lh hbl,olDsiaa.l f€3tuftg eas DwIe spirdles, aod Dr. Bidge looHl8 tn IIod€icitrt dnee3.. "'ai (d) S!€ritroirry of loric &ase i! !er- ar [be DlatioEhip hotsrc€n otrultxE a funclio! ir sD6I6 du€cle lpirdl€s. Drs. Harey ad Ardarory pBre u8ing EiooProt A. J. EFt.i!. cledrodo Edliqu.s ,iNed&arte tho rola'lo tio! bc{wt d tte qtbdrbr cortex and (he DEPARTMENT OF ANATOMY ioferdo! ol,ivary nudei in dl€ ne&rb p!imi!a[ Th. rwo atc& of Ea.6 in th. t epartmedl !rc brah !€..aFt obloo$ta" Th! €ledlFphrrblogy of th6 be'al ducl€i trit! olcsial .dor.[co to dhc ad rcprodudlivc bioloSy--torh of wbi.[ €Nballlrm 6rd control of rdolme!ft h!! aF indicFoebl€ for futurc hlrnan $d- b€a ,th6 s@m of Dr. witltaE and Dr. f&e. Itr hE BBir R€s€ard Uni!.ccvlral Mary Fox Nirg ln. lirt 8 compurhr. pFj€ats a$ ir prosrBs or tb. fudameotal Prof€seor Bisooe h66 beer co[c.rnd vji& !6)Ei,olo8y oI the hrlotblrdic neuro- iho neurophFiolog 6Dd ultladrusiw of seo.dtory aslli it! uftra-dtnrdiurc and .le€rolid body, wh e D.. Purves iD ih. trophFiology in diffcrc.n B€craory oiarca, th6 ge!@l 6old of oodrrol of r$pira,tioD ard and Se !ft.nomenor ol fedbd* a! mrifortld a,t a .Elhirar level. Rsco.dinss atc oiredsiiotr bas beor idterBred Earriculady madE of lhe dedudrsl adtivity of thc iro- h the rn.barbme of xhe cardtid bodv hted hwo.$alm8, and the fiirg tate ad 6€|norecslto6 sDd idle ooDiror Df .ardio'partterning of siule naJlnes cotrelatd Esqnar l€spoEc€ ro diring ,ir 'lhe duck Dr. n SeB rmlrsod dr,b obibrined frcm s4i!h tho phqsc of lt!l6 o€3t@!r stale. Single Tlans ADtarstic BxpoditioD ro see treNn€ a.dlivity Lio w6th€dis.d, utr- thc x/hdrhd @r alalida,tiq ,ro oold, ard dlo recGid€d mbbib have b@ $cccstruly a3 g)trd prcj€ot he enaDjoed rhe cbmed moilorcd !!ing {elmeilry, ad pa uition i! aihe foebl ciFdrriotr ar, bdftL ird@d br srimdsrion oI the duitary fr {be seotior @@rned $lirlb oicrospy stalk. Wolk is po.eeding ou mppiDc rhe Dr 86 [ss beetr ldi,re xiso alrure Btudv. qh.€r'€d afferEdt rEtts€ys ds ohe Biltdtvisio! ard Dr. Diare Rticbardsjn ojrdlion refie* and it6 fudional rolrnio! rl ing e[ q6t s€s i d itr eletM nicrospy
the rBravookisuhr nucleu.
sf reuBl tise ftln th. €xp€dmotar aiinFl" 80 for Minariotr by tiStft ud ele1rcn nicrorcopy. RE@!d tu r6ptodudrioD iFlud€s projedb otr tle mode oI SDodiDers
adioD of iIrtrEuteri.€
dwi€, edo<rimloE FNtr€d RNA
04 imtFlbotatio4 cbdges in
dd 6e appgtu@ of 6q airtieG durire @tel induldi'otr itr anFhit,iu db.y6, and differeotb,tion od nat .dbryos cddrrcd in entu. Oth.t re3erEh activitild dtr he Delelh6rt indtrd! expaimodt on {ho
d wi6 ch.DsB in @id In additiod thd is e osl ltiolosy group
sro@dr ascia,t
ttre de[EntDeDt Dnder Prcfesr AndeF Dr. R. Sr.J. BudoD.
itr i:be DeFibnent of Bqdtenio-
ve.y b@dry, be divided
etegori+B&teniologtr dd Vnobgy: end lhe tdtal DdFdrtomtal efforr ir diniddt abolt 50/lO tldrwccn rh6se rw topi6. 11
Tho Mjo'1ity of lthe had€rioloclBl wrl l' 6@med E[ih inveskzthe [he wrlN hiodmiel ,nd eenetic @nif€3tation of eiuz€hreroos@l sEetic eleErffi - F._ i! lisl4dy rh6. i! $alhYto@ci and enndic ba.1dis ,&t @rfs ndsrsF b ddibi.$i6 o ttE <tgs lhet @rY then Bsadly spsr&ilg (E itrrssti&rio$ are bot!
@lqrlar- no tly rto uldeittand {h! be$av_ iou of th6e sr$6os iq cd@i@l aetc ad abo eFdediologial-lo try to follw rho iicide1@ 6rd eprod ol these
diml PFtlarior. psie.ts that ire being plFuod tle (1) lthe !at!s ard lole of lr
the hD@tr ald
$me hydrolyti. 6!2,1B in bad6i,t 8ro{tb and d[nsiods! ard (2) tn€ deeebpndt ard
u!€ of te.hniqB fd hardlirs ad rcai'_ iie sinsl€ badterid @IsThe virologisis id dbe d€palrtD6r @ iust afr th. start of 4 Iroglslfu !, n y to gbe Do!61 disru€ in @lturs ad to dudy the
eno i! ,€ollcmtd q6{h 6e ole oI raD_ trbol€! in rel@e phe[smeE He it l6i4 blood plaFoldts s his mdel ce!! and is irlreredEd iD ilE effsdt of @lohidim ard !{$bstift d the ret@ of biog4irc dinq fro@ rtb* sta.tur6. Anorl€r subject js the mcstfy'of the ostocic eE4t of neuoblpopnysial bormotr6 0n rhe hde uter6, Tl s work related h6 shom tlat homones closely to ostocin nay ale Dlay a physlolosical
mle in oviDosihon in lower veltebrats. a lurthei tuuo Drestisat6 the efiect of itr@s oD the ret4e of gonadotsphins in hord rhe mare ait th€ fedale, Tvo otle. pmjects dea! wtr! the lnvolve'
qdic AMP in D€nbde pemeaud, itr ParticDld, tlte ol diuetic ud ADIi in the isolateil toad bladder, Iadr. tltere is *ork in Progrs con. ielation of kalllkrein. gdules in the subaFying subcelluld hasrrd planit @al the docri.e pecreas. ment ol
btute Dhqoheu
Prof. H. tleller,
DEPARTMENT OF BTOCTDMISIRY efiedl of eiru infeotion on ths oeus. Tne DeDartE€nt ol Bidh@istry has AlEady e@ plosrlss t beirs Esde in the been iD Eistoce lor 6ve re*, grwth of leFe .6Xb o{ @iio6 ltrib frcD Psfesor Radtl€ heads a te@ sDDorted the tledical Fs@rh Coucil @brlonic chriots aad ft1n fodal and nw- thouch Mehb;rifl C.Dtrol F€sctr Oouo whioh eorc DtopecEs the li@hemistrv of horone and pitdtary ed is Erea* in ?HA&MACOIJOGY ,lso mnlu€d with tne contrcl of .arboDEPARTMENT OF lrDid retabdlis. -A vm&d thqe aE 6@ral ercuF of srk6 ltr_ hvdnr€ lrEe_aNui of rcsefth inters<t EIE[] Lin {his DeFffieD! si[g rEseard is entred mund mitdhond.ia. Prsfesor co@bbne of a senio. !r@ $to 6 telFd bY Chappel is collr@ed mrh substmte anioh tldsporths sislms acro$ tne imd dtoore to Libe g3dlate o!6&taals. .hondridl memblane. Dr. Garlad is cuOde eroup b tuinly @n@Eed {ftL nbe r@dv effased on asp€{ts ol the orsdis_ mFh,piems of stnth6is i rtyo, the inta- tior oI latty eid oridation in tbe$ paltides ndiDl tlaBporr ad lbe el€ase of the @d tle co@paEtve lioclenistrv of ve6st nmhyFphysial holr]M6. Tbe @in,l€dcloseu €uied ue tle plant biocnedistrv dliqE usd @6i6b of tbe 'iffiod ctioo of ibteEls oI DE. Crolts ud Jon6. tbe er6rcodimdrive 6Jmo &i& itrto cabohvdrate DolvDers. tbejr biosrnths8 rh€ ilrerconvsson oI nucl@ude spiBl nuid oI @ts, \a&i.i lalb to abe md sc"6 is one oI the !re@ubbellitrs of rNhypoldysial hodotr€ diohosrDhate oahons of Dr. Phelos who 6l$ etplores bY and arc thm isolrted $lhid strfied ol haeh Drotein ractivitv wiah ohro@togaphio tedhaiqd. OE rEsdt of In rhe molecurd Eruvholosv kbo.dort, ftrir turk h6 bq {ihe d@rsfittion $ar iq ..n..merl witn a$ects 0t tho neuohypolhFi4l hol@tr€ e rns- etr,me ruchohs 6ins r.netrc deihods oJ ai ad eFPof rol@ ened to thdrc ci.(! dalvsis Watson and Murhead e8plore -x-nyDE .!]stauoeEpby of prct4in c.ts;oMUy hi€h sp€!d. Aa aquirY, $ilisne rne lds in Darticular elrstas and triose phosboth bi@ye end dlt.asarutuEl mrk, a Dhie denrdmstl1*. to the Eldariss of dhis tuesport i3 id Dt llindler is unravenins tn€ stdct@ or baclemohaPe RNA ed Dr. Williaro _transfeEin. atr ihn bindinc Arcthq srd p ,is @@Fed wftb atF role sordces sr';nbturein and sheas this interest in the of @ty!{olift in rlbe hypotbahmo-ner- ;r;.ii,ridn;J the stru.tue of Dsteins wfth bvDo!,hv6ial e\6td. Tte 6ults su8€6t ttrat Dr. Folbrook vhose especial intelest b in tle NA]HeDeddt dehvdmgehaes. a@tyLiholine ts not @ncded wihh tomone Finatre Dr. aanner is conc@€d Mth the rdld$ but tban i,i alB s a reedalor of abe struchFe of beDbtrlc Epedatly tb6e ol blood supply to the affi@!€tory llE@G. @te_ sle of wtls 6 tte ,the cmrttY 'wgue' @ of lrtost of A third PFoup drol,nins h the htlo[htl4lE ar4 itr biochemistly * coeet€d h &e depart. @r'tioul6.. @ the idteBotior of tt s. sbIts hetlth and werfs mulit alpea! to ;dD6 with !e@M[ ddbBn€ Related a@e eelr Jor dother 6ee reas ol s.D!, B, PbelDs. iNetigator, .pturl re*aEh. anoihq of to &i5 is the wo.k 12
;wxt X .|:,.,:,,.:
.r, rrrr,
Ever dDusht you d ]jl,e Lo sec somc of lhc snd berore setLhnc dow^ inm denbl p$cd.e ? Hcr! s vou.!m!e to Jo borh.t
i! tne NarT on 3 r-vlxr (-omn$L!n \ox.rert ried dom ;\-rcu wouu bc,n 6rdiru\ Dr.rLrc. ve! rcn( e{uns tLt are !ror!\.i.n:l * irenen.e. Yuu 5,er {rdghr into }our own rerJl made prsrtjcr. AnLljIh*henyou kvel rcu ike\rur D ie.E \ rou As a NaEl Dercl Ofr.$, yon eDcounter r tuI onae oa clini.'l problems As d DenoL Omcr
You h3ve a susery equippcd with .1]e v.ry latc$ equipmcn! plls the bacLins of , flll rem ol mnsul&nt' ed laboratoly Eesiil.s.ll r!h- vou're amval oficcr, An.l yoD un slway;sie 3uc ofan qcitins Yiew
ftoh you $rg€ry
s indow-
Dcni,l Cad€tshlps. lt lotrrc
betbre rou lotr ca; qually far
Naw\ DeDtrl Cadcthits.
I1\ox.Ie.ho,c. rorr ede6hit, Y.ut. o--1.-oned inn fuid N,vrl O6!c! '\, nudics Yod wh e lou unorcie tour !T\ c rir ( ver, in rh< N.! L .frer ouLifvins durini ;hi.h line you nay apply tb. . FUI ConmisioD. Y/arch your notice bord and tiofeF si.nil nrcsi r.r derxils. A few vaceciet for yo$s sgdures .lso oco. fron timc
Homaopathy Homoeolothy
is a fom of th@Futi6
approa<i to dic€ase louldcd hy Sonudl
Holred6m, a !6j€,ioian a.d lharna@ipslist of Sa\on% who livdd ,in 6he laitq pefl
ot the eight@nih cedrury. Ho bDd lotrg tEn dise.rtiSed q,lirfr fthe cnudity ard ilrficieD.y oI the on6Ddox modrisine of th€ dby anil whfl€ ,tra!6latins E Mateiia Medi@ he ws sfuck !y te prcpenti6 of Cir5hons bdt (fsm wbriEh quiriirc qlas lalta isol&too. nt
reported th6t, in ruffiqidlt qurantity
8lnplbns vqy sinlild to
It t6t€d rhe NlNra s ad thon h€althy voldnters and % at{e to tunfm dEt quiniG qD prcdE 3'Dptom lery eimilar to eL6da (et/en ir mimr ddraib), the dis6e it is of asue (@Iaria). on biiBeE
Th,ir gsw hiD th€ irdpilalio! for tuither .6ea.dh ryhish 3loDg two lic.
in cas of di!€e ehish do6 rdtit @ided, ths proc€6ses se Bven
t)dy dis@s6, the sies and My be bdtler thougbrt of as lruifeelatioc ot the bodyt Psffi6 to @mletrea,te for o r,id iL€lf of '1ibe cau.e of rthe dis4e" ( hqe it i6 krom) ralhor than a dir6qt mdfedialtion of the @w, For ocadpte the clasrsisal sisG of inflamndliion and of trlil fom&tion durins a su!.dcial iifodrio! (bhyioudy Eo,t (he n@henioa( piline p o,f mi@{rganistrN tlrr! ihe body's rcspoe !o rhd). A160 FiiSe@dly, in
pheral vN@ndiniddion in aqite hrlovolEe-
mia, hyFrenrtilatiotr iD "met!bo[c" aaid osiB, veotrriolrld hypedre!}y h @rdie iasufroie!.y and in niny es6 the poleloio.
Ths, if 6 mtu ot aiding fthe body's F[al he lodked"rcc€odo.l a[ lasr r@rds ald foud oM heafth-r6to nE plrrcses w&E found, @r€ etlmpl€s of lhts phommenoo. Then, ir is ndt udiesnBble ihat h€se nigt|l mrmre iimpoiadtly, he ,porforDed oqtls si@uy ircr@se {he sydttrotu in r prtient 1613 @ "prcvirgB" ;n str{oh mod@te d<)€ for a nrc, ad it gircn to h@lthy FMs of sloditc druge wre givd rb healthy in lsrse eFleh d's, prcduce simitar whr,t6B. Their sigtu aad symdiotu wde t@dod Ed a Fiature of the drus,6 "synp toDdtology briillt up. Tb!6 sas tben giem
people GuffditrA
from disses wjft
similar srmpto@tology, The 6d,ts rere sood, co!ffMioe hts inilial ot6enstion ard lhe Mst fund2tunlal prinoiplE of bom@@lhy ws hom:-
Coweftelr ollolsthy i6 likely io pFdue
r M.d
rapid rsnova.l of @rt6in synplotrs. Thal t'trris my ndi be $ impontaqt, @d in @ay @s fian&ty ilEn€emE is cl€arly ieen in the risk! of givirg porert ahalges.ics for
or gMle dtersuprr6 irflmmardion stren ft jis a SIMII-A SIMILIBUS CLIIENTUR 'let stimFt@ of irfeotion, Tt!6e are grc6s lik€ be itl@tsd qlith lrik6". efi€cts md are asided by ail careful phyAithoush ihis cltim to b€ rn snpili@ly s'iciltd; burt b it qot ilikely that analogou (o dimiss h t sdbder efi@ls oEd in ndy other inderjved priDdipte, ir d3 'tdpiids it h6 notrsmi@I, This @y be @nd dE to dt6n]6 of alldpathic tr@tmdrt? il6 bdiDa dlifferedr tron lhe appl@h of Another exFiinollh.l nnding w8 dbat auopathic d€d,ioibe {oirhod.x) r.iirh whose @Dy of trIE s!!tat)6 did not lo* ,lh6ir ddhoG ad suE€s we tue al,l famillEr thespeulic efiar den in great dilution. In In a olatbic medidi& brcadly spedkins, falr the €ll€dt olt n i@es€d. This findin€ qmptome of driseale are h€anod y/tth surb- 3e.rff las ddidlorB whh o!€ aoNide6 staffi havilg the o$'osi[e eff€cr, €.8, siv- &rt @lmost dy substanse ivhiah b €lxatle iag lbauiv6 'io lh@r snsrilabio4 CLi\dns a a food or &ug in one qunltint orue3 adtihistmin$ qnd dteroiib for efiain t'96 ham in er€ta d(M. Indeed irt tuy be of iin€llrfubry aonditi,ons, erc, fa,lail aDd belt€! thouel of a a poi$n iJ E on€ ltides ro fnd a ra,lio&le for tte giwn in hiSb enoush oncentmrdion- .dt a bDNeoledhic !'rieipl€ one musr l@k oalhrlar lev4 it hbs t@n sid fi&r, "SrEa agaiD at dise@ pffi. F,irdt, i[ nudr be dtitu{i douRge actieri[y, medlh & sntulg adlnrrnod ftbot iD the mhjoriry of iilnM, $i6u,li 10 imped€ tt, and @ry CtroDg iI the @denlt r@iv6 m mediel trsrftnr stim i 'lend stop or d6tnoy jt.r' But these aE but is @ely fdd adcqlaltoly dd alloeed 0o jwl id@ ald i,t m!t[ bo adniltdd that jls 16! !trd dl€op omfoita,bly b6 ]teve6 efrer how 6€ yo.y dilute solurios (which are a peiirod of ilii@. CIhh @y o l8 obvioa @lled high poienci6!) wo.k is rdt uDd6iD hosFital pBd!ie). TtNs h mDsr @ss stood by hotu@@dh6 thensdve, thoueh 'ihs body brs lhe capadi'ty io biins ebout experi€n@ @nvilr6 tb@ th?rt they do th6€ Imc*s .eq![rEd to Estore hqlit, 14
dte !@in of Bnginq Feqiorb olids rro
In bomeopathy, 1tc soledior of a r@.dy rio6 m! dopend mrBty or thc di@$ diaeas€d, but ale on mny sie!6 c&ioh orc may @Ead
pllttinling to
patiedt's indrividudl ponritulion, ralher th6n to fie dibase itd6lf. Id addiiior, fr@t(ptrt (B lined,e
iE aimed at t'he ldtieirt'6 .edlorins prccdse5. This l@.b rhe hom@lathic Ohr€iqidu to rceard himseu 6, in a r@1 6€nc., ,t@rirg th€ padiert
Th* theo.ies tre Poflhy of @Nids6tion thorgh lhey my o. my m[ tE dro!-
'Thy, it's sory of the dray, you dlllmy!!"
A fs Adi6
to d{!rdi$ th! piiNiple findjngs .s umcidtilc, *itbrun d.diidg lfiem, ds Lto .Urplsy a
Fdd@i€itific dosmaiis whi6 is denlial oI the
Neioe oi sioDe iilsr.
Pt@Iice oJ,
Frince Medicine b, Anan Inetit. (Roth in Medicd Libfttt).
Have Thumb, Will Travel."
"Wbat is 'the 'Soup dr jour' today?" r i@nltly Esled a N.r York Miil!.*. $e FFlried. I
Iiono6Fthy ia brs.d lot on lhe6€ th€Dri€5, bilt olaim to be osed on dpid.h,l !adt. ThB i{s @lnllty @tr onty be proved or dhprovd by furth€r elperindi But
Llw ths
tbat we had a(ived
datts airor t&at liMrcdDrstiou to tL€ qay of lite, we dbrnt€d hriiohinc
66 ve dedided do try ii for ousdlad lrd tound to our delrghn &at ptlJgras Me
extlenely nFid. iln
i.ot a oaplete dols driljns rook us llm mril6, throud plees Iik6 St. Ijrtis, Tbls, Otlahom City aid Addttlo. So nd, thc joure!' qqs rct 6 Fni. 6 we hld h.ped, but ore lift frcm
dieittly appFbnsive tut equally a 'eay boy' (lMnbsexual) beld @r alt@tior 'rdt9Ed, 6 he dBjcribed, ix Area{ detalil, aiU Br,€dh oDnious of he utrkno*n. O@ on dh€ rimdits we wred ir€IMdoB iiido4tm rir of hb co,lourful gay life. Apparedtly he nas @ ti@ et sI- After 24 hou6 @ readhed a Fersisied honoMural ;r rihe Saate of qhicase ($ne 900 nil6 aeay) atrd ow.d Okb,ho@, slered a houe, car dd derymost of lihe @il@g€boariNok' dlivd, q,iho thins els r,i'!h bis hu!te!d. Lwkily he ody proDis€d to 6ke N to t 'cat-h@e' or a took !s a shoft drisialoq as h€ h6d ahedy Ao@ of ill reFr'te.' IndideDtaly sery time plann€d to spend a D.W.E. vltrirh an old he @nttonod ih6o wdi he eiqlcd dd Our neir ddv6r ofiered uc a nide ro I4 ialFd his ldcp trGe krovirsfy. As w ADselg (1{00 mit6 B*ay) erd irt 96 witlb bado l!!er!14 h6 said, 'You jus! q€106 the suroptidoob {,ay I tbart we had do foifei[ 600 mil€n of '€grd! pe6 out of ma oab s{,lile r.adine M @p'" &is lift jb ord€r to Eee 6e G$rd GnreD. B6i@Ily, itD C€nd Canyor is a big Wo evonlbltty ret h€d N d€$i@iior io wiMNtn elhqe w€ indtrled @6el\e for hole in the e$und $me 200 dil$ long lE fou wFl3 Filth one obj@t in miDd of mLiI6 twlide ad 1 rblirle d@p, biousht abourt by erfetrcive leDd d()(mdtu ond lesrrer @lirins a 'fisdul of ilo a6.' After ib€,ling evaal L6 of bay, cl@ring erosio! of xhe Colomdo River We .@ched out tsr €aras6 aad p"iDrting the fsm the Soolh Rim oI rdhe Grand Catryon the houh6. {€ dedided ir Pe Ldire to 'GO rcni day in l1Nltti@ .qd rsnhed imnediately
We looked ioto lihe po$ibilrity of ddving a Fivarte sr for a rcDpany (slll qp.!36
paid) {Jdt abandonsd the id€a when
(r) All s$ hsd 10 gl' al,ons a sFlmc rd&o sl;ih dh!!k poidh 10 €src aeprinst tim6 dolby md devia{iom off [tE rode, (2) Dldors the suoDer amths fie dnpanlib drid tro,l pay 60r lbiml, '(3) Th€
diit6 fw
ald .6r6ir€ en route (in sne (as).
NE.-b all dh@e inier6tod, it' is advi!lbl€ to rcad the .ootr3dls very erduliy. silr we bad h@rd so much albut Routo
thn i&
splqd@! w@ wdl
rogcEdn€s a.d in€r,t wilh the sadifce of
lo8i rdile6€p. Id@l,ly oDe s,hodd rpdd ohe v,hole dey rthere d3 rthe beauty of frhe Gtud
Cdyor !@n6 @16 rl,pare at danr Orur rext qoil of qlt h6p!€ned \to be Ixj V€eas. Ne1qd,a, !h6 adu0t lr]M for the nich ud the foolish. ft's tte only pbc€ ,h ihe U.S.A. sll* 1'ou w wmo in fur oan: sitditrg jn Gdi[a!3 @mtirs diotol6. Iis f€no!$ 'Strip'houairy dhe cnsinos ad nish[olobs ib 4 ailes lons and s s weu ill@inated lhar jrt\ dimault to di$inguidh niefi,r fion doy. llt w4 h@ in t/€e!, lhat Dave t5
given a
snd 'L6o
di@t's bed md bra.tfast 267351. Fhe
telbdide kepiDg I ditting q for dre diive. who had tindly ofie$d to diop Johmy dd our luggaee at the Yll@ Motdl, sbo suddenly I w6 @osted from b€Oild 6nd in ftont by two
"I $6
@ bedse frm ourt of hit @at and gmwled Sbr'iff'! Do!6itdert',
@!s. One flioked
dbrough a lhick wad of .'hwits 8un, etuile th! otrlEr was enpeldy fniskitrg me up and dom tookidg for w@pom, money, id,enfifi-
daxiiol and probatrly a\@idg eun- Ilaving thes€ ,!hey inmedia't61y sup4led me of iryirg i]Cl 6t*l one of the pdked @s and splain€d 6 th€t ver hddatffls ne
IaiI stFr.
th. tE59.y fo,6
wee 6dddt€d. I hed fto ltrip Mted while |hey @vded ne ii fla Dolrdor. @nn@id bq Mt h, $nihad6, belt and a lMp of pottified eood.
epdrt a
niskt 5!
th€ @ll bdo.e lBvils brakJast $idb all ihe iDnuls, Fho frogsd ftum dfeB {o Teq o!,I@k @ft and I was Mt{ed ,o th€ phorbgaphy roon for bug+ho1t and
6n€er piinlrs. I V@ {old I woDld b€ going to @ut irhat aft€door. In rhe middlb of plamine the @s for my defe@, I q6 itold
to rolFrt to ,the Deteativs Delanmo[ I found Johnny who hbd verifiod my dtory- Adrer a sho petp4sLk q bow {o lbln lbey ryde going to book me for dB end behave in veeas, I was rel@sed %srancy and proFltne. They deojded fto @ll *iitb thse parting wrds, "Get your @e oui 'a h€re."' itr 6rt trtF Yu@ Mu'tdl m try 6nd fDd wo sledt the r6t of rhe day in vegas Jotmy s' renit Dy 6ltory. The bru'te on my liaht lep! oDi ard before @ntiruina ou. jou.ney acos 0he tctum.d ni$ a salrbfild ltoL on hi6 f6e a dsert over night toqard8 Los Angeles qnd eveDiully reacb,ing DieEyland the ned -There's do oDe by ,th€ name of John Dsneyland was evel nore fan]b&ciic fhb! Ash ir thart rFrtel, so I gD6 that blow6 a we had der i@sined, {here all Disn€yt hoio i! you siory, h?" Johnn% I d,iscovered l6ter. hed boot€d obE@'t6 sare qlive ir a gidt playCround hto anorher ndlol 2 doos doM be3aM whi,ch seeG to app@l to people of al ase. The Mqitr St., *irtt Medrint Oa.ltle in fie Ylle had m Firbly convitr@d"e@d4 of the faot tllt I ws the background, is lined on both rid6 6y up to no eood, lhey took me to ola.k shop6. Vdtedq @s drive there ard rilitd lMe of
The M@k T||ain SteMboat
ol tuatet vith Calutubids viling ship
shates 4 strctch
whi.h ot$e many
a coin
lo decidd Socielie.
businers you sho{ld .hDoss.
ihe [1edi6l lnsuftnce Aqency ias adedas Btukeutothe ModiEl and D€nlll Prct8sions,
For over 60 yea6
lnsurancFlifs,Sickness,Adide [o!se, Surgoryor Moloror whe[ s.r rhs Medical lnrdrarce Aoenq li6t
Yllu Gftilt0l10st!
4 &rt l.t sqsr., cliftot, arktol, 850 lHl 01'I ttol? Bredee dom the
The Matterhon
Disnelimd hotol
the origin6l si@)
b 6bout ttE saft size 6 a he its oFn teDk @d Fst-
faneE aiNpont, ago s4ioe it3
rrc fo. hoBei@m trqtu.
fire doFdmedt, and it3 h€tipolt. Frm rlhis sondd-
tulls in
throughoui ilre coutrY
lde wj!h. OrF
w foud ou6eh,es ir
lift of,{lO
B€rkelet q,t r. 2 dludedt kindly off€r€d ue the U3o of rhdir flat. They intrcdued s to dh. bripDiie bEngoub nd ihe Uiivwfty AmpB of
Be&eby (the !@e of ]rlre@s ..idto). ft s6n€d r. G fha! ddst Df fne 3hrd6dtB did
w rdtdm€d to tihe hmh relitl6 of lndtte .ils btn slole rooiiiuna ("srass') and tfo sfia r€ ilisae.€d ih6t Oaliloiilia is ddoirbe their expeliences &iiag pleviou tbe ladd of "froit " md 'nuts". Som€ .ay 'ttli!€'. T{l€€s ran€ld frm 'Man" rve judt ttart tf is the ody d0ate in the Unio! eb@ @n Cod' to 'A ftidd of nine b Lin a they pM a fd@ eround de lHple, 0o nop lunati. asylum 'oz hE amc oln of o the "fn in" Firking th@ Unfoniun- L.S.D trip thirtrils 6a,t he rar 6 o@Ds! laDd,
atbly, ryo fourd tbh! out the ha.d doub16 bed with atr
.h4ins a
diable Erhiodian, edo tmed orit to be qu€,
@ S.n Die4o, wh{.h ht8 ideal cllirene rith 6 l€rtrF6ture iEDgp of 65"-E5'F in ]the $mmq, aDd 45"-65oF h y,iinter, trt boqdb of ore of ith. largedr trainjing oanrps ir Ameica, and '!hi8 is Our ienr balE
appsren ha oie vieib Tij@oa
Mexisn bo.d€r toM 5 miileb addy) l'bfFh is fufi of ba8 qnd hrothels, dr$iFod io part the
youg sotdier/eilor from hi€
A fw dbys t€Gt eiftb good food aDd worthe! h tho Southd Oa&torDiaD artnoedrqe mro thq! reeiv€d u and tui y soon qe ws tek on {ihe rca4 ihls lim€ goins Nolth to Satr Fltrcis, fto oiv aeryone
It ms
Fople were tryina to e41 [rin'. ndticeable {jhet aklrctrrb tle Orli-
forniare BE€a€d mr6 @ual and rolted sensraIy, h€y t@ted rlhe poli@ {,rilth dote
hostilitt dbe p6tle id dy o6sr lait of Adoiid, that ft hBd 3@. It laB bard to tir@oi.n whdth$ the psoplo rc.dt€d lik ihb beoa@ the pohoe srrc so hnlial ot sfidlhe. the police lrere iBtified in 6eit lh]ici de3surE€ to pl6erE 6r p€eci, The pofieo us€d every o?poituity of tbNwiis 'Ibna-bdiB in iail or .ry 6arge to ke€p
thd th€re long gFulh ]to waralt a hairA day or Livo ,Mor€ ihoii Sodt@b.t quralta esBn, Da!€ and I @nba.ted th. D€tr of the Dental Sdool (Udirersity of Fasific) snlo show€d u! roud dhe rsabiri.ht7
De tal Arilidry anit.
med di,ih dudh plide
expl,ained rhat
tur6, pFqti@ls or elriniG of our choi.eTo qualify for ithis fou-yeai dedlal @u\c It i! rrery to hbve a Bochelo.\ Deer@ Magrer's Degre on a sbjEdt uqrolarcd to Dedtrltry. This mcus '!hat th6 r'hole tdinins &ke.! 7-8 y.aN qrd 6e drudont do mu{A oMer tb,an their Blitieh equi@lenlh, rsutrliDg ii th@quaiteft of the senio. stud€nl! bding ru.nied. The 6r!! tPo yaB of the 6urs @rsist of doiss Prc€lididal s.bjedts ald atl thsir
Manlikin ldb.mtory vort, leLiDg tbe last iwo yar€ for btni@l work. Dx€ to the ladk
of trained
1t€{6dicians, lth€ slu^d€bb
$ 4.00=! 1.13.0 $ 5.50=! 2.15.0 $ 7,50=! 3.3.0
Ms only 1Io y€.s old. I:e arrargqd diss for us itr a F.atddry house belongins to itF Un w^il'Y o{ Califdni!. O! aivins at th€ sohool otr fi6 nrdt day of n€rm a{ 8.0 4m.-d !redtbly &our to slqnt mr&. se wqe gedted by Di. Strob, @ senior lesturd, who gave u a f@ ein to altend atry led-
2. 4.0
$ 9.15:1 4.
Gold Clwn (mold) $33.00=t14. 0.0 Porelain,Teket Crown 337.00=115.13.0 Thqe fe6 are approxinatdly hlif tho
nor@l cost h a quz{ificd praoticc, and any oDtstaadinA det{ls flom Ftie&ts mBt be ssttled
by th€
t6for. h.
of a dedrl €dricarlion itr tlxis shbol is on ave@se $m,000, qu[:ie apan from lrivi4g exped66, aid this lFs (o be The @dt
palid blaok (o irh€ Gorelmedt. O*iirg ro the shontage of lsisure
lMents lake their s@idl life as seriosiy a thdir work. and aLl aE mdft€B of a ptuli@lar fralternity (soaioty) al*ay! dendled by Greek
('Ihe lerger the fra-
ie.dirtt the geatq t{re dapital and rthc finer ihe edonairent.) ith€ Psi-OrneEE fratemiry aen hh$w a T.G.IF- !6ny clrhhnk God
oM labora:iory rio.k wldoh LinFiiday). They @tcrcd fo. ere.tthio8 cl!d4 ilefttB. crcgm aid bridg* ald it's wixh uioct efroiency, c.A. if you n eded a o.thodotrtic do .thei.
app1i6n$. P.esu€d by thc
See. qunltity of wqk, @ny srudenis have found [t nece$ary lo sdt up !hsi. oM labostoni* at hd@, Beine 6 pnivalt6 $hooi, thc Univernihy of lhe Pacifi4 is Dot stdieaided, and tblir Dain souce3 of ,income arc froo hish riuition f6 and lhE 3ttrd€nls' clintel wrk whi.[ b €bneed to th6 paiienh. A 3aDpl€ of 6he fee{@le is lteted bbove:
prjircr, all
yoD had no dd MS to pu1 your *.b6t you 4amied re heiehrl, age, sbrape alrd @lou. in a book atrd tewe 'the r€t up to the ysr .eprNdrative Ar ti@ dr.w neare! our doFrrure dat€ froD Ndw York, m lelt San FiancisEo wit6 oleblt dra,a ro tuirch 3,500 niles vir The
Grad Tdros and Ycllowltone Nadioel Park6. OD@ @ ttad .@dted the fomd Fark we dpeiiercGd srcari difrtllw in sel-
rn ailuance
tle antilioficr
Highly offsctiv€ in inf6ctionq gspscially bronchitig and U-T.1.
&ctoricidal to a wide spectrum of common pathogens, both Gram'positive and Gramnogative
Effective against padcularly troublesoms organisms including Prcteus sp., E. coli, H. inllu'ftda and also penicillinase producing bacteria Rapid and almost complete absorption from thg
gut avoidsdisturbanceof intestinal flora
Unlikely to allow development of bacterial resistancs- because oI its unique mode ofaction
Soptrin Tablets, Septrin Paedialric Suspension and S€ptrin Paediarric Tabl€ts contain trim€rhop m ond 3ulpham€thoxazol6.
Full prcs.ribing inf otmation is availablo or
Bu'l ouqhs Wollcome A Co., D6.tfor4 Xdol (The W€llcome Foundstion !td.)
!i.g lifts d it \@ Dow {he end of ohe louilt st@r qrd oaB PtE few and far bcts€a. This laat of trdspoit forc€d u to 6pend a oigblt in one of the DoElain lods6. Ou onieirar dlr q4 to hitc.h thsueh YdltosBlorc ald od of thr EaErt Bxit ald sind ou @y lhio gh Cody and kpid Oity (bo16 t mou. for lhdir pl@r' sldiod of xh€ genuia€ C.wboy dd hdrid oE). Bdt havins h@rd t@ouh of 6now od ift bloclins iihb qi,t we wq€ @np€lled fo dorrbb back 6nd t,te thE route funiher odh to joh ore of tle frlter 6.& h@dHiindered br bad
lulk wo
rook a dlow
toriuoB rcutc tArcu8f! the doldtainoc ar@ of Wyomiog, paitiolarlt t@aiiful @t
ImDlfulos in qnri€l --J. L.
of red dd bl1)m
a grstr
On@ o! thc pleis, Wyomids bocoEcr v..y did wirh s8e budh and spar.. al@ of gms the 6dy veeetadion- It wa io grat los to iiho wliilte Mar wber hc eav. sd &@eE of tbri6 Nnt of ilond 10 tb. Rcd Man a,i h€ Cigdng of fie Peca Tr@ty. The edt oI ihe tsu@y !o Nw Yorlq siill sotu 2,000 mii*s .My *s slow tld uModful, and ovenlt@lly, after @ny litt6, md 6 fw slepl* nighlos spent on the eddkle, re ew alrc q€lcomc Na Yort skyrine, *ihh rttu all'y€ to slare.
r@ched tbe stage whqo onplote mim-acid seqq.nes ee available for
la$ t€! Y@8, i1'rIrmolosy h3 trt th. je*pdt ForMly roead€d as a boiire
lhb xi@ ot rc6., vidh tbe Abld !4d
torwood tufrin€ into rthei. Aulrrm @lous
mol@ds of hyslo@ prc.l€i4 rrfth a rcle cuhr wdisht of atoud 150.000. Bioohenists
bave bs@me d@ply iit!6led in ,!he @l' of p.otsins, ald the mni-
sbdivisiou oJ haotdlolosy, it w. ttugbn, if at 3,I! io aplhsric udersrdud*, *bD
l,ulsr slrl,h.3is
N@ sorytrhilrg has chaDged. Ilmudd indopeDde . Tho gadrt6 pour {q dd lthe lape6 oou oull. I!@unoloCddib de in odwed on teljevisioa. Clinidiotu, agd to find a Fh'@ to ol@k lheb i@oranE can 'w refq to "adlorimudity'' or "d,isorde.ed imrunoldgidl EpodircN$" eth li$de f@ of onntadidtior Thert dr6 Fd@l rcNN for the o!.uee of irt€6t ir ilmuol,oay. One is acoidental: dhe fofiui')B tl'z€ of pdb,iieity whi.h ha ac@npodied thE dcvolopnat of !l@plant su.sery, snd 4h. rd,llia0ion 6!t nuy ot th6 long{en p@blem ir ihis field N illfuologi@L OtheB ..8 teotnJcaL the itldy of the stflrot@ of gall1m giobul'ins
hd biousfilt @ grdn 6nc6piu@l dinplitrcafion to our initdprotatlion of phelomtna sudt 4 the cbqn€e i.n afrnity of 4D,tirbodt ilulirs lhe ilmrD Bporoe, dd th. 5u1'
boilis. witb thoir altoflisLins mlduld raM€d iheif my tl.oueh ttb fediou diverdity, p@vide 6 @l cllblienge !o tle ddraib of lho @nplqElt fxation roaorion, wat$tr{rlFt noddl The hypoth6is of ldlhou[ tDowirE sbErt ond€fut[ @!, or medb.d@tt2.h€d i@nodobrnid de!td-mol6r.lft od the s'fa.e of ltnphocyts tDw or Fhy t! @s fxed. ollogy has beeme glamoro s
is, of ditibodiB)
h3 prc€Fed
in th€ lo3t ten y@F, tDd hA
pr*ion of
pasive adninistftdon of andibody. llmuology, th€4 is t slrbjedt
Eed'.al shdenris wii,l aptrca.h wihh curosity ald endhlai6@, add it js ti@ly bo hare a snall volre q'hidb @ be 6li?pd domIon@rbly idto thF lool€r, and read an l€isw
t@in joumers 6r siuis. Psf*ot t- L Tuk, dh€ adlhor of "Imuoloey itr Ctrili@l Medidtne" is a drisdnsljiehed medical $ioridr eto he dlrtriblltFd rtidelt to ou. undeFtaDdring of dofayed hr"ardihlnirLe
IIe t s wnitten a o!i6p dd lada,ble iltrodudiior to the 6rllbjet s'biah vri brins the stnddrt in toeh flith rDdorq thistirlg sihilijlty.
on bsic immmoloey, and which @n be reconmdded withort r6eNe to all who wish to €xlpriene rhe exoitdedt of a ond&ted rou. of lhe fsnlief of rcs*rch. There arc details Ulnt on€ .ould criLricie: rhe proof-roadine h6 bccn hunicd. l€ving a fair sp.inLli.s of nispd s. A lil0e work with a pendil the pFof-radins would hale elimiiarted rhe now obsolele 'iron C (@nplment is now abbrevided to C). ft is disappointins ro have such a skelrhy ouljine of inmunologiel pa.alysis (roleFne): Mitctlient muah q@ted wo.t on hish and low-tune tolorance is not even nedliored. Theori6 of aniibody-pNduction
tuk6 Ether h@!v scathe.: th. qu$lion now is not so much vhdlher clondl sele lion h 1rue. but hos to explain the eno.
mous dire6iLty oi elluLar prterns of protei! synlhesis ehich i1 inrolvcs. Profdso.
Turk\ implimrion of sranulharou pN 6es in aurGimnunily rs ingenious, bu
on the clinical side, rhe gcneral p.esenDtion ot onditions in which immumloeical
pro6s4 my
leqt, and tbc.e
"auro-imuni(y are, howeve., a
be involv€d is excela h@lthy sepLicism about as r blanket te6. There
nunber of ninor onissions;
it is worying to find that the chapter on ''Imunology of Canei d€vota only a singlesnt€nce to the enhancemenl ofiudour grewth by adhibodic. The beneficial efi@h of immunosupprsive tr@tment in "chronic
aclive hepatiiis" b@n fouod !o be rE6ienfi. aod without elt6l on proerFsis. The efidrs of splmedtomy arc quite <!ifle.enr in the Fnm-andald-mribody .ty!6 of Tb6e, howeve., arc miDor quibbls. This is a fascinatine boot, strich should fi.d irs way on ro every med,iml studems hook-
Dr. J.
aft... but if you want to give sm time rhis $Lbj@r. n is a most leadable book.
Fai.brolhe.'s TexibooL ot Brct€riolosy,
J,Dison sd Cl|mins, -Volh& Ptrblislted by Hcnlemnnn 4l)s.429 pag€s This book wiLl be of poni€ular imlDrtane ro the Clinlml MedimL student who baviop surived 2nd M.B. B5cle.iology, usins only
his not6. inds that allhoud he rnos
rhaLsGjd+ or andx + Bhaemolytic hei no idea what on @rth they do. vae@ r@Ie.rios of Yaws. Black l>ath
and Brucelosis sene only ro rcmind you *hat a lone summer holiday you had. But
if I on
bold you. auenrion forabit longer, at 40s. Fairbrolher's eiv6 you thc Paitrosenioily. Diasn6is, Trertnent, Immunisation Trdsmision. otc. of Specinc Boes and virus6 for 200 Fages lnd Ceneral Bacteiio
losy {what 2nd M.B. s au abouq ro.
A C.mD ion to M€diml Studig I/ol. 2: PhTmcolos/, Mi(tubiolqy,
Gen€Fl Pnftolosy nd Rehred SubjecG ed. by Psmo.e lnd Robsotr Puhlish€d by Bllclscll Sci€ntilic
Poblietiotr !t t6 cloth, 90s. limp. al6 pa€ls V{iable coverase wi'!h inadeq@te sr6e giyen !o Patholoey. The book as a whole
dB not @rrespond wry woll to the B.islol @u6q bur @rrain ohaprets may
Amendment The ed.itos apologise for tfie omi$iotr of n6m from his article "Qlimbins on the Equanoa in lhc l6s! ise,
Peler Siandins's
llmumlo€J for Sludenas of MediciD€ --J. H. HumDhFy and R. C. White, Ptrblish€d by trhcksell ScieDrifc Publi@tioDs at t!, 757 pae6
For those \@ring a longie. iftrcd!.tion ro Imunoloey, this book is vcry olar and logi@lly sl out. lts !9e tc.ds to be a bit dov for rhe f6t remln of 2nd M.B. od
Announcement Mis Judith Ki.gsto! wo! l0/- tor
fidt mrredt €nlry for the c.os$ rc.d AnwcE ir the rex! issue. miming the
When asked E'hat operation he would chmse to have for his Duodflal Ulcer. a mediql student replied Pa.tial Gastr4tomy and Vasectomy.
64,000 quEsTt0t{
Why do over 64,000 doctors and dentists belong to ihe
MDU Because
is the largest and r0ost experienced
iir the world. 87% of dociors who graduated in
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England and Wales last summer
joined the Unjon.
Philip H. Addis0n, l',ll.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.
Dental Secretary: A. H. R. Rowe, [4.D.S., F.D.S.