Simone Haack - Biophilia

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Simone Haack

Galerie Moderne Silkeborg 2024


Det er med stor glæde og stolthed, at jeg kan præsentere denne soloudstilling af den anerkendte tyske kunstner Simone Haack. Vores samarbejde begyndte, da jeg for første gang oplevede hendes imponerende værker på afgangsudstillingen ved École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts i Paris.

Hendes unikke udtryk og dybe narrativer gjorde et uudsletteligt indtryk, og siden da har Simone Haack været en vigtig del af vores galleri.

Simone Haack er en kunstner, som har opnået stor anerkendelse, særligt i Tyskland, hvor hun er travlt beskæftiget med både soloudstillinger og museumsprojekter. Blandt hendes seneste udstillinger kan nævnes hendes deltagelse på Städtisches Museum Engen, som understreger hendes betydning på den tyske kunstscene. I år alene har hun udstillet på flere udstillinger, hvilket vidner om en kunstner i konstant udvikling og bevægelse.

Den aktuelle udstilling, Biophilia, tager afsæt i begrebet ‘kærlighed til alt levende’ og menneskets naturlige tilknytning til naturen. Gennem en række værker inviterer Haack os ind i et eventyrligt, næsten spøgelsesagtigt univers, hvor kontrasten mellem det feminine og det maskuline, og symbolikken i hår som identitetsmarkør, udforskes med stor følsomhed.

Vi inviterer jer til at træde ind i Haacks spændende univers og opleve denne fortryllende udstilling, hvor det levende og det mystiske mødes i en fængslende dialog. Velkommen!

Mange hilsner

Henrik Omme

Simone Haack

Diana, 2024

Olie på lærred

30 × 40 cm


Biophilia hypothesis describes the idea that humans have an innate tendency to seek connections with nature and other forms of life. The term Biophilia was used by the Germanborn American psychoanalyst Erich Fromm in The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness (1973), who describes Biophilia as “the passionate love of life and all living things”.

In her solo exhibition Biophilia at Galerie Moderne Silkeborg, Simone Haack explores the relationship between humans and nature and explores its various facets in her paintings. Be it human’s attempt to understand nature, to make it his own, to imitate it, to appropriate it or to want to modify or control it.

The focus is primarily on animals: domesticated animals, pets with a close relationship to humans. The boundary between nature and culture becomes blurred: what is the animal side of man, what is the humanized side of the animal? What both indisputably have in common is hair or fur as part of the body and a parameter for identity: this point is linked to an essential biological aspect, namely that every painted hair already possesses the aura of an entire personality, which is inscribed in the DNA strand of every hair.

Identity is one of Haack’s fundamental interests, particularly with regard to the body as a place of the self and the scene of psychic movements. As an interface between the world and the self. Therefore Haack uses the means of realism. Not to depict “reality”, but to create a new reality that makes inner worlds legible, to visualize the invisible.

Dreams and the language of the unconscious are an important source for the artist’s imagery. At the age of sixteen, Haack began recording her dreams and incorporating them directly or indirectly into her visual world. True to the motto of her German painter colleague Neo Rauch: “Painting is the continuation of the dream by other means”.

Born in 1978 in Rotenburg/Wümme, Germany, Haack now lives in Berlin. She studied fine art at the University of the Arts in Bremen under Katharina Grosse and Karin Kneffel, at the Unitec School of Design in Auckland, New Zealand, and at the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris. A master student of Karin Kneffel, she was awarded the Willi-Oltmanns-Prize for Painting. Her works are in important international collections such as the Art Collection of the German Bundestag, Frissiras Museum Athens, Artistic Museum of Contemporary Arts Wales, Kunsthalle Rostock and Kunstmuseum Stuttgart. Today, Simone Haack is cited in the major international media as an important representative of a New Magic Realism.

Simone Haack
Furries, 2024
Olie på lærred
80 × 120 cm
Simone Haack Field Trip, 2022
Olie på lærred
120 × 160 cm
Simone Haack
Owltree, 2024
Olie på lærred
40 × 30 cm
Simone Haack
Sleeping Sunflowers, 2022
Olie på lærred
110 × 120 cm
Simone Haack
The Backpack, 2024
Olie på lærred
24 × 18 cm
Simone Haack
Happy Socks, 2024
Olie på lærred
20 × 10 cm


1978 Born in Rotenburg / Wümme (DE)

1997‑2003 University of the Arts Bremen, with Karin Kneffel and Katharina Grosse (DE)

1999 Summer Academy Salzburg with Xenia Hausner (AU)

2000‑2001 Unitec School of Art and Design in Auckland (NZ)

2001 Summer Academy Salzburg with Ilya und Emilia Ka bakov (AU)

2003/2004 Master Class Student with Karin Kneffel, University of the Arts Bremen (DE)

2004/2005 École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts Paris, Atelier Pat Andrea (FR)



Dette katalog er udgivet i anledning af Simone Haack udstillingen

November 2024

Tilrettelæggelse Galerie Moderne Silkeborg

i samarbejde med Narayana Press

Bogen er sat med Source Sans 10/15 pt

Færdigtrykt på Arctic Volume White i November 2024, hos Narayana Press

Fotograf: Gunter Lepkowski, Berlin

Copyright © for teksterne, Galerie Moderne Silkeborg

Copyright © for billederne, Simone Haack

ISBN: 978‑87‑90618‑28‑5

Udstillingsdato: 16. november 2024 – 18. januar 2025

Tel +45 86 81 44 44

Hostrupsgade 39 – 8600 Silkeborg

Forsiden: Simone Haack, Nature morte aux choux, 2024. Olie på lærred, 170 × 140 cm


Galerie Moderne Silkeborg 2024

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