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The Galileo Bulldog SCHOOL DISTRICT 11

Volume 1, Issue 1

February 2011

Meet the newspaper staff! Inside this issue: INSIDE STORY






Back row: Austin Bohannon, Jayde McIntyre, Tristan Slay, Adam Rush, Jacob Salaz. 3rd row: Oggie Branham, Alex Wallace, Joey DeMarco, Warren Burch, Johnny Casto, Aelias Brown. 2nd row: Nautica Jones, Kristine Rollo, Selena Flores, Aleena Hazel, Mandy Heilman, Anna Alonzo. Front row: Courtney Casey, Mandy Heilman, JJ Jetensky, Autumn Dodd. Not pictured: Jacob Briggs

The school newspaper The school newspaper is where Galileo students get to write articles, do interviews, write movie and game reviews, poll students, report on sports, give advice, and write editorials. We invite you to become involved and let us know what you think, and what you’d like to see included. A box labeled “ The Bulldog Newspaper” will be located in the media center where you can drop off your suggestions and comments. We’d also like to invite you to write letters to the editor, which we will include in our next publication—be sure to include your name and make sure that what you’re writing about is appropriate for our student publication. Teachers, we’d like to hear from you, too! You’ll also find an advice column with expert advice given by our very own wise newspaper staff members. Please drop those letters off in our box and we’ll do our best to publish those as well. These letters do not require a name, and you may remain anonymous. Again, the content of the letters must be appropriate. All content within our student run newspaper, including opinions and reviews, are our own, and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the school, staff, or district. We look forward to hearing from you!

Editorial Page the way you deal with them is up to you. There is no point in giving them attitude and making your life even more difficult. Just suck it up and be nice, even if there is nothing in the world you would hate more to do. How you make your life is up to you. If you give a negative out put and have a bad attitude, your life will reflect that, but if you are happy and give off jovial vibes, then your life will be great. Part of growing up is being mature and doing what you have to do and a little more, but it is all up to you. You are the controller.

Growing Up All kids grow up eventually. Some kids have it easy and get to enjoy the luxuries of life while others are forced to grow up much faster. One of the expectations of growing up is controlling your attitude. Attitude can be interpreted in many ways such as: body language, facial expression, and what you say, so you have to have each of these tributes under control even in the worst of times. When a parent or teacher tells you to do something, you have to have your temper under control and suffer in silence. Your body language is the most obvious sign of anger (aside from your words). If you stand with your arms crossed, your weight shifted to one leg that usually is a sign of anger or irritation. When you have a grimace on your face or your lips puckered into a tight line, that is another sign of annoyance. Everyone has those moments where you have to deal with a person you absolutely hate and you would rather stick pins in your eyes than deal with them, but

complete waste of time. It should be used to remind you of things you need to do, not what’s now in the past. We really should use our planners of our own will. I do think the actual purpose of the whole planner idea was to help those who remember things better when they write them down to have something useful in hand. To many others, a planner is a lot like a book full of blank pages. In other words, there is no point in having it. Another matter is that Galileo planners do cost $5. You could get an even better agenda (a.k.a. a planner) for a dollar at Dollar Tree. Also, when you buy a planner from the store, there is a lot more variety of what you could choose from. In my opinion, scholars should only use planners if they choose to. We shouldn’t be forced to buy a them. Instead, we should have a free will in whether or not we would like to own/buy one for our own good.

Courtney Casey ____________________________ “Sick” of Planners As a scholar of Galileo School of Math and Science, I’m very well aware of the misuse of planners in the school. Sometimes in classrooms your teachers may ask you to write down what the objective of the day is for your class. Well, I’m telling you it’s a

Mandy Heilman

Morning Announcements A lot of hard work goes into making the morning announcements. Everybody plays their own small but important role to come up with their final product. Each person gets to choose what they want to do. Some people go to web sites to get information, while others go on camera to let you know things. How the announcements are made is completely up to those making it. Mr. Swanson is only there to teach new things and keep students following the rules and making sure things come together on time. Each day the student will make the announcements for the next day so it can be ready for viewing the following morning. But it’s not just work, they like to have fun! They come up with new ideas and fun things to put into the announcements to keep people interested. By keeping them interesting, people like to watch them and learn about things going around at school and otherwise. So next time you watch the announcements, think about all of the hard work they put into making them, and how much fun they had making them just for you! Joey DeMarco Kristine Rollo

Interview with... Mrs. Ford starts, “That was a long time ago… Um, I guess it would be Anne Frank.” She smiles contently and waits for the next question. Other than English, what was your favorite class? There is no hesitation this time, as she says, “Choir,” Do you like working at Galileo? I can see her smile though I am concentrating on the keyboard, trying not to miss any words. “I love working here. The school is very cutting edge and the staff is very fun to work with.” There is no doubt that there isn’t a smile in her voice, though she is speaking quietly because we are in the library. “Plus, the eighth grade team is the best team to have.” I smile too this time.

Mrs. Ford sits across from me, her hands barely touching the keyboard of her computer wearing a ready face. I nearly laugh at her scarf- not that it’s stupid, it’s quite awesome- any teacher who wears Jack the Skeleton clothes is clearly awesome. But anyway, sitting there, I open my flash drive and start with the questions.

What books would you suggest for us other than the books we have to read in school? “I would suggest The Line, The Uglies Series, and obviously the rest of The Hunger Games.” She stops and thinks for

What was your favorite book in Middle School? She sighs heavily, cocking her head to the side in thought, looking at the ceiling. She

another moment. “The Northern light is also good, and a new one I’ve just read called The Dreamer, which is a biography about a famous poet written for kids.” How do you like the Hunger Games? “I love them,” Again, no hesitation. Any heroes? “I would say, Jane Austin, Miep Giess, and my Grandmother.” What books did you read in Middle School? “We read Anne Frank, The Outsiders, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Phantom Tollbooth, The Pearl, and since my teachers were older, we read a lot of classics.” I smile and save my draft. It is the end of the interview, and I know already how I'm going to start my column. Thanking her, I head back to the classroom, ready to write. By: Anna Alonzo

Ask the Bulldog...Advice Column this divorce will not only affect your parents, but it will affect you too. I assure you, things will get better, for all of you.

Dear Bulldog, My parents are getting a divorce. And in my opinion, I don’t think they should. This is hard on me because my Dad is moving, and my mom is already starting a new life without him. What do I do?

____________________________ Dear Bulldog, I am writing to you because my friend and I are in a fight. We both seem to be growing farther apart and it is very hard to think of my best friend not being there for me anymore. What should I do?

Dear Divorce, Since my parents are divorced, I totally get where you are coming from. It is hard when our parents split, and it’s easy to blame it on yourself and even sometimes your parents. I know that I did. But it’s never your fault or theirs, sometimes things just don’t work out. Now fourteen -and it’s been about eleven years since my parents separated, I still find it hard. But things have gotten easier. I don’t see my parents fighting anymore, they both seem calmer, and they both seem- in many ways- happier. For a while,

Dear Best Friend Problems, My best advice to you is to go to your best friend and tell her why you are upset with her, and ask why she is upset with you. But the key thing is to try to view things from both of your perspectives; because sometimes it’s really hard to come to an agreement or just to plain stop fighting when people

are not considering each other’s feelings, and use a nonconfrontational tone. And if she doesn’t get your perspective, maybe it’s best to just give her some space until you guys can talk again. You have to remember that this is Middle School, and a lot of us are still figuring out who we want to be and who we want to be around, that’s why space is a key term in this. So good luck! Got a problem you need help with? Drop your questions off in the Galileo Bulldog Box in the media center.

Random Facts By Tristan Slay The numbers '172' can be found on the back of the U.S. $5 dollar bill in the bushes at the base of the Lincoln Memorial. Odontophobia is the fear of teeth. Karaoke means "empty orchestra" in Japanese. It would take 11 Empire State Buildings, stacked one on top of the other, to measure the Gulf of Mexico at its deepest point. 1 in 5,000 north Atlantic lobsters are born bright blue. There are 10 human body parts that are only 3 letters long (eye hip arm leg ear toe jaw rib lip gum). Elephants and hippos are the only mammals that can't jump. Women are 37% more likely to go to a psychiatrist than men are The fist product to have a bar code was Wrigley's gum.

Game Review

Call of Duty Black Ops

Call of Duty: Black Ops is a firstperson shooter video game developed by Treyarch, published by Activision and released worldwide on November 9, 2010 for Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii, and Nintendo DS. It is the third in the series to be developed by Treyarch, and is a sequel to the developer's Call of

A quick visit with Ms.Vanessa 1. What book are you reading? Eat Pray Love 2. When you were a kid what did you want to be? I can’t remember but I know that it wasn’t a teacher. Funny how things work out. 3. What’s your favorite subject? Physical Education

Duty: World at War Within 24 hours of going on sale, the game sold more than 7 million copies, 5.6 million in the U.S. and 1.4 million in the U.K., breaking the record set by its predecessor Modern Warfare 2 by some 2.5 million copies. Black Ops has two player mode, Zombie Mode, and Campain. The game takes place in the Cold War. You

can use guns like the M-16 and a lot more… But the game sold over 12 million copies. Black Ops is a two thumbs up game to play! From Flying Helicopters to shooting Zombies. Hoo-Ra!!! Austin Bohannon

Oggie Branham

4. How many years have you been teaching? 6 years as a teacher and 3 years as a counselor

7. Where did you grow up? Fairlawn, Ohio 8. What high school did you go to? Copley High School

5. Do you have any pets? 2 dogs — Skyler and Brody

9. Where have you lived? Ohio, Colorado

6. What kind of music do you like? Classic Rock, Blue Grass, a little bit of everything except when they scream and cuss at me.

10. When you were a kid where did you want to live? Colorado

Movie Reviews RV Bob Munro has promised his family a trip to Hawaii! The date and time of the trip was decided, but it turned out that the company he works with has planned a meeting in same week. The business meeting will take place in Colorado. Just then an awesome idea comes to Bob’s mind. He can take a vacation with a family and attend his meeting at the same time! Mr. Munro doesn’t know how to tell Jamie, Cassie, and Carl that their trip to Hawaii is cancelled, but hopes that the trip to Hawaii will be an equal replacement that his family will enjoy. And so, Bob brings his family home an RV. They don’t seem to be happy about the change, but they travel anyway hoping that this trip will work out. As they travel to the wilds of Colorado they don’t realize the trouble and adventure they are about to take! This is a great comedy movie that the whole family will enjoy! Alyssa Heilman

Remember Me This attempted drama/comedy starring Robert Pattinson is a well acted movie. That’s one of the only positive things to say about it. The cast is great and so is the acting but the whole plot of it is boring and stupid. The other positive thing to say is the amazing twist at the end. But from 30 minutes and on, until the end, it is draggy and lame. I don’t recommend going to see it again, and especially paying full price. Maybe Netflix it or something, but don’t even buy it unless you’re going to one of those white elephant gift parties and you want to get rid of some junk. Courtney Casey

Book Reviews Tale of Despereaux Written by Kate DiCamillo This story is about a mouse named Despereaux who falls in love with a princess. While this big eared mouse falls for the princess, a girl in a little town wants to meet the princess. With the help of a dirty rat who lives in the castle’s cellar, the little girl gets her wish. However, the rat tricks the little girl into almost killing the princess. The princess gets locked away in the cellar where only the rats know the way out. In the end, Despereaux saves the beautiful princess and it is a happily ever after ending. JJ Jetensky

Fever 1793 Written by Laurie Halse Anderson Mattie lives in the year of 1793, in Philadelphia. She lives in the room above her coffee shop with her mom and grandpa. Everyday she would get up and help run the shop. Mattie works on improving her shop's recipes and adding new varieties of food to the menu. While Mattie's mother cooks and prepares the beverages, Mattie takes the orders of the customers. Everything is normal, but suddenly a horrible disease has taken over the town. People are dying everywhere and it seems like all is lost. Even Mattie’s family is starting to get the sickness! Mattie, her mother, and her grandpa must try to help support one another. But, how can you fight a disease if the doctors themselves are getting sick?! Everyone is gradually being killed off! There are more robbers trying to get away with stealing and people are starting to fight over food and other necessities that we need to survive! Mattie and her grandfather have to learn how to take care of the sick and how to live all alone during this great famine! Those killed from the disease are carried in wheel barrows and simply dumped into a hole. Just how many have been killed already? How many more lives will the disease steal! The first snow will help defeat the disease, but will it ever come? Alyssa Heilman

Entertainment News Kim Kardashian Who is Kim Kardashian? An American celebutante and hot socialite… or more? Kim’s full name is Kimberly Noel Kardashian also known as Kim Kardashian. The well known star has many careers. She’s talented in modeling, as an actress, a television personality and recently starred in 4 episodes of Beyond the Break as Elle. Besides her killer careers and acts she comes from the crazy family of Kardashians. This was created into the hit TV show “Keeping up with the Kardashians.” Soon after the series took off, Kim launched many sweet smelling fragrances and competed in ABC’s “Dancing with the Stars” and guest starred in numerous shows. Kim also starred in “Disaster Movie” and “Deep in the Valley”. So far Kim has come out with perfume lines, photo shoots, and many other talents that made her successful in life. What does Kim Kardashian have left for the world…or better yet, what will she do next to add on to her successful life of achievements? Aleena Hazel

Justin Bieber Justin Bieber is a YouTube sensation. He’s very hot and many girls love him. Some people just have to be rude and talk about him meanly, but my opinion is that he is awesome. Justin is mentored by Usher, and has a baby sister and an older brother. His mom and him are very spiritual. He has many hit songs, and at a concert in Australia they had to cancel because many girls fainted. As you probably know he and Selena Gomez are kind of a thing now. There are pictures of him and her on the yacht. A couple of days later Selena Gomez got death threats on Twitter calling her the worst names you could imagine. Will this affect her relationship with him?

Justin Bieber with Usher

Nautica Jones

10 questions with Mr. Chamberlain What is your favorite basketball team? Minnesota Timberwolves What super power do you want to have? Power to heal! Why do you like to teach at Galileo? Because of the great scholars! What is your favorite sport? Hockey Did you ever want to fly an airplane? Sure! Toss me the keys! What is your favorite section of the news paper? Sports

What was one dream that you wanted to come true? World peace When did you get your first car? What was it? My first car was a 1990 White Ford Taurus Station Wagon. How old were you when you got your first job? What was it? 16 years old as a Lifeguard. What job did you have when you were teenager? Lifeguard, Camp Counselor, Nursing Assistant. By Warren Burch

Mr. Chamberlain

Interesting Animals

This snake is called Gernot Vogel. The snake has bright orange, almost flame like neck. When threatened it flares its up in to colors and revealing bright orange colors. It eats birds and other type of animals. The snake scales are colorful and not smooth. Its eyes match the stripe of on the eye. Warren Burch

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