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P.T.A. Minutes – Galileo November 18, 2008 Present: Kim Weaver, Cyrie Dantzler, Maureen Scheuer, Esther Mueller, Jan Tanner, Shelley Wright, Tracy Mayberry, Don Richie, Toni Rizuto Meeting called to order: 7:09 p.m. P.T.A. Presentation:

Jan Tanner, Secretary of Colorado P.T.A.

Ms. Tanner presented a slide show regarding P.T.A. explaining how P.T.A. works, what they provide to the local P.T.A.’s, including insurance, by-laws template, etc. The phone number for the state P.T.A. is 888-225-8234. The website is Thanksgiving Baskets: The school received gift cards from Sams, WalMart and Safeway to help with the baskets. The school is helping approximately 30 families. They would like volunteers to help put the baskets together on November 24th at 3:30 p.m. Christmas: Talk about adopting a family. No action taken at this time. Membership Drive: Will have another membership drive at the November 24th Community Night. Survey Results: Will go over the results from the survey taken at a prior Community Night at the December meeting. Website: Maureen Scheuer will talk to Mr. Swanson about setting up a website for P.T.A. Box Tops/Labels: Discussed having quarterly competitions, with prizes, for this project. Can redeem box tops twice a year. Campbell’s labels are sent in once a year.

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