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6th Grade Q1

Week of 8/18 – 8/21 (Week 1)

PLAN Reading and Writing Standards

Monday –

1 - Students read and understand a variety of materials. 2 - Students write and speak for a variety of purposes and audiences. 3 - Students write and speak using conventional grammar, usage, sentence structure, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling. 4 - Students apply thinking skills to their reading, speaking, listening, and viewing. 5 - Students read to locate, select, and make use of relevant information from a variety of media, references, and technological sources. 6 - Students read and recognize literature as a record of human experience.

What do we need to know? how to locate main idea/supporting details how to use organizational features of text the genre of expository writing conventions

• • • •

Tuesday – First Day Rules, procedures, etc. Multiple Intelligences Test Teacher PowerPoint Introduce student project HW: Bring in materials for project Announce independent reading assignment

DO What are we going to do? Reading • • •

Locate main idea/supporting details Use context clues to determine word meanings Identify organizational features of nonfiction texts

Writing • • •

Identify capitals, conjunctions, commas, nouns, semi-colons, homophones Introduce paragraph organization Discuss models of expository writing

Assessment •

First sample paragraph

Vocabulary • Clause (McREL square)


Wednesday – 5a, 4a Student project (15-20) Write a paragraph on themselves Choose novel for independent reading Collect writing samples for Jari Review capitalization Vocabulary - clause

6th Grade Q1

Thursday Introduce literature book and organizational features of text (table of contents, index, etc.) Read and analyze media account pgs. 582, 583, 584-587 in lit book

Materials Needed – copies of MI test, copies of GIST template, paper, scissors, glue, magazines, etc., teacher PowerPoint

Genre: Media Account Author’s purpose

Friday Discuss main idea information and how to organize and record the GIST of what they read (GIST template) Assign: independent reading due on Monday (30 pages)

Interdisciplinary -

GT – Explain how their strongest intelligence traits relate to their projects

CRT – Students incorporate a cultural aspect in their getting to know you projects and share. Newspaper article about Japanese astronaut

Technology Integration – teach use of clicker response system Activate prior knowledge of space/nonfiction piece with clickers

Other –

Notes –

E Skills Checklist –

Duties and Meetings:

6th Grade Q1

Week of 8/24 – 8/28 (Week 2)


Reading and Writing Standards 1 - Students read and understand a variety of materials. 2 - Students write and speak for a variety of purposes and audiences. 3 - Students write and speak using conventional grammar, usage, sentence structure, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.

Monday – DOL – teach and reinforce grammar in writing Read pg. 570-573: locate main idea and supporting details using graphic organizer – use family traditions as a main idea that we do as a class, and then students work in groups SSR (with bookmarks) Vocabulary: conventions and modifier

4 - Students apply thinking skills to their reading, speaking, listening, and viewing. 5 - Students read to locate, select, and make use of relevant information from a variety of media, references, and technological sources. 6 - Students read and recognize literature as a record of human experience.

What do we need to know?

understand a variety of nonfiction literature know structure of expository paragraph conventions and complete sentences

• • •


What are we going to do?

Tuesday – DOL – grammar review Discuss graphic organizer from Monday as a class RAP – Do you think the narrator is older or younger than his brother and sister? Use evidence from the story to support your answer Show RAP rubric SSR

Reading • • •

Locate and paraphrase main idea/supporting details Use context clues to find word meanings Begin analyzing text structure

Writing • • •

Generate expository paragraph Sentence structure: fragments vs. run-ons, simple and complex Conjunctions, commas, semicolons, homophones/homonyms

Assessment • •

Generate expository paragraph Main idea graphic organizer

Vocabulary • conventions • modifier Notes:

Wednesday – DOL – grammar review Read pgs. 596-599 and complete main idea graphic organizer SSR

6th Grade Q1

Thursday –

Materials Needed –

DOL – grammar review Go over graphic organizer and discuss reading RAP – Do you think an understanding of one’s heritage makes a person stronger? Explain. RAP rubric SSR

Textbook Main idea graphic organizers RAP rubric Document camera

Friday –

GT – Use laptops to research either Gary Soto or a tradition from a particular Native American culture.

Interdisciplinary -

CRT – Discuss traditions in different cultures as they pertain to the reading and students’ own lives.

Other –

Technology Integration – Students learn how to use interwrite board for DOL and graphic organizers.

Notes – Schedule 20 minute introduction to the library with Melanie.

Duties and Meetings:

6th Grade Q1

Week of 8/31 – 9/4 (Week 3)

PLAN Reading and Writing Standards 1 - Students read and understand a variety of materials. 2 - Students write and speak for a variety of purposes and audiences. 3 - Students write and speak using conventional grammar, usage, sentence structure, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.

Monday – DOL – journal prompt Vocabulary: exposition Introduce Three Cups of Tea Discuss organizational features of the text Read foreword and Intro (pgs. Xv – xxi) SSR

4 - Students apply thinking skills to their reading, speaking, listening, and viewing. 5 - Students read to locate, select, and make use of relevant information from a variety of media, references, and technological sources. 6 - Students read and recognize literature as a record of human experience.

What do we need to know? • • •

Understand a variety of nonfiction literature Organization of expository paragraph Differentiate fact from opinion in literature


Tuesday – DOL – journal prompt Read and discuss chapters 1 and 2 of Three Cups of Tea (pgs. 1-13) Work on reading strategies: paraphrase, context clues, fact vs. opinion SSR

What are we going to do? Reading • • •

Locate and paraphrase main idea/supporting details Use context clues to find word meanings Differentiate fact from opinion in literature

Writing • • •

Edit organization of generated paragraphs (week 2) Tie paragraph in reading of main idea Conventions: transitions, introductory clauses, phrases, complex sentences

Assessment • •

Reading Benchmark 1 Edited and revised paragraph

Vocabulary • exposition


Wednesday – DOL – journal prompt Read and discuss chapters 3-4 of Three Cups of Tea (pgs. 14-26) Work on reading strategies

6th Grade Q1

Thursday –

Materials Needed –

DOL – journal prompt

Class set of books PowerPoint with journal prompts

Reading Benchmark #1 Three Cups of Tea – if time allows SSR

Friday – DOL – journal prompt Group Work: Label and edit organization of 2 paragraphs from previous week Barnstorm ideas for extended writing – expanding ideas SSR Interdisciplinary – Research and make posters and/or brochures Write a letter to Greg Mortenson about the book Create a drawing, poem, sculpture, other artwork, brochure, PowerPoint, etc. showing how you felt about education before reading the book and show how you feel about education after reading the book Students create their own clicker test for parents

Other –

GT – Students gather information from penniesforpeace website

CRT – Discuss Greg Mortenson’s views about education to come up with ideas about the “American view of Education” Compare our culture to culture in book Discuss Islamic vocabulary Discuss mentality of those who climb K@ and other mountains Technology Integration – Introduce students to for research and homework help Clickers for activating prior knowledge about the book (setting, themes, characters) Also do affinity chart and/or concensogram to display in the room all quarter

Notes –

E Skills Checklist –

Duties and Meetings:

6th Grade Q1

Week of 9/7 – 9/11 (Week 4)


Monday –

Reading and Writing Standards 1 - Students read and understand a variety of materials. 2 - Students write and speak for a variety of purposes and audiences. 3 - Students write and speak using conventional grammar, usage, sentence structure, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling. 4 - Students apply thinking skills to their reading, speaking, listening, and viewing. 5 - Students read to locate, select, and make use of relevant information from a variety of media, references, and technological sources. 6 - Students read and recognize literature as a record of human experience.

What do we need to know? • • •

Summarize and organize a variety of literature How to generate a summary paragraph Clauses, phrases, sentence structures


Tuesday – DOL – grammar review Vocabulary – paraphrase/summarize Introduce extended writing: complete graphic organizer as a class – “What were three activities students did over the summer?” focus on adjectives and adverbs SSR

What are we going to do? Reading • • •

Summarize and organize using graphic organizer Read and respond to literature using graphic organizer Edit graphic organizer for main idea, supporting details, and summary

Writing • • •

Generate extended constructed response from graphic organizer w/relevant details and reasons Sentence structure (reinforce) Edit graphic organizer for main idea, supporting details, and summary

Assessment •

Writing Benchmark #1

Vocabulary • paraphrase/summarize Notes:

Wednesday – Writing Benchmark #1 – Plan and 1st Draft

6th Grade Q1

Thursday –

Materials Needed –

Writing Benchmark #1 – Edit and Revise; Final Draft

Extended writing graphic organizer (outline) Class set of books

Friday – DOL – grammar review Read and discuss chapters 5-6 of Three Cups of Tea – pgs. 27-39 Reinforce reading strategies SSR

GT – Students gather information from the Central Asia Institute

CRT – Compare/contrast the American view of education to the view of education in central Asia. Discuss how we often view all Muslims as radicals.

Interdisciplinary See week 3 for ideas Technology Integration – Use document camera to project journal prompts for DOL Use interwrite board to complete the extended writing graphic organizer. Other –

Notes –

Duties and Meetings:

6th Grade Q1

Week of 9/14 – 9/18 (Week 5)

PLAN Reading and Writing Standards 1 - Students read and understand a variety of materials. 2 - Students write and speak for a variety of purposes and audiences. 3 - Students write and speak using conventional grammar, usage, sentence structure, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.

Monday – DOL – grammar review Vocabulary: antecedent and appositive Collaborative lesson with Melanie on citation of sources and features of electronic information SSR

4 - Students apply thinking skills to their reading, speaking, listening, and viewing. 5 - Students read to locate, select, and make use of relevant information from a variety of media, references, and technological sources. 6 - Students read and recognize literature as a record of human experience.

What do we need to know? • how to locate and use organizational features of

electronic information how to write/organize short constructed responses conventions (identify and use

• •


What are we going to do?

Tuesday – DOL – grammar review Read and discuss chapters 7-8 in Three Cups of Tea (pgs. 40-47) Short constructed response on first third of book SSR

Reading • • •

Use organizational features of electronic text Locate and use bibliography Locate and use others’ ideas and images


Write/organize short constructed responses Use transitions, quotation marks, and underlining/italicizing Identify pronouns and prepositions

Reading Benchmark #2

• •


Vocabulary • antecedent • appositive


Wednesday – DOL – grammar review Read and discuss chapters 9-10 of Three Cups of Tea (pgs. 48-59) Electronic texts SSR

6th Grade Q1

Thursday –

Materials Needed –

Reading Benchmark #2

Class set of books Laptops

Three Cups of Tea – if time allows Bibliographies – identify images and ideas SSR

Friday –

GT – Collaborate with Melanie for additional research ideas

DOL – grammar review Read and discuss chapters 11-12 in Three Cups of Tea (pgs. 60-74) Electronic texts

CRT – Compare/contrast traditions discussed in chapter 9 about roles and relationships of men and women


Interdisciplinary – See week 3

Technology Integration – Internet Research – organizational features of electronic information, citing sources, PowerPoint, document camera, and interwrite boards

Other –

Notes –

E Skills Checklist –

Duties and Meetings:

6th Grade Q1

Week of 9/21 – 9/25 (Week 6)

PLAN Reading and Writing Standards 1 - Students read and understand a variety of materials. 2 - Students write and speak for a variety of purposes and audiences. 3 - Students write and speak using conventional grammar, usage, sentence structure, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.

Monday – DOL – journal prompt Vocabulary – passage Read and discuss chapter 13 of Three Cups of Tea (pgs. 75 – 85) Group discussion (questions about the text) SSR

4 - Students apply thinking skills to their reading, speaking, listening, and viewing. 5 - Students read to locate, select, and make use of relevant information from a variety of media, references, and technological sources. 6 - Students read and recognize literature as a record of human experience.

What do we need to know? • how to implement reading strategies • how to write a summary of research • conventions

Tuesday – DOL – journal prompt Read and discuss chapters 14 -15 of Three Cups of Tea (pgs. 84 – 97) Reading strategies: discuss author’s purpose, draw conclusions, predict, and infer

DO What are we going to do? Reading • • •

Determine author’s purpose Make predictions, draw conclusions, infer Read and respond

Writing • • •

Paragraph/summary/research assignment Reinforce multi-paragraph essay with models Parallel structure, pronouns, prepositions

Assessment •

Vocabulary • passage


Wednesday – DOL – journal prompt Read and discuss chapters 16 – 17 of Three Cups of Tea (pgs. 98 – 112) Reinforce reading strategies SSR

6th Grade Q1

Thursday –

Materials Needed –

DOL – journal prompt Read and discuss chapters 18-19 in Three Cups of Tea (pgs. 113 – 128) Review extended writing format – discuss models SSR

Class set of books Models of extended writings PowerPoint of journal prompts

Friday – DOL – journal prompt Read and discuss chapters 20-21 of Three Cups of Tea (pgs. 129-146) Review extended writing format – discuss models from students’ writing on benchmark #1 SSR

GT – Students edit their own extended writing to be used as a model

CRT – Continue comparing/contrasting American and Central Asian cultures. Focus on roles and rights of women in Central Asia Interdisciplinary – See week #3

Other –

Technology Integration – Students will use the interwrite board to highlight and make comments on the models. Use document camera to project models.

Notes –

Duties and Meetings:

Week of 8/18 – 8/21

6th Grade Q1

Week of 9/28 – 10/2 (Week 7)

PLAN Reading and Writing Standards

Monday –

1 - Students read and understand a variety of materials. 2 - Students write and speak for a variety of purposes and audiences. 3 - Students write and speak using conventional grammar, usage, sentence structure, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling. 4 - Students apply thinking skills to their reading, speaking, listening, and viewing. 5 - Students read to locate, select, and make use of relevant information from a variety of media, references, and technological sources. 6 - Students read and recognize literature as a record of human experience.

What do we need to know? how to implement reading strategies how to do an extended writing to an expository prompt conventions

• • •

Tuesday – DOL – grammar review Vocabulary – perspective In class RAP response: How has your understanding of the culture of Central Asia changed? SSR

DO What are we going to do? Reading • • •

Identify author’s purpose Predict, draw conclusions, and make inferences Read and respond

Writing • • •

Write a multi-=paragraph paper to expository prompt Locate and use verbs Reinforce sentence structure, etc.

Assessment •

Reading Benchmark #3

Vocabulary • perspective


Wednesday – DOL – grammar review Read and discuss chapter 22 of Three Cups of Tea (pgs. 147 – 156) Wrap-up discussion of book. • Guiding questions • Connections to students’ lives – Pennies for Peace • Redo clicker test and affinity chart (week 3) to note attitude changes SSR

6th Grade Q1


Materials Needed –

Count Day Reading Benchmark #3 DOL – grammar review Class brainstorming – create a list on the interwrite board of answers to Tuesday’s RAP SSR

Clicker response system Students’ journals from previous week for grammar review Laptops Extended writing outline sample

Friday DOL – grammar review Extended writing practice: In pairs, students will outline and draft a response to the question: How has your understanding of the culture of Central Asia changed after finishing Three Cups of Tea? SSR

GT – Students present what the Central Asia Institute has done in the last year.

CRT – Discuss how students’ understanding of Central Asian culture has changed.

Interdisciplinary See week #3

Other –

Technology Integration – Students will retake clicker test about their attitudes on education, Central Asian culture, etc., to see how their views changed. Students will use laptops to draft an extended writing.

Notes –

E Skills Checklist –

Duties and Meetings:

6th Grade Q1

Week of 10/5 – 10/9 (Week 8)


Reading and Writing Standards 1 - Students read and understand a variety of materials. 2 - Students write and speak for a variety of purposes and audiences.

Monday – DOL – grammar review Vocabulary – footnote Extended writing practice: Students will revise and edit on the computer (from Friday) and self-assess where they think they are on the rubric. SSR

3 - Students write and speak using conventional grammar, usage, sentence structure, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling. 4 - Students apply thinking skills to their reading, speaking, listening, and viewing. 5 - Students read to locate, select, and make use of relevant information from a variety of media, references, and technological sources. 6 - Students read and recognize literature as a record of human experience.

What do we need to know?

Main idea and reading strategies How to edit multi-paragraph essay Conventions

• • •


What are we going to do?

Tuesday – DOL – grammar review Discuss graphic organizer from Monday as a class RAP – Do you think the narrator is older or younger than his brother and sister? Use evidence from the story to support your answer Show RAP rubric SSR

Reading •

Review all areas – main idea, supporting details, context clues, author’s purpose, predictions, conclusions, and inferences

Writing • • •

Peer assess extended writing Self-assess extended writing Review/reinforce conventions

Assessment •

Writing Benchmark #2

Vocabulary • footnote


Wednesday – Writing Benchmark #2 - Plan and Draft

6th Grade Q1

Thursday –

Materials Needed –

Writing Benchmark #2 – Edit and Revise, Final Draft

Laptops Extended Writing Outline Sample Textbooks

Friday – DOL – grammar review Reading strategy review: • Give students the title (“Talent”) and have them make predictions • Read author bio (pg. 32) to determine author’s purpose • Read pgs. 40-43 – “Talent” by Annie Dillard

Interdisciplinary See Week #3

Other –

GT – Create a visual depiction or study guide reviewing the parts of speech, the parts of a sentence, and/or punctuation. CRT – Discuss how talent is viewed differently in various cultures/regions and even among families and across genders.

Technology Integration – Use document camera to project grammar review Students use interwrite board to correct the grammar review Students use laptops to edit and assess extended writing Notes –

Duties and Meetings:

Week of 8/31 – 9/4

6th Grade Q1

Week of 10/12 – 10/16 (Week 9)

PLAN Reading and Writing Standards 1 - Students read and understand a variety of materials. 2 - Students write and speak for a variety of purposes and audiences. 3 - Students write and speak using conventional grammar, usage, sentence structure, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.

Monday – DOL – journal prompt Vocabulary: review game Reading strategy review: summarize “Talent” – write 20 word GIST; discuss main idea, supporting details, and conclusions SSR

4 - Students apply thinking skills to their reading, speaking, listening, and viewing. 5 - Students read to locate, select, and make use of relevant information from a variety of media, references, and technological sources. 6 - Students read and recognize literature as a record of human experience.

What do we need to know? • • •

Main idea and reading strategies Editing multi-paragraph essays Conventions


Tuesday – DOL – journal prompt Reading Strategy Review: • Read pgs. 559-561 “Olympic Diary” • Discuss main idea, supporting details, author’s purpose, and inferences SSR

What are we going to do? Reading •

Review all areas

Writing • • •

Peer assess writing Self assess writing Review/reinforce conventions

Assessment •


Vocabulary • Reinforce quarter 1 words


Wednesday – DOL – journal prompt Continue review of reading strategies Interview activity (pg. 563) of Amanda Borden (author of “Olympic Diary” SSR

6th Grade Q1

Thursday –

Materials Needed –

DOL – journal prompt

PowerPoint with journal prompts

Quarter 1 Vocabulary Quiz Nonfiction review (interwrite) • What is nonfiction? • What are elements of nonfiction? • What are types or subgenres of nonfiction? SSR

GT – Finish creating a grammar review from week 8 Friday –

CRT – Discuss how the Olympics bring together the international community

Technology Integration – Use interwrite board to list and categorize students’ understanding of nonfiction PowerPoint of journal prompts Interdisciplinary – See week #3

Notes –

Other –

E Skills Checklist –

Duties and Meetings:

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