2 minute read
W e lc o m e
hen I was growing up, my family moved a lot. We lived in seven states and ten cities. I went to three different high schools. Yet despite living just about everywhere, I have never felt more at home than I do here in Gallatin. My heart feels like I should have been born and raised here.
Gallatin is a beautiful city with residents who are gracious and e c in t ne c ers hich n i ressi e an en earin have lived in cities where residents were opposed to any form of growth. Today, those cities are dying.
Fortunately, that is not the case here in Gallatin. Our beautiful city is growing, and in all the right ways. Our city leaders have done an outstanding job of navigating and choosing opportunities that will make our community better and stronger. I love having a ringside seat to Gallatin’s evolution.
As you explore this edition of the Gallatin City Guide, I encourage you to venture out and explore the people, places, and things covered in these pages. I hope you discover, as I have, that Gallatin is a place where True Grit and Amazing Grace come together in the most beautiful way.
Respectfully yours,
Kit Sinyard
Chairman Gallatin Area Chamber of Commerce
Kit Sinyard, Chairman Gallatin Area Chamber of Commerce
The south side of the square in 2020.
e don’t know about you, but we were glad to see 2020 end. We’re also grateful for the hidden blessings the year brought.
That’s what this issue of the Gallatin City Guide is all about, and the timing couldn’t be better. You see, this issue commemorates 2021, the year that marks the 100th anniversary of the Gallatin rea ha er f erce e n it re than a itt e amusing that our anniversary year would come on the heels of the COVID-19 pandemic. One hundred years ago, our city was in the grip of another pandemic: the Spanish Flu. And here we are, a century later, marveling at the tenacity, the perseverance, and the grit it took for our community to make it through an exceptionally tough year. Here we are a century later with our faith, our inspiration, and our grace fully intact.
The south side of the square circa 1900. If 2020 taught us anything, it showed us the importance of rein enti n in et s ta e a ent t re ect n one of the Chamber’s greatest strengths: the ability to manage chan e es ecia in if cu t ti es han e ssess a t That’s the formula for success that Chambers of Commerce across the country have been advocating since the beginning. That’s why, when the COVID-19 pandemic came to town, the Gallatin Area Chamber of Commerce was out in front, working to make sure that our businesses—and our community—would continue to thrive.
Celebrating a Century of Reinvention