7 minute read
T h e n & N o w : T h e B u s in e s s o f A g in g
then&now T H E B U S IN E S S O F A G IN G
Community Life Bridge
There was a time not so long ago when the business of aging was a family matter. Caring for aging loved ones was a task left to the family. Just a few generations ago, an older adult would be cared for by family members, often women, who would step in to provide the care and services needed. There were few nursing homes, no assisted living centers, no continuing care facilities, and no memory care units. Families were pretty much on their own.
oday, thanks in part to the Baby Boom generation (10,000 Baby Boomers turn 65 every day—and will until 2030), there are more services than ever to support families who are caring for elderly loved ones. That’s a good thing. According to the Tennessee Commission on Aging and Disability, by the year 2030, the senior population of Sumner County will grow by 38 ercent acc untin f r ne in e resi ents in the area hen it comes to providing services for seniors and their families, Gallatin is richly blessed.
G a l l a t in S e n io r C o u n c il R o u n d ta b l e
In this group, formed by the Mayor of Gallatin, more than a dozen representatives from the public sector along with professionals from ministry, healthcare, senior services, and n n r ts eet t e e c unit ase s uti ns that i improve seniors’ everyday lives. The Gallatin Senior Council Roundtable is currently working to designate Gallatin as an Age-Friendly City, part of the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities.
S e n io r - F o c u s e d S u p p o r t S e r v ic e s
Gallatin boasts a growing network of support dedicated to improving the lives of older adults. Two of the most prominent groups, Community Life Bridge and SilverSolutions, help connect seniors, family caregivers, and the professionals who support them to appropriate services and resources. Both organizations were founded by Robin Williams, a local healthcare entrepreneur who has launched several businesses dedicated to addressing the unmet needs of the area’s oldest residents. Another well-known local program, The Veranda Ministries, is a congregational respite program meeting the social, spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of older adults with Alzheimer's Disease, dementia, or other debilitating medical issues.
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An eclectic mix of restaurants, retailers, and other businesses draws visitors of all ages to Gallatin’s historic square.
Photo caption
Community members gather for a clergy-led prayer gathering in June. A high school homecoming event in the 1940s or 1950s.
Jake Mason of Mason & Associates The team at Takacs McGinnis Elder Care Law
S e n io r H o u s in g
Gallatin offers many comfortable and attractive residential options for seniors, including relaxed independent living communities, skilled nursing facilities, and everything in between. If someone you know is looking for a place to call home, excellent options include McKendree Lambuth Retirement Community, Lenox Place Condominiums, The Waters of Gallatin, Brookdale Gallatin Assisted Living, The Capstone at Station Camp, Park Place in Hendersonville, Morningside of Gallatin, NHC Place Sumner, Gallatin Center for Rehabilitation and Healing, and Hickory Hills Alzheimer’s Special Care Center in Hendersonville.
E l d e r C a r e L a w
in chr nic i ness an isa i it raise if cu t uesti ns rtunate t r s in the a atin area are e e ui e t he fa i ies n the ans ers as n ss ciates r i es estate planning, elder law, business planning, and probate ser ices un er a e as n the n ua certi e att rne in estate planning and elder law in Tennessee and Kentucky, has extensive experience in the areas of special needs law, special needs trusts, and disability trusts.
Takacs McGinnis Elder Care Law provides estate planning, e er a e icai an ene ts annin asset r tecti n Medicare counseling, and Life Care Planning, a unique specialty of elder law that bundles those services with elder care coordination to provide guidance to families during every ste f the n ter care urne The r s f un in artner erti e er a tt rne Ti Ta acs is the architect f this innovative approach to elder law, which is now practiced by hun re s f r s acr ss the c untr
T r a n s p o r ta t io n
For seniors who no longer drive, getting around can be a challenge. Fortunately, Community Life Bridge sponsors a program called Community Life Ride, an affordable, assisted ride service that pairs seniors who need transportation with volunteers who can provide it. Community Life Ride currently provides rides to seniors in Hendersonville and Gallatin.
S e r v ic e D ir e c t o r ie s
Connecting to the services you need is a simple matter in Gallatin. The SilverLink directory (SilverLinkCares.com) is a portal that offers up-to-the-minute access to providers of products, services, housing, and advice for seniors. Search f r istin s that t ur criteria see ratin s an re ie s an take facility tours—all online. The City of Gallatin also offers a service directory just for seniors.
Access the City of Gallatin's Directory of Services for seniors and caregivers:
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F it n e s s
er a u ts h ant t sta in sha e i n ent of options in Gallatin. In addition to the city’s beautiful parks and tree lined greenways, the Gallatin Civic Center offers classes just for seniors, including Silver nea ers a hea th an tness r ra that r i es access an tness c asses f r er a u ts an i er an it a tness r ra esi ne s eci ca for senior citizens. The Gallatin Civic Center is a hub of activity for people ages 65 and older, offering monthly luncheons for seniors participating in the fitness programs. Jazzercise offers a low-impact tness c ass f r seni rs e er Tues a an Thurs a at 8:30 a.m. at Unlimited Potential Community Development Corp., part of First Baptist Winchester. Seniors interested in working out with equipment will e the tness faci it at n i ite tentia ccess bikes, treadmills, and every workout machine you can thin f f r fees that u e if u re n a e income.
F u n e r a l H o m e s
In Gallatin, families can choose from several professionals skilled at offering support and services when a loved one dies. Alexander Funeral Home & Cremation Center, Anderson Funeral Home, Crestview Funeral Home, Memory Gardens & Cremation, Family Heritage Funeral Home, Johnson & Coleman Funeral Home, and Sumner Funeral & Cremation are all good choices. §