VOLTA NY 2015, Ida Kvetny

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VOLTA NY, MARCH 5-8 2015



Emissions Blazing landscapes and apocalyptic worlds form the setting for a dream-like scenario where the detail recounts the ecstasies and tragedies of human life, - in, with and against nature. Endless microcosms, simultaneous incidences and situations occur in the quest for an archetypical alphabet. Faces, plant roots and bolt nuts encounter abstract elements that lead us into a parallel reality, a web of thought and an iconography that transcends cultures, ages and universes and even the surface of the painting. The space plays with the concept of ‘scientific imagination’ where the impossible has been made possible. Machines drill towards the center of the earth in search of shale gas, fluorescent surrendered tree trunks, and the underground is populated by headless lab-coat people. Primal mothers searching, bodies in decay, but also the beauty of magic when everything merges together and the force of nature takes the wheel. The forces control time, space and colors that turn into strange events, dream-like and irrationally opening up to a world beyond the one we know. In Kvetny’s most recent work we experience a play between space-creating and space-disintegrating elements, fighting for the upper hand. In the large painting ‘Seven Setting Suns’ we are faced with a barren lunar landscape. The horizontal line is drawn between the underground, the foreground and the sky, a traditional landscape where the three spheres intertwine. The sun has fallen into the underground and is contemplating whether to rise or set. In the painting ‘Drilling for Shale Gas’ we see a copper, maroon and orange coloration. The clean canvas appears together with the cooler azure blues and lavender, and establishes the main story of the four organic constructions on a race through the work with pointed drills. Perhaps they are on their way into the center of the earth, or they are steering towards a chaotic inner world... Emissions Flammende landskaber og apokalyptiske verdener danner rammen for et drømmelignende scenario, hvori detaljen fortæller om menneskelivet på godt og ondt - i, med og mod naturen. Uendelige mikrouniverser, simultane hændelser og situationer opstår i jagten på et arketypisk alfabet. Ansigter, planterødder og møtrikker møder abstrakte elementer, der sammen fører os ind i en parallel virkelighed, et tankespind og en ikonografi der går på tværs af kulturer, tidsaldre og universer samt maleriets flade. Et rum der leger med begrebet ”scientific imagination” hvor det umulige er muliggjort. Der er maskiner der borer mod jordens indre efter skifergas, flouriserende træstammer der bliver sendt til tælling og undergrunden er befolket af hovedløse kittel-mennesker. Urkvinder der søger, kroppe i opløsning, men også magiens skønhed når det hele smelter sammen og naturens kræfter tager over. Kræfterne kontrollerer tiderne, rummet og farverne, der bliver til forunderlige begivenheder, der drømmeagtigt og irrationelt åbner op til en verden hinsides den kendte. I Kvetnys nyeste værker oplever vi et spil mellem rumskabende og rumopløsende elementer, der kæmper om at få overtaget. I det store maleri ”Seven Setting Suns” står vi overfor et goldt månelandskab. Den horisontale linje er trukket op mellem undergrund, forgrund og himmel, et traditionelt landskabsbillede hvor de tre sfærer blander sig. Solen er faldet ned i undergrunden, hvor den ligger og overvejer om den skal stå op eller gå ned. I maleriet ”Drilling for Shale Gas” ses en kraftig rød og orange farveholdning. Det rene lærred står frem sammen med de kølige blå og lilla farver, og skaber den overordnede historie om de 4 organiske konstruktioner i kapløb gennem værket med spidse bor. De er måske på vej ind i jordens indre eller styrer de mod et kaotiske indre…

IDA KVETNY Charlottenborg Kunsthal, 2014 TIL VÆGS In the making.

IDA KVETNY Meteorit, 2015 Painting, 203 x 127 cm

IDA KVETNY Symbolic cabinet, 2014 (detail) Plaster, Graphite on MDF

IDA KVETNY Fembot, 2015, drawing, 42 x 59 cm

IDA KVETNY REM, 2015 Drawing, 30 x 30 cm

IDA KVETNY Boreal forest and Castle, 2014 Mixed media on canvas, 142 x 233 cm

IDA KVETNY Heat Wave, 2015 Drawing, 42 x 59 cm

IDA KVETNY Silkwood, 2015 Drawing, 65 x 76 cm

IDA KVETNY Manic Minor, 2015 Drawing, 35 x 43 cm

IDA KVETNY Visitor, 2015 Drawing, 35 x 43 cm

IDA KVETNY Cradle Camp, 2015 Painting, 102 x 104 cm

IDA KVETNY Drilling, 2015 Painting, 203 x 123 cm

IDA KVETNY Swamp Thing, 2015 Painting, 102 x 102 cm

IDA KVETNY Black Trillium, 2015 Painting, 74 x 106 cm


Born 1980 in Odense, Denmark EDUCATION MA Fine Art. Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, London, UK 2006-2007 BA (hons) Drawing & Painting. Edinburgh College of Art, UK: 2004-2006 NORFOLK Summer Program, YALE University School of Music and Art, Connecticut, US: 2005 The Funen Academy of Art, Odense, DK: 2002-2003 EXHIBITIONS 2016 “Disgrusia”, Format Art Space 2015 Solo, VOLTA NY, US: Mar. With Galleri Christoffer Egelund “TREND” Galleri Wolfsen, DK: Feb FOKUS 2015, Nikolaj Kunsthal, DK, Feb 2014 “SOLO SHOW”, Galleri Christoffer Egelund, DK: Aug 2014 “Group Show”, Munch Gallery, NY: Jan “ZIEGEN”, Nikolaj Kunsthal, DK, Nov 2013-2014 2013 “In case we don’t die”, Torrance Art Museum, LA: Mar 2013 2012 Solo, Gallery Christoffer Egelund, DK: Sept. 2012 2011 “PSYCH-OUT”, Holstebro Kunstmuseum, DK: Sept 2011 “Poets”, KUNZ VIS PROJECTS, Chicago, US: Sept 2011 “Transreginal Aesthetics”, Castle Inn Gallery, New York, US: Sept 2011 Solo, VOLTA SHOW”, US: Mar 2011 “In case we don’t die”, Helene Nyborg Contemporary, DK: Mar 2011 “Painterly Delight”, Ystad Konstmuseum, SE: Mar 2011 “Visions of Abstraction”, Charlotte Fogh contemporary, DK: Feb 2011 “Denmark’s største loft maleri”, DOCKEN, DK: Feb 2011 2010 Solo, “ En Face “ Helene Nyborg Contemporary, Kbh, DK: Sept 2010 “A flag for every occasion”. WAS (wonderland art space) Copenhagen sept 2010. “In Case we don’t die”, Berlin: may-june & Vegas Gallery, London, July 2010. Painterly Delight, Art Center Silkeborg Bad, DK: Jun 2010 “Five years after”. The Purple Pineapple Project, Los Angeles, US: may 2010 “One Night Stand (a back alley quicky)” Raid Projects, US: mar 2010 “The Grand Opening Show”, Helene Nyborg Contemporary, Kbh, DK: Feb. 2010 “The Mentor Show”, Larmgalleri, Kbh, DK: Jan. 2010

Solo, “Pineapples on the loose a goat and the meeting of the seven stars”, Charlotte Fogh Contemporary, Århus, DK: Jan-feb. 2009 Mask, Galleri Mikael Andersen, Kbh, DK: dec 2009 “Venner, Kammerater, Kolleger”, Lejre, DK Sept. “ON PAPER”, Fillosofgangen, Odense, DK: Juli-aug. “The Party”, Beaver Projects, DK: aug-sept. Human Nature, Charlotte Fogh Contemporary, Århus, DK: Maj-jun. Til Vægs, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, København, DK : 17. Jan.-15. mar. 2008 Solo,, “Blaze”, Kirkhoff, Copenhagen, DK: Mar.– Apr. Funk, Charlotte Fogh Contemporary, Århus, DK: May-Jun. Grand Opening, Galerie Wolfsen, Aalborg, DK: May-Jun. The 2008 Sovereign European Art Prize, Somerset House, London, UK: Oct. Art Auction and exhibition supporting children in Ethiopia, ARoS, Århus, DK: Nov. Rebranding X-MAS, Gallerie Fedt, Copenhagen, DK: Dec-Jan. 2007 Påskeudstilling, Janusbygningen, Tistrup, DK: Mar.-Apr. Eyes on the Prize, Bendixen Contemporary Art, Copenhagen, DK: Mar. Mad Love – Young Art in Danish Private Collections, ARKEN Museum for Moderne Kunst, Ishøj, DK: Sep.-Dec. Degree Show, Central Saint Martin’s College of Art and Design, London, UK: Jun. Comix!, Brandts, Odense: Sep.-Jan. Group exhibition at the Museum of Art, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea: Oct.-Dec. 2006-2005 Solo, Chain, Barrel, Ladder, Jar, Kirkhoff, Copenhagen, DK RSA Student Exhibition, Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh, UK Female Fantasy, Laboratorium, Copenhagen, DK Degree Show, Edinburgh College of Art, UK Absolute Summer Show, Kirkhoff, Copenhagen, DK Group exhibition, Total Kunst, Edinburgh, UK. Annual exhibition, Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh, DK PRIZES/AWARDS Niels Wessel Baggers Foundation. 2011 Aage and Yelva Nimb honorary scholarship. 2010 Work selected by Dansk Ungdoms Fællesråd (The Danish Youth Council) to be given as price for the youth city of the year. 2009 Shortlisted for The British Sovereign Art Prize. 2008 Young Artist of the Year Award, (Danish Leaders’ Organisation). 2006 Royal Scottish Academy painters prize 2005 The Maclaine Medal, Scottish International Education Trust, UK 2005 Whaleys Prize, January exhibition, Edinburgh College of Art, UK 2005 John Murray Thomson Award for ‘a work by a promising young painter’, Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh, UK 2005 GRANTS

San Cataldo Fellowship, Italy june 2012 Ragnvald & Ida Blix foundation 2011 Exhibitions grant from the Danish Art Foundation 2011 Travel grant from the Danish Art Foundation 2009 Knud Højgaard Art Foundation 2009 Ellen Battell Stoeckel Fellowship Grand. Yale University, Norfolk School of Art, USA 2005 PRINTMAKING Hostrup-Pedersen & Johansen’ litografiske atelier 2010 Edition Copenhagen 2011 Jørgen Hansen Tryk 2012 TEACHING/LECTURES 2010 Artist talk and workshop, Ærø Kunsthøjskole: Aug. 2009 Artist talk / group critiques, The Funen Academy of Art, DK: Mar. 2008 Artist lecture. Vera Art School, Copenhagen, DK: Oct. COMMISSIONS Site Specific painting, Naturgas Fyn, DK: 2011 Site Specific loft painting at Docken, Copenhagen, DK: 2011 Site Specific work for sixth floor, Nykredit, Kalvebod Brygge, Copenhagen, DK: 2007 Mural Painting, Youth Center, Karlebo Municipality, DK: 2006 RECIDENCIES The international AIR-program NARS Art Foundation in Brooklyn, NY, US, 2015 18.st ARt Center Santa Monica, LA, US: Spring 2013 Raid Projects, LA, US: Spring 2010 The SAN CATALDO institution Italy: june 2012 CATALOGUES/BOOKS “What we are talking about”, Contributions to the book, Alinea 2013 “Psych-Out”, Holstebro Kunstmuseums forlag, 2011 “En Face”. Helene Nyborg Contemporary. 2010 Painterly Delight, 2010 VITARAP, Granat, 2009 Erkendelsens Art. Aben Maler Publications, 2009 A Slightly More Sophisticated Publication, Cover/Malling Publications, 2009 Til vægs, Kunsthal Charlottenborg. Fälth & Hässel, 2009 Comix, Kunsthal Brandts, 2007 Chain, Barrel, ladder, jar. Kirkhoff. Centertryk A/S, 2006 ART FAIRS NADA, New Art Dealer Alliance, Miami (2007, 2006 Kirkhoff ) LISTE, Basel (2006 Kirkhoff ) VOLTA NY, New York (2011 Helene Nyborg Contemporary) VOLTA BASEL, Basel (2007 Kirkhoff, 2012 Christoffer Egelund Gallery) PRESS Kunst butik vil sælge navne til fornuftige priser, Politikken: May 2013

Kaffe med Kvetny, Magasinet Kunst October, 2012 Kunstquizzen, DRK: 18 marts 2012 Included in “kraks blå bog” feb 2012 “Nuanseret Pskedelisk”, Kunsten.nu: November, 2011 Psykedelisk kunst , Kunst Avisen 10, 2011. Smagsdommerne, DR2: 6. October 2011 Artist interview, Morgan Labar. LUXE IMMO April, 2011 Mit hemmelige sted: Politikken: Febuar 2011 Kunst: Set w/ Michael Jeppesen, Information October, 2010 Galleri siden, Information August 2010 Ti min I farveland, Tenna Eliasen, Kunsten.nu: Januar 2010 Unge kunstere rejser ud, Kulturnyt, P2: 12. Januar 2010 Ingen udfordring er for stor, Christina Lund Madsen, Børsen magasin #3 26 marts 2009 Kunsterne Maler Direkte på væggen på Charlottenborg, Ditte Giese, Politiken: January 2009 I en verden fuld af billeder, Katrine Sekjær, Information: January 2009 Fabulerende farveeksplosioner på Galleri Kirkhoff, Maria Wernberg, Bryggebladet: April 2008 Junglerytmer, Tom Jørgensen, Kunstavisen 03, 2008 Hvisken og råb, Torben Weirup, Berlingske Tidende: March 2008. Jeg er et hurtigt menneske, Lea Kyndrup, Information.dk: April. 2008. KINKY#24. KULTURO. Mar .2007. Kvetnys kunst kræver køkultur, Carla Strube, Eurowoman: November 2007. Eventyr på fodrejse, Torben Weirup, Berlingske Tidende: November 2007. Hun er på næste niveau, Janus Flach Madsen, Berlingske Tidende: November 2007. Kulturpris til fynsk billedkunstner, Fyns Amts Avis: September 2007. Kunsten sat i scene, Mette Sandbye, Weekendavisen: February 2006. Snørklede fantasier på papir, Anne Ringgaard, Politiken I Byen: March 2006. Anmeldere anbefaler, Bente Scavenius, Børsen: March 2006. Anmeldelse af udstilling, Peter Michael Hornung, Politiken I Byen: March 2006. Flying Colours for Flights of Fancy, Scotland on Sunday: March 2006. Den ægte vare, Tom Jørgensen, Kunstavisen: Mar.-Apr. 2006. Ung dansk kunst hitter, Roberto Zacharias, Fyns Stiftstidende: 3. May 2006. Bud på ny dansk kunst, Mette Sandbye, Information: 2006. Da kvinderne tog penslen i den anden hånd, Maria Kjær Themsen, Cover: May 2006. Talentfuld 25-årig på nyt galleri, Anne Østbygård, Bryggebladet: March 2006. ARTISTS STATEMENT The abundance of shape and color in Ida Kvetny’s works may seem abstract at the first glance. Looking closer you will find a vividly detailed multitude of strange and magic figures all with their own story to tell. The wide variety of painting techniques and the seemingly limitless sources of inspiration such as old school video games and oriental carpets all create a psychedelic effect in the pieces. The dreamlike universe of Kvetny’s works have no obvious beginning nor end. It is up to the viewer to decipher the simultaneously abstract and figurative landscapes. The works constantly reveal something new exploding with intense color and form like an endless flow of energy.

IMPRESSUM IMPRESSION Edition 250 Graphic design Galleri Christoffer Egelund PHOTOGRAPHER Dorte Krogh COPYRIGHT Galleri Christoffer Egelund Ida Kvetny CONTACT INFO@CHRISTOFFEREGELUND.DK +45 33939200 WWW.CHRISTOFFEREGELUND.DK





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