Gallery magazine

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PUSHING BOUNDARIES: The Story of Luo Biwu and His Serigraphs

越界者 ——罗必武谈版画创作 策划:李琼波 邢人俨 Planned by Li Qiongbo & Sibyl Xing 采编:邢人俨 Interviewed by Sibyl Xing

编者按:1980 年代中后期,版画从木版一家独大、其余版种偏弱的状态转向对其 他载体——石版画、铜版画以及彼时刚传入国内的丝网版画——的挖掘与探索。 作为第二代丝网版画艺术家的代表人物,丝网版画成为罗必武创作的主要媒材, 参与到艺术家对当代文化身份的建构和探索中,罗必武将此视为一次又一次突破 边界的尝试,突破边界的过程亦是艺术家对当代艺术可能性探索的过程。“边界” 是罗必武介入当代艺术的立场之一,他提出“印在”概念,以此探索版画这种传 统媒材在当代的再现与激活。

ditor’s note: In the late 1980s, prints went from a large, single entity of woodblock prints that other types of prints being left in lower positions, to an exploratory shift to lithographs, copperplate etchings and the then fresh-import to China, silkscreen. As the representative artist of the second generation of silkscreen prints, serigraphy is the main creative medium of Luo Biwu, his involvements in the establishment and exploration of contemporary cultural identity are his attempts of boundaries pushing time and time again. Pushing the boundaries can also be taken as the artist’s journey to explore the possibilities of contemporary art. “Boundary” is one of Luo Biwu’s takes on serigraphy in contemporary art, and the 《浮起的事件 - 相同的路径》(局部) FLOATING INCIDENT: THE SAME PATH (detail)



“print-on” concept is his another attempt to rejuvenate this traditional medium in contemporary time.



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