Nº2 Louise Fishman - Venice Watercolours 2011 - 2013

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We are pleased to announce an exhibition of watercolours by New York abstract painter Louise Fishman. This is the artist’s first solo exhibition in the UK, uniting works created during the artist’s residency at the Emily Harvey Foundation in Venice, Italy. While living in Venice, Fishman plunged into an exhilarating exploration of watercolour as a medium. Profoundly inspired by the ebb and flow of the surroundings, Fishman took thousands of photographs, working vigorously between a stream of open drawings. The residency in Venice marked a dynamic shift in the artist’s creative process, and the fruit of Fishman’s two trips to the city is a phenomenal body of watercolours and sketchbooks from the artist’s private collection, to be shown in London for the very first time this December. The resulting compositions resonate with the theatricality and drama of an Italian opera, while evoking the lightweight atmosphere of Venice; the luminosity and color of its sky, water and glass. Fishman’s signature formal elements - calligraphy, gesture and grid - find a new light amongst found papers, bleeds, scratches, drips, erasures, fingerprints and other physical interventions. A myriad of influences reveal themselves, from the artist’s life-long admiration of Titian and Tintoretto, to later influences by Giorgione and Veronese. Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1939, Fishman’s works are deeply impacted by cultural, political and emotional experiences. Over the past five decades, Fishman has re-invented and expanded approaches to abstract painting, and continues to reframe conventions through various formal and material investigations. In her own words, Fishman is “examining our histories and moving forward, just making the best paintings I can make, that’s what I do. That, and being in love.” One of the last direct descendents from a great lineage of American abstract painters (Franz Kline, Willem De Kooning, Joan Mitchell) Fishman – who first exhibited in 1963, is the subject of two comprehensive retrospectives scheduled for 2016, at the Neuberger Museum of Art in Purchase, New York (April 3rd - July 21st, 2016) and The ICA (Institute of Contemporary Art) at the University of Pennsylvania (April 20 - August 16, 2016).

Louise Fishman’s Venice watercolours are the subject of the exhibition that celebrates and sheds a new light on the artist’s relentless commitment to the language, ethos and expressive power of abstraction. Though involved in a contemporary context, Fishman’s Venice watercolours invigorate a vivid dialogue with art history and the past. The very roots of the artist’s gesture, surface and light, lie in the artist’s deep understanding of art historical tradition. Growing up in a family of artists and exposed to art from an early age, the history of painting undoubtedly had a profound impact on Fishman’s practice. In Italy, surrounded by works of the Old Masters, the artist re-encountered some of the paintings she most admired, including Titian’s ‘Assumption of the Virgin Mary’ and ‘The Annunciation’, also drawing inspiration from the works by Giorgione, Tintoretto and Veronese. These artistic influences are combined, for instance, in Fishman’s use of the solemn and somber, allover darkness of Goya, interjected by luminous flecks of white, like bolts in an apocalyptic scene by El Greco, or a heavenly light pouring from the celestial grandness of a Titian sky; in the themes of crucifixion and ascension, evoked in the upward and outward movement of the artist’s brushstrokes; or in Fishman’s masterful use of colour, such as deep blues and reds, to represent blood and martyrdom. In the Venice watercolours, gestures dart against the stark paper, evoking Franz Kline’s black and white paintings; ruddy reds of Chaim Soutine emerge from fields and storms of colour; swirls of strokes and drips resemble those of Jackson Pollock; and the liberating activity of brushstrokes is a nod to Willem De Kooning. Calligraphy, the language of the hand and the Zen aesthetic are evidenced as continuous reference points for Fishman and the influence of Chinese Art is markedly present, with script acting as a threshold and chamber of light. The resulting watercolours throb with movement, energy and light, like the tides that swell and subside in the Venetian canals. Past traditions and historical influences are complemented by the artist’s personal experiences: “every time I go somewhere, I notice something visual, and it ends up ultimately in the work,” says Fishman. The artist’s residencies around the world resulted in a powerful response to her surroundings. Prior to Venice, as a result of a trip to Eastern Europe, Auschwitz and Terezin in 1988, the artist deeply explored themes of spirituality, Jewish identity and continuity. Fishman began to use muted colours and a ghostly network of black lines and grids, resonating the underlying architectural structures of walls, doors and windows. The notion of the Grid is entirely reframed as a form of meditation, rather than a compositional device. The intense experience of visiting concentration camps also informed Fishman’s use of spare, brooding dark forms and matte surfaces. Meaning and symbolic charge in these shapes and forms bring the artist’s works closer to that of the Old Masters.

Unlike Fishman’s paintings from earlier decades, which seemed to lock up light, the watercolours are more loose and free, opening up the pictorial space to radiate the light and colour in Venice. Fishman absorbs the drama and emotional resonance of the floating city and channels her raw experiences and environment into the works. At times, the luscious blues evoke the Lapis Lazuli of the Virgin Mary, the iridescent hue of a Murano vase or the ultramarine and phthalo of the Venetian water and sky. In other compositions, nocturnal blues, pale yellow-greens and purples resemble the qualities of moonlight. The shimmer and glinted glow of reflected light in the water or on the buildings occasionally break subdued and muffled tones, while soft colour fields, gradients and patchworks of broad washes beautifully render diffused light. Fishman’s Venice watercolours are also enriched with an unusual texture, alluding to the artist’s method of layering paint in a buildup of the surface. Thick dashes and blocks of modulated colour seem to bubble up or imbibe the paper, like grit or tar on cobblestone, or moss on the walls of canals. The artist experiments with different tools, techniques (like collage) and materials (such as pencil shavings and glue) which protrude from the support. Physical interventions like ripping and scratching, disrupt and alter the surface. The resulting sculptural abstractions, much like the Chinese scholar rocks the artist collects, allude to a sublime sense of permanence, amidst the fluidity representing change. Far ashore from the male-dominated manner, tradition and aesthetics of the Abstract Expressionists, Fishman’s watercolours achieve a style of abstraction and aesthetic of their own, to be considered now from a new perspective. The Venice works still contain the expressive power, raw emotive force, vitality and struggle that vibrantly animate the surfaces of the artist’s renowned large canvases. As much condensed into these intimate watercolours are abstraction’s emotional and psychological charges. Yet under a more contemporary lens, traditional forms dissolve and become unanchored and indiscernible, allowing for the intensity of the artist’s feelings to flourish. It is in Venice, after all, that the artist falls in love and exudes a new romantic sensibility and exuberance, manifested in a more lightened and airy form of expression. Past and present experiences flow freely and burst into the ‘Schiuma del Mare’ - the ebullience of passion and life itself.

Suzana Diamond

Untitled /2013

Untitled /2013

Watercolour on paper 4 x 6 in (10.2 x 15.2 cm)

Watercolour, coloured pencil shavings and glue on paper 4 x 6 in (10.2 x 15.2 cm)

Untitled /2013

Untitled /2013

Watercolour on paper 4 x 6 in (10.2 x 15.2 cm)

Watercolour, coloured pencil shavings and glue on paper 4 x 6 in (10.2 x 15.2 cm)

Untitled /2013

Untitled /2013

Watercolour on paper 4 x 6 in (10.2 x 15.2 cm)

Watercolour on paper 4 x 6 in (10.2 x 15.2 cm)

Untitled /2013

Untitled /2013

Watercolour on paper 4 x 6 in (10.2 x 15.2 cm)

Watercolour on paper 4 x 6 in (10.2 x 15.2 cm)

Untitled /2013

Untitled /2013

Watercolour on paper 4 x 6 in (10.2 x 15.2 cm)

Watercolour on paper 4 x 6 in (10.2 x 15.2 cm)

Untitled /2013

Untitled /2013

Watercolour on paper 4 x 6 in (10.2 x 15.2 cm)

Watercolour on paper 4 x 6 in (10.2 x 15.2 cm)

Untitled /2013 Watercolour on paper 4 x 10 in (10.2 x 25.4 cm)

Untitled /2013 Watercolour on paper 4 x 10 in (10.2 x 25.4 cm)

Untitled /2013 Watercolour on paper 4 x 10 in (10.2 x 25.4 cm)

Untitled /2013 Watercolour, coloured pencil shavings and glue on paper 4 x 10 in (10.2 x 25.4 cm)

Untitled /2013 Watercolour on paper 4 x 10 in (10.2 x 25.4 cm)

Untitled /2013 Watercolour and collage on paper 4 x 10 in (10.2 x 25.4 cm)

Untitled /2013 Watercolour on paper 7 1/8 x 10 1/4 in (18.1 x 26 cm)

Untitled /2011 Watercolour on paper 22 1/4 x 15 in (56.5 x 38.1 cm)

Untitled /2013 Watercolour on paper 9 x 10 in (22.9 x 25.4 cm)

Untitled /2013 Watercolour on paper 9 x 10 in (22.9 x 25.4 cm)

Untitled /2013 Watercolour on paper 7 1/8 x 10 1/4 in (18.1 x 26 cm)

Untitled /2013 Watercolour on paper 7 1/8 x 10 1/4 in (18.1 x 26 cm)

Untitled /2011 Watercolour on paper 22 1/4 x 15 in (56.5 x 38.1 cm)

Untitled /2011 Watercolour on paper 22 1/4 x 15 in (56.5 x 38.1 cm)

Untitled /2011 Watercolour on paper 22 1/4 x 15 in (56.5 x 38.1 cm)

Schiuma del Mare /2013 Watercolour on paper 14 1/8 x 10 1/4 in (35.9 x 26 cm)

Untitled /2011 Watercolour on paper 22 1/4 x 15 in (56.5 x 38.1 cm)

Untitled /2011 Watercolour on paper 22 1/4 x 15 in (56.5 x 38.1 cm)

Untitled /2013 Watercolour on paper 14 1/8 x 10 1/4 in (35.9 x 26 cm)

Untitled /2013 Watercolour on paper 10 x 9 in (25.4 x 22.9 cm)

Untitled /2013 Watercolour on paper 12 1/4 x 9 in (31.1 x 22.9 cm)

Untitled /2013 Watercolour on paper 6 5/8 x 7 in (16.8 x 17.8 cm)

Untitled /2011 Watercolour on paper 12 x 17 7/8 in (30.5 x 45.4 cm)

Schiuma del Mare /2013 Watercolour on paper 12 1/4 x 16 1/4 in (31.1 x 41.3 cm)

Untitled /2013 Watercolour and coloured pencil on paper 9 x 12 1/4 in (22.9 x 31.1 cm)

Untitled /2013 Watercolour on paper 9 x 12 in (22.9 x 30.5 cm)

Untitled /2013 Watercolour on paper 7 1/8 x 10 1/4 in (18.1 x 26 cm)

Untitled /2011 Watercolour on paper 12 x 17 7/8 in (30.5 x 45.4 cm)

Untitled /2013 Watercolour on paper 12 3/8 x 9 1/2 in (31.4 x 24.1 cm)

Untitled /2013 Watercolour on paper 17 3/4 x 17 7/8 in (45.1 x 45.4 cm)

Schiuma del Mare /2013 Watercolour 12 1/4 x 16 1/4 in (31.1 x 41.3 cm)

Untitled /2011 Watercolour on paper 22 1/4 x 15 in (56.5 x 38.1 cm)

Schiuma del Mare /2013 Watercolour on paper 17 3/4 x 17 7/8 in (45.1 x 45.4 cm)

Untitled /2011 Watercolour on paper 22 1/4 x 15 in (56.5 x 38.1 cm)






Louise Fishman, Recent Work, Manny Silverman Gallery, Los Angeles (9/11 – 10/23/04)

Louise Fishman: New Paintings, Lennon, Weinberg, Inc., New Yor (2/14 – 3/23/91)

New York Abstract Painters George McNeil / Louise Fishman / 2004, Foster Gwin, San Francisco (8/19 - 10/19/04)



Remembrance and Renewal, Simon Watson Gallery, New York (3/4–4/22/89)

Philadelphia College of Art, Pennsylvania 1958 Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia 1963 B.F.A. and B.S., Tyler School of Fine Arts, Elkins, Pennsylvania 1965 M.F.A., University of Illinois, Champaign, Illinois SOLO EXHIBITIONS (includes major two-artist exhibitions) 2014 Louise Fishman, Gallery Nosco|Frameless, London, England (9/12–24/12/14) 2013 Louise Fishman: It’s Here - Elsewhere, Goya Contemporary, Baltimore, MD (3/5 - 4/5/13) 2012 Louise Fishman, Cheim & Read, New York (9/13 - 10/27/12) Louise Fishman, John Davis Gallery, Hudson, NY (7/19 - 8/12/12) Louise Fishman: Five Decades, Jack Tilton Gallery, New York (9/5 - 10/13/12) 2010 Louise Fishman, Gallery Paule Anglim, San Francisco (9/29/10 - 10/23/10) 2009 Louise Fishman: Among the Old Masters, The John & Mable Ringling

Louise Fishman, Cheim & Read, New York (4/22 – 5/24/03) 2002 Louise Fishman, Manny Silverman Gallery, Los Angeles (4/20 – 6/1/02) 2001 Louise Fishman, Paule Anglim Gallery, San Francisco (4/3 – 4/28/01) 2000 Louise Fishman, Cheim & Read, New York, with an accompanying catalog with essay by John Yau (9/15 – 10/21/00) 1998

2006 Louise Fishman, Cheim & Read, New York (2/15 – 3/25/06)

Baskerville & Watson Gallery, New York (10/16–11/15/86) 1985 Fishman/Sanderson, North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh, North Carolina (6/15–9/15/85) 1984 Baskerville & Watson Gallery, New York (10/30–11/24/84)

John Davis Gallery, Akron, Ohio (3/2–27/82)

1996 Robert Miller Gallery, New York (10/22 – 11/16/96) 1995 Small Paintings, Robert Miller Gallery, New York (1/10 – 2/4/95) 1994 Small Paintings1992–1994, Bianca Lanza Gallery, Miami (11/12 – 12/7/94) 1993 Robert Miller Gallery, New York (9/14 – 11/16/93) Louise Fishman: Small Paintings, 1979 – 1992, Temple Gallery, Tyler School of Art, Philadelphia (12/92 – 1/14/93)

Louise Fishman: The Tenacity of Painting, Dartmouth College, New Hampshire (4/3/07–5/6/07)


Paule Anglim Gallery, San Francisco, (4/21 – 5/29/98)

Cheim & Read, New York (3/26 – 5/2/09)


Louise Fishman and Andy Spence: Two from the Corcoran, Winston Gallery, Washington, DC (4/87)



Louise Fishman: Between Geometry and Gesture, Galerie Kienzle & Gmeiner, Berlin (7/19 - 9/26/08)


Louise Fishman, Cheim & Read, New York (10/14–11/14/98)

Museum of Art, Sarasota, FL (10/7 – 10/25/09) 2008

Louise Fishman: New Paintings 1987–1989, Lennon, Weinberg, Inc. New York (9/23–11/4/89)

Drawings and Experimental Work, 1971–1992, Tyler Gallery, Tyler School of Art, Philadelphia (12/9/92 – 1/15/93) Louise Fishman: Paintings, 1986 – 1992, Morris Gallery, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia (10/16/92 – 1/31/93)


Louise Fishman: Small Paintings, 1978 – 1992, Simon Watson, New York (11/29–12/5), (preview of exhibition at Temple Gallery, Tyler School of Art)

Louise Fishman, Foster Gwin, San Francisco (5/24 – 7/1/05)

Louise Fishman: Small Paintings, Olin Art Gallery, Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio (1/19 – 2/29/92)

Oscarsson-Hood Gallery, New York (3/2–27/82) 1980 Louise Fishman: Small Paintings The MacDowell Colony, 7/1980, Oscarsson-Hood Gallery, New York (11/25–12/20/80) 1979 Nancy Hoffman Gallery, New York (9/79) Louise Fishman: Five Years, 55 Mercer, New York (6/12–6/30/79) 1978 Diplomat’s Lobby, The Department of State, Washington, DC 1977 Nancy Hoffman Gallery, New York (5/7–6/2/77) 1974 Nancy Hoffman Gallery, New York (11/30–12/19/74) 1976 University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island (11/76) John Doyle Gallery, Chicago, Illinois (5/76) 1964 Philadelphia Art Alliance, Pennsylvania





Significant Form, The Persistence of Abstraction, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow (4/30/08–6/30/08)

175th Annual Exhibition, National Academy of Design, New York (2/9 –5/26)

Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art: Feminist Art Base, Brooklyn Museum, NY, (29/09–16/11) De|Pict Gallery Nosco | Frameless, London, UK (06/30 – 07/15) Whitney Biennale, Whitney Museum, NY (03/7–05/25) ArtRio 2014, 10th - 14th September,Presentation with works by Lucio Fontana (1899-1968) Gallery Nosco/Frameless, Rio De Janeiro. In Residence: Contemporary Artists at Dartmouth, Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire (1/18 – 7/6/14) 2012 Generations: Louise Fishman, Gertrude Fisher-Fishman, and Razel Kapustin, Woodmere Art Museum, Philadelphia (10/13/12- 1/6/13) PAPYRI: Guestbooks, Bookworks and Similar Departures by guests of Emily Harvey Foundation 2004-2012, Emily Harvey Foundation, Venice (10/19- 10/27/12) 2011 Seeing Gertrude Stein: Five Stories, The Contemporary Jewish Museum, San Francisco (5/12/11 – 9/6/11). Traveling to The National Portrait Gallery, Washington D.C., (10/14/11 - 1/22/12) Dance/Draw, The Institute of Contemporary Art/ Boston, (10/7/11 - 1/16/12); travels to The Grey Art Gallery, New York University, New York (4/17/12 - 7/14/12); The Tang Museum, Skidmore College, New York, (8/12 – 12/12) 2010 Painting & Sculpture: To Benefit the Foundation for Contemporary Arts, Lehman Maupin Gallery, New York (12/9/10 – 1/9/11). LES FEMMES, McClain Gallery, Houston (10/15/09 - 1/2/10). Abstraction Revisited, Chelsea Art Museum, New York (10/7/10 -11/27/10) Shifting the Gaze: Painting and Feminism, The Jewish Museum, New York (9/12/10 - 1/30/11) 2009 Before Again: Joan Mitchell, Louise Fishman, Harriet Korman, Melissa Meyer, Jill Moser, Denyse Thomasos, Lennon, Weinberg, Inc. (10/15 – 11/28/09)

2007 WACK! Art and the Feminist Revolution, The Geffen Contemporary, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles (3/4/07–7/30/07) traveling to National Women’s Museum, Washington D.C., (9/07–12/07) P.S. 1 Contemporary Art Center, New York (2/08-6/08) 2006 High Times, Hard Times: New York Painting 1965–75, Independent American University Museum at the Katzen Arts Center,

Snapshot, Baltimore Museum of Contemporary Art, Maryland (11/3/00 – 2/25/01) The Perpetual Well: Contemporary Art from the Collection of The Jewish Museum, The Parrish Art Museum, Southampton, NY (9/23–11/12/00) 1999 Abstraction: Realism, Susquehanna Art Museum, Harrisburg, PA, curated by Jonathan Van Dyke (6/9–8/21) 1997 Basically Black & White, Neuberger Museum, SUNY Purchase, New York (9/20–10/25) Center for Contemporary Art, Snug Harbor Cultural Center, Staten Island (3/27–9/7) 1995

Washington, D.C. (11/21/06–1/21/07); National Academy Museum,

25 Americans: Painting the 90s, Milwaukee Art Museum, Wisconsin (9/8–12/11)

New York, 2/15/07–4/22/07); Museo Tamayo Arte Contemporáneo, Mexico City, Mexico (5/25/07–9/9/07)

Artist’s Choice: Elizabeth Murray, Museum of Modern Art, New York (6/19–8/22)

ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany (3/28/08–6/1/08)

Carnegie International, The Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh New Faculty, Harvard University, Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts, Cambridge (9/15–10/15)

The Name of This Show is Not Gay Art Now, Paul Kasmin Gallery, New York, (6/8 - 7/21/06) 2005 Contemporary Women Artists: New York, University Art Gallery, Indiana State University, Indiana (1/19 - 2/11/05)


Consecrations: The Spiritual in Art in the Time of AIDS, Museum of Contemporary


46th Annual Academy Purchase Exhibition, American Academy of Arts and Letters, New York (11/7–12/4)

The Invisible Thread : Buddhist Spirit in Contemporary Art, Snug Harbor Cultural Center, New York (9/28/03 - 2/29/04)

Abstract Works on Paper, Robert Miller Gallery, New York (7/19–8/26) 1993

Personal and Political: The Woman’s Art Movement, 1969-1975, Guild Hall Museum, East Hampton, NY (8/10–10/20/02)

Drawing the Line Against AIDS, Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice (6/8–6/13)

2001 Seven Female Visionaries Before Feminism, Mills College Art Museum, Oakland, CA (9/7-10/21/01) The Lesbian and Gay Community Services Center, Reopening exhibition, New York, NY (8/17 - 9/5/01) Imaging Judaism / Mining History, Susquehanna Art Museum (4/19 - 6/30/01) American Academy of Arts and Letters (3/5 - 4/1/01)

Under the aegis of the 45th Venice Biennale. Reinstalled at the Guggenheim Museum, Soho (11/6–19) 30th Anniversary Exhibition of Drawings, Castelli Gallery, New York, to benefit the Foundation for Contemporary Performance Arts, Inc. (December) 1992 The Jewish Museum’s Masked Ball in Celebration of Purim, The Jewish Museum, New York (3/10) 1991 Something Pithier and More Psychological, Simon Watson Gallery, New York (2/23-3/23) Musèe d’art Moderne et d’art Contemporain, Nice, France (9/27–11/11)




Fragments of History, Albany Museum of Art, Albany, Georgia (7/21–9/3)

Work on Paper, Mary Boone Gallery, New York (June)



Golem: Danger, Deliverance and Art, The Jewish Museum, New York (12/–4/2/89)

Critic’s Choice, Lowe Gallery, Syracuse University, Ithaca, New York (December), Traveled to Munson Williams Proctor Museum, Utica, New York (January)

1988 Louise Fishman, David Reed, Joan Mitchell, Barbara Toll Gallery, New York, curated by Marjorie Welish (June–July) 1987–88 The Parrish Art Museum, Southampton, New York

1977 Fifth Anniversary Show, Nancy Hoffman Gallery, New York (December) 1976


Paris International Art Fair, Grand Palais, Paris

40th Biennial Exhibition of Contemporary American Painting, Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, DC


Biennial Exhibition, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York The Jewish Museum, New York, “Jewish Themes” (traveling exhibition) 1986 Jewish Themes–Contemporary American Artists II, The Jewish Museum, New York (7/15–11/16)

John Doyle Gallery, Chicago (November) 1973

AWARDS 2002 Adolph & Clara Obrig Prize for Painting, National Academy of Design, 177th Annual Exhibition, 5/1st, 2002 1994 National Endowment for the Arts, Painting 1986 New York Foundation for the Arts, Fellowship in Painting Adolph & Esther Gottlieb Foundation, General Support Grant 1983–84 National Endowment for the Arts, Painting 1981

CAPS Fellowship in Painting

Biennial Exhibition, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York

1980 Fellow, MacDowell Colony, New Hampshire



National Watercolor and Drawing Exhibition, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia

Guggenheim Fellowship in Painting

1975–76 National Endowment for the Arts, Painting

Baskerville & Watson Gallery, New York (April)


Change, Inc., New York




T yler School of Fine Arts, Philadelphia. First Painting Prize, Student Exhibit

- The American Academy of Arts and Letters, New York

Tyler School of Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Bertha Lowenburg Prize for The Senior Woman to Excel in Art

Baskerville & Watson Gallery, New York (November) Painting as Landscape, Parrish Art Museum, Southampton, New York, curated by Klaus Kertess (traveled to: Baxter Art Gallery, Pasadena, California.

- The Art Institute of Chicago, Illinois


- The Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh

Six Painters, The Hudson River Museum, Yonkers, New York (5/25–7/17)

- The Denver Art Museum, Colorado

Drawing In and Out, Baskerville & Watson, New York (May–June)

- The Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College, Hanover


- The Jewish Museum, New York

New York Chapter of the Women’s Caucus for Art, New York City (February)

- The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

1981 Rush Rhees Fine Arts Gallery, University of Rochester, New York, (March) CAPS Grantees from Brooklyn, Brooklyn Museum, New York (April–June) CAPS Award Winners in Painting 1980–1981, Proctor Art Center, Bard College and Munson Williams Proctor Museum, Utica, New York (April–August)

- The National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington DC - The Woodmere Art Museum, Philadelphia


graphic design: tom delpech © Gallery Nosco and Frameless Gallery 2014 20 Clerkenwell Green, London 
EC1R 0DP Photos: Courtesy of the artist, Nosco|Frameless, London and Cheim & Read, NY Cyril Moumen and Ciprian Ilie would like to thank: Louise Fishman, Ingrid Nyeboe, Cristina Miranda, Simon Watson, Fabiana Lopes, Suzana Diamond, Vanda Prochazka, John West, Cheim & Read, Ingleheart Picture Framing and Tom Delpech.

tel: +44 (0) 786 772 6464 / +44 (0) 797 497 6736 www.gallerynosco.com - cc@noscoframeless.com

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