Fedir Glyshuk
1925 - 2011 works on paper

I took this picture of Fedir in his Kiev studio in 2006. We had picked him up at his high rise apartment complex. As my friend walked back to the car with Fedir, she smiled and told me she had called the wrong artist! We didn’t want to make him walk back disappointed, so we put the slow-moving Fedir into the car and drove across Kiev to his studio.
Once there, Fedir admitted he had been too ill to visit his studio for several years. He sat in the one chair in the middle of the room and let us look through a lifetime of works on paper, many of which were sketch books from his youth while a student at the Kiev Art Institute. Fedir spent his professional career as an official graphic artist. He made hundreds of illustrations, designed book covers, created posters and made logos. The insight I experienced was fascinating. I hope you enjoy this peek into the life of a warm and talented artist.
EubanksTop: Sleigh 5.63” x 8” color pencil 1953
Bottom: Asleep 8” x 11” color pencil 1954
Man with Pipe 11” x 8” pencil 1957
Beautiful Girl 11” x 8” pencil 1953
Top: Column Sketch 8” x 11” pen and ink 1952
Bottom: Hagia Sophia 8” x 11” pen and ink 1958
Left: Old Mirror 11” x 8” gouache 1954
Middle: Bracelet 8” x 11” gouache 1954
Right: Pitcher 11” x 8” gouache 1954
Top: Rain Cloud 6” x 9.5” ink and gouache 1953
Bottom: By the Shore 5.63” x 9.87” watercolor 1952
galinfo@paulscottgallery.com 480.596.9533 www.paulscottgallery.com