Mark Preston Solo Exhibition 2024

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SOLO EXHIBITION 20 April - 5 May 2024

We are pleased to present Mark Preston’s 2024 solo exhibition comprising 40 new paintings of iconic locations in the Derbyshire Peak District and Cornwall.

All but three of Mark’s paintings were executed on location, following the long tradition of artists seeking to represent the luminosity of natural light and the phenomena of atmospheric effects. This was a reaction to the artificial light and limitations of studio work. Problems posed when painting outside are immense. Apart from weather conditions, the light is constantly changing and decisions about composition, tone and colour values have to be continuously reviewed.

Plein air painting is not just about capturing a scene but immersing oneself fully in the moment. The ever-changing light, the unpredictable weather, the sheer inaccessibility of some locations—all of these elements contribute to the artist's experience and, consequently, to the artwork itself.

Despite the challenges, plein air painting offers a unique opportunity for artists to connect deeply with their surroundings. It encourages spontaneity, authenticity, and a raw immediacy that is often hard to replicate in studio settings. As Monet aptly put it, "The richness I achieve comes from nature, the source of my inspiration.”

Mark Preston continues in this tradition with the determination, energy and a finely honed skill to produce his accomplished and highly sought after paintings…


Plein air painting, the art of capturing the essence of a landscape from direct observation, under changing light and weather conditions, has long been romanticized as an idyllic pursuit. However, artists have always faced a myriad of challenges.

Mark Preston says of his approach: ‘Although people might imagine an idyllic concept of plein air painting and often comment that 'it must be very therapeutic', often the opposite is true. The challenge to adapt and improvise in different and changing conditions can be frustrating but it keeps me focused and stops me getting too comfortable or predictable. Hopefully, it gives the work more immediacy, and the emotions I feel at the time can go directly into the work.’

These sentiments resonate through the ages, echoed by some of the most celebrated artists in history. Claude Monet, one of the pioneers of the Impressionist movement, found himself captivated by the fleeting effects of light and atmosphere. He once said, "I'm sometimes shaken by the wind, but it is a sweet disturbance.” For Pierre-Auguste Renoir the challenges of plein air painting were part of its allure. "You come to nature with all your theories, and she knocks them all flat," he famously remarked.

Solo Exhibition 2024
Heather and Hawthorn, towards Bamford Edge Frosty Morning, Lathkill Dale

MARK PRESTON Solo Exhibition 2024

Hawthorn Blossom in Late Sunlight 50cm x 50cm
‘…after scrambling down a steep bank I found this subject overlooking the stepping stones with Thorpe Cloud to the left and a lone hawthorn in the foreground.’

‘Facing south west it was perfect to reflect the afternoon sunlight on the river, but with what looked like rain clouds approaching I was a little apprehensive about whether this would happen. It was quite an exposed spot so after anchoring my easel down with rocks and cord, I began blocking in the subject as fast as possible.’

‘As the sun moved across and started to catch the river a thin veil of rain moved in, creating a wonderful soft atmosphere and light. I was now frantically painting this effect, with my umbrella up to protect the canvas. After 10 minutes I had to paint from memory as the whole subject became clear. Experiencing this dramatic effect prompted me to work on this larger scale version in the studio, informed by the smaller painting done on the spot.’

‘The title, ‘Sunshower’, is a word I found for the meteorological phenomenon in which rain falls while the sun is shining.’

PRESTON Solo Exhibition 2024
Sunshower, Dovedale 91cm x 91cm

MARK PRESTON Solo Exhibition 2024

Sunlit Pathway, Win Hill 20cm x 20cm Autumn Colour, Pratthall Lane 30cm x 30cm


‘Monk's Dale is a nature reserve which lies in a limestone valley with a crystal clear stream which runs into the River Wye at Miller's Dale.’

It is particularly good in spring when the marsh marigolds are out and I also noticed numerous Brimstone butterflies. I spent a few weeks painting there last April and it was one of those places I got so carried away painting that I could have stayed there longer without ever running out of subjects.

I painted "Bright Morning Light" on the stream at the bottom of the valley where the path drops down to some stepping stones. As often happens, I was on my way to paint something else when this caught my eye and demanded to be painted. The glistening morning light was also glinting off the roofs of Monk's Dale farm and the blue tone of Bull's Tor beyond made the subject.

Bright Morning Light, Monk’s Dale 50cm x 45cm

PRESTON Solo Exhibition 2024

‘…it is particularly good in spring when the marsh marigolds are out and I also noticed numerous Brimstone butterflies…’

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Clear April Day, Monk’s Dale 35cm x 30cm Clear Water and Marsh Marigolds, Monk’s Dale 41 cm x 41cm

MARK PRESTON Solo Exhibition 2024

Sunlit Water, Wyedale 61cm x 61cm

MARK PRESTON Solo Exhibition 2024

Blue and Gold, River Ecclesbourne 35 cm x 30cm Spring Woodland, Allestree 41cm x 30cm

MARK PRESTON Solo Exhibition 2024

Cottongrass, Hallam Moors 91cm x 45cm
MARK PRESTON Solo Exhibition 2024
March Gorse, Ashleyhay 61cm x 30cm

‘Priest’s Cove, in the south westerly part of Cornwall, is a place I have visited all my life and have been on painting trips there for over 20 years.‘

‘My biennial trip there in January or February is one of my favourites. The cove faces west so the winter sun moves round and sets over the sea in the afternoon. The Atlantic at this time of year can be wild so there is usually plenty of movement and energy to paint.

I usually find after a week of continually studying the sea it is almost hypnotising and I start to find a rhythm and work out a painterly equivalent to describe the waves’.

‘…the Atlantic at this time of year can be wild so there is usually plenty of movement and energy to paint…’
MARK PRESTON Solo Exhibition 2024
Incoming Tide, Priest’s Cove 61cm x 45cm

MARK PRESTON Solo Exhibition 2024

Summer Solstice above Morvah
91cm x 61cm

MARK PRESTON Solo Exhibition 2024

Wind and Surf, Porthcurno 41 cm x 30cm Thrift, Clodgy Point 35cm x 25cm Blackthorn and Gorse, Carleon Cove 20cm x 20cm

MARK PRESTON Solo Exhibition 2024

Marsh Marigolds, River Bradford 41cm x 41cm Hawthorn in Evening Light, Win Hill 35cm x 25cm
MARK PRESTON Solo Exhibition
Winter's Day, Chrome Hill 55 cm x 41cm Autumnal Light, Dovedale 50 cm x 41cm
‘The blossom was so abundant, it was like when fresh snow transforms almost everything into a paintable subject…’
MARK PRESTON Solo Exhibition
Mayblossom, Hitter Hill 76cm x 61cm

MARK PRESTON Solo Exhibition 2024

‘This was a tree with real character, shaped by the wind which was a delight to depict using thick impasto paint, scraped and flicked to describe the thick blossom against the clear blue sky.’

Mayblossom and Buttercups, Hollinsclough

91cm x 76cm


MARK PRESTON Solo Exhibition 2024

May Evening, Lathkill Dale 41 cm x 41cm Winter Trees above Dovedale 41 cm x 35cm

MARK PRESTON Solo Exhibition 2024

‘A waxwing winter…’

‘Following the blossom, from September onwards there was an abundance of berries, a waxwing winter as I have heard it called. I found most of the same Hawthorns I had painted in spring had become equally good subjects covered in berries.’

‘ ‘Hawthorn and Clear October Sky’ was no exaggeration, the tree was as loaded with berries as I have ever seen! A combination of cadmium red and alizarin crimson against cobalt and cerulean blue made a striking subject, that I had to paint on a large canvas. A lady even stopped while I was painting to say "people won't believe those colours were really there!’

Autumn Hawthorn, Pilsbury 61cm x 61cm
“…people won't believe those colours were really there!"
MARK PRESTON Solo Exhibition
Hawthorn and Clear October Sky 91cm x 76cm
MARK PRESTON Solo Exhibition 2024
September Afternoon, Burbage Edge 61cm x 30cm

MARK PRESTON Solo Exhibition 2024

Bluebells, Ramsons and Marsh Marigolds, Clough Wood 61cm x 61cm Pathway, Clough Wood 25cm x 25cm

MARK PRESTON Solo Exhibition 2024

Heather and Hawthorn, towards Bamford Edge 50cm x 45cm Clear Winter’s Morning, Shottle 41cm x 41cm
MARK PRESTON Solo Exhibition 2024
Sunlit Waterfall, Miller’s Dale 61cm x 61cm
‘Gunhills on the Kedleston estate is one of my favourite locations… a quiet sanctuary and a haven for birds that I have returned to again and again for subjects.’
Solo Exhibition 2024
Sunlit Leaves, Gunhills 41cm x 41cm Ancient Sweet Chestnut Tree, Gunhills 41cm x 35cm

MARK PRESTON Solo Exhibition 2024

I feel that I have built up a real connection with this place over the years. There are four paintings in the exhibition of this location and the rainbow, which had not been my original intention was something I saw from the car whilst driving.

On seeing the drama in the sky I painted from the side of the road. It was a changeable day and this vantage point allowed me distance to observe the ever changing play of light.

The sunlit trees against a dark sky, framed by a rainbow made a dramatic subject. The other Gunhills subjects were painted along the same lane which winds under the trees shown in this painting.

Rainbow over Gunhills 35cm x 25cm (Above right)
November Morning, Gunhills 50cm x 50cm (Above)

MARK PRESTON Solo Exhibition 2024

November Sun, Wolfscote Dale 50cm x 50cm Frosty Morning, Lathkill Dale 50cm x 50cm
‘ "Hazy Morning" was painted in early September and the soft morning light created subtle tones of blue giving the subject more depth.’

‘Taylor’s Lane and Pratthall Lane, which lead on to one another in Ashleyhay have provided a rich source of subject matter for me over the years. I have returned again and again to paint these lanes in different conditions and seasons.’

‘I always find these lanes one of the more enjoyable subjects to paint applying quite abstract textures of paint to convey the effect of the foliage. I am also a familiar face to some of the locals in this area, so a friendly chat or comment can mean it's not such an isolated pursuit.’

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Hazy Morning Sunlight, Taylor’s Lane 76cm x 76cm

You are cordially invited to the opening of Mark Preston’s 2024 Exhibition on Saturday 20 April from 11.00.

Mark Preston will be in the gallery to answer questions and discuss his work. All the paintings will be available for sale on receipt of this catalogue when they will also be on our website at

If you have any queries or require any further information, please contact us at

The gallery is open Wednesday to Saturday from 10.00 until 5.00 and on Sundays from 11.00 until 4.00

We are pleased to be able to offer our customers the Arts Council Own Art scheme. Own Art is a national initiative that makes buying contemporary art affordable by letting you spread the cost of your purchase over 10 months with an interest-free loan of up to £2500.

The loan can go toward the payment of a piece that costs between £100 and £2500 or can be part payment for a can be part payment for a larger piece. Making an online application is straight forward and you complete it in your own home in your own time.

Gallerytop, Chatsworth Road, Rowsley, Derbyshire, DE4 2EH 01629 735580.

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