Em Gets a Trombone

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Em gets a trombone

By Robin Bourke Illustrated by Cally Browning

At school in music class, the teacher gave Em a trombone.

“Trombone means BIG TRUMPET ,” she said.

“It is a brass instrument. You blow air into it.”

“Then you pull the slide in and out to make different notes.�

“You need long arms to play the trombone,” she said.

Em looked at his arms. They looked pretty normal to him.

Em took his trombone home.

“Look,” he said to the cat. “I can already blow one note.”

Em blew his note. BRROOOM it went.

The cat shot into the air!

The cat tore into the next room and up a curtain, yowling.

Next week, Em brought the trombone home again. “Listen cat,” he said. “This will be better. I can play a little tune now.”

Em played three notes, twice.

The cat arched her back, yowled, and ran under the sideboard, where she hid, yowling loudly.

Em pulled Cat out. He had to stroke her a lot to get her quiet.

Oh well, I like my trombone, even if Cat doesn’t.

“But I think I’ll practise at school from now on!”

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