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Family Time Kenneth Riege


By Kenneth Riege USAF Veteran

It has been such an honor writing these stories for the Gallup Journey. While my stories have been more on a military nature, this one is going to be a bit different. I haven’t written too much about my family, but this time I wanted to talk about a recent trip to beautiful Los Angeles to see my son Eric-Paul’s art show. Eric-Paul has become one of the top contemporary artists and has had many different shows around the country and beyond. I won’t go too much into detail other than to just say “Google him.” His full name is Eric-Paul Riege.

We were so blessed to be able to make this trip and to have our oldest son Daniel Escamilla travel up from San Diego to be with us. Daniel works as an office manager for a health facility on the Rincon Reservation. We were also blessed with having Eric-Paul’s friend Adams travel from Maine to see his works and for us to get to spend time together.

After we arrived at LAX, Daniel picked us up and we headed to The Hammer Museum which is a part of UCLA’s Campus and the home of some of the greatest pieces of art known. So proud that EricPaul was having a show where

The trip started out with a selfie on the plane. Los Angeles here we come.

Upon arrival at the Hammer, we meet up with Eric-Paul and Adams for a selfie. From L to R: Daniel, Ken, Retha, Adams and Eric-Paul. Here is Eric-Paul with his work at The Hammer Museum. Some of these items were on loan from other galleries, museums and private collectors to help round out this amazing exhibit.

Of course, we took a copy of the Journey for a group picture.

works of Monet, Van Gogh and Picasso adorn the beautiful galleries. We took a tour of the museum and got to have a private showing of Eric-Paul’s art. We have been told that having a solo show at “The Hammer” is a big called him, passed in 2020. We called him The Judge because he was a Los Angeles Superior Court Judge. Many may know him as the author of Hershey’s Book, Forged in Fire. The Judge also wrote a book about his experiences in Vietnam

Afterward we were ready to eat and had a nice lunch/dinner and then headed to the Santa Monica Pier to do some sightseeing and more selfies.

deal and everyone there was so nice to us and so happy to have Eric-Paul showing there. On Saturday, Retha, Daniel and I meet up with a dear friend and Vietnam Veteran, Mr. Ken Hayashi. We have known Ken for a little over 10 years now and he is the nicest person anyone will ever meet. Prior to our trip I had asked Ken if we could meet up and go pay our respects to Mr. Vincent Okamoto. Mr. Okamoto or “The Judge” as we all called, “Wolfhound Samurai” The Judge and Mr. Hayashi were best of friends and was so honored hearing the stories of their friendship.

After paying our respects Mr. Hayashi took us to an amazing restaurant for lunch called “King’s Hawaiian Restaurant.” This is the same company that makes King’s Hawaiian Bread. There we shared more stories of “The Judge” and of past trips and visits we have all had together. The rest of the Saturday was spent visiting and sightseeing to include some time on Hollywood Boulevard. Interesting place that’s for sure. Sunday was also a day of visiting and hanging out, but there was one more spot we wanted to Paying our respects to Mr. Vincent visit and that was the light Okamoto, The Judge. pole exhibit outside of LACMA (Los Angeles County Museum of Art). The only way to fully appreciate this amazing exhibit is at night. Well Monday arrived and it was time to say goodbye, which is always sad. We are so proud of our son’s Daniel and EricPaul and of the amazing young I wanted to include a men they have become. picture of The Judge and Ken Hayashi. I really Well to close this like this one. It was story I wanted to from a cookout at The share this quote Judge’s house during the from the MOH 2015 Nisei Week Event. I got the honor of traveling with Hershey Quote book. It’s from Howard V. Lee, to this event and to meet United States Marine some amazing veterans and Vietnam War to include several from MOH Recipient. the 442nd Regimental His quote is as Combat Team from follows: WW2. Ken is sitting in the first row far left, “Your moral values with the big smile and define you as a Hawaiian Shirt. The Judge is sitting right person and are the behind Ken with his bedrock upon which arms crossed. Everyone an honorable and kept saying, “Hey Judge smile for the picture, meaningful life is and he replied, I am built.” smiling.”

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