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Gallup Repertory Theater

This month the Gallup Repertory Theater is officially announcing its placement in the Gallup arts scene. I was able to sit down with one of the founding members, Erik Pederson, to talk about upcoming projects and the future of theater in Gallup.

What is the name of your new theater group?

We are The Gallup Repertory Theater. I am one of the four founding members; the others are Suzanne Hammons, Kelli Furney, and Leslie Farrell.

How did you all meet?

I’ve known Suzanne since high school; we attended Gallup High together, and when we moved back after college, we reconnected. Suzanne and Leslie grew up together here in Gallup, so when Leslie moved back after college I met her through Suzanne. The genesis of our partnership really happened when we all met Kelli last spring when Suzanne directed The Complete History of America (Abridged) and Kelli directed The Complete Works of Shakespeare (Abridged). Kelli, Leslie, and I were the cast for The Complete History of America (Abridged) so we were all able to bond over our love of theater and our desire to bring theater to Gallup and the surrounding area.

So your company is looking to encompass all areas of theater?

Yes, we are looking not just for actors and performers but people who are interested in set design, costume design, makeup, and the technical parts of theater such as sound and lighting.

So you are looking for professionals?

It is certainly not necessary to be a professional. Part of our mission is to find people who have that spark and that passion for theater and to help them grow their talent.

What kind of works are you hoping to bring to the community?

We would like to bring works that have a connection to our community. There are a lot of great Native American playwrights and plays and a lot of truly wonderful Chicano theater that I feel is not performed enough in our area.

What made you all decided to start a theater company?

We all have performative backgrounds in different ways and we all felt that Gallup was lacking a vibrant theater scene and that our area is underutilized and underserved from a performing arts standpoint, especially because there are so many talented people without an adequate outlet.

So is that why Gallup Repertory Theater has chosen to perform The Frybread Queen as its debut performance?

Yes. The Frybread Queen is a play written by the Native American playwright Carolyn Dunn and is about four Native American women from three different generations who all come together for a funeral. This performance will be its New Mexico premiere.

And I understand that you are bringing Carolyn Dunn out?

Yes, she will be visiting and there will be a chance for audience members to meet her and ask her questions during the premiere.

What else does Gallup Repertory Theater have slated for this year?

This spring we are holding a contest for one-act plays. The winner will get to workshop their plays and then have them performed either through a staged reading or an actual production. We are also holding monologue and scene-study classes. During the first weekend in May we will be hosting a Performance Arts Festival at the Gallup Cultural Center. In the summer, we will hold a children’s camp at the end of which the kids will be performing A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Finally, we will close our season with Dr. Faustus in October.

What do you hope to see in the future?

Ideally, we would like to bring to Gallup and the surrounding area the type of theater you can find in Albuquerque, Phoenix, or Denver, with full productions of Broadway plays and musicals and hopefully we’ll have grown and cultivated a gifted ensemble of local talent. We would also love to bring theater to the community, either by touring or visiting areas where it is harder to get access to theater.

Where can people go to find out more about you?

You can visit our website at galluprep. org, or look us up on Facebook. We are also holding a meet-and-greet trivia night at ART123 on February 9th from 7:00 to 9:00pm where you can meet the founders, get schedules for upcoming events, look at posters, sign up for classes, and in general get all your questions answered.

Frequently Asked Questions

 Who is eligible? o McKinley Academy will be open to High School students for the 2018-2019 school


 What if my child does not attend GMCS, can they still apply? o Yes, all students are welcome to apply.

 Do I have to apply to McKinley Academy? o Yes, all students will go through an application process and interview. All information

regarding this process will be published on the GMCS website by January 2018.

 Is a college environment for me? o That is a question each student and parent will need to ask themselves. McKinley Academy is

academically challenging and will condense 6 years of school into 4 years.

 Will parents be required to pay tuition? o No, the payment for tuition, books and technology will be handled through Gallup-McKinley

County Schools.

 I live outside of Gallup; will this program be available for me? o Yes, transportation will be made available for all McKinley Academy students in county


 Will I graduate from “McKinley Academy”? o The Associate’s Degree will be awarded by the University. Your High School Diploma will be

awarded by the high school you are enrolled in (i.e., Crownpoint, Gallup, Gallup Central, Miyamura, Ramah, Navajo, Thoreau, Tohatchi, Tse Yi Gai).

 Can I still participate in Afterschool Activities? o Academic achievement will be the primary focus of McKinley Academy. However, you may

still be able to participate in some of these activities at your enrolled High School.

 What are the benefits of receiving an Associate’s Degree and my High School Diploma? o Students who are able to receive an Associate’s Degree reduce the financial costs of college,

choose to enter the workforce with higher credentials or may even choose to enter the military with higher incentives and pay.

 How can I get more information? o We are very excited that you are interested in McKinley Academy. Please visit the GMCS

Homepage and Facebook page for additional information by January 2018.

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