7 minute read

Walking in Beauty

After the Holidays

Do you feel the need to detox from the Holiday sugar overload? Everyday someone brings another batch of sugar cookies to the office, or a cake and let us not forget all of that fudge. No wonder you feel so sluggish with all that sugar flowing through your veins. Now that the holidays are over, it is time to have a plan to get your body back to normal.

Do a veggie detox to get your body back on the right track. Gather up fresh vegetables, and make sure you include all the colors: greens, reds, oranges and yellows.

Here are some tips to maintaining detoxification:

• Include fiber from vegetables, nuts seeds and whole grains • Include a multi-vitamin to prevent any deficiency you may have in your regular diet • Eat an adequate amount of protein each day

Hopefully with this new beginning, you can get back to a healthy balance for the New Year. Taking care of yourself and your loved ones by eating healthily is a great gift for everyone.

Hoping 2018 is a Healthy Year for you!

If you are in good health and are interested in a detoxification program, check in with a registered dietitian nutritionist or physician who understands the body’s detox capabilities. They can help you find the best plan for you.

• Maintain adequate hydration • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables

306 S. 2nd Street Gallup, New Mexico 505-722-5017 camillescafe.com Start Off The New Year With A Healthy Choice!

3rd grade class Rehoboth Christian School

Christmas Day By Irelynn Delgado

It’s Christmas day, With holiday cheer I have been waiting All this year. There’re presents under the Christmas tree, How more awesome Can this be? It’s Christmas day HOORAY!!! It’s Christmas day HOORAY!!! There’s fig pudding at the table Just for you, How much more can I do? It’s Jesus’ birthday YAY!!!

The Cop By Molly Arsenault

I am A cop With a Mop, And I like To listen To pop.


By Trae Daniels

Sitting alone on a bench With no one bothering me It feels so good And looking at the sunset I feel rain drops on my head Now I feel soaked


By Henry Howerzyl

Whatever, the date is… Whatever, the year is… Whatever, the decade is… It is a gift.

Christmas Limerick

By Stephen George

We hang up lots of Christmas lights They light up the sky every night Santa Claus said HO HO HO so much snow It will be a beautiful sight


By Paul Silva

Mushrooms! Are the worst! I don’t like them! Raw Or cooked! I do not like them! It makes me complain. I wish my mom did not put them in my food. And she knows, I do NOT like them! Though there are many kinds of mushrooms STILL, I don’t like them no matter what my mom will not NOT let me eat them. Sometimes my mom will eat them for me. And my whole family likes them except Jose. When we have mushrooms he won’t complain like I do. And he will always eat them The other people in my family love mushrooms! But Christopher he liked them cooked The other people in my family will eat It raw or cooked. I don’t know if the other kids like them raw or not or cooked To them mushrooms are the best EVER! But for me it’s the opposite, It is the WORST! I do not like mushrooms!

By Laila Boyd

There once was a penguin who liked boats. He wanted, a brand new purple coat. He had tiny boxes He saw two foxes. He went to the north pole to float.

Cupcake Story

By Shanoah Eddie

Hungry for food First of all I chewed a tender chicken I ate Fast because I was hungry And broccoli bread and baked potatoes mashed potatoes and desserts Strawberry cupcakes with white whipping cream and cake brownies and marble cake 7 layers

Pizza and Chili

By Isaiah Rodriguez

My favorite food is pizza My least favorite food is chili, I just can’t stand chili Some people think chili is goodbut I just CAN stand, pizza!

By Jonah Jones

By a creek in Colorado Watching it flow rushing and trickling past rocks. All at the same time constructed a spear I saw a fish, And I never speared that fish!!!


By Kathlyn Copley

When my dad got the blazer He loved going off roading So, we were going off roading My dad saw some mud Well, He thought we could make it across, we were half way when we got stuck. “Dad.” We’re stuck. “Yup.” So Alizabeth and I got out of the blazer to see the mud Well, My dad called my mom And it took five hours for the blazer to get out.

Seeing a Snake in the Pond

By Christopher Armstrong

A fish rubbed up against my left foot I jumped In the pool. I saw a water snake! My brother jumped in. Both of us saw the water snake. We jumped out of the pool We got scared We ran back to the car.

I went to Santa Fe

By Gilles Tsosie

I woke up at 7:00AM Got some chips in my pantry Walked to the car Drove to the shop Packed the orders. Got in the car Stopped for food.

Two or three hours later Got to Santa Fe. Stuck in traffic Got to the hotel Relaxed and slept.

Next day woke up at 9AM My brother said I’m going to get some food. He walked back to the hotel Knocked on the door I walked to the door I opened the door He was carrying a bag We ate dinner. YUM! The End

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The Dino and the Boar

By Sam Newell

There once was an old dinosaur, a fat fat boar knocked at his door, the fat boar said, Hi the dino said, bye That, was the end of the fat boar!

XBox and Gaming

By Ryan Goodenough

My friend has Xbox one And we played multiple player And it was a dirt bike game I beat him on the game In a race The End

I Love Video Games

By Elijah Chavez

How I love video games, I love them, So much I love the PS1 PS2 PS3 and especially The PS4. I love everything about video games I love them I love them When I first saw them my eyes lit up with joy! There is so much you can do With game consoles you can download netflix Youtube Almost everything!

I am Happy

By The Rehoboth Christian School 3rd Graders

I am happy, When the sun shines. I am happy, When I do a backflip. I am the happiest man in the world, When I eat pizza. I am as happy as the sun, On a hot summer day. I am happy, When I get a free throw. I am as happy as a happy face, When I see my family. I am happy when I go to church, And read the Bible. I am happy When I get delicious Chipotle. I am always Happy!

Photo taken by Martha Hughes - “Church Rock”

Photo taken by Martha Hughes - “Nizhoni Gallup”

Photo taken by Martha Hughes - “Feet in the Air”

Photo by Padma Komaravolu - “India”

Photo by Padma Komaravolu - Rainbow National Monument, Utah

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