Gallup Sun • March 8, 2019

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‘Captain Marvel’: A War of Worlds

Film Review Page 16 VOL 5 | ISSUE 205 | MARCH 8, 2019

ABC'S OF IMPACT AID Sen. Clemente Sanchez, D-Grants

Sen. George Munoz, D-Gallup

How Gallup is getting short-changed, and the proposed legislative fix. Story Page 4


We need this money for better School Facilities & Technology for our Students and Staff!

Call these Legislators and let them know that they need to pass Impact Aid Bills NOW! Sen. John Arthur Smith - (505) 986-4365 Sen. Gregory A. Baca - (505) 986-4877 Sen. Craig W. Brandt- (505) 986-4385 Sen. William F. Burt - (505) 986-4366 Sen. Pete Campos - (505) 986-4311 Sen. Joseph Cervantes - (505) 986-4861 Sen. Carlos Cisneros - (505) 986-4362 Sen. Gregg Fulfer - (505) 986-4278 Sen. Candace Gould - (505) 986-4266 Sen. Gay G. Kernan - (505) 986-4274 Sen. Richard C. Martinez - (505) 986-4487 Sen. Mark Moores - (505) 986-4856 Sen. Steven P. Neville - (505) 986-4701

Sen. Steven P. Neville - (505) 986-4701 Sen. Gerald Ortiz y Pino - (505) 986-4482 Sen. Michael Padilla - (505) 986-4267 Sen. Mary Kay Papen - (505) 986-4733 Sen. WilliaM H. Payne - (505) 986-4703 Sen. Nancy Rodriguez - (505) 986-4264 Sen. John M. Sapien - (505) 986-4301 Sen. William P. Soules - (505)-986-4834 Sen. Elizabeth Stefanics - (505)-986-4377 Sen. Jeff Steinborn - (505)-986-4862 Sen. Mimi Stewart - (505)-986-4726 Sen. Peter Wirth - (505)-986-4727 Sen. James P. White - (505) 986-4395



Friday March 8, 2019 • Gallup Sun




















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SONY WESTINGHOUSE LA-Z-BOY Gallup Sun • Friday March 8, 2019 3

NEWS Proposed legislation would increase Impact Aid to rural schools SUPERINTENDENT IN SANTA FE SEEKS SUPPORT FOR SB 170

By Cody Begaye Sun Correspondent


ANTA FE - The ongoing effort to create an adequate education for children across New Mexico has new support in the form of Senate Bill 170, which was introduced during the first session of the 54th Legislature and sponsored by Sen. George Munoz, D-Gallup, and Sen. Clemente Sanchez, D-Grants. SB 170 aims to keep the state from taking state funding away from school districts that receive federal Impact Aid. The state calculates 75 percent of the amount of Impact Aid a district receives and subtracts that amount from state funding. The money removed from state funding is then re-allocated by the state to other districts. Supporters of SB 170 argue that the current legislation allows the state to favor urban districts, since most of the Impact Aid recipients are smaller rural districts. As of March 7, SB 170 is awaiting action in the Senate Finance Committee, and was reported with a “Do Pass” recommendation. A hearing, on the bill, has yet to be scheduled. Jvanna Hanks, assistant superintendent of business services for Gallup-McKinley County Schools, said that she and other members of the school board have been speaking to legislators in Santa Fe in hopes of getting SB 170 scheduled for a hearing.

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STATE DEADLOCKS ON WAGE BILL HB 31 would have tied minimum wage increase to cost of living index

GMCS Superintendent Mike Hyatt She added that many legislators and other elected officials are aware of the challenges rural school districts face. “Everyone we talk to [in Santa Fe] knows there’s a problem,” Hanks said in a phone call March 7. “They may not agree with the proposed solution, but they know there’s a problem.” Hanks said that she thinks they have substantial momentum to get SB 170 heard, and there are enough people on board to help find a viable solution.

THE PROBLEM AT WORK School districts across the state have a designated State Equalization Guarantee. This is the amount of money distributed to each school district by the state to ensure its operating revenue is at least equal to the district’s program cost. The state calculated that GMCS needed about $85 million to run efficiently in fiscal


year 2018. Existing legislation allows the state to calculate 75 percent of Impact Aid, about $22 million in Gallup’s case, and re-allocate it to other districts from the SEG funding designated for Gallup. Hence, Gallup receives about $63 million in state funding and has to make up the difference with Impact Aid. A fiscal impact report attached to SB 170 states that Gallup received $29 million in Impact Aid in fiscal year 2018. If the bill is passed into law, school districts that qualify for Impact Aid would receive all of the funds instead of just a fraction, since the state would be unable to take it from the SEG fund. Charles Long, GMCS Board of Education president, said that keeping all of the Impact Aid would be a great asset for the district. “Keeping our $20 million of Impact Aid would be a game changer for our students and our county,” Long said in a written statement March 7. “It would help us build better schools and facilities, fix our schools and provide better equipment and technology”

raise funds for future projects. Districts in rural areas such as Zuni and Gallup, on the other hand, do not receive as much tax support because their schools exist mostly on federal land. So smaller districts rely more on Impact Aid than urban districts. Mike Hyatt, superintendent for Gallup-McKinley County Schools, said about 20 percent of the land around GMCS is taxable. The lack of property taxes means that GMCS has to carefully allocate its operational funds to make up the difference and generate revenue. Hyatt said this is a huge inequity. “This formula is the state robbing from poverty-stricken areas to pay the rich districts,” Hyatt said in a phone call Feb. 18. Hyatt’s comments about the state’s bias toward richer school districts were echoed by Long, who sa id, “Ou r rural school district has been neglected by our state for decades, and we hope legislators will solve this issue outside of the courtroom.”

Hanks said most people can easily see what the problem is, and the most obvious symptom of inadequate funding for rural districts in Gallup and Zuni, are apparent in looking at the athletic facilities. “[Zuni and Gallup] can’t afford to build new facilities,” she said. “When we don’t have those sufficient facilities to provide the necessary school services, that is damage is being done by the way Impact Aid is being handled.” According to a fiscal impact report attached to SB 170, New Mexico districts that applied for Impact Aid in fiscal year 2018 received about $78.2 million with the state taking about $58.7 million to re-allocate as they determined.

A DECADES LONG ISSUE Hyatt sa id the histor y of this aid goes back to the 1970s, when a property tax was


LACK OF TAXES School districts in larger cities such as Albuquerque receive property tax support from residents and businesses to build and maintain facilities and tend to infrastructure and technology needs, as well as


NEW MEXICO WOMEN’S LEGISLATION Caucus endorsed numerous key bills

Friday March 8, 2019 • Gallup Sun

14 15 18 CERAMICS ARTIST OPENS NEW EXHIBIT Randi O’Brien speaks at UNM-G about her work and life

TEACHER OF THE MONTH Laura Ippel tells readers to never stop learning

BASKETBALL FEVER Shots from the boys 4a District Championship


State legislature deadlocks on one wage increase bill BILL WOULD HAVE TIED PAY TO COST OF LIVING INDEX By Cody Begaye Sun Correspondent


ANTA FE – The heavily-discussed House Bill 31 encountered a stumbling block in the Senate Corporations and Transportation Committee during the first session of the 54th New Mexico State Legislature.

During the March 5 session, the committee was unable to attain enough votes to advance HB 31. HB 31 called for a minimum wage increase across New Mexico in phases. If passed into law, it would call for a minimum wage rate of $10 an hour, which would increase after July 2020 to $11 an hour,

and then again after July 2021 to a minimum of $12 an hour. In addition, HB 31 would eliminate the tip exceptions for employees like restaurant servers, effectively cutting their hourly earnings in half. Local business owners and elected officials around Gallup, including Rocket Cafe owner Marie Chioda and McKinley

County Commission Chairman Bill Lee, spoke out against HB 31, saying it would be devastating for Gallup employees on minimum wage, because of the fluctuating Cost of Living Index and their dependence on tips. The committee did vote to advance Senate Bill 437, sponsored by Sen. Clemente Sanchez, D-Grants, further in the Senate. SB 437 calls for a minimum wage increase to $9.50 an hour by April 2020, and then up to $10 an hour by the end of 2020. However, it does not take the Cost of Living Index into account and would not remove the tipped wage exceptions for employees.


New Mexico State Capitol roundhouse east entrance. Photo Credit: Courtesy


Amazing Grace Insurance - 16 Bubany Insurance Agency - 6 Butler’s Office City - 16 Camille’s Sidewalk Cafe - 15 Castle Furniture - 3 Crime Stoppers - 9 CPA Steve Petranovich - 11 Custom Computer Services - 22 Gallup BID - 24 Gallup Housing Authority - 21 Gallup McKinley County Schools - 2 Gurley Motor Service - 7 Octavia Fellin Public Library - 8 Pinnacle Bank - 13 Quintana’s Music - 15 Small Fry Dentistry - 11 Thunderbird Supply Co. - 5 TravelCenters of America - 10

McKinley County Commission Chairman Bill Lee

Gallup Sun Publishing, LLC Publisher/Editor Babette Herrmann Accounts Representative Raenona Harvey Associate Editor Beth Blakeman Photography Cayla Nimmo Knifewing Segura Correspondent/Editorial Asst. Cody Begaye Design David Tsigelman On the Cover Reporter Cody Begaye gets down to the brass tacks on the complex issue of Impact Aid. Cover designed by D. Tsigelman The Gallup Sun, published Fridays, is not responsible or liable for any claims or offerings, nor responsible for availability of products advertised. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. The Gallup Sun distributes newspapers in McKinley, Cibola and Apache counties. Office: 102 S. Second St., Gallup, NM 87301 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Gallup Sun, PO Box 1212, Gallup, NM. Mailing Address: PO Box 1212 Gallup, NM 87305 Phone: (505) 722-8994 Fax: (505) 212-0391 Letter to the editor/guest column ACCEPTED BY EMAIL ONLY. State full name and city/town. No pen names. ID required. All submissions subjected to editor’s approval. Guest columnists, email Sun for submission requirements.

Gallup Sun • Friday March 8, 2019


More New Mexico parents Governor’s not to vaccinate ‘moonshot bill’ choose HEALTH DEPARTMENT WARNS ABOUT MEASLES OUTBREAKS passes House LANDMARK EDUCATION BILL HEADS FOR SENATE Staff Reports


ANTA FE - The House of Representatives ha s pa ssed House Bill 5 Public Education Changes sponsored by House Floor Majority Leader Representative Sheryl Williams Stapleton ( D -A l bu q uer q ue), Hou s e Education Committee Chair Representative Andres Romero ( D -A l bu q uer q ue), Hou s e Appropriations & Finance Chairwoman Patricia Lundstrom (D-Gallup), Representative Christine Trujillo ( D - A l b u q u e r q u e) , a n d Representative Bobby Gonzalez (D-Taos). Described as the “moonshot bill” by Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, HB 5 calls for a $449 million dollar increase for public education funding, while raising teacher minimum salaries, expanding K-5 Plus, and increasing the At-Risk Index. “This bill is a once-in-alifetime ga me cha nger for our students across the state. While many components of

Rep. Sheryl Williams Stapleton, D-Albuquerque HB 5 address the requirements of the recent lawsuit, there a re multiple dimensions that have far-reaching impact over the decades,” Stapleton said. “This bill is a landmark legislation that finally shines a bright light on the beautiful diversity of our New Mexico students and opens the door of opportunity for every child in our state.” House Bill 5 moves on to the Senate for consideration.


ANTA FE - In light of the recent state of emergency declared in the Washington state after a measles outbreak, the New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH) is strongly encouraging parents to vaccinate their children. “Vaccines are the best protection against measles and many other serious diseases,” said Department of Health Secretary Kathy Kunkel. “The entire purpose of getting vaccinated is to protect you and your loved ones from disease before it makes you sick. The greater the number of New Mexico children that are fully vaccinated, the better the chance entire families - even entire communities - stay healthy.” Measles, like many communicable diseases, is highly contagious and can overwhelm a person’s immune system, resulting in sickness and, in some cases, death. Measles is so contagious that if one person has it, 90% of the people close to that person who are not immune, will also become infected. Over the last seven years, New Mexico has seen a steady increase in the number of children who are not fully vaccinated. Since 2012 in New Mexico, there has been a 60% increase in the rate of people

exempting from recommended vaccinations. In 2018, 4,441 school-aged children had an exemption for vaccination filed with the Department of Health, an increase from 4,346 children in 2017. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as many as one out of every 20 children with measles, gets pneumonia, about one child out of every 1,000 will develop encephalitis (swelling of the brain), and for every 1,000 children who get measles, one or two will die from it. The NMDOH recommends that all children without medical exceptions receive two doses of the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine. The first dose of the vaccine is usually given between 12 and 15 months of age, and the second dose is recommended at four through six years of age. Measles typically begins

with high fever, cough, runny nose and red, watery eyes. Three to five days after symptoms begin, a rash breaks out. It usually begins as flat red spots that appear on the face at the hairline and spread downward to the neck, trunk, arms, legs, and feet. Small raised bumps may also appear on top of the flat red spots. The spots may become joined together as they spread from the head to the rest of the body. When the rash appears, a person’s fever may spike to more than 104° Fahrenheit. Infected people can spread measles to others from four days before through four days after the rash appears. If you think you or your family member may have measles, please call the New Mexico Department of Health at 505-827-0006. For more information about measles visit: www.

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Friday March 8, 2019 • Gallup Sun


New Mexico Women’s Legislative Caucus endorses key legislation Staff Reports


A N TA F E - New Mex ico’s newly m i n t e d Wo m e n’s L eg i slat ive Caucu s has selected its first round of nine key pieces of legislation supporting the state’s women, children and families. The New Mexico Women’s Legislative Caucus ha s endorsed the following pieces of legislation with a minimum three-fourths vote in support. H B 71 – School-Ba sed Hea lt h Center F u nd i ng. Br i ng s f u nd i ng level s t o school based health centers back to pre-recession levels. These health centers are throughout the state. HB 135 – Sexual Assault Survivors Bill of Rights. Lays out rights for persons who have been sexually assaulted, including having their rape kit tested in a reasonable time, notification before a rape kit is destroyed. HB 303 – Foster Family Pa rk & Museu m F ree Admission. A llows foster parents free admission into NM State Parks. HB 399 – Waive Child Care Assistance Copays. Waives copays for 3 and 4 year olds who attend 4 a nd 5 - STA R childcare centers. The bill costs $2.2 million and will a l low ch i ld ren to st ay at one early childhood site for high quality services instead of moving around to save a copay. HB 403 – Provider Parity Pay. A sk s t he s t a t e t o increase contracts for fee for service to meet the increased cost of i mplement i ng t he new minimum wage. Cost is unknown, but without help

Rep. Kelly Fajardo, Caucus Co-Chair domestic violence and homeless shelters, senior mea l sites, child care, personal ca re prov ider s a nd ma ny more will be unable to meet their current obligations. HB 436 – A lig n Hea lth Insurance Law with Federal Law. Protects people with preexisting conditions from bei ng den ied i n su ra nce or being charged more for insurance. HB 447 – Track Ch i ld ren Bet ween School & CYFD. Creates a unique t r a ck i ng system bet ween publ ic school s, PED, a nd CY F D to en su re ch i ld ren who are truant are tracked between schools, those that leave the state, or who are home s c ho ole d . T h i s bi l l is in memor y of Jeremia h Va lencia , who wa s d isenrolled from Las Vegas Public Schools and was never reenrol led i n Sa nt a Fe P ubl ic Schools. SB 190 – Intimate Partner Survivor Suffrage. Requires t he Secreta r y of State to


IT JUST DID! Call for great rates and special ad subscription prices for small, local businesses! Gallup Sun Publishing, LLC Phone: (505) 722-8994 Email: NEWS

Sen. Antoinette Sedillo-Lopez, Caucus Co-Chair maintain voter participant reg i st r at ion record s i n a secured module. The registration records would not appear in the voter file or the county voter list and would not be a cces sible by a ny county user or the public.

HJM 10 – Child Protective Ser vices Task Force. Ask CY F D to for m a com m ittee and to study the needed reforms in child protective services. T h e Wo m e n’s C a u c u s looks forward to the passage

of this legislation to better the lives of all New Mexicans through improving the lives of wome n , c h i ld r e n a nd families. For more information, contact:

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701 W Coal Ave. Gallup,NM 87301 Gallup Sun • Friday March 8, 2019


Senators Heinrich and Rounds introduce bill to repeal ‘Cadillac tax’ Staff Reports


ASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senators Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) and Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) introduced bipartisan legislation March 6 to repeal a provision in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) known as the ‘Cadillac tax,’ which taxes high-cost health insurance plans and impacts middle-class health benefits. In the 115th Congress, more than 300 members of Congress from both parties cosponsored legislation to repeal the 40 percent tax. Although the tax was originally a provision in the Affordable Care Act, implementation has been delayed numerous times by bipartisan coalitions in Congress, most recently to 2022. “Eliminating this onerous tax on employees’ health coverage will protect important benefits for workers and ensure that businesses and

Senator Martin Heinrich

Senator Mike Rounds

families get a fair deal,” said Heinrich. “I’m proud to join Senator Rounds in leading this bipartisan effort to ensure millions of middle-class families who rely on employer-based health care aren’t unfairly penalized by this tax.” “The bill we introduced today is a step toward repealing another negative provision of the Affordable Care Act: the Cadillac tax,” said Rounds. “If implemented, the Cadillac tax

would impose a 40 percent tax on certain employer-sponsored health care plans. This would dramatically increase the costs of healthcare for South Dakota families. The Cadillac tax is currently scheduled to go into effect in 2022, and unless we’re able to repeal it, millions of middle-class families across the country will be impacted. I look forward to working with the administration and my colleagues in Congress to advance

this bipartisan legislation to fully repeal the Cadillac tax.” Beginning in 2022, the Cadillac tax would impact employers and families whose health insurance plans cost more than $11,100 for an individual, and $29,750 for family coverage. The tax could negatively impact 718,000 people in New Mexico and 437,000 in South Dakota, including public employees, service industry workers, and small business owners and retirees. “AFSCME strongly endorses Sen. Heinrich’s Middle Class Health Benefits Tax Repeal Act to eliminate the harmful

Heinrich congratulates New Mexico U.S. Senate Youth Program delegates Staff Reports


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Friday March 8, 2019 • Gallup Sun

40 percent tax on worker and retiree health benefits because it forces insurers and employers to reduce these health benefits, thereby raising patients’ medical copays, deductibles, and related out-of-pocket health expenses. American workers are suffering an affordability crisis in health care. We can’t think of a worse tax at a worse time,” said American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) New Mexico Council 18 President Casey Padilla. For more information, contact press@heinrich.


ASHINGTON, D.C U. S . Senator Ma r tin Heinrich,D-N.M., met with and congratulated New Mexico’s two student delegates March 6 for the United States Senate Youth Program (USSYP), Katherine Broten of Far mington and Dav id Fillmore, Jr. of Alamogordo. Each year, two students from each state and the District of Columbia – as well as two children of service members stationed and living abroad — are selected in a highly competitive merit-based process to participate in a week-long study of the federal government and its leaders. The students visit Capitol H i l l, t he W h ite Hou se, t he Pent a gon , t he S t a t e Depar tment, the Supreme Court and many other historic sites in Washington. The program agenda includes meetings with senators, the president, cabinet secretaries, and other key policymakers. Each of the student delegates also will receive a $10,000 undergraduate college scholarship. “Seeing our democracy

and systems of government first-hand is an invaluable experience,” said Senator Heinrich. “I’m proud of Katie and David’s dedication to serving their communities. These up-and-coming young leaders show us that our state and our country’s future remains bright. I hope this incredible opportunity will instill in both of them a lifelong commitment to public service, and I look forward to seeing all that these student delegates accomplish in the years ahead.” Katie Broten, a senior at Piedra Vista High School, serves as the Student Body president, a nd ha s volunteered at San Juan Medical Fou nd a t ion , P i non H i l l s Community Church, and for the Sa n Jua n Democratic P a r t y. K a t i e h a s b e e n pa r t of the Mayor’s Teen Advisory Council and New Mex ico P ubl ic Education D e p a r t me nt ’s S t ude nt Leadership Network as well as being a representative of Better Angels Debate Society. She runs both track and cross country for her high school


Weekly Police Activity Reports Staff Reports


Snapshot of Bills passed on Senate Floor


ere are the bills passed on the Senate Floor March 5-6. All now go to the House of Representatives for consideration. Below is a brief list of the bills, including their number, title, sponsor(s), vote count and link. The status of these bills may change prior to press time. MARCH 6 SB 394/a: PHARMACY AUDIT CHANGES & EXCEPTIONS (Sanchez) Passed (36-0) SB 378: SELF-SERVICE STORAGE INSURANCE LICENSE ACT (Muñoz) Passed (32-8) SB 489/aa: ENERGY TRANSITION ACT (Candelaria) Passed (32-9) SB 328/aaaaaaaaa: ORDERS OF PROTECTION & FIREARM OWNERSHIP (Cervantes) Passed (27-15) MARCH 5 SB 458/a: NOTICE OF MEETINGS INVOLVING STATE TRUST LAND (Ivey-Soto) (Passed 35-4) SB 237: LIMITATION ON SURVEYING ACTIONS (Cisneros) (Passed 30-7) SB 385/a: PROFESSIONAL LICENSURE OF CERTAIN FELONS (Moores/O’Neill) (Passed 34-2) SB 1/aaa: PUBLIC EDUCATION CHANGES (Stewart) (Passed 41-0) SB 323: DECREASE MARIJUANA PENALTIES (Cervantes) (Passed 30-8) SB 294: HEALTH INSURANCE EXCHANGE BOARD REPORTING (Papen) (Passed 36-0) SB 288: SAFE SCHOOLS FOR ALL STUDENTS (Soules) (Passed 34-7) HB 162: INSURANCE PREMIUM TAX PROVISIONS (J. Trujillo) (Passed 39-0) HB 303/aa: FOSTER FAMILY PARK & MUSEUM FREE ADMISSION (Fajardo/Dow) (Passed 41-0) Listing courtesy of N.M. Senate Democrats. For updates on these bills, visit:


Gallup, March 3 A Williams Acres man was arrested after he reportedly made threats to cut off his g i rl fr iend’s head with a machete. Joh n son Jim Jr., 62, was charged w it h a g g r av a t ed a s s au lt against a household member with a deadly weapon. McKinley County Sheriff Sgt. Anthony Morales said he was dispatched to Williams Acres about 4 pm on March 3 because of a domestic dispute. Morales said he met Jim’s girlfriend at Jim’s house. The girlfriend said they were arguing when Jim made the threat about the machete and told her to leave the house. Morales then went inside the house and found Jim and placed him in handcuffs because of safety concerns. He said he saw a machete

laying on a chair near Jim. Morales said Jim appeared to be so intoxicated that he was transported to a local hospital for a medical clearance before being taken to the county jail and booked. According to the police report, Jim made no statements to deputies.

TRUCKER FIGHT Jamestown, March 2 A violent argument between two truckers brought a visit by McKinley County Sheriff’s Office deputies, but in the end they were told they could file civil charges, but no arrests were made. The i ncident occu r red about 5:30 pm at the truck stop in Jamestown. Deputy Jonathan Todachine Jr. said when he arrived at the truck stop, he met Anthony Ba ron, a t r ucker f rom Richmond, Ill. and Hugh Swan, a trucker from Henderson. Nev. The two apparently began arguing with each other as they were in line to get fuel. Baron told deputies that he was cut off by Swan at the

fuel island. The two began yelling at each other and Baron accused Swan of throwing salt and punching him in the face. Swan claimed that Baron put his hands on him and he only defended himself. No one wa s ser iou sly injured but the window on Swan’s truck was busted. Todachine said the two were still yelling at each other as he tried to interview them. He finally had to order each to go back to their trucks in order to get the situation calmed down.

PEDESTRIAN COLLISION Rock Springs, March 2 A vehicle pedestrian accident about 11:30 pm on March 2 sent Bobby Hardy, no age or address given, to the hospital. Robert Clah, of Ganado, told deputies that he was traveling on State Highway 264 when someone ran across the front of his vehicle. A couple of seconds later, he saw another


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Gallup Sun • Friday March 8, 2019



WEEKLY DWI REPORT Staff Reports Mathew Jameson March 4, 8:50 pm Aggravated DWI (second offense) McKinley C o u n t y S h e r i f f D e p u t y Lorenzo Guerrero said he had just finished a call at the Grand Canyon Trailer Park and was leaving when he noticed a vehicle at the entrance with his turn signal on but not moving. As he came up to the vehicle, he noticed that the driver was passed out behind the wheel and the engine was still running. There was a woman passenger who opened up her door, allowing deputies to wake Jameson, 27, of Gallup, up to make sure he was all right. As he was waking him up, Guerrero noticed two open bottles of liquor on the cup

holders. He also recognized the smell of liquor coming off of his person. When he asked him to step out of the vehicle, he had to be helped because he was intoxicated, Guerrero said. When he asked Jameson to take the standard field sobriety tests, he said Jameson replied, “Friend to friend, I am going to fail the test.” He then refused to take the test. He was then arrested for DWI. He agreed to take a breath alcohol test and posted samples of .26, .29 and .25. Leslie Wilson Jr. March 3, 11:11 pm Aggravated DWI. (Second offense) McKinley C o u n t y S h e r i f f Deputy Paul Davis Jr. said he was dispatched to milepost 3 on U.S. Highway 491 because of a car stopped in the roadway causing a hazard.

When he got there, he found Wilson, 24 of Churchrock, passed out behind the wheel with the engine running. He knocked on the window and Wilson woke up. Davis said he looked at him and then went back to sleep. Davis woke him up again and the same thing happened. On the third time, Wilson stayed awake and rolled down the window and Davis said he smelled the odor of liquor being emitted from the car. Wilson said he was coming from Window Rock and admitted to drinking about an hour before he started driving to Gallup. He agreed to do field sobriety tests and failed and was arrested for DWI. He also agreed to take a breath alcohol test and posted two samples of .21.


subject, identified as Hardy, run across the street. W hile he tried to take evasive action, his car stuck Hardy, Clah said. When deputies arrived at the scene, Hardy was lying on the shoulder of the road not moving. A blanket was put over him to shield him from the rain. When MedStar personnel arrived on the scene, they got a response from Hardy and transported him to the hospital, where he was later reported to be in stable shape. Deputies found the other subject who ran across the street. She was not injured but was taken to the Gallup Detox Center. Clah was not cited.

ABUSE ARREST Gallup, Feb. 28 A Ga l lup wom a n wa s charged with five counts of abuse of a child after she was found intoxicated and unable

to care for her children. Sher i f f Deput y Iva n Tsethlikai said he was dispatched to a house on Bishop Drive in Gallup about 9 pm on Feb. 28. As he went to the door, he said he could hear children crying inside the house. He said he made contact with the grandmother of the children who said she had just come home from work when she heard her daughter, Traci Garnenez, 31, yelling at her children. Her daughter appeared to be intoxicated or high on something, she said. Tsethlikai said he then met Garnenez who was crying. She said she had gotten into an argument with her ex-husband over the phone. She admitted to drinking three shots of vodka earlier in the evening. He then met with one of the older children who said her mother was yelling at her and shoving her. Garnenez was arrested and the children were placed in the custody of their grandmother.


Heinrich (center) poses for a photo with Katherine Broten and David Fillmore, New Mexico U.S. Senate Youth Program delegates. Photo Credit: Courtesy

YOUTH PROGRAM | FROM PAGE 8 and she has received many awards including being named ‘Best Debater’ by the National Histor y Academy and the ‘Women’s History Award’ from the New Mexico Department of the Humanities. David Fillmore, a senior at Alamogordo High School, serves as the secretary of New Mexico State UniversityAlamogordo Student Council. He is the founder and managing director of the nonprofit organization Multicultural


Friday March 8, 2019 • Gallup Sun

I d e a E x c h a n g e Wo r l d Initiatives. He serves as the senior patrol leader for Boy Scouts of America Troop 127, and has been recognized as an Eagle Scout and a member of the Order of the Arrow. Subsequent to his participation in the New Mexico Boys State, he was awarded the American Legion Prospero L. Sanchez Scholarship and the Ea ster n New Mex ico University Presidential Talent Award. David has dedicated his time as a precinct captain for the Steve Pearce for governor campaign. NEWS

‘Intolerant’ of groundwater contamination, NM sues Air Force over PFAS pollution By Laura Paskus NM Political Report


n a lawsuit against the U.S. Air Force, New Mexico alleges the military isn’t doing enough to contain or clean up dangerous chemicals that have seeped into the groundwater below two Air Force bases in the state. On Tuesday, New Mexico At tor ney Genera l Hector Balderas and the New Mexico Env iron ment Depa r tment (NMED) filed a complaint in federal district court, asking a judge to compel the Air Force to act on, and fund, cleanup at the two bases near Clovis and Alamogordo. “ We h a v e s i g n i f ic a nt amounts of PFAS in the groundwater, under both Cannon and Holloman Air Force bases,” NMED Secretary James Kenney told NM Political Report. PFAS, or per and polyfluoroalkyl substances, are toxic, human-manufactured chemicals that move through

Firefighters from the 27th Special Operations Civil Engineering Squadron control a fire during a training exercise at Cannon Air Force Base, N.M., Jan. 18. Photo Credit: U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Lane T. Plummer groundwater and biological systems. Even in small amounts, exposure to PFAS increases the risk of testicular, kidney and thyroid cancer and problems like ulcerative colitis and pregnancy-induced hypertension. “We want the groundwater cleaned up in the shortest amount of time possible, and we think at this point litigation is our best and fastest approach,” Kenney said. NMED and the

New Mexico Department of Health are continuing to collect groundwater samples, and the two agencies are also working closely with the state’s Department of Agriculture. “As soon as we have those results, which should be in the next couple of weeks, we will determine the best way [to engage with the community],” he said. That could mean public meetings or roundtable discussions in the

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NMED Secretary James Kenney communities. “I personally understand: It’s a bit scary, if you’re in those areas, to know there’s a groundwater issue and [to wonder], ‘How am I affected?” Kenney said. “We need to get some scientific data to get the answers to those questions.” Groundwater tests at Cannon Air Force Base near Clovis showed concentrations of PFAS exceeding 26,000 nanograms per liter, or more than 300 times the federal lifetime drinking water exposure limit. In off-base wells, including those that supply drinking water to dairies, levels ranged from 25 to 1,600 nanograms per liter. The human health advisory for a lifetime drinking water exposure to PFAS is 70 parts per trillion, or 70 nanograms per liter. At Holloman, contamination levels in some wells were 18,000 times the federal health advisory for PFAS. In addition to being a plaintiff against the Air Force, New Mexico is also a defendant in a separate case. After NMED issued a notice of violation against Cannon, the Air Force

sued New Mexico, challenging the agency’s authority to compel PFAS cleanup under its state permit. There’s a bigger issue at stake as well, Kenney said. New Mexico hosts many different types of federal installations and entities, some of which have legacy contamination— pollution from decades ago that has never been cleaned. “We’re trying to prevent another legacy issue from occurring here in New Mexico with the bases,” he said. “And broadly speaking, New Mexicans should be intolerant of the contamination of our groundwater.”

AIR FORCE DEFENDS RESPONSE The Air Force declined to comment on the pending litigation, but Mark Kinkade, a spokesman for the Air Force I n st a l lat ion a nd M i s sion Support Center, said the Air Force’s response to PFAS in


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Gallup Sun • Friday March 8, 2019



Taxes for gig workers By Finance New Mexico


he gig economy makes it possible for thousands of Americans to join the ranks of self-employed people, whether they’re driving for hire or doing short-term assignments as accountants or writers or using a 3-D printer to manufacture products for others. Such jobs offer flexibility and independence, but they

come with the same obligations as any other sole proprietorship, including the responsibility to file a Schedule C form and pay self-employment taxes in addition to income taxes they might owe if the business is profitable. People who use their own equipment and set their own hours - such as Uber and Lyft drivers or plumbers and electricians who own their own businesses - are considered

i ndependent cont ra ctor s. According to the Inter na l Revenue Ser v ice, approximately 25.5 million people in the U.S. were self-employed in 2016, and that number is steadily increasing.

RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTIONS Self-employment tax contributes to the Social Security and Medicare systems that


provide benefits for retired wo r ke r s . B e c a u s e i n d e pendent cont r a c t or s a r e self-employed, they pay both the employer and employee portions of Social Security and Medicare contributions, rather than splitting the cost with an employer. Self-employment tax is reported on Schedule SE, and the 2018 rate for tax returns filed in 2019 is 15.3 percent of taxable net earnings from

self-employment. Even those who are already retired and receiving Social Security benefits can be liable for self-employment tax if their freelance income exceeds a cer tain amount. Because self-employment tax is separate from income tax, a self-employed worker who d id n’t ma ke enoug h money to owe income tax, might still owe money to the IRS, which is why it’s good for the freshly self-employed to get advice from a certified tax



The Sun is in Pisces until March 19, and a First Quarter Moon appears on March 14. Prepare to imagine a better future. Don’t get stuck, or caught up in details just yet. First, you must imagine the possibilities for your future. Then by taking small measured steps, you realize your reality. Madame G wishes you well on your journey. May you be more than your obstacles. Live well.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)

CANCER (June 21-July 22)

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct.22)

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You are pushing toward your goals like a freight train crashing through debris. Don’t get caught up in the drama. If someone is deliberately trying to derail you, take measures to stop them. Remember, you’re enough to handle any challenge. You can do so much more successfully than you realize. Focus on yourself and keep moving toward your goals. You’ve got this.

Look deeply into heart and ask yourself: is this what I really want? Search for the answer and be kind. Be kind to yourself. Be kind to others. But look deep into your soul and tap what means the most to you in life. It could be that you need to save some money to take that vacation in the French Riviera.

Your employees and family are your allies. They realize you’re doing the best you can. You don’t need to be everything for everyone. Keep pushing forward and allow others to help you. You’ll accomplish more than you’ve ever realized. Pursue your goals with force, but don’t run over anyone. Be open to accepting help from team members, and offer help of your own.

What do you want out of life? Now is the time to look inward and ask yourself what you’d like to accomplish. You can do so much, if you put your mind to it. Don’t be afraid of pursuing your dreams. Don’t be afraid to consider the many great possibilities. Push yourself forward and do your best. Love yourself and forgive yourself. You’re doing the best you can.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Don’t get stuck. Stay woke! Now it’s time to push forward and realize what you can do. Don’t get lost in the details. You’re capable of more. Don’t fear your potential. Now is the time to pursue the new and higher paid job. Now is the time to take on a side hustle or start that side business. Don’t lose faith. Focus on good habits and take charge of what you can change.

You can do this, don’t stop. Your voice may shake and your hands may become blocks of ice, but you can do this. You don’t need to focus on the exact details. Focus on what you can change. Push forward and pursue your goals. It’s now or never. Don’t hang your head. Wake up and hold your head up high. You have arrived. Keep going.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

It’s not that other people are out to get you. They’re just out for themselves. It’s better to allow others time to pursue their own interests. They will likely be different from yours. In this way, focus on yourself. Don’t let others influence what you actually care about. Foster healthy habits that promote well-being. Put your best foot forward.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) You’re the master of your own destiny. It’s up to you to live the life of your dreams. No one can, or will do this for you. If you have something you need or want in this life, it’s time to pursue it. Stop focusing on drama. Stop trying to tell people what to do. Focus on what you’d like to see in yourself, and others, and start putting that into the world. Only you can do this, good luck.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Your heart is in the right place. Keep pursuing your dreams and staying creatively engaged. Only you know what you’d like to get out of this life. Only you know if the pursuit is worth it or not. It doesn’t matter how slowly you go, as long as you are enjoying each and every bit of the process. Don’t lose faith. Your life is yours to live. Enjoy.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Love yourself and look into making travel plans. It’s time to get out there and enjoy this amazing world. Remember, travel doesn’t have to be expensive. You can explore the great state of New Mexico and the surrounding states. You can head off to the mountains, or a city you’ve never visited. You probably haven’t explored every part of your environment. There’s so much potential.

Keep an open heart and stay honest with yourself. You can do so much more than you ever realized. Focus on what you can change and keep pushing forward. You’ll get there eventually if you pursue your dreams relentlessly. Don’t get lost in the details. Allow yourself to make the distinction between what is possible and what’s not. Pursue what’s possible. It’s better that way.


Friday March 8, 2019 • Gallup Sun

Look towards the future and keep pushing for a better future for your life and family. Home is where the heart is. We all have our outside responsibilities, but cherish the down time. Binge on some Netflix or Hulu. Cuddle with your loved ones. We only get this one life.


Per-student and teacher funding in New Mexico lower than a decade ago By Sharon Kayne NM Voices for Children


LBUQUERQUE - New Mexico is one of several states that have failed to increase their total per-student funding compared to a decade ago, according to a new report from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP). While 26 states have made larger investments in their K-12 students since 2008, per-student funding in New Mexico remained 9 percent less in 2016 than in 2008, after adjusting for inflation. The report found that New Mexico ranks 33rd in per-pupil funding, after adjusting for the cost of living, poverty, and other factors among the 50 states. “E ven w it h t he sm a l l i ncrea ses made over the past two years, we’re still way behind in providing the funding necessary to build a world-class school system,” said James Jimenez, executive director of New Mexico Voices for Children. “We’ve not properly funded our schools or adequately paid our teachers in more than a decade, as is evident by the judge’s ruling in the Yazzie/Martinez lawsuit.” Teacher pay is also highlighted in the report, which shows that only nine states have increased teacher salaries above the 2009-10 levels, when adjusted for inflation. In New Mexico, teacher pay remained 8.3 percent lower than pre-recession levels in 2016-17. (2016 is the latest year for which comprehensive data on total state/local funding is available.) “The effects of state funding cuts are evident in teacher pay,” said CBPP Senior Director of State Fiscal Research Michael Leachman. “Some 42 states – including New Mexico – cut the average teacher’s salary relative to inflation between 2010 and 2017. That is why teacher OPINIONS

Sharon Kayne, New Mexico Voices for Children protests emerged in many states recently.” The report noted, however, that three of the states that raised pay in response to teacher strikes, failed to do so in a way that is sustainable over the long-term - meaning these states will either need to find other ways to fund higher pay or make cuts. “Having sustainable revenue is a huge issue for New Mexico,” said Jimenez. “We’ve been on the boom-and-bust cycle of oil and gas prices for the past 15 years and it’s time to break that cycle. The time to do it is now rather than waiting until oil prices have dropped again,” he added. Adequate school funding can improve student outcomes and strengthen state economies, while steep funding cuts make it hard for states to improve teacher quality, reduce class sizes, extend learning time, and enact other reforms that can improve student outcomes, according to the report. New Mexico’s Legislature is currently considering several ways to raise new revenue, including closing a loophole out-of-state corporations use to avoid paying taxes on their New Mexico profits, and significantly decreasing an income tax deduction that overwhelmingly benefits those with the highest incomes while providing no economic benefits.


expenses and miles driven on the job. The calculations made on Schedule C, will determine if the self-employed worker has made or lost money from his efforts. If the net profit is more than $400, a Schedule SE is required to submit self-employment taxes.

professional or accountant. If a taxpayer is audited, accountants and enrolled agents professionals authorized to prepare tax returns - can represent a taxpayer in discussions with the IRS.

LOWERING EXPENSES WITH DEDUCTIONS Business expenses and other deductions can lower the amount owed, so independent contractors need to be meticulous about tracking their expenses. Many independent contractors receive Form 1099 or 1099-MISC, which indicates the amount they received for performing the contracted work. Uber and Lyft drivers get Form 1099-K. Uber doesn’t deduct the commissions and fees paid by the driver, so he or she must account for them elsewhere on Schedule C, along

LEGISLATION | FROM PAGE 4 introduced. At that time, New Mexico schools generated a mill levy of roughly $8.92 for every $1,000 of taxable property the school was on, because every property owner in the county was pitching in. But there was a shift in the 1980s, when the property tax was largely replaced by Impact Aid. The amount of property tax New Mexico schools were pulling in took a sharp decline to $0.50 for every $1,000 of taxable property, for a 94 percent decrease. “This was the state taking advantage of the [rural] counties back then, because they didn’t have the political clout to stop it,” Hyatt said. Gallup and other rural schools have minimal, insufficient buildings to house students, as a

DON’T GO IT ALONE Lyft icon on iPhone Photo Credit: Finance New Mexico with mileage, tolls and other eligible expenses to lower the income and self-employment tax owed. Independent contractors might deduct the subscription cost or purchase price of bookkeeping software or other equipment used to conduct business. Personal drivers have deduction options related to the use of their equipment, but they won’t be able to claim them unless they have tracked their actual

Do-it-yourself Uber and Lyft drivers can find detailed tax filing instructions online at https://www.eitcoutreach. org/rideshare/how-do-rideshare-uber-and-lyft-driverspay-taxes/. Ta x Help New Mex ico offers filing assistance through AARP, United Way offices and community colleges. Visit e x i c o.g o v / In div i d u a l s / free-filing-assistance.aspx for a list of locations. To learn more, go to www.FinanceNewMexico. org.

result of the laws that were put in place decades ago, Hyatt added. This was challenged in a 1998 lawsuit filed by Zuni, Gallup-McKinley, and GrantsCibola county schools, where a district cour t ruled the capital funding system was unconstitutional. Despite the lawsuit ruling and higher Impact Aid amounts, rural schools still lag behind schools in cities like Albuquerque. Hyatt said the way the state is handling the Impact Aid funds is complicating the issue. “We have to fight for every dollar we can get,” he said. “It’s ridiculous that the state is relying on students to pick up taxes.” Hanks said while the rural school districts have tried for several years to get this issue heard in the state legislature, this is the first time that they

have made a concentrated effort to focus on the issues that exist with Impact Aid. She added that they are taking this opportunity to educate many legislators on the issue and its history. “The push behind why we are getting legislation to change is we hear often from new and returning legislators that they didn’t know about this issue. We want to make sure they know the intimate details of what is happening. Then they know the reality of what’s really happening, so we hope they make an informed decision,” Hanks said. Long said, “The transformation of Indian Education currently rests in the hands of Senate Finance.” He hopes the legislature takes advantage of the opportunity before them. For updates on SB 170, visit:


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Gallup Sun • Friday March 8, 2019


COMMUNITY Randi O’Brien brings new ceramics exhibit to UNM-Gallup FEATURED ARTIST FOR MARCH 2019 SAYS PELICANS TELL THE STORY

By Cody Begaye Sun Correspondent


eramic artist, historian, and educator Randi O’Brien kicked off a new exhibit for the University of New MexicoGallup campus by speaking to the public about her background and work. Accord i ng to O’Br ien, Cultivating Essentia focuses at tention on v iew i ng the essence of oneself and speaking about cultivating oneself. The exhibit will run from March 4 to April 5 in the Ingham Chapman Gallery. In a n a r tist lecture at UNM- G Ma rch 4, O’Br ien explained what she seeks to express through her work. “Storytelling can be functional or sculptural,” O’Brien said in the talk. “Storytelling is the number one way I connect to people around me.”

BACKGROUND O’Brien’s connection to

storytelling stems from a time when she was dislocated from her family in Montana. Born in Pueblo, Colo., O’Brien attended Fort Lewis College, and then received a Master of Fine Arts in ceramics and Master of Arts in art history from the University of Colorado. She currently works as an assistant professor of ceramics at Montana State University in Billings. Speaking about her roots a nd con ne c t ion s t o t he Southwest, O’Brien told the audience at UNM-G, “Being here is like being back home.” O’Brien talked about her experience as a whitewater rafting guide and how a neardeath experience from almost drowning inspired her to capture the moment as a sculptor. “It was one of the most beautiful, graceful, and scary situations in my life,” she said. She talked about creating something to transmit what she was seeing and hearing through form, shape and context.

Artist Randi O’Brien poses for a portrait at the opening of her show “Cultivating Essentia,” at University of New Mexico in Gallup March 4. Photo Credit: Cayla Nimmo

LEARNING THROUGH STORIES O’Brien said she is a heavy reader, and that sharing stories with her father has evolved into sharing stories with her daughter. Important life lessons can be transmitted through stories.

Randi O’Brien’s sculpture “Fruitage” hangs at the Ingham Chapman Gallery at University of New Mexico Gallup Campus March 4. Photo Credit: Cayla Nimmo


Friday March 8, 2019 • Gallup Sun

In her ceramics work, which consists largely of human figures with numerous markings or other objects on them, she endeavors to capture what she calls a frozen narrative. “I am always telling my stor y through metaphors, using shapes and symbols to tell stories.” “People catch a hint or allusion of a moral in the story,” O’Brien said. She illustrated with the tale of a fishing trip to Oregon where a pelican stopped close by, and the two of them kept an undisturbed distance until a mischievous boy appeared and tried to shoo the bird away. It was part of a longer, transformative experience in which O’Brien took what she thought was her dream job in New York City, only to discover she missed wild landscapes. She left New York to return to Montana. At first, upset with herself, she was reassured when she encountered a pod of pelicans near the Yellowstone River. “I took that as a sign saying, ‘Welcome back, this is where you’re supposed to be,’” she said.

ESSENCE WITHIN WORK Back in Montana, O’Brien said she wanted to tell stories about her melancholy thoughts, of being bonded to life and death and coming home. Then O’Brien took a trip to Chile where she would see even more pelicans. They became the basis of her next project. She crafted a set of clay pelicans and placed a sm a l l cup i n side ea ch one. Then she placed each of the clay pelicans into the water, where they would eventually crack open to reveal the cup inside. O’Br ien says, “I don’t want my work to be perfect because the cracks and scars make them beautiful. That is where their essences and stories come from. They are what makes us whole.” She says, the pelica ns that crumbled to reveal cups and her ceramics work that depicts either markings or imperfections on either people or objects is intentional. These creations imply that there is life within death. COMMUNITY

Camille’s Sidewalk Café ‘Teacher of the Month’



ndian Hills Elementary s c ho ol s e c o nd - g r a d e teacher L au ra Ippel’s suggestion to others who want to follow in her chosen profession: keep pushing for excellence. Ippel is Ga l lup’s most recent recipient of the Teacher of the Month award. Given by Camille’s Sidewalk Café, the award recognizes one local teacher within the Gallup area for his or her determination to help local students reach beyond their expectations. Award recipients are nominated by students and by those who feel the teacher deserves recognition. Being chosen Teacher of the Month has been an honor, Ippel said, stating that she found the acknowledgement to be a very encouraging — and also overwhelming — surprise. For Ippel, encouraging excellence from her students comes by setting an example. She says providing resources for her classes and driving her students’ excitement about education gives her great satisfaction. Ippel said that, since high school, she has had a love for children as well as a love of working with them. She said she was inspired to become a teacher in her early college years. Ippel received her bachelor’s degree in elementary education from Trinity Christian College in Palos Heights, Ill. Upon graduating,

she immediately began searching for a teaching job. “I came right out of college and landed a teaching position here in Gallup at Indian Hills,” Ippel said. “It was great because my husband is from the area and it worked out.” An educator at Indian Hills for four years, Ippel says she works with a great staff and feels blessed to spend her days with people who have shaped her as a teacher and given her an opportunity to grow in the field. In the classroom, Ippel says she focuses on offering her students a safe environment filled with a plethora of opportunities, while keeping an eye on a positive future. She concentrates on balancing the needs of the children in her care, adding, “I want them to feel loved and important.” She acknowledges that in the world of teaching there are obstacles to overcome. Ippel says it’s the students who continually motivate her to do her best, so that they can be their best. When asked what her advice would be to new and aspiring teachers, Ippel says to just keep pushing. With an emphasis on social and emotional support, as well as academics, Ippel says, “Never stop learning, keep pushing yourself towards holistic education.” If you’re interested in nominating your favorite teacher for Teacher of the Month, contact Camille’s Sidewalk Café at (505) 7225017 or stop by at 306 S. 2nd Street in Gallup.

Laura Ippel was selected as Camille’s Sidewalk Cafe Teacher of the Month. Photo Credit: Cayla Nimmo

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Gallup Sun • Friday March 8, 2019


Captain Marvel isn’t marvelous, but does enough to keep fans entertained By Glenn Kay For the Sun



his week marks the first of three Marvel Cinematic Universe movies arriving in theaters this year. Set well before the events of the previous Avengers movie, Captain Marvel isn’t a familiar superhero for the average moviegoer, and in some respects feels like a film that has been wedged into the franchise. It certainly isn’t one of the best entries in the lengthy series, but does improve as it progresses and will provide enough fun to earn it a pass from comic book cinephiles. The story introduces viewers to Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers (Brie Larson), a Kree warrior who possesses the ability to shoot a powerful energy beam out of her hands. After being sent on a secret mission with mentor Yon-Rogg (Jude Law) to fight their mortal enemies named the Skrull, she is separated from her group and finds herself stranded on Earth in the year 1995. After Danvers discovers that a devastating power source

Brie Larson stars as Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers) in her first outing against the Skrull. Photo Credit: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures is being developed nearby by a scientist (Annette Bening), she finds herself teaming up with a young Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) to stop the Skrull from finding and stealing the weapon. Along the way, she begins to have visions of a past life on the planet. Frankly, the concept itself is a bit silly and it’s remarkable that the filmmakers and cast get away with as much of this clunky story as they do. Larson makes

for a likable lead, although the script saddles her with some creaky one-liners that miss the mark. At least the cinematography is striking. It’s a darker looking movie and early slow-motion shots featuring close-ups of explosions are impressive. The film is also helped by the Skrulls themselves, an interesting alien race who possess the ability to shapeshift. This leads to a few tense moments as characters attempt to determine if

the person they’re communicating with really is who they appear to be or an alien copy. In fact, Skrull mission leader Talos (Ben Mendelsohn) even manages to sell a humorous exchange or two later in the film. However, there are several problems. As mentioned, a big portion of the movie is a superhero buddy picture featuring Danvers and a young, CGItreated Jackson playing Nick Fury (which is a bit distracting) trading barbs. A couple of gags along the way do work, including a later scene involving the characters waiting to read information from a CD-ROM, and a few moments featuring a feline stowaway. However, far more of their material simply falls flat or is mistimed. The script peppers the film with too many jokes and references to the ‘90s for its own good, going well out of its way to squeeze in references to bands and pop culture from the era. Additionally, while this won’t be as much of a problem for a casual viewer, the screenplay also bluntly states its themes, which include the typical trope of using one’s power wisely and not resorting to rash and overly aggressive decision-making. While

certainly well-intentioned, it comes across as too obvious. And there are certain exaggerated elements and questions that viewers will simply have to ignore. One of these is an elaborate battle featuring an enormous spaceship appearing in the lower Thermosphere that fires numerous missiles, resulting in massive explosions. The story may be set in 1995, but it’s hard to believe that this would go unnoticed below. And even though the intention is to tie one character’s actions with the film’s themes, it is kind of funny to watch a person accuse the villains of tearing them away from friends and family, and then almost immediately decide to take a 25-year leave of absence from the planet. Naturally, fans will also be pleased to hear that the movie features a couple of extra scenes at the beginning and end of the credits tying events together and leading in to next month’s Avengers: Endgame. As it stands, Captain Marvel is a perfectly acceptable piece of superhero entertainment, but I wouldn’t go so far as to call the character’s first outing anything close to marvelous. Visit: www.CinemaStance. com

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Friday March 8, 2019 • Gallup Sun

102 E. Aztec Office: 505-863-8086 Cell: 505-870-3948 COMMUNITY

DVD/Blu-ray Roundup for March 8, 2019 By Glenn Kay For the Sun


elcome to another look at highlights arriving on Bluray and DVD. It’s an incredibly busy time with more than 20 new releases and a generous helping of older flicks arriving on disc. So if you can’t make it out to the movies this week, be sure to give one of these titles a try!

BIG NEW RELEASES! Back Roads - After a mother shoots and kills her abusive husband, she’s sent to jail, leaving her three daughters in the custody of their older, poorly educated brother. The lead struggles, working several jobs to put food on the table. He then connects with a married woman, beginning an affair. His life starts to spiral out of control as complications arise. This drama earned decent reviews. It stars Alex Pettyfur (who also directed), Jennifer Morrison, Juliette Lewis and Nicola Peltz. Ben is Back - A parent gets a big surprise when her son, a 19-year drug addict, arrives on Christmas Eve after suddenly leaving his treatment program. The mom tries to gauge whether or not her son is telling the truth about being on the mend, or is looking for a fix, putting the entire holiday under great strain. Critics appeared to appreciate this dark drama. The overall consensus was that the film was tense and exceptional performances elevated the material. Julia Roberts, Lucas Hedges and Courtney B. Vance headline the feature. Bur nin g - In this foreign-language mystery film from South Korea, a man bumps into an old friend from his neighborhood and agrees to look after her cat while she travels to Africa. After returning with a new significant other, a proposition is made towards the with unexpected repercussions. This effort earned raves from the press. Many described it a welldrawn, slow-burn character study of three individuals that takes viewers in unexpected COMMUNITY

and shocking directions. It features Yoo Ah-in, Jong-seo Jun and Steven Yeun. C h ok eh ol d - W hen her father dies, a mixed martial arts fighter decides to leave training behind and return home to settle family matters. The protagonist discovers that her dad was murdered and becomes obsessed with finding the killers (it may have something to do with the Russian mob) while she tries to keep the family gym business operating. Online reaction hasn’t been particularly strong, with most describing it as an unmemorable, direct-to-disc B-movie. The cast includes Casper Van Dien, Melissa Croden, Lochlyn Munro and Kip Pardue. The Cloverhitch Killer - In this independent horror film, a young boy living an idyllic life in the Kentucky suburbs, becomes concer ned when word spreads of a vicious serial killer in his community. Things become even more unsettling when he suspects that his father, a well-regarded and upstanding citizen, may be behind the murders. Response towards this chiller was very solid. Charlie Plummer, Dylan McDermott and Samantha Mathis take on the lead roles. Creed II - This sequel to the Rocky spin-off Creed finds the new heavyweight champ, Adonis Creed, juggling various responsibilities as he readies himself for another big showdown... this time with the son of monstrous Russian boxer, Ivan Drago (originally featured in Rocky IV). This huge challenge results in an intense struggle to retain his crown. Critics enjoyed this follow-up quite a bit. It stars Michael B. Jordan, Sylvester Stallone, Tessa Thompson, Phylicia Rashad, Dolph Lundgren and Florian Munteanu. Dead Ant - A one-hit wonder glam-metal band from the ‘80s heads out on the reunion trail and agrees to a slot at the Coachella music festival. On the way there, the group takes a break in nearby Joshua Tree and consumes some peyote. They soon encounter a giant, ravenous ant and must battle with it in order to make the comeback gig. This comedy/ horror picture earned split notices. It features Tom Arnold, Sean Astin, Sydney Sweeney, Jake Busey, Leisha Hailey and Rhys Coiro.

Don’t Come Back from the Moon - This unusual independent drama involves a scenario in which all of the men in a certain town unexpectedly decide to leave town and their families for good. Confused by their mass exodus, the wives and significant others attempt to figure out what to do next, while the community’s children act out in rebellion. Reaction was really positive towards this little feature. James Franco, Rashida Jones, Jeffrey Wahlberg and Alyssa Elle Steinacker headline the feature. Don’t Go - A traumatized father who loses his daughter in a tragic accident, begins to experience strange, recurring nightmares about his child. He becomes convinced that the dreams are telling him how to bring her back to life. Naturally, the man’s spouse and those around him become very concerned about his mental health. Reaction towards this Irish mystery was decidedly mixed. The cast includes Stephen Dorff, Melissa George and Simon Delaney. The Favourite - This Oscarwinning entry recently earned a trophy for Best Actress. Set in the early 18th century, it tells the story of an ill Queen Anne and the woman’s relationship with a close friend who exerts great influence over her. When a new servant arrives and also makes a big impression on the monarch, a power play ensues between the rivals, who both wish to advise the queen. Most critics gave this film exceptional marks, calling it a darkly amusing indictment of the wealthy and powerful. It stars Olivia Colman, Emma Stone, Rachel Weisz and Nicholas Hoult. Free Solo A lex Honnold is the subject of this non-fict io n fe a t u r e , which won Best Doc u ment a r y very recently at the Oscars. It follows the skilled climber as he prepares for an incredibly dangerous effort that entails crawling up the 3,000-foot rock face of Mount Capitan in Yosemite National Park...without using ropes or any kind of safety equipment. A National Geographic team capture his training process, the growing anxiety felt by

friends and family members, as well as the eventual undertaking. The press almost unanimously praised the film for its gorgeous photography and the nerve-wracking tension experienced. Instant Family - A couple yearning to start a family, get off to larger start than expected in this drama/ comedy. After going through adoption proceedings and discovering that they get on best with a trio of siblings, they take the plunge. Their situation changes dramatically and the new parents attempt to adjust to their chaotic new life with kids. This feature appealed to critics. The cast includes Mark Wahlberg, Rose Byrne, Octavia Spencer, Tig Notaro and Tom Segura. Jupiter’s Moon - Combining fantasy with real world drama, this foreign-language art film follows a Syrian refugee who is shot while attempting to seek refuge in Hungary. He soon learns that he has suddenly gained the power of levitation and is taken in by a doctor. The physician smuggles him out of a refugee camp and the lead does his best to avoid being caught by authorities. This work split reviewers and earned all kinds of varied reactions. It features Merab Ninidze and Zsombor Jeger. T he Mercy - This biography of Donald Crowhurst tells the story of the amateur sailor, a man who decided to single-handedly compete in a 1968 race to circumnavigate the globe. Leaving his career and family behind and setting out on an unfinished boat, the film chronicles his trip and his spouse/children as they nervously await word about his travels. Most critics called it involving and found the film to be a dramatic chronicle of a man biting off more than he could chew. The movie stars Colin Firth, Rachel Weisz and David Thewlis. Of Fathers and Sons Filmmaker Telal Derki travels to his homeland of Syria in this Oscar nominee for Best Documentary, and is granted remarkable access into a radical Jihadist family. Posing as a war photo-journalist, he records life in a household where the patriarch of the clan imposes his personal beliefs of creating an Islamic caliphate on his children. There is

tension between family members who want to obey their parent, but would also prefer to go to school instead of being indoctrinated into a war force. The press described it as an incredibly powerful documentary that doesn’t step in and judge its participants, yet makes remarkable observations over its running time. Prospect - A teenage girl and her father land on a forested alien moon with the intention of making their fortune harvesting gems. Unfortunately, the two soon encounter other scavengers on the remote planet, who would prefer to profit off the materials themselves. The teen faces danger from all sides as her greedy parent tries to fight others off for control of the riches. This independent sci-fi flick earned very positive notices. The cast includes Sophie Thatcher, Jay Duplass and Pedro Pascal. The Standoff at Sparrow Creek - After a shooting occurs at a police funeral, an ex-cop figures out that the responsible party is a member of his own militia. With officers closing in, he decides to quarantine all of the members in a lumber mill, find the guilty party, and turn the person over to authorities before violence erupts. This title garnered a mostly positive reception. It features James Badge Dale, Brian Geraghty and Patrick Fischler. The Unicorn - A couple who have been engaged for four years and remain unsure of the next step, travel to Palm Springs to celebrate the wedding anniversary of one of their parents. While there, they decide to test their own bonds by engaging in a threesome. Response to this oddball independent effort was mostly positive. The cast includes Nick Rutherford, Lauren Lapkus, Lucy Hale, Beck Bennett, John Kapelos, Beverly D’Angelo and Kyle Mooney. The Vanishing - Reportedly inspired by a real event, this thriller involves three lighthouse keepers who arrive at a remote Scottish isle to replace compatriots after a six-week term. The new arrivals find no one there, but do discover a significant stash of gold. The three debate what action to take next. As one might imagine,


Gallup Sun • Friday March 8, 2019



Gallup v. Miyamura boys’ 4a District Championship MIYMURA WINS 68-63 IN OVERTIME. PHOTOS BY CAYLA NIMMO

Gallup junior Quinn Atazhoon (24) and Miyamura senior Kaleb Stewart (32) both jump for possession of a rebound at the district boys championship game March 2 at Gallup High School in Gallup.

Miyamura players cheer after they pull ahead in overtime of the 4a district championship against Gallup March 2 at Gallup High School in Gallup.

Gallup junior Quinn Atazhoon (24) dribbles the ball down court in overtime of the district championship game against rival Miyamura High School March 2 at Gallup High School in Gallup. Final score of the game, Miyamura won 68-63.


Friday March 8, 2019 • Gallup Sun

Miyamura senior Jason Cordova (22) passes the ball to a player before he lands out of bounds in the second half of the varsity boys 4a district championship game March 2 at Gallup High School in Gallup.


DVD REVIEW | FROM PAGE 17 they disagree and start turning on each other, resulting in suspicion and eventually death. Reviews were very good for this UK production. It stars Gerard Butler, Peter Mullan and Connor Swindells. Vox Lux - Set in two different time periods, this tale follows teenage sisters who survive a violent school shooting. The two write a song about what happened and one of them becomes a huge pop star. Nearly 20 years later, the singer mounts a new tour while dealing with the concerns of her estranged daughter, as well as her songwriter sibling. Critics were split on the end results. Natalie Portman, Jude Law, Raffey Cassidy, Stacy Martin and Jennifer Ehle headline the feature. Welcome to Mercy - This horror/thriller involves a young single mother suffering from the marks of the Stigmata. After being sent to a convent, the lead befriends another woman living there. When they

discover information suggesting that the young mother may be the Antichrist, the two attempt to decide what to do. Press response was mixed. Those who enjoyed it said that it was a smart, above-average exorcism thriller that attempted to accomplish more than other films of its ilk. The cast includes Lily Newmark, Eileen Davies and Dainis Grube.

BLASTS FROM THE PAST! There are plenty of great older mov ies hitting high definition. Arrow Video has a great Blu-ray box set arriving with the Sister Street Fighter Collection. This enjoyable Kung-Fu series was a spinoff of the Sonny Chiba Street Fighter movies and features a female protagonist taking on drug lords and various criminals...and beating them to a pulp. The titles included are Sister Street Fighter (1974), Sister Street Fighter: Hanging By A Thread (1974), Return of the Sister Street Fighter (1975) and Sister Street Fighter: Fifth Level Fist (1976). The discs include new high definition masters of all four

films, an English-language dub of the first movie, new subtitles, as well as new video interviews with actor Shin’ichi Sonny Chiba , director Kazuhiko Yamaguchi, and screenwriter Masahiro Kakefuda. You’ll also get the original Japanese theatrical trailers for all four films, the US theatrical trailer for Sister Street Fighter, plus original English opening titles to the film, the German theatrical trailer for Sister Street Fighter, plus original German opening titles to the film and a stills and poster gallery Arrow Academy’s art house line is releasing a Blu-ray of the film noir classic, Phantom Lady (1944). It is about a man accused of murdering his wife and his secretary’s attempts to find a mysterious woman who can clear his name...if she can locate her in time. The movie has been transferred to disc using the original elements. Extras include an insightful archival documentary on film noir, a rare, hour-long 1944 radio dramatization of the flick, as well as publicity materials. Arrow Academy also has a Blu-ray of the the Prisoner (1955) starring Alec Guinness. This BAFTA-nominated effort

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follows a priest accused of treason who must defend himself against corrupt government officials. The disc comes with a new video appreciation of the film by author and academic Neil Sinyard and select scene commentary by critic Philip Kemp. Shout! Factory is putting out a Blu-ray of the giant monster flick, The Deadly Mantis (1957). The title features a frozen praying mantis that is discovered and, rather unwisely, thawed out. It soon goes on the rampage, causing chaos and great damage. In addition to a new 2K transfer of the movie, there are some excellent bonuses including a new commentary with film historians Tom Weaver and David Schecter. Additionally, they’ve included the Mystery Science Theatre 3000 episode of the movie, as well as a still gallery and trailers. The Brad P it t / Dav id Duchovny thriller, Kalifornia (1993), is also arriving on Bluray. It’s about a pair of journalists doing research on serial killer,s who find that they might actually be in the company of one. This release includes both the unrated and theatrical cuts, a new interview with director Dominic Sena (Swordfish, Whiteout), featurettes, cast interviews, trailers and TV spots. Kino has some Special Edition titles hitting Blu-ray. First is the crime thriller, Before and After (1996) starring Liam Neeson and Meryl Streep. This release includes a new audio commentary by director Barbet Schroeder and editor Lee Percy along with the theatrical trailer. The Doctor (1991) features William Hurt as a doctor turned patient, and this disc comes with a new commentary by Director Randa Haines, moderated by filmmaker Heather Buckley and a trailer. K i n o a l s o of fe r s t h e Gwyneth Paltrow romantic comedy Duets (2000) on Bluray. Set around a national karaoke competition, the picture features all sorts of foibles that take place between the various characters. It also stars Scott Speedman, Huey Lewis, Paul Giamatti, Andre Braugher and Maria Bello and it arrives on disc with a commentary from director Bruce Paltrow and producer Kevin Jones, additional scenes, a multi-angle music video, a conversation with Bruce Paltrow, along with some publicity materials. Speaking of rom-coms, Kino is also releasing The Favor

(1994) on Blu-ray. This one is about a woman getting ready for a high school reunion and using unusual methods to get together with a old f lame. It stars Elizabeth McGovern, Harley Jane Kozak, Bill Pullman, Brad Pitt and Ken Wahl. A couple of weeks back, I mentioned Mad Dog and Glory (1993), an enjoyable dark comedy with Robert De Niro, Bill Murray and Uma Thurman. Well, the Blu-ray was delayed but is now available. It comes with a director commentary and a making-of. Kino is giving the high definition treatment to the romance, Untamed Heart (1993). This one is about a love affair forged between a waitress and a busboy with a damaged heart. The movie stars Marisa Tomei and Christian Slater and the disc includes a recently recorded director audio commentary. Film Movement is releasing a Blu-ray of the French period comedy, Marquise (1997), starring Sophie Marceau. This release includes an interview with the filmmaker.

YOU KNOW, FOR KIDS! There’s plenty of entertaining fare for the kids, too. Here are the highlights. Barbie Dreamtopia: Festival of Fun Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood: School Time Fun! (PBS Kids) Dragons: Race to the Edge: Seasons 3 & 4 Meet the Baby Animals (Nickelodeon) To p Win g: Eggc e l l e nt Missions (Nickelodeon)

ON THE TUBE! And here are the week’s TV-themed releases. Al l of My Hear t: T h e Wedding (Hallmark) The Brokenwood Mysteries: Series 5 Condor: Season 1 Dragons: Race to the Edge: Seasons 3 & 4 Fear the Walking Dead: Season 4 House of Cards: Season 6 Ma r r y i n g M r. D a r c y (Hallmark) Shakespeare & Hathaway Private Investigators: Season 1 (BBC) To p Win g: Eggc e l l e nt Missions (Nickelodeon) Va l l e y o f t h e B o o m (National Geographic)

Gallup Sun • Friday March 8, 2019


GALLUP SUN ARCHIVES Need a past issue? $2.00 per copy. Note issue date and send check or M.O. to: Gallup Sun, PO Box 1212, Gallup, NM 87305. Subject to availability. BUSINESS FOR SALE Local Dairy Queen business for sale including commercial real estate. Business has excellent cash flow and ideal commercial location. Inquiries should be directed to Newberry & Associates P.O. Box 1300 Gallup, NM 87305. Please provide contact information. FOR SALE The Best CBD Products madeget them for less-want to make money become a affiliate!!! https://www.healxnutrition. com/store/trackreferral/index/ index/referral/2761 HANDYMAN Handyman - Gallup area. Small jobs, driving, etc. Call or text 505-301-6200 HELP WANTED February 27, 2019 McKinley County is now accepting applications for the following positions: POSITION Corrections Officer DEPARTMENT Adult Detention Center FOR BEST CONSIDERATION DATE March 15, 2019 Applications and additional information regarding positions can be found on the County web site Dezirie Gomez CPO Human Resource Director *** February 27, 2019 McKinley County is now accepting applications for the following positions: POSITION Prevention Specialist DEPARTMENT Community Services/DWI FOR BEST CONSIDERATION DATE March 15, 2019 Applications and additional information regarding positions can be found on the County web site Dezirie Gomez CPO Human Resource Director *** March 6, 2019 McKinley County is now accepting applications for the following positions: POSITION Administrative Assistant

Maintenance Specialist (20 hrs/wk) Part-time position at Western New Mexico Medical Group – Gallup. Apply online at Click Jobs@PMS. Toll-free hotline 1-866-6615491. EOE/ AA/ M/ F/ SO/ Vet/ Disability Follow us on Facebook.

DEPARTMENT Manager’s Office



Did you lose a pet? Advertise your lost baby for FREE. Send pic and text. Deadline for submission Tuesday 5 pm. Email:

Applications and additional information regarding positions can be found on the County web site Dezirie Gomez CPO Human Resource Director *** REPORTER The Gallup Sun has immediate openings for experienced freelance reporters living in McKinley or nearby Apache county for consistent weekly beat coverage in Gallup, N.M. Opportunity for full-time job available! Recent graduates are encouraged to apply. Internship opportunities available. Email resume and links/ clips (5 stories) to: gallupsun@ HOMES FOR RENT Double Wide Mobile Home for Rent. $800 Monthly Rent with a $500 cleaning deposit required. For more information please call (505) 879-1807. ROOMMATE WANTED $300 a month, deposit is required Background check needed Call Toni at 505-979-0385 HOMES FOR SALE PLACE YOUR REAL ESTATE AD HERE! FIRST 25 WORDS FREE. LOGO and/or PHOTO $5 EACH. APPEARS ON GALLUPSUN.COM FOR FREE! EMAIL: gallupsunlegals@ CALL: (505) 722-8994 PETS Volunteers Wanted Four Corners Pet Alliance is in desperate need of foster homes for dogs and cats. You provide the temporary home and love, and we provide the supplies and vet care. For info., email: babsie220@gmail.

20 Friday March 8, 2019 • Gallup Sun


CLASSIFIEDS malities or minor inconsistencies, and/or cancel this solicitation in its entirety. Dated the 4th Day of March 2019 By: /S/ Charles Long, President Board of Education Gallup-McKinley County School District No. 1 RFP ISSUE DATE: March 4, 2019 PUBLICATION DATES: March 8 & 15, 2019 (Gallup Sun)



Public Notice is hereby provided that the Gallup-McKinley County Schools is accepting competitive sealed proposals for:

Public Notice is hereby provided that the Gallup-McKinley County Schools is accepting competitive sealed proposals for:


FLEET REPAIRS & SERVICE RFP-362-19MA Commodity Code(s): 928

No. RFP-361-19MA Commodity Code(s): 62020, 62060, 62080, 62090, 78502, 78530, 87532, 78573, and 78576 As more particularly set out in the RFP documents, copies of which may be obtained from the Gallup-McKinley County Schools, Procurement Office, 640 South Boardman, Gallup, New Mexico 87301 or may be downloaded from the GMCS Procurement Webpage apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ ID=1189320&type=d&pREC_ ID=1432746 Sealed proposals for such will be received at the Procurement Office until 2:00 P.M. (LOCAL TIME) on March 28, 2019. When they will be opened and those firms submitting a proposal’s name will be read aloud. Envelopes and/or Packages are to be sealed and plainly Marked RFP Number RFP-361-19MA. NO FAXED PROPOSALS or proposals submitted after the specified date and time will be considered and will be returned unopened. The Gallup-McKinley County School Board of Education reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, waive any for-

Homes for Sale

As more particularly set out in the RFP documents, copies of which may be obtained from the Gallup-McKinley County Schools, Procurement Office, 640 South Boardman, Gallup, New Mexico 87301 or may be downloaded from the GMCS Procurement Webpage apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ ID=1189320&type=d&pREC_ ID=1432746 Sealed proposals for such will be received at the Procurement Office until 2:00 P.M. (LOCAL TIME) on April 3, 2019. When they will be opened and those firms submitting a proposal’s name will be read aloud. Envelopes and/or Packages are to be sealed and plainly Marked RFP Number RFP-362-19MA. NO FAXED PROPOSALS or proposals submitted after the specified date and time will be considered and will be returned unopened. The Gallup-McKinley County School Board of Education reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, waive any formalities or minor inconsistencies, and/or cancel this solicitation in its entirety. Dated the 1st Day of March 2019

Realtor Mike Mazel OFFICE: (505) 271-8200 CELL: 505-862-9712

510 E. Princeton $75,000. 2 bedroom 1 Fullbath. This property features a large open concept floor plan. Enjoy the breathtaking views from the dining room window. Stop paying rent and start earning equity. 1646 Hwy 602 $205,000. 4 bedroom 3 Bathroom. Manufactured home on 10.3 Acres of breathtaking views. Spacious Garage and Storage room. 801 Burke $155,000. 3 bedroom 2 bath. Great home located above Gallup’s Ford Canyon Park. Spectacular views and elbow room for the whole family. Enjoy wood tiled floors and a Flagstone fireplace. NEW HOMES available! La Paloma homes. Come and see our new floor plans! Realtor Mike Mazel OFFICE: (505) 271-8200 CELL: 505-862-9712 By: /S/ Charles Long, President Board of Education Gallup-McKinley County School District No. 1 RFP ISSUE DATE: March 1, 2019 PUBLICATION DATES: March 8 & 15, 2019 (Gallup Sun) *** Public Notice Notice is hereby given:




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CLASSIFIEDS | FROM PAGE 20 That the Democratic Party of McKinley County will hold its Ward and Precinct, County Central Committee, County Chair and Vice Chair and State Central Committee Member elections, to hear from candidates and for such other business as may come before it on the 30th day of March, 2019 at 11.00am at Veterans Hall, 908 E Buena Vista Ave, Gallup, NM 87301. Registration will commence at 9.00am and close promptly at 10.00am. McKinley County democrats will elect Precinct Chairs for all 62 McKinley County Precincts, Ward Chairs for all 6 McKinley County Wards, 86 Additional McKinley County Central Committee Members, a McKinley County Democratic Party Chair, a McKinley County Democratic Party Vice Chair and 11 additional State Central Committee Members representing McKinley County. The newly elected State Central Committee members will attend the New Mexico State

Central Committee Meeting on the 28th day of April 28th, 2019 at Cleveland High School, Rio Rancho, NM. This is an opportunity for Democrats in McKinley County to make their voices heard in the McKinley County and the New Mexico Democratic Party, join us as a candidate and/or to vote on March 30th! For more information see: or e-mail info@ PUBLICATION DATES: March 8, 15, & 22, 2019 *** ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the County of McKinley will receive competitive sealed bids for IFB #201902, Bottom Dump Trailer, until Thursday, April 4, 2019 at 2:00 P.M., Local Time, at which time bids will be opened and publicly read aloud in the County Commission Chambers, and as more particularly set out in the specifications, copies for such


may be obtained from the Purchasing Department, 207 West Hill Street, Gallup, New Mexico, 87301, or McKinley County website: . McKinley County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive minor informalities. For more information please contact Hugo G. Cano at (505) 722-3868, Ext. 1076. The Procurement Code, Sections 131-28 Through 13-1-199, NMSA, 1978 imposes civil and criminal penalties for code violations. In addition the New Mexico criminal statutes impose felony/penalties for illegal bribes, gratuities and kickbacks. DATED this 9th day of March, 2019 BY:/s/ Bill Lee __________ Chairperson, Board of Commissioners *** Qualifications-based competitive sealed proposals for RFP No. 2019-04 RMCHCS HOSPITAL BUILDING UPGRADES will be received by McKinley County, 207 West Hill Avenue, Gallup, New Mexico 87301 until Thursday, April 11, 2019 2:00 p.m. local time. Proposals will be received in the County Commission Chambers. Copies of the Request for Proposals can be obtained in person at the Office of the Manager at 207 West Hill Ave., Third Floor, Gallup, NM 87301, be mailed upon written request to Hugo G. Cano, Procurement Manager (505) 722-3868, Ext. 1010, or may be obtained from McKinley County Website: McKinley County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals and to waive all formalities. The Procure-

ment Code, Sections 13-1-28 Through 13-1-199, NMSA, 1978 imposes civil and criminal penalties for code violations. In addition the New Mexico criminal statutes impose felony/penalties for illegal bribes, gratuities and kickbacks. DATED this 9th day of March 2019 BY: /s/ Bill Lee Chairperson, Board of Commissioners *** Pursuant of the New Mexico Self Storage Lien Act, the following Items will be sold or disposed of In order to satisfy a lien for Delinquent rent and/or related Sunrise Self Storage, LLC Evelyn Baldwin 716 E. 56th St. Apt E9 Kearney, NE 68847 Clothes, shoes, toys Boxes & Bags of Misc. Items Navajo Nation PHEP PO Box 1390 Window Rock, AZ 86515 Misc. Boxes Items may be viewed on the day Of sale only. CASH ONLY Please call office to verify info. Sale May Be Cancelled By Right of Lien Holder Published: March 8 & 15, 2019 *** INVITATION FOR BIDS Sealed bids for the Sunset Hills Pavement and Subsurface Drainage Improvements Project by Yes Housing on behalf of Sunset Hills Apartments, on forms prepared by RESPEC,

that The Gallup Housing Authority will conduct its monthly Board of Commissioners meeting to be held on Friday,

March 15, 2019 at 1:00 PM MST,

at the Gallup Housing Authority board room, 203 Debra Drive, Gallup, New Mexico 87301. The agenda will be available to the public at the Gallup Housing Authority office. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE INVITED TO ATTEND. Gallup Housing Authority Gallup, McKinley County, New Mexico By:/S/ Alfred Abeita, Chairman of the Board


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*Prepayment Required. Cash. M.O. Credit Card.

LLC, (hereinafter called Consultant) will be received by Sheldon Greer, PE, 5971 Jefferson Street NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87109, until 10:00 a.m. (local time) on Monday April 1, 2019 and will be publicly opened, read aloud and tabulated immediately thereafter. The project is located at 220 Rudy Drive, Gallup, New Mexico 87031 and includes approx. 1350 LF of subsurface drainage piping system, 26k SF landscape & pavement removal and replacement, 550 SF concrete flatwork and 2 sidewalk culverts and other items to provide relief of subsurface water presence below existing asphalt paving and landscaping area. Bid Documents including plans, specifications, and other bid documents may be obtained at Academy Reprographics, 8900 San Mateo Blvd. NE., Albuquerque, NM 87113. Document copies may be picked up beginning Monday March 11, 2019 between 8:00 a.m., and 5:00 p.m (local time) weekdays. A $50.00 deposit is required. Checks shall be made payable to Albuquerque Reprographics. The Bid Documents may also be examined, by appointment, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at RESPEC, LLC located at 5971 Jefferson Street NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87109. Please contact Laura Hayes at 505.253.9718 for appointment. There will be a Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid tour held at the project site, at 9:00 a.m. on March 22, 2019, at the Sunset Hills Apartments (Sunset Hills Paving and Subsurface Drainage Improvements) project site, 220 Rudy Drive, Gallup, New Mexico 87031, as indicated on the vicinity map on the Construction Drawings. /s/ Sheldon Greer, P.E Date: March 6, 2019, RESPEC, LLC. Publication Date: Gallup Sun, March 8, 2019

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Gallup Sun • Friday March 8, 2019


CALENDAR family.

FRIDAY, March 8

LENTEN SOUP SUPPERS AND STUDY 6:30 pm @ 151 State Highway 564. Based on the book, God’s Abundant Table . Please call to RSVP (505) 905-3247 or

TEEN TECH WEEK CHALLENGE 10 am - 7 pm @ Children’s Branch. March 5 through March 9.Make circuits, use the 3D printer and find out how you can take the library everywhere you go with Libby! For more information, email childlib@

CROWNPOINT NAVAJO RUG AUCTION 7 pm - 10 pm. Every Second Friday. The New Crownpoint Elementary School gymnasium will be the site of the Crownpoint Navajo Rug Auction. Rug Weavers will register and check in their rugs at 4 pm. Rug Displays will begin thereafter. (505) 879-9460

ESCAPE ROOM: THE REVENGE 10 am - 3 pm @ Main Branch. OFPL is bringing another escape room! Join us a the Main Library for our new escape room challenge. Can you escape before time runs out? Make sure you get your chance by registering your team early, or simply show up and join a team. For questions, call the library or email

STUDENT SENATE MEETING 10 am @ UNM-Gallup Gurley Hall Basement. SATURDAY, March 9 TEEN TECH WEEK CHALLENGE 10 am - 7 pm @ Children’s Branch. March 5 through March 9.Make circuits, use the 3D printer and find out how you can take the library everywhere you go with Libby! For more information, email

GET UP AND GAME 12 pm - 4 pm @ Children’s Branch, 200 W. Aztec Ave. Drop in anytime! Unwind from a busy week with video games and fun for the whole


COMMUNITY CALENDAR MARCH 8-14, 2019 ESCAPE ROOM: THE REVENGE 10 am - 3 pm @ Main Branch. OFPL is bringing another escape room! Join us a the Main Library for our new escape room challenge. Can you escape before time runs out? Make sure you get your chance by registering your team early, or simply show up and join a team. For questions, call the library or email STORY TIME 11 am - 11:30 am @ Children’s Branch. An active and energetic program for toddlers, featuring music, movement, rhymes, and stories. Every Wednesday at 10:30 am and Saturday at 11 am. This program is intended for children ages two to four. GALLUP ARTSCRAWL 7 pm – 9 pm Downtown Gallup. ArtsCrawl with Kids on the Block. LEGO CHALLENGE AT ARTSCRAWL 7 pm – 9 pm @ El Morro Event Center. Test your Master Builder skills. Make mystery builds or use our

then began working with the community and regulators on identifying and implementing a better long-term solution to prevent exposure,” he wrote in an emailed statement. PFAS includes both perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS). As part of a nationwide effort to assess PFAS contamination from military bases— which came from foams used to combat petroleum-based

fires—the Air Force sampled groundwater at Cannon, Holloman and Kirtland. drinking water is “aggressive.” Kinkade explained that they “Where we have identified sampled 25 off-base drinking human drinking water contamwater sources around Cannon. inated with PFOS/PFOA above And in September 2018, after the Environmental Protection the military found PFAS above Agency’s lifetime health advirecommended levels for human sory in New Mexico, and deterexposure in three locations, it mined that Air Force activities immediately provided alternate probably contributed to the drinking water. PFOS/PFOA contamination, “Since then, we have been we responded immediately by working with impacted resiproviding alternate water and dents to design and implement point-of-use filtration systems,” he said, adding that the military is expanding its studies and “taking action where necessary to protect people from exposure to drinking water that contains PFOS and PFOA at levels above We are Wethe areSolution…. the Solution the [EPA’s lifetime health adviOwned & Operated • IT Services sory] and is probably at least • Consulting by Steve Lowrey partially attributable to Air Own n ra b St v r 505-726-8101 • On-Site Support Force activities at Cannon.” www.gallupcomputeAt Holloman, four on-base Services • Consulting • On-site Support • We• ITcan fix iPhones & iPads wells tested for PFAS. But, he • Malware • We can Removal fix iPhones and iPads • Malware Removals said, drinking water for Holloman • QuickBooks • QuickbooksSetup Set-up&& Support Support and the City of Alamogordo • Remote Support, 1616 S 2 comes from other wells, which • RemoteAccess, Access, VPN VPN Support, Apple Products Apple Products have been tested and do not show PFAS contamination. The water below Holloman is “not fit for human consumption,” he wrote. That water is brackish—water 1616 S 2nd Street that’s too salty to use as drinking Gallup, NM or irrigation water.

Computer or Network

PROBLEMS? Computer or Network Problems?


22 Friday March 8, 2019 • Gallup Sun

Lego STEM kits to make machines with working motors. For more information, email GALLUPARTS PRESENTS 5TH ANNUAL YOUTH ART SHOW 7 pm - 9 pm @ Art123 Gallery during the March ArtsCrawl. The exhibit of works of over 200 students will continue at the gallery through April 6. Gallery hours are 1 pm - 5 pm Tuesday through Friday and 12 pm - 4 pm Saturday. For information (505) 4882136. Or C. DANIEL BOLING CONCERT 7 pm @ Westminster Presbyterian Church. Doors open at 6:30 pm. Boling is a touring balladeer and award-winning songwriter. Tickets are $10 at the door. Information (505) 905-3247 or wpcgallup@gmail. com DANCING WITH THE FARMINGTON STARS 7 pm @ Farmington Civic Center. The Utah Ballroom Dance Company returns for Season 3 of Dancing with the Farmington Stars-Music Legends Night at the Farmington Civic Center. Tickets are $25 and $5 for the VIP party. Information at (505) 599-1148 or

The military also conducted tests at Kirtland Air Force Base to determine if firefighting exercises contaminated the water or soil there. The site inspection, Kinkade noted, concluded the chemicals were either not detected, or they were below the EPA’s recommended levels. “At all three bases, the Air Force replaced legacy firefighting foam (the source of the Air Force’s PFOS and PFOA contamination) with a new, more environmentally responsible formula that contains no PFOS and only trace amounts of PFOA,” he wrote. “We are also taking steps to ensure the replacement firefighting chemicals don’t have an opportunity to enter the environment.” The Air Force is “proud to be a leader” in addressing PFAS contamination in drinking water, which Kinkade called an “urgent national issue.” And he noted that PFAS contamination comes not only from firefighting equipment, but also manufacturing processes and commercial applications— uses that were widespread and not limited to the Air Force. Addressing drinking water contamination will also require “a whole-of-government response to fully address health effects PANCAKE BREAKFAST FUNDRAISER AND SILENT AUCTION 8 am - 12 pm, Support the Gallup Community Service Center and raise funds for American Cancer Society’s Gallup Relay for Life! Contact Beverly (505) 7229230 or Joyce (505) 863-3075. SUNDAY, March 10 TAIZE’ SERVICE FOR THE LENTEN SEASON 4 pm, Contemplative candlelight service at Westminster Presbyterian Church. Contact Kathy Mezoff (505) 870-6136 or MONDAY, March 11 BECOMING A MILLIONAIRE 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm @ Main Branch. Free financial literacy workshop provided by First Financial Credit Union. Learn to save and invest for your future. Learn tips about making informed, strategic financial decisions. TUESDAY, March 12 SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT


and concerns about food safety and agriculture commodities.” For New Mexico officials, it’s not just an issue of drinking water, however. “In a state that values water like we do, whether that’s a quantity or quality issue, all water in New Mexico is protected, whether it’s being used today or it will be used tomorrow,” Kenney said, noting that desalinating brackish, or saline, water is an option New Mexico is considering for future water sources. “Whether that water is being used today or not does not mean you can contaminate large bodies of water and then be recalcitrant in their cleanup,” he said. “That is unacceptable. You cannot discharge PFAS into the groundwater of New Mexico. Period.” New Mexico wants a remedy, not a lawsuit, Kenney said. But state officials feel there’s no time to waste. “What’s happening in the rest of the country is of concern, environmentally speaking,” Kenney said of PFAS contamination. “But here in New Mexico, we don’t want to wait until the Air Force figures this out nationally. That may be too late for us.” Visit: nmpoliticalreport. com CALENDAR


CENTER WORKSHOP 10 am - 2 pm. New Mexico Workers’ Compensation and CRS Tax Workshop Gallup Chamber of Commerce Meeting Room (505) 722 - 2220; Free. Please register online.

PI/PIE DAY FUNDRAISER FOR CANCER RESEARCH 10 am – 2 pm @ Camille’s Sidewalk Café Patio Room, 306 S. Second Street. This is your chance to eat pie for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and coffee breaks. Pies are donated by local restaurants and bakeries. Event is sponsored by the American Cancer Society Gallup Relay for Life Ups & Downs Team. For information, contact Linda Shelton (505) 722-2175.

CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6 pm @ City Hall, City of Gallup WEDNESDAY, March 13 THE APRIL SHOW 5 pm deadline @ ART123 Gallery, 123 W. Coal Ave., Submit 1-5 pieces for consideration. Seeking work that represents new beginnings, spring season, is inspirational. For information: (505) 488-2136 or STORY TIME 10:30 am - 11 am @ Children’s Branch. An active and energetic program for toddlers, featuring music, movement, rhymes, and stories. This program is intended for children ages two - four years old. WILD SPIRIT WOLF SANCTUARY AT THE LIBRARY 2 pm – 3 pm @ Children’s Branch. Learn about wolves and how to help keep New Mexico wild! For more information, call (505) 726-6120 or email WEDNESDAY NIGHT FILMS 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm @ Main Branch 115 W. Hill Ave. Films play every Wednesday at 5:30 pm in the Main Library. This week’s film: TBA DEMENTIA/ALZHEIMER’S SUPPORT GROUP March 13, 6:30 pm - will hold its monthly meeting at the Gallup Masonic Center, 4801 E. Historic 66 Avenue. For more information, call or text Robert, (505) 615-8053. MCKINLEY COUNTY HEALTH ALLIANCE McKinley County Health Alliance meets the second Wednesday of the month from 11 am - 1 pm at the New Mexico Cancer Center across from UNM-Gallup. Everyone is welcome. Call (505) 906-2671. “BE THE MANAGER OTHER MANAGERS ENVY & BOSSES CAN’T WAIT TO REWARD” SEMINAR 8:30 am – 12 pm @ Gallup McKinley County Chamber of Commerce Sacred Communications Center. $149 for non-members; $129 for chamber members. For more information contact www. CALENDAR

THURSDAY, March 14

CRAFTY KIDS (ALL AGES) 4 pm - 5 pm @ Children’s Branch: Fun crafts for the whole family. This week’s activity: TBD TECH TIME: ONE-2-ONE TECHNOLOGY HELP 6 pm – 7 pm @ Main Branch. Bring in your personal technology devices or software questions to the library anytime or choose one of the scheduled sessions for help with the technology trainer. One-2-One help is on a firstcome, first-served basis. For more information, contact ONGOING OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS Overeaters Anonymous 12step meetings. Held every Saturday at 10 am. The First Methodist Church, 1800 Redrock Drive. Contact info. (505) 307-5999, (505) 7219208, or (505) 870-1483. LYNX FRIDAY - OPEN HOUSE Rehoboth Christian School is inviting prospective families to visit its school and campus. Lynx Fridays will be offered every Friday through May, 10. Choose between two different time slots - 8:15 am or 1 pm. Email: admissions@ or call or (505) 726-9692. RECYCLING COUNCIL McKinley Citizens Recycling Council is a local nonprofit working to increase recycling through education, community outreach, and partnership with local government agencies. MCRC meets the first Saturday of the month at 2 pm, at Red Mesa on Hill Street. For more information, call (505) 722-5142 or visit RECYCLING DEPOT The Recycling Depot will now be open from 12 pm - 1:30 pm


on the first Saturdays of the month. Volunteers will accept some items, such as paper towels and toilet paper rolls. This is a free service of the McKinley Citizens’ Recycling Council. Call (505) 722-5152. 2ND LOOK ON 2ND STREET 6 pm - 8 pm monthly on fourth Tuesdays. Check out art shows, artist demonstrations and artist talks at opo Gallery, Free Spirit Gallery, ART123 Gallery, LOOM Gallery and Camille’s Sidewalk Cafe. 2nd Street from Hill to Coal in downtown Gallup. Visit: ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Window Rock AA Group meets at Fellowship Hall WR Christian Center across from N.N. Fairgrounds/Wellness Center, Hwy 264, Mondays at 5:45 pm. Visit for more info. CELEBRATE RECOVERY A Christ-centered recovery program that will help you heal from the pain of your unmanaged hurts, habits and hang-ups. Tuesday, 6 pm - 8 pm. Journey Church, 501 S. Third St. (505) 979-0511. CITY OF GALLUP’S SUSTAINABLE GALLUP BOARD Meets on the first Monday from 3:30 pm - 5 pm at the Octavia Fellin Library. Community members concerned about environmental issues are welcome. Call (505) 7220039 for information. CO-DEPENDENTS ANONYMOUS Meets Wednesday, 6 pm - 7 pm, at First United Methodist Church, 1800 Redrock Dr. (in the library). All are welcome. COMMUNITY PANTRY The Hope Garden offers organic produce for sale from 10 am - 4 pm, Tuesday through Friday, 1130 E. Hassler Valley Road. All funds go to helping feed local folks. Call (505) 726-8068 or when visiting, ask for Vernon Garcia. COMMUNITY PROVIDERS All meetings will be the last Thursday of every month. Please contact Bill Camarota or Ben Welch bwelch@gallupnm. gov. RMCHCS East Campus, 12 pm in the Chapel. FRIDAY NIGHT HOOTENANNY Gallup’s longest-running live show! Every Friday night from 7 pm - 9 pm. Camille’s Sidewalk Cafe, 306 S. Second St.

GALLUP-MCKINLEY COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY Wednesdays are low-cost Spay and Neuter Days, at the Gallup-McKinley County Humane Society. For more information, please call (505) 863-2616, or email: Location: 1315 Hamilton Road. GALLUP SOLAR Gallup Solar is hosting community classes and presentations about all things solar. Wednesdays from 6 pm - 8 pm at 113 E. Logan. Call (505) 728-9246 for info. HABITAT FOR HUMANITY - WORK SESSIONS Habitat for Humanity work sessions are held each week. To serve at decision making meetings or volunteer at or help fund construction projects, call Bill Bright at (505) 722-4226. RECOVERING ADDICTS FOR JESUS New Life ministries holds weekly meetings for anyone who is on the Recovering path from alcohol and drug abuse. Location: 309 Chino Loop, Gamerco. Time: 6 pm, every Thursday. Phone: (505) 722-8973. OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS Overeaters Anonymous 12step meetings. Held every Saturday at 10 am. The First Methodist Church, 1800 Redrock Drive. Contact info. (505) 307-5999, (505) 7219208, or (505) 870-1483. RECYCLING COUNCIL McKinley Citizens Recycling Council is a local nonprofit working to increase recycling through education, community outreach, and partnership with local government agencies. MCRC meets the first Saturday of the month at 2 pm, at Red Mesa on Hill Street. For more information, call (505) 722-5142 or visit RECYCLING DEPOT The Recycling Depot will now be open from 12 pm - 1:30 pm on the first Saturdays of the month. Volunteers will accept some items, such as paper towels and toilet paper rolls. This is a free service of the McKinley Citizens’ Recycling Council. Call (505) 722-5152. SAVE THE DATE GALLUP INTERFAITH COMMUNITY GATHERING 6:30 pm, March 19. Ken Collins, Executive Director of the

Hozho Center for Personal Enhancement in Gallup will speak. 151 State Highway 564. Contact Reverend Lorelei Kay, Steve Rogers(505) 870-1942, or Betsy Windisch at TECH TIME AT THE SENIOR CENTER 10:30 am March 19. Gallup Senior Center will host computer classes presented by the library for anyone 55+. Learn basic skills. No registration required. For information about the center: (505) 7224740; about technology (505) 863-1291 RURAL EFFICIENT BUSINESS PROGRAM WORKSHOP March 19, 10 am – 12 pm @ Gallup-McKinley County Chamber of Commerce. Workshop on how to decrease energy consumption and implement renewable energy sources, and tie-in energy savings to financial stability. Open to local businesses and agricultural producers. Workshops are free, but registration is required. For more information, contact or (505) 827-0264. GRIEF/BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP March 20, 6:30 pm - will hold its monthly meeting at the Gallup Masonic Center, 4801 E. Historic 66 Avenue. For more information, call or text Robert, (505) 615-8053. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SMOKIN’ GOOD TIME BANQUET March 22, 6 pm – 11:30 pm. @ Red Rock Park, Games, raffle drawings, hors d’oeuvres, dinner and dancing. Table of eight, $1,000. individual tickets $135. For more information contact MCKINLEY COUNTY DEMOCRATIC PARTY ELECTIONS March 30, 9 am – 10 am registration; 11 am elections @ Veterans Hall, 908 E. Buena Vista Ave., Gallup. Offices include: ward and precinct, county central committee, county chair, vice chair, and state central committee members. More information at To post a nonprofit or civic event in the calendar section, please email: or fax: (505) 212-0391. Deadline: Monday at 5 pm.

Gallup Sun • Friday March 8, 2019


: l w a r C s t r A p Gallu

March 9 • 7-9 PM

ase in front of Sammy C’s • Annual c w o h S e c n a m r o Youth Art f Show Youth Per e Walkway • The Full Country Band @ h t n i s e m a G d n a Quintana Contests ’s the Events Center • Art Demos, Food Tr n i s e i t i v i t c a e ucks, Ven Interactiv dors & G ames Galleries: Games and Interactive: ART123: See artwork by hundreds of budding Events Center: Theatre: artists from a dozen K-12 Gallup area schools!

gallupARTS kids’ Crafts Library Lego Challenge In front of Events Center: Hoola Hoop/Jump Rope Contest, Bottle Ring Toss , Outdoor football game Walkway: Kids‘ Building Block Challenge Craft Vendors & Art Demos Weaving in Beauty: Friendship Bracelets Demo Camille’s: Sidewalk Chalk 24 Friday March 8, 2019 • Gallup Sun

LOOM Indigenous: Featured Artist Brad Kahlhamer OPO:Feature: Spirit of the Animal and Snow

In front of Events Center: Selections from “Oh Horrors! A Muder Mystery Musical” by Gallup Repertory Theater


In Front of Sammy C’s: Youth Performance Showcase 7:00pm to 7:15pm Pre-Ballet FOF Dancers 7:20pm To 7:50pm Quintana’s Music School, 8:00pm To 8:30pm Starlette Dance Team 8:40 to 9:00pm Miyamura DJ Club


Camille’s Sidewalk Cafe: Gerry Domagala Quintana’s: The Full Country Band CALENDAR

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