Gallup Sun • April 12, 2019

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VOL 5 | ISSUE 210 | APRIL 12, 2019




The Search is Over City of Gallup selects new police chief. Story page 4


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Friday April 12, 2019 • Gallup Sun

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Gallup Sun • Friday April 12, 2019


4/8/19 1:30 PM


Franklin Boyd hired as Gallup’s new chief of police CITY LEADERS PLACE CONFIDENCE IN BOYD’S ABILITIES

Cody Begaye & Staff


he City of Gallup has chosen its next police chief, 21-year Gallup Police Depa r tment veteran Franklin Boyd, who in December received a “no confidence” vote from the Gallup Police Officers Association for the way he was reportedly running the department on an interim basis. The vote breakdown from the association was sent to City Manager Maryann Ustick, but she said in a letter, responding to GPOA President Victor Rodriguez on Dec. 17, that the votes of no confidence against Boyd contain no “facts or allegations” about his conduct or actions.

6 4

LODGERS TAX AWARDEES Moolah for groups who host awesome events

In a release issued April 9, city officials said they felt that Boyd was the most qualified of the 31 people from across the country who applied for the job to replace Phillip Hart, who resigned last November, as police chief. Boyd has been interim police chief since then. He also served as interim police chief for several months in 2015, before Hart was selected to run the department. He wasn’t available for comment, per GPD Capt. Marinda Spencer, but Ustick weighed in on the newly-minted chief. “I am delighted to have Franklin Boyd serve as our Chief of Police,” she said in a news release. “He worked his way up the ranks of the Gallup


Police Department, he has a distinguished record of dedicated service, integrity, and leadership, and he knows our community and the people we serve.” Mayor Jackie McKinney agreed, echoing Ustick’s comments, saying Boyd recognizes the importance of continuity and consistency in the directing of the police department. “I am confident that Boyd has the qualities needed to provide our officers and citizens the critical services for safety we expect in our community,” McKinney said. However, there have been hurdles along the way, where the spotlight shone brightly on Boyd – GPOA’s vote of no confidence and one contentious lawsuit. Out of 21 members present at the GPOA Dec. 13 meeting, 15 gave Boyd a vote of no confidence, four a vote of confidence, and two abstained. Boyd responded to “all-gallup-police” via email Dec. 19, stating the members voting against him, represent a small percentage of the 65 law enforcement personnel that work for the city. “I would also be remiss if I didn’t also acknowledge the personnel who have offered support and continued assistance in the last few days, and their continued commitment in moving our Department in a positive direction,” Boyd said. “To them I would also say; stay focused on the positive and to continue to do the outstanding

Franklin Boyd, now the new Gallup Chief of Police delivers a speech during a fallen officers memorial in 2016. File Photo job you are doing.” “Unfortunately, there is a false perception (put out by a very small percentage) that the department is ‘divided,’ but the majority of the personnel of the Department know that is NOT the case,” he continued. “So far, the department has been moving in a very positive and progressive direction in the last six months, and we will continue in that direction.” However, the blowback from the association paled in comparison to the lawsuit

filed against the city by GPD Lt. Rosanne Morrissette. The problems between Morrissette and Boyd began when he was captain. According to reports, Boyd came into Morissette’s office at police headquarters and allegedly yelled at her for several minutes. She later filed a complaint against Boyd for his actions. When Chief Robert Cron r et i r e d i n 2 016 , s ever a l



CRACKER BARREL CAR THIEF A woman’s purse stolen with her son's ashes inside

Friday April 12, 2019 • Gallup Sun

10 16 17 FAMILY DOLLAR ROBBERS Police on the hunt for two men caught on video

CRIME WRITER VISITS UNM-G Inside the mind of a cop turned author

‘MISSING LINK’ ANIMATED FUN An entertaining story about a cool primate


Thoughts by Richard F. Kontz Executive Director of the Gallup Housing Authority Back in mid-2017, Dr. Ben Carson made some comments about poverty which caused quite a stir in the News media. In a New York Times article he was criticized for stating: “I think poverty to a large extend is a state of mind”. Dr. Ben Carson is a “product of public housing” raised by a single-parent who worked several jobs to send her son to college. He credits his mom with his “rise out of poverty”. He further stated: “She was a person who absolutely would not accept the label of victim”. I too, was raised by a mother [and a father] who never saw themselves as “poor” or “poverty-stricken”. They believed in the “American Dream” and that the ticket to obtaining that dream was education, hard-work and having With my dad it was his example. He always worked hard and was always “self-educating” to improve himself and he fully believed that America was the land of opportunity. What Dr. Carson was saying is that there are people who have “learned how to play the game” to stay poor [in poverty] in order to access government assistance for as long as they can; which unfortunately, can become a way of life for some people – a “state of mind”.

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Something to think about - your comments are welcome. Thank you. Located at 203 Debra Drive in Gallup, NM – (505)722-4388 Applications may be request by email: NEWS

Gallup Sun • Friday April 12, 2019


Lodgers Tax grants keep Gallup lively GALLUP CITY COUNCIL ANNOUNCES GRANT AWARDS

By Cody Begaye Sun Correspondent


he Gallup City Cou ncil discussed a number of recommendations for the Lodgers Ta x grant for the previous and current fiscal year during their recent regular meeting. Lodgers Ta x fu nds a re taxes drawn from hotel visitors. A committee awards the funds to groups so they have money to advertise and promote their events in order to attract tourists. The Lodgers Tax Committee met on March 19 to review the applications for the FY19 awards. The committee was told about $81,000 in funding remained, so they offered funding recommendations for the following events: • Manuelito Children’s Home Memorial Day 5K on May 27 - $5,000 • A d v e n t u r e Guide Publication - $25,000 • Lions Club A nnual Open


Tourism and Marketing Manager Jennifer Lazarz speaks at Gallup City Council. File Photo. Rodeo f rom Ju ne 12 -15 - $25,000 • Ma rketing for the Lions Club Downtown BBQ on June 15 - $4,000 • S a c r e d H e a r t S p a n i s h Ma rket from Ju ne 21-23 - $11,500 • New Mexico High School Semi-Finals on May 4 and 5 - $8,000 T he tot a l a mou nt of the recommended awa rds i s $78 ,5 0 0, a nd t he Cit y Tou r ism Depa r tment recom mended the rema i n i ng

Friday April 12, 2019 • Gallup Sun

amount of $2,465 be awarded to the Spring Smash Softball Tournament on May 26 and 27. Acting City Manager Jon DeYoung said that potential recipients jeopardize their opportunity to receive funding when they do not f ile their applications in a timely manner. The city council also discussed the first batch of recommendations for the FY20 L odger s Ta x Gr a nt , w it h $250,000 available in funding, pending approval of the FY20 budget. T he fol low i n g r e c om mendations were listed by To u r i s m a n d M a r ke t i n g Manager Jennifer Lazarz: • Freedom Ride Flight and Cruise from July 26 - 28 - $17,981.09 • R e d R o c k D e s e r t 10 0 Motocross from Sept. 13 15 - $12,500 • Gallup Inter-Tribal Indian Ceremonial from Aug. 2 - 11 - $50,000 • Four Corners Invitational

TDFL Tournament on Oct. 26 - 27 - $20,000 • WildThing Championship Bull Riding on July 12 - 13 - $35,000 • Friends of Hubbell - Fall Native Art Auction on Sept. 28 - $4,100 • T r i - S t a t e F i r e f i g h t e r s Convention from Aug. 1 - 3 - $5,000 • Kicker Arenacross on July 19 - 20 - $14,000 • Squa sh Blossom Cla ssic from Sept. 13 - 15 - $9,866 • M a r io E st r a d a S of tba l l Tournament from July 12 14 - $5,000 • Gallup Film Festival from Sept. 12 - 14 - $16,000

• G a l l u p S e n i o r s 5 0 / 6 0 Softball Tournament from Aug. 30 - Sept. 1 - $5,000 • Gloria Saucedo 40 Women’s Wooden Bat from Aug. 30 Sept. 1 - $2,379.89 The pending total came to


Accounts Representative Raenona Harvey

Amazing Grace Personal Care - 18 American Log Homes - 11 Bubany Insurance Agency - 8 Birdsong Auction - 4 Butler’s Office City - 17 Camille’s Sidewalk Cafe - 14 Crime Stoppers - 11 Custom Computer Services - 10 El Morro Theatre - 24 Gallup Community Clean Up - 13 Gallup Housing Authority - 5, 22 Gallup McKinley County Schools - 2 Highlands University - 22 Keller Williams Realty - 1 McKinley Snaps SA - 9 Octavia Fellin Public Library - 17 Pinnacle Bank - 19 Quintana’s Music - 15 Rico Motor Co. - 3 Rollie Mortuary - 13 Small Fry Dentistry - 15 Thunderbird Supply Co. - 6, 16 Tractor Supply Co. insert TravelCenters of America - 10 Tri-State - 19 UNM-G - 7


Gallup Sun Publishing, LLC Publisher/Editor Babette Herrmann

Associate Editor Beth Blakeman Photography Cayla Nimmo Knifewing Segura Correspondent/Editorial Asst. Cody Begaye Design David Tsigelman On the Cover Cecille Perales poses for a portrait at the nursing lab April 9 at UNM-G. Perales is a nursing professor at the school, and Camille’s Sidewalk Cafe’s “Teacher of the Month.” Photo by C. Nimmo The Gallup Sun, published Fridays, is not responsible or liable for any claims or offerings, nor responsible for availability of products advertised. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. The Gallup Sun distributes newspapers in McKinley, Cibola and Apache counties. Office: 102 S. Second St., Gallup, NM 87301 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Gallup Sun, PO Box 1212, Gallup, NM. Mailing Address: PO Box 1212 Gallup, NM 87305 Phone: (505) 722-8994 Fax: (505) 212-0391 Letter to the editor/guest column ACCEPTED BY EMAIL ONLY. State full name and city/town. No pen names. ID required. All submissions subjected to editor’s approval. Guest columnists, email Sun for submission requirements.





Gallup Sun • Friday April 12, 2019


Native American woman found dead Staff Reports


allup Police responded to a medical call at the south end of Arnold Street shortly before noon April 10. Officers and medical units arrived on scene to find a Native A merican female unresponsive on the ground.

TAX GRANTS | FROM PAGE 6 about $197,000. T he la st item L a za r z spoke for was a proposal for the City of Gallup to host the 2019 New Mexico High School Rodeo Association Finals from May 24 - 27 at Red Rock Park. “We are very excited for this,” Lazard said about hosting the rodeo finals. The city designated $50,000 for advertising and payment of an announcer, stock contractors, judges,

Medical personnel perfo r m e d e m e r ge n c y c a r e procedures, but the woman could not be revived. Gallup police detectives took over the scene. No sig n s of fou l play were evident and authorities have identified the woman as Sherrilee Bryant, 47, of Gallup. The death is under investigation. secretaries, stock feed, barbeque, fajita contest, breakfast and prizes, as well as for security services. According to information attached to the agenda, the city wants to host the finals to co-sponsor, support and promote the love of good hor sem a n sh ip, promot e rodeos for youth, amateur, and professional riders, and horsemanship contests for the welfare and benefit of the citizens of Gallup and McKinley counties. Each item was approved with a 4-0 vote by the council.


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Ashes of woman’s son stolen from car By Cody Begaye Sun Correspondent


car burglary can be upsetting enough on its own, but it became a highly emotional and troubling experience for a Rio Rancho woman. Artie Ortega and her boss attended the Gallup Gun Show as vendors. The pair stopped for dinner at Cracker Barrel April 5 when her boss’s car, a red 2014 Ford Escape, was broken into in the parking lot. According to the police report, the burglary occurred about 6:50 pm. The front passenger window was broken, and multiple items were taken. The police report says surveillance footage shows a man, who looks to be Native American and in his 30s, dressed in black and wearing a hood, walked around the parking lot and broke the front window of the Ford Escape. He then got into another vehicle that drove off. Two 1917 Colt Revolver .45 US Army Edition firearms and Ortega’s purse were missing. The guns are valued at $2,000 a piece according to the owner. But the biggest loss for Ortega was a pouch inside her purse that contained the ashes of her late son, Anthony J. Romero, who passed away Feb. 26, 2012. He was 30 years old. Ortega spoke with the Sun April 10 in hopes of getting the word out about finding this constant reminder of her son she carried with her at all times. “He told me, ‘I want to be cremated because I don’t want anything crawling on my body,’” Ortega said in a phone call about her son. Ortega described the process of going to her friend’s husband, who was familiar with blowing glass. She spoke about taking the colors of her son’s favorite football team, the Miami Dolphins, and making a small bottle and maroon velvet pouch, she used to carry her son’s ashes in her purse.

Anthony J. Romero: January 24, 1982 – February 26, 2012; ashes missing. Photo Credit: Artie Ortega In an email to the Sun, Ortega said she was distraught because it felt like she lost her only son once again. “I know he’s with our dear Lord up above. I just have my days where I miss him,” Ortega said. “For someone to take that away is really painful.” The fact that the perpetrator could be Native hit Ortega hard. “I am Indian from Laguna Pueblo, and just the thought that another Native Indian could do such a thing, sickens me to the very core of my stomach,” she said, in an email. At this point, what Ortega wants most is for someone to tell her where the perpetrator and her purse could be. She said that all she wants returned to her, is her son’s ashes, or at least to know for sure what may have happened to them. “That alone hurts the most, not knowing where he’s at,” she said. The surveillance footage shows the suspect leaving the parking lot in a newer model white Chrysler 300, with tinted windows, a sun roof, and front silver grill. If you have any information, contact the Gallup Police Department at (505) 863-9365.

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Friday April 12, 2019 • Gallup Sun



Take Back Day


10 A.M. to 2 P.M.

• Crownpoint Corrections Department 2925B NM371 Crownpoint, NM 87313 • Gallup Police Department 451 Boardman Dr. Gallup, NM 87301 • Ramah Navajo Police Department 417 BIA Rt. 125 Pinehill, NM 87357 • Rio West Mall 1300 W. Maloney Gallup, NM 87301 • State Police Department 4200 Rte. 66 Gallup, NM 87301

• Thoreau Substation 65 1st Ave. Thoreau, NM 87323 • Zuni Tribal Building 1203 NM-53 Zuni, NM 87327

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Gallup Sun • Friday April 12, 2019


Weekly Police Activity Reports Two suspects sought in Staff Reports

RED ROCK BURGLARY Gallup, April 6 Gallup Police are investigating a burglary that occurred on April 6 at a home on Red Rock Drive. The homeowner told police someone had entered his residence and had gotten in by prying open a back screen. He said he had a number of guns inside the house and he wanted police to search it before he entered. When the search was completed, they found three guns missing, as well as some jewelry and three gold coins. The items that were missing were valued at more than $4,600. There are no suspects.

PARKING LOT ASSAULT Gallup, March 29 A quiet night out at the Sports Page Bar on March 29 ended for one patron with a bloody face. Jim Haskie, of Thoreau, said

when he left and was getting into his car, two males attacked him. One of them punched him three times and then they took the keys to his vehicle and ran away. Haskie had to call a relative to bring him his spare keys and he was driven home. Police looked for the two men, but were not able to find them.

BOOKSTORE BRAWL Gallup, March 26 Gallup police were called to the Adult Book Store on West Highway 66 about 4 pm on March 26. The clerk at the store said he let a man use the restroom, but when he was in there for a long period, he knocked and told the man he had to leave. The man then opened the door and punched him, he said. The clerk said he had some pepper spray on him and tried to use it as the two fought on the ground. He finally got it released but he was affected by the spray as well. The man then walked outside while the clerk stayed inside and called police.

The man was never located.

TROUBLE AT DETOX Gallup, March 26 A Wingate man was charged with assault on a health professional after he repor ted ly spat on a n employee at t he Ga l lup D e t o x numerous times. The healthca re worker sa id Dua ne Freela nd, 53, became uncooperative soon after he walked into the center at about 5:36 pm. As he was being walked to his cell, Freeland reportedly spat in the worker’s direction, hitting his cheekbone. Then a couple of minutes later, he spat at him again, twice. The worker also threatened to stab him when he got out, he said. He was arrested by police and taken to the county jail.


Family Dollar robbery he G a l lu p Pol ic e Department is looking for two men involved in the robbery of the Family Dollar Store located at the American Heritage Shopping Center April 5. According to police, the two men came in and robbed the clerk of an unspecified amount of money at knifepoint. During the robbery, one of the men was heard saying “Get the gun. Get the gun,” according to the report. However, no gun was displayed during the robbery. Police have video surveillance of the incident which shows that both men were black. Both were wearing caps, but had

no covering over their faces. The first suspect is described as about 5 feet 10 inches tall, with a slim build. He was wearing faded jeans, brown slippers, a red, white and blue jacket, and a red Tommy Hilfiger cap. The second is described as close to 6 feet tall, and wearing an all-black warm up suit, with a Pittsburgh Steelers cap, and black and white shoes.. The two were seen on video getting into a silver four-door vehicle, that could be an SUV, possibly a newer model Hyundai Santa Fe, which may have been driven by a third person. Anyone with any information on the robbery can get in contact with Chaco Chischilly at (505) 728-8665 or Metro Dispatch at (505) 722-2231.

Suspect 1 in faded jeans, brown slippers and red, white, and blue jacket, and Tommy Hilfiger cap. Photo Courtesy: GPD

Suspect 2 wearing black warm up suit, black and white shoes, Pittsburgh Steelers cap. Photo Courtesy: GPD

Staff Reports


Vehicle suspects left in, silver four-door vehicle. Photo Courtesy: GPD

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Friday April 12, 2019 • Gallup Sun


WEEKLY DWI REPORT Staff Reports Ben Lynch III April 4, 2:12 pm Aggravated DW I (7th DWI) Gallup Patrolma n A d r i a n Quetawki said he was on DW I patrol when he was sent to a Gallup gas station after someone called in and reported a reckless driver. Once he got there, he met Lynch, 55, of Gallup, whom he said showed signs of being intoxicated. Lynch admitted he had been drinking earlier in the day and agreed to do the standard field sobriety tests. When he began the testing, Quetawki said Lynch had trouble understanding the instructions and finally just called a halt to the testing. He refused to take a breath alcohol test. When he found out that

Lynch had six prior convictions and was on the felony DWI list. Quetawki secured a search warrant and took Lynch to the hospital to have his blood taken for testing. Nianna Watchman March 30, 7:05 pm Aggravated DWI Gallup Pat rol ma n Brandon Salazar said he was driving near the 2800 block of East Highway 66 when he observed a female throwing up outside her vehicle. He stopped to do a welfare check and met Watchman, 31, of Gallup, who told him she was sick because she ate some bad food. She also admitted drinking three miniatures of liquor earlier in the day. She agreed to take the standard field sobriety tests but stopped the test shortly after it began. There were no breath alcohol test results mentioned

in the report. Orrin Chee March 29, 2:23 am Aggravated DWI Gallup Patrolma n D eWay ne Holder said he was dispatched to an accident at the 2100 block of East Highway 66 early on March 29. When he got there, he found a car that had severe front end damage and had its driver airbag deployed. He also saw Chee, 31, of Gallup, outside the vehicle talking on his cell phone. Chee refused to turn off his phone, saying he was talking to his girlfriend, who showed up a couple of minutes later. Holder said he asked Chee if he had been drinking and he admitted he had been drinking vodka a few hours before driving. He agreed to take the standard field sobriety tests, which he failed and was arrested for


Catch A Criminal! The Gallup Police Department Needs YOUR Help! WHAT: Armed robbery with knife WHERE: Family Dollar Store, 706 North Hwy 491 American Heritage Plaza, Gallup WHEN: Friday, 7:00 pm, April 5, 2019 WHO: Two black males, both nearly 6 feet tall VEHICLE: Silver four-door SUV, possibly a newer model Hyundai Santa Fe



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DWI. He later agreed to take a breath alcohol test and blew samples of .16 and .18. He was also charged with possession of an open liquor container in his vehicle. Matthew Carviso March 25, 7:12 pm DWI (4th offense) McKinley County Deputy Paul Davis Jr. said he was dispatched to a traffic accident on U.S. Highway 491 by Navajo Tractor Sales. No injuries were reported. When he got there, he met

Carviso, 38, of Ya h -Ta H a y, w h o wa s i n t he driver’s seat taking on his cell phone to his girlfriend. Davis said he refused to get off the cell phone and told Davis to talk to his girlfriend. He said he would do that later.


Breadsprings man arrested for murder Staff Reports


L BUQU ERQU E – Troy Livingston, 18, an enrolled member of the Navajo Nation who lives in Breadsprings, made his initial appearance in federal court in Albuquerque April 8 on a criminal complaint of murder. The charge says he took the life of a Navajo woman with malice aforethought. His preliminary hearing and detention hearing, were scheduled for the following day. The criminal complaint alleges that Livingston beat the victim to death with a flashlight and his feet at a residence in Breadsprings, on the Navajo Indian Reservation, April 6. According to the criminal complaint, the victim was Livingston’s girlfriend. If convicted, Livingston faces a statutory maximum sentence of life imprisonment.

Troy Livingston The case was investigated by the Gallup office of the FBI and the Crownpoint office of the Navajo Nation Division of Public Safety. Assistant U.S. Attorney David P. Cowen is prosecuting the case. Charges in criminal complaints are only accusations, and defendants are presumed innocent unless found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.


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Gallup Sun • Friday April 12, 2019


OPINIONS Nuclear Nation Film Festival coming up



ditor, In 1979, two incidents involving the nuclear industry and radioactive material took place in America and 40 years later, the communities are still waiting for an adequate response from the responsible parties and the federal government. On March 28, 1979 the Unit 2 reactor of the Three Mile Island commercial nuclear power plant

experienced a failure in the secondary, non-nuclear section of the plant and one of two reactors on the site, partially melted down. Most people were sound asleep when the reactor accident began about 4 am on Wednesday, March 28, 1979. The second catastrophe took place in the nearby community of Church Rock (NM) in the vicinity of what is known as the Red Water Pond Road

community on July 16, 1979 when approximately 94 million gallons of radioactive waste that was held in unlined evaporation ponds at the United Nuclear Corporation’s (UNC) mill site, was released into the Rio Puerco River and flowed through nearby communities and on through the state of Arizona westward. Today, forty years after the “worst accident” in the United States involving radioactive


material occurred, UNC wants to begin a clean-up effort that will allow disposal of Northeast Church Rock (NECR) mine waste that is estimated at approximately 1,000,000 cubic yards. In preparation for the extensive clean-up project, on March 19 and 21, 2019, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) held two Public Environmental Scoping Meetings for the

proposal to dispose of the NECR mine waste and received public comments from the citizenry of Gallup and surrounding Navajo communities. At both meetings the audience was at capacity in the Gallup Community Service Center and the verbal input was from former uranium workers, health experts, technical



On April 12, the First Quarter Moon emerges and the Aries Sun brings forth strong confident energy. Enjoy this transition out of the ordinary and allow the creative force to rise up and through you. Now is the time to plant the seeds that will bloom later and bring you joy. This is a triumphant time. Madame G wishes you well and hopes that you learn whatever lessons are needed.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)

CANCER (June 21-July 22)

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct.22)

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Don’t despair dear Aries, this too shall pass. Forward seeking energy is wonderful. But, at times you must slow down, focus on what needs changing, and reshape your possibilities. Don’t give up. You’re almost there. You may find anything you seek, if you take the time to look and work with yourself. You can’t keep pushing off your troubles to another day. Sit calmly with them.

Dear Cancer, you can do this. It may feel like an insurmountable object is facing you, so push forward with strength and purpose. Maybe you got so focused on the big picture or the destination that you lost sight of the journey itself. Stay aligned with your vision and connected to the process. Jupiter, the teacher, has some big lessons for you.

Dear Capricorn, enjoy life. Don’t get caught up in the details of sadness. Share your love with others. Two of the most playful and creative planets, Venus and Neptune, link up in Pisces and your third house of socializing. Let your hair down and see what happens when you’re not obsessing over work.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

Life is all that is good and wonderful. Share your work with the world and rejoice in the feelings of others. You don’t have to “feel” their pain in order to help them. Get outdoors more, and don’t look at your phone! (Rather, look up at the sky and around at everything that’s in bloom.) Get acupuncture, bodywork and extra sleep! Each of these is just one small shift, but together they will add up to a health-supportive lifestyle!

Your heart is in the right place and you have found the place you were seeking. But, don’t look for your self-worth in other things. The only things you need are within your own heart. You have the power to shape your own world and live well. Stop trying to control the feelings of others. You’re not their conscience. Just be their friend.

Keep sharing the joy in your heart dear Leo! You have so many talents and attributes. Give of yourself and discover what brings out your playful side. What recharges you could help you get better acquainted with yourself. Bask in the sum of all that you are.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)

Live the life you’ve always wanted for yourself and spread the joy of happiness to those around you. If you recently moved or began a major renovation or redecoration project, you could probably use a chance to catch your breath and reassess. Give more focused attention to your family and inner circle, but don’t let them steal precious “you” time.

Keep working toward the goals you hope to accomplish, Gemini. Exciting opportunities could fall into your lap without much warning this week, so bring your ‘A’ game to everything you do, even impromptu meetings. As a Gemini, your superpower is being sincerely interested in other people’s points of view.


VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Friday April 12, 2019 • Gallup Sun

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Sit still dear Scorpio. Now is the moment to sow seeds and plant ideas that will be reaped with time. Enjoy this unique process. Remember, you can’t step into the same river twice. You can’t have the same moment again. Breathe deeply and appreciate all that is around you. Live.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Don’t get caught up in sentimentality. It doesn’t help those around you. Over the next four months, identify those areas where you stretched too far or revved too fast. There are only 24 hours in a day, Sag. And while you might have more energy and motivation than a six-pack of some of the other signs, you still need your sleep!

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) You must try to use that incredible mental strength to help rather than hurt those around you. You may not mean to use your energy against others, but sometimes when we’re unaware of ourselves, we do just that. Give yourself a break. Give compassion to yourself first, and the rest will follow. Good luck!

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) Dear Pisces, you’ve been on an upswing, and enjoying the improved view from the top! Now you will have four months to integrate the growth and lessons that have come along with it. If you got a little carried along by the momentum, this is your chance to slow your speed, check your GPS, and make course corrections if, and as necessary. OPINIONS

FILM FESTIVAL | FROM PAGE 12 support, Navajo medicine people and activists with all of the comments indicating more community outreach was needed before anything begins. Not one person spoke in favor of the NRC’s plan. The NRC is currently reviewing a UNC license application with a request to amend its Source Material License (No. SUA-1475) for the former Church Rock Mill and Tailings Site under specific requirements in Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 40, Domestic Licensing of Source Material. The former 902-acre Church Rock Uranium Mill Site and 125-acre NECR Mine Site are listed in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s “Superfund” designation in the National Priority List and the potential environmental impacts of the proposed action is being documented in an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) by the NRC which requires public comments on the scope and content of this EIS. Although the public meetings are over and none are further scheduled, written comments are allowed to be submitted to the NRC until April 19th through its website. According to a


VEHICLE BREAKIN Gallup, March 26 Gallup Police are investigating a report of a car burglary that occurred on March 26 in the parking lot of Applebee’s Restaurant. The victim, an employee at

Federal Register notice published Feb. 8 in which the NRC announced its intention to prepare an environmental impact statement on the proposed waste transfer; interested individuals must refer to Docket ID NRC-2019-0026, when contacting the NRC about the availability of information regarding this document. On April 22, “Earth Day” 2019 there will be a Free “Nuclear Nation Film Festival” that will be held at the El Morro Theatre located at 207 West Coal Avenue in Gallup, New Mexico with six films showing beginning at 3 pm through 9:30 pm along with six expert panelists available to answer questions about the uranium legacy on the Navajo Nation. The Nava jo Nation Aba ndoned Mine La nd Reclamation Department will have an information table set up. We are also recognizing the Three Mile Island victims in solidarity with the communities that were impacted with the March 28, 1979 failure of the Unit 2 Nuclear Reactor. We will also commemorate the communities that were impacted by the worst radioactive “accident” in the United States on July 16, 1979 in Church Rock. Mervyn Tilden Church Rock, N.M. the restaurant, told police someone had broken into her vehicle and had stolen, among other things, a handgun and an iPod. According to the police report, police are checking to see if any of the surveillance cameras set by the business, as well as other nearby businesses, would provide any clues. Police agreed to do extra patrols at her residence in case the suspect went there.

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Gallup Sun • Friday April 12, 2019


COMMUNITY Teacher of the month thought she was being pranked CECILLE PERALES ENJOYS A LITTLE TLC By Dee Velasco For the Sun


ach month, Camille’s Sidewa l k Ca fe i n Gallup, chooses and recognizes one local teacher within the Gallup area for the “Teacher of the Month” award. Teachers are nominated by students and those who feel they deserve the recognition for their determination to help local students become more than they expect. Camille’s presents this teacher with an award for excellence in teaching. This month’s winner is Cecille Perales.

Upon hearing the good news about being nominated for “Teacher of the Month,” Perales thought it was a prank. “At first, I didn’t believe it was real (laughing), I used to be a prankster and my natural thought if this was a prank. It started to sink in when I looked online and realized that Camille’s really does this (laughing).” Perales whose title is a Lecture 1, has been teaching nursing for the past four semesters at UNM-Gallup branch. Originally, from the Philippines, her nursing career began when she took on her

mother’s dream as a child. At first, she wanted to be a doctor. Then, in high school she decided to become an engineer. Her mother wanted to be a nurse when she was younger, but never got the chance, so in a way Perales fulfilled that dream. “I’m glad that I did become a nurse, it’s a good field to get into,” she says. “It’s a practical choice and I started nursing school when I was about sixteen. I guess it’s a part of my cultural and the parental expectations.” Her two other siblings are nurses as well. According to

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Friday April 12, 2019 • Gallup Sun

Cecille Perales poses for a portrait at the nursing lab April 9 at University of New Mexico’s Gallup campus. Perales is a nursing professor at the school and named “Teacher of the Month” by Camille’s Sidewalk Café. Photo Credit: Cayla Nimmo Perales, nursing is a helping profession. There’s gratification when you see somebody get better, or at least feel better. It’s part of the way a nurse communicates with patients, by creating a positive impact on their welfare. Having graduated in the Philippines with her Bachelors of Science and Nursing, she was recr uited to work at Rehoboth McKinley Christian Health Care Services. Perales says she has always enjoyed teaching others, even in school where she would help fellow classmates. When the chance to step away from the bedside, and go into the teaching field came along, she took it. She says that passion to teach has always been inside her. “I’ve a lway s enjoyed

teaching, I’ve always felt that fulfilling need even as a young child. That’s why nursing was a fit for me, because I’ve always wanted to teach.” When asked what is the best thing about coming to work as a teacher, Perales says it’s the students having that goal of becoming a nurse, as she did. She says to help them succeed is what is really gratifying; helping the students reach their goals and meeting them half way. She says it’s hard because she wonders if she could have done better. “I look at myself as an instructor and wonder what could I have done better,” she says. “I know my students have their own responsibilities.



By Dee Velasco For the Sun


hat is the capital of California? What is the state fruit of Georgia? What is the official state bird of New Mexico? Perhaps like others you may find yourself scratching your head to find the answers. Parents and children found these answers and more at “Around the United States Night” held at Rocky View Elementary April 4. Children at the school got the chance to learn and display interesting information about the different states they chose. Yummy goodies from each state were on hand for the tasting for the “state travelers.” States represented included South Carolina, Florida, California, Indiana, Hawaii, and of course, New Mexico. Principal Debbie Arthur handed out “boarding passes” at the entrance of the school. She expressed a real thrill at the huge turn-out. In the past, the school has done an “Around the World” theme, displaying different

countries. But this year they decided to show off the United States, she said. Books were also given out at the entrance, to encourage reading. Cultures,

food, and geography were the main emphasis of the event. “We decided to do the United States so that the kids could get familiar with their own home,

America,” Arthur said. “They can get to know the states, and know that they are not countries (laughing), that they’re all part of the union. We wanted them to experience and see how each state is different, the characteristics and the uniqueness of them – but yet similarities.” The State of Georgia was represented in a third grade classroom, with delicious samples of peach cobbler, sweet peach tea, and children’s artwork of the state. Crafts were done in the

classroom while boarding passes were either stamped, or stickers were placed on them. The teachers explained interesting facts about the state, while a projector displayed famous landmarks. The third grade classroom was popular with visitors because of the peach cobbler. Holding on to their boarding passes, children and parents then made their way to sunny


Rocky View’s Stacy Cavanaugh and Terry Boos help serve authentic New Mexican fare at Rocky View Elementary School. Photo Credit: Dee Velasco

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Students’ display of Bronx, New York. Photo Credit: Dee Velasco

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Gallup Sun • Friday April 12, 2019


An evening with New Mexico’s Michael McGarrity FROM CRIMINAL JUSTICE TO BESTSELLING AUTHOR

By Dee Velasco For the Sun


ollinger Library at UNMGallup campus hosted an evening with national bestselling author and former New Mexico criminal justice professional Michael McGarrity March 28. McGarrity, who lives in Santa Fe, incorporates a touch of the

rich culture and history of New Mexico into his ideas about police paperwork. McGarrity was in law enforcement in Santa Fe County for about 25 years. His criminal justice career included being an investigator, deputy sheriff, and working in state law enforcement and for the public defender. He began his writing career in the 1980s. McGarrity jokes that after

writing for a mere 14 years, he became an overnight sensation. After penning his first book, and despite its failure to find an audience, he was hooked. In 1996, when “Tularosa” was published, he became a full-time writer. He has authored 12 crime novels and says he doesn’t like to categorize them as mystery novels. Copies of McGarrity’s latest book, Residue, were given away

Author Michael McGarrity signs copies of his novels following his talk at the University of New Mexico Gallup campus March 28. Photo Credit: Cayla Nimmo

at the event, along with a Q & A, and book signing. The event was sponsored by the Zollinger Library with generous support from UNM Gallup’s Fall 2018 Mini-Grant. “We try to have each semester one either local author or somebody that has written something about the local,” library Director Cecilia Stafford said. that the students can come in and ask questions about the writing process, and things like that.” This semester, Stafford says the $2,000 mini-grant was well spent. “I think it was great,” she said. “It was more than what we normally get.” From the get-go this New Mexico writer held his audience in his hands with his wit and the timeline of his writing path. Beginning with his tale of finishing up his service in White Sands, he spoke of being a UNM Lobo, and how the area enriches his writing. He also talked about his collaboration with another famous writer, Tony Hillerman. More than 50 people attended the event. The audience was quite intrigued with McGarrity’s talk. Attendee Verilynn McCray of Gallup was lucky enough to win a free book, and was excited to see and hear McGarrity speak. “What got my attention was that he was from New Mexico and I wanted to see what his writings were about,” she said. “It was really interesting and the humor that he put into his talk.” Public Services Librarian Jim Fisk said this was a big event for

the library and was very happy about the whole event. “We were excited to have this happen and when we thought about it initially, it was like well, he’s a major author. Can we get him here? My attitude was, well, we can ask and it worked out and we were thrilled,” he said. McGarrity was pleased with the event and said where we live is so beautiful in many ways. The cultural significance and the people give him so much to write about. “The one thing about New Mexico is the fact that we are multi-cultural and that Anglos don’t make up the majority,” he said. “Really what New Mexico reflects is what’s going to happen in the world, and what’s going to happen in our country. Which is really scaring a lot of old white guys (laughing); is that they can’t stand the idea that this country, that they believe is their Manifest Destiny, isn’t going to be – if you will, ruled by one class of people, one race of people. We’re very unique in that way.” McGarrity said he enjoyed the event and thought the turnout was great. “To have that many people come out, I think was an exceptional crowd. They looked interested and seemed to like what I do as a writer,” he said. For more information on Michael McGarrity visit www. For more library events and information about the Mini-Grant application process contact UNM library at (505) 863-7500.

Bestselling author Michael McGarrity gives a talk on his career at the University of New Mexico Gallup campus March 28. Photo Credit: Cayla Nimmo


Friday April 12, 2019 • Gallup Sun


‘Missing Link’ takes viewers on a beautifully realized animated adventure By Glenn Kay For the Sun

RATING: ««« OUT OF «««« RUNNING TIME: 95 MINUTES Laika is an animation studio that has produced consistently impressive features over the years, including Kubo and the Two Strings, The Boxtrolls, ParaNorman, and Coraline. Their latest continues with the trend of intersecting family entertainment thrills with darker, supernatural, and monster-related subject matter. Thankfully, Missing Link is another big winner, blending amusing characters, a sweet message and some staggeringly beautiful visuals. The story begins with Sir Lionel Frost (Hugh Jackman), a self-described adventurer seeking to prove the existence of mythical creatures and impress a stuffy club of explorers led by Lord Piggot-Dunceby (Stephen Fry). After receiving a note telling him where to find the elusive Sasquatch, Frost heads out to the Pacific Northwest, where he comes into contact with the beast, who he names Mr. Link (Zach Galifianakis).


The protagonist is not only shocked to learn that Bigfoot can talk, but that he’s quite modest. In fact, Mr. Link tells Frost that he is desperately lonely and needs a guide to find his Yeti cousins in the Himalayas. The two come to an agreement and head out on the quest. Along the way, the team is pursued by a nasty bounty hunter (Timothy Olyphant) as well as Frost’s old flame, Adelina Fortnight (Zoe Saldana). The movie itself doesn’t go for broad jokes and is surprisingly low-key. Instead, it examines and introduces the fantastic with a sense of wonder, and even allows its exaggerated characters an innocent charm. Mr. Link is extremely likable and pleasant, contrasting the notion of Sasquatch being a potential threat to others. Frost and the bigfoot featured are a perfect comic pairing, with the former trying to exude a sense of nobility and importance, and the latter possessing a naive sweetness. As the film progresses, there’s plenty of humor derived from Mr. Link misinterpreting his new friend’s turns of phrase and taking remarks quite literally, leading to several mishaps. The explorer also concocts an amusing disguise for his discovery, dressing him in a loud suit to try and pass him off as nothing

Explorer Sir Lionel Frost (Hugh Jackman) meets up with Mr. Link (Zach Galifianakis) in the forest. Mr. Link asks Sir Lionel to help him find his long-lost relatives in the fabled valley of Shangri-La. Photo Credit: Laika Studios/Annapurna Pictures more than a... well... large and hairy man. There’s also an amusing turn from The Elder (Emma Thompson), a character who appears late in the feature. She has some very strong opinions, but unintentionally points out many of the flaws in her beliefs, as she barks orders to others. Of course, the animation is

superb in every respect. In fact, it is almost like a kid’s book travelogue as Frost moves from Loch Ness to the Pacific Northwest, heads dow n through the Southwest US, across Europe, India, and eventually Nepal (and the fabled Shangri-La). Not only do the environments presented look incredible, but there are

some delightful visual ideas interspersed along the way during action scenes; such sequences include a confrontation between the heroes and the bounty hunter on a ship being rocked through enormous waves. The leads must


Gallup Sun • Friday April 12, 2019


DVD/Blu-ray Roundup for April 12, 2019 By Glenn Kay For the Sun


elcome back to another edition featuring highlights arriving on Blu-ray and DVD. As you might have guessed, there are plenty of new releases hitting shelves. So if you can’t make it out to the movies this week, be sure to give one of these titles a try!

BIG NEW RELEASES! The Amityville Murders Believe it or not, there have been about 20 movies inspired by the Amityville Horror story. The latest feature attempts to detail the graphic murders that took place at the locale in 1974, with the plot following a father who begins to hear voices in his head, commanding him to execute his entire family. Reviews weren’t particularly strong for this horror flick. Now curious parties can watch it and decide for themselves. The cast includes John Robinson, Chelsea Ricketts, Paul Ben-Victor and Diane Franklin. The Aspern Papers - This per iod d ra ma takes place in Ve n ic e , It a l y and involves a writer obsessed with finding the title documents, which are a series of love letters written by a famous poet to his beautiful mistress. While on the hunt, the protagonist follows the trail and locates


the actual woman, only to begin falling for her himself and coming under her strange influence. Critics didn’t think that this effort made much of an imprint. There were a few who complimented bits and pieces of the movie, but the consensus was that the story came across as flat, lifeless, and stiffly staged, despite the valiant efforts of the cast. It stars Joely Richardson, Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Vanessa Redgrave. Berlin, I Love You - Following on the heels of Paris, Je T’aime (2006) and New York, I Love You (2008), this is the latest in a series, featuring a grouping of short films about love. As you might have guessed, Berlin is the metropolis inspiring these tales. Alas, very few press members were feeling the magic this time out, as this sequel is the worst reviewed title in the franchise. Sadly, the overwhelming response was that these clips were poor, and didn’t inspire much passion or excitement. Keira Knightley, Helen Mirren, Luke Wilson, Jim Sturgess, Mickey Rourke, Hayden Panettiere and Diego Luna all make appearances. A Dog’s Way Home - A pooch who gets lost and separated from her owner decides to wander across the country and find her way home in this family drama. Along the way, the animal encounters various strangers and brings some happiness to their troubled lives. Reaction towards this flick was generally upbeat. A small percentage complained that the approach taken was very old-fashioned and that the film dealt with the issues raised,

Friday April 12, 2019 • Gallup Sun

in too simple a manner. Still, more found the movie sweet and well-intentioned, suggesting that family audiences would appreciate the cute lead character and the film’s positive outlook. The movie stars Ashley Judd, Edward James Olmos, Alexandra Shipp, Wes Studi and Barry Watson. Golden Job - This Hong Kong action flick involves a team of former mercenaries who decide to take part in a massive heist. The group plans to steal the contents of a medicine truck headed to a refugee camp. However, they soon discover that the vehicle contains a massive quantity of gold, and that they have been set up by someone within their own ranks. A few write-ups that have appeared online suggest that the movie is a reasonably entertaining, if unexceptional, action picture with a few decent chase scenes. The cast includes Ekin Cheng, Jordan Chan, Michael Tse, Chin Ka-lok, and Charmaine Sheh. Holmes & Watson - The famous detectives get a reworking in this comedy that presents the characters as dimwitted heroes more likely to accidentally solve crimes than use traditional methods to catch perpetrators. This time out, they’re tasked with stopping their nemesis Moriarty in his plot to murder the Queen at the unveiling of the RMS Titanic. Let’s just say that this teaming between leads Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly was not as much appreciated as the pair’s previous efforts. A small batch did say that there were a few laughs to be had here from the idiotic shenanigans

on display, but far more found the gags terribly unfunny (the film ended up winning a Worst Picture Razzie). The movie also features Rebecca Hall, Ralph Fiennes, Rob Brydon, Kelly Macdonald, Steve Coogan and Lauren Lapkus. Moynihan - Politician and sociologist Daniel Patrick Moynihan is the subject of this documentary. Considered a maverick, the man was a fan of statistics and considered himself a moralist, noting the ways in which many who want to do good are often undone by their desires to succeed in their careers. The press was taken with this non-fiction film about the man’s career as a U. S. Senator, U. S. Ambassador to the United Nations and eventual Counselor to the President. They stated that this movie provided a new appreciation for his work, helped to clarify some of his beliefs and theories, and allowed viewers to learn more about this interesting figure. On the Basis of Sex - Ruth Bader Ginsburg is the main figure in this biopic, which focuses on the early part of the Supreme Court Justice’s life, as well as her groundbreaking work taking on a sex discrimination claim. Early sections of the feature focus on her mistreatment in a male-dominated field and how these experiences helped develop her arguments in this historic case. Reviews were decent for the feature, although not outstanding. Some thought that it was merely a standard biography of a truly exceptional person, although they all complimented the performances and thought the feature brought attention to some of her work. It stars Felicity Jones, Armie Hammer, Justine Theroux, Kathy Bates, Sam Waterston and Jack Reynor. Touch Me Not - This European art house film is described as being, “on the fluid border between reality and fiction.” It follows a moviemaker and her characters as they address intimacy. Three of the main characters have serious issues with the subject. They are placed in a lab where they attempt to deal with their relationship issues and break the ties binding them to their patterns of behavior. Notices were all over the place for this drama. Laura Benson, Tómas Lemarquis and Christian

Bayerlein headline this title. We Die Young - A 10-yearold boy in Washington, DC is recruited into a drug-running gang against the wishes of his teenage brother. The older sibling requests the assistance of an Afghanistan war veteran to help him get the youngster away from a life of crime. Together, they infiltrate the organization and attempt to rescue the child. There aren’t a lot of reviews. The ones that have popped up, call it a nice change of pace for its star, although some suggest that this B-movie might have benefited from higher production values. The cast includes Jean-Claude Van Damme, David Castañeda and Elijah Rodriguez. Welcome to Marwen - Based on the true story and documentary Marwencol, this biopic tells the story of a man struggling with PTSD. After being beaten to within an inch of his life by white supremacists, the lead begins designing a fantasy world populated by action figures of women whom he admires. In the process, the protagonist tries to rebuild his own life. Sadly, the majority of press members didn’t think this fantasy/drama worked. A small selection thought that the movie’s heart was in the right place and that it attempted something new and different. It stars Steve Carell, Leslie Mann, Diane Kruger, Merritt Wever and Janelle Monáe.

BLASTS FROM THE PAST! Lots of interesting older titles are hitting Blu-ray as well. Arrow has the horror/giallo picture, The Iguana with the Tongue of Fire (1971). Despite being an Italian murder/mystery, this one is actually set in Dublin and is famous for having a very over-the-top plot with an almost nonsensical amount of red herrings. The movie has been given a new 2K transfer from the original camera negative and comes with a giallo expert commentary, as well as a video critic appreciation of the film, a discussion about the film’s composer, an interview with the feature’s assistant director, the editor, one of the actresses involved and numerous publicity


Name added to Gallup Diocese clergy abuse list Staff Reports


n February, the Diocese of Gallup received the news that the Diocese of Ca mden , N. J. h a d released a list of clergy and chu rch worker s c r e d ibly accused of abuse. One of those named is Fr. Thomas Harkins, who ser ved for a trial period of three months

in the Diocese of Gallup at Immaculate Heart of Mar y Pa r i sh, Pa ge, A r i z ., f rom October, 1981 to Ja nua r y, 1982. Fr. Harkins returned to New Jersey to care for an a iling fa mily member a nd never returned. The Diocese of Gallup is not aware of any complaints or allegations regarding Fr. H a rk i n s du r i n g h i s t i me

here, and we do not have any information regarding allegations made aga inst him from his time outside our Diocese. In keeping with our policy of publicizing the names of clerics who appear on credibly accused lists from other dioceses, we have now added his name to our list of clergy and church workers who have

had allegations made against them from ser vice outside the Diocese of Gallup. T he l ist is ava i lable a t h t t p s : //d i o c e s e o f g a l /yout h- prot ec t ion / credibly-accused-list/ We e nc ou r a ge a nyone with knowledge of abuse by clergy or church workers to immediately make a report t o law en forcement . A nd

we a sk the fa ithful of the Diocese of Gallup to always keep sur vivors of abuse in their prayers, as they seek justice and healing. Contact: Suzanne Ha mm on s , D ir e ctor of Communications, Diocese of Gallup Office: (505)-863-4406 media@dioceseofgallup. org

Healthy Kids, Healthy Families application process opens April 15 Staff Reports


L BUQU E RQU E – Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New Mexico is accepting applications for its Healthy Kids, Healthy Families grant initiative from April 15 through May 31. BCBSNM encourages nonprofit organizations with innovative programs that are working to improve the health and wellness of New Mexican children and their families to apply. “The Healthy Kids, Healthy Families grant program suppor ts BCBSNM’s commitment to the communities we serve,” said Janice Torrez, associate vice president of external affairs and chief of

DWI REPORT | FROM PAGE 11 Davis finally had to take the cell phone, which caused Carviso to become angry. He was also showing signs of being intoxicated, so Davis asked if he would take the Standard Field Sobriety Test. He asked why and began walking into the roadway and had to be stopped. Davis said he continued to be upset because he was not being allowed to talk to his girlfriend. He never agreed to take the test and was charged with DWI. He was then asked if he would take a breath alcohol test and at first refused to respond and later said no. As he was being taken to the county jail, he fell asleep and when he was awakened, he had no idea where he was, and refused to step out of the patrol vehicle. He finally had to be pulled out by his legs. Myles Tso March 2, 8:20 pm DWI COMMUNITY

staff, BCBSNM. “We want to inspire a new generation of wellness in our state by helping to find, fund, and focus programs on the most effective ways to address the pressing health issues facing our state. Together, we can truly make a difference in communities throughout New Mexico.” Established in 2011, the HKHF grant initiative is part of BCBSNM’s commitment to invest in and work with nonprofit organizations that offer sustainable and measurable programs in the areas of nutrition, physical activity, disease prevention and management, a nd s a fe e nv i r o n me nt s . Applying organizations must have 501(c)(3) status. To learn more about HKHF Gallup Patrolma n Christopher Dawes said he was dispatched to the 3300 block of West Highway 66 in connection with a car that was in an accident. When he got to the site, he found Tso, 25, of Mentmore, who said a truck came out of the parking lot, causing him to hit the curb. Dawes said as he was talking to Tso, he noticed that Tso positioned himself in a way so that he was standing next to him and not face to face. Dawes said he got in front of Tso and smelled the odor of liquor coming off his person. Tso agreed to take the Standard Field Sobriety test, but admitted he had a drink before driving. He took the test and failed. After being arrested for DWI, he agreed to take a breath alcohol test and blew two samples of .07.

and the application process, visit and look

for the Healthy Kids, Healthy Families link under Company

Information. All applications must be submitted online.


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1/30/19 3:09 PM 19 Gallup Sun • Friday April 12, 2019

SPORTS 360 Visitors take on the home team and win KIRTLAND CENTRAL VS. GALLUP 12-9

Gallup junior Damian Hausner (14) pitches to Kirtland Central April 9 in Gallup. Photo Credit: Cayla Nimmo

Kirtland sophomore Kamron Tsosie (34) dives back to first base in the varsity baseball game in Gallup April 9. Photo Credit: Cayla Nimmo

Gallup sophomore Joel Lopez (4) connects with the ball in the varsity baseball game against Kirtland Central in Gallup April 9. Photo Credit: Cayla Nimmo

Gallup player Jacob Burke (7) slides safely to second base against Kirtland Central freshman Troy King (11) in the first inning of the varsity baseball game April 9 in Gallup. The final score: Kirtland won 12-9. Photo Credit: Cayla Nimmo

20 Friday April 12, 2019 • Gallup Sun


NEW CHIEF | FROM PAGE 4 high-ranking officers decided to retire, too, and a number of positions opened up. As a result, Morrissette, who worked in the detective squad, was promoted from sergeant to lieutenant. Her action against Boyd continued after he was promoted by Hart to be his deputy chief, and eventually, Boyd was reprimanded after an internal affairs investigation, according to sources. But when Morrissette asked to see a copy of the report, her request was reportedly rejected. She filed suit in District Court to get that report released to her, and eventually, Judge Robert Aragon ruled in her favor, although it took some time for the city to comply with the order. According to Morrissette’s Attorney Thomas Grover, she continued to have problems with Boyd and Hart, and Boyd eventually issued charges against her, allegedly claiming that she was derelict in her duties. As a result of these charges, Morrissette found herself demoted to sergeant and then to patrol status, before she was terminated outright. More legal battles ensued, and ultimately city officials became involved. As a result, the city reinstated Morrissette with back pay, and a position as liaison with the schools and community was created for her. On April 9, after repeated requests, the city released the applications of those individuals who were considered finalists for the position. During the Gallup City Council’s regular meeting that same evening, Acting City Manager Jon DeYoung said Boyd was out of the office for training, which was confirmed by Capt. Marinda Spencer on April 10, and that the announcement time of the chief’s swearing in ceremony at Gallup Police Department would follow soon. Boyd will officially start as police chief on April 15.

THE REST OF THE CANDIDATES The minimum qualifications called for a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university with major course work in criminology, police science, criminal justice, business administration, public administration or a closely related field. NEWS

Boyd holds an associate’s degree in Criminal Justice from University of New MexicoGallup. He began classes in 1997 and graduated in 2018. Additionally, the candidates needed at least 10 years of service within a local government police department with at least five years in a progressive supervisory capacity of police captain or higher. The Sun reached out to the City of Gallup’s Human Resources Director Klo Abeita several times to ask who was on the selection committee, but didn’t receive a response as of press time. The finalists: • Charles Carafino, from Damascus, MD. He has 24 years of experience working for the Montgomery County Police Department in Maryland. He is currently a captain in the department. • Samson Cowboy, who is currently police chief of the Jicarilla Apache Tribe in Dulce. He is a former chief of police for the Navajo Nation. He is from the Thoreau area. • Daniel Dugatkin, who is from New Paltz, N.Y. He has been chief of police for the last seven years for the SUNY College at New Paltz. • Joey Comstock, who is the current police chief for the Sauk-Suiattle Trina, Police Department in Darrington, Wash. • Benny Gaona, a graduate of Gallup High School with 24 years in the Gallup Police Department. He is currently a patrol sergeant in the department. • Jeffery Gilbert, who is currently police chief of the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe in Port Angeles, Wash. Before that he worked for 17 years with the Quartzsite Police Department where he rose to the rank of chief of police. • John Gruszka, who has worked for the Lake County Pol ice Depa r t ment i n Crown Point, Ind., where he is presently a commander in the department. • Brian Paulson, who has worked for the Yankton Pol ice Depa r t ment i n Yankton, S.D. for the past eight years as police chief. • Earl Andy Yearley, who has worked for the Gallup Police Department since 1994 and is currently a patrolman first class in the department. He also worked for the New Mexico State Police as a recruit.

Bryanny Williams, marketing staff member, from Camille’s Sidewalk Café, hands Cecille Perales, left, a gift basket for winning “Teacher of the Month” April 9 at University of New Mexico’s Gallup campus. Photo Credit: Cayla Nimmo

TEACHER | FROM PAGE 14 They’re adults and this is a college setting. But I always try to see if I didn’t reach everyone in the class. I want to at least try, I don’t want to dismiss anything. There’s always room for improvement.” When it comes to challenges, Perales says she is concerned about the “burn-outs.” With

ROCKY VIEW | FROM PAGE 15 California, where fifth grade teacher, Ms. Leo, a Los Angeles native, welcomed all to the hot state. Music from a boom box rang out California Girls by Katy Perry, California Love by Tupac, and visitors got to take pictures of the Hollywood Walk of Fame stars with students’ names substituted for movie actors. A table was set with California produce. “On the California foods, we focused on the central valleys like grapes, carrots, and cantaloupe, just to name a few of the variety of fruits and vegetables we grow in sunny California. We also have a hummus mix,” Leo said. On hand visiting the event was Rep. D. Wonda Johnson,

MISSING LINK | FROM PAGE 17 deal with spinning hallways as they escape. And the movie has a welcome message as the protagonists finally reach their icy destination and Mr. Link attempts to make new bonds with his cousins. As it happens, the two begin to wonder if their constant efforts to make

nursing you work at bedside and there is going to be burnout, because you’re not just dealing with disease states, but you’re dealing with emotional responses of the patients and families, and that can take a toll. But you can go home and someone else takes over. With education you have to prep, you have to read a lot, and you take work home almost every day, weekend, all

the time. “That’s the biggest burn-out. Getting this recognition was something needed and it just came out of the blue to which I say thank you, and that somebody appreciated my efforts.” If you’re interested in nominating your favorite teacher for “Teacher of the Month,” contact Camille’s Sidewalk Café at (505) 722-5017 or stop by at 306 S. Second Street in Gallup.

D-Church Rock. Johnson was quite pleased with the event and saw how children can become more engaged with geography. Being a world traveler herself, Johnson spoke of visiting places such as South America, different communities, and as well as many other states. “I think it’s wonderful that our students are studying about geography, and the work that they have put into their boards and posters,” she said. “I think it’s great they are sharing the foods, highlights, and the culture of the states. It’s good that we expose our children to the world.” As the “travelers” made their way around, different smells from different classes made it hard to choose which state would be next. Hawaii was represented

and of course small cups of pineapple slices were given out, as well free lessons on how to do the hula, with complimentary leis. Down in the school gym, the State of Arizona was represented with Navajo Language Teacher, Mr. Joe, who had his students sing songs in the Navajo language. Basket weavings were hung on a wall to show a bit of the state culture. Native born visitor of the state was Dion Tewa, who applauded the entire event, and gave extra kudos to the students. The students dressed in traditional clothing and did sign language to help the audience sing along. “I thought the whole thing was just awesome and the food was great,” he said. “I’m going back to the State of Georgia and get me some more peach cobbler.”

their peers like and respect them, are really worth all the trouble... especially when the pair realize they have far more in common than members of their respected cliques. Admittedly, the story is straight-forward and simple (and parents of very small children should be made aware that some of the villains meet unfortunate ends). However, when the

characters and visuals are this distinctive, it’s impossible not to be charmed. While it may be early in the year, this reviewer can safely say that Missing Link is his favorite animated family film thus far. This is an entertaining and beautifully drawn adventure that is well worth taking. Visit: www.CinemaStance. com

Gallup Sun • Friday April 12, 2019



FIRST 25 WORDS: FREE! (4 consecutive weeks max.)

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EMAIL: GALLUPSUNLEGALS@GMAIL.COM DUE: TUESDAYS 5 PM GALLUP SUN ARCHIVES Need a past issue? $2.00 per copy. Note issue date and send check or M.O. to: Gallup Sun, PO Box 1212, Gallup, NM 87305. Subject to availability. HELP WANTED April 8, 2019 McKinley County is now accepting applications for the following positions: POSITION Grants Specialist DEPARTMENT Grants Management FOR BEST CONSIDERATION DATE Open Until Filled Applications and additional information regarding positions can be found on the County web site Dezirie Gomez CPO Human Resource Director *** April 8, 2019 McKinley County is now accepting applications for the following positions: POSITION Deputy Certified DEPARTMENT Sheriff’s Office

FOR BEST CONSIDERATION DATE Open Until Filled Applications and additional information regarding positions can be found on the County web site Dezirie Gomez CPO Human Resource Director *** REPORTER The Gallup Sun has immediate openings for experienced freelance reporters living in McKinley or nearby Apache county for consistent weekly beat coverage in Gallup, N.M. Opportunity for full-time job available! Recent graduates are encouraged to apply. Internship opportunities available. Email resume and links/ clips (5 stories) to: gallupsun@ HOMES FOR RENT House for Rent - No Pets 2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom 116 E. Princeton Ave. $600 Mo/ $300 Dep. 505-870-6852 HOMES FOR SALE PLACE YOUR REAL ESTATE AD HERE! FIRST 25 WORDS FREE. LOGO and/or PHOTO $5 EACH. APPEARS ON GALLUPSUN.COM FOR FREE! EMAIL: gallupsunlegals@ CALL: (505) 722-8994

22 Friday April 12, 2019 • Gallup Sun

CLASSIFIEDS PETS Volunteers Wanted Four Corners Pet Alliance is in desperate need of foster homes for dogs and cats. You provide the temporary home and love, and we provide the supplies and vet care. For info., email: babsie220@gmail. com Did you lose a pet? Advertise your lost baby for FREE. Send pic and text. Deadline for submission Tuesday 5 pm. Email: LEGAL/PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the McKinley County Board of Commissioners will hold a regular meeting on Tuesday April 16th, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. This meeting will be held in the Commission Chambers, Third Floor of the McKinley County Courthouse, 207 West Hill, Gallup, New Mexico. A copy of the agenda will be available 72 hours prior to the meeting in the Manager’s Office and the County Clerk’s Office.

DVD REVIEW | FROM PAGE 18 materials. Mélo (1986) is also arriving on Blu-ray courtesy of the same distributor’s arthouse line, Arrow Academy. This Special Edition includes a 2K restoration of the film, a critic introduction, archived interviews with the

Auxiliary aides for the disabled are available upon request; please contact Shawna Garnenez at (505) 722-3868 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting to make any necessary arrangements. All interested parties are invited to attend. Done this 09th day of April, 2019 McKINLEY COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS /S/ Bill Lee, Chairperson Publication date: Sun April 12, 2019


*** CORRECTED LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Gallup City Council will consider the following item for final approval at its regular meeting to be held on Tuesday, April 23rd, 2019. The meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall located on the corner of South director, producer, actors, script supervisor and set designer. It also comes with a theatrical trailer. MVD Marquee Collection has an interesting Blu-ray title in Enigma (1982). This well-regarded Cold War, Russian-set spy thriller with Martin Sheen and Sam Neill has kind of disappeared since its initial

LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that The Gallup Housing Authority will conduct its monthly Board of Commissioners meeting to be held on Friday, April 19, 2019 at 1:00 PM MST, at the Gallup Housing Authority board room, 203 Debra Drive, Gallup, New Mexico 87301. The agenda will be available to the public at the Gallup Housing Authority office. All interested parties are invited to attend. Gallup Housing Authority Gallup, McKinley County, New Mexico By:/S/ Alfred Abeita, Chairman of the Board

Second Street and West Aztec Avenue. CASE # 18-00100001: Request by Rico Land & Cattle Co., property owner, for the Annexation of Parcel 1, Menapace Section 26 Subdivision containing approximately 125.9497 acres with an initial zoning designation of Heavy Commercial (HC) Zone District. Said property is located Southwest of Highway 66 and Rico Street. This item had been previously advertised with an incorrect acreage in a legal notice published March 29, 2019. All interested parties are invited to attend. City of Gallup, McKinley County, New Mexico By: /S/ Alfred Abeita, City Clerk PUBLISH: 12 April 2019

MAIL DELIVERY 1 year subscription. Send check for $59.95 to:

Gallup Sun Publishing PO Box 1212 Gallup, NM 87305

release at theaters and debut on VHS. It’s great to see this lost flick get a high definition upgrade, and the release includes a stills gallery and trailer. Looking forward to catching up with this one. However, it’s the next Blu-ray title that this columnist is most excited about. Shout! Factory is bringing The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires (1974), an amazingly crazy action/horror co-production between UK’s Hammer Films and the Shaw Brothers from Hong Kong. It features Peter Cushing as Van Helsing, who travels to China on a search for Dracula. Buyers will get two cuts of the film (including Hammer’s original uncut version) presented in 2K and scanned from the original elements, a new film historian commentary and interviews with an actor and a Hong Kong movie expert, as well as loads of trailers and publicity materials Shout! Select also has some fun Blu-rays as well. The first is the film noir, This Gun for Hire (1942) adapted from the Graham Greene novel and starring Veronica Lake and Alan Ladd. CLASSIFIEDS

COMMUNITY CALENDAR APRIL 12 - APRIL 18, 2019 FRIDAY, April 12 GET UP AND GAME 12 pm - 4 pm @ Children’s Branch, 200 W. Aztec Ave. Drop in anytime! Unwind from a busy week with video games and fun for the whole family. AUTHOR FESTIVAL 2019: STORY, TELLING & CONVERSATION 1:30 pm – 9:30 pm @ Main Library, El Morro Events Center and Theatre, Children’s Branch. This all-ages celebration includes presentations by authors, filmmakers, storytellers, and illustrators; interactive workshops, film screenings, book signings and vendors. Keynote speakers, Jimmy Santiago Baca and Travis Holt Hamilton among 30 speakers. Event is free. For more information call (505) 863-1291 or email bmartin@ FACULTY ASSEMBLY MEETING 12:30 pm – 2:30 pm @ SSTC 200, UNM-Gallup WRITING WORKSHOP WITH JIMMY SANTIAGO BACA 3 pm – 4 pm @ SSTC 200, UNM-Gallup CROWNPOINT NAVAJO RUG AUCTION 7 pm – 10 pm @ New Crownpoint Elementary School gymnasium. For more information, call (505) 879-9460. NATIVE STARS PRESENTS DON BURNSTICK AND ERNEST DAVID TSOSIE 7 pm @ Gallup Downtown Conference Center. Tickets $20. For more information, contact (505) 722-8982; www. SATURDAY, April 13 AUTHOR FESTIVAL 2019: STORY, TELLING & CONVERSATION 11 am - 9 pm @ Main Library, El Morro Events Center, and the Children’s Branch. This all-ages celebration includes presentations by authors, filmmakers, storytellers, and illustrators; interactive workshops, film screenings, book signings and vendors. Keynote speakers, Jimmy Santiago Baca and Travis Holt Hamilton among 30 speakers. Event is free. For more information call (505) 863-1291 or email STORY TIME 11 am – 11:30 am @ Children’s Branch. An active and energetic program for toddlers, featuring music, movement, rhymes, and stories. Every Wednesday at 10:30 am and Saturday at 11 am. This program is intended for children ages two to four. CALENDAR

GALLUP HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATING CLASS OF 1969 50-YEAR CLASS REUNION 9 am @ Don Diego’s Restaurant breakfast meeting to plan the reunion. THE APRIL SHOW - OPENING 7 pm – 9 pm @ ART123 Gallery. Opening continues through May 7. See inspirational and transformational work by local artists! Follow ART123 on Facebook @123Gallery. MONDAY, April 15 TECH TIME: PICTURE EDITING BASICS 3 pm – 5 pm @ Main Branch. Free computer training is available each week. Class size is limited to 10 participants per session. Registration is optional, but not required. HANDEL’S MESSIAH 4 pm, @the First United Methodist Church in Gallup. Performance will be by the Red Rock Strings, the Gallup community Choir and the Rehoboth Cantabile. ‘THE LIFE OF CHRIST’ 7 pm @ Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church. The Rehoboth Mid School choir will perform in concert. TUESDAY, April 16 TECH TIME: ONE-2-ONE TECHNOLOGY HELP 3 pm – 4 pm @ Main Branch. The library is offering oneon-one technology assistance. Bring in your personal technology devices or software questions anytime or choose one of the scheduled sessions. For more information, contact us at libtrain@ STUDENT EXHIBITION 6 pm – 8 pm, @ Gurley Hall 1232, UNM-Gallup MCKINLEY COUNTY COMMISSIONER MEETING 9 am – 11:30 am @ County Commission Chambers. WEDNESDAY, April 17 STORY TIME 10:30 am - 11 am @ Children’s Branch. An active and energetic program for toddlers, featuring music, movement, rhymes, and stories. This program is intended for children ages two - four years old. WEDNESDAY NIGHT FILMS 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm @ Main Branch 115 W. Hill Ave. Films play every Wednesday at 5:30 pm in the Main Library. This week’s film: TBA. CAREER FAIR 8 am – 3 pm @ Gallup Central High Schoo.l GHS CULTURAL DIVERSITY FAIR 6 pm – 8:30 pm @ Gallup High School Commons Area.


THURSDAY, April 18 CRAFTY KIDS (ALL AGES) 4 pm - 5 pm @ Children’s Branch: Fun crafts for the whole family. This week’s activity: TBD. THE GREY AREA: MANDATORY STUDENT TRAINING 10:30 am – 1 pm @ SSTC 200, UNM-Gallup. AUTHOR AND UNM PROFESSOR NICK ESTES SPEAKS ABOUT HIS NEW BOOK 5:30 pm @ Octavia Fellin Public Library. Nick Estes, author of the new book Our History Is The Future. This event is being hosted by The Red Nation Gallup. It is free and open to the public. For more information, contact The Red Nation Gallup (505) 750-7192 or; ONGOING RECYCLING COUNCIL McKinley Citizens Recycling Council is a local nonprofit working to increase recycling through education, community outreach, and partnership with local government agencies. MCRC meets the first Saturday of the month at 2 pm, at Red Mesa on Hill Street. For more information, call (505) 722-5142 or visit RECYCLING DEPOT The Recycling Depot will now be open from 12 pm - 1:30 pm on the first Saturdays of the month. Volunteers will accept some items, such as paper towels and toilet paper rolls. This is a free service of the McKinley Citizens’ Recycling Council. Call (505) 722-5152. FREE HIV RAPID TESTING 9:30 am – 4:30 pm @ First Nations Community HealthSource, Gallup, Monday - Thursday. 1630 S. Second Street, Cedar Hills Plaza 262#11. For more information, or to schedule an appointment, call (505) 863-8827. CITY OF GALLUP’S SUSTAINABLE GALLUP BOARD Meets on the first Monday from 3:30 pm - 5 pm at the Octavia Fellin Library. Community members concerned about environmental issues are welcome. Call (505) 7220039 for information. OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS Overeaters Anonymous 12step meetings. Held every Saturday at 10 am. The First Methodist Church, 1800 Redrock Drive. Contact info. (505) 307-5999, (505) 7219208, or (505) 870-1483. LYNX FRIDAY - OPEN HOUSE Rehoboth Christian School is inviting prospective families to visit its school and campus. Lynx Fridays will be

offered every Friday through May, 10. Choose between two different time slots - 8:15 am or 1 pm. Email: admissions@ or call or (505) 726-9692. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Window Rock AA Group meets at Fellowship Hall WR Christian Center across from N.N. Fairgrounds/Wellness Center, Hwy 264, Mondays at 5:45 pm. Visit for more info. CELEBRATE RECOVERY A Christ-centered recovery program that will help you heal from the pain of your unmanaged hurts, habits and hang-ups. Tuesday, 6 pm - 8 pm. Joshua Generation for Jesus, 1375 Elva Dr., (505) 870-2175. CO-DEPENDENTS ANONYMOUS Meets Wednesday, 6 pm - 7 pm, at First United Methodist Church, 1800 Redrock Dr. (in the library). All are welcome. COMMUNITY PANTRY The Hope Garden offers organic produce for sale from 10 am - 4 pm, Tuesday through Friday, 1130 E. Hassler Valley Road. All funds go to helping feed local folks. Call (505) 726-8068 or when visiting, ask for Vernon Garcia. FRIDAY NIGHT HOOTENANNY Gallup’s longest-running live show! Every Friday night from 7 pm - 9 pm. Camille’s Sidewalk Cafe, 306 S. Second St. GALLUP-MCKINLEY COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY Wednesdays are low-cost Spay and Neuter Days, at the Gallup-McKinley County Humane Society. For more information, please call (505) 863-2616, or email: Location: 1315 Hamilton Road. GALLUP SOLAR Gallup Solar is hosting community classes and presentations about all things solar. Wednesdays from 6 pm - 8 pm at 113 E. Logan. Call (505) 728-9246 for info. HABITAT FOR HUMANITY - WORK SESSIONS 9 am – 1 pm. On Warehouse Lane. Habitat for Humanity fundraising yard sales are held every Sat., Volunteers for various kinds of community services needed. For info call 505-722-4226 RECOVERING ADDICTS FOR JESUS New Life ministries holds weekly meetings for anyone who is on the Recovering path from alcohol and drug abuse. Location: 309 Chino Loop, Gamerco. Time: 6 pm,

every Thursday. Phone: (505) 722-8973. OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS Overeaters Anonymous 12step meetings. Held every Saturday at 10 am. The First Methodist Church, 1800 Redrock Drive. Contact info. (505) 307-5999, (505) 7219208, or (505) 870-1483. SAVE THE DATE LIVE BIRDHOUSE AUCTION BENEFIT Annual live birdhouse auction will take place May 5. Artists and craftspeople are sought to complete birdhouses by April 21. Birdhouses to benefit American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life of Gallup. For more information: or call Linda Shelton at (505) 722-2175 or (505) 297-9515. NUCLEAR NATION FILM FESTIVAL 3 pm – 9:30 pm @ El Morro Theatre, April 22. Six films and six expert panelists to answer questions about the uranium legacy on the Navajo Nation. Event is free. Sponsored by Octavia Fellin Library, UNM Gallup Unity Club and Mervyn Tilden 2ND LOOK ON 2ND STREET 6 pm – 8 pm Tuesday, April 23 @ ART123, Free Spirit, LOOM and opo Galleries + Camille’s Sidewalk Cafe. Catch art shows, artist talks and artist demos while enjoying a complimentary beverage from Camille’s. More info at www. REHOBOTH MID SCHOOL SPRING BAND CONCERT 7 pm, April 29 @the Sports and Fitness Center Gym. WINE & PAINTING 6 pm – 9 pm @ ART123 Gallery Thursday, April 25. Have a creative night out at ART123! Register at MOTHER’S DAY CRAFT-TEA 2 pm – 4 pm May 4 @art123. Mother-daughter event of tea, treats and crafting. Sponsored by gallupARTS. Registration required. $15 per person. IDAHO BAND PLAYS IN NEW MEXICO 7 pm May 5th @ Inscription Rock Trading Company, NM53, Ramah. Tylor & The Train Robbers celebrates the history of the infamous Black Jack Ketchum with their upcoming record, Best of the Worst Kind. No cover charge. To post a nonprofit or civic event in the calendar section, please email: or fax: (505) 212-0391. Deadline: Monday at 5 pm.

Gallup Sun • Friday April 12, 2019


Grand Re-Opening April 19, 2019 Friday: Rocky Horror Picture Show @ 7:00pm April 20, 2019 Saturday: Rocky Horror Picture Show @ 8:00pm & 11:00pm April 21, 2019 Sunday: Jaws @ 1:00pm & 4:30pm

Tickets are $5 for adults and children 12 & under are free with an adult.

April 22, 2019 Free Admission. Six Films, Special Guests, Panelist and More.

April 23-24, 2019 Tuesday & Wednesday: Sound of Music @ 6pm

Tickets are $5 for adults and children 12 & under are free with an adult.

April 25, 2019 Thursday: Zumba on the new stage with Evolve Studio @ 6pm to 8pm

207 W Coal Avenue Downtown Gallup For More Info visit: Or Call: (505) 726-2600 24 Friday April 12, 2019 • Gallup Sun


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