Gallup Sun • January 1, 2021

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   Happy2021! VOL 7 | ISSUE 301 | JANUARY 1, 2021

New Mexico State Police officers check drivers’ information at checkpoint on east Historic Highway 66 during a lockdown in Gallup May 1. Photo Credit: Cable Hoover

Medical personnel conduct coronavirus testing at a drive-thru station at Rehoboth McKinley Christian Health Care Services Hospital in Gallup March 23. Photo Credit: Cable Hoover

Genesis Olvera, R.N., clinical manager of RMCHCS medical service unit, shows excitement to be second in line for COVID vaccine in Gallup Dec. 16. Photo Credit: Knifewing Segura

Professor Emeritus Dana Chandler has been creating art for over 60 years from his youth days in Lynn, Mass. He has been celebrated as an activist artist for his depictions of African Americans and the oppression they face, which he says is his form of protest for human rights and social justice. This piece is entitled “Father and Son in Blackness.” Photo Credit: Cody Begaye

Volunteers paint a giant mural that reads “Disarm Racism” on Coal Avenue in downtown Gallup June 19. Photo Credit: Cable Hoover





GMCS C NNECTT Volume 2 January 1, 2021 From Mike Hyatt GMCS Superintendent

Every department in the Gallup McKinley County School district has aligned their efforts to offer the best possible online learning to all students in GMCS. The district departments were able to get a wireless device in the hands of every single student that attends GMCS. All families that needed wireless hotspots were also provided with these devices, and buses were equipped with wireless capability and parked in communities to help provide this much needed service. Our educators have also overcome incredible teaching obstacles in terms of pedagogy and equity of access to the internet. During the most recent school board meeting, two teachers highlighted some of their best strategies, and also shared some very real concerns. Both teachers described the new normal in education and ways to adapt to this online world. They discussed that online learning provides the opportunity to be more innovative. The virtual learning environment has provided teachers the ability to learn new teaching techniques, as well as opened up the world to students in ways that were not previously possible. Some successes include connecting groups of students from different GMCS schools, bringing in guest speakers, and panel discussions with doctors from GIMC and engineers from Sandia Lab with 130 students in attendance where students asked dozens of questions. Both teachers also spoke of challenges that they continue to face in this online world, with the common theme being student engagement and internet accessibility. Teachers and students continue to learn and grow in terms of technology, pedagogy, student engagement, outside distractions, exploring employability skills, scheduling flexibility, and assessment. The biggest hurdle that teachers and students continue to face but cannot control is the inequity of the network access in different geographic locations. Courtesy of GMCS Curriculum and Instruction Team

Would your business like to become a vendor with GMCS? Bonfire is the GMCS electronic bidding platform, which we are also utilizing for vendor registration. Vendors may register by going to the webpage: Vendors are able to register for various “Categories” and “Commodity Codes” which will enable them to be notified of quotes, bids, RFP’s, RFI’s, Sole Source, etc. Vendors are able to respond to all competitive solicitations, submit questions, etc. through the platform. 2

At GMCS…Education Matters Friday January 1, 2021 • Gallup Sun

Upcoming g Events

Month of January-Report cards to be mailed out Jan. 4-Students with Special needs may return to In-Person Learning Jan. 11-School Board meeting at 1 p.m. Jan. 18-Martin Luther King Jr. Day-NO SCHOOL Jan. 19-Students return to Hybrid Learning

Virtual Skills Winners Volleyball Passing Competition from November

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Wear your Mask Social Distance Wash/Sanitize your hands frequently



Gallup Sun • Friday January 1, 2021




Year of turbulence comes to an end EDITOR’S PICS : TOP 5 STORY CATEGORIES FOR 2020 By Beth Blakeman Associate Editor


ecause the COVID lifecycle generated ma ny s t o r i e s i n many categories in

2020 from the declaration of the global pandemic to how it impacted the economy, closed the schools, over whelmed the hospitals and medical cent er s, t he compet it ion to get personal protective

equipment and ventilators, the realization that certain populations were hit harder due to poverty, race-related factors and pre-existing medical conditions, alcoholism, homelessness and cultural

issues found on the reservations, including lack of running water and crowded l i fest yles, it wa s ha rd to choose a single story to represent all of these and more. S o, I cho se T WO: T he

lo ckdow n of t he Cit y of Gallup which took place just as Mayor Jackie McKinney was leaving and Mayor Louie Bonaguidi wa s taking the reins, and the arrival of the novel coronavirus vaccine.

2020 LOCAL STORY # 1

McKinney asks governor to proclaim a state of emergency GOVERNOR CREATES NAVAJO NATION RAPID RESPONSE TEAM By Beth Blakeman Associate Editor


a l lup’s outgo ing mayor Jack ie McKinney asked for a state of emergency within the City of Gallup April 30. McKinney called on the governor to declare a state of emergency pursuant to “the Riot Control Act” (NMSA 1978 12-10 -16 through 12-10 -21) within the boundaries of the City of Gallup. In his letter, McKinney said, “This request is being made as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak in our community, which constitutes an unprecedented health crisis. The virus has caused many deaths, stretched our medical facilities and resources to their capacity, and adversely impacted the welfare of the City of Gallup. Our community is unable to adequately address the outbreak without the imposition of certain restrictions necessary to regulate social distancing, public gatherings, sales of good[s], and the use of public streets.” The act to which McKinney refers states in Section 12-1017 – Proclamation of emergency that “Upon request of the mayor of a municipality or the sheriff of a county or a majority of the members of the governing body of the municipality or county having jurisdiction and after fi nding that a public disorder, disaster or emergency which affects life or property exists in the state, the governor may proclaim a state of emergency in the area


affected. The proclamation becomes effective immediately upon its signing by the governor, but the governor shall give public notice of its contents through the public press and other news media.” I n S e c t ion 12 -10 -18 – Emergency restrictions, it lists that the governor may prohibit by proclamation any person being on public streets, parks or locations during specific hours; gatherings; the sale or purchase of or dispensing of alcoholic beverages; the use of certain streets and other activities to help maintain life, property or the public peace. Now, that Louie Bonaguidi has been sworn in as Gallup’s new mayor as of 2:30 pm April 30, he will be the person who will take on this new challenge. At her COVID-19 update on April 30, Lujan-Grisham did not respond to the request from McKinney. She did, however, respond privately to the letter. Bonaguidi told the Gallup Sun that Lujan Grisham said, “You tell me what you want and we’ll see if we can do it.” Bonaguidi, who becomes Gallup’s mayor at 12:01 am May 1, says he doesn’t know what his fi rst act as mayor will be. He says he plans to go to the office May 1 and may be meeting with the governor on that day. He says if any actions are taken in connection with McKinney’s letter, they will fi rst go through a number of people. “I can’t make any decision without the council,” he said.

Friday January 1, 2021 • Gallup Sun

Outgoing Gallup Mayor Jackie McKinney. April 30 was his final day as mayor. File Photo The gover nor’s Huma n Services Secretary Dr. David Scrase did display a slide showing the extent of the spread of COVID-19 in McKinley County, indicating it is at maximum capacity. For t h at rea son, he explained, the state has begun a process to transfer people to other locations. Scrase said approximately 40 people were transferred to beds in Albuquerque during the week of April 19 and another 30 were transferred during the week of April 26. He added that Albuquerque ICUs are now overfull and working on doubling capacity to take in these patients. Lujan Grisham did mention one way in which her team in Santa Fe is working to help the Navajo Nation. On April 30 she announced the creation of a Navajo Nation Rapid Response Team made up of nine members including:

Incoming Gallup Mayor Louie Bonaguidi on his first day as mayor after being sworn in April 30 at the El Morro Events Center. Photo Credit: Cable Hoover

New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham. The governor was asked April 30 by Gallup’s outgoing mayor, to proclaim a state of emergency in Gallup. File Photo

Kevin Washburn, former Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs Brig Gen Miguel Aguilar, N.M. National Guard Dr. Michele Suina, Cochiti Pueblo D r. K e v i n E n g l i s h , Albuquerque Area SW Tribal Epidemiology Center Dr. Paul Roth, UNM Health Sciences Dr. Leonard Thomas, Indian Health Service Dr. Alex Eastman, U.S. Homeland Security Roselyn Tso, Navajo Indian Health Service Dr. Sara Lathrop, Office of the Medical Investigator In terms of the general population of the state, the governor announced that the current public health order will expire at midnight April 30. A new public health order begins May 1 and continues through May 15.

The differences include the following: Non-essential retailers will be permitted to open up with curbside pickup and delivery service where allowed by their licenses. State parks can reopen on a modified basis. Pet services such as grooming shops will be permitted to operate. Vet er i n a r i a n s w i l l be allowed to operate. Golf courses can open for golf only. There will be no dine-in food service or retail. Gun stores can operate by appointment only. Remaining closed will be offices, workspaces, retailers, dine-in restaurants and bars, indoor malls, gyms, salons, theaters, and casinos.


STATE OF EMERGENCY | FROM PAGE 4 Ma ss gather ings a re

prohibited. A 14-day quarantine order remains in place for out-ofstate airport arrivals. “It’s one thing to stay at

home and not have to wear a mask,” she said ... “That’s hard, but easy to manage ... Now I’m asking you to potentially leave the house ... But I want you

wearing a face covering.” As for the newly sworn-in mayor, Bonaguidi, mentioned his disappointment with the April 30 McKinley County

Commission two-to-one-vote against making mask use mandatory. “People should enforce it themselves,” he said.

2020 LOCAL STORY # 2

COVID vaccines roll out across Gallup, Navajo Nation By Kevin Opsahl Sun Correspondent

Gallup Sun Publishing, LLC Publisher/Editor Babette Herrmann

Accounts Representative Sherry Kauzlarich Associate Editor Beth Blakeman Circulation Manager Mandy Marks Editorial Asst./ Correspondent Kevin Opsahl Correspondent Dominic Aragon Photography Knifewing Segura Ana Hudgeons Ryan Hudgeons Cable Hoover The Gallup Sun, published Fridays, is not responsible or liable for any claims or offerings, nor responsible for availability of products advertised. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. The Gallup Sun distributes newspapers in McKinley, Cibola and Apache counties. Office: 1983 State Rd. 602 Gallup, NM 87301 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Gallup Sun, PO Box 1212, Gallup, NM. Mailing Address: PO Box 1212 Gallup, NM 87305 Phone: (505) 722-8994 Fax: (505) 212-0391 Letter to the editor/guest column ACCEPTED BY EMAIL ONLY. State full name and city/town. No pen names. ID required. All submissions subjected to editor’s approval. Guest columnists, email Sun for submission requirements.



hen the first coronavirus vaccines were distributed to Crow npoint Health Care Facility Dec. 14, it created “a lot of excitement” and “anxious feelings,” according to U.S. Public Health Service Lt. Kali Autrey, a pharmacist clinician. But more tha n that, a health official at the hospital in McKinley County was compelled to have the vaccines “blessed.” “It was beautiful,” Autrey said.

THANK YOU ADVERTISERS AJ Tires & Auto Center - 6 Amazing Grace Personal Care - 13 Bubany Insurance Agency - 10 Butler’s Office City - 12 City of Gallup - 7 First Baptist Church - 8 505 Burger and Wings - 11 Gallup Lumber & Supply - Insert Gallup McKinley County Schools - 2 Grandpa’s Grill - 11 Keller Williams Realty - 1 Maria’s Restaurant - 11 McKinley County DWI Task Force - 3 New Mexico Credit Corp - 10 NMHU - 14 Octavia Fellin Public Library - 9 Pinnacle Bank - 7 Pizza Hut - Insert Railway Cafe - 11 Rehoboth McKinley Christian Healthcare Services - Insert Rico Auto Complex - 16 Rollie Mortuary - 12 Route 66 Diner - 11 Thunderbird Supply Co. - 5 Virgie’s Restaurant & Lounge - 11

Within minutes, she volunteered to be the fi rst to take the COVID-19 vaccine. The shots were the fi rst to be distributed to health care centers around the country, including those within the Indian Health Services, thanks to the Trump Administration’s Operation Warp Speed. “I guess I was thinking this is a ray of hope for us,” Autrey, 29, said, adding that the experience was like any other vaccine she had received. “This is light at the end of the tunnel, finally.” Autrey guessed that as of Dec. 15, around 200 health care workers at Crownpoint had been vaccinated. “I would say that’s a pretty good chunk; I was pleasantly surprised,” she said. “Most of our employees are wanting

to get the vaccine. You know, there’s been a lot of controversy around it.” Autrey said she is saddened by “our state of affairs right now.” She urged members of the public to get the vaccine. “[It is] nothing to be afraid of. I would hope that our community members wouldn’t take some of that disinformation and [use it as a reason to] avoid getting the vaccine,” she added. Her experience after getting it is that “life is normal.” “The biggest thing that I noticed was a little arm tenderness, which is to be expected,” Autrey said. These vaccinations come as over 19,000 Navajo people have tested positive for COVID19, and just over 700 have died, as of Dec. 15, according to the

Nation’s health department. On the same day Crownpoint received its vaccines, shipments also arrived at the Gallup Indian Medical Center. IHS officials a nd members of the Nava jo Nation held conference calls just days before the vaccine was shipped to help explain how the shots would be distribut ed. T he Nav a jo Nat ion received 3,900 doses from P f i zer a nd a not her 7,30 0 came from Moderna. The head of Navajo Nation Health Services said Dec. 10 that among the Nation’s hospitals, Gallup Indian Medical Center would be fi rst to receive


Gallup Sun • Friday January 1, 2021


VACCINE ROLL-OUT | FROM PAGE 5 the Pfi zer-BioNTech vaccine. In an interview with the Ga l lup S un, U.S. P ublic Health Service Lt. Cmdr. Erica Harker, IHS Navajo Area pharmacy consultant, said GIMC was chosen for its ultra-cold freezer technology which is needed to store the vaccine once it arrives. Immediately after shipment, the vaccines were placed in a freezer with a temperature between -80 and -60 degrees Celsius, according to the FDA. The shots are not to be moved, exposed to warmer temperatures, or to light until they’re ready to be administered. T he v a cci ne s c a n be thawed in a refrigerator or at room temperature once removed from the sub-zero freezer, the FDA said. In an interview, Harker could not say where exactly in the GIMC the vaccine is being kept for reasons of safety and security. “We’re concerned about the safety of our health care workers and the safety of its [the vaccine’s] storage because the vaccine is not readily available

for the entire population yet,” Harker said. Harker said no health workers at GIMC received a coronavirus shot on Dec. 14, but they were scheduled to get them the next day. “There’s a lot of logistical things that occur prior to the shipment of the vaccine,” Harker explained. She said each health care facility must meet stringent data management requirements before it can qualify to receive the vaccine. “There is an electronic system that is required by the [Centers for Disease Control] called a ‘Vaccine Management Administration System’ where appointments are made by the health care worker,” Harker said. The Pfi zer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine is to be taken in two doses, she noted, and the second one should come in about three weeks. But Navajo health officials have been planning for the Moderna shipment, too, and she said she hoped to receive information on that soon. Dr. Loretta Christensen, chief medical officer of Navajo Indian Area Health Services,

said during an online town hall that Navajo Nation is in the “early or limited dose phase” of the vaccine. This phase covers health care workers, EMS staff, traditional practitioners and everyone in long-term care facilities. There are different subgroups of people who fall into this category, she said, including essential workers, like those in food distribution a nd utility work a nd people with high risk medical conditions. “I think we’re all ver y happy that the vaccine has progressed along a good timeline and they’re actually early,” Christensen said. “We feel fortunate that this will be available for all of you earlier than we expected.” The groups in phase one are expected to receive their vaccines before the end of the year. The vaccine will not be more widely distributed until 2021, Christensen said. That would cover “more of the general population.” Christensen said the last phase would be when the vaccine “becomes more regular, like the flu vaccine,” and may be given as needed.

It was a long year for RMCHCS, a year of widely diverging viewpoints from top management to first responders to Gallup residents, state politicians and the Office of the State Auditor. I believe “Hospital in Turmoil” depicts some of the issues that drew the attention of the community.

2020 LOCAL STORY # 3


Medical staff members are joined by other supporters during a protest against the management of Rehoboth McKinley Christian Health Care Services at First Baptist Church in Gallup May 8. Photo Credit: Cable Hoover

By Beth Blakeman Associate Editor


t’s not the kind of day most people would want to live through. No matter which way he turns David Conejo, the CEO of Rehoboth McKinley County Health Care Services, faces trouble. On May 8, protesters, comprised of physicians, nurses and supporting hospital personnel, along with concerned members of the public at large, gathered in the parking lot of the First Baptist Church of Gallup, across the street from the hospital. They protested about the lack of support and personal protective equipment, misplaced priorities, and unsafe working conditions. Also at the protest was New Mexico Sen. George Muñoz, D-Gallup, who said seven doctors were threatening to quit because of the CEO. The senator told the Gallup Sun May 8 that he had given Conejo an ultimatum in which


Friday January 1, 2021 • Gallup Sun

he had 24 hours to resign. “He called here and I heard later about comments he made … you got 24 hours and all of that,” Conejo said. “Kind of a lot of blustering ... he has no jurisdiction over me. He has no jurisdiction over my position.” Conejo called it “grandstanding for the election.” About the seven doctors Muñoz said were threatening to resign, the CEO said it seems to be the millennial doctors who have issues with him. “My total service here is 16 years and I got along with many of the doctors. So, I don’t think it’s built-in that I’m doing something wrong now all of a sudden,” he said. “If I were not satisfied with a couple of doctors, I don’t think they would automatically say, well then I have to leave. Why would I leave because seven doctors are upset?”


HOSPITAL IN TURMOIL | FROM PAGE 6 More pressing, on his desk is a letter from the county demanding a list of documents including the RMCHCS General Ledger from Jan. 1, 2015-Dec. 31, 2018, bank statements from Jan. 1, 2015-Dec. 31, 2018, and an annual report on Mill Levy expenditures per Hospital Act from Jan. 1, 2015-Dec. 31, 2018, including an accounting for any deposits made of Mill Levy funds. The letter from County Manager Anthony Dimas, Jr. also demands full payment for $1.7 million in outstanding back rent within seven calendar days. In an interview with the Gallup Sun, May 13, the day he was due to pay out the $1.7 million in back rent, Conejo seemed tired, beleaguered, but still hopeful. He pointed to the possibility that Dr. Laura Hammons would manage to get him a 30-day extension on the payment. And she did. Even if it hadn’t worked out that way, Conejo said the hospital has “sufficient funds to be able to pay it.” He explained that he’s tapping COVID-19 monies. “So we would be borrowing from Peter to pay Paul,” he said. “In other words we would take money that’s designated for treating future COVID patients, COVID relief, and then using it to pay down this debt. So it would defi nitely put us in a bind.” About the documents for the audit, Conejo said meetings with the county and the state

auditor have given him a better understanding of what is being requested. He expects to provide the necessary information in the near future, probably by May 15. If things at the county don’t go his way, Dr. Laura Hammons, who sits on the hospital’s board of trustees, still has faith that there will be a positive resolution. “I’ve lived here almost 32 years and I’ve seen hospital administrations come and go,” she said. “We’ve seen this before. We eventually fix it each time and the staff is great.” But Conejo faces more difficulty, within the hospital itself. On May 4, a group known as the RMCHCS Employed Providers signed a ‘Vote of No Confidence in David Conejo’ letter. It was reportedly signed by 30 medical professionals, several of whom expressed their concerns in exhibits attached to the letter. Much of this information was shared at a meeting of the hospital’s board of trustees May 7. One of those exhibits came from Chief of Pediatr ics, Michelle Stam-MacLaren, who talked about a pediatric clinic nurse who was asked to help out during the crisis, but found herself without help or any explanation of how to do things in an unfamiliar department. “She is doing this because it was requested to help in the crisis, but she feels very unsafe there,” Stam-MacLaren said. Another doctor who spoke up in the letter was urologist Christopher Hoover who took issue with Conejo’s alleged lack of transparency. Hoover said he expressed disappointment

that more than a dozen nurses were let go in early April. He felt the CEO’s response about not renewing the nurses’ contracts was dishonest. “It turns out he actually did cancel those contracts,” Hoover said. “This was two weeks before our fi rst case of COVID-19, and well into steady, hourly, global media coverage of the pandemic.” In the Gallup Sun story, “The Devil’s Dilemma” April 10, Conejo said he had the option of ending contracts with the 15 traveling nurses whose agreements could be renewed or canceled with a two-week notice, as long as the hospital paid the nurses for those two weeks, which was confi rmed by nurse Mike Kenyon. At another point during the May 7 meeting, a doctor read aloud from an email written by a nurse who described a particular day when she said she was so overwhelmed, she didn’t answer call lights and threw bags of food into patients’ rooms without stopping to feed them. The board did not announce any decision about Conejo’s future at that meeting. Meanwhile, the Gallup Sun also heard from medical

A reused gown left in a patient’s room at RMCHCS, photographed by a nurse. Photo Credit: Courtesy professionals, privately, outside of the meeting, who spoke on condition of anonymity. One of those individuals was a nurse who expressed concerns about using the same gown that other people had worn, day after day, to treat a patient, and then leaving the gown in the room for the next health professional who would work with that same patient. “We get one gow n per patient … then we have to leave

them in the room, and when we go back to that patient, we put that gown on again,” the nurse said. The nurse also said the gown stays with the patient in the room. Sometimes gowns sit in the corner day after day until an employee gets tired of the pile of dirty gowns and throws them away. This nurse also expressed concerns about face masks, saying it was hard to get an N95 mask, and when one was made available, it was the wrong size, not properly covering the nose and mouth. When questioned about the N95 masks, Conejo said the hospital is well stocked these days. He calls it a different kind of problem. “That’s a distribution problem, it’s not a shortage problem,” he said. “So when these boxes come in and they have all of the masks in different sizes, whomever was taking those masks out of those cases, needed to make sure that they had the appropriate sizes for the appropriate areas.”


CITY OF GALLUP SOLID WASTE CUSTOMERS DUE TO THE HOLIDAYS THERE WILL BE NO REGULAR REFUSE COLLECTION SERVICES on Friday, December 25, 2020 and Friday, January 1, 2021. For both of these holidays, Friday’s scheduled routes will be collected the day prior on Thursday, December 24, 2020 and Thursday, December 31, 2020. RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS FOR ONE WEEK ONLY: Monday, December 28, 2020 thru Thursday, December 31, 2020, the Solid Waste Department will collect extra CHRISTMAS REFUSE ONLY, free of charge. Please set items curbside away from your herbie on your scheduled pickup day. If you require further information, please call 863-1212. Christmas tree drop-off locations: Ford Canyon Park & Larry Brian Mitchell Recreation Center.

Service is your way of life, and our way of doing business. GALLUP 107 E. Aztec Ave., 505.722.4411 Walmart: 1650 W. Maloney Ave., 505.863.3442 1804 E. Aztec Ave., 505.722.0300


Gallup Sun • Friday January 1, 2021


HOSPITAL IN TURMOIL | FROM PAGE 7 T he s a me nu r s e a l s o expressed a concern about keeping positive COVID-19 patients on the same hospital floor as other patients. She felt this put vulnerable patients at risk of catching the virus.Â

However, Conejo said the situation is not black and white. “This building is pretty long,� he pointed out. “And if somebody said, we’ve got somebody who’s been here for 13 days and they’re being discharged today, and at the other end of the building, 120 feet away, they’ve got somebody being admitted. I wouldn’t

say we would isolate them that much.â€? Another complaint, from the same anonymous nurse, is that an asymptomatic staff member who tested positive for COVID-19, returned to work before the end of the Centers for Disease Control’s r e c o m m e n d e d 14 - d a y quarantine.

Conejo didn’t deny it. He answered with a discussion of rapid testing. “You can test somebody to make sure they’re clear and you can get results in as little as 30 minutes. Things are progressing all the time,� he said. “And again the public is reacting to what they hear and know. And they go, well how could they

know that that person is clear? Just because they’re asymptomatic doesn’t mean they’re clear. “But we can bring them here and say we’re going to test you, and in 30 minutes you will know whether they’re clear or not,â€? he said. “And if they’re clear, you can say ‌ you can go back to work.â€?

Impact Aid and the Yazzie/Martinez suit, as well as concerns about Remote/Hybrid learning, Internet hotspots, proper cleaning of classrooms and danger to teachers generated heated discussions in 2020. The Yazzie/Martinez suit which made our front cover in January emphasized some of the obstacles students, particularly Navajo Nation students have been facing for years.

2020 LOCAL STORY # 4

Transform Education N.M. follows up on 2018 court decision HOLDS N. M. ACCOUNTABLE FOR QUALITY EDUCATION By Cody Begaye Sun Correspondent


ublic education in N.M. wa s u nder the microscope when pa rents a nd elected officials gathered at the Gallup-McKinley County

Schools St udent Suppor t Services boardroom Jan. 15 at a forum that was organized by Transform Education N.M.  Transform Education N.M. is a coalition of education, tribal and community leaders with the goal of advancing a new vision for the state’s public

education system and holding the state accountable to meet the constitutional rights of its students. CASE BACKGROUND The centra l topic wa s the outcome of the Yazzie/ Martinez v. State of New Mexico lawsuit filed in 2017,




Friday January 1, 2021 • Gallup Sun

Attorney Gail Evans explains the Yazzie/Martinez case during the Improving Public Education in New Mexico forum at the Gallup McKinley County Schools Student Support Building in Gallup Jan. 15. Photo Credit: Cable Hoover which is based on the legal claim that the State of New Mexico, the New Mexico Public Education Department, and the Secretary of Education violated the State Constitution by failing to provide a uniform system of free public schools sufficient for all students’ success. Judge Sa ra h Si ngleton ruled in favor of the plaintiffs in July 2018. She said the state is violating the rights of public school students to the resources, funding, and programming that will enable them to succeed. She said the education system was especially lacking in the cases of children from low-income households, students of color, English Language Learners, and students with disabilities. Singleton ordered the state to make an overhaul to its public education system immediately. The plaintiffs believe the

2019 New Mexico Legislature did not take enough action to comply with the judge’s orders and did not provide programming and support for at-risk students. Bilingual education and social services were not in place. Further, a number of state districts dropped reading intervention and truancy-prevention programs. T H E RU L I NG DISCUSSION Gallup-McKinley County Chamber of Commerce CEO Bill Lee welcomed guests to the discussion and spoke about the chamber’s involvement with public education. “I’m proud to say I am a product of the Gallup-McKinley County Schools,â€? Lee said. “I wouldn’t be where I am today without the education I got


YAZZIE/MARTINEZ | FROM PAGE 8 here.” Lee said the chamber is a strong advocate on several fronts including Impact Aid and the lawsuit ruling. “I know we are a strong community who believes in fighting for what’s right, especially when it comes to the education of our children,” Lee said. W it h t he s e cond s e s sion of the 54th New Mexico Legislature days away, Lee urged attendees to speak with their legislative representatives about public education issues. “They have a lot of extra money. There is no reason in my mind that things like this, that have been ma ndated

by the courts, should not be funded and implemented to their fullest extent,” Lee said. Wilhelmina Yazzie, one of the main plaintiffs in the Yazzie/Martinez lawsuit, spoke about the importance of pressing the case. “It’s for our children, for all the children [across the state],” Yazzie said, explaining why she joined the lawsuit. Yazzie also spoke about how children are sacred in the Navajo culture, sharing the story of how a baby is connected to the Holy People from birth and they become human when they have their first laugh, which is when the family of the baby has a celebration. “As they get older, it is our responsibility as parents, teachers, lawmakers, to

prepare them for life,” Yazzie said. “Our children deserve a quality education, and the state is responsible for providing a good education for all of their students.” Gail Evans, lead counsel for the Yazzie plaintiffs, gave more details about the case. “The case has had a special focus on Native American children,” Evans said. “There has been no other case like this across the country that has focused on Native students.” The r uling of the case speaks to the rights of Native American students, she added. “We have to know what we’re holding the state to,” Evans said. “It’s one thing to say they need to comply, but how do they get that done?” To that end, Evans spoke

about the legislative platform they plan to use for the upcoming session to guide the state to come into compliance with the lawsuit ruling: Develop a capacity of educators, a pipeline of bi-lingual and TESOL -endorsed ( Tea cher s of E ng l i sh t o Speakers of Other Languages) teachers, Native language instructors, pre-K teachers and special ed teachers, and professional development in cultural and linguistic education. Provide literacy specialists and social services. Offer full day pre-K for 4-year-olds. Cre a t e av a i l a bi l it y of instructional materials and technology, including wifi on tribal lands. Create flexible extended

learning programs. O f fer educ at or s a l a r y increases. Ma ke f u nd i ng for mu la changes, increasing the index for at-risk, bilingual, special ed, and small district funds. Develop a capacity of the Public Education Department to assist districts. Develop culturally and linguistically responsive curriculum for institutions of higher education and other centers. Evans said the biggest takeaway for the public is this will not be a quick fi x, but one that will require focus and cooperation. “It’s not going to be enough to just add some money to the public school budget,” Evans said. “It’s going to take a massive statewide effort.”

This is a personal favorite. An artist ran for Dist. 3 of the New Mexico State Senate. And although Shawn Nelson didn’t win, he brought an interesting perspective to five issues: climate change, education, health care, social justice and job creation. His visual representations added depth to his approach.

2020 LOCAL STORY # 5

‘Turquoise Man’ talks senate run, virus response By Cody Begaye Sun Correspondent


Rock Springs man known for his sand paintings is set to make a run for the District 3 State Senate seat. Shawn Nelson, who has carried the moniker “Turquoise Man” since his youth, spoke with the Sun May 12 about his plans for the district as well as the impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the region. “I want to recognize the people who are on the frontlines, like nurses, hospital staff, doctors, the police and fire departments, and anyone else helping with the community efforts to protect people,” Nelson said. Nelson also wanted to state his clans as part of his introduction, which are Dibéłzhíní, Kiyaa’áanii, Honágháahnii, and Táchii’nii. WHO IS DOING WHAT? In a recent press release that was distributed to local newspapers, Nelson asked why the COVID-19 outbreak is having a disproportionate affect on people in and around McKinley County compared to the rest of the state. He also had a theory for why that is. “One reason obvious to me [for the spread] is that there is NEWS

not enough cooperation among the local governments,” Nelson said. “It’s being said the government and tribal members and the new mayor all had different schedules or time frames, which was confusing.” Nelson pointed to the recent lockdown of Gallup to outside visitors as part of this lack of communication and coordination. “I believe this happened because the governments are not communicating and planning together,” he said. In addition to slowing the spread, Nelson said the public should be educated on why the virus is widespread in the region, as well as what the virus statistics means for the people. “The politicians announce the curfews and lockouts, but we do not hear from health professional[s] about exactly what the steps taken are expected to accomplish,” he said. Nelson also cited a need for transparency from the local governments. He mentioned how the Navajo Nation is set to receive about $600 million to help fight the virus, but any specific plans were not discussed by President Jonathan Nez, who spoke about how the funds will be used for

TURQUOISE MAN | SEE PAGE 10 Gallup Sun • Friday January 1, 2021


TURQUOISE MAN | FROM PAGE 9 infrastructure and water development on the reservation. “But that is in the future. How is the Navajo Nation going to work with New Mexico and Gallup to stop the virus now?” Nelson asked. Nelson said the Navajo Nation Naabikiyati Committee will assist Nez to make sure the Health Command Operation Center will be making the most of the funds it has received to combat the virus on the reservation. GOALS FOR RUNNING Nelson said as part of his run for District 3 State Senate, he has five concerns in the region he wants to address. The first is climate change. “I did a painting of things that relate to Mother Earth and things that are being destroyed to show [what has to be done],” Nelson said. To that end, he completed a number of paintings showing the impact climate change will have on people now and in the future. One of the pieces, he said, was even bought by a congressman in Washington, D.C.


T he second issue is education. “We need to share with the youth what education does for themselves and everyone else around them,” Nelson said. “We have to show them you have to have some knowledge to relate to others and to understand what they’re about.” The third issue is health care. “There are a lot of issues with it. You don’t know which hospital you can go to when you have to, so you just have to have some things prepared,” Nelson said. The COVID-19 pandemic has given extra reasons to be careful, he added. “A nice thing about the being careful was I had the opportunity to complete my medical assistance program and understand what I can do in relation to the virus,” he said. This involves protecting himself from germs and keeping his distance from others, which Nelson said in the press release he has seen other people starting to do more often as well. The fourth issue is social justice. “We do make mistakes as humans, but we have to be aware of the rules and the law,” Nelson said. “There are issues about

Friday January 1, 2021 • Gallup Sun

Shawn Nelson’s “End of Mankind”, an original work from 2011. Nelson depicts the parts of nature that are being destroyed by climate change and wasteful practices as his inspiration. Photo Credit: Courtesy justice that have to be shared

and keep people aware of.” As part of this goal, Nelson also emphasized listening to tribal leaders and health experts on how to minimize the risk of spreading the virus. The fifth issue is job creation. “You have to look at the future, and you have to have social security benefits,” Nelson said, recalling how he started working when he was nine years old and has not stopped since. WHY THE RUN Nelson said it was sad the New Mexico Legislature had the

opportunity to send funding to the City of Gallup, but no such funds were received. He cited the lack of funding for the library as being a hurdle the city has to overcome. “It’s sad we have people that are working here, have opportunities here, but don’t have support of their state,” he said. This was another concern that helped Nelson decide to run for the senate seat. “We need to get [the] attention of the state legislature,” he said.




irst identified in Wuhan, China, the few cases of coronavirus, also called COVID-19, hit the western U.S. in January arriving more than a century after the Spanish Flu in 1918. Soon after, governors throughout the country shut down their states to varying degrees. In many states, mask-wearing was called for — but political divisions widened as many people refused to wear them. Many states scrambled to get testing resources and personal protective equipment and countless ICUs reached capacity while trying to save people who were diagnosed with the virus. The positive case count in the U.S. reached over 19 million by year’s end, while the number of deaths reached just over 335,000. In early December, the FDA approved vaccines from two companies, Pfizer BioNTech and Moderna, which were shipped by the millions to medical facilities throughout the country for distribution.



he killing of Minnesota resident George Floyd captured on video, set off a wave of protests against police brutality, popularly known as #BlackLivesMatter. For weeks after his death on May 25, people in numerous American cities — and around the world — came together and demonstrated for change on behalf of Floyd, police brutality, and racism. The protests in the wake of Floyd’s death grew to include other cases of racial violence including Ahmaud Arbery (Feb. 23), Breonna Taylor (March 13), Daniel Prude (March 23), and the shooting of Jacob Blake (Aug. 23). In addition to the marches, there was vandalism and looting in some locations, In some cases the unrest resulted in fatalities. There were claims that the protesters were responsible. NEWS

U.S. Public Health Service Lt. Kali Autrey, receives a coronavirus vaccine from Nivia Acevedo-Feliciano, an employee health nurse at Crownpoint Hospital, on Dec. 14. Autrey, 29, was the ďŹ rst employee to receive a vaccine. Photo Credit: Protest organizers claimed the turmoil was backlash against the movement. Three men were indicted by a grand jury in Arbery’s death. They were charged with malice murder, four counts of felony murder, two counts of aggravated assault, false imprisonment and

criminal attempt to commit false imprisonment. A grand jury indicted a former Louisville, Ky. police detective on charges of reckless endangerment for his role in the raid on the home of Breonna Taylor. But the two officers who shot Taylor faced no charges.

A mural for George Floyd, a Minnesota man who became a symbol of victims of police brutality is displayed in Minneapolis, where he was killed in May. Photo Credit: Courtesy of JĂŠan BĂŠller Unsplash A report by the Chicago Sun Times said the Mayor of Rochester, N.Y. announced suspension of the officers involved in the death of Daniel Prude,

but they would continue to


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TOP 5 NATIONAL STORIES | FROM PAGE 11 receive pay because of contract rules. No action was announced against Police Chief La’Ron Singletary. An internal police investigation determined the officers’ actions appeared to be “appropriate and consistent with their training.” Four officers were charged in George Floyd’s death and await trial. Floyd’s memorials and funeral were broadcast online and on five major TV networks. Jacob Blake, whose shooting took place almost three months after George Floyd’s death, was not resolved. The Kenosha [Wisc.] News reported that

a review was underway as of early December. But the criminal charge that was pending against Blake when he was shot, was dismissed in November and he pleaded guilty to two counts of disorderly conduct. Blake was sentenced to two years’ probation.



single sentence in a 30-minute telephone call on July 25, 2019, between President

President Donald Trump holds up a copy of The Washington Post after his impeachment trial, showing he was acquitted of the charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. Photo Credit:

President-elect Joe Biden. Photo Credit: Courtesy of the White House

Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky triggered an impeachment investigation in the House. An unidentified whistleblower alleged Trump had asked the Zelensky to investigate Joe Biden, and his son, Hunter, who served on the board of a Ukrainian gas company. CNBC reported that Trump described the call as an innocent “perfect” call. But some White House staffers worried that the

''A Tradition''

Vice President-elect Kamala Harris. Photo Credit: Courtesy of the U.S. Senate.

president seemed to be asking Ukraine for dirt on Biden. After weeks of discussions, the House voted to impeach the 45th president for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress on Dec. 18, 2019. The vote fell largely along party lines: 230 in favor, 197 against and 1 present, making Trump the third president to be impeached, joining Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton. The case moved to the Senate for trial on Jan. 16. In a vote that again fell largely along party lines, on Feb. 5, the Senate voted to acquit Trump on both charges. The votes were 52 not guilty - 48 guilty for abuse of power and 53 guilty 47 not guilty for obstruction of Congress.



n his third attempt to win the presidency, Joe Biden was elected on Nov. 8, winning 306 electoral votes. His success in the 2020 election came after running for the nomination as one among 27 hopefuls. Despite a poor showing at the beginning, South Carolina’s Rep. James Clyburn delivered the vote with his endorsement on Feb. 26. It turned the race around


• A Gallup tradition with over 100 years of dedicated service. Now under new ownership, the Rollie legacy continues; providing the facilities and conveniences that serve families best with dignity, integrity and understanding. • Rollie Mortuary offers package pricing, accepts Navajo Nation Social Service packages and can assist families with pre-need planning and set up. • Rollie Mortuary offers a genuine desire to be of assistance to you and your family in this time of need.

401 E. Nizhoni Blvd. Gallup, NM 87301 (505) 863-4452 12

Friday January 1, 2021 • Gallup Sun


TOP 5 NATIONAL STORIES | FROM PAGE 12 for Biden, who, even after being hit hard for his positions on race, segregation and school busing by Calif. Sen. Kamala Harris in the first debate, chose her as his running mate. Harris is the first woman of color to be selected to serve as vice president. Biden called for reuniting immigrant children who were separated from their families, tamping down coronavirus cases, getting people vaccinated, sending children back to classrooms, and a plan for re-opening the economy.



n Nov. 15, an international crew of astronauts was aboard N A S A’ s S p a c e X Crew-1 mission headed for the International Space Station after a successful launch at

CLASSIFIEDS GALLUP SUN ARCHIVES Need a past issue? $2.00 per copy. Note issue date and send check or M.O. to: Gallup Sun, PO Box 1212, Gallup, NM 87305. Subject to availability. AUTO SALES Gurley Motor Company

2017 Ford Fusion SEL Loaded! With Leather Trimmed Power Seats, Sunroof and Sirius XM Satellite Radio Only 33K Miles Priced at $23,950 Gurley Motor Co. 701 W. Coal Ave, Gallup, NM (505) 722-6621 HELP WANTED

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2 Paid-Internships Community Outreach & Research Assistants The McKinley Community Health Alliance is seeking two community members to apply to be paid-assistants/ interns ($12/hour for ~200 hours) in either a community outreach or research capacity role. Each assistant will work with HIA team leads and a team of community members to help facilitate, with the community, a Health Impact Assessment of Housing within the City of Gallup. Interest in community involvement, community or public health topics, willingness to learn and to pass on that knowledge are a great start; ● Outreach work requires basic online/social media/ public speaking skills. ● Research work requires communication and time management skills. Proficient skills in Microsoft Word & Excel also preferred. ● Both positions require basic email/internet & phone

7:27 pm EST. Lift-off took place at Launch Complex 39A at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket took the Crew Dragon spacecraft of NASA astronauts Michael Hopkins, Victor Glover and Shannon Walker, and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency astronaut Soichi Noguchi into orbit to start a six-month science mission aboard the space station. The crew of four docked at the ISS the following day, embarking on the first of six crewed missions NASA and SpaceX will fly as part of the agency’s Commercial Crew

A shuttle from Elon Musk’s company, SpaceX, departs Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Nov. 15, carrying a small crew of astronauts in the first manned spaceflight mission in almost 10 years. Photo Credit: Courtesy of NASA Program. This mission moves the NASA-certified commercial

system designed for crew transportation from the development into the regular flight stage.

Bring a driving record when applying.


TO APPLY: Email letter or statement of interest (along with any supporting documents) to by Jan. 1st, 2021. For more information on the positions &/or the HIA being facilitated call 505-862-9329.

*** DELIVERY DRIVER The Gallup Sun is hiring an independent contractor delivery driver. You must have a vehicle, valid driver’s license, registration, and insurance. Email resume or work history to gallupsuncirculation@

communication capabilities. Indigneous/Native American community members preferred.

*** NIGHT AUDITOR Experience Preferred Red Roof Inn 3304 W. Hwy 66, Gallup Apply in person or call: (505) 879-7611 *** Plumber needed Clean driving record Valid driver’s License Apply at 500 E. Coal Ave


JEFFREY A. SMITH has been appointed Personal Representative of the Estate of THOMAS E. SMITH, deceased. All persons having claims against this estate are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of the Notice or the claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented either to the Personal Representative at the offices of Mason & Isaacson, P.A., 104 East Aztec Avenue, Gallup, New Mexico, 87301, attorney for the Personal Representative, or filed with the District Court of McKinley County, New Mexico.


Gallup Sun • Friday January 1, 2021


School Board of Education reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, waive any formalities or minor inconsistencies, and/or cancel this solicitation in its entirety.

School Board of Education reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, waive any formalities or minor inconsistencies, and/or cancel this solicitation in its entirety.

MASON & ISAACSON, P.A. By: James J. Mason Attorneys for Personal Representative 104 East Aztec Avenue Gallup, New Mexico 87301 (505)722-4463

Dated the 22nd Day of December 2020 By: /S/ Charles Long, President Board of Education Gallup-McKinley County School District No. 1

Dated the 22nd Day of December 2020 By: /S/ Charles Long, President Board of Education Gallup-McKinley County School District No. 1

PUBLISH: Gallup Sun December 23, 2020 December 30, 2020 January 8, 2021

RFP ISSUE DATE: December 22, 2020 Publish: Gallup Sun December 30, 2020

RFP ISSUE DATE: December 22, 2020 Publish: Gallup Sun December 30, 2020

CLASSIFIEDS | FROM PAGE 13 Dated: 12/15/20 JEFFREY A. SMITH Personal Representative

*** Legal Notice Request for Proposals Public Notice is hereby provided that the GallupMcKinley County Schools is accepting competitive sealed proposals for:

*** Legal Notice Request for Proposals

NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE UPGRADE Eligible for E-Rate Funds under the Universal Service Program for Funding Year 2021 And Ineligible for E-Rate Discounts RFP-2021-22KC

Public Notice is hereby provided that the GallupMcKinley County Schools is accepting competitive sealed proposals for: LIT FIBER SERVICE FOR WIDE AREA NETWORK Eligible for E-Rate Funds under the Universal Service Program for Funding Year 2021 And Ineligible for E-Rate Discounts RFP-2021-23KC

Commodity Code(s): 20621, 20623, 20664, 83833, & 92037

Commodity Code(s): 83829, 83833, & 92037

As more particularly set out in the RFP documents, copies of which may be obtained by downloading from the Gallup-McKinley County Schools eBidding platform website https://gmcs. openOpportunities

As more particularly set out in the RFP documents, copies of which may be obtained by downloading from the Gallup-McKinley County Schools eBidding platform website https://gmcs. openOpportunities

Sealed proposals for such will be received until 2:00 P.M. (LOCAL TIME) on, JANUARY 27, 2021. FAX, EMAIL and HARDCOPY PROPOSALS will NOT be accepted. Offerors will not be able to upload proposals or documents after the specified CLOSING date and time.

Sealed proposals for such will be received until 2:00 P.M. (LOCAL TIME) on, JANUARY 27, 2021. FAX, EMAIL and HARDCOPY PROPOSALS will NOT be accepted. Offerors will not be able to upload proposals or documents after the specified CLOSING date and time.

The Gallup-McKinley County

The Gallup-McKinley County

We believe in ideas. We believe in passion. We believe in dreams. We believe in you. 14

Friday January 1, 2021 • Gallup Sun

*** LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Gallup-McKinley County Animal Control Authority will consider the following action at its Regular Meeting to be held on Tuesday, January 12th, 2021 at 1 p.m. ITEM ONE: Annual Open Meetings Act, Resolution #RA 2021-01 ITEM TWO: Budget Increase Request for Overtime ITEM THREE: Quarterly Financial Report ITEM FOUR: Present Animal Control Statistics from January to December 2020 ITEM FIVE: Nomination and Appointment of the new Vice-Chairperson In accordance with the public health order issued by the New Mexico Department of Health, the meeting will be physically closed to the public; however, it will be accessible to the public via the following technology service: Facebook Live Stream through the City of Gallup’s Facebook page: CityOfGallup Members of the public may call in with questions and/or comments before or during the meeting at (505) 8631240. Please leave your name and a return phone number. Copies of the Agenda are available on the City of Gallup’s website at: agendacenter City of Gallup, McKinley County, New Mexico

By: /S/ Alfred Abeita, City Clerk PUBLISH: Gallup Sun 30 December 2020 *** NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Jail Authority Board has scheduled their meeting for Tuesday, January 05, 2021 at 1:30 pm. This meeting will be open to the public via technology services to prevent the spread of the COVID- 19 virus. A copy of the agenda will be available 72 hours prior to the meeting in the Manager’s Office and the County Clerk’s Office. Auxiliary aides for the disabled are available upon request. Please contact Elvera Grey at Elvera., at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting to make any necessary arrangements to join the meeting. All interested parties are invited to attend. Done this 28th day of December 2020 JAIL AUTHORITY BOARD /s/ Billy Moore, Chairperson Publication date: Gallup Sun January 01, 2021 ***

the approved Facebook account of the McKinley County Office of Emergency Management. Members of the public are welcome to call in with comments about any of the items on the agenda and comment for the public hearing. The comment call in number (505.863.1400) will be monitored beginning at 8:45 am on the day of the meeting; and it will stop being monitored at 9:50 am on the day of the meeting. Please give your name, and the Agenda Item Number you desire to comment on, and a return phone number. When, at the appropriate time for making comments on the agenda items, (beginning at approximately 9:01 am) the Commission Chair will call you on your return number so you can make your comment. The Commission Chair pursuant to state law and county policy can limit the time of comments and reduce common or cumulative comments as needed; comments will be limited to 3 minutes.

The members of the County Commission at their option can participate by phone or other technological participation methods. A copy of the agenda will be available 72 hours prior to the meeting in the Manager’s Office and the County Clerk’s Office and can be sent electronically upon request.


PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the McKinley County Board of Commissioners will hold a Regular Meeting on Tuesday, January 05, 2021 at 9:00 p.m. Among other items, the Board of County Commissioners will be selecting the Chairperson for 2021; and reviewing for adoption the annual Open Meetings Act Resolution No. JAN-21-001.

Adhering to the Social Distancing Protocols, issued by the Governor’s Office; and the requirements of the Open Meetings Act allowing members of the public to attend and listen to meetings of the quorum of the governing body, this meeting will be physically closed to the public but open to the public via technology services. Members of the public may view the live stream feeds offered on

All interested parties are invited to attend via the live stream mentioned herein.

In addition, please take note that at the next Regular meeting scheduled for Tuesday January 19th beginning at 9:00 am, the Board of County Commissioners shall conduct a public hearing pursuant to NMSA 1978 §7-2-14.3(G) to consider whether or not McKinley County should adopt an ordinance giving an Income tax rebate.

Done this 29th day of December 2020 McKINLEY COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS /S/ Billy Moore, Chairperson Publication by posting date: December 29th, 2020 before 3:00 pm. Publication date: Gallup Sun January 1st, 2021 CLASSIFIEDS



Gallup McKinley County Schools through Jan. 1, 2021 UNM-Gallup Closed


Visit YouTube, @galluplibrary to view episodes of the OFPL “Totally True” series where we’re exploring the OFPL non-fiction collections in books and online. Opposing Viewpoints is the first topic. Videos are posted Wed., Fri @ 11 am SATURDAY, January 2


All Day. The time for another virtual escape room is here! Access our digital escape room collection on our website http://ofpl. online or through social media @galluplibrary. Escape Room 2 will be posted beginning Jan. 2. Registration is not required, play anytime at home. For more information: libtrain@; (505) 863-1291 for more information.


OFPL is hosting a week of SciFi related programs and fun to celebrate Sci-Fi Day. Check out our Sci-Fi collection of books and movies. Scan our social media each day for SciFi facts and posts. There will also be a special Instagram Sci-Fi scavenger hunt. Join us for an out-of-this world SciFi-themed Talking Tuesday. On Thursday, build your own cereal box spacecraft in Crafty Kids. There will be opportunities for Sci-Fi prizes all week long. For more information:; (505) 863-1291 for more information. MONDAY, January 4


8 am-9 am events for students attending Gallup McKinley County Schools who return from winter break.


4 pm @ YouTube @gallup library. Create your own art using materials found around your home! Courses are geared towards individuals approximately 15-years of age and older. Supply kits are available at OFPL on a firstcome, first-serve basis and to request supplies go through the Online Request Form. This week we will focus on Nebula Coasters (Using glossy tiles, permanent markers, and rubbing alcohol make interesting nebula color coasters to use in your home). Videos are posted weekly For more information:; (505) 863-1291.


TUESDAY, January 5


4 pm YouTube, @galluplibrary. Join the creative genius of the Octavia Fellin Public Library and our unusually talented neighbors for book-talks, author-talks, movie-talks, poptalks, food-talks, maker-talks, tech-talks.


5 pm @galluplibrary. for “How to” tech shorts. This month we are focusing on Tech Products and emerging tech. For more information: libtrain@ or call (505) 863-1291. WEDNESDAY, January 6


11 am-12 pm online. This meeting is designed to receive public input on community development needs and suggestions for future CDBG projects. For more information: (505) 722-4248


4 pm. YouTube @galluplibrary. Learn about the different apps and tech available to help you plan your year and stay on track for your goals. For more information: libtrain@ or call (505) 863-1291.


Visit YouTube @galluplibrary to view episodes of the OFPL “Totally True” series where we’re exploring the OFPL non-fiction collections in books and online. Bomb by Steve Sheinkin is the topic. Videos are posted Wed., Fri a@ 11 am THURSDAY, January 7




Call to Artists! OFPL is seeking visual art from community artists in the first OFPL Virtual Juried Art Showcase. 2021 Virtual Theme: “Art for ArtSake.”. Submit 1-3 high quality image(s) of 2D or 3D medium visual arts for OFPL’s Virtual Juried Art Showcase. Visual art may include drawing, painting, photography, sculpture, ceramics, jewelry, weaving, and more. Juried art showcase is divided into the following age categories: 0-4, 5-7, 8-12, 13-17, and 18+. Please see showcase requirements below: Submission deadline: Feb. 28 by 11:59 pm. Send all submissions to jwhitman@gallupnm. gov by deadline. For more information:; (505) 863-1291.


Individual challenge with prizes. Goal is 420,000 steps. The challenge is six weeks or 42 days long. For more information:; (505) 862-9389.


Big Brothers Big Sisters is looking for more mentors to make a difference in the life of a young person. Mentors and mentees can meet for socially distance friendly interactions or hangout virtually playing games, cooking, reading, etc. via Facetime, Zoom, or other platforms. For more information call 505-726-4285 or go to volunteer to sign up today.


Urgent Care Clinic (520 Hwy. 564). Walk-ins 5 pm- 9 pm, Sat., 9 am - 9 pm and 12 pm-5 pm Sun. Please bring insurance information. For those with no health insurance there will be a $25 fee. Pre-registration can be done during hours of operation, 9 am-9 pm. For more information: (505) 863-2273.


4 pm on Facebook and Youtube @galluplibrary (all ages) for family-friendly crafts and step-by-step tutorials for all skill levels. This week we will create Recycle Cereal Box Spacecraft

9 am-5 pm Mon.-Fri. @ Urgent Care Center (520 NM Hwy 564, north of the New Mexico Cancer Center). Closed on Sundays. Rapid testing is not available.


Storytime anytime, call (505) 862-9177 to hear a story any time of the day or night. Stories will change daily, at the end feel free to leave us a message to let us know what stories you want to hear. For more information: childlib@; (505) 863-1291.


We are be reading Trail of Lightning by Rebecca Roanhorse for our January session. Discussions will be held Jan. 21 at 6 pm and Jan. 30 at 3 pm. Both sessions will be held via Zoom. Participants must attend one session to keep their book. For more information:; (505) 863-1291.



Today’s libraries have programs and resources that go far beyond books. From virtual

story times, family game nights and art classes, to opportunities to borrow audiobooks and stream movies, there’s something for everyone at the library. To explore all that the library has to offer, visit your library at to register for a free library card. For more information: bmartin@ or call (505) 8631291 for more information.


OFPL staff continues to provide essential services to our community by offering curbside checkout, virtual classes, workshops, and public education through our social media platforms. Visit for the online request form. • DVD/ CD check out limit is 10 - 30 library items total. OFPL Staff is on-site Monday through Friday from 11 am-5 pm. and will assist with curbside checkout. Beginning Jan. 9, there will be Saturday curbside pick-ups only from 12 pm-4 pm and must be scheduled in advance. New requests will not be processed on Saturdays. Free Comic Book to keep with your curbside order while supplies last. Call (505)-863-1291 for all inquiries including reference services.


OFPL is recruiting new members for our Friends of the Library Group. The OFPL Friends’ support library programs, services, and collections through a variety of in-kind activities. If you are passionate about helping our community grow stronger, join the Octavia Fellin Public Library Friends’ Group and get involved in event planning, local and State advocacy, fundraising and philanthropy. To join please visit partners-of-ofpl/#friends and our Friends’ Coordinator will contact you with more information. For more information: or call (505) 863-1291.


7 am-7 pm @Chinle Comprehensive Health Care Facility (Sun.-Sat.) 8:30 am-4:30 pm @ Piñon Health Center (M, T, W, F) 1:15 pm-4:30 pm @ Piñon Health Center (Th) 8:30 am-4 pm @ Tsaile Health Center (M,W,F) 1 pm-4 pm @ Tsaile Health Center (Th) 9 am-1 pm @ Rock Point Clinic (T) 8:30 am-12 pm @Crownpoint Healthcare Facility (M.T,Th,F) 12:45 pm-3:45 pm Drive-Up @ Crownpoint Healthcare Facility (M.T,Th,F) 9am-3:30 pm Walk In Clinic @ Pueblo Pintado Clinic (M-Th) 9:30 am-11:30 am; 1 pm-3:30 pm (Drive-Up) @ Pueblo Pintado (F)

9 am-12pm Drive Up @ Thoreau Clinic (M, F) 9 am-4 pm @Gallup Indian Medical Center (M-F) Car-based testing located on Government Circle Dr. (Next to Emergency Dept.) @Gallup Indian Medical Center 8 am-3:30 pm Drive-Thru @ Tohatchi Health Center (M, T, Th, F) 12 pm-3:30 pm Drive-Thru @ Tohatchi Health Center (Wed.) 8:30 am-4 pm @Kayenta Health Center (Sun.-Sat.) 8:30 am-4 pm @ Inscription House Health Center (M, T, Th, F) 1 pm-4 pm @ Inscription House Health Center (Wed.)


8 am-5 pm @Chinle Comprehensive Health Care Facility (M, T, W, F) 1 pm-5 pm Drive-Thru @Chinle Comprehensive Health Care Facility (Th) Flu vaccinations are given in the Outpatient department. 8:30 am-4:30 pm Drive-Thru @ Piñon Health Center (M, T, W, F) 1:15 pm-4:30 pm Drive-Thru @ Piñon Health Center (Th) 8:30 am-4 pm Drive-Thru @ Tsaile Health Center (M,W,F) 1 pm-4 pm Drive-Thru @ Tsaile Health Center (Th) 9 am-1 pm @ Rock Point Clinic (T) 8 am-4 pm @ Crownpoint Healthcare Facility (M, T, Th, F) appointments only – (505) 786-6270 @ Crownpoint Healthcare Facility (Wed.) 9:45 am-11:30 am @ Pueblo Pintado Clinic (M-F) (Closed first Wed. of the month) Appointments only – call (505) 655-3254 9 am-11:30 am @ Thoreau Clinic (M. T. Th, F) 1 pm-3:30 pm @ Thoreau Clinic (Wed.) Appointments only – call (505) 862-8761 *Limited flu shots available daily 8 am-4 pm @Kayenta Health Center (M-F) 8 am-4 pm @ Inscription House Health Center (M, T, Th, F) 1 pm-4 pm @ Inscription House Health Center (Wed.) 8 am-3:30 pm Appointments only – call (505) 733-8150 @ Tohatchi Health Center (M-F) To post a nonprofit or civic event in the calendar section, please email: or fax: (505) 212-0391. Deadline: Monday at 5 pm.

Gallup Sun • Friday January 1, 2021














220 S. FIFTH • GALLUP, NEW MEXICO 87301 (505) 722-2271 • m Dealership availability and hours of operation are subject to change in accordance with all federal and local laws and restrictions. Excludes SL models, Savana and 2021 Yukon. Not available with some other offers. Take new retail delivery by 1/4/21. At participating dealers only. 2Acadia based on MSRP of $53,670. Terrain based on MSRP of $43,865. Sierra based on MSRP of $76,365. Yukon based on MSRP of $77,950. Canyon based on MSRP of $46,470. Not available with special finance, lease and some other offers. Take new retail delivery by 1/4/21. At participating dealers only. ©2020 General Motors. All rights reserved. GMC® Acadia® Terrain® Sierra® 16 1

Friday January 1, 2021 • Gallup Sun

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COMMUNITY 12/9/20 4:32 PM

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