VOL 7 | ISSUE 304 | JANUARY 22, 2021
The Martin Luther King Jr. Day Food Drive hosted by St Paul’s Missionary Baptist Church, 1121 Lincoln Ave., in conjunction with the City of Gallup, was a substitution event for the MLK Jr. Day walk this year, because of COVID-19. Spearheaded by Mona Frazier, who has been a clerk at the church for 32 years, the event was put together in about two weeks. Frazier was surprised and pleased by the response. “We’ve done something for the last 20 plus years,” she said. But this year she said the donation response was better than it has been in the past. Frazier thanked the community for the support and is considering conducting another food drive in 2022. The Community Pantry was the recipient of this year’s food drive donations. Community Pantry Executive Director Alice Perez said after weighing and measuring, the food drive brought in 1,202 pounds of food and $685 in donations. The 1,202 pounds of food provided 1,062 meals. The $685 provided $1,560 in food buying power. Together they provided 1,502 meals.
Santa Corona coloring page … 15
There will be two on-line events this January
WHERE: Visit our website:
https://ses.gmcs.k12.nm.us/ Anytime during the month of January
TOPIC: Tier III Interventions & Benefits during remote learning Presenter: Vicki Murphy- GMCS special Education Coach
TOPIC: Unique Learning System Presenter: Robynn Lyle-GMCS LIDs Coach
and her companion Special Education Support Coaches
The use of Intervention Programs Benefits during remote learning
Objectives: Unique Learning Systems and its applications for in-person, remote, and hybrid learning environments
Services for Exceptional Students has changed locations. As of January 4, 2021, the SES Department is now located at 345 Basillio Drive (formerly Rocky View Elementary School).
Offices will be open from 8:15 AM to 4:45 PM Monday through Friday. Please follow all Covid-19 Protocols when visiting our new space.
(505) 721-1800 www.gmcs.org
Contact us anytime during regular business office hours. 2
Friday January 22, 2021 • Gallup Sun
Gallup Sun â&#x20AC;¢ Friday January 22, 2021
Phase 1B of COVID vaccine campaign begins Staff Reports
ehoboth McK inley C h r i s t i a n He a lt h Care Services started its Phase 1B COVID distribution campaign Jan.19, after receiving 2,200 doses of the Pfi zer vaccine. Of the allotment, 350 are booster shots for those who had already received the fi rst vaccine. The availability of the vaccine is a crucial step toward preventing the spread of the novel coronavirus. Studies have shown that the vaccines are safe and approximately 95 percent effective in preventing COVID-19. “We are very excited to begin administration of the COVID vaccine to the public. With a 95 percent efficacy rate, this is truly a game changer in the pandemic,” Chief Medical Officer, Valory Wangler, M.D. said. “We are thrilled to
provide this critical protection for our patients and community as supply and recommendations allow in the coming weeks and months.” The vaccine may have some minor potential side effects. Some individuals who participated in the trials reported soreness and inflammation at the injection site, much like a regular flu shot. Others developed symptoms that included fever, headache or muscle aches for a day or more. This phase of the vaccination distribution campaign began at 8 a.m. Jan. 20 and will continue through Jan. 23 Currently eligible for the vaccine are: All individuals 75 years and older Individuals 16 years or older with: • Cancer • Diabetes • Kidney disease • Lung disease
Emily Marquez, Dolores Gonzales and Courtney Lementino conducting the Phase 1B vaccine push outside the College Clinic at RMCHCS. Nearly 800 vaccines were administered Jan. 20. Photo Credit: RMCHCS • Heart condition • I m mu nocomprom i sed state • Overweight or Obese • Pregnancy • Neurologic condition or stroke • Down syndrome • Sick le cel l d isea se
or thalassemia • Hy per tension or high blood pressure • Liver disease Essential Workers: K-12 educators/staff, grocery store workers, family home care givers, child care workers and
others as defi ned as by the NM Department of Health. Qualifying individuals can call (505) 488- 2684 to make an appointment to receive the vaccine or (505) 863-1820 to schedule a time for the vaccine. In the case of those receiving their first dose of the Pfizer vaccine, the second dose will be administered three weeks from the first one. While there is no out-ofpocket cost for the vaccine, insurances will be billed an administration fee. When calling for an appointment, please have your insurance information available. For more detailed information on New Mexico’s Va ccin e Allocation Plan you can go to: https://cv.nmhealth. org / wp - content / uploads/2021/01/2021.1.8DOH-Phase-Guidance.pdf
Update on pre-school teacher charged with battery By Beth Blakeman Associate Editor
etails continue to surface regardi ng t he L i ncol n Elementary School teacher who was charged with three petty misdemeanors – all listed as battery in court documents – in Gallup Magistrate Court Dec. 7. Gallup McKinley C ou nt y S cho ol s D i s t r ic t Superintendent Mike Hyatt told the Su n that Patr ice Carpenter had been put on administrative leave. “We were appalled by what we discovered and saw in this investigation.The safety of our
students is our number one priority,” Hyatt said. “This employee no longer works for GMCS … we worked with law enforcement from the beginning of their investigation.” Hyatt said reports on the matter were submitted to the state. In the meantime, La Nisha Coble, the parent of one of the victims, has retained attorney Billy Keeler of Keeler and Keeler in Gallup. Coble told the Gallup Sun that she had been advised not to speak about the case, but she emphasized that the children in Carpenter’s class are special needs students and vulnerable compared to most
other children. Her daughter, who managed to let her know about the alleged abuses, is primarily non-verbal. Keeler told the Sun that he is still in the middle of his own investigation of the case, and can’t comment at this time. Ta ma ra Madr id, the mother of the boy who was seen being pulled by his hood in the videos shown to Gallup Police Officer Nicole Diswood, has not hired an attorney. She was, however, willing to talk. Mad r id ex pla i ned how Coble’s mostly nonverba l d a u g ht e r c o m mu n ic a t e d
about the incidents in question. “Her daughter was pinching herself and pulling her [ow n] ha i r,” Mad r id sa id. “Her parents asked her what was going on, where she got this from. That’s when she spoke the teacher’s name and then kinda shut down. She didn’t want to talk about it anymore.” Madrid said Coble told her husband, Quentin Madrid, that the girl had indicated that the boy in the cla ss had been treated badly. The Madrids’ son is the only male in the class. Tamara Madrid said her son won’t talk about the alleged abuse he endured
at school. Calls to Patrice Carpenter have gone unanswered, and she remains listed on the McKinley County Federation of United School Employees website as its president. McF use Vice President Brian Bernard said Jan. 20 that Carpenter remains president and that further action “is premature.” “The AFT-McFuse union should be setting an example, but to see a teachers union, who should be here for kids, try to defl ect responsibility and to also provide fi nancial support for this situation is shocking,” Hyatt said in an email.
7 4
CARES ACT CHECKS On the way to the Navajo Nation
Friday January 22, 2021 • Gallup Sun
SNAKES CAN LEARN See them lasso trees.
11 12 15
BACK FROM COLOR THE SAINT With a familiar name
County manager issues fi nal report on CARES Act grant Staff Reports
cKinley Cou nt y M a n a g e r A nt hony Di ma s Jr. i s s ue d a final repor t Jan. 19 on the t wo g ra nts awa rded from t he St ate of New Mex ico: McK i n ley Cou nt y CA RE S Act Local Government Grant ($16.1 million) and McKinley Cou nt y Sma ll Business Anthony Dimas Jr. McKinley County Courthouse. Photo Credit: Courtesy McKinley County
Gallup Sun Publishing, LLC Publisher/Editor Babette Herrmann Accounts Representative Sherry Kauzlarich Associate Editor Beth Blakeman Circulation Manager Mandy Marks Editorial Asst./Correspondent Kevin Opsahl Correspondent Dominic Aragon Photography Knifewing Segura Ana Hudgeons Ryan Hudgeons Cable Hoover On the Cover Center: Memorial at Gallup food drive commemorates MLK Day. Photo by K. Segura Top Left: Sheriff’s Dept. blocks streets of Santa Fe, safeguards statehouse after Wash., D. C. uprising Jan. 6. Photo by J. Rivera Bottom Left: Greeting card depiction of St. Corona. Image by S. Wells
The Gallup Sun, published Fridays, is not responsible or liable for any claims or offerings, nor responsible for availability of products advertised. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. The Gallup Sun distributes newspapers in McKinley, Cibola and Apache counties. Office: 1983 State Rd. 602 Gallup, NM 87301 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Gallup Sun, PO Box 1212, Gallup, NM. Mailing Address: PO Box 1212 Gallup, NM 87305 www.gallupsun.com Phone: (505) 722-8994 Fax: (505) 212-0391 gallupsun@gmail.com Letter to the editor/guest column ACCEPTED BY EMAIL ONLY. State full name and city/town. No pen names. ID required. All submissions subjected to editor’s approval. Guest columnists, email Sun for submission requirements.
Grant ($2.4 million): “ T h i s wa s a rei mbu r s able grant and the County C om m i s s io ne r b or r owe d a nd budgeted f u nd s f rom our general fund to get the CARES Act Projects going and we will be putting the
funds back once Finance is done doing what they need to do with journal entries, budgets, etc. McK i n le y C o u n t y h a s received approval from the N.M. Dept. of Finance and Administration for all pay requests sent to DFA and as of last week [week of Jan. 10] we h ave received a l l pay ment s f rom t hose pay
requests. There was a total of 25 pay request s (rei mbu r sement s) sent t o DFA ba sed on t he CA RE S Act Local Government Grant and there was a total of two pay requests (reimbursements) sent to DFA ba sed on the CARES Act Small Business Gr a nt a nd a l l h ave be en approved a nd pa id by NM DFA.
O u r Nu m ber O ne goa l wa s to have ever y thing expended and sent to DFA by Dec. 30, a nd t hat goa l was accomplished on time a nd t he second goa l wa s to get a l l t he pay request approvals paid out by DFA a nd that goa l wa s accomplished as well. McKinley County stands rea dy t o move qu ick ly i f there is a second round of CARES Act Funding.”
AJ Tires & Auto Center - 8 Amazing Grace Insurance - 16 Bosselman - 8 Bubany Insurance Agency - 11 Butler’s Office City - 14 Crime Stoppers - 7 First Baptist Church $ 10 505 Burger and Wings $ 13 Four Corners Detox Recovery Center - 9 Gallup Business Improvement District $ 6, 24 Gallup Housing Authority - 3 Gallup McKinley County Schools - 2 Genaro’s Cafe - 13 Grandpa’s Grill - 13 Keller Williams Realty - 1 Maria’s Restaurant - 13 The Medicare Store - 17 New Mexico Credit Corp - 16 NMHU - 20 Peace Cannabis - 11 Pinnacle Bank - 18 Railway Cafe - 13 Rollie Mortuary - 18 Route 66 Diner - 13 Thunderbird Supply Co. - 5 Gallup Sun • Friday January 22, 2021
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Friday January 22, 2021 • Gallup Sun
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Clint Hannon Jan. 8, 11:16 am Aggravated DWI Sgt. Tammy Houg hta l i ng was advised of a black Nissan Rogue parked at the Tohlakai Speedway on Jan. 8. The car had been reported as driving “all over’’ Highway 264. Houghtaling contacted the driver, Clint Hannon, 37, of Chandler, Ariz., who said he was driving to Naschitti, N.M., and stopped for gas. Houghtaling noticed two open 12-ounce cans of beer and one 375 milliliter can of vodka in his car. Hannon, whose speech was slurred and movements were slow, was not ordered to take a field sobriety test for his safety and he refused a breathalyzer test several times. He was booked into the McKinley County Detention Center for aggravated driving while intoxicated, evidence of insurance, display of registration, driver to be licensed and open container. He was released on his own recognizance. Jeremy Mitchell Jan. 7, 7:12 pm DWI Sgt. Tammy Houghtaling clocked a black Nissan Sentra speeding on Highway 118 while traveling west. She began to pursue the Sentra. When Houghtaling caught up with the driver, he identified himself as Jeremy Mitchell, 28, of Mexican Springs, N.M., who stated he was speeding because he did not want to be late for work at midnight. Houghtaling smelled alcohol on Mitchell’s breath, but he maintained he was okay to drive. After Mitchell performed sobriety tests, Houghtaling placed him under arrest after he posted a sample of .11 in a portable breath test. She also found a gun in the backseat of Mitchell’s car.
Mitchell was booked into jail and charged with driving while intoxicated, speeding and negligent use of a firearm. He was released on his own recognizance. Stevick Jim Jan. 2, 6:23 pm DWI Deputy Terence Willie stopped a red Dodge Journey on U.S. Highway 491 on Jan. 2 after the driver had reportedly been refused service at a liquor store. Stevick Jim, 34, of Yatahey, N.M., who had bloodshot eyes, told Willie he had come into town for food and had a drink at 10 that morning. At Willie’s request, Jim agreed to perform field sobriety and breathalyzer tests. He failed the field tests and posted two samples of .10. Jim was booked into the McKinley County Adult Detention Center on a charge of driving under the influence. He was released on his own recognizance. Wade Yazza Dec. 28, 6:17 pm Aggravated DWI (Second) Deputy Terence Willie was advised to look for a Chevy pickup, which he eventually found in a parking lot of a business after several other vehicles pointed him to it. Willie found the driver, Wade Yazza, 29, of Churchrock, N.M., passed out with an open container in the front seat of the Chevy. Yazza had watery bloodshot eyes and said he could not sleep — he had just gotten off work. He seemed disoriented when he spoke to Willie. Yazza agreed to take the standard field sobriety tests, but failed. He was arrested and booked on aggravated driving while intoxicated, driving with a suspended/revoked license, no insurance and open container. He was released on his own recognizance. PUBLIC SAFETY
N.M. man arrested for ofďŹ cer assault Staff Reports
Mexica n Spr i ngs man was arrested a f t er repor t ed ly assaulting a peace officer on New Yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Eve. Joshuah Povatah, 28, of Mexican Springs, N.M., was
booked i nt o McKinley C o u n t y Detention Center â&#x20AC;&#x201D; the same place that Joshuah Povatah he a l leged ly assaulted the
officer, Sgt. Diego Prieto. Povatah arrived at the jail just after 4 p.m. to ask if he had a bench warrant out for his arrest. Prieto replied that Povatah could check on that himself. Povatah then swung at the officer with a closed fi st before
heading for the doors that lead to the jail itself. Prieto pepper sprayed him and â&#x20AC;&#x153;kneed [Povatah] in the face because he was combative.â&#x20AC;? He placed Povatah in handcuffs and waited for police to arrive for the suspectâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s arrest. Pr ieto checked to see if
Povatah had any bench warra nt s, but Met ro Dispatch repor ted none. The off icer i n for med Pov a t a h, who sa id he wa nted to rema i n silent. After receiving medical clearance, Prieto was transported back to the detention center and booked. He was released on his own recognizance.
Couy GrifďŹ n loses support of fellow commissioners TWO OTERO COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DEMAND HIS RESIGNATION Staff Reports
L A MOGORDO â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Gerald Matherly, Otero County Dist. 1 Commissioner and Vickie Marquardt, Otero County Dist. 3 Commissioner issued a statement Jan. 19 calling on the Dist. 2 Commissioner, Couy Griffin, to resign his post. In their statement, they said Griffin had devoted himself to promoting his Cowboys for Trump organization from his first day as a commissioner, instead of serving the county that elected him. The statement said a number of incidents led to investigations and lawsuits have been filed against the county over actions he took. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He has been banished from the Mescalero Apache Reservation. He has made racist statements. He has repeatedly insulted other public officials. He has refused to comply with state campaign finance laws. His actions have consumed an enormous amount of time of county staff, who must deal with the drama he instigates at the expense of attending to public business,â&#x20AC;? the release said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Commissioner Griffin has called repeatedly for violence, stating â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;the only good Democrat is a dead Democrat,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; which led to threats on county staff. He told a reporter the governors of Virginia and Michigan were traitors who should be hanged. He was one of the rioters who stormed the United States Capitol to stop the counting of the electoral vote, an action for which he has been criminally charged in federal court,â&#x20AC;? the Otero County Commissionersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; statement said. Griffin was arrested in Wash. D. C. and charged Jan. 17 in U.S. District Court for breaching the U.S. Capitol grounds Jan. 6. The FBI said the Jan. 9 PUBLIC SAFETY
charging documents alleged that Griffin was present at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 and posted videos to his Facebook page indicating he intended to return to the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s capitol on Jan. 20 and â&#x20AC;&#x153;plant our flagâ&#x20AC;? on House Speaker Nancy Pelosiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s desk. It also said that Griffin had called for violence at the Jan. 20 inauguration ceremony. In a press release from the FBI, it said that following the incident at the U.S. Capitol, Griffi n posted a video to the Cowboys for Trump Facebook page in which he stated that he â&#x20AC;&#x153;climbed up on the top of the Capitol building and . . . had a fi rst row seat.â&#x20AC;? In that same video, now removed, he stated: â&#x20AC;&#x153;You want to say that that was a mob? You want to say that was violence? No sir. No Maâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;am. No we could have a 2nd Amendment rally on those same steps that we had that rally yesterday. You know, and if we do, then itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s gonna be a sad day, because thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s gonna be blood running out of that building. But at the end of the day, you mark my word, we will plant our flag on the desk of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and Donald J. Trump if it boils down to it.â&#x20AC;? The FBI said that on Jan. 14, Griffin spoke at an Otero County council meeting about his experience at the Capitol and his plans to return to Wash. D.C., to protest President-Elect Bidenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s inauguration on Jan. 20. It was alleged that Griffin stated that he intended to bring his firearms with him. The case is being prosecuted by the Assistant U.S. Attorneys Janani Iyengar and Jason Feldman of the District of Columbia United States Attorneyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Office, and Trial Attorney George Kraehe of the National Security Division of the Department of Justice. The case is being investigated by the FBIâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
Washington Field Office, and the U.S. Capitol Police Department. Returning to the issues in New Mexico, Matherly and Marquardt assert there is an effort to recall Griffin from office. They believe a recall would take months to complete, as would a proposed lawsuit to remove him. â&#x20AC;&#x153; T he people of O tero County deserve an end to this circus now,â&#x20AC;? they said in their statement. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We call upon Commissioner Griffin to resign his office immediately,â&#x20AC;? they said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If he does not, we will support the recall effort and the removal proceedings of
Couy GriďŹ&#x192;n Dist. 2 Otero County Commissioner promotes his organization â&#x20AC;&#x153;Cowboys for Trump.â&#x20AC;? Photo Credit: nmpoliticalreport.com
the Attorney General.â&#x20AC;? The Gallup Sun reached out
to Griffin for a comment. He did not respond by press time.
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Navajo Nation leaders congratulate Joe Biden, Kamala Harris NATION WELCOMES ENACTMENT OF ‘BIDEN-HARRIS PLAN FOR TRIBAL NATIONS’ Staff Reports
INDOW ROCK, A r iz. – Nava jo Nation President Jonathan Nez and Vice President Myron Lizer congratulate the 46th U.S. President Joe Biden and 49th Vice President Kamala Harris, who were sworn-in at the U.S. Capitol Jan. 20, to begin their four-year term in the White House. As part of the Inaugural Ceremonies, President Nez and First Lady Phefelia Nez were invited to offer a prayer during the 59th Inaugural National Prayer Service, which was set for Jan. 21 at 8:00 am. Biden said he would join the virtual event hosted by the Washington National Cathedral to be livestreamed at https://biden-inaugural.org/ watch.
President Nez, First Lady Nez, and Miss Navajo Nation Shaandiin Parrish also took part in a virtual event to honor and remember the over 400,000 American citizens who have lost their lives to COVID-19 across the country. Nez and Lizer watched the inauguration from their respective homes in Window Rock, Ariz., due to COVID-19 restrictions. “On behalf of the Navajo Nation, I congratulate President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris on this historic and remarkable day,” Nez stated. “Across this country, it is time to come together in unity, to heal, and to move forward to build a better future for our children and the generations to come. First Lady Phefelia Nez and I have a very good relationship with President Biden
Friday January 22, 2021 • Gallup Sun
and First Lady Dr. Jill Biden. We are very happy for them and their family, as well as Vice President Kamala Harris and Doug Emhoff.” “The Biden-Harris team has laid the foundation to work with tribal nations with the ‘Biden-Harris Plan for Tribal Nations’ that they presented in October. In the midst of a worldwide pandemic we saw Native Americans, especially young voters, turn out in numbers that we have never seen before,” he continued. “The voting power and influence of Native Americans was a key factor in the outcome of the election. Thanks to the organizing from the grassroots level on up, all tribal nations now have a seat at the table. The Navajo Nation will continue to build a strong partnership with the Biden-Harris Administration to
Navajo Nation Jonathan Nez social distances in his meeting on Oct. 8, 2020 with then-President-Elect Joseph Biden and then-Vice-President-Elect Kamala Harris during a meeting discussing how the Biden-Harris Administration would work with the Navajo Nation. Photo Credit: OPVP empower our Navajo people and all tribal nations in the years to come.” Lizer said, “We offer our prayers to the Biden-Harris Administration as America continues to move forward. We are confident that God will guide us in these times of change. Over the last few years, I have been honored to have good relations with former President Donald J. Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, and the White House. “The Navajo Nation will continue its partnership with our federal partners to enhance the lives and living conditions across the Navajo Nation. Each
day, our duty is to place Navajo fi rst,” Lizer stated. “Our message to Wááshindoon centers on our Navajo People. “We are indestructible as we have learned in the past, because of our culture and heritage. Resiliency runs deep into our mind, heart, and spirit. The Nez-Lizer Administration has been about ‘Working Together’ since day one. We look forward to working collaboratively with the federal government
Controller’s Office begins issuing CARES Act checks Staff Reports
INDOW ROCK, A r i z . — O ver $226 million in initial CARES Act Hardship Assistance checks are in the process of being printed and mailed. The Navajo Nation Office of the Controller reported that the checks for over 200,000 applicants will soon be on their way. The Office of the Controller said it began mailing the checks in batches of 20,000 – 25,000 Jan. 18. For mailing addresses on the Navajo Nation, the time for delivery could be longer than mailing addresses in major metropolitan areas such as Phoenix or Albuquerque. The Office of the Controller advises applicants to wait three to four weeks before calling the Support Center to check on the status of a payment. Navajo Nation President Jonathan Nez said, “We ask our people to remain patient as the checks are mailed and delivered in the coming days. This is the very fi rst time that the Navajo Nation has taken on this type of fi nancial disbursement for a majority of enrolled members. “We ask all of our people to use the Hardship Assistance funds for essential items only, to help your family and loved ones.” The Nez-Lizer Administration approved the Hardship Assistance relief funds Oct. 9 and gave the Office of the Controller the job of overseeing and administering the program, in accordance with the resolution passed by the 24th Navajo Nation Council. In previous reports to the Council, the Office of the Controller has also reported that the administering of the funds must be completed in accordance with
federal CARES Act guidelines and requirements. Vice President Lizer emphasized that the risks associated with the novel coronavirus are still high. “The virus is still in our communities, in our region, and in every state across the country,” he said. “Please use the hardship assistance funds to secure essential items that help to keep your families safe and prepared during this COVID-19 pandemic. “We continue to encourage our Navajo people to buy Navajo, buy local. Staying local is much safer than traveling longer dista nces to areas where the virus is more prevalent. Please be safe and continue to pray for all of our people,” Lizer said. • Individual checks will be sent to all approved applicants listed on an application. Payment will not be made to an applicant until the completed application is approved. For example, if there is an issue with one individual on an application that contains four applicants, payment will not be made until all four applicants are approved. Since checks will be sent to each individual applicant, allow one week from receipt of a check before calling to learn the status of other checks included on the application. • Approximately 15,000 individuals selected the pick-up or will-call option as opposed to having their checks mailed to their addresses. Due to COVID19 safety concerns, the pick-up option is still being evaluated in collaboration with the Navajo Department of Health. A date for pick-up has not yet been determined and it is expected that it will be several weeks before a safe alternative is developed. If you selected the pick-up option and would like to
have your check mailed instead, contact the Support Center. Having your check mailed as opposed to the pick-up option, provides a quicker alternative to receiving your payment. • Based on the final amount allocated to the Hardship Program, the maximum payment is $1,350 for adults and $450 for minors. This amount represents a 90-percent funding of the program. As such, each applicant will receive 90-percent of their requested amount based on their demonstrated need on their submitted application. • Call volume at the Support Center has been at a record high over the last two weeks causing longer than expected wait times. To help manage the call volume, the Controller’s Office added additional Suppor t Center resources and urges Navajo Nation members to refrain from calling unless they suspect there is an issue with their application. The Support
Navajo Nation President Jonathan Nez, Vice President Myron Lizer. Photo Credit: OPVP
Center will be contacting members directly if there is an issue with processing their applications. The Of f ice of the Controller continues to work to resolve issues with approximately 45,000
separate application s. Please call the Office of the Controller’s Support Center at (833) 282-7248 or send an email to NNCaresHelp@ nnooc.org if you have questions about the status of your application.
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For job opportunities, visit the careers page on our website. Gallup Sun • Friday January 22, 2021
Congresswoman Herrell opens up on fi rst few weeks in Washington By Dominic Aragon Sun Correspondent
early three weeks into her freshmen term, Cong res swoma n Yvet t e Her r el l, R-N.M., is adjusting to life in the nation’s capital, representing New Mexico’s second district. Herrell was sworn in as a part of the 117th Congress on Jan. 3, and despite being away from family, colder weather, and no green chile, she said she is excited to represent her district. “The new freshmen class has been amazing, and it’s really kind of surreal to be ser v i ng side -by- side w it h some of my friends and colleagues, who I have such a great deal of respect for,” Herrell told the Gallup Sun. Due to the pandemic and
security in the nation’s capital, Herrell watched President Joe Biden’s inauguration from her Wash. D.C. home. “The President had a message of unity that was woven t h r ou g hout pr e t t y muc h everything (in) his speech,” Her r el l s a id . “ T he mo s t important thing is that we fi nd common ground.” Included in her first few weeks of work on Capitol Hill, Herrell mentioned she had signed on with a term-limit bill that would prohibit longer than two 3-year terms in the U.S. House of Representatives and two 6-year terms in the U.S. Senate. She won the House seat with over 53 percent of the vote over incumbent Xochitl Torres Small, D-N.M., meaning that some 120,000 voters did not support Herrell. Herrell was not disturbed
by that and offered the following message for all the constituents in her district. “I think there are enough things that we can fi nd common ground on, and I’m very a cces sible,” Her rel l sa id. “We have more people in the offices in the district, than we do in Washington, and I did that on purpose. “I wanted to ensure that people understood they would have access to our staff, to us. We have a veteran’s liaison, a law enforcement liaison, bill directors and a district director [in New Mexico].” Herrell plans to be back in Dist. 2 as often as possible and hopes to be back in New Mexico at least 1-to-2 weeks a month. She says she hopes to make herself available to area voters by providing frequent updates through local media
First Baptist Church 2112 College Drive, Gallup, NM
Yvette Herrell, R-N.M., taking the Oath of office in the House of Representatives in Wash. D. C., Jan. 3. Photo Credit: Courtesy outlets. “I want to tell people, I know we aren’t always going to agree 100 percent, but if there are issues or policies that are interesting to them, or that they have concerns about, or want to talk about, please reach out to me and let’s not assume because we
come from different party backgrounds that we can’t find commonality,” Herrell said. “I want to thank everyone for their continued support and their prayers. I know the nation is in need of repair, and I really want to serve the people as a whole.”
Gov. Lujan Grisham statement on the passing of Sen. James White Staff Reports
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Friday January 22, 2021 • Gallup Sun
ANTA FE — On Jan. 16 Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham issued the following statement upon news of the death of former state Sen. James White, R- Dist. 19: “I am saddened to learn of the passing of Jim White. He was an honorable public servant. He served his country as a member of the Air Force and his state as a representative and later senator. His district was well-served by his willingness to put his constituents before party interests. I offer my condolences to his family and friends, and my prayers are with those who loved him.” Lu jan Grisham ordered state fl ags to half-staff from
Sen. James White, R- Dist. 19, who served from 2016-2020, died Jan. 15 at the age of 77. Photo Credit: nmlegis.gov
Jan 19-21 in memory of the late senator. White served Dist. 19 from 2016-2020. STATE & REGION
January 13 dashboard shows two counties outside the red zone for COVID-19 Staff Reports
ANTA FE – The New Mexico Depar tment of Health announced the updated statewide COVID-19 map for the two-week period beginning Jan. 13, with 30 counties at the Red Level. Twenty counties saw a higher average daily per-capita rate of new cases in the last two weeks, and 17 counties saw a higher test positivity rate; 16 counties worsened in both metrics. Only 12 counties improved in both of the two health gating criteria metrics. The state’s county-by-county system uses key health metrics – the per-capita daily incidence of new COVID-19 cases and average COVID-19 test positivity within county borders – to determine the level of public health risk and requirement for each county. A county that meets one criterion may operate at the Yellow Level; a county that meets both may operate at the Green Level. Harding County met both health metric thresholds and may now operate at the Green Level. Union County met one of the health metric thresholds – with a positivity rate of 3.8 percent – and may operate at the Yellow Level. Catron County, which had reached the Yellow Level on Dec. 30, saw dramatic increases in both health metrics and returned to the Red Level requirements on Jan. 15. Eleven counties, one third of the state’s counties, reported a positivity rate below 10 percent,
close to the state threshold of 5 percent. WOR SEN I NG PER CAPITA CASE RATES Between Dec. 30 and Jan. 13, 20 counties saw their per-capita new daily case rate increase. Those counties are: Catron, Colfax, Curry, De Baca, Doña Ana, Eddy, Grant, Hidalgo, Lincoln, Los Alamos, Luna, McKinley, Otero, Quay, Rio Arriba, San Juan, Sandoval, Santa Fe, Sierra, and Taos. Catron, Hidalgo, Lincoln, Sierra and Quay saw the greatest increases by percentage. McKinley County has the highest average daily per-capita case rates, at 104.9 per 100,000 as of Jan. 13. It is followed by San Juan County (103.4), Eddy County (102.4), Chaves County (85.6) and Lea County (84.8). The state threshold for moving to a less restrictive level is 8 per 100,000. The counties of Bernalillo, Chaves, Cibola, Guadalupe, Harding, Lea, Mora, Roosevelt, San Miguel, Socorro, Torrance, Union and Valencia saw improvements in their per-capita new daily case rate, with Harding, Mora, Union, Socorro and Roosevelt making the greatest improvements by percentage. W O R S E N I N G POSITIVITY RATES Seventeen counties saw their test positivity rates increase. Those counties are: Catron, Colfax, De Baca, Doña Ana, Eddy, Grant, Guadalupe, Hidalgo, Lincoln, Luna, McKinley, Otero, Quay, Rio Arriba, Sandoval, Santa Fe and Sierra. Catron, Quay, Lincoln, De
Baca and Otero saw the greatest increases by percentage. De Baca County has the highest positivity rate in the state, with 31.25 percent of tests returning positive as of Jan. 13. It is followed by Lea County (30.69 percent), Eddy County (27.26 percent), Catron County (20.69 percent) and McKinley County (20.41). The state threshold for moving to a less restrictive level is 5 percent. The counties of Bernalillo, Chaves, Cibola, Curry, Harding, L ea , L os A la mos, Mora , Roosevelt, San Juan, San Miguel, Socorro, Taos, Torrance, Union and Valencia saw improvements in their test positivity rate. Harding, Union, Socorro, Mora and Roosevelt made the greatest improvements by percentage. POPULOUS COUNTIES Bernalillo, Doña Ana, Santa Fe, Sandoval and San Juan — the
state’s five most populous counties, saw mixed results, with three of the five worsening in both health metrics. Bernalillo County, meanwhile, improved in both metrics, and San Juan improved in one of the two. The color-coded tier system – Red Level, Yellow Level and Green Level – enables counties to shed restrictions and provide local communities the flexibility to operate more day-to-day activities as soon as public health data shows the virus is retreating within their borders. The public health order, the red-to-green framework and frequently asked questions are all available at cv.nmhealth.org/redtogreen, where New Mexicans can also view the test positivity rate and new case incidence for each county as of Dec. 2. The new statewide vaccine dashboard website
The January dashboard shows two New Mexico counties outside the red zone. Photo Credit: NMDOH.png introduced on Jan. 14 at https://cvvaccine.nmhealth. org/public-dashboard.html, offers key up-to-the-day statistics about the state’s vaccination effort, including vaccines received in New Mexico, vaccines administered, vaccines administered in the last seven days, and total registrants to New Mexico’s vaccine registration website, vaccinenm.org. The site also features a map with the location of every active vaccination provider in the state.
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Gallup Sun • Friday January 22, 2021
Earthweek: Diary of a Changing World
By Steve Newman
Week ending Friday, January 15, 2021 Marine Record Temperatures of the world’s oceans between the surface and about 6,500 feet deep dur ing 2020 reached the warmest levels ever measured, according to a report in the journal Advances in Atmospheric Sciences. “Over 90% of the excess heat due to global warming is absorbed by the oceans, so ocean warming is a direct indicator of global warming,” said lead researcher Lijing Cheng of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The past five years have been the hottest on record for the world’s vast oceans, with the rate of heating eight times higher than from 1960 to 1985. The warmth is said to be harming marine life and supercharging extreme weather conditions.
Earthquakes The Azores archipelago was jolted by an unusually powerful quake.
were inadver tently intro duced in the 1940s and 1950s. While monitoring a nest of Micronesian starlings that had been placed on a tall pole to protect them, Colorado State University and University of Cincinnati researchers were shocked to see the lasso technique, which they say probably evolved to help the snakes reach food.
-69° Verkhoyansk, Siberia
6.7 5.4
5.5 +112° Learmonth, W. Australia
Greenhouse Climbers • Earth movements were also felt in the Turkish capital of Ankara, India’s Jammu and Kashmir territory, northern Mongolia, Bali, northwestern Argentina and western Yukon.
Warmest Year Year-end calculations reveal that 2020 was effectively the planet’s hottest year in human history, virtually tying with the previous record set in 2016. Europe’s Copernicus Climate Change Service says that last year was
about 2.25 degrees Fahrenheit above the long-term average. The Japan Meteorological Agency’s calculations came to a similar conclusion. Some places on Earth recorded an average temperature of 10.5 degrees above that average. Copernicus scientists note that 2016 was made warmer by a strong El Niño ocean warming, while last year was cooled slightly by an emerging La Niña. This means climate change was even more powerful in 2020 despite the pandemic’s economic slowdown around the world.
5R\ 0HOYLQ )UDQNOLQ Former Gallup resident Roy M. Franklin passed away peacefully Thursday January 7 in Sandy, UT at the age of 93. Roy was born in Hickory, OK where he lived until his sophomore year in high school before finishing high school at Ada, OK in 1945. He immediately joined the Navy and was stationed in San Diego but his Navy career was cut short by WWII ending while he was on boot leave. He served 18 months patrolling the beach in San Diego until he was honorably discharged and returned to Oklahoma. He earned a degree in Education while playing basketball at both Oklahoma City University and East Central University, graduating from the latter in 1950. His passion was coaching and teaching. He particularly enjoyed coaching youngsters in a variety of sports including swimming, but his true love was basketball. He taught for eight years in Oklahoma after graduating from college. The first two years were at the elementary school level and the remainder were at the high school level where he also coached basketball. He moved to Gallup in 1958 and taught American History and Social Studies at Gallup High School. He also ran the municipal swimming pool in Ford Canyon and taught swimming and basic life saving after arriving in Gallup. His coaching duties included serving as assistant basketball coach under Bud Highson, coaching baseball, and serving as the head basketball coach in the early 1960's, coaching the likes of Jay Olive, Chewy Vargas, Tommy Mims, Curtis Fortney, Tommy Pino, and Robert Nakai to name a few. After several years of a coaching hiatus he returned as an assistant basketball coach to Larry Dunaway in the early 1970's and the success of that program later launched him into the position of Athletic Director for the Gallup-McKinley County school system. He was honored with the NM Athletic Director of the Year in 1979 and served as the president of the NM Athletic Director's Association. After retiring in 1987 he moved back to Oklahoma and enjoyed many years of playing golf along with many other social activities.
‘Ghastly Future’ A n i nt e r n a tional group of scientists warns that Earth is hea ded for a “g h a s t ly f ut u r e of m a s s extinction, declining health a nd climate - d isr uption upheavals” because of ignorance and dithering. Writing i n t he jou r na l F r o nti e r s in Conser vation Science, exper ts say that the scale of the threat is so great that it’s difficult even for experts to grasp. The report warns that climate-induced mass migrations, more pandemics and conflicts over resources will become inevitable unless urgent action is taken. It asks world leaders to meet the challenges posed by the climate emergency.
Creepy Climbers One species of invasive brown tree snakes in Guam has learned a previously unknown way of climbing trees and tall poles to fi nd food, which scientists describe as “lassoing” their bodies to ascend. The ability was discovered as researchers were studying the native birds on the Pacific Island that have been decimated since the snakes
Levels of the g r e en hou s e ga s carbon dioxide will become 50% higher in the atmosphere this year than before the Industrial Revolution due to ongoing manmade emissions, according to the British Met Office. It predicts the average CO2 concentration will exceed 417 parts per million (ppm) at Hawaii’s Mauna Loa observator y sometime between April and June. That will be 50% higher than the 278 ppm that prevailed in the late 18th century before a burgeoning industrial economy began spewing clouds of CO2 into the atmosphere.
Java Eruption Clouds of superhe a t e d volc a n ic debr i s c a s c a ded down the slopes of Indonesia’s Mount Merapi, sending 500 people who live and work on the restive volcano’s slopes fleeing for safety. Many had returned after evacuating in November when authorities warned of building seismic unrest. Volcanologists have placed Merapi under the second-highest warning level. Dist. by: Andrews McMeel Syndication ©MMXXI Earth Environment Service
Roy was preceded in death by his mother Irma E. Heuatt and father Daniel M. Franklin. He is survived by his son Russ Franklin (Sheila) of Cottonwood Heights, UT, daughter Gae Lynn Lewis of Albuquerque, NM, grandsons Drew Franklin of Lacey, WA and Austin Lewis of Albuquerque, NM, and former wife Carole Franklin of Sandy, UT. He is also survived by a half sister Betty Routt of Lingle, WY and a half brother Don Franklin of Ada, OK.
Invasive brown tree snakes in Guam have evolved to lasso their bodies to climb trees and poles to reach food. Infrared images: Current Biology
Friday January 22, 2021 • Gallup Sun
New Mexico takes leadership role in outdoor recreation economy Staff Reports
ANTA FE â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Outdoor Recreation Director Axie Navas has been elected to cha ir a n organization of 13 states where developing and protecting recreation opportunities are now policy priorities, Economic Development Depa r tment Secreta r y A licia J. Keyes announced Jan. 19. The Confluence of States is a bipar tisan agreement between states to promote and grow the outdoor economy in the U. S. The Confluence signatories commit to practices that protect and sustain our water, air, land, and wildlife for current and future generations and the betterment of the economy. The agreement is based on four pillars: 1. conservation & stewardship; 2. education & workforce training; 3. economic development; and 4. public health & wellness. Currently 13 states have signed on to the accords. Colorado, Montana, North Ca r ol i n a , O r egon , Ut a h , Vermont, Washington, and Wyoming were the initial signatories. On Oct. 24, 2019, New Mex ico, a long w it h Maine, Michigan, Nevada, and Virginia signed onto the agreement. The goal is to eventually have all 50 states participate. State peers in the accord elected New Mexico State, under the leadership of Axie Navas, to chair the confluence with co-chair Nathan Fey, director of the Colorado Office of Outdoor Recreation. The co-chairs will be responsible for convening all the states, creating strategies for the various members, and serving as the national point people for the offices of outdoor recreation. â&#x20AC;&#x153;G ov. M ic hel le L u j a n Grishamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s efforts to grow the outdoor recreation economy in New Mexico has gained national attention, and the leadership role that A xie Navas plays will help as we increase partnerships with the federal government to build these businesses and create jobs,â&#x20AC;? Keyes said. â&#x20AC;&#x153; This honor is a great opportunity for New Mexico to
continue growing its national leadership role in the outdoor industry, a reputation it established with the creation of the fi rst-ever Outdoor Equity Fund,â&#x20AC;? Navas said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;New Mexico has outpaced the national average in growth in the outdoor recreation economy, and is committed to the industry as a way to further diversify our economy and foster better, faster statewide recovery efforts, especially in our most rural areas. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In addition to our economic goals, the foundational beliefs of the accords will also help improve access to outdoor recreation and serve to better protect our lands and waters,â&#x20AC;? she concluded.
Axie Navas, director of the Outdoor Recreation Division, will chair the ConďŹ&#x201A;uence of States, an agreement between 13 states to grow and promote the outdoor economy of the U.S. Photo Credit: Courtesy EDD Outdoor Recreation Division
San Andres Canyon in the Lincoln National Forest and the White Sands National Park that can be seen in the background, are sites that will be protected now that New Mexico has joined the ConďŹ&#x201A;uence of States to protect the outdoor recreation economy of the U.S. Photo Credit: Meghan Curry
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Gallup Sun â&#x20AC;˘ Friday January 22, 2021
Seeking hope from Saint Corona FEAST DAY MAY 14 By Sean Wells Contributing Artist
young 16 year-old ne w l y w e d t o a Roman soldier kept a secret Christian life. She was horrified as she watched a Roma n Soldier named Victor tortured publicly. As they prodded out his eyes and he steadfastly held to his Christian beliefs, she cried out from the crowd words of support and love for him and admitted her own Christianity, a guaranteed death sentence. Her limbs were tied to two palm trees that had been pulled to the ground in great tension. The palms were released and she was ripped apart. Victor was later sainted himself and shares her Feast Day. Both suffered death at the end of their torture. Corona carries the palm to signify her martyrdom. Each saint has a list of official patronage, but some saints acquire a more organic association. It is not an offi cial designation and is typically listed as a protection f rom a da nger. A lt houg h there are questions about the
Sean Wells attribution assigned to Corona as the Patroness of pandemics, with viral stories on the internet coming out just after
Friday January 22, 2021 • Gallup Sun
the coronav ir us began its deadly reign, there is intriguing timeline evidence that creates a connection between this saint and the history of disease and plagues and she is certainly now forever connected to be called upon to intercede and offer protection from epidemics. First, Corona’s life overlaps with the date of the Antonine Plague. It started when she was just a baby and ended shortly after the time of her death. It wa s brought by Roman soldiers who had traveled through Mesopotamia and decimated t he a r my. Ju s t 70 ye a r s later, the Plague of Cyprian swept through the same area brought again by Roman soldiers and killing up to 5000 Romans per day. The area where Corona’s remains lie has been struck repeatedly with devastating plagues. Then, during the 19th Century, pilgrim farmers turned to her for protection from disease of cattle. Perhaps this history also gave
her the association as patroness of butchers. It is not a far leap to consider that perhaps between her early connections with the dates and locations of massive historical plagues, that she was invoked against disease and a symbol of protection from virus. Her remains, along with Saint Victor, the Roman soldier with whom she stood, are distributed respectfully throughout Europe. But, some lay in a Chapel in Anzu, Italy, near the original epicenter of the European outbreak of COVID-19. The local Italians have taken to praying for Saint Corona’s intercession in protecting and healing them. In the 16th Centur y, a heav ily wooded a rea r i fe with lumberjacks would offer a prayer to her before getting on with their dangerous work. It is ironic since she would be killed by the release of trees. She is also called upon by treasure hunters after a successful hunter credited her for helping him fi nd his prize.
Sometimes she is shown with a treasure chest. She is ty pica lly show n with a red gown and a blue robe. This image reflects the palms as a shade-giving structure of generosity to refl ect the gesture of shelter she gave Victor in standing with him. Although tied, there is no tension in the ropes. She carries the martyr’s palm in her ringed hand and keeps her right hand on her lungs to give protection to those suffering from COV ID -19 a nd other viruses that affect the lungs. She wears a crown of daffodils, both poisonous and healing. The daffodil carries a center element referred to scientifically as the corona. Her halo reflects the COVID19 cell, a place to draw immunity. May this image bring healing and protection from disease. Wells is a traditional New Mexico retablo artist. She is seen monthly in the Gallup Sun. Enjoy coloring this image of the month! COMMUNITY
Image and text copyright ©2021 Sean Wells. Please contact SeanWellsCreates@gmail.com for any commercial use of this image. Thank you! COMMUNITY
Gallup Sun • Friday January 22, 2021
‘No Man’s Land’ is well-meaning, but unfocused By Glenn Kay For the Sun
RATING: OUT OF RUNNING TIME: 114 MINUTES This feature from IFC Films opens in select theaters, on digital platforms and VOD on Jan. 22. The new film No Man’s Land is one of the most earnest features to come around the bend in some time. It’s a neo-western dealing with the U.S. immigrant situation that shares the experiences of people from different backgrounds. This title benefits from a committed cast, although it soon becomes clear that the filmmakers are biting off more than they can chew. There are defi nitely moments that will help viewers feel empathy for all the parties involved, but the story eventually suffers from being pulled in too many different directions. Jackson Greer (Jake Allyn) is young man hoping to play professional baseball. He returns from school to visit his family’s Texas cattle ranch on the Mexican border. While there, his conservative parents (Andie MacDowell and Frank Grillo) and brother Lucas (Alex MacNicoll) complain about immigrants passing through their property. One night, while
riding into “no man’s land” between the countries to fi nd lost animals, family members cross paths with Gustavo (Jorge A. Jimenez), a kind “shepherd” leading a group across the border. A fracas ensues in which Jackson shoots and kills a young boy (Alessio Valentini). Jackson’s dad tries to cover for his son’s actions, but Texas Ranger Ramirez (George Lopez) knows that their story doesn’t add up. Guilt-ridden, the young man rides into Mexico as an illegal alien. In the process, he finds himself being targeted by a revenge-seeking Gustavo and his employer Luis (Andrés Delgado), a “coyote” or human smuggler. As mentioned, the movie is incredibly well-meaning in its attempts to detail the hardships of those making the dangerous journey across the border. Jackson is an innocent who doesn’t grasp the difficulties other experience. That is, until he goes through the process first-hand and is forced to work illegally at a job well below his skill set. The movie is none-toosubtle and the characters state some of the themes explicitly, but at least the cast manages to sell some of these awkward passages. In particular, Jimenez stands out as a character experiencing a variety of emotions over his loss, including rage and despair. But despite the solid work
Jackson Greer (Jake Allyn) wanted to play professional baseball when he got pulled into a family feud between his family in Texas and another on the other side of the border in Mexico in “No Man’s Land.” Photo Credit: IFC Films onscreen, there are certainly problems with this overly ambitious story. It literally wants to address every possible aspect of its subject and spreads itself too thin. There are so many story threads, it’s difficult to figure out who the protagonist is early on. The movie jumps around from Jackson and his story, to “shepherd” Gustavo and his job, the Greer family and ensuing drama involving brother Lucas, Texas Ranger Ramirez’s attempts to investigate the crime, as well as Gustavo’s and Luis’s hunt for Jackson.
Josie J Paiz
And that isn’t even every story thread. There are so many plotlines here that the movie doesn’t have the time to give them all the proper consideration and examination. It all becomes difficult to suspend disbelief when Jackson decides to make amends for the shooting and fi nd his way to the home town of the victim. Thanks to some remarkably convenient timing, he and many of the supporting characters all find themselves confronting each other at a funeral. It feels like a stretch and far too speedy a resolution. The movie would have benefited from tossing
aside some of its subplots, focusing on fewer elements and developing what remained in more detail. To be fair, one admires the ambition on display, the performances are solid and the movie is commendable in its efforts to help and in its efforts bring its characters together in order to better understand one another. Unfortunately, No Man’s Land takes on too much in the process and as a result is unfocused, leaving its most intriguing and enlightening elements in need of further development. V ISIT: W W W. CINEMASTANCE.COM
John P. Paiz
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Friday January 22, 2021 • Gallup Sun
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Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for January 22, 2021 By Glenn Kay For the Sun
elcome back to another look at highlights coming your way on Blu-ray and DVD. Despite it being the middle of January, it’s a remarkably busy edition with plenty of notable fl icks. So, since you can’t or likely shouldn’t head out to the movies this week, be sure to give one of these titles a try. BIG NEW RELEASES!
ASSASSINS: This documentary details the death of North Korean le a d e r K i m Jon g Un’s brother. The sibl i ng wa s murdered in a crowded Malaysian airport, causing a media frenzy and all sorts of speculation about what occurred. Eventually, two young women at the scene were investigated and charged with murder. The fi lmmakers attempt to determine whether they were the killers or pawns in a more elaborate scheme. This fi lm received plenty of raves from the press. In fact, every write-up about it has been positive. The consensus is that the story itself is remarkable and the moviemakers uncover some incredible details about the event that will keep viewers captivated throughout. As of right now, the documentary is being released exclusively on DVD. A Blu-ray will hopefully follow in the coming months. T H E CL I M B : A m a n decides to make a horrible con fe s sion t o h i s be s t friend while bik i ng w it h h i m i n t he mounta ins. Only days before his pal ties the knot, he admits that he recently had an affair with his pal’s bride. Naturally, everything falls apart, including the mens’ relationship. Some time later, the two damaged men are reunited and try to mend fences. COMMUNITY
But when the broken-hearted groom announces he’s marrying a new woman, the protagonist begins to cause even more friction. The press really enjoyed this independent feature. A small group found these self-destructive men frustrating to watch and didn’t appreciate the film’s humor. However, the majority liked the cast and were amused by the twisted bromance on display. The fl ick is currently arriving on DVD only, but hopefully a Blu-ray will also appear in the coming months. The cast i nclude s M ich a el A ngelo Covino, Kyle Marvin and Gayle Rankin. HEARTS AND BONES: A wa r zone photographer i s t he focus of this Australian drama. While back at home preppi ng a publ ic retrospective of his work, he is approached by a happily married Sudanese refugee. The visitor asks that the protagonist not include images from a massacre that occurred in his home town 15 years earlier. A friendship forms, but the relationship is challenged when the journalist makes a shocking discovery. Notices were good for the feature. One or two found it too low-key for their liking. However, most stated that this was a well-acted and engaging drama. They noted that while it wasn’t perfect, the movie took a personal approach to the refugee crisis and helped paint a picture of the challenges some immigrants go through. The cast includes Hugo Weaving, Andrew Luri and Hayley McElhinney. M A RTI N EDEN: T he well-regarded novel by Jack London about social classes ge t s a new a nd u n i q ue adaptation i n t h i s foreign-language feature. It shifts the story from the U.S. to Italy and follows a young working man who yearns to be a writer. Despite bei ng from a lower- cla ss
background, he decides to educate himself and fight against the rigid system that oppresses him. However, after fi nding success, his actions begin to come into conflict with his original ideals. The press was very taken with this period drama. There was a group who didn’t like the changes from the source material and were confused by the ideas being communicated. Still, the vast majority were engrossed by the lead actor’s performance and called it a passionate and ambitious fi lm … that may fi nd itself being rewarded with an Oscar nomination for Best International Feature. The cast includes Luca Marinelli, Jessica Cressy and Marco Leonardi. MISS JUNETEENTH: This tale follows a former beauty queen a nd single mom with a rebellious teenager. When the daughter decides to enter the town’s beauty pageant, her mother attempts to prepare her for t he compet it ion. Conflict arises between the two as the parent shares her feelings, not just about the big night, but also about her own regrets and frustrations in life. The press responded positively toward this low-key drama. They really liked the performances, felt that the movie addressed a great many issues and added credibility to the story by avoiding any easy or simple solutions for the characters. This picture is being released on DVD exclusively, but perhaps a Blu-ray will follow in the coming months. It stars Nicole Beharie, Kendrick Sampson, Alexis Chikaeze and Lori Hayes. ROLLING THUNDER REVIEW: A BOB DYLAN STORY BY M A RTI N SCORSESE: Back in 1975, Bob Dyla n bega n what became one of his most iconic tours. The artist set out to play more intimate venues in smaller towns. He devised an elaborate stage show with his opening acts that created a carnival atmosphere at every stop. Using ra re a rchiva l
footage, interv iews a nd other editing tr icks, f ilmmaker Martin Scorcese (Raging Bull, G oodfe l l a s, The Aviator, The Irishman) tells the story behind this famous series of shows. The documentary hit theaters back in 2019 and is now debuting on Blu-ray courtesy of Criterion (it also comes loaded with extras for those who enjoy bonus features). Notices for the picture were excellent, calling the movie brilliantly edited and stating that it effortlessly showcases the onstage charisma of Dylan and just how amazing the tour was. BL A STS FROM THE PAST! Shout! Factory is going back into its vaults to re-release some of its most popular titles in 4K Blu-ray. This week, it’s giving John Carpenter’s Prince of Darkness (1987) and They Live (1988) an updated image using the highest possible resolution. The fi rst movie is about PhD students investigating a canister hidden in the basement of a church that may contain Satan himself. And the second fl ick involves a working man who discovers that the upper classes are actually aliens who are running the world. Un i ve r s a l P ic t u r e s i s releasing a group of older Blu - r ay s t h a t h ave gone
out - of- pr i nt or needed a repressing. A wide variety of titles in various genres is being made available again at discounted pr ices. The titles being offered this week include Battleship (2012), C a s p e r (19 9 5 ), D r a c u l a Untold (2014), Glass (2019), Homefront (2013), Mile 22 (2018), Mortal Engines (2018), Skyscraper (2018), Slap Shot (1977) and Triple 9 (2016). For those interested, Slapshot may be the highlight of the bunch. It ’s a r g u a bly t he be s t hockey flick ever made and one of the best sports comedies that you’re ever likely to see. The featu re sta rs Paul Newman and Michael Ontkean. YOU KNOW, FOR KIDS! Here are some new releases for the kids. Charlie’s Colorforms City: Meet Charlie! (Netfl ix) Floogals: Season 1 PAW Patrol: Rubble on the Double (Nickelodeon) Scooby-Doo and Guess Who? Season 1 ON THE TUBE! And here are the week’s TV-themed releases. Bartender: Season 1 (2006 Japanese Anime) D r iv in g W hi l e B l a c k: Race, Space and Mobility in America (PBS) Floogals: Season 1 NOVA: Can We Cool the Planet? (PBS) Scooby-Doo and Guess Who? Season 1 V ISI T: W W W. CINEMASTANCE.COM
A ention Medicare Beneficiaries Did your Medicare plan change this year? Call us now to make sure you are in the right plan. We also help beneficiaries who are eligible for a Special Enrollment Period, such as new to Medicare, Medicare with Medicaid, Medicare with Low Income Subsidy (Extra Help), and those with Medicare who just moved into the area. You can also visit us online at www.ourmedicarestore.com or call 505-609-8226 to see if you qualify for extra benefits such as DENTAL, VISION, HEARING, FITNESS, TRANSPORTATION, AND OVER THE COUNTER PRODUCTS at li le or no cost to you! Gallup Sun • Friday January 22, 2021
Legislative Update
Education makes up almost half of executive budget PROPOSED BUDGET SHOWS COMMITMENT TO EDUCATION ‘MOONSHOT’ Staff Reports
ANTA FE — In a clear sign that Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s educ a t ion “ mo on s hot ” remains a key priority amid th is yea r’s econom ic a nd health crises, the Executive Bud get R ecom mend a t ion builds on recent investments and seeks innovative ways to support students who need it most. The proposed Fiscal Year 2022 budget , relea sed by the Department of Finance and Administration Jan. 18, recommends spending $3.3 billion of the $7.3 billion recurring general fund total on public education. That is a four percent increase from FY21 as the state moves aggressively to meet its legal and moral commitment to New Mexico students as outlined in the historic Yazzie-Martinez consolidated lawsuit. “ The wellbei ng a nd
education of New Mexico’s children continues to be a top priority for the state, despite the immense burden created by the pandemic,” the governor said. “That’s why this budget includes needed resources to meet the new challenge of getting children and students safely back to school and helping them excel.” T he Execut ive Bud get Recommendation seeks to ex pa nd the public education moonshot, which was launched in FY20 with the largest increase in education funding in state history. For FY22, the governor is asking the Legislature to expand the use of funds previously earmarked for K-5 Plus and Extended Learning Time Programs to allow school districts and charter schools access to that money to pay for career technical education and community school initiatives, in addition to paying for added learning time.
“We want more schools, more districts and more students to opt-in to programs designed to extend instructional time, and those that do will be eligible for additional resources for Career Tech n ica l Educat ion a nd Community Schools,” Public Education Depa r tment Secretary Ryan Stewart said. EQUITY FIRST BUDGET FOR PUBL IC EDUCATION Key to the governor’s plan are proposals to direct additional resources to schools and districts with the greatest proportion of low-income students. To that end, the budget proposes eliminating the practice of reducing state funding for districts that receive federal impact aid payments, funding that often supports the education of Native American students. This provision would cost $35 million and would mean additional resources to school
''A Tradition'' • A Gallup tradition with over 100 years of dedicated service. Now under new ownership, the Rollie legacy continues; providing the facilities and conveniences that serve families best with dignity, integrity and understanding.
The First Session of the 55th New Mexico Legislature began Jan. 19 at the Roundhouse in Santa Fe. Photo Credit: nmlegis.gov districts and charter schools. Add it ion a l ly, t he bud get includes a new “Family Income Index,” a proposal that would use more targeted tax and income data to identify schools that serve large populations of economically disadvantaged students and direct $80 million from the Public Education Reform Fund over two years to schools that need it the most. “The Family Income Index will let us better identify students who need the most support, and then direct more resources to their schools, which can decide how best to help them,” Stewart said. “At its heart, this is an equity budget designed to give all New Mexico children a better chance to learn and thrive.” Equity is also behind the executive budget proposal to tra nsfer $30 million in
unspent funds to the Indian Education Fund to support efforts to improve education in New Mexico’s tribal communities. The appropriation would support implementation of the Tribal Remedy Framework, support tribal s over ei g nt y a nd pr ov ide resources for locally-determined needs. CLOSING THE DIGITAL DIVIDE T he Execut ive Budget Recommendation also requests $10 million to provide digital devices and extend i nt er net con ne c t iv it y t o remote parts of New Mexico to give all students access to the tools they need to access digital content and instruction both during the health pandemic and in the future. State agency budgets for FY22 will be fi nalized during the 2021 legislative session.
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Friday January 22, 2021 • Gallup Sun
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GALLUP SUN ARCHIVES Need a past issue? $2.00 per copy. Note issue date and send check or M.O. to: Gallup Sun, PO Box 1212, Gallup, NM 87305. Subject to availability. AUTO SALES Gurley Motor Company
Like New $900.00 call 505387-2572 HELP WANTED Established property management corporation seeking an experienced full time Maintenance Technician position and full time manager’s position for a Gallup apartment community. Interested applicants send resumes to shannon@kay-kay. biz. ***
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DELIVERY DRIVER The Gallup Sun is hiring an independent contractor delivery driver. You must have a vehicle, valid driver’s license, registration, and insurance. Email resume or work history to gallupsuncirculation@ gmail.com ***
2020 Toyota Prius Only 600 miles! Hybrid Priced at $25,525 Will Match up to $800 on your Down Payment! Gurley Motor Co. 701 W. Coal Ave, Gallup, NM (505) 722-6621 www.gurleymotorford.com FOR SALE Aurora Diesel Generator 6500 Watts Starts with key-switch or wireless remote control. Four outlets rated at 20 amps each 120 volts. One outlet rated at 240 volts 30 amps CLASSIFIEDS
WRITERS WANTED The Gallup Sun seeks area talent to write articles for our paper. We’re seeking freelance correspondents, and one fulltime local reporter. Training provided. Send cover letter and resume to: gallupsun@ gmail.com *** RCS (Gallup, NM) seeking qualified applicants: Nurse Case Manager Weekend Coverage. Current NM RN license required. Recent grads and new nurses encouraged to apply. Must be 21 and pass a criminal background check. Signing bonus. Visit ramahcare.com or call (505)
863-8940 for an application. LEGAL/PUBLIC NOTICES COUNTY ASSESSOR ORDER NO. 20-122 NOTICE OF REQUIREMENTS TO REPORT CERTAIN MATTERS RELATING TO PROPERTY VALUATION AND CLAIMING EXEMPTION FROM PROPERTY TAXATION The County Assessor hereby publishes notice to property owners, pursuant to Section 7-38-18 NMSA 1978, as follows: 1. All property subject to valuation for property taxation purposes not valued by the Assessor in 2020 for property taxation purposes must be reported to the Assessor no later than the last day of February 2021, unless it is not subject to valuation for property taxation purposes in 2021. The report must contain the required information and be on a form that is obtained from the Assessor’s office. Section 7-38-8 NMSA 1978. 2. If you have made improvements to real property during 2020 and the improvements cost more than Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000), the improvements must be reported to the Assessor no later than the last day of February 2021. The information required and the form may be obtained from the Assessor’s office. Section 7-388© NMSA 1978. 3.All real property owned by any nongovernmental entity and claimed to be exempt from property taxation under the provisions of Paragraph (1) of Subsection B of Section 7-36-7 NMSA 1978 shall be reported for valuation purposes to the appropriate valuation authority. If a change in eligibility status or ownership of the property has changed, the change shall be reported no later than the last day of February 2021. Section 7-38-8.1 NMSA 1978.
26-50 WORDS: $10 51-75: WORDS: $20 76-100 WORDS: $30 $10 FOR EACH ADD’L 25 WORDS
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EMAIL: GALLUPSUNLEGALS@GMAIL.COM DUE: TUESDAYS 5 PM 4. If you own property that has decreased in value during 2020, and that property is subject to valuation for property taxation purposes, you must report the decrease in value to the Assessor no later than the last day of February 2021. The report must contain the required information and must be on a form that is obtained from the Assessor’s office. Section 7-3813 NMSA 1978. 5. If you believe that your real property is entitled to headof-family exemption, veteran exemption or disabled veteran exemption from property taxation, you must apply to the Assessor for exempt status no later than thirty (30) days after the mailing of the County Assessor’s notices of valuation in order to be entitled to the exemption from taxation in 2021. Exceptions: If an exemption from taxation was in effect for 2020 and the basis of the exempt status or use is unchanged from that year, application for exemption need not be made for 2021. If you have previously been granted an exemption and now have a change in ownership or status you must notify the Assessor of the change no later than the last day of February 2021 of the change. If required, application for exemption must contain the required information and must be on a form that is obtained from the Assessor’s office. Section 7-3817 NMSA 1978. 6. Property subject to valuation is presumed to be nonresidential and will be so recorded by the Assessor unless you declare the property to be residential no later than the last day of February 2021. If your property has changed in use from residential to
nonresidential or from nonresidential to residential use you must declare this status to the Assessor no later than the last day of February 2021. The declaration must contain the required information and must be in a form that may be obtained from the Assessor’s office. Section 7-38-17.1 NMSA 1978. 7. If you are a person who is sixty-five (65) years of age or older or disable, and whose “modified gross income” was not greater than $35,400 in 2020 and you own and occupy a single-family dwelling you may be eligible for a limitation on the taxable value of your residence. The limitation of value specified in Subsections A, B and C under Section 7-36-21.3 NMSA 1978 shall be applied in the tax year in which the owner claiming entitlement files with the county assessor an application for the limitation. The application must contain the required information and must be on a form that is obtained from the Assessor’s office. Section 7-36-21.3 NMSA 1978. 8. If your land was valued in 2020 in accordance with the special method of valuation for land used primarily for agricultural purpose, and the land is still used primarily for agricultural purposes, you need not reapply for that special method of valuation in 2020, but it is no longer used primarily for agricultural purposes, you must report the change to the Assessor no later than the last day of February 2021. If your land was not valued in accordance with that method of valuation in 2020 and it is now used primarily for agricultural
Gallup Sun • Friday January 22, 2021
CLASSIFIEDS | FROM PAGE 19 purposes, application must be made under oath, in a form and contain the information required by department rules and must be made no later than thirty (30) days after the mailing of the County Assessor’s notices of valuation in order to be entitled to the exemption from taxation in 2021. Section 7-36-20 NMSA 1978. 9. If you own “livestock” that is subject to valuation for property taxation purposes, you must report such livestock to the Assessor. All such livestock present in the county on January 1, 2021 must be reported to the Assessor no later than the last day of February 2021. If the livestock is transported into the county after January 1, 2021, it must be reported to the Assessor no later than the first day of the month following the first month in which the livestock has been present in the county for twenty (20) days. The report must contain the required information and must be on forms obtained from the Assessor’s office. Section 7-3621 NMSA 1978. 10. If you own a manufactured home [that was not previously
assessed] and it was present in the county on January 1, 2021, you must report it to the Assessor no later than the last day of February 2021. The report must contain certain required information and must be on a form obtained from the Assessor’s office. Section 7-3626 NMSA 1978.
THIS NOTICE IS ONLY A BRIEF STATEMENT OF THE PROVISIONS OF SECTIONS 7-38-8, 7-38-8.1, 7-38-13, 7-38-17, 7-38-17.1, 7-36-7, 7-36-21.3, 7-36-20, 7-36-21, and 7-36-26 NMSA 1978, and related Taxation & Revenue Department Regulations. It is not intended to reflect the full content of these provisions, which may be examined at the office of the County Assessor. Done this 30th day of November 2020 in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Santiago Chavez, Director Property Tax Division Publish: Gallup Sun January 8, 2021 January 15, 2021 January 22, 2021 *** STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF MCKINLEY ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT
Read online at gallupsun.com MINDY R. SNYDER, Petitioner. v. KELLY JIM, Respondent. No. D-1113-DM-2020-00167 NOTICE OF PENDENCY OF ACTION TO: KELLY JIM You are hereby notified that an action has been filed against you in the above-entitled cause of a dissolution of marriage. The Petitioner is represented
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by an attorney and their name is the Law Office of Dorene A. Kuffer, P.C. (Dorene A. Kuffer), address is 500 4th Street NW, Suite 250, Albuquerque, NM and telephone number is (505) 924-1000. You are further notified that unless you enter an answer in said cause within thirty (30) days after the last publication of this notice, a judgement by default will be entered against you. IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have hereto set my hand and seal of said court this 06 day of January 2021.
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Publish: Gallup Sun January 8, 2021 January 15, 2021 January 22, 2021
DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF McKINLEY STATE OF NEW MEXICO In the Matter of the Estate of PAUL JEROME LANDAVAZO, Deceased. No. D-1113-PB-2020-00043 NOTICE TO CREDITORS PAUL J. LANDAVAZO, JR. has been appointed Personal Representatives of the Estate of PAUL JEROME LANDAVAZO, deceased. All persons having claims against this estate are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or the claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented either to the Personal Representative at the offices of Mason & Isaacson, P.A., 104 East Aztec Avenue, Gallup, New Mexico, 87301, attorneys for the Personal Representative, or filed with the District Court of Cibola County, New Mexico.
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Pay By Phone: (505) 722-8994 The Gallup Sun is distributed weekly, on Fridays. Forms received after Wednesday, the subscription will start the following Friday.
20 Friday January 22, 2021 • Gallup Sun
www.nmhu.edu CLASSIFIEDS
CLASSIFIEDS | FROM PAGE 20 Dated: 12/23/20. PAUL J. LANDAVAZO, JR. MASON & ISAACSON, P.A. James J. Mason Attorneys for Personal Representatives 104 East Aztec Avenue Gallup, New Mexico 87301 (505) 722-4463 Published: Gallup Sun January 8, 2021 January 15, 2021 January 22, 2021 *** RESOLUTION NO. R2021-1 ANNUAL DETERMINATION OF NOTICE UNDER THE OPEN MEETINGS ACT WHEREAS, the Gallup City Council met in regular session at Gallup City Hall, 110 West Aztec Avenue; Gallup, New Mexico, on Tuesday, January 12, 2021, at 6:00 p.m., as required by law; and WHEREAS, Section 10-151B of the Open Meetings Act (NMSA 1978, Sections 1015-1 to 10-15-4) states that, except as may be otherwise provided in the Constitution or the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, all meetings of a quorum of members of any board, council, commission, administrative adjudicatory body or other policymaking body of any state or local public agency held for the purpose of formulating public policy, discussing public business or for the purpose of taking any action within the authority of or the delegated authority of such body, are declared to be public meetings open to the public at all times; and WHEREAS, the New Mexico Attorney General has provided guidance to public bodies in New Mexico regarding their obligation to comply with the Open Meetings Act during the COVID-19 public health crisis, in which the mass gathering of people have been restricted due to the public health orders issued by the State; and WHEREAS, any meetings subject to the Open Meetings Act at which the discussion or adoption of any proposed CLASSIFIEDS
resolution, rule, regulation or formal action occurs shall be held only after reasonable notice to the public; and WHEREAS, Section 10-151D of the Open Meetings Act requires the Gallup City Council to determine annually what constitutes reasonable notice of its public meetings. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the governing body of the City of Gallup, New Mexico, that: 1) All meetings shall be held at the Council Chambers of Gallup City Hall, 110 West Aztec Avenue; Gallup, New Mexico or as indicated in the meeting notice, unless the meetings are virtually held due to the COVID-19 public health restrictions. The Gallup City Council will comply with the Attorney General’s guidelines for conducting virtual meetings. 2) Unless otherwise specified, regular meetings shall be held on the second (2nd) and fourth (4th) Tuesdays of each month at 6:00 p.m. The agenda will be available at least seventytwo (72) hours prior to the meeting from the City Clerk, whose office is located at Gallup City Hall, 110 West Aztec Avenue; Gallup, New Mexico. The agenda will be posted on the bulletin board at the entrance to Gallup City Hall and the bulletin board at the Office of the City Clerk. The agenda will also be posted on the City of Gallup’s website at www.GallupNM.gov. 3) Notice of regular meetings other than those described in Paragraph 2 will be given ten days in advance of the meeting date. The notice will include a copy of the agenda or information on how a copy of the agenda may be obtained. If not included in the notice, the agenda will be available at least seventy-two hours before the meeting and posted on the City of Gallup’s website at www.GallupNM.gov. 4) Special meetings may be called by the Mayor or two (2) members of the governing body upon three (3) days notice, pursuant to Section 1-6-6D of the Gallup City Code. The notice shall include an agenda for the meeting or information on how members of the public may obtain a
copy of the agenda. The agenda will be available to the public at least seventytwo (72) hours before the meeting and posted on the City of Gallup’s website at www. GallupNM.gov. 5) Emergency meetings will be called only under unforeseen circumstances that demand immediate action to protect the health, safety and property of citizens or to protect the public body from substantial financial loss. The Gallup City Council will avoid emergency meetings whenever possible. Emergency meetings may be called by the Mayor or by two (2) members of the governing body upon twenty-four (24) hours prior notice, unless threat of personal injury or property damage requires less notice. The notice for all emergency meetings shall include an agenda for the meeting or information on how the public may obtain a copy of the agenda. Within ten (10) days of taking action on an emergency matter, the Gallup City Council will notify the New Mexico Attorney General’s Office. 6) For the purposes of regular meetings described in paragraph 3 of this Resolution, notice requirements are met by posting of the notice of the date, time, place, and the agenda on the bulletin board at the entrance to Gallup City Hall, on the bulletin board at the Office of the City Clerk and on the City of Gallup’s website at www.GallupNM.gov. Copies of the written notice shall be electronically mailed to those broadcast stations licensed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and newspapers of general circulation that made a written request for notice of public meetings. 7) For the purposes of special meetings and emergency meetings described in paragraphs 4 and 5 of this Resolution, notice requirements shall be met by posting notice of the date, time, place and the agenda on the bulletin board at the entrance to Gallup City Hall, on the bulletin board at the Office of the City Clerk and on the City of Gallup’s website at www.GallupNM. gov. The City Clerk shall also provide notice by telephone or E-mail to those broadcast
stations licensed by the FCC and newspapers of general circulation that have made a written request for notice of public meetings. 8) In addition to the information specified above, all notices shall include the following language: Auxiliary aides for the disabled are available upon request. Please contact the City Clerk at (505) 863-1254 at least one (1) week prior to the meeting or as soon as possible in advance of the meeting to make any necessary arrangements.
Section 10-15-1H of the Open Meetings Act, any action taken as a result of discussions in a closed meeting shall be made by vote of the City Council in an open public meeting. 10) Nothing in this Resolution shall alter any legal requirement for greater or different notice of any specific public hearing. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 12th day of January, 2021. CITY OF GALLUP, NEW MEXICO By: /s/ Louie Bonaguidi, Mayor
9) The Gallup City Council may close a meeting to the public only if the subject matter of such discussion or action is excepted from the open meetings requirement under Section 10-15-1H of the Open Meetings Act. a) If any meeting is closed during an open meeting, such closure shall be approved by a majority vote of a quorum of the City Council taken during the open meeting. The authority for the closed meeting and the subjects to be discussed shall be stated with reasonable specificity in the motion to close and the vote of each individual member on the motion to close shall be recorded in the minutes. Only those subjects specified in the motion may be discussed in a closed meeting. b) If a closed meeting is conducted when the City Council is not in an open meeting, the closed meeting shall not be held until public notice, appropriate under the circumstances, stating the specific provision of law authorizing the closed meeting and the subjects to be discussed with reasonable specificity, is given to the members and to the general public. c) Following the completion of any closed meeting, the minutes of the open meeting that was closed, or the minutes of the next open meeting if the closed meeting was separately scheduled, shall state whether the matters discussed in the closed meeting were limited only to those specified in the motion or notice for closure. d) Except as provided in
ATTEST: /s/ Alfred Abeita II, City Clerk PUBLISH: Friday, January 22, 2021 *** Legal Notice Invitation To Bid Public Notice is hereby provided that the GallupMcKinley County Schools is accepting competitive sealed bids for: PLAYGROUNDS INSTALLED AT SPECIFIC SITES MULTI-STEP BID METHOD – PHASE I ITB-2021-28MA Commodity Code(s): 98873 As more particularly set out in the BID documents, copies of which may be obtained by downloading from the GallupMcKinley County Schools eBidding platform website https://gmcs.bonfirehub.com Sealed TECHNICAL OFFERS for such will be received until 2:00 P.M. (LOCAL TIME) on, February 10, 2021. FAX and HARDCOPY PROPOSALS will NOT be accepted. Bidders will not be able to upload bids or documents after the specified CLOSING date and time. The Gallup-McKinley County School Board of Education reserves the right to reject any or all bids, waive
Gallup Sun • Friday January 22, 2021
CLASSIFIEDS | FROM PAGE 21 any formalities or minor inconsistencies, and/or cancel this solicitation in its entirety. Dated this 22nd Day of January 2021 By: /S/ Charles Long, President Board of Education Gallup-McKinley County School District No. 1 BID ISSUE DATE: January 22, 2021 PUBLICATION DATES: January 22 & 29, 2021 (Gallup Sun) *** Public Notice Gallup Business improvement District, Inc. was not able to virtually conduct its regular monthly Board of Directors Meeting on January 21, 2021. The meeting has been rescheduled for Thursday, January 28, at 3 PM. The agenda and access information for this virtual meeting will be available 72 hours prior to the meeting from francis@ gallupbid.com and on the City of Gallup website. PUBLISH: Gallup Sun January 22, 2021 *** Gallup BID Board meeting, January 28, 2021, 3PM (Note: This meeting was rescheduled from January 21, 2021) Zoom access – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8399 6431700?pwd=TlRQOUltVDBZ NVVxMEJpMUUv QmRyZz09 Meeting ID: 839 9643 1700 Passcode: 860133 Agenda Gallup Business Improvement District Meeting January 28, 2021, 3 PM Call to order Attendance – roll call Motion to Approve Agenda Motion to Approve Minutes from November 19, 2020 meeting Motion to Approve Monthly Financial Report Voting items: Motion to make a request of City of Gallup to reduce the amount charged by City of Gallup to manage the billing and receipt of funds from property owner BID assessment fees. Discussion: Installation of security cameras in the BID District – JM DeYoung
Alley Improvement project update Coal Avenue construction update REDP – NDC update Other discussion Reports December 14 – Meeting with Sherman McCorkle and Anna Biava December 14 – Virtual Meeting, open for the public, with the members of the Downtown Safety Committee December 16 – GGEDC Board of Directors approved REDP contract with NDC December 18 – Discussion with Lorraine Ruggles, NM EDD representative, about the terms and conditions for EDD financial support for REDP agreement with NDC December 18 – Discussion with Sheldon Bartel, NDC – status update December 20 – Memo from Eileen Yarborough – Cibola Communities Foundation approved the REDP agreement with NDC December 23 – NDC virtual Zoom presentation with preliminary information about the newest federal Covid relief economic recovery package December 29 – three hour discussion with Comcast Business to resolve billing errors December 31 – discussion with Rep. Lundstrom about the scheduling of NDC training sessions and mentoring for individual REDP member EDOs January 3 – Vince Alonzo – Parks & Rec removed graffiti from 11 downtown buildings sprayed during New Year’s weekend January 5- Downtown Safety Committee - virtual monthly meeting January 7 – GEDA zoom meeting- including discussions about the method for conducting the 2021 NM Legislative session, outreach to local legislators, virtual Annual Economic Roundtable, capital outlay requests January 9 – NDC zoom presentation about the latest federal PPP economic relief package, including description of NDC’s Grow America Fund participation January 9 – Discussion with Sheldon Bartel, NDC, about NDC’s Grow America Fund participation in the federal PPP program. January 9 – Discussion with Mayor Bonaguidi about NDC Grow America Fund and the
22 Friday January 22, 2021 • Gallup Sun
PPP relief program January 12 – New Mexico Economic Summit presented by UNM January 13 – Meeting with Sherman McCorkle January 14 – Telephone meeting with Lorraine Ruggles, NM EDD January 15 – Discussion with Sheldon Bartel, NDC, about opportunity to utilize NDC Grow America Fund to apply for Federal PPP round 2 funds Date of next Gallup BID Board meeting Motion to adjourn PUBLISH: Gallup Sun January 22, 2021
respondents are required to set up their free account with Negometrix. Register your company at Negometrix.com. Only ELECTRONICIALLY SUBMITTED PROPOSALS will now be accepted; system will not accept bids submitted AFTER due date and time. Dated this 20th day of January, 2021 By: /S/ Louie Bonaguidi, Mayor Classified Legal Column: Gallup Sun Publishing Date: Friday, January 22, 2021
set up their free account with Negometrix. Register your company at Negometrix.com. Only ELECTRONICIALLY SUBMITTED PROPOSALS will now be accepted; system will not accept proposals submitted AFTER due date and time. Dated this 20th day of January 2021 By: /S/ Louie Bonaguidi, Mayor Classified Legal Column: Gallup Sun Publishing Date: Friday, January 22, 2021
*** ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS CITY OF GALLUP, NEW MEXICO FORMAL BID NO. 2101 Public notice is hereby given that the City of Gallup, New Mexico, will receive sealed bids for the following: Construction of 115kV Shoofly and Steel H-Frame Structure Allison Substation-City of Gallup As more particularly set out in the Bid documents, copies of which may be obtained from the City of Gallup Purchasing Division, 110 W. Aztec Ave., Gallup, New Mexico 87301; or contact Frances Rodriguez, Purchasing Director at (505) 863-1334. Copies are available for viewing or can be downloaded from: https://app. negometrix.com/buyer/3226 Electronically submitted bids for such will be received at the Office of the Purchasing Department until 2:00 P.M. (LOCAL TIME) on February 9, 2021 when bids will be opened and read aloud in the City Hall Purchasing Conference Room via virtual conference/video calls or through other virtual means. The City of Gallup has transitioned to a new e-Bid/ RFP software system powered by Negometrix. All solicitations will be released electronically through Negometrix and responses from bidders must be submitted electronically through this online platform. By using Negometrix, prospective bidders will be provided with all information regarding a bid including addendums and changes to the project requirements. Negometrix is a completely free service for all respondents. Prior to submitting a proposal,
ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS CITY OF GALLUP, NEW MEXICO Request for Proposals (RFP) NO. 2020/2021/04/P Public notice is hereby given that the City of Gallup, New Mexico, is accepting proposals for: COLLECTIVE BARGAINING CONSULTANT As more particularly set out in the RFP documents, copies of which may be obtained from the City of Gallup Purchasing Division, 110 W. Aztec Ave., Gallup, New Mexico 87301; or contact Frances Rodriguez, Purchasing Director at (505) 863-1334. Copies are available for viewing or can be downloaded from: https://app. negometrix.com/buyer/3226 Electronically submitted proposals shall be received via electronic bidding platform until 2:00 P.M. (LOCAL TIME) on or before February 16, 2021 where proposals will be received and recorded by the City of Gallup Purchasing Department via virtual conference/video calls or through other virtual means. The City of Gallup has transitioned to a new e-Bid/ RFP software system powered by Negometrix. All solicitations will be released electronically through Negometrix and responses from proponents must be submitted electronically through this online platform. By using Negometrix, prospective proponents will be provided with all information regarding a bid including addendums and changes to the project requirements. Negometrix is a completely free service for all respondents. Prior to submitting a proposal, respondents are required to
ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS NOTICE TO BIDDERS Public notice is hereby given that the Gallup-McKinley County Schools, Gallup New Mexico, desires to purchase the following: ITB-2020-27RB IRRIGATED LANDSCAPING, INSTALLED AT SPECIFIC SITES MULTI-STEP BID METHOD—PHASE I Commodity Code(s): 98852 As more particularly set out in the bid documents, copies of which may be obtained by downloading from the GallupMcKinley County Schools eBidding platform website https://gmcs.bonfirehub.com/ portal Sealed bids for such will be received until 2:00 PM (LOCAL TIME) on February 10, 2021. FAX and HARDCOPY PROPOSALS will NOT be accepted. Offerors will not be able to upload proposals or documents after the specified CLOSING date and time. Dated the 21st Day of January, 2021 By: /S/Charles Long, President Board of Education Gallup-McKinley County School District No. 1 BID ISSUE DATE: January 21, 2021 PUBLICATION DATE: January 22, 2021 (Gallup Sun) January 24, 2021 (Albuquerque Journal) CLASSIFIEDS
4 PM @galluplibrary. This week we will focus on OFPL Real Life “Among Us.”
Visit YouTube @galluplibrary to view episodes of the OFPL “Totally True” series where we’re exploring the OFPL non-fiction collections in books and online. “Gale in Context” is the topic. Videos are posted Wed., Fri a@ 11 am SATURDAY, January 23
1 pm on Facebook@galluplibrary. to make your DIY cosmetics from items around your home. Each ingredient list will be available on our website ofpl. online. All Self-Care episodes are available after the livestream. Visit YouTube, @ galluplibrary. This week we will focus on all-natural mascara. For more information: jwhitman@gallupnm.gov; (505) 863-1291.
8 am and available all day. Take a virtual tour of the collection. Past programs available to watch now at IndianPueblo.org MONDAY, January 25
4 pm @ YouTube @gallup library. Create your own art using materials found around your home! Courses are geared towards individuals approximately 15-years of age and older. Supply kits are available at OFPL on a firstcome, first-serve basis and to request supplies go through the Online Request Form. This week we will focus on Flower Mandala Suncatchers (Using four supplies create unique flower mandalas to hang in your window). Videos are posted weekly For more information: jwhitman@gal-
NEZ CONGRATULATES BIDEN | FROM PAGE 8 and congressional leaders on both aisles in Congress,” Lizer concluded. BIDEN-HARRIS PLAN FOR TRIBAL NATIONS In October, President Nez met with Biden and Harris and CALENDAR
lupnm.gov; (505) 863-1291. TUESDAY, January 26
We are reading Trail of Lightning by Rebecca Roanhorse for our January session. Discussions Jan. 30 at 3:00 pm. Session will take place via Zoom. For more information childlib@gallupnm.gov; call (505) 863-1291.
4 pm YouTube, @galluplibrary. Join the creative genius of the Octavia Fellin Public Library and our unusually talented neighbors for booktalks, author-talks, movie-talks, pop-talks, food-talks, maker-talks, tech-talks.
5 pm @galluplibrary. for “How to” tech shorts. This month we are focusing on Tech Products and emerging tech. For more information: libtrain@gallupnm.gov or call (505) 863-1291.
1:30 pm-2:30 pm @ UNM Gallup Lions Hall parking lot (705 Gurley Ave.). Pre-registration is preferred, but not required at cvtestreg. nmhealth.org NM Dept of Health 1919 College Drive WEDNESDAY, January 27
Learn the steps for making YouTube videos, starting with recording, great software for editing, video formats, and how to upload the finished product to YouTube.
Visit YouTube @galluplibrary to view episodes of the OFPL “Totally True” series where we’re exploring the OFPL non-fiction collections in books and online. We Say #neveragain is the topic. Videos are posted Wed., Fri a@ 11 am
highlighted the need for federal partners to work with the Navajo Nation to move forward with infrastructure development projects to provide clean water, electricity, broadband, and roads for more Navajo people. Among other priorities, he also spoke about the need to improve the health care system for tribes to improve health disparities, supporting economic
THURSDAY, January 28
1:30 pm-2:30 pm @ UNM Gallup Lions Hall parking lot (705 Gurley Ave.). Pre-registration is preferred, but not required at cvtestreg.nmhealth.org NM Dept of Health 1919 College Drive
4 pm on Facebook and Youtube @galluplibrary (all ages) for family-friendly crafts and step-by-step tutorials for all skill levels. This week we will focus on building a Cardboard Toy Car Garage. ONGOING
All Day. The time for another virtual escape room is here! Access our digital escape room collection on our website http://ofpl.online or through social media @ galluplibrary. Escape Room 2 will be posted beginning Jan. 2. Registration is not required, play anytime at home. For more information: libtrain@ gallupnm.gov; (505) 863-1291 for more information.
Call to Artists! OFPL is seeking visual art from community artists in the first OFPL Virtual Juried Art Showcase. 2021 Virtual Theme: “Art for ArtSake.”. Submit 1-3 high quality image(s) of 2D or 3D medium visual arts for OFPL’s Virtual Juried Art Showcase. Visual art may include drawing, painting, photography, sculpture, ceramics, jewelry, weaving, and more. Juried art showcase is divided into the following age categories: 0-4, 5-7, 8-12, 13-17, and 18+. Please see showcase requirements below: Submission deadline: Feb. 28 by 11:59 pm. Send all submissions to jwhitman@gallupnm. gov by deadline. For more information: jwhitman@gallupnm.gov; (505) 863-1291.
Urgent Care Clinic (520 Hwy. 564). Walk-ins 5 pm- 9 pm, Sat., 9 am - 9 pm and 12 pm-5 pm Sun. Please bring insurance information. For those with no health insur-
development, educational priorities, remediating uranium mining sites, water rights settlements, solid waste management, and improving public safety. The Biden-Harris Plan for Tribal Nations states, “Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are committed to upholding the U.S.’s trust responsibility to tribal nations, strengthening
ance there will be a $25 fee. Pre-registration can be done during hours of operation, 9 am-9 pm. For more information: (505) 863-2273.
9 am-5 pm Mon.-Fri. @ Urgent Care Center (520 NM Hwy 564, north of the New Mexico Cancer Center). Closed on Sundays. Rapid testing is not available.
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Health Care Services is making appointments for individuals in Phase 1B of the vaccine distribution plan. For detailed information call (505) 4882684; https://bit.ly/2M0n2bV
NAVAJO IHS COVID-19 TESTING SCHEDULE 7 am-7 pm @Chinle Comprehensive Health Care Facility (Sun.-Sat.) 8:30 am-4:30 pm @ Piñon Health Center (M, T, W, F) 1:15 pm-4:30 pm @ Piñon Health Center (Th) 8:30 am-4 pm @ Tsaile Health Center (M,W,F) 1 pm-4 pm @ Tsaile Health Center (Th) 9 am-1 pm @ Rock Point Clinic (T) 8:30 am-12 pm @Crownpoint Healthcare Facility (M.T,Th,F) 12:45 pm-3:45 pm Drive-Up @ Crownpoint Healthcare Facility (M.T,Th,F) 9am-3:30 pm Walk In Clinic @ Pueblo Pintado Clinic (M-Th) 9:30 am-11:30 am; 1 pm-3:30 pm (Drive-Up) @ Pueblo Pintado (F) 9 am-12pm Drive Up @ Thoreau Clinic (M, F)
House Health Center (M, T, Th, F) 1 pm-4 pm @ Inscription House Health Center (Wed.)
NAVAJO IHS FLU VACCINE SCHEDULE 8 am-5 pm @Chinle Comprehensive Health Care Facility (M, T, W, F) 1 pm-5 pm Drive-Thru @ Chinle Comprehensive Health Care Facility (Th) Flu vaccinations are given in the Outpatient department. 8:30 am-4:30 pm Drive-Thru @ Piñon Health Center (M, T, W, F) 1:15 pm-4:30 pm Drive-Thru @ Piñon Health Center (Th) 8:30 am-4 pm Drive-Thru @ Tsaile Health Center (M,W,F) 1 pm-4 pm Drive-Thru @ Tsaile Health Center (Th) 9 am-1 pm @ Rock Point Clinic (T) 8 am-4 pm @ Crownpoint Healthcare Facility (M, T, Th, F) appointments only – (505) 786-6270 @ Crownpoint Healthcare Facility (Wed.) 9:45 am-11:30 am @ Pueblo Pintado Clinic (M-F) (Closed first Wed. of the month) Appointments only – call (505) 655-3254 9 am-11:30 am @ Thoreau Clinic (M. T. Th, F) 1 pm-3:30 pm @ Thoreau Clinic (Wed.) Appointments only – call (505) 862-8761 *Limited flu shots available daily 8 am-4 pm @Kayenta Health Center (M-F) 8 am-4 pm @ Inscription House Health Center (M, T, Th, F) 1 pm-4 pm @ Inscription House Health Center (Wed.)
9 am-4 pm @Gallup Indian Medical Center (M-F) Car-based testing located on Government Circle Dr. (Next to Emergency Dept.) @Gallup Indian Medical Center 8 am-3:30 pm Appointments 8 am-3:30 pm Drive-Thru @ only – call (505) 733-8150 @ Tohatchi Health Center (M, T, Tohatchi Health Center (M-F) Th, F) 12 pm-3:30 pm Drive-Thru @ Tohatchi Health Center To post a nonprofit or (Wed.) civic event in the calendar 8:30 am-4 pm @Kayenta Health Center (Sun.-Sat.) 8:30 am-4 pm @ Inscription
the Nation-to-Nation relationship between the United States and Indian tribes, and working to empower tribal nations to govern their own communities and make their own decisions.” The plan says that the Biden-Harris Administration will reinstate the a nnua l White House Tribal Nations Conference, appoint Native A mer ic a n s t o h ig h -level
section, please email: gallupsunevents@gmail.com or fax: (505) 212-0391. Deadline: Monday at 5 pm.
government positions, appoint judges who understand federal Indian law, ensure fulfi llment of federal trust and treaty obligations, promote meaningful tribal consultation, defend the Indian Child Welfare Act, and strengthen self-governance. To view the Biden-Harris Plan for Tribal Nations, please visit: https://joebiden.com/ tribalnations/.
Gallup Sun • Friday January 22, 2021
Gallup business Improvement District Economic Improvement Message Gallup, along with most New Mexico cities and towns, has closed down much of its economy in order to protect the local population from the health effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. Communities like Gallup that have protected their downtown commercial districts will have a decisive competitive advantage as we return to normalcy. In time, Gallup will prosper again, as it always has after crises. Gallup Business Improvement District is working with legal, financial and economic development experts to expand the scope of its existing programs in order to provide assistance to Gallup’s property and business owners. Investors and developers who were interested in economic development projects in Gallup prior to the Covid-19 crisis remain interested today. They see this period as a delay in their work, not a cancellation. These projects will bring millions of dollars of outside investment into Gallup. Gallup BID, GGEDC, NW NM COG, City of Farmington, 4 Corners Economic Development and Cibola Communities Economic Development Foundation have created an alliance to pursue a regional economic development effort - Regional Economic Development Partners - with the assistance of National Development Council.
Gallup BID is the lead entity and fiscal agent for this alliance. “Regional Economic Development Partners” alliance members will participate in and bring to their communities: • Advanced training in economic and community development finance programs and community development • Process improvement • Improvement of existing buildings, especially in downtown districts Business attraction and job creation Low to Middle Income Housing, including participation with “NDC New Markets” for tax credit flow to investors in qualified community development projects that benefit Low to Middle Income communities. NDC works with a large pool of such investors. Potential to participate with NDC’s Community Development Group, Inc. to further industrial and commercial development projects Potential for our regional alliance to create a “Regional Economic Grow Fund”, leveraged up 3 to 1 with funds from NDC’s “Grow America Fund” – a small business lending program designed to catalyze job creation. For example, if we create a $1 million fund, NDC will match with $3 million. NDC will provide technical assistance and advocacy in the Client’s efforts to seek funding or leverage existing resources through Federal governmental programs. 24 Friday January 22, 2021 • Gallup Sun