Gallup Sun • February 26, 2021

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VOL 7 | ISSUE 309 | FEBRUARY 26, 2021

HOW’S BUSINESS? THE T HE PAIN PAIN O OF F2 25 5P PERCENT ERCENT CAPACITY CAPACITY Y By B yK Kevin ev viin nO Opsahl psah ps ahll Sun Su S un Correspondent Co C orr rres spo onden nden nd nt


hen GallupM c K i n l e y Chamber of Commerce Co om mm mer erce ce eC CEO EO EO Bill B Bi ill ll Lee Le ee ew was as a as asked sk ke ed dh how ow wb busiusius iinesses ne ess s es es h have aavve ffa fared areed over o er tthe ov he llast astt as year ye ear ar b because ecau ec ause se of of the the coronavith co oro rona navi vi-vi russ p ru pa pandemic, an nd deem dem miicc, he he p paused. ausse au aus ed. ed d. ““It’s “I Itt’’s bee be been een en pretty pre ett tty ty tough,” tou to ug g gh, h,,” Le L Lee ee said. ssa aid aid d. But B Bu ut th tthe he C Ch Chamber ha am mbe mb ber ha h has as be b been een en on the on th he e frontlines fro ront ntli lin line ne es of es of economic eco con no o omi mic mi rre reco recovery, eco c ov ve ery r y, he he said, sai a id, d, providing prov r ov ro viidi d ing i ng ng information in nfo form rmatio atiio at o on n on on b best esst pr p pra practices rac actice acti tice ti ces fo ffor or staying sst tay ayin ing op ing o open; peen n; writing wrrit w rit itin itin ng grant ggrran ant appliap pp pllii-ccations ca ati tio on ns to to Gallup Gal allu lup and and McKinley an MccK M Kiin nlley ey County Co C ou un nty ty for fo orr relief; reellie liieef; f; and and nd advocating ad dvvo occat a in ing on o n behalf beh hal alf of of businesses bu ussiin neessse ses to to state sta tate ate te lawmakers lla aw awm wm ma ak ker ers fo ers ffor or pr or p programs rog ogra ogra am mss that tha h at will wi w illll h help ellp th elp tthem. hem em. em. “We “W We continue cont co nttin iin nue ue to to see see ev se every very er y er bu b business usi sine sine essss a ass im important mpo port r ta an nt in nt no our ur ur community,” comm co om mm mun unittyy,,” Lee unit Lee said, Le saaid id, noting no n ottiin oti ngg the the he Chamber’s C Ch ham mbe berr’’s Bo ber’ B Board oar ard of o D Directors irec ir ectto ors rs made made ma de a d decision e is ec isio ion io n to oh help elp el p any any business bu b usi sine iness ness ne ss iin n th the he a ar area rea ad during urin ur rin ing th ing tthe he pandemic. pand pa ndem nd em mic ic. . .

McKinley Mc McKi cK Kii nl n ley nley y C County ou nt ou nty t y iiss iin n a rredre red-level edd-le eve vel c vel ca category, ate teg go ory r y, th that hatt ttransra n ra ran nsssllates la atte eess in into ntto o business bus usin ines esss re rrestrictions, essttri riccttio rict on nss, which w wh hic ich include iin ncl c ud ude de no no indoor in nd doo or di d dini dining ini niing ng ng and a an nd keep k ke keeping eep epin ng essential ess se e sent nt ia ia l reta rretail re etta a ill spaces ssp p pac ac a ces es tto o2 25 5p percent erc er ce ent nt c customer usto us tome to tome m r capacity. ca capa apa paci citty city y. Lee y. Lee iss hopeful Le hop opef eful ul that tha h at more mo m ore ev vaccinations accina ac ciin na ation tion ti ns can ca n occur occ oc cu ur sso o tthat hat ha at th the c the co county oun unty unty ty can can an move mov o e to o the less-restrictive the th less le ss-r -res estr tric iic cti tive ive yellow yello elllo ow level, lleeve leve vel, el, l, which w wh hiic ch co c could ou ulld help help he lp m make ak a ke up p ffor o or tthe th he reve re revenue ev ve enu nue e that th hatt was was as lost los ost last lastt la summer. summ su umm mer er. r. “What “W Wha at ha has h ass been bee be en n extremely ex xttre reme me ely y frustrating fr ru usstr trat atin in ngg h ha has as been been the be the h m moving ovin ov ingg in goal go a posts al possts ts by by the t e state. th stat st tat atee.. O One nee d day, ay, ay yo you ou cca can an op open; pen n; the thee next th neextt d day, ay,, yo ay you ou

ccan’t,” ca aan’ n’’tt,,” Lee n Lee said. Le ssa aid id. d. The Th T he Ch C Chamber ham amb beer does do d oeess n not ot k ot keep eeep ttrack tr trac ra ac ck of of revenue reve ev venue enu en ue e generated gen ener erated ated at ed or or lost llo ost st from frro om ea each ac ch ho off its iitts me m members, emb mber erss,, but bu b ut according ac a cco c rd diin n ng g to to Lee, Le ee e, at at least least ea ast st 12 2 businesses bus usin ines nes essse esse es ha have v c ve closed lose lo sed ed pe p perererrmanently ma m ane ane ent ntly y ssince ince in ce tthe he p he pandemic an a nde demi emi mic sstarted. st tar arte ed d.. L ee a Le Lee ad added dd de e d th t h at that at G Gallupa l lu al u ppMc M McKinley’s cK Kiin i nl n ley nley ey’ss e economic cono co no omi m ic recovreco re c v v-ery er ry from from om coronavirus coron oron or onav onav vir irus uss is is “going “goi “g going oiing to b be e ex extremely x tr trem trem emel ely el ly ha hard,” a rd rd,” d,” , g given iven iv iven en non-essential n no onn-essse sent ntia ia al bu busi businesses, sine si n ssses es,, like lliike k theaters thea th hea eate ters rss and and nd bowling, bow owli ling ing g, have have ha ve not not


The National Dance Institute New Mexico (NDI) has partnered with public schools. Del Norte Elementary teamed up with NDI New Mexico Residency Program who provides a certified dance instructor and a pianist to teach dance as part of each school’s curriculum for children ages 5-13. This year to maintain the safety of students and staff a virtual format was used. Students logged on to their laptops and followed the dance instructors moves dancing to the fast pace piano tunes. The students were laughing and having a great time getting some physical activity right in their classroom and living room for the students that chose remote learning. Students celebrated their success through a virtual assembly that was held on February 5th showing off the routine they learned over several weeks.


Friday February 26, 2021 • Gallup Sun




















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BENCHCRAFT BY ASHLEY MILLENNIUM BY ASHLEY Gallup Sun • Friday February 26, 2021 3



What would Gallup do if it had a million dollars? GALLUP CITY COUNCIL TOOK A CRACK AT SPENDING IT By Molly Adamson Sun Correspondent


he C i t y C o u n c i l meeting Feb. 23 on the city’s Facebook pa ge t o ok on t he cha llenge of where to put the Community Development Block Gra nt f u nd s wh ich total a million dollars. The city will be expected t o pr o v i d e a 10 p e r c e n t match. The match would be covered by a budget transfer from the leftover fund balance from the whole block neighborhood reconstr uction project. Gallup Planning Director C. B. Strain told the council one of the plans for the money would be to fund a city street, pedestrian walk, a nd the utility infra str ucture project on West Logan Avenue from Seventh Street to Ninth Street. The project w ill replace deter iorating curbs, gutters, sidewa lks, driveways, and handicapped ramps. Councilor Fran Palochak, Dist. 4, expressed a concern about water drainage with the new project. “The main issues that people are having between Eight and Ninth [Streets] are a lot of drainage issues. Will the reconstruct ion of t hese roa d s solve these problems?” she asked. Strain said it would. The council unanimously approved the grant. Cou nci lwoma n L i nda Garcia, Dist. 1, commended Palochak.

Gallup Tourism and Marketing Manager Jennifer Lazarz Gallup City Councilor Fran Palochak, Dist. 4 “I just want to congratu late Cou nci lor Pa locha k for the ha rd work she did by listening to her constituents and getting this funding completed for Seventh and Ninth Street, because this i s m a ny a gon i z i n g ye a r s ending for the neighbors,” Garcia said. S t r a i n t old t he c ou n ci l t h at t he cit y wou ld need to develop a Citizen Participation Plan as part of qualifying for the grant. This pla n requires that citizens be prov ided w ith reasonable notice and timely access to local meetings in order t hat t hey ca n of fer input and project ideas for the CDBG program. Gallup must also provide fair housing as per the Fair Housing Act of 1968. Whenever federal funds such as the CDBG are used in a project involving the acquisition, rehabilitation, or demolition of a property, a federal law known as the Uniform

Gallup City Councilor Linda Garcia, Dist. 1 Relocation Assistance and Real Properties Acquisition Policies Act may apply. The purpose of the URA is to provide fair and equitable treatment for people whose real property is acquired or for people displaced as a result of a CDBG funded project or activity. The council unanimously approved the Citizen Participation Plan. CDBG also requires that a Fair Housing Proclamation must be adopted by the local governing body at an open public meeting. The council unanimously voted to do that, and proclaimed March 26 Fair Housing Day. Stra i n a lso broug ht up a f u nd i ng request for t he reconstr uction of ea st Nizhoni Boulevard between sout h S econd St reet a nd College Drive. The project wou ld ent a i l recon st r uc tion of the road and storm drainage. If the project gets

approved by the New Mex ico Depa r tment of T r a n s p or t a t ion , t he c it y wou ld ne e d t o m a t ch 2 5 percent of t he con s t r uc t ion cost . St ra i n sa id t he amount could be anywhere from $175,000 to $500,000 or more. The council unanimously approved the funding request for the reconstruction of east Nizhoni Boulevard. “That whole area needs to be recon st r ucted, a nd t ho se a rea s t h at [St r a i n] pointed out certainly need to be reconfigured,” Palochak said. “And I like that we’re asking other funding sources to help us. If we don’t ask, we’re not goi n g t o get [anything].” From street reconstruction, the meeting moved to other issues. Ga l lup Tou r i s m a nd Marketing Manager Jennifer Lazarz spoke about the El Mor ro Events Center. She said it needed some technology updates, especially with

Gallup Fire Chief Jesus “Chuy” Morales COVID-19 still going on. She pointed out that city employees are holding meetings at the center, so they can practice social distancing while still getting training done for their departments. Lazarz requested a little more tha n $11,300 for the technology and installation. She said 75 percent of that amount could be reimbursed by FEM A , because it is a COVID-19-related expense. T he cou nci l u na n i mou sly agreed to the request. F i r ef i g ht i n g w a s nex t on the agenda. Gallup Fire Chief Jesus “Chuy” Morales described the need for a new aerial fire engine. He said he had been saving some of the fire department’s funding a nd a sked the council if he could move the money over to the proper bank account to make the purchase. The council unanimously approved the request.


5 4

FORMER HIPAA OFFICER Gets bad news about privacy


GPD DOES 141 WELFARE CHECKS In a single week

Friday February 26, 2021 • Gallup Sun


PET SPAY, NEUTER AWARENESS MONTH Announced by the Navajo Nation


TURQUOISE IS THE NEW COLOR In the county-by-county COVID dashboard


BITCOIN ISN’T CHEAP Mining operations soar to record levels


Former HIPAA officer worries about personal information SAYS HER CREDIT AGENCIES FOUND HER DATA ON THE DARK WEB By Beth Blakeman Managing Editor


he for mer Hea lth Insurance Portability and Accountability Act privacy officer for Rehoboth McKinley Christian Healthcare Services has been told her name and other identifying information is on the dark

Gallup Sun Publishing, LLC Publisher Babette Herrmann Office Manager Mandy Marks Managing Editor Beth Blakeman Design Vladimir Lotysh Contributing Editor Cody Begaye Correspondents Molly Adamson Kevin Opsahl Dee Velasco Photography Cable Hoover Ryan Hudgeons Knifewing Segura On the Cover Signs at and the demolition of Smokey’s Restaurant, 505 N. Hwy 491, Gallup Photos by K. Segura

The Gallup Sun, published Fridays, is not responsible or liable for any claims or offerings, nor responsible for availability of products advertised. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. The Gallup Sun distributes newspapers in McKinley, Cibola and Apache counties. Office: 1983 State Rd. 602 Gallup, NM 87301 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Gallup Sun, PO Box 1212, Gallup, NM. Mailing Address: PO Box 1212 Gallup, NM 87305 Phone: (505) 722-8994 Fax: (505) 212-0391 Letter to the editor/guest column ACCEPTED BY EMAIL ONLY. State full name and city/town. No pen names. ID required. All submissions subjected to editor’s approval. Guest columnists, email Sun for submission requirements.


web. Dr. Phyllis Miller told the Sun Feb. 22, that two credit agencies she subscribes to, but does not wish to name, reported to her that in the months of December 2020 and January 2021, some of her information was found on the dark web. She doesn’t know what types of information were reportedly discovered. But she said she is concerned that some of it may be protected health information. In order for Miller to know more specifics, she said she would have to pay someone and do a deeper investigation. The dark web or the dark nets are part of the internet that is not visible to search engines and is accessed using an anonymizing browser, specific software, or authorization. Miller said this is the first time she has ever been told of any

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personal content of hers appearing on the dark nets. Miller was a 2019 Volunteer of the Year award winner at RMCHCS. In November of that year she became the hospital’s director of health information management, and by 2020 she was also the hospital’s HIPAA privacy officer. Miller was fired from the hospital on July 21, 2020, but not before she resigned her HIPAA privacy officer position after blowing the whistle about an alleged violation of an employee’s HIPAA privacy rights at a board meeting May 23. In the month before she left, she had some 50 posters printed, using the Snoopy character, with special permission, to inform hospital personnel, patients and visitors about HIPAA, privacy issues, and not talking about protected health information. The posters were displayed on the walls around RMCHCS before she left. She conti nued to see RMCHCS health care providers after she was no longer an

Dr. Phyllis Miller employee, and during a return to a clinic for an appointment, she discovered the posters were gone. “I told them all of the [privacy] weaknesses and what they needed to do and it fell on deaf ears,” Miller said of her time as the HIPAA privacy officer for the hospital. On Feb. 18, Miller filed a letter with the Office of Health and Human Services and the Office for Civil Rights concerning the credit agency notices she received. In the letter she expressed her dissatisfaction with what she called reckless disregard of HIPAA Rules and Regulations and said “such

breaches may cause me future harm.” Miller added that she has been unable to obtain copies of recent medical records from RMCHCS. She wasn’t sure why. On the same day she sent that letter, the hospital released a statement acknowledging that it had recently learned of unauthorized activity on its computer network and said it took immediate steps to prevent any further such activity. The release said RMCHCS was conducting an investigation. “Due to the ongoing nature of this investigation, we are unable to comment further at this time,” were the final words of the release. No further media statements have been issued by the hospital as of Feb. 25. Miller, who stated in her letter to HHS and OCR, that RMCHCS is obligated to notify her of any breach of her personal health information, said that as of Feb.


Gallup Sun • Friday February 26, 2021




Burned out headlight leads to DWI Man dies in Staff Reports


cK inley County Sheriff’s Deputy Ter ence W i l l ie was parked eastbound on the ramp to I-40 on Feb. 13 at 9:32 pm when he observed a black Ford Edge w it h a n A r i zona l icen se plate exiting the ramp at the 26-mile marker. He saw that one of the car’s headlights was out, so he conducted a traffic stop at 3798 E. Hwy. 118. After approaching the car, he noticed that the left front bumper was damaged. T he d r iver ident i f ie d himself as Marcus Yazzie, 35, of Navajo, N.M. When Willie asked to see his driver’s license, vehicle registration, and insurance, Yazzie said he did not have a driver’s license, but he did hand over his registration a nd insurance. Willie saw that Yazzie’s eyes were bloodshot a nd

w a t e r y. H e asked Yazzie if he had been drinking. Yazzie said no. There were four children Marcus Yazzie in the car, two of them were younger and didn’t have car seats. A woman was in the passenger seat. She appeared slightly intoxicated. Willie asked Yazzie a second time if he’d been drinking. Yazzie said no. When the officer asked the passenger, she said Yazzie had been drinking earlier. Willie asked Yazzie to step out of the car. Yazzie followed him to the front of his squad car and then told him that he was driving to his mother’s in Crownpoint. He said his passenger had picked him up in Ganado, Ariz. and he took over driving in Cross Canyon, Ariz. After telling Willie where he was trying to go, Yazzie

admitted he had been drinking about an hour before he was pulled over. After failing the sobriety tests, Yazzie complained that he couldn’t complete the tests because of a hip injury he received when a horse fell on him. Willie gave Yazzie alternative sobriety tests. He failed them. Willie took Yazzie back t o t he McK i n ley Cou nt y Sheriff’s Office, where he agreed to a breath test and gave two samples of .06/.06. Yazzie was taken to the McK i n ley C ou nt y Adu lt Detention Center and booked with his second DWI, four charges of DWI with a minor in the vehicle, two charges of lacking child restraints lacking a driver’s license, and having a burned out headlamp. He is currently in custody with a cash surety bond of $100,000 The children were not hurt.


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confrontation with cops

The scene in St. Michael’s, Ariz. where a shooting occurred on Feb. 24. Photo Credit: Navajo Police Department Staff Reports


hile responding to a repor t of a n a r med suspect, Nava jo Police Dept. officers became involved in a shooting in St. Michaels, Ariz. at 12:04 pm on Feb. 24. The suspect took off in his car, and the officers followed him. The chase ended when a tire defl ation device was used to stop the vehicle. The suspect got out of his car

carrying a weapon. The man allegedly pointed the weapon at officers, who responded. The suspect was treated and taken to a local hospital, where he died. No officers were injured. This incident is currently under investigation by the Nava jo Dept. of Cr imina l Investigation and the FBI. A d d i t i o n a l i n fo r m a t i o n , including identification of the suspect and the officers will not be released at this time.

This table represents one week of Gallup Police Dept. incident calls. FEB. 17- FEB. 23 Incident Type Number of Calls Intoxicated Person 215 Welfare Check 141 Traffic-Related 103 Alarm 57 Police Request 53 Domestic 48 Accident 36 LAW 36 Disorderly Subject 23 Routine Patrol 20 All Other Calls including shots fired, 199 disputes, burglary, assault, vandalism etc.


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Friday February 26, 2021 • Gallup Sun


WEEKLY DWI REPORT Man charged with third DWI, open container Staff Reports


alentine’s Day turned into a DWI charge for Randall Chee, 25, of Gallup. McKinley County Sheriff’s Deputy Terence Willie was driving eastbound on N.M. State Hwy. 118 approaching south Fifth Street when he saw a green Ford F-150 swerving in and out of the left lane. He pulled the truck over a little after 6:45 p.m. and noticed the driver had bloodshot eyes, slurred speech and an open container in the center console. When asked if he had consumed any alcohol that night, Chee said no, but that he had had a drink the night before. In his report, Willie also noted that an intoxicated woman was in the passenger seat of the truck. After being asked a third time if he had been drinking that night, Chee admitted that he had. He said that the two of them were coming back from her job at the Red Roof Inn, and

that they were just trying to get home. W h e n Willie asked for Chee’s driver’s license, insurance, and Randall Chee registration, he produced his ID and an expired insurance card. Chee agreed to do the field sobriety tests, and he failed them all. During the tests, Chee asked Willie why he pulled him over, and if he could follow him home. Willie took Chee back to the McKinley County Sheriff’s Office, where he agreed to a breath test and gave two samples of .11/.10. Chee was taken to the McK i n le y C ou nt y A d u lt Detention Center and booked on his third DWI, driving with a suspended license, no registration, no insurance, and open container. He was released on his own recognizance.


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(505) 721-6027 (828) 358-6909 Gallup Sun • Friday February 26, 2021




Navajo Nation declares Pet Spay, Neuter Awareness Month Staff Reports


INDOW ROCK, Ariz. — Navajo Nation F irst L a d y P he fe l i a Nez and Second Lady Dottie Lizer were joined by President Jonathan Nez, Vice President Myron Lizer, Navajo Nation Veterinary Management, and the Navajo Nation Animal Control Program Feb. 19 to sign a proclamation to recognize the month of February as the “Navajo Nation Pet Spay and Neuter Awareness Month” to encourage Navajo citizens to spay and neuter their pets to avoid the overpopulation of

kittens and puppies. The proclamation declares a critical need to increase awareness of the overpopulation of domestic animals on the Navajo Nation. Overpopulation contributes to these animals suffering from infectious diseases and untreated injuries. Additionally, many of these animals are left to roam without homes and threaten the safety of communities. “This month is an important time to prevent unwanted dog and cat litters during the spring and summer months. Overproduction of domestic animals happens during the spring and summer, and

aba ndon ment of a n i ma ls increases and animal shelters become overwhelmed,” First Lady Nez said. “As Navajo people, we need to protect and care for our animals and pets by spaying and neutering them. As we address this concerning problem on the Nation, we have to bring awareness to help solve the issue,” she added. According to Navajo Nation Animal Control Program manager Kevin Gleason, one mating pair of dogs can produce 5,800 dogs in five years. There


The Pet Spay and Neuter Awareness Month proclamation-signing ceremony Feb. 19 in Window Rock, Ariz. attended by: Navajo Nation President Jonathan Nez, Vice President Myron Lizer, First Lady Phefelia Nez, Second Lady Dottie Lizer, representatives of the Navajo Nation Animal Control Program and Navajo Nation Veterinary Management. Photo Credit: OPVP

Navajo Nation identifies 21 communities with uncontrolled COVID-19 spread Staff Reports


went y- one more com mu n ities were added to the Navajo Department of Health’s list of places with “u ncont rol led sprea d” of COVID-19 from Feb. 5 to Feb. 18. The communities added i ncluded Baca / P rew it t , Birdsprings, Bodaway/Gap, C h ic h i lt a h , C hu r c h r o ck , Coyote Canyon, Crownpoint, Dennehotso, Iyanbito, Leupp, Lukachuka i, Na hatad x iil, Nahodoishgish, Rock Springs,


Shiprock, St. Michaels, Tachee/ Blue Gap, Tohatchi, Tuba City, Twin Lakes, Upper Fruitland, but not Gallup, according to a press release distributed by the Navajo Department of Health. In a statement, Nava jo Nation President Jonathan Nez said the Nation had set a new goal to administer at least 120,000 doses of the COVID-19 vaccines by the end of February, after exceeding the initial goal of 100,000 in the week of Feb. 15. Public Health Emergency Order No. 2021-003 remains in effect through March 8.

Friday February 26, 2021 • Gallup Sun

All residents are encouraged to practice health and safety measures: • Wear a mask in public. • Avoid close contact with people who are sick. • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol. • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily. • Avoid touching your face, nose, and eyes with unwashed hands. • Clean and disinfect your

vehicle, home, workspace and other common areas on a regular basis. • Social distance — Keep six feet between yourself and others. • Limit gatherings with individuals outside your immediate household. For more information, including prevention tips and resources to help stop the spread of COVID-19, visit COV ID -19. For COV ID 19-related questions and information, call (928) 871-7014.

Navajo Nation President Jonathan Nez






ANTA FE — The state of New Mexico’s RedYellow-Green framewo rk fo r a l i g n i n g county-level requirements and guidelines with local virus risk has been modified to permit more day-to-day and commercial activities, reflecting the improving COVID-19 outlook across the state as New Mexicans help drive down transmission and vaccine distribution contributes to decreased community spread. The framework includes a new least restrictive level where all categories of business can operate indoors with

minimal occupancy limitations, depending on the risk level of the activity. A county will reach this least restrictive level, the Turquoise Level, by meeting key health criteria for two consecutive two-week periods and effectively graduating out of the Red-YellowGreen framework, provided the virus remains suppressed. “I know New Mexicans are tired of COVID-19 – I am too,” Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham said. “We have made very solid progress in recent weeks and months, and we have all together saved lives and protected our family members and neighbors. We have to keep it up.”

“We can introduce a little more risk, based on our progress, and start to feel a little bit closer to normal — but only if we keep making those safe choices to protect our families and one another. I know New Mexicans are up to the task,” she said. The framework assigns a risk level — and corresponding color — to New Mexico counties based on key health metrics over a two-week timeframe. The health metrics— a test positivity rate below 5 percent and a new per-capita case rate of fewer than 8 per 100,000 — measure the incidence and spread of COVID-19 in a given community. A county that

meets one of the criteria may operate at the Yellow Level; a county that meets both may operate at the Green Level; counties that meet neither of the criteria must operate at the Red Level. The framework ha s helped limit l a r ge con g r eg a tions of people that would have slowed the state’s gradual progress in controlling COVID-19. Current COVID case dashboard outlook from Feb. 9 to Feb. 22, It is designed to 2021. Image Credit: NMDOH match a local area’s de c r e a s i n g r i sk level with loosened T he cou nt y- by- cou nt y requirements, and vice versa, framework will include a and to balance the need to con- new least-restrictive designatain the virus with the need tion signifying low risk: the for standard localized “openness” amid this stage of the TURQUOISE pandemic. | SEE PAGE 19

Haaland likely headed for confi rmation as Interior Secretary after hearing By Matthew Reichbach |

Manchin is also the chair of the Senate Energy and Natural


he most significant news for U.S. Rep. Deb Haaland’s, D-District 1 R e p ., I n t e r i o r Secretary nomination didn’t come during the second day of her confi rmation hearing, but afterwards. That’s because U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.V., a conser vative Democrat announced he would vote in favor of her nomination. With an evenly split 50-50 chamber

Resources Committee, which held the confi rmation hearing

for Haaland this week (week of Feb. 22).

Four Corners Detox Rep. Deb Haaland, D-District 1 Rep. between those who caucus with Democrats and Republicans, Ma nchin ha s a n outsized inf luence on nominations.

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For job opportunities, visit the careers page on our website. Gallup Sun • Friday February 26, 2021




Earthweek: Diary of a Changing World Week ending Friday, February 19, 2021

By Steve Newman

Sonic Explorers The songs of fin whales are the loudest in the sea and may soon be used to help map the world’s ocean floor. A seismologist at Oregon State University says he and colleagues have found the sound waves generated by the whale species are strong enough to penetrate several feet into the ocean floor, where they reverberate off sediment and layers of rock. “After each whale call, if you look closely at the seismometer data, there is a response from the Earth,” said researcher John Nabelek. Blasts from high-energy air guns are now the main tools used to explore the ocean floor, but they are expensive, require permits and contribute to noise pollution harmful to marine creatures.

Etna Eruption S i c i l y ’s Mo u n t Etna dusted the nearby city of Catania

chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in the manufacture of polyurethane insulation foam in China, discovered in 2018, had caused the levels of atmospheric CFCs to be higher than expected. This caused the healing of the ozone layer to be slower than what scientists had predicted. But now that China has reined in the use of those compounds, their levels in the atmosphere are once again declining.

4.4 4.9 5.4


6.2 4.7

Dujuan +107° Kaolack, Senegal

6.2 Guambe

with ash after the mountain produced one of the strongest eruptions in its current eruptive phase. The city’s airport was temporarily closed, and bicycles and motorbikes were prohibited on roads affected by the falling ash.

Bitcoin Fuel Electricity used to operate Bitcoin’s “mining” operations around the world now exceeds that used by the entire nation of Argentina. Experts told the

BBC that the energy consumed by the cryptocurrency’s operations increased sharply as its value soared to ever-higher record levels during February. The complex puzzles that run on a vast network of computers, required to keep Bitcoin secure and verify its transactions, consume an enormous amount of power. The operators of those “mining” efforts earn a small amount of bitcoins for the tasks, with some filling warehouses with computers

that operate continuously to maximize profits. Some suggest imposing a carbon tax on all cryptocurrencies to offset the greenhouse gas emissions that result from their operations.

Earthquakes A power ful aftershock of Japan’s devastating 2011 temblor injured more than 150 people as it caused widespread damage in the region around the meltdown-plagued Fukushima nuclear power plant. • A temblor centered in Tajikistan was felt widely across South Asia, as far away as India and Pakistan. • At least 37 people were injured when a strong quake struck southwestern Iran. • Earth movements were also felt in Armenia, eastern India’s Assam state, southern Vanuatu and the Canadian resort of Banff.

Ozone Healing The level of ozone-depleting chemicals banned by the 1987 Montreal Protocol to stop the annual ozone hole from forming over the Antarctic is once again falling. The illicit use of

Predator Chow British researchers say that feeding domestic cats a meaty diet can help prevent the felines from killing as many birds and other wildlife when roaming outside. Robbie McDonald at the University of Exeter says playing with your cat for five to 10 minutes each day can also result in the pets killing 25% less prey. It’s estimated that domestic cats kill at least 1.3 billion birds each year in the U.S. alone, along with 6.3 billion small mammals. Cats introduced into New Zealand and Australia since colonial times have also ravaged native species there. “Our work shows that noninvasive methods, like food and play, can change cats’ inclination to hunt and be positive for cats and their owners,” says McDonald.

Tropical Cyclones Cyclone Guambe formed off the coast of Mozambique and was expected to loop around southern Madagascar. • Tropical Storm Dujuan formed to the southeast of the Philippines. Dist. by: Andrews McMeel Syndication ©MMXXI Earth Environment Service

Cyclone Guambe spun up in an area off southern Africa where no such tropical development had been observed before. Image: Meteosat-8


Friday February 26, 2021 • Gallup Sun



A voting rights issue affecting all of us REDISTRICTING By Michael Daly Guest Columnist


he American system of r e pr e s e nt a t i ve democracy rests primarily on the concept of equal representation in legislative bodies. The Constitution requires a census of the population every ten years and then states reapportion representation and draw new district lines based on this census. Unfortunately, the devil is in the details. Our New Mexico Constitution, passed in 1912, leaves the drawing of district maps to the legislature. N.M. has very few standards guiding the drawing of these maps. Only Texas and Nevada have looser standards. The process of redistricting ends up being totally partisan because the legislature is a political body, manipulation during the map making leads to some odd shapes, usually with the purpose of favoring party incumbents or to disenfranchise a particular constituency. The majority party takes control and works without public oversight or input and draws the lines to favor itself. Often, this allows the incumbent to choose his or her constituents rather than having the voting public select their representative. Our current system is so divisive and dysfunctional that

at our last redistricting effort, the results were challenged resulting in $6 million in legal fees for the state. In our area, the current system is particularly vexing for Navajos because districts are by precinct, not by Chapter boundaries, splitting communities and weakening their voice. New Mexico First, a non-partisan New Mexico think tank and the New Mexico League of Women Voters, along with a number of other sponsoring organizations, created a task force that included members of the public, New Mexico legislators including Sen. Shannon Pinto and retired N.M. Supreme Court and Court of Appeals justices. After a number of online workshops, they came up with a redistricting bill that turns things around. Their proposal, embodied in New Mexico Senate Bill 199, accomplishes the following: • Bill language specifies redistricting standards • Requires no fewer than 12 public hearings during the process; requires plans to be based in part on information received during these meetings • E ndor s e d by T r i ba l Governments, State Ethics Commission, legislators from both caucuses, Common Cause and the League of Women Voters • Explicitly requires compliance with the Voting Rights Act

A ention Medicare Beneficiaries

• Preserves cores of existing districts if all other criteria are satisfied • Prohibits plans that favor a political party or an incumbent • Preserves legislature’s power to select district maps • A pol it ica l ly neut ra l committee with a neutral chairperson • Takes into account tribal governances • Takes into account communities of interest defined as a contiguous population that shares common economic, social or cultural interests So far only Pinto and Rep. Wonda Johnson have come out explicitly in favor of this legislation, with Johnson supporting a slightly different version of House Bill 211 which in material effects is the same piece of legislation. If you feel strongly about this it’s time to tell your

representative. Sen. George Munoz email: George.Muñ Rep. Patty Lundstrom email: Patricia.Lundstrom@nmlegis. gov There is real opportunity here, but also danger. A competing bill, Senate Bill 15 accomplishes no reform but has been put up as an alternative. Will your representative represent you or their own interests? Don’t wait. Email them now to support this major piece of reform legislation. The legislators have a lot of incentive to push this issue under the rug. Both Muñoz and Rep. Lundstrom are popular and pretty solidly in place to remain in office with some moderate district boundary revisions. About one-third of New Mexico’s legislators have already signed onto this bipartisan proposal. Both Muñoz and Lundstrom

Mike Daly are Democrats. For those of you who are Democrats, the Democratic Platform for New Mexico strongly supports an independent bi-partisan redistricting commission. The Party Platform states that party members should judge their leaders by how well they adhere to the platform. For those of you who are Republicans in a Democratic majority state, this is an opportunity to get more voice for your views. Do you want an introduction to the evils of warped redistricting? Then watch the documentary Slay the Dragon on Netflix.



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Gallup Sun • Friday February 26, 2021


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Friday February 26, 2021 • Gallup Sun


The choice is clear: Leave decisions about abortion to women and their families By Noreen Kelly Diné Elder with Forward Together Action Superman Canyon, McKinley County


have always heard stories about our ancestors and how they controlled their pregnancies. These practices may have been called by different names along with the ancient medicines they used– but now, we refer to all of this as abortion care. We need to end the shame and stigma around abortion care that has been brought on by the western patriarchal system. I have taught this to my children, and I will teach this to my grandchildren–because change must start somewhere. And for my family here in McKinley County, the change starts with me. Thirty years ago, I had to make a difficult decision. My son was around 5-yearsold, my daughter around 16, and I was a pregnant for a third time. My husband and I

Obituary Joe Lee Yazzie, of St. Michaels, Ariz. died Feb. 18, 2021. He was 85. Joe was born into the Todich’ ii’ nii (Bitter Water), born for K lizilani (Many Goats). He was born in Ft. Defi ance, Ariz. on June 22, 1935. Joe was preceded in death by his parents F r i t z Ya z z i e Jr, and mother Catherine Yazzie, his brothers Kenneth Yazzie, Raymond L eig h Ya z z ie, a nd gra ndson Monte Hunter Ya z z ie. He i s survived by his son Lemont Yazzie, daughter in-law Michelle Johnson Yazzie, Daughter Lillian Ya z z ie , e i g ht OPINIONS

called it our “happy surprise,” and we welcomed the news of this pregnancy with joy. At my second prenatal checkup, however, my doctor told me that something was wrong. The pregnancy had complications. He had grave concerns that my baby would be born with mental and physical challenges and that the pregnancy itself could kill me—leaving my two beautiful children without a mom. I remember being shocked and just staring at the doctor. My husband was at work; the kids were at school, and I was alone in the doctor’s office hearing the unimaginable. I was being asked to make what felt like an impossible decision. I had to decide whether to have an abortion or to risk this very wanted pregnancy. The doctor told me that the decision was mine to make. Still, I was unable to respond. That evening, after dinner, when I was fi nally able to talk with my husband alone, I broke down. He held me tight as I cried. Neither of us knew what to do. I kept thinking about all

of the what-ifs. My husband told me that he couldn’t imagine what I was going through and that he wanted me to know that he would love and support me, no matter what. He said that it was my body and my decision, but that he wanted our children to “be able to enjoy you.” We both cried. In the next few days I made my decision: I decided to have the baby. I’m not going to say it was easy. I was scared, but I made a leap of faith. I put aside my fears and did my best to take care of my health and have a healthy pregnancy. Then, at just seven and a half months, I went into labor and gave birth to a son. When they brought him to me, I couldn’t see anything wrong with him. He had 10 fingers and 10 toes and so much dark hair on his head. To me, he was perfect. Now that baby, my son, Raynebeaux, is an adult. He graduated from high school, attended college, and is a joy

to our family. Ye s , h e h a s he a lt h pr ob lems, but I’ve never regretted my decision. I had my child on my terms with t he love a nd support of my family. E v e r y w o m a n deserves to be able to make the decision that is right for her. Politicians cerNoreen Kelly tainly should not be trying to interfere. It’s because I had the ability to make my own decision that I have been speaking out in support of House Bill 7 and Senate Bill 10. These important bills would repeal an old abortion ban from 1969 that would put doctors in jail for providing abortion care. Women need to be able to make their own

decision about what’s best for them and their families, and doctors need to be able to provide safe and legal abortion care. It is particularly important to me that Native women, like me, can make their own decisions. The future of our communities depends on our ability to determine our own destinies.

grandchildren and numerous great grandchildren. Funeral Services will be held at a private graveside ceremony at Ft. Defiance Navajo Veterans Cemetery on Indian Route 12. A memorial to celebrate his life will be held at a future date to be announced.

Gallup Sun • Friday February 26, 2021


Ban on public lands would cost economy $670 billion over 20 years NEW MEXICO AMONG HARDEST HIT BY INCOMING PRESIDENT’S PLEDGE TO BAN DEVELOPMENT By Robert McEntyre Spokesman, New Mexico Oil and Gas Association


ANTA FE — A ban on oil and natural gas development on public lands by President Joe Biden would severely harm the economies of eight western states, according to a Wyoming Energy Authority study conduc t ed by Un iver sit y of Wyom i n g P rofe s s or T i m Considine. Over the next four years, the human cost of fulfilling Biden’s campaign pledge

would be an average of 72,818 fewer jobs annually. Lost wages would total $19.6 billion, economic activity would decline $43.8 billion, and tax revenues would drop $10.8 billion by the end of Biden’s fi rst term in Alaska, California, Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming. By 2040, Gross Domestic Product would decline by $670.5 billion and average annual job losses would exceed 351,000 across the West. The following are comments from Western Energy Alliance

and the New Mexico Oil & Gas Association in response to the report: “President-elect Biden has had to face the reality that he can’t ban fracking nationwide, so he’s pledged to ban leasing and fracking on federal lands. A Biden ban would be devastating to the economies of western states by eliminating thousands of jobs just as Americans are struggling to recover from the pandemic,” Kathleen Sgamma, president of Western Energy Alliance, said. “He’s calculating that he

Oil derrick in operation. File Photo won’t pay a political price while satisfying radical climate activists, but he would be sacrificing the livelihoods of thousands of westerners throughout many sectors of the economy. We hope this report convinces him not to infl ict economic pain on

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Friday February 26, 2021 • Gallup Sun

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westerners. If he makes good on a Biden ban, the Alliance will be in court within hours.” “Any proposal restricting oil and gas development on federal lands would devastate New Mexico and result in the elimination of thousands of jobs, massive cuts in support for public education, and a greater reliance on foreign energy imports. Our state depends on oil and gas to fund schools, put teachers in classrooms and help our young children learn,” NMOGA President Ryan Flynn said. “With vast stretches of federal land, it is simply impossible to divorce our economic success from land management policy in western states like New Mexico, and funding for education, access to healthcare, and new infrastructure projects are all on the line. We are committed to doing our part to reduce emissions and protect the environment, but we cannot slap thousands of New Mexicans with proposals that destroy jobs and ravage communities.” New Mexico, which ranks fi rst in oil production on public lands and second in natural gas, would lose $207.7 billion in GDP over the next 20 years. Between 2021 and 2024, a drilling ban would eliminate: • 36,217 jobs on average each year • $12.5 billion in oil and natural gas investments • production valued at $16.9 billion • $6.3 billion in tax revenue to the state • $22.1 billion in GDP • $9.8 billion in wages. Across the eight states that


BUSINESS | FROM PAGE 1 been able to re-open and have not qualified for more relief. Nevertheless, he doesn’t think the region’s “character” has been lost. “Our people are strong and resilient and fi nding ways to fight through and I think that’s all part of our character,” Lee said. FOOD/CATERING Badlands Grill has been closed for months due to the pandemic. Owner William Mataya said that operation at 50 percent needs to be in effect in order to make a profit. So, unlike other businesses operating at 25 percent, he’s keeping his doors shut. Badlands Grill could open in July, but that is only a projection. “Safety is still number one and business is number two,”

he said, noting some of his employees have had a family member die from COVID-19. Badlands employs 16 people, who have all been paid through insurance, according to Mataya. Bills have been paid off thanks to government loans, but he doesn’t think his business can absorb any more. Badlands’ revenue stems from indoor dining and special events — and Valentine’s Day is one of its busiest times. “We’d be rockin’ and rollin’ right now,” he said. Mataya said the pandemic “took us all by surprise,” but he thought it wouldn’t last. “We never thought [it would be] a year,” he said. “We could be open and try, but throwing good money after bad isn’t going to help anyone.” Mataya would like to see more of the community get

vaccinated, “so life can get back close to normal” — even if that means a new normal. HOSPITALITY El Ra ncho Hotel — which is currently undergoing a remodel — has been operating at 25 percent capacity. Yet its gift shop has exceeded typical sales, said the hotel’s general manager, Teena Carney. “People in the local community are shopping local, which is not something you typically see in a hotel gift shop,” she said. “The guests that are here are very mindful about, ‘Hey, let’s just pick up a T-shirt or something.’” But the part of the business that has suffered the most is the El Rancho Hotel, 1000 E. Hwy. 66, Gallup. Photo Credit: Knifewing Segura El Rancho Restaurant. Over the summer, the establishment was able to changed over time makes it The busiest time for El host outdoor dining. But now, very difficult to plan for the R a ncho Hotel r u n s f rom it’s doing takeout service only future, Carney added. the summer months through and much of the staff has been “How do you bring employ- October. But until that peak furloughed. ees back and three days later, period starts, “everybody’s The fact that COVID-19 reg- tell them ‘Guess what? You’re holding their breath,” Carney ulations for restaurants have furloughed again,’” she said. said.

Badlands Grill, 2201 U. S. Hwy. 66, Gallup. Photo Credit: Knifewing Segura


Gallup Sun • Friday February 26, 2021



‘Nomadland’s realistic vibe feels like a documentary By Glenn Kay For the Sun

RATING:  OUT OF  RUNNING TIME: 108 MINUTES This film is available on Hulu for streaming and is also playing at open driveins and cinemas. The term slice-of-life couldn’t be a more accurate description of the events depicted in the new movie, Nomadland. For the better part of nearly two hours, the cast and filmmakers attempt to capture the life of a woman living a nomadic lifestyle. The film displays the reasons for making such a choice, as well as the highs and numerous lows, uncertainties, frustrations, and dangers that it can entail. The movie is an eye-opener, bolstered by the work of a stellar cast. The plot follows Fer n (Frances McDormand), a widow who loses financial security after her husband dies and her home town is essentially shut down. Living completely on her own and without a house, she makes the best of it by converting her van into a makeshift home complete with a bed, a hotplate for cooking, and other accoutrements. We watch Fern travel across the land, taking

temporary employment at places like Amazon before moving on to the next stop. Along the way, she interacts with nomadic communities. Some of her new acquaintances become close friends, i nclud i ng Dave (Dav id Strathairn), a man who offers to help her find a bit of work in South Dakota. But of course, living in a beat-up vehicle is not without its own issues. Although she has already won a pair of Oscars, star Frances McDormand is likely to receive another nomination for her work here. This is a role that the performer completely disappears into. Despite her hardships, the haggard and proud Fern wants no sympathy from others, choosing to move forward and continue living life on her own terms. And the various people she encounters all have their own fascinating tales, too. Some are tired of spending their lives in servitude of the almighty dollar, others have psychological conditions that make them require solitude in the wild, while others have undergone unexpected difficulties that have left them in dire straits. The entire cast of performers is excellent as we see them going about their daily routines. In fact, their onscreen work is so naturalistic that it at times feels as if one is watching

Fern (Frances McDormand) makes her way as a nomad living out of a van after her husband dies and she runs out of money. Here she is traveling in the Southwest. Photo Credit: Searchlight Pictures a documentary (apparently, a few of the supporting actors in the film are real nomads). Obviously, the lifestyle displayed is a difficult one. Something as simple as using the restroom provides challenges, as do the difficulties encountered by a flat tire, something the character encounters in a move to a much harsher climate during the winter. One can almost feel the dropping temperatures along with the lead and fear for what might happen to Fern should the engine or body of her small mobile home encounter trouble. Another interesting aside that leads to some existential conflict is the way those outside Fern’s nomadic circle treat her.

They’re often confused by her behavior and her unwillingness to accept their help. Yet one quickly gets a sense of the character and the performer does a good job helping viewers relate. It’s never explicitly stated and may even be a subconscious response to the situation, but Fern’s sternness and actions may in part come from feelings of being wronged to some degree by her husband’s employers. The film is starkly and simply shot (again, almost like a documentary). It’s not the prettiest movie in the world, but the images work in order to show the harshness of the surrounding environment. And thankfully, there are several scenic shots of areas like the Badlands and other desert regions in the Southwest. These pictures all provide a bit of relief to the story’s darker and more severe elements. This isn’t an upbeat movie and the narrative doesn’t offer

solutions, but it does feel realistic in its desire to show the lives of nomadic people in the U.S. For those who haven’t considered the difficulties these people face daily, it’s quite enlightening. It may also cause one to consider the current state of the country and how much of its workforce is underpaid, underappreciated and living from paycheck to paycheck. While some of the characters have made a personal choice to adopt such a lifestyle, there are many who aren’t that far off from a similar situation and would prefer a roof over their heads. In the end, Nomadland marks an exceptional, compassionate and timely drama that is anchored by a wonderful lead performance and convincing supporting performances. Anyone in the mood for a serious awards contender is advised to check it out. V ISIT: W W W. CINEMASTANCE.COM

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Friday February 26, 2021 • Gallup Sun


Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for February 23, 2021 By Glenn Kay For the Sun Welcome back to another look at new films arriving on Blu-ray and DVD. This is another busy edition filled with all types of features in just about every genre imaginable. So, since you can’t, or likely shouldn’t go out to the movies this week, be sure to give one of these titles a try! BIG NEW RELEASES! COLLECTIVE: In this documentary, a team of investigators at the Romanian new s pa per G a z e t a Spor tur ilor follows a stor y lead and uncovers a conspiracy. They look into a 2015 tragedy and discover a health-care fraud scam involving local political figures and moguls stealing money, resulting in the unnecessary deaths of numerous citizens. The fi lm crew follows these journalists as they get to the bottom of it all and present their fi ndings. Critics were extremely impressed by this feature, so much so that it received only one mixed review. Everyone else was blown away by the story they had witnessed. They called the movie a shocking expose of horrible people in positions of power, whose crimes wouldn’t have been uncovered were it not for the great work of the writers. This title is making its debut exclusively on DVD. THE CROODS: A NEW AGE: This sequel to the animated 2013 feature The Croods continues the story of the prehistoric family. The adventure begins with the protagonists locating a walled-in paradise that provides them with everything and more they would need to sur vive. However, they soon meet another family squatting on the site. But when a new and dangerous threat appears, the groups must overcome their differences and team up to save the day. The press generally liked this feature. A small group didn’t think the follow-up was unique or funny enough to win them over. Yet the majority felt that it was colorful, COMMUNITY

well-animated and that there were plenty of laughs and enjoyable moments that would entertain the entire family. The voice cast includes Nicolas Cage, Emma Stone, Rya n Reynolds, Catherine Keener, Cloris Leachman, Clark Duke, Leslie Mann, Peter Dinklage and Kelly Marie Tran. DONNA: Also known as Donna, Stronger Than Pretty, this independent drama follows three decades in the life of a sweet, but downtrodden woman. The lead character fi nds it difficult to live up to the expectations of her traditional Italian family. After enduring years of torment from her conservative husband, she finally finds the courage to stand up for herself and make a new start in her life. Over the last year, this low-budget movie managed to earn a few awards at fi lm festivals. There haven’t been many notices written about the picture, but the ones that have appeared have been decent. While one or two found the lead character’s early behavior frustrating, they still complimented the cast and called the movie an empowering ode to women suffering from abuse. If features Kate Amundsen, James Aronson and Sandy Bainum. L A ST C A L L : He r e’s another indie drama that has earned some good press. This film involves a misdial that brings together two completely different individuals. When a depressed man about to kill himself calls a suicide hotline, he accidentally ends up speaking to the building’s late-night janitor after she answers the phone. With little knowledge of how to handle the situation, she tries to keep the man engaged in order to convince him to spare his own life. This movie played at a few festivals in 2019 and received awards for its cast and narrative. One or two critics said that the conversation depicted simply couldn’t justify the feature’s running time. Still, the majority appreciated the work of the actors and called the fi lm a personal and compelling depiction of depression. Sarah Booth and Daved Wilkins

headline the movie.

more details about the party.

THE LAST VERMEER: This period drama is based on a true story that occurred at the close of World War II. A soldier arrives in the Netherla nds to investigate the eccentric Dutch ar tist Han Van Meegeren, who i s accused of collaborating with the Nazis and providing them with priceless Vermeer masterpieces. The investigator fi nds the oddball difficult, but begins to suspect that he may be innocent of the crimes he has been charged with and decides to defend him in court. The majority of write-ups for the movie were positive. A small number found the story fascinating but the execution of the story a little too ordinary, saying that the courtroom drama became tiring. Still, many asserted that Van Meegeren was an engaging character and the details of his scheme were compelling to watch. It stars Guy Pearce, Claes Bang, Vicky Krieps, Roland Møller, August Diehl and Adrian Scarborough.

RAGE: This Australian thriller begins with a violent home invasion t h a t le a v e s a husba nd in a coma and a wife in trauma. The man does reawaken and recover, but his significant other is shattered by the ordeal and the couple is told that one of the perpetrators evaded arrest. After going out in public for the day, the wife thinks she recognizes the attacker. This spurs the leads on a journey of revenge, although things may not be as they initially appear. The fi lm hasn’t been seen by many reviewers outside of its home country. However, the write-ups it did receive were solid and the feature also earned raves in its homeland. It has been described as a gripping and tense little feature that includes excellent performances from the leads. The cast includes Matt Theo, Hayley Beveridge, Richard Norton and Tottie Goldsmith.

OUR QUINCEAÑERA: Here’s another noteworthy document a r y a r r iving on disc. A film crew t r a vel t o a small town in Texas where a high school principal hosts a yearly Quinceañera for students who can’t afford one (for those unfamiliar with such an event, it is a young woman’s 15th birthday celebration). The entire town decides to get involved and the community does its best to inspire students to make their dreams come true and work together to accomplish their goals. This title had screenings at numerous fi lm festivals over the past year and won an audience favorite award at one showing. The fi lm has been available to stream for a few weeks, but it hasn’t been reviewed by the press yet, so interested parties will have to join in without any

SILK ROA D: Stay off of the dark web everyone. This thriller claims to be inspired by real events, detailing the r ise of Silk Road, one of these aforementioned websites. When a programmer creates a free online marketplace, he initially believes that he’s going make incredible sums of money. But it isn’t long before sellers begin using the service to make multimillion-dollar drug deals. This puts the lead’s life in danger from both criminals and a potentially corrupt DEA agent. Critics were split on this fi lm. Half thought that it rushed through proceedings and didn’t ultimately know what it was trying to say about its subject. The same number suggested that there were some thrills and elements that were intriguing enough to earn the fl ick a recommendation. Ja son Cla rke, Nick Robinson, Katie Aselton and Jimmi Simpson headline the feature.

WRONG TURN: Based on genre movies, the Appalachian Mountains may be the most dangerous region to visit in the entire world. This remake of the 2003 horror hit sends a new group of youths to the area. While hiking, they encounter a group of maniacs living in the mountains ready to rob, murder and eat them. As they’re being attacked, one of their dads attempts to locate and rescue them. This creeper earned slightly more positive reviews than it did negative ones. Some were critical of the movie’s tonal shifts and stated that it didn’t properly resolve several of its plot threads. However, the majority suggested that while it was uneven, there were some effective jolts and eerie scenes that would please horror enthusiasts. It features Charlotte Vega, Adain Bradley, Bill Sage, Emma Dumont and Matthew Modine. BL ASTS FROM THE PAST! While there are plenty of new titles this week, there are just as many classic features receiving new Blu-ray releases. Arrow is presenting a new Steelbook edition of the classic, An American Werewolf in London (1981). Those who remember the earlier disc release from last year will know that this incredible movie came with an assortment of new documentaries and incredible bonus features. If you didn’t pick it up the earlier version, you can now get the same release packaged in a Steelbook with brand new art. The distributor is also releasing a Special Edition Blu-ray of the Japanese grindhou s e fea t u re, S h o g u n’s Joy of Torture (1968). It’s a horror anthology from cult director Teruo Ishii (perhaps better known at the time for his Yakuza crime features) involving several disturbing tales that ultimately involve extreme forms of punishment and abuse. The disc includes a commentary from a Japanese cinema authority, a discussion with another expert on the genre, a segment with a critic detailing the history of this subgenre, as well as publicity materials for the fi lm. K ino is debuting some


Gallup Sun • Friday February 26, 2021



Crownpoint football field price tag climbs COACH SAYS NEW FIELD WILL FEEL LIKE A PILLOW TOP By Kevin Opsahl Sun Correspondent


new football field fo r C r o w n p o i n t High School will cost almost twice as much as originally anticipated due to a “hidden condition” school district maintenance personnel came upon when they started the project. Roxy Flanders, director of construction and maintenance for the Gallup-McKinley County School District, said the Crownpoint Eagles’ field w i l l co s t a ppr ox i m a t ely $800,000 — some $350,000 more than was budgeted — because the subgrade was in poor condition. District offi cials thought they would just be replacing the field’s turf, with a price tag of $400,000. Subgrade, the material under a road or building, is critical in keeping the ground level. Otherwise, it starts to

The subgrade has been removed from the Crownpoint High School football field. This view facing north and northwest on Feb. 24 shows it as the turf replacement process is being completed. Photo Credit: Brittainy Garro, Crownpoint High School principal deform — especially if it is mixed with a lot of clay. When that happens, numerous problems, including player injuries, can occur. “It’s going to take us about a month and a half longer, but

their students are going to be safer,” she said. “That’s our key reason for doing it, is student safety.” “A football field has to be level within a quarter of an inch every ten feet — you can’t

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Friday February 26, 2021 • Gallup Sun

have more deviation than that, so you can’t injure the players,” Flanders said. Roder ick Ha rla n, a Crownpoint Middle School teacher who is also the high s cho ol’s fo otba l l coa ch , reported some player knee injuries due to the old field. “It felt like, sometimes, they were playing on asphalt,” he said. “It was a blessing to get a new field.” Harlan said the new field will feel like “a very cushioned, soft pillow topping.” When district officials tore off the turf of Crownpoint’s football field, they found water on it and something going on: pumping. “As you walk on it, the clay will move two or three feet away from you — you’ll see the soil move,” Flanders said. “We knew we couldn’t leave it like that.” The district ripped out the bad subgrade and will replace it with two different layers of gravel for the turf to grow on, according to Flanders. The subgrade replacement is expected to be complete by the end of March. The field is expected to be ready around that time or mid-April at the latest. Harlan praised the new field, saying it was time for an upgrade. He also believes it will boost team morale. “I think a lot of rural schools feel like they’re being left out from the main school,” Harlan said. “We, being a rural school, having this football field laid out for us is really nice.” These f ield renovations come just as football

practice is getting underway (Feb. 22). The New Mexico Activities Association had given schools statewide the green light to play spor ts, which had been halted this year due to the coronavirus pandemic. Crownpoint High School’s football team had not been able to practice before that decision, but since has been able to practice with helmets, shoulder pads — and no contact. Without a true football field, the team started practice on a grass field south of it. Harlan said instead of playing home games during this season, the team will travel to Gallup Public Stadium or Thoreau High School. “It’s been a long time coming,” he said, before noting his team’s mood. “They’re ecstatic because it’s been months before they’ve been able to get up, put on the shoulder pads and just have fun out there, just to play football.” According to a calendar posted on NMAA’s website, practice began Feb. 22 and runs until March 3. Games begin the following day and run to the first weekend in April. The Association cautioned that dates of games are subject to change. “They’re just glad to be playing,” Harlan said of his team. “We tell them everyday that they’re very fortunate and a lot of people are not playing because of the coronavirus.” It’s important for student athletes to have some type of outlet, he said, because kids are tired of being confi ned at home.

Advertise in the Sun! Call for Great Rates & Ad Specials today. (505) 722-8994 SPORTS

Letter to the Editor: FAILED REPRESENTATION WITH OPPORTUNITY LOST IN THE U.S. SPACE COMMAND FOR NEW MEXICO By Alexis Martinez Johnson N.M. Tech alumna, B. S. Engineering, Former candidate for U. S. Congress District 3


he new s of New Mexico losing the race to la nd U.S. Space Command, Jan. 13th, 2020, was disheartening to read as someone who comes from the engineering field. It brought flashbacks of me graduating from New Mexico Tech with an engineering degree

PUBLIC LANDS | FROM PAGE 14 together provide over 97 percent of federal onshore production, closing off public lands

SPAY/NEUTER | FROM PAGE 8 are over one million domestic animals in the Nation, and owners need to comply with the Animal Control Ordinance, which includes regulations on rabies, vaccinations, animal bites, livestock damage, impoundment procedures, and others. Noncompliance fi nes may range from $50 to $200 per animal. The procla mation a lso states, “The Navajo Nation

TURQUOISE | FROM PAGE 9 Turquoise Level, as of Feb. 24. A county may operate at the Turquoise Level after having met both key health metrics for four weeks. In other words, a county that meets the criteria to operate at the Green Level for two consecutive biweekly map updates will elevate to the Turquoise Level, which includes significantly fewer restrictions on commercial and day-to-day activities. The T u rquoise Level i n c lu d e s p r o v i s io n s fo r expanded indoor dining, the operation of entertainment venues like theaters, bars and clubs and more. The updated risk framework NEWS

and no job to be had in New Mexico. Here in New Mexico, we were one of six fi nalists for the U.S. Space Command which would have overseen military space operations. Recently, the U.S Air Force selected Birmingham, Ala. as the location for the Space Command. Alabama will be in for job opportunities our leaders in New Mexico squelched. From Mayor Keller to Sen. Heinrich, now is a time, more than ever, to work for New Mexicans instead of playing the blame ga me a s we a re tired of

polarized party politics. The average New Mexican is looking for a better New Mexico: jobs, an education for their children, and a safe environment to grow and live. We are primed for opportunity and job growth and our governmental leaders should have represented Albuquerque & New Mexico in the best possible way. What the current administration has failed to do is to listen to the voice of the New Mexican, i.e., trying to garner outside companies and outside employees to

come to New Mexico. They need to empower New Mexico’s greatest resource, the people. Instead, they pushed taxpayer incentives for these businesses. Why do our government leaders have to keep subsidizing all compa nies to come to New Mexico on our backs with nothing to show in return? Maybe the U.S. Air Force looked at our leaders handling of the Spaceport A mer ic a , ne a r T r ut h or Con sequences, or maybe they saw Raytheon’s exit (as

over the next 20 years would result in: • Average annual job losses reaching 351,555 by years 2036 through 2040 • GDP dropping by $670.5

billion • Oil and natural gas investment plummeting $389 billion, leading to a loss of $502.6 billion worth of production • The elimination of $159

billion in state tax revenues and $300 billion in lost wages. The report entitled, The Fiscal and Economic Impacts of Federal Onshore Leasing and Drilling Bans, analyzes

the economic impacts of two potential scenarios: a leasing moratorium and a ban on approving drilling permits. The full report is available online.

has established animal control laws to protect the health, safety, and property of people and address responsible pet ownership and overpopulation, disease and neglect of animals. It is the responsibility of the people to protect and preserve the animals using the resources that are available, such as sterilization clinics, vaccination clinics, and animal adoption programs.” “Abandonment of puppy and kitten litters is a major issue on the Nation. We can all help to

solve this problem. If you are adding a pet to your family, make sure you spay and neuter them,” Second Lady Lizer said. “Find local ser vices to fi nd what is best for your pet. Before adding a pet to your home, recognize all the responsibilities to keep your pet safe and healthy. Educate your children, friends, family members, and co-workers about pet overpopulation,” she continued. “Spaying and neutering ultimately help your pet live a healthier and longer life.

Sterilization also decreases the chances of pet homelessness and overcrowding of animal shelters,” First Lady Nez said. “A s Nava jo people, we believe that our animals protect us from harm, stress, and loneliness, and we have to learn how to protect them as well,” she stated. The Office of the First Lady and Second Lady will host a webinar Feb. 26, on the “Navajo Nation OPVP Communications” YouTube channel to provide

additional resources and s e r vi c e s t o b e c o m e a responsible pet owner and to encourage citizens to volunteer and donate to help solve the concern of unwanted and unsterilized animals. Contact your local veterinarian to schedule an appointment for your pet or visit the Navajo Nation Veterinary Management web site: n ava joveter i for more information.

and public health order also includes the following changes: Businesses that had previously been categorized as “close-contact recreational facilities,” and closed at each level of the risk system, will be re-categorized and permitted to operate at limited capacities depending on their new category and the risk level of the county in which they operate. State parks, which had previously been open only for dayuse for New Mexico residents, will now be open to camping with reservations and day-use for all. L A R G E ENTERTAINMENT VENUES, RECREATIONAL FACILITIES, BARS Previously the state public

health order had categorized certain businesses requiring longer periods of close contact among patrons as “close-contact recreational facilities,” which were closed at all risk levels. Those businesses will be re-categorized and permitted to operate in a manner that corresponds to the risk level of the county in which they operate, as outlined in the updated public health order: “Large entertainment venues” are defi ned as any publicly or privately owned venue typically or actually used to host large audiences for the purposes of entertainment or amusement, including but not limited to racetracks, concert venues, movie theaters,

performance venues, professional sports venues and theaters. At the Turquoise Level, these venues may operate at up to 33 percent of maximum occupancy of any enclosed space on the premises, as determined by the relevant fire marshal or department, and up to 75 percent of maximum occupancy of any outdoor space on the premises. At the Green Level, these venues may operate at up to 25 percent of maximum occupancy of any enclosed space on the premises, as determined by the relevant fi re marshal or department, and up to 50 percent of maximum occupancy of any outdoor space on the premises.

At the Yellow Level, these venues may operate at up to 25 percent of any outdoor space on the premises but may not permit patrons to enter the indoor portions of the venue except for the limited purpose of using a restroom; employees may occupy the indoor portion of the facility to the extent necessary to operate the outdoor portion. At the Red Level, these venues may not operate. To review the new public health order and the regulations for each of the four color levels for COVID-19 reopening, go to: https: //cv.nmhealth. org / wp - content / uploads/2021/02/022421PHO.pdf

Alexis Martinez Johnson reported in Abq. Jour nal, May 19, 2020, Raytheon to close ABQ site). When we do not get the contract, Sen. Heinrich talks about the Space


Gallup Sun • Friday February 26, 2021



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GALLUP SUN ARCHIVES Need a past issue? $2.00 per copy. Note issue date and send check or M.O. to: Gallup Sun, PO Box 1212, Gallup, NM 87305. Subject to availability. AUTO SALES Gurley Motor Company

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full-time position. Previous customer service and/or sales experience preferred. Looking for a positive, outgoing, and hard-working team player. Must own a reliable vehicle. Background and drug screening required for chosen candidate. Pay DOE. Send resume and cover letter to: gallupsun@ *** The Gallup Sun is hiring an independent contractor delivery driver. You must have a reliable vehicle, valid driver’s license, registration, and insurance. Email resume or work history to gallupsuncirculation@gmail. com LEGAL/PUBLIC NOTICES STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF CIBOLA THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT JAMES HERMAN, Personal Representative of the Estate of Ray D. Vernon Plaintiff Vs. ALEXANDER E. TATRO, HIS HEIRS, ESTATES, ASSIGNS AND UNKNOWN CLAIMANTS OF INTEREST IN THE PREMISES, Defendants. No.D-1333-CV-2020-00267


NOTICE OF PENDENCY OF SUIT THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO TO: ALEXANDER E. TATRO, HIS HEIRS, ESTATES, ASSIGNS AND UNKNOWN CLAIMANTS OF INTEREST IN THE PREMISES, You or your attorney are hereby directed to file a pleading or motion in response to the Complaint to quiet title on file herein on or before 30 days from the

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EMAIL: GALLUPSUNLEGALS@GMAIL.COM DUE: TUESDAYS 5 PM date of the last publication of this Notice in the Office of the Clerk of the District Court, Thirteenth Judicial District of the State of New Mexico, sitting within and for the County of Cibola, that being the Court on which said Complaint is filed, and to serve a copy of the same pleading or motion upon Plaintiffs or Plaintiffs’ attorneys, Mason & Isaacson, P.A., 104 East Aztec, P.O. Box 1772, Gallup, New Mexico 87305, (505 – 722-4463). Unless a responsive pleading or motion is entered by you in this cause on or before the above date, judgment will be rendered against you by default. The general object of said action is to quiet the title of the following-described property in Cibola County, New Mexico: Lots Ten (10) and Fourteen (14) in Block Five (5) Unit Two (2) of BLUEWATER ACRES SUBDIVISION in Cibola (Formerly Valencia) County, New Mexico, As the same as shown and designated on the Plat thereof filed in the office of The County Clerk, Valencia County, New Mexico, on August 1, 1962. WITNESS the District Judge of the Thirteenth Judicial District Court of the State of New Mexico, and the seal of said Court this ____ day of February, 2021. Clerk of the District Court By __________________ Deputy

Publish: Gallup Sun February 12, 2021 February 19, 2021 February 26, 2021 *** PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the McKinley County Board of Commissioners will hold a regular meeting on Tuesday, March 2, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. Adhering to the Social Distancing Protocols, issued by the Governor’s Office; and the requirements of the Open Meetings Act allowing members of the public to attend and listen to meetings of the quorum of the governing body, this meeting will be physically closed to the public but open to the public via technology services. Members of the public may view the live stream feeds offered on the approved Facebook account of the McKinley County Office of Emergency Management. Members of the public are welcome to call in with comments about any of the items on the agenda. The comment call in number (505.863.1400) will be monitored beginning at 8:45 a.m on the day of the meeting; and, it will stop being monitored at 9:10 am on the day of the meeting. Please give your name, and the Agenda Item Number you desire to comment on, and a return phone number. When, at the appropriate time for making comments on the agenda items, (beginning at approximately 9:10 am) the Commission Chair will call you on your return number so you can


CLASSIFIEDS | FROM PAGE 20 make your comment. The Commission Chair pursuant to state law and county policy can limit the time of comments and reduce common or cumulative comments as needed; comments will be limited to 3 minutes. The members of the County Commission at their option can participate by phone or other technological participation methods. A copy of the agenda will be available 72 hours prior to the meeting in the Manager’s Office and the County Clerk’s Office and can be sent electronically upon request. Auxiliary aides for the disabled are available upon request; please contact Janessa McMahon at (505) 722-3868 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting to make any necessary arrangements. All interested parties are invited to attend via the live stream mentioned herein. Done this 19th day of February 2021 McKINLEY COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS /S/ Billy Moore, Chairperson Publication date: Gallup Sun February 26, 2021 *** PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the McKinley County Voters Registration Board will meet in Regular Session on Wednesday, March 3, 2021 at 10:30 a.m., in the County Clerk’s office / Bureau of Elections, at the McKinley County Building, 207 West Hill Avenue, Gallup, NM.

Agenda will be available at the County Clerk’s / Bureau of Elections office three (3) days before the meeting. Done this 19th day of February 2021 Marlene Custer Bureau of Election Manager Publication date: Gallup Sun February 26, 2021 *** PUBLIC NOTICE NEW MEXICO RENEWABLE ENERGY TRANSMISSION AUTHORITY The New Mexico Renewable Energy Transmission Authority is contemplating entering into a project with Invenergy Wind Development North America LLC (“Invenergy”) to plan, develop and/or finance a high voltage, direct current (HVDC) electric transmission line between northeastern New Mexico and northwestern New Mexico (the “Project”). Once constructed, the Project will be an eligible facility able to transport up to 4,000 MW of renewable energy, including wind, solar and battery storage, to customers and markets in New Mexico and across the southwestern United States. This would include the transport of wind and/or solar energy from one or more renewable energy sources anticipated to be developed and owned by Invenergy affiliates in Union County, New Mexico. Union County has an estimated total developable wind capacity of 20,000 MW, in addition to a strong solar energy resource. The project will traverse approximately 400 miles and may be located within Guadalupe, Harding, McKinley, Mora, Sandoval, San Juan, San Miguel, Santa Fe, and Union counties in New Mexico. The anticipated connection date

We believe in ideas. We believe in passion. We believe in dreams. We believe in you.

of the new renewable energy sources is 2027-2030. This notice constitutes compliance with 62-16A-4(C) (1) NMSA 1978. New Mexico Renewable Energy Transmission Authority 1225 S. St. Francis Drive, Suite E Santa Fe, NM 87505 Publication: Gallup Sun February 26, 2021 *** Legal Notice Invitation To Bid Public Notice is hereby provided that the GallupMcKinley County Schools is accepting competitive sealed bids for: HVAC MERV-13 FILTERS Price Agreement ITB-2021-32MA Commodity Code(s): 03145 As more particularly set out in the BID documents, copies of which may be obtained by downloading from the Gallup-McKinley County Schools eBidding platform website https:// Sealed bids for such will be received until 2:00 P.M. (LOCAL TIME) on, March 11, 2021. EMAIL, FAX and HARDCOPY PROPOSALS will NOT be accepted. Bidders will not be able to upload proposals or documents after the specified CLOSING date and time. The Gallup-McKinley County School Board of Education reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, waive any formalities or minor inconsistencies, and/or cancel this solicitation in its entirety. Dated the 22nd Day of February 2021 By: /S/ Charles Long, President Board of Education Gallup-McKinley County School District No. 1

February 26, 2021 & March 5, 2021 (Gallup Sun) *** PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the McKinley County Fire Excise Tax Board will hold an annual meeting on Monday March 1, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. This meeting will be held at the McKinley County Fire Administration Building, Training room, 413 Bataan Memorial Drive, Gallup, New Mexico. Auxiliary aides for the disabled are available upon request; please contact Verlynne Herrera at (505) 863-3839 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting to make any necessary arrangements. All interested parties are invited to attend. Done this 24th day of February, 2021 McKINLEY COUNTY FIRE EXCISE TAX BOARD Publication date: February 26, 2021

LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF ORDINANCE PASSAGE BY TITLE AND SUMMARY ORDINANCE NO. S2021-3 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the governing body of the City of Gallup, New Mexico, at its regular meeting of February 23, 2021 passed, adopted and approved the following entitled Ordinance: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A REQUEST BY BUTLER BROTHERS, LLC, PROPERTY OWNERS, FOR VACATION OF A TWENTY-FOOT (20’) WIDE PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT (P.U.E.) ON THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 226 DEE ANN AVENUE. The purpose and subject matter of the Ordinance is contained in the title. A complete copy of the Ordinance is on file in the Office of the City Clerk, Gallup City Hall. CITY OF GALLUP, NEW MEXICO By: /s/ Alfred Abeita II, City Clerk PUBLISH: Gallup Sun Friday, February 26, 2021



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The Gallup Sun is distributed weekly, on Fridays. Forms received after Wednesday, the subscription will start the following Friday.

Gallup Sun • Friday February 26, 2021




4 pm @ Facebook LIVE @ galluplibrary we will hold an afternoon of mythology trivia. Brush up on your cultural myths or learn new ones as we look into origin stories and the zodiac from around the world. Discover mythology of Native American, Chinese, Greek, Norse, Egyptian, and more!! Go to day of game to play in real time. Prizes will be awarded to the top three contestants. For more information: jwhitman@gallupnm. gov or call (505) 863-1291.


Visit YouTube, @galluplibrary to view episodes of the On the Books: Black History Month where we’re exploring Black History through the authors and works in our collection Videos are posted Fridays at 11:00 am. Nikki Grimes will be our focus this week. SATURDAY, February 27


12 pm. Join OFPL for a special 2-hour Zumba class hosted by OFPL’s own Zumba Fitness instructor Joshua Whitman with guest instructor: Alicia Santiago. Visit to register and participate virtually from home. Registration is limited to 100 participants. For more information: or call (505) 863-1291.


1 pm on Facebook@galluplibrary make your DIY cosmetics from items around your home. Each ingredient list will be available on our website All SelfCare episodes are available after the livestream. Visit YouTube, @galluplibrary. This week we will make sea salt conditioner. For more information:; (505) 863-1291.


4 pm Join OFPL on Facebook LIVE @galluplibrary on to participate live in a get up and move event. Play Pokemon Go with us live on Twitch, @ofpl_streams while we walk around the neighborhood, visit stops, ask trivia questions, and more! Get pumped up before the big world wide Pokemon Go Tour: Kanto event on Feb. 20. Even if you don’t play Pokemon Go You can walk around your neighborhood and enjoy the company and exercise. Email or call (505) 8631291 for more information.

Visit https://pokemongolive. com/en/events/tour/kanto/ to learn more about the game.


Borrow the featured title ‘Love Lettering” by Kate Clayborn with no waitlists or holds from our digital collection Feb. 10-24 by visiting http://nm.lib.overdrive. com or downloading the Libby app. Enjoy this witty romance about Meg, whose hand-lettering skill has made her famous by designing custom journals for her New York City clientele. She has another skill too: reading signs that other people miss. Readers can then participate in the online discussion. OFPL joins nearly 16,000 public libraries and tens of thousands of readers across the United States in offering the latest Together We Read: US digital book club selection. Email bmartin@ or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.


9 am-4 pm COVID-19 vaccinations @ UNM-Gallup (705 Gurley Ave.). Second dose only for those who received their first dose on Jan. 30. Please have your medical record number available. For more information (505) 722-1753 SUNDAY, February 28


Call to Artists! OFPL is seeking visual art from community artists in the first OFPL Virtual Juried Art Showcase. 2021 Virtual Theme: “Art for ArtSake.”. Submit 1-3 high quality image(s) of 2D or 3D medium visual arts for OFPL’s Virtual Juried Art Showcase. Visual art may include drawing, painting, photography, sculpture, ceramics, jewelry, weaving, and more. Juried art showcase is divided into the following age categories: 0-4, 5-7, 8-12, 13-17, and 18+. Please see showcase requirements below: Submission deadline: Feb. 28 by 11:59 pm. Send all submissions to jwhitman@ by deadline. For more information:; (505) 863-1291. MONDAY, March 1


12 pm on OFPL’s Facebook or YouTube @galluplibrary to make DIY silf-care products. This week we will create whipped body lotions. Ingredient lists for each product are available at Email jwhitman@gallupnm. gov or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.

22 Friday February 26, 2021 • Gallup Sun



4 pm @ YouTube @gallup library. Create your own art using materials found around your home! Courses are geared towards individuals approximately 15-years of age and older. Supply kits are available at OFPL on a first-come, first-served basis. This week we will focus on Dr. Seuss Inspired Art. Create a tie-dye doily using a coffee filter inspired by art from the Lorax, followed by creating and painting your own Dr. Seuss character. Creative Corner Episodes are available for viewing after the premiere event on YouTube, @galluplibrary. For more information:; (505) 863-1291. TUESDAY, March 2


9 am – 11 am on Zoom on the McKinley County Office of Emergency Management Facebook


4 pm YouTube, @galluplibrary. In honor of Women’s History Month, we are talking about the amazing women in our lives. Submit a 3 - 5 minute video about the influential women in your lives and join the creative genius of OFPL. Watch out for talks about books, authors, movies, food, making, and technology from our talented neighbors. Join us on YouTube, @galluplibrary. Submissions can be sent to libtrain@gallupnm. gov or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.


5 pm @galluplibrary. for “How to” tech shorts. In honor of Women’s History Month, we are talking about the amazing women in our lives. Submit a 3 - 5 minute video about the influential women in your lives and join the creative genius of OFPL. For more information: libtrain@ or call (505) 863-1291.


1:30 pm-2:30 pm @ UNM Gallup Lions Hall parking lot (705 Gurley Ave.). Pre-registration is preferred, but not required at cvtestreg. NM Dept of Health 1919 College Drive WEDNESDAY, March 3


1 pm-2 pm Office of Enrollment Services – Transfer Center for Eastern New Mexico Univeristy will hold virtual information sessions For more information go to gallup.unm. edu/pdfs/ENMU-Virtual-Information-Sessions.pdf


4 pm @YouTube, 2galluplibrary. Learn how to make use of Google Drive and all of the different tools available. Use Google Drive as your home base for documents and pictures.


11 am Visit YouTube, @gallup library to view episodes of OFPL’s Every Child Ready to Read where we focus on the five practices of early literacy: talking, singing, reading, writing, and playing. This week we will focus on sounds. THURSDAY, March 4


1:30 pm-2:30 pm @ UNM Gallup Lions Hall parking lot (705 Gurley Ave.). Pre-registration is preferred, but not required at NM Dept of Health 1919 College Drive


4 pm on Facebook and Youtube @galluplibrary (all ages) for family-friendly crafts and step-by-step tutorials for all skill levels. This week we will focus on Animal Newspaper Art Collages. ONGOING


The Only Good Indians by Stephen Graham Jones is the topic. The story follows four American Indian men after a disturbing event from their youth puts them in a desperate struggle for their lives. Zoom discussions will be held in March. Email or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.


All Day. The time for another virtual escape room is here! Access our digital escape room collection on our website or through social media @ galluplibrary. Escape Room 2 will be posted beginning Jan. 2. Registration is not required, play anytime at home. For more information:; (505) 863-1291 for more information.


Big Brothers Big Sisters is looking for more mentors to make a difference in the life of a young person. Mentors and mentees can meet for socially distance friendly interactions or hangout virtually playing games, cooking, reading, etc. via Facetime, Zoom, or other platforms. For more information call 505726-4285 or go to to sign up today.


Urgent Care Clinic (520 Hwy. 564). Walk-ins 5 pm- 9 pm, Sat., 9 am - 9 pm and 12 pm-5 pm Sun. Please bring insurance information. For those with no health insurance there will be a $25 fee. Pre-registration can be done during hours of operation, 9 am-9 pm. For more information: (505) 863-2273.


9 am-5 pm Mon.-Fri. @ Urgent Care Center (520 NM Hwy 564, north of the New Mexico Cancer Center). Closed on Sundays. Rapid testing is not available.


Rehoboth McKinley Christian Health Care Services is making appointments for individuals in Phase 1B of the vaccine distribution plan. For detailed information call (505) 488-2684; https://bit. ly/2M0n2bV


Storytime anytime, call (505) 862-9177 to hear a story any time of the day or night. Stories will change daily, at the end leave us a message to let us know what stories you want to hear.


The Library is celebrating Valentine’s Day by playing matchmaker! You shouldn’t always judge a book by its cover. Put your trust in fate and choose a book without knowing the title. Requests for blind dates can be made using the Supply Request Form at Maybe you will fall in love! Place a request for a blind date with a book starting Feb. 1 and then rate it by filling out the “Rate the Date” card included with each book. Return the card to the book drop by March 15 and be entered in a drawing to win a prize. Post a picture with your blind date on our Facebook or Instagram pages @galluplibrary for a second entry into the drawing. Email or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.


Today’s libraries have programs and resources that go far beyond books. From virtual story times, family game nights and art classes, to opportunities to borrow audiobooks and stream movies, there’s something for everyone at the library. To explore all that the library has to offer, visit your library at to register for


CALENDAR | FROM PAGE 22 a free library card. For more information: or call (505) 8631291 for more information.


OFPL staff continues to provide essential services to our community by offering curbside checkout, virtual classes, workshops, and public education through our social media platforms. Visit for the online request form. • DVD/CD check out limit is 10 - 30 library items total. OFPL Staff is onsite Monday through Friday from 11 am-5 pm. and will offer curbside pick-ups only from 12 pm - 4 pm. Saturday pick-ups must be scheduled in advance. There will be

DVD/BLU-RAY | FROM PAGE 17 Blu-ray titles that have never been released in high defi nition. The fi rst is for the beachparty comedy, The Allnighter (1987 ). T h is one st a r red Suzanna Hoffs (lead singer of the rock band, The Bangles) and follows her character as she searches for “Mr. Right” at the biggest celebration of the year. You’ll get a commentary with star Hoffs and her mother (who directed the feature), a film historian audio track, a music video for the fi lm and a trailer. Speaking of musicians taking on acting roles, Hard to Hold (1984) is also arriving on Blu-ray. This drama features performer Rick Springfield (of “Jessie’s Girl” fame) as a rock star who fi nds himself falling for a child psychologist and intellectual. The fl ick featured

SPACEFORCE | FROM PAGE 19 Command going to Alabama due to political leanings. The fact of the matter is the Air Force was looking for a workforce to be able to do specialized labor, have great schools, supporting infrastructure, and low cost.

DATA | FROM PAGE 5 25, she has not heard anything from the hospital concerning a data breach. Miller said she did not inform the hospital about this letter. She CALENDAR

Saturday curbside pick-ups only from 12 pm-4 pm and must be scheduled in advance. New requests will not be processed on Saturdays. Please allow 48 hours for the fulfillment of all library requests. Call (505) 863-1291 to schedule a Saturday pick-up and for reference services.


OFPL is recruiting new members for our Friends of the Library Group. The OFPL Friends support library programs, services, and collections through a variety of in-kind activities. If you are passionate about helping our community grow stronger, join the Octavia Fellin Public Library Friends’ Group and get involved in event planning, local and State advocacy, fundraising and

philanthropy. To join please visit and our Friends’ Coordinator will contact you with more information. Email childlib@ or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.


Join us on OFPL’s YouTube channel @galluplibrary weekly on Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays at 6:00 pm for an evening workout with OFPL’s own Zumba Fitness instructor. Bring down your house with salsa flavors, booty shaking, and heart racing songs. Email or call (505) 8631291 for more information.


8:30 am-4:30 pm @Chinle Comprehensive Health Care Facility (Mon.-Fri.) Drive-thru first and second doses of Moderna vaccine; Pfizer second doses. Ages 16 and over


8:30 am-4:30 pm @ Piñon Health Center (Mon.- Fri.) 8:30 am-4:30 pm @ Piñon Health Center ( Feb. 27) Second doses of Pfizer vaccines; For those who received their first doses Feb. 6.

10 am-3 pm @ Thoreau Clinic (M-F) Elders and high risk – By appointment only – (505) 862-8761

8:30 am-4:30 pm @ Tsaile Health Center (Mon.- Fri.) By appointment only – (928) 724-3639 8:30 am-3:45 pm @Crownpoint Healthcare Facility (T, W, Th) Elders and high risk – By appointment only – (505) 7866270. Limited appointments

10am-3 pm @Pueblo Pintado Clinic (M-Th) Elders and high risk – By appointment only – (505) 655-3254

8 am-4 pm @Gallup Indian Medical Center (M-F) Ages 65 and over – By appointment only To post a nonprofit or civic event in the calendar section, please email: or fax: (505) 212-0391. Deadline: Monday at 5 pm.

several original songs from the performer, including the top 40 hit, “Love Somebody” as well as tunes by Peter Gabriel and Graham Parker. The Blu-ray arrives with a commentary with director Larry Peerce, a second track with an entertainment journalist, a trailer and 11 radio spots. The same distributor is putting out a double-feature Bluray of dramas The Other Side of the Mountain (1975) and The Other Side of the Mountain: Part II (1978), which follows a young ski champion who is paralyzed in an accident, but manages to make a new start in life after falling in love. Director Larry Peerce (who also helmed Hard to Hold) appears in a bonus interview on the release. Trailers are also included on the disc. They also have a Blu-ray of the German feature Port of Freedom (1944), a melancholy

drama set in Europe. The narrative was shot during WWII and repor tedly is a great example of how filmmakers were able to get around rules imposed by the Third Reich in order to create humanist dramas with anti-Nazi undertones. The movie has been given a 4K color restoration and arrives with a fi lm historian commentary. Criterion is releasing a Bluray of the award-winning independent drama, Chop Shop (2007). The story follows a struggling orphan who fi nds work at an auto-body garage in Queens. This disc includes a director-approved high-definition digital transfer of the feature. Filmmaker Ramin Bahrani also provides a commentary track and a new conversation about the movie with most of the cast and crew. In addition, there’s a special that includes the director and

writer in conversation, and rehearsal footage of the cast just before the shoot.

Low cost is not the only factor or else we would see T or C thriving and a robust Raytheon in Albuquerque. They may also have been looking for a state that works together regarding business, energy, and the environment. The environment is paramount in New Mexico, but so is making a living, and if we cannot work for the mutual

benefit of the environment and business, then why would business come here? Sen. Heinrich’s answer: the process was rushed right before a new administration took office. It’s time to stop making excuses for not delivering for New Mexicans and continuing to play the blame game is not going to do anything for

New Mexico’s future. Saying you can only accomplish goals when you have your party in office sounds like party politics cannot be separated from doing what is best for New Mexicans. Mayor Keller and Sen. Heinrich should call Raytheon and troubleshoot what can we do better, perhaps, invite your colleagues from all

parties to put all hands on deck for a better New Mexico. We need to start from the ground up and that means not relying on the government for the daily direction on how and what you will do. It is time to reaffirm, “Si, se puede.” It is time for the government to listen to the New Mexicans and say, “Juntos.”

said that under HIPAA regulations, she is not obligated to do so. Online, however, there are articles hinting at the possibility that there has been a data breach at RMCHCS. mentions the hospital in a February

2021 article about ransomware actors who have allegedly leaked data from healthcare-related entities. One of those named by author Jessica Davis in connection with the Conti ransomware group, is Rehoboth McKinley Christian Health Care

Services. Davis stated that the dark web posting includes information from passports, drivers’ licenses and bills of sale. The Conti malware is known for updating rapidly, being able to quickly encrypt a system, and

for auto-spreading functionality according to the Cybereason’s Noct u r nu s Tea m repor t . Cybereason Nocturnus Team is a Boston, Mass. I-T company that solves hacks. Davis was unavailable for comment as of press time.

They also have an earlier feature from writer/director Ba h ra n i ca lled, Man Push Cart (2005). It’s a well-received drama about a famous Pakistani rock star who moves to the U.S. and ends up selling coffee from a cart in Manhattan. This Blu-ray also includes a director-approved transfer, an audio commentary, a new conversation featuring Bahrani with the cast and crew, a conversation featuring the moviemaker and a movie scholar, as well as an early short film by the director. The fi nal Blu-ray release of the week is the musical and Oscar-nominee Show Boat

(1951) with Kathryn Grayson and Ava Gardner. YOU KNOW, FOR KIDS! Here are some new releases that may appeal to children. Banana and the Curious Bunch: Season 2 (Japanese) T h e C r o o d s : 2 - Mov ie Collection (2013 and 2020) The Croods: A New Age ON THE TUBE! And these are the week’s TV-themed releases. American Experience: The Codebreaker (PBS) Betty White’s Pet Set: The Complete 1971 Series DVD (PBS) Robert Kirkman’s Secret History of Comics: Season 1 (2017 AMC series) S t a r T r e k : T h e Ne x t Generation: Season 1 (1987 1988) Blu-ray VISIT: W W W. CINEMASTANCE.COM

Gallup Sun • Friday February 26, 2021


24 Friday February 26, 2021 • Gallup Sun


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