VOL 7 | ISSUE 337 | SEPTEMBER 10, 2021
20 years on Terrorism changes lives, law enforcement, attitudes Meet Sean Wells at Sacred Heart Spanish Market
Mary of Sorrows coloring page … 15
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September 17th 7pm
Friday September 10, 2021 • Gallup Sun
Governor holds health care roundtable in Gallup By Beth Blakeman Managing Editor
uring a by-inv itation-only meeting Sept. 7, Gov. Michelle Lu jan Grisham talked to Gallup and McKinley County health care officials and local dignitaries about how the region was coping during the COVID-19 pandemic. The governor and her staff sat down with Gallup Mayor Louis Bonaguidi, Rep. Patty Lundstrom, D-Gallup, Sen. George Muñoz, D-Gallup, Rep. D. Wonda Johnson, D-Rehoboth, and representatives of Rehoboth McKinley Christian Health Care
Gallup Mayor Louis Bonaguidi Services and the Gallup Indian Medical Center among others. The governor recognized the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the region, noting that it became one of the nation’s epicenters of the early pandemic.
She also mentioned that McKinley County still has the highest rate of total cases per 100,000 people and that it is also a leader in vaccinations, second only to Los Alamos County for the percentage of those eligible who have been fully vaccinated. Officials at the roundtable discussed the area’s many health care concerns and needs and how the state can partner with local entities to address access to and quality of care, as well as the underlying issues contributing to negative health
Sen. George Muñoz, D-Gallup, New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, Rep. Patty Lundstrom, D-Gallup, consider health issues at the Sept. 7 roundtable in Gallup.
Dignitaries celebrate at the ribbon cutting for the Manuelito Canyon Bridge in Manuelito, N.M. on Sept. 3. Navajo Nation President Jonathan Nez, Vice President Myron Lizer, and Miss Navajo Nation Shaandiin Parrish with U.S. Sen. Ben Ray Luján, D-N.M., Manuelito Chapter and McKinley County officials, Navajo Area Bureau of Indian Affairs Regional Director Gregory Mehojah, New Mexico State Reps. Patricia Lundstrom, D-Gallup, and D. Wonda Johnson, D- Rehoboth attended the ceremony. Photo Credit: Courtesy OPVP Staff Reports
ANUELITO, N.M. — Since the fall o f 2 010 w h e n he a v y r a i n f a l l washed out the Manuelito Canyon Bridge and the Federal E mer ge nc y M a n a geme nt
RMCHCS NURSE WINS DAISY Lisa Cope wins the Daisy Award
Agency declared the bridge structurally unsafe, residents who traveled it had to find other routes to their destinations. That all changed on Sept. 3 when the ribbon was
10 13 17 THE FOSSIL-FREE RESISTANCE Plans an October campaign in Wash., D. C.
SEE THE WORLD FROM ON HIGH With mountain climber Marc-André Leclerc
PATRIOTS WIN IN FOOTBALL, SOCCER See the Patriot who scores 4 goals in one game
Gallup Sun • Friday September 10, 2021
Red Rock Balloon Rally receives $35,000 from Lodgers’ Tax funds By Molly Ann Howell Sun Correspondent
allup citizens will have something to look forward to in December when the Red Rock Balloon Rally returns for its 40th anniversary on Dec. 3-5.
Gallup Sun Publishing, LLC Publisher Babette Herrmann Office Manager Mandy Marks Managing Editor Beth Blakeman Design Vladimir Lotysh Contributing Editor Cody Begaye Correspondents Molly Howell Photography Cable Hoover Ana Hudgeons Ryan Hudgeons Knifewing Segura On the Cover: The 9/11 crash site in New York. Photo Courtesy of the FBI
The Gallup Sun, published Fridays, is not responsible or liable for any claims or offerings, nor responsible for availability of products advertised. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. The Gallup Sun distributes newspapers in McKinley, Cibola and Apache counties. Office: 1983 State Rd. 602 Gallup, NM 87301 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Gallup Sun, PO Box 1212, Gallup, NM. Mailing Address: PO Box 1212 Gallup, NM 87305 www.gallupsun.com Phone: (505) 722-8994 Fax: (505) 212-0391 gallupsun@gmail.com Letter to the editor/guest column ACCEPTED BY EMAIL ONLY. State full name and city/town. No pen names. ID required. All submissions subjected to editor’s approval. Guest columnists, email Sun for submission requirements.
During the Lodgers’ Tax Committee meeting Aug. 17, one of the event’s founders, Peter Procopio, asked for $35,000 for his event. Procopio explained that the rally had lost some of its sponsors during the pandemic, including Marathon, which usually donated $30,000 to the event, but suspended operations at its Gallup refi nery in April, 2020. “We’re worried a little bit about other sponsors not [being] able to or willing to participate after a bad year, and we understand that,” Procopio said. “But we’re going try to do our best to make up whatever we can to complete our budget.” One committee member said he viewed the balloon rally as a premier event for the whole state.
THANK YOU ADVERTISERS Amigo Automotive Group - 1 AJ Tires & Auto Center - 5 Amazing Grace Personal Care - 11 Anthony’s Taste of the Southwest - 12 Bubany Insurance Agency - 9 Butler’s Office City - 5 Casamera Apartment - 20 Comfort Suites - 6 Crime Stoppers - 7 The Door - 10 505 Burgers and Wings - 12 Gallup McKinley County Schools - 2 Genaro’s Cafe - 12 Grace Bible Church - 3 Grandpa’s Grill - 12 Keller Williams Realty - 1 Maria’s Restaurant 12 NMHU - 20 Pinnacle Bank - 14 Railway Cafe - 12 Rollie Mortuary - 13 Route 66 Diner - 12 Steve Petranovich CPA - 21 Thunderbird Supply Company - 4 T-Mobile - 24 TravelCenters of America - 8 Valley Fence - 6 Vox Optima - 21
Friday September 10, 2021 • Gallup Sun
Hot air balloons lift off in a mass ascension at Red Rock Park in Gallup Dec. 7, 2019 at the Red Rock Balloon Rally. The balloons are returning this December with the help of the Lodgers’ Tax. Photo Credit: Cable Hoover “We’re all proud to have it here in our hometown,” Jason Arsenault said. Ga l lup’s Tou r i sm a nd Marketing Manager Jennifer Lazarz informed the committee that if they approved the $35,000 amount, she would have to ask the city council for a $16,000 budget adjustment. In an interview with the Sun, Lazarz explained that the extra money would come from
the city’s Lodgers’ Tax fund balance. The committee approved the entire request. Also approved by the committee was a request of $3,500 for the Turquoise Roping Event (also known as the New Mexico Turquoise Classic), which took place on the weekend of Aug 28-29. In order to support these two events and the remaining
events that will take place before June 30, 2022, the committee approved a $38,500 budget adjustment. According to Lazarz, the rema ining budget for the Lodgers’ Tax fund is $59,000 for the rest of the year. The last round of applications for the 2021-2022 budget is due on Feb. 25, 2022. If any of that money isn’t used, it will roll back into the fund’s reserve.
Nurse at Rehoboth McKinley Christian Hospital wins special award By: Molly Ann Howell Sun Correspondent
hile nurses have always been heroes, they have been held in especially high esteem since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. One of those who has been serving the community for three decades was honored with a DAISY Award for Ex traordina r y Nurses Aug. 17. Lisa Cope, RN, received
her awa rd from Rehoboth McKinley Christian Health Care Services last month. DAISY Awards are given to reg istered nu r ses who exemplify nursing values of extraordinary compassion, cou r a ge a nd i nt eg r it y i n every situation. In an interview with the Sun, Cope said that the most difficult par t of her job is the fact that her job looks different every day, making it difficult to schedule into the future. She might have to
inspect a construction project, review a microbiology report, and counsel someone regarding their illness all in one day. A s t he Di rector of t he Intensive Care Unit, Curry Graham works closely with Cope. He said she wants the best for the patients and staff. “[She holds] us to ta sk when it comes to infection and control and prevention, making sure that we’re doing what we need to do to be safe and keep our patients safe,
and also keeping us up to date on the latest [Centers for D i s e a s e Cont rol a nd Prevention] guidelines.” Cope bega n her ca reer at RMCHCS i n 198 9 a s a nu r si n g a s si s t a nt i n t he Medical Surgical unit. She later received her bachelor’s degree in Nursing from the University of New Mexico School of Nursing. Her family moved to Gallup when she was in second grade, making her an almost lifelong Gallupian.
Lisa Cope, RN, won the DAISY award at RMCHCS on Aug. 17. Photo Credit: Courtesy of Clarice Begay
Gallup looks forward to 5G, higher internet speeds By Molly Ann Howell Sun Correspondent
aster internet is on the horizon, in part because of a recent decision by the city
council. During the Aug. 24 council meeting, councilors approved an ordinance that will allow small cell wireless transmitters to be installed around the city. Gallup City Attorney Curtis Hayes presented the ordinance to the council. In an interview with the Sun, he explained that it is necessary to keep the city in compliance with Feder a l Com mu n icat ion s
Gallup City Attorney Curtis Hayes
have huge fees, and many of them will not process applications for transmitters fast enough. He said replacing a transmitter on a regular cell phone tower could take months in some locations. Gallup will now have to allow transmitters on utility poles, light poles, and traffic poles. Currently, the city charges Comcast and CenturyLink $10
for standard pole attachment. The FCC order allows that to be increased to $20 and also allows the city to charge a $250 annual fee for any transmitter placed in its right of way. Hayes said that once 5G comes to Gallup, it may benefit the city fi nancially because the fees internet and cell phone providers have to pay is high. Hayes said the ordinance had been under consideration,
but was delayed by the arrival of COV ID -19. He sa id he expects applications to begin coming in soon. “I f it h a d n’t been for COV ID -19, we might have started having applications by now, but COVID kind of put everything on hold, including
5G | SEE PAGE 19
Commission regulations and state law. The ordinance limits cities’ abilities to regulate small wireless transmitters. Hayes explained that some cities
Gallup Sun • Friday September 10, 2021
FBI Evidence Response Team members search debris recovered from Ground Zero in Manhattan at the Fresh Kills Landfill site in New York after 9/11. The landfill is about the size of 1,500 football fields. Photo Credit: Courtesy FBI Staff Reports
he morning of September 11, 2001 remains one of the most pivotal points in American history—and for the FBI. The ensuing investigation was the largest in the history
of the Bureau. The attacks led to far-reaching changes in the organization as it elevated terrorism to the gravest threat against the U.S. The attacks took the lives of nearly 3,000 people, and the crash sites represented the largest crime scene in FBI
Special Agent Jeffrey Angelos (now retired), Special Agent Scott McDonough (center, and Special Agent John Wyatt (also now retired), flew over New York in the weeks following the 9/11 attacks. The tail number of the helicopter, 26NY, refers to the address of the FBI’s New York Field Office: 26 Federal Plaza. Photo Credit: Courtesy FBI history. Over the last 20 years, the Bureau evolved from an agency focused primarily on criminal offenses into an intelligence-based national security and law enforcement organization. Preventing terrorism
Hotel Furniture for sale Comfort Suites Gallup 3940 E. Hwy 66 The Comfort Suites in Gallup just recently renovated all our rooms and have some very nice, solid furniture for sale. These items are used, but still in very good condition. The items and prices are as follows:
ITEMS Full Size Sleeper Sofa’s Queen Size Headboards King Size Headboards 3 drawer dressers Night stands ;VMXMRK (IWO PEVKI ;VMXMRK (IWO WQEPP 1MGVS[EZI *VMHKI 7XERH Easy Chair
PRICE $150 $75 $100 $150 $50 $75
4VMGIW EVI ǽVQ FYX GER FI VIHYGIH [MXL FYPO TYVGLEWIW 2S TIVWSREP GLIGOW SRP] GEWL SV GVIHMX HIFMX GEVHW EGGITXIH No phone calls, if interested you can come to the Comfort Suites at 3940 E. Hwy 66 from Monday to Friday from 9 AM to 1 PM. These are the only days and times there will be people available to show these items. 6
Friday September 10, 2021 • Gallup Sun
continues to be the FBI’s top priority; the Bureau has established more than 200 Joint Terrorism Task Forces with partner law enforcement agencies across the country. But the threat picture has changed. Racially or ethnically-motivated extremism and anti-government or anti-authority violent extremism are the top domestic terrorism threats today. These actors often plan their attacks alone or in small cells—presenting an even greater challenge to law enforcement as they seek to prevent the next act of violence. The events of 9/11 are forever etched in the minds of anyone old enough to remember
The FBI 9/11 Toll By the Numbers • Approximately 4,000 FBI employees responded to 9/11 sites. • About 1,000 current and former employees are registered for the World Trade Center Hea lth Progra m or are in the process of registering. • At least 100 FBI employees have become sick as a result of illnesses incurred through work at or near 9/11 crash sites. • S event een employees have died from these illnesses. • Seventy percent of 9/11 responders have now retired from the FBI. The FBI continues to contact them to encourage them to register for the World Trade Center Health Program. the day. Those who were on the East Coast recall that it was a brilliant, clear morning. Then, at 8:46 a.m., American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City. In a meticulously planned attack, terrorists hijacked four airliners. They flew three of the planes into buildings: the twin towers of the World
FBI hate crime statistics for 2020 includes 55 reports in New Mexico Staff Reports
aw enforcement agencies in New Mexico reported 55 hate crime incidents in 2020, an increase from 50 reported the year before, adding urgency to an FBI campaign to get victims to come forward. The data was included in the “Hate Crime Statistics, 2020,” a report released by the FBI on Aug. 30. “The FBI wants everyone
in New Mexico and across the nation to know that we are going after hate crimes,” Special Agent in Charge Raul Bujanda said. “There is no place in our communities for hate. Anyone who was a victim or a witness to a hate-related incident is encouraged to report it to law enforcement and the FBI at 1-(800) CALL-FBI.” Tips can also be sent online at tips.fbi.gov. Most of the reports [35] in New Mexico involved a bias
against race, ethnicity, or ancestry. The report can be found at: https://crime-data-explorer. fr.cloud.gov/pages/explorer/ crime/hate-crime The FBI is the lead investigative agency for criminal violations of federal civil rights statutes. Hate crimes, defi ned as a traditional offense with an added element of bias, are the highest priority of the FBI’s civil rights program because
Weekly Police Activity Report Staff Reports ANGRY CUSTOMER Gallup, July 22 The T-Mobile store at 819 U.S. Hwy. 491 sustained property damage after an unruly customer walked inside and demanded customer service resolve something concerning his account. Staff told Gallup Police Officer Julio Yazzie that the customer, later identified as Ray Reitzel, 55, of Gallup, entered the store and began yelling at employees. Reitzel became more agitated when the store staff said they would not be able to resolve his issue and he knocked an iPad out of one woman’s hands and it hit the floor damaging the case. Then he reportedly pulled out the phone stands from a display. One member of the staff tried to return Reitzel’s phone when she discovered he had left it on the counter. She said his response was to walk toward her angrily and raise his right hand as if he was going to hit her. She said a coworker got in between the two of them to stop Reitzel’s swing. Reitzel fell to the ground and then got up fast. He was described as trying to start a fight and destroy more items. Reitzel left the store in a white passenger car with Texas plates headed north on U.S. Highway 491. There was no information on the value of the damaged items. A non-traffic citation was issued for Reitzel. OLD UTILITY BILL FORGED Gallup, July 22 A woman who said her name was forged on a utility contract told Gallup Police that she suspected a woman who had rented a residence from her daughter. PUBLIC SAFETY
A past due utility bill for over $2,100 she brought in to police, showed her name and that of a second person. She said she never signed it and she received a copy of the paperwork from the City Utilities Department along with the second person’s ID card and a residential service agreement that person had reportedly filled out. She told Officer Philamina Chischilly she thought the woman who rented the residence forged her (the victim’s) name and had the other party put the utility in his name. She said she had not seen either of them do the paperwork. No further action was taken. FRONT DOOR TRESPASSER Gallup, July 22 When a man was discovered passed out near the front doorway of the U-Save Truck Stop, 3405 W. Hwy. 66, Gallup Police Officer Patrick Largo was dispatched. He found Donovan Tom, 35, of Mentmore and placed the man in his unit. After speaking with an employee, he learned that Tom had an active trespass form from the property. Largo confirmed the incident with Metro Dispatch. Largo took Tom to Gallup Detox and returned later with a trespass citation and complaint form. BREAKING AND LEAVING Gallup, July 21 Asking a driver to move his semi away from the entrance of NK’s Truck Stop, 3405 W. Hwy. 66, resulted in an argument, according to the owner of the business. The truck stop employee said the truck was blocking part of the entrance and after
making several requests, the driver pushed him. The employee said he “pepper sprayed” the driver in the face. He said the driver continued to approach him, so he retreated to the store, when the driver threw a bottle of water. The employee was not hit, but did see the driver punch the east window of the business, breaking the glass before getting back in his semi and leaving. Gallup Officer Richard Rangel was dispatched to the scene. The suspect drove a white
of the devastating impact they have on families and communities. The FBI works closely with state, local, and tribal authorities on hate crime investigations, even when federal charges are not brought. Anyone who is a victim or a victim of any hate-related incident should immediately report it to law enforcement. After a report is submitted, the FBI will work with its law enforcement partners and use
its resources and expertise to determine if an incident meets the federal criminal standard. The FBI works to protect all victims of crimes, regardless of their country of national origin or immigration status.
semi truck with California license plates with “Non Logistics” stamped on the side door. The estimated damage to the window came to about $600. A battery and property damage report was taken.
He received an update on his Ring security doorbell, which showed a young Caucasian male who walked up to the residence, rang the doorbell and then ran off to a blue passenger car parked on Cliff Drive. The male was wearing a black long-sleeved shirt, black baseball cap, and blue jeans. The man who reported the incident to Gallup Police Officer Michael Eley, did not recognize the person on the Ring doorbell video. He said he had no idea why someone would choose to deface his house or flag. No other information is known about this incident.
VANDALIZED HOME Gallup, July 21 When a resident on South Cliff Drive returned home late in the evening, he they saw the American flag in front of his house had been ripped off its post and was covered with egg residue. There was more residue on the side of the house.
The FBI’s national news release on the 2020 hate crime report can be found at: https: //www.f bi.gov/ news / pressrel / press-releases/f bi-releases-2020hate-crime-statistics
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WEEKLY DWI REPORT Staff Reports Geno Antonio July 27, 7:12 pm Aggravated DWI While gett i ng cha nge at the Magic Carwash, 1335 W. Jefferson Ave., a ma n returning to h i s v e h ic l e said he was almost hit by a white Chevrolet Impala. He told Gallup Police Officer Patrick Largo he had to jump out of the way and when he did, the car hit a pole. He approached the driver and suggested he turn off the ignition and exit the car. The driver did not turn off the vehicle. The female passenger left the car. The witness said the driver hit the car wash building several times, then managed to get the car unstuck and left. The caller followed him until officers made contact. La rgo investigated the
incident and stated in his report that the car had hit a yellow concrete pole at the last bay of the carwash. Gallup Officer Clarissa Morgan who was also dispatched to the site spotted a car matching the description of the suspect vehicle turning into the nearby Wendy’s parking lot. Morgan activated her unit’s emergency lights and conducted a traffic stop. The driver, identified as Geno Antonio, 33, of Rock Springs, N.M., did not appear to be wearing his seatbelt and seemed confused when responding to Morgan’s questions. Antonio agreed to take the standard field sobriety tests when Morgan asked, but performed poorly and was placed under arrest. Officer Patrick Largo verified the damage at the scene. Morgan transported Antonio to Gallup Police Department for the breath test, where he posted samples of .32, .29, and .30. Antonio was then transported to McKinley County
A d u l t D e t e n t io n C e n t e r and booked on charges of Aggravated DWI, consumption or possession of an alcoholic beverage in an open container in a motor vehicle, suspended or revoked driver’s license, lack of insurance, failure to notify about an accident, failure to wear a seat belt. He was released on his own recognizance. Derrick Martinez July 27, 12:28 am DWI A call for assistance to a traffic stop on West Aztec Avenue led to Gallup Officer Michael Eley being dispatched to the scene. Sgt. Neil Yazzie was at the scene speaking with the driver, Derrick Martinez, 24, of Ya-tahey, who had been driving at night without headlights. Yazzie also found several open
bottles of Corona beer in his vehicle. Martinez agreed to take the standard field sobriety tests at Eley’s request. He performed poorly on the tests and eventually failed and was placed under arrest. He admitted to having had two unspecified drinks prior to being stopped and only had a New Mexico ID on him. Yazzie remained with the vehicle and passenger who was later picked up by family. Eley transported Martinez to the Gallup Police Department for the breath test, where he posted samples of .15 and .14. Martinez was then transported to McKinley County Adult Detention Center where he was booked for DWI, driving without a license, open container in a motor vehicle, and driving without his lights. He was released on his own recognizance. Bridgette Etsitty July 26, 8:34 pm Aggravated DWI A small black Jeep that ran into a fi re hydrant near East Buena Vista Drive and Ford Drive and then left the scene brought out Gallup Police Officer Elijah Bowman. A caller stated the vehicle might still be in the area. Bowman checked several vehicles before he found the Jeep. It had exited the parking lot at Ford Canyon to the nearby upper field lot where it ran into the curb and stopped. T he d r iver, ident i f ied a s Bridgette Etsitty, 23, of Gallup, got out of the vehicle. Etsitty told Bowman she
Friday September 10, 2021 • Gallup Sun
This table represents a seven-day period of Gallup Police Dept. incident calls August 25 - August 31
Tristin Tsosie July 25, 1:46 am DWI What began as a pick-up, wound up as a hit-and-run according to a woman leaving the Sports Page parking lot. She told Gallup Police officer Michael Eley that she and two friends, one of them pregnant, were in her car when a white Ford F-150 drove up next to them and called out, “Hey, Baby. Where you girls going?” T hen t he t r uck d rove around her car, hit it and damaged the passenger side. She followed the truck to get the license plate number and report it. She said it made a
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was fine and had just been arguing with her partner. Then her girlfriend approached and she raised her voice As he spoke with Etsitty, Bowman noted that she smelled of alcohol and had bloodshot eyes. She told him she had a shot of 99 Bananas and an unspecified alcoholic drink prior to driving. She agreed to take the standard field sobriety tests, but failed them. Bowma n transported Etsitty to Gallup Police Department after she agreed to take the breath test. She posted two samples of .21 and was then transported to McKinley County Adult Detention Center and booked on aggravated DWI and driving without a license. She was released on a $1000 cash bond.
All other calls including. attempt to locate, burglary, battery, assault, party call disturbance, etc.
Earthweek: Diary of a Changing World Week ending Friday, September 3, 2021
By Steve Newman
Northernmost Isle Members of a Danish research expedition to Greenland’s northern coastal waters say they accidently discovered what is now believed to be the northernmost island on the planet. While unsuccessfully trying to locate and land on Oodaaq Island to collect samples, they instead “landed on a strange unvegetated bunch of mud, moraine deposits and gravel surrounded by sea ice on all sides.” After checking their position, they found they were not on Oodaaq, but on land about 800 metres farther north than what was previously thought to be the island nearest to the North Pole. The team wants the newly-discovered island to be named Qeqertaq Avannarleq, which means “the northernmost island” in Greenlandic.
Earthquakes Western Turkey wa s jolted by a tremor in Kütahya province. • Earth movements were also felt in areas from Corinth to Athens in southern Greece, northern Sicily, Trinidad, and California’s southern Sierra Nevada.
Disasters Soar Natural disasters such as deadly heat waves and floods are now occurring five times more often than they did 40 years ago, which the UN weather agency says is directly linked to human-driven global heating. The World Meteorological Organisation’s new “Atlas”
3.1 Nora
4.3 5.1 4.4
4.6 Larry +51° Bordj Badji Mokhtar, Algeria
reviews the human tragedies and economic losses from weather extremes and water, and is said to be the most detailed ever produced. It shows that such disasters have killed more than 2 million people since 1970 and have cost $3.64 trillion in losses.
Island Rumblings Hu n d r e d s o f tremors and ground deformation continued at Hawaii’s Kilauea caldera for a third week, but with decreasing intensity. The Hawaiian Volca no Obser vator y had raised the alert level to a watch in mid-August due to the rumblings, which could have meant magma was intruding into the southern parts of the caldera. That alert level has since been lowered to an advisory. Kilauea erupted nearly continuously from January 1983 to April 2018, destroying two towns on the Big Island and causing other damage to the area.
streetlamps has not only disrupted insect behaviour, but researchers say it is also leading to a decline in at least some insect populations. Researchers from the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology say they found 50 percent fewer moth caterpillars living immediately around the LED lights along rural roads in southern England, compared to their numbers near traditional illumination. The scientists say the trend is alarming since small birds, hedgehogs
Pacific through a newly planned undersea tunnel. Operators say they will drill through bedrock beneath the seabed and begin releasing the water about 12 metres below the ocean’s surface beginning in the spring of 2023. They say the scheme is designed to avoid interfering with local fi shing. The stored water from the plant’s meltdowns will first be diluted with large amounts of seawater to reduce the concentration of the radioactive material.
Tropical Cyclones and predatory insects feed on the caterpillars, -72 wh i le la rger South Pole, birds and bats Antarctica eat the adu lt moths.
Nuclear Tunnel Conta minated water now stored in about 1,000 tanks at Japan’s crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant will be released offshore into the
At least 14 people were k i l led from Louisiana to t he Nor t hea st a s Hurricane Ida inflicted the most costly damage of any natural disaster in U.S. history. • The Mexican states of Michoacán, Colima and Jalisco were drenched by Hurricane Nora. • Hurricane Larry churned the eastern Atlantic as Tropical Storm Julian formed briefly off New England. Dist. by: Andrews McMeel Syndication ©MMXXI Earth Environment Service
LED Losses The switch to more energy-efficient light-emitting diodes (LEDs) in many of the world’s
Scientists say this 160-by-30-metre island is the closest patch of dry land to the North Pole. Video still: Morten Rasch — University of Copenhagen HEALTH & ENVIRONMENT
Gallup Sun • Friday September 10, 2021
What’s happening in the environment? Staff Reports
deeply about saving life on Earth, and it’s fantastic to see Congress finally addressing the historic shortfalls in funding for wildlife conservation.” Also included in the committee’s allocation is $100 million for climate change mitigation, $100 million for protecting and restoring grasslands, and $10 million for wildlife corridors.
Kickoff call for a fossil-free future Sept. 9 at 5 pm MT A campaign called the Fossil Free Resistance will be in Washington, D. C. Oct. 11-15 to call for a fossil-free future. It will kick off with a call Sept. 9 at 5 pm at https://bit. ly/38WWYq1, which provides a description of the effort and will help those wishing to attend to fi nd a ride to the event. Organizers want President Biden to become the climate president he promised to be before attending the global climate talks. They believe he has taken important fi rst steps, but failed to stop fossil fuel projects that continue to power the climate emergency, violate the rights of Indigenous people, and threaten wildlife and communities with toxic pollution. This multi-day action is designed to provide ways to make a difference.
Four environmental groups file to stop oil, gas lease sale
Miami Blue Butterfly. Photo Credit: Courtesy of Jaret C Daniels, McGuire Center for Lepidoptera
Congress to support endangered species House Democrats said they will provide $550 million to the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service in the upcoming budget reconciliation package. In a Sept. 2 article in “Endangered Earth,” the Center for Biologica l
Diversity said those funds will include $100 million for some of the rarest species in the U. S. The legislation will include $25 million to conserve and restore fou r of the most imperiled types of endangered species in the United States: butterfl ies, eastern freshwater mussels, Southwest desert fish and Hawaiian plants.
The reconciliation language mirrors Chairman Raúl Grijalva’s, D-Ariz. Extinction Prevention Act of 2021 (H.R. 3396), which would fu nd on-the-ground conservation actions to stabilize the four groups of struggling endangered species. A 2016 study found that C o n g r e s s o n l y pr ov id e s approximately 3.5 percent of the estimated funding the Fish and Wildlife Service’s scientists say is needed to recover species. Roughly one in four species receives less than $10,000 a year toward recovery, and many of the endangered species that will benefit from this funding receive nothing for recovery in a given year. The legislation will also provide an additional $240 million for Endangered Species Act activities, including $150 million for recovery plans, $50 million for Habitat Conservation Plans and $40 million for interagency consultations. “The Fish and Wildlife Service has been operating on a shoestring budget for decades, and we’ve lost species to extinction because of it,” Brett Hartl, government affairs director at the Center for Biological Diversity said. “The American people care
Earthjustice filed a civil action Aug. 31 on behalf of Friends of the Earth, Healthy Gulf, the Sierra Club and the Center for Biological Diversity to challenge the decision to hold Offshore Oil and Gas Lease Sale 257 in the Gulf of Mexico. The plaintiff groups had previously sent a letter to Sec. Deb. Haaland on legal alternatives to this lease sale. Last month the United Nations affi rmed that the climate crisis is “unequivocally” the result of human influence and that this influence now has a strong hand in climate and weather extremes. The Gulf region has been feeling these extremes as just two days ago the region saw one of the strongest and most rapidly intensifying hurricanes ever to make landfall. Interior’s own estimates show that the sale will lead to the production of up to 1.12 billion barrels of oil and 4.2 trillion cubic feet of gas over the next 50 years, which will contribute substantial greenhouse gas emissions. “ I n t he a f t e r m a t h of Hurricane Ida, it is clear that we need to be doing everything we can to transition away from fossil fuels to reduce the impacts of climate change such as stronger, more frequent hurricanes,” Cynthia Sarthou, executive director of Healthy Gulf, said. “Continuing to sell leases that allow business as usual is a bad decision.”
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Friday September 10, 2021 • Gallup Sun
Have bonds earned a place in your portfolio? “LAYIN IT ON THE LINE” By Lawrence Castillo Host of Safe Money and Income Radio
eginning in 2020, the Federal Reserve cut interest rates to multi-decade lows, dropping the rate on 10-year Treasuries from a robust 2 percent to 0.5 percent. This steep decline was a blow to savers, especially those who traditionally look to bonds as safety anchors for their retirement portfolios. Since Treasury 10-year rates determine approximately half the yield of corporate bonds, convertibles also feel the sting of near-negative interest rates. Discouraged by a cooledoff bond market, many who count on bonds for retirement income are looking into convertible bonds as an alternative. Corporate bonds that can be swapped for common stock in the issuing company, convertible bonds can lower the coupon rate on debt, thus saving a company interest. Convertibles allow a holder to exchange them for a predetermined number of regular shares in the issuing company.
For the most part, convertibles function just like traditional corporate bonds, but with somewhat lower interest rates. Since convertibles may be changed into stock and benefit if the underlying stock price rises, companies offer lower yields. If the underlying stock does not perform well, there is no conversion, and the investor is stuck with the bond’s sub-par returns. HOW DO CONVERTIBLE BONDS WORK? C o n v e r t i ble s o p e r a t e according to what is known as the “conversion ratio.” This formula determines how many shares will convert from each bond. The conversion ratio expresses as either a ratio or as the conversion price. For example, if the conversion ratio is 40:1, with a par value of $1,000, shareholders may exchange the bond for 40 shares of the issuing company’s stock. The price of convertible bonds starts to rise as the company stock price nears the conversion price. When this happens, your convertible bond performs somewhat like
a stock option. If the corporate stock experiences volatility, so will your bond. WHY WOULD ANYONE CONSIDER A DDING CONVERTIBLE BONDS TO THEIR PORTFOLIO? Investors add convertible bonds to their investment mix because conver tibles offer guaranteed income with built-in downside protection. Provided an investor does not convert before maturity, they get their initial investment back, plus earned interest. There is also the potential for higher returns than traditional bonds. W H AT A R E S OM E CON V ERTI BL E BON D PITFALLS? The “forced conversion” element of a convertible bond is one of these instruments’ most significant downsides. The bond issuing company retains the right to force investors to convert the bonds into stock. Such conversion typically occurs when the stock price becomes higher than the amount would be if the bond were redeemed. A specific type of convertible bond, known as a reverse
convertible bond, lets the issuing company decide to convert the bonds to shares or keep them as fi xed-income investments until maturity. RCB’s, unlike common stocks, can cap the bond’s capital appreciation. Such caps mean that these bonds’ principle protection element may not be as worthwhile as it first appears. Summing up: Convertible bonds are somewhat complicated instruments designed to create guaranteed income while protecting against market losses. Companies usually issue convertible bonds with less-than-exceptional credit ratings, but expectations of high growth. Convertibles allow these companies to get money to expand at much lower costs than those of conventional bonds. If you are considering purchasing a convertible bond, you need to understand the basics of how they work and all the associated risks. Always consult an authorized and licensed fi nancial professional to map out convertibles’ pros and cons relative to your situation and risk
Lawrence Castillo tolerance. Your advisor may suggest other products, such as Fixed Indexed Annuities, that also guarantee principle with growth potential. Send your fi nancial questions to Lawrence Castillo at LandCRetirementPlanners@ gmail.com for future columns. Lawrence Castillo is a member of Syndicated Columnists, a national o r ga n i za t i o n c o m m i tted to a fully transparent approach to money management. L and C R e t i r e m e n t In c o m e Planners, 4801 Lang St. NE Suite 100 Albuquerque NM 87109 Telephone (505) 79 8 - 2 5 9 2 . In t e r e s t e d in additional information? Regi ster for my FREE Newsletter at (888) 998-3463.
No Minor Sale recognizes current, past campaign partners By Michael Kelly Campaign Manager No Minor Sale
s a community-based educ at ion a l a nd advocacy campaign, No Minor Sale aims to connect with community member s a nd orga n izations across New Mexico. And since beginning in Fall 2017, the No Minor Sale campaign is thrilled to have had the opportunity to partner OPINIONS
with 47 community organizations and tobacco ret a i l stores from 20 New Mexico localities who have shared t h e c a m p a i g n’s m i s s i o n of end i ng t he i l lega l sa le of tobacco products to minors. I n 2 019, No M i no r Sa le bega n advocating for t oba cco ret a i l l icen s ing, a policy proven to
NO MINOR SALE | SEE PAGE 19 Gallup Sun • Friday September 10, 2021
REMEMBERING 9/11 | FROM PAGE 6 Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Arlington, Va. They crashed the fourth plane in rural Pennsylvania. The attacks killed 2,976 people and injured thousands more. Today, many fi rst responders are still dealing with adverse health effects from working in toxic conditions. THE TOLL OF 9/11 One of those fi rst responders still coping with health
effects from September 11, 2001 is Special Agent Scott McDonough, who was helping scientists monitor a massive landfi ll to ensure heavy debris would not cause a catastrophic collapse. That meant taking photos of it from the sky in an FBI helicopter. For just over three weeks after the terrorist attacks, McDonough, then an FBI pilot, f lew a helicopter over the Fresh Kills Landfi ll on Staten Island, N. Y., as well as over the World Trade Center rubble in
Manhattan. He kept the helicopter door open to take those photos, choking down contaminated air that made his throat burn. Crews sent fragments of the buildings and other heavy debris on barges down the Hudson River to Fresh Kills, a landfi ll about the size of 1,500 football fields. There, other FBI personnel processed the large and complex pieces of evidence. “One of the big concerns is we were putting heav y
fi ll—concrete, cement, metal from these buildings, into a landfi ll that was made for regular garbage,” McDonough said. “We did multiple photo fl ights a day trying to help the scientists prevent an environmental catastrophe.” Nearly 16 years later, in Aug. 2017, McDonough was diagnosed with cancer. He’s one of more than 100 FBI personnel who’ve gotten sick as a result of their response to 9/11. (There may be more, but informing the FBI of an illness is voluntary.)
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Seventeen FBI person nel have died as a result of these illnesses. Twenty years after the attacks, the toll they’ve taken on the FBI is obvious—both in the grief over those who have been lost and the vigilance required by all who were there that day to monitor themselves for illness. Just a few months before his diagnosis, McDonough had heard a presentation by an FBI doctor on 9/11-related cancers. He signed up for the World Trade Center Health Program, which monitors those who responded to the site. In 2017 and 2018, he endured two surgeries and six rounds of chemotherapy. He even continued working during his chemo treatments. “It was scary, but never once did I think of the negative side,” McDonough said. “I constantly just had the positive mindset of, ‘I’ve got to fight and beat this.’” “From the moment of diagnosis, I thought, ‘How fast can I get this out of me and how hard can I fight?’ That’s what I did,” he said. As the cancer is a workplace injury, the Department of Labor and the World Trade Center Health Program covered all of McDonough’s medical expenses. He encourages all of his fellow fi rst responders to register for these programs and keep careful tabs on their health. “Know your body. Listen to it,” he said. “If something’s not right, see a doctor right away.” Today, McDonough is four years cancer-free, though he is screened regularly. He’s channeled his experiences as a cancer survivor and as a 9/11 responder into the work he does today for the FBI’s Miami Field Office. McDonough is now a paramedic and manages his office’s operational medicine program, providing medical care to FBI employees in the field, especially as they do dangerous work like SWAT operations or searches. He also manages the office’s Hazardous Evidence Response Team, working to keep employees safe when they have to work with dangerous materials. “When I had the opportunity to go to paramedic school, I jumped all over it because with everything I’ve been through medically, if I can help other people, I want to do that,” he said. NEWS
‘The Alpinist’ scales impressive heights By Glenn Kay For the Sun
RATING: OUT OF RUNNING TIME: 93 MINUTES Universal Pictures and Roadside Attractions is releasing this documentary in theatres nationwide Sept. 10. Back in 2018, a film crew photographed free-climber Alex Honnold’s attempt to scale El Capitan in Yosemite National Park. The movie was called, “Free Solo,” and it won an Academy Award for Best Documentary. As expected, it also brought more attention to a group of passionate eccentrics who risk their lives to reach the highest peaks in the world. “The Alpinist” follows another notable mountaineer named Marc-André Leclerc, telling his story and about his attempt to scale Torre Egger in Patagonia. While the subject matter between the two fi lms is similar, this is an equally impressive effort that goes into even greater detail about these individuals and their unusual obsession to reach incredible heights. As the fi lm opens, we learn that despite being 23 and relatively new to the scene, Canadian Marc-André Leclerc has already made a name for himself in the climbing community. Even Alex Honnald sings the young man’s praises, noting his staggering abilities and jaw-dropping ascents which are not widely known. The crew follows Lerclerc for two years, noting his friendly, but quiet and modest demeanor as they try to figure out what drives him to continue in his pursuits. Early on, the documentary fi lmmakers provide some intriguing background information about the origins of alpinists and the dangers involved (suggesting that nearly half of lifelong climbers have ultimately met their fate in the wild). They also admit that despite their best efforts, they weren’t able to glean exactly why these people feel COMMUNITY
compelled to do what they do. Leclerc himself turns out to be a tricky subject because of his camera-shy personality. He doesn’t use social media and appears awkward and uncomfortable talking about himself on camera. This modest y actua l ly makes the subject likable, even if the fi lmmakers struggle when he begins disappearing without them to take part in various solo ascents. When the crew does manage to join Leclerc, they capt u re some ex t ra ord i na r y footage. The stunning locales are unique and interesting, ranging from Western Canada to the southern tip of South A mer ica . A s t he cl i mber attempts more and more dramatic climbs, the fi lm stuns viewers with overhead drone shots capturing Leclerc as he attempts to find his next step up in variable and constantly changing conditions. Following him on routine excursions, it becomes clear that he often improvises, picking a site and sometimes scaling rock, ice and even frozen water to reach the summits. Given t he i n for mat ion relayed about how potentially deadly each step may be, it makes the climbs even more intense. For some, the sights alone may be worth the price of admission, but there’s some extra food for thought as well. While the filmmakers seem determined not to impose their own feelings on the perilous profession, plenty of issues arise as they detail the recent rise of interest in the sport. Over the past decade or so, what was once an obscure occupation has become hugely popular. Climbers now post photos and videos of their mountaineering accomplishments on social media, resulting in massive numbers of followers and even corporate sponsorships. While not explicitly stated, the facts suggest an unintentional push for enthusiasts to take on even more challenging feats to impress their sponsors/fanbase. The film doesn’t go into great detail on this particular issue, as Leclerc focuses
This documentary takes viewers to remote, dangerous places with a practiced mountain climber making decisions moment by moment. Marc-André Leclerc is a 23-year-old climber who doesn’t tell his story on social media. Instead, it can be seen in “The Alpinist.” Photo Credit: Universal Pictures, Roadside Attractions on avoiding the limelight and the influences of those around him, and instead tries to stay true to his own sense of adventure. However, the subtext is present, as are some grim
truths as the fi lm reaches its conclusion. “The Alpinist” is a bit of a late arrival in the mountaineering film genre and could go into even greater detail on some of the themes
that it briefly raises, but it does serve as a beautifully shot and compelling tribute to a remarkable individual. V ISIT: W W W. CINEMASTANCE.COM
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401 E. Nizhoni Blvd. Gallup, NM 87301 (505) 863-4452 Gallup Sun • Friday September 10, 2021
Mary, a woman revered for standing by her son MARY OF SORROWS Feast Day Sept. 15 Patron Saint of Mothers and Motherhood By Sean Wells Contributing artist
here are many images of Mary as a mother, a virgin, a queen. In this depiction she is shown with an exposed heart and a single or seven swords piercing the heart. She is often shown weeping. The swords represent the seven wounds Mary endures as the mother of Christ. A s a ny mother k nows, watching your child suffer is the greatest pain a parent can carry in life, and yet the fl ame above the heart shows her ever-enduring faith and hope despite her greatest sacrifice. A prayer to the Sorrows of Mary is a request for patience, wisdom, and peace among confl ict and heartbreak. Some people pray a Rosary prayer with unique prayers for
each sword in Mary’s name. The seven sorrows are as follows: • The Prophecy of Simeon • The Flight into Egypt • The Loss of the Child Je s u s i n t he Te m ple of Jerusalem • Mary’s meeting Jesus on the Via Dolorosa • T he Cr uci f i x ion of Jesus on Mount Calvary • Jesus is Taken Down from the Cross • The Burial of Jesus This is the opening prayer of the Sorrows of Mary. Mo st Beloved Mot her, whose beauty surpasses that of all mothers, Mother of Mercy, Mother of Jesus, and Mother to us all, we are your children and we place all our trust in you. Teach us to see God in all things and all situations, even our sufferings. Help us to understand the importance of suffering, and also to know the purpose of our suffering as God had intended it. Yo u , y o u r s e l f w e r e
conceived and born without sin, were preserved from sin, yet you suffered more than anybody else. You accepted suffering and pain with love and with unsurpassed courage. You stood by your Son from the time He was arrested until He died. You suffered along with Him, felt His every pain and torment. You a ccompl i shed t he Will of God the Father; and according to His will, you have become our Mother. We beg you, dear Mother, to teach us to do as Jesus did. Teach us to accept our cross courageously. We trust you, most Merciful Mother, so teach us to sacrifice for all the sinners in the world. Help us to follow in your Son’s footsteps, and even to be willing to lay down our lives for others. Please enjoy coloring the image of Mary of Sorrows. The Gallup Sun’s contributing artist Sean Wells will be at the Sacred Heart Spanish Market at
Coloring page artist Sean Wells accompanied by her sons, from left: Phoenix and Griffin at the Rail Yards Market in Albuquerque in 2017. Photo Credit: Toby Younis the Sacred Heart Family Center at 415 Green St. in Gallup September 17-19. For m or e infor m a t i on
plea se conta ct Jerr y Montoya at jerry fmontoya@gmail.com of call (505)720-6716.
Events 20 years ago moved many to serve Staff Reports
n the moments after the country was attacked on September 11, 2001— before the largest-ever FBI investigation took shape and evidence-response teams deployed, even before heroic first-responders were seen
heading to crash sites in New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia—many people across the country felt a profound new calling to help and serve. “I can vividly remember the moment and then the days and weeks following September 11, and I immediately knew that I wanted to
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Friday September 10, 2021 • Gallup Sun
be part of preventing that ever happening again,” Brandon, a forensic DNA expert at the FBI Laboratory, who was in college 20 years ago when terrorists crashed four planes and killed nearly 3,000 people, said. “What September 11 did for me was it gave me that new direction.” As she watched wall-towall news coverage during the immediate a f ter math of the attacks, 14-year-old Carrie, who today is an intelligence analyst in the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division, said that all she wanted to do at the time was go to the attack site in New York and help. “It really was like, ‘I want to do something. I want to help. I want to go to Ground Zero and help them,’” Carrie recalled in a recent interview. “But everyone’s telling you, ‘You can’t. You’re too young. You don’t understand.’ And you’re like, ‘I do understand. I do know what’s going on. And I want to help.’” Across the FBI there are scores of employees with
similar stories—the SWAT special agent who was a kid in Brooklyn being whisked to safety on 9/11 when he saw an FBI agent helping people and decided at that moment he would one day do the same. There is now an intelligence analyst who was 12 when her teacher turned on the TV to see planes hit the World Trade Center towers. It set her on a career path to help prevent another attack. “9/11 has always been in the back of my mind as a pushing force that makes me want to do the work that I do with the FBI,” she said. The terrorist attacks were pivotal in the evolution of the FBI, which transformed itself into an intelligence-driven, threat-based, national security and law enforcement agency, with counterterrorism as its highest priority. The Bureau improved how it collects and shares intelligence; it has established more than 200 Joint Terrorism Task Forces with partner law enforcement agencies across
the country. The FBI has also enhanced its technology and improved its relationships with the public and private sectors. As the threat picture has morphed since 2001, the FBI has ad justed. Racially or ethnically-motivated extremism and anti-government or anti-authority violent extremism are now seen as the top domestic terrorism threats. “In recent years, domestic violent extremists have caused more deaths in the United States tha n internat iona l ter ror ist s,” F BI Executive Assistant Director Jill Sanborn said in a recent law enforcement trade publication. In 2020, anti-government or anti-authority violent extremists were responsible for three of four domestic violent extremist acts. For FBI personnel—most of whom were not at the Bureau 20 years ago—the core mission has remained the same as the day they started on the path to the FBI: to help and serve. COMMUNITY
Please post your finished images on Facebook or Instagram #ColorSeanWells Image and text copyright ©2021 Sean Wells. Please contact SeanWellsCreates@gmail.com for any commercial use of this image. Thank you! COMMUNITY
Gallup Sun • Friday September 10, 2021
Patriots hand the Bengals a hard loss FINAL SCORE: PATRIOTS 28 - BENGALS 6
Miyamura Patriot Oscar Flores (83) hands off the ball to Ethan Joines (2) to make a run on Sept. 3 at Angelo Di Paolo Memorial Stadium. The Patriots defeated the Bengals 28-6. Photo Credit: Ana Hudgeons, RAH Photography Gallup Bengal Isaiah Reece (88) runs the ball Sept. 3 at Angelo Di Paolo Memorial Stadium. The Patriots defeated the Bengals 28-6. Photo Credit: Ana Hudgeons, RAH Photography
Miyamura Patriot Chris Chavez (7) runs the ball as #33 of the Gallup Bengals attempts to stop him Sept. 3. The Patriots defeated the Bengals 28-6 at Angelo Di Paolo Memorial Stadium. Photo Credit: Ana Hudgeons, RAH Photography
Miyamura Patriot Ross Keeler (44) runs the ball in an attempt at a touchdown as Gallup Bengal #50 tries to defend on Sept. 3. The Patriots defeated the Bengals 28-6 at Angelo Di Paolo Memorial Stadium in Gallup. Photo Credit: Ana Hudgeons, RAH Photography
Gallup Bengal Isaiah Reece looks to throw the ball to a teammate Sept. 3. The Patriots defeated the Bengals 28-6 at Angelo Di Paolo Memorial Stadium in Gallup. Photo Credit: Ana Hudgeons, RAH Photography
Patriot Isaiah Martinez (12) runs for the ball as Gallup Bengal #14 looks to tackle him in the cross town rivalry game on Sept. 3. The Patriots defeated the Bengals 28-6. Photo Credit: Ana Hudgeons, RAH Photography
Friday September 10, 2021 • Gallup Sun
Miyamura Patriots defeat the Lady Lynx 1-0 in soccer Miyamura Lady Patriots hug and celebrate their game winning goal against Rehoboth Lady Lynx Sept. 1 in Rehoboth. The Patriots won 1-0. Photo Credit: Ana Hudgeons, RAH Photography
Miyamura Patriot Rebekah Adcock defends against Rehoboth Lady Lynx Elysia Choudrie Sept. 1 in Rehoboth. Photo Credit: Ana Hudgeons, RAH Photography
Miyamura Patriot Hallie Jones (5) defends against Rehoboth Lady Lynx Naomi Phillips (14), Sept. 1 in Rehoboth. Photo Credit: Ana Hudgeons, RAH Photography
Miyamura Patriot Rebecca Keeler goes to score on Rehoboth Lady Lynx Sept. 1 in Rehoboth. The Patriots won 1-0 against Rehoboth. Photo Credit: Ana Hudgeons, RAH Photography
Patriot Mateo Juarez scores 4 goals for Miyamura, defeating Rehoboth 4-3 Rehoboth Lynx Abe Vining (3) looks for his opening as Patriot Noah Jinzo (2) runs the ball Sept. 1 in Rehoboth. Photo Credit: Ana Hudgeons, RAH Photography
Miyamura Patriot Mateo Juarez (5) goes for the ball while teammate Noah Jinzo (2) and Rhys Sellers (4) assist against Rehoboth Lynx Morgan Arsenault. The Patriots beat the Lynx 4-3 Sept. 1 in Rehoboth. Photo Credit: Ana Hudgeons, RAH Photography
MIYAMURA V REHOBOTH | SEE PAGE 18 Gallup Sun • Friday September 10, 2021
Patriot Jameson Ferguson (Goalie) boots the ball out of the goal Sept.1 in Rehoboth. Photo Credit: Ana Hudgeons, RAH Photography
Miyamura Patriot Rhys Sellers heads toward the goal as Rehoboth Lynx Koda Isaacson (14) looks to get the ball back Sept. 1 in Rehoboth. Photo Credit: Ana Hudgeons, RAH Photography
Rehoboth Lynx Liam Bia (8) looks to run the ball as Patriot Sean Spolar defends on Sept. 1 in Rehoboth. The Patriots beat the Lynx 4-3. Photo Credit: Ana Hudgeons, RAH Photography
Miyamura Patriot Mateo Juarez (5) runs the ball in his attempt to score a goal Sept.1 in Rehoboth. Photo Credit: Ana Hudgeons, RAH Photography
Rehoboth Lynx Raeden West collides with Miyamura Patriot Mateo Juarez (5) to get the ball for the Lynx Sept.1 in Rehoboth. The Patriots beat the Lynx 4-3. Photo Credit: Ana Hudgeons, RAH Photography
Friday September 10, 2021 • Gallup Sun
Rehoboth Lynx Liam Bia (8) looks for his opening as Patriot William Mortensen comes to defend on Sept.1 in Rehoboth. The Patriots beat the Lynx 4-3. Photo Credit: Ana Hudgeons, RAH Photography
GOV’S ROUNDTABLE | FROM PAGE 3 outcomes. Lundstrom told the Sun she raised the issue about Gallup being a central location for diabetes. “We have dialysis that’s running 24-7,” she pointed out. The governor talked about making the Gallup area a Center of Excellence around diabetes, evaluating challenges and focusing resources to turn things around.
MANUELITO | FROM PAGE 3 cut to open the new Manuelito Canyon Bridge. The long wait involved considerable coordination from Senator Ben Ray Luján, D-N.M., as well as McKinley County staff, state legislators, the New Mexico Department of Transportation, the Navajo Division of Transportation and the Manuelito Chapter, to secure the right-of-way approval and funding for the project which was completed
RMCH | FROM PAGE 5 Cope sa id she got into nursing to help people and so she would know what to do in an emergency situation. “I feel really blessed to help people and have always tried to treat other people the way I would treat my own family,” Cope said.
5G | FROM PAGE 5 infrastructure expansion by the big wireless providers,” Hayes explained.
WEEKLY DWI REPORT | FROM PAGE 8 fast turn westbound onto Park Avenue and struck a guard rail,
NO MINOR SALE | FROM PAGE 11 reduce illega l tobacco pr o duc t s a le s t o m i nor s . This campaign polic y focu s ex i s t ed u nt i l G over nor M ic hel le L u j a n G r i s h a m s i g ne d i nt o l aw t he Toba cco P roduct s Act NEWS
The governor introduced legislation creating Centers of Excellence in her fi rst year as governor (2019). She described them as hubs of innovation to foster global collaboration and draw talented researchers and students to New Mexico. Centers of Excellence in higher education, cybersecurity, and nursing are only a few of those that exist across the state. Lu ndstrom sa id she is interested in working with the
governor and her staff next session to address diabetes. She hopes to get a memorial put in place to help determine what the cost would be for such an endeavor. Bonaguidi came away with the impression that the governor is paying attention to the issues the region is grappling with. He said she’s been keeping up with what’s happening at the Lexington Hotel and Four Corners Detox Recovery Center.
Muñoz said the governor talked about where to spend federal COVID dollars and acknowledged the need for doctors and nurses in the area. Lundstrom said the governor mentioned the possibility of writing a letter to the federal government to bring FEMA [Federal Emergency Management Agency] nurses to Gallup and McKinley County. “We know that poverty is a significant driver of health
outcomes,” Lu jan Grisham sa id. “A nd we k now that McKinley County faces some of the most challenging health circumstances in our state — a high rate of alcohol-related deaths, a high rate of diabetes and a high rate of food insecurity.” She went on to express her gratitude for the ongoing hard work in the community and to tell residents that the state will explore every avenue for health care investments.
in August. At the ribbon-cutting ceremony, Luján spoke about the challenges associated with gaining approval for the easements and other requirements to move the project forward and thanked all of the leaders for their support. “ S i nc e t he M a nuel it o Canyon Bridge was washed out, my office worked with state, tribal, and federal leaders … to reconstruct this bridge — a project a decade in the making,” Luján said. “Today, the bridge is now open!”
Construction of the project began in December 2019 with an overall cost of $3.2 million from various funding sources including funds secured by McKinley County and state leaders and from the Navajo Nation’s roads funds. Nava jo Div ision of Tra nspor tation Executive Director Garret Silversmith was present to offer his support and to congratulate the Manuelito community and residents. Also in attendance were Nav a jo Nat ion P re sident
Jonathan Nez, Vice President Myron Lizer, Miss Nava jo Nation Shaandiin Parrish, Manuelito Chapter President M i l t o n D a v i s , McK i n le y County Commission Chairman Billy Moore, New Mexico State Reps. Patricia Lundstrom, D-Gallup and D. Wonda Johnson, D-Rehoboth, Navajo Area Bureau of Indian A ffa irs Regiona l Director Gregory Mehojah, and local residents. “We are very happy for the community of Manuelito, for their local leaders and most
of all, the families who reside here. …The roadway is now accessible for families, students, first responders, and many others who rely on the bridge to commute on a daily basis. Congratulations to the Manuelito community!” Nez said. This week, the Nava jo Nation also celebrated the completion of a newly-constructed two-lane concrete bridge along N9402 in the community of Tsé Si áni, Ariz. located approximately 22-miles south of Window Rock, Ariz.
R MCHC S Development D i r e c t or I n a Bu r mei s t er sa id Cope wa s not awa re that she was going to receive the award. Burmeister said she accepted it graciously, but not before she acknowledged the hard work of her coworkers. T h i s i s t he t h i rd yea r RMCHCS ha s gra nted the DA I S Y Aw a r d . P r e v io u s
r e c ipie nt s i nc lude Kel ly Manuelito, RN (2020), and Dylan Solomon, RN (2019). DAISY Award recognitions honor the work nurses do for patients and families every d ay wherever t hey pr a c tice, however they serve and throughout their careers— from nursing student through L i fet i me Ach ievement i n Nu r s i n g . O f t e n DA I S Y
Honorees respond to this recognition with, “But I didn’t do anything special. I was just doing my job.” Cope is no exception. The DA ISY Award i s a national program established by the DAISY Foundation in memory of Patrick Barnes, who passed away f rom ITP (Idiopathic
Thrombocytopenic Purpura), an autoimmune condition, at the age of 33. Patrick received such e x e m p l a r y c a r e wh i l e in the hospital that the family wanted to find a way to say thank you to nurses around the country, because they believed that nurses are truly “unsung heroes.”
Overall, Hayes is excited about what 5G will bring to Gallup. “When it does start rolling out, it’s going to provide just a lot more data capability
than what you have with 3 or 4G or LTE,” Hayes stated. “You’re going to see where people a re going to sta r t using wireless for their home devices, for their laptops, and
that may put the pressure on the traditional Comcast and CenturyLink to upgrade their speeds in this area, because we have slow internet speeds in Gallup.”
Hayes said the current slow internet speed in Gallup is because old coaxial cable TV wiring, old copper wires, is still being used to provide internet service.
which disabled it. Eley spoke with the driver of the truck, Tristin Tsosie, 23, of Gallup. Tso sie h a d no v i sible signs of being impaired, but
performed poorly on two of the standard field sobriety tests. Eley placed Tsosie under arrest. Tsosie admitted to drinking two beers earlier that evening
and was transported to Gallup Police Department for the breath te t. He posted samples of .12 and .11. Eley transported him to McKinley County Adult Detention Center, where he
was booked on DWI, careless driving, and failure to give information and render aide at the scene of an accident. He was released on his own recognizance.
wh ich beca me ef fect ive i n New Mex ico on Ja nua r y 1, 2 0 21. T he Toba cco P roduct s Act i mplemented one of t he cou nt r y’s st ronge s t s t a t e t ob a cc o l ic e n su re s y st em s. L ea d i ng up t o t o b a c c o r e t a i l l ic e n s i ng goi ng i nto ef fect , No M i nor S a le h a d 15
t oba cco ret a i l st ore pa r t ner s from f ive New Mex ico l o c a l i t i e s (A l a m o g o r d o , A lbuquerque, Rio R a ncho, Santa Fe, Truth or C o n s e q u e nc e s) w ho s u p ported tobacco retail l icen si ng. Jennifer Rysanek, owner of Stag Tobacconists
of A lbuquerque, signed on a s a pa r t ner a nd s a id , “A s a bu si ne s s t hat’s been open for a l mo s t 27 yea r s, I wa nt it to be k now n t hat we w i l l not sel l to m i nor s a nd t he pu bl ic c a n t r u s t t h a t t hei r m i nor ch i ld ren c a n not pu rch a s e t oba cco or vape product s, nor ca n
t hey enter ou r store.” I n J u l y 2 01 8 a f t e r a No M i nor Sa le pa r t ner presentation, ty pica lly w h e n o r g a n i z a t io n s s i g n on as campaign partner s, to Keres Con su lt i ng,
Gallup Sun • Friday September 10, 2021
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*** DRIVERS WANTED The Gallup Sun is hiring an independent contractor delivery driver. You must have a reliable vehicle, valid driver’s license, registration, and insurance. Email resume or work history to: gallupsuncirculation@gmail. com
2019 Chevy Tahoe Premier SUV 4WD 32,338 miles Pepperdust Metallic Exterior Cocoa/Dune interior Stock# TP21156 2019 Ford Fusion SE FWD With XM Radio and a Sunroof Only 53,000 miles! $23,125
Th G The Gallup ll S Sun iis hi hiring i freelance writers and photographers. We know you’re out there! Also, taking resumes for a full/ time reporter. Please email resume with samples/clips to Publisher Babette Herrmann: gallupsun@gmail.com
NOTICE TO CREDITORS NATHANIEL A EBRIGHT has been appointed Personal Representatives of the Estate of EARL ALLEN BRIGHT, deceased. All persons having claims against this estate are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or the claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented either to the Personal Representative at the offices of Mason & Isaacson, P.A., 104 East Aztec
Avenue, Gallup, New Mexico, 87301, attorneys for the Personal Representative, or filed with the District Court of Cibola County, New Mexico. Dated: 8/23/21 NATHANIEL A EBRIGHT MASON & ISAACSON, P.A By: James J. Mason Attorneys for Personal Representatives 104 East Aztec Avenue Gallup, NM 87301 (505) 722-4463
are required to present their claims within four (40 m0onths after the date of the first publication of this Notice or the claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented either to the Personal Representative at the offices of Mason & Isaacson, P.A., 104 East Aztec Avenue, Gallup, New Mexico, 87301, attorneys for the Personal Representative, or filed with the District Court of McKinley County, New Mexico. Dated: 8/9/21 PAT CONGER
Publish date: Gallup Sun August 27, 2021 September 3, 2021 September 10, 2021 *** ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF NEW MEXICO STATE OF NEW MEXICO In the Matter of the Estate of KENNETH LEE CONGER, Deceased. No. D-113-PB 2021-00043 NOTICE TO CREDITORS PAT CONGER has been appointed Personal Representative of the Estate of KENNETH LEE CONGER, deceased. All persons having claims against this estate
MASON & ISAACSON, P.A. By James J. Mason Attorneys for Personal Representative 104 East Aztec Avenue Gallup, New Mexico 87301 (505) 722-4463 Publish Date: September 3, 2021 September 10, 201 September 17, 2021 *** ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF MCKINLEY STATE OF NEW MEXICO In the Matter of the Estate of EDWIN YAZZIE, Deceased. No. D 1113 PB-2021-00047
Now Hiring - Experienced Maintenance Tech full or part-time hours available, position available immediately. Must have transportation and own tools. Apply in person at Casamera Apartments, 350 S. Basilio Drive, or email resume to hr@kay-kay.biz. No phone calls, please. Kay-Kay Management Services is an Equal Opportunity employer.
NOTICE TO CREDITORS ANTOINETTE MARIANITO has been appointed Personal Representative of the estate of EDWIN YAZZIE, deceased. All persons having claims against this estate are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date
CLASSIFIEDS | FROM PAGE 20 of the first publication of this Notice or the claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented either to the Personal Representative at the office of Mason & Isaacson, P.A., 104 East Aztec Avenue, Gallup, New Mexico, 87301, attorneys for the Personal Representative, or filed with the District Court of McKinley County, New Mexico. Dated: ANTOINETTE MARIANITO By James J. Mason Attorneys for Personal Representative 104 East Aztec Avenue Gallup New Mexico 87301 (505) 722-4463 Publish Date: Gallup Sun September 3, 2021 September 10, 2021 September 17, 2021 *** ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF MCKINLEY STATE OF NEW MEXICO IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF FRANK DENNIS TELLER FOR CHANGE OF NAME Cause No. D-1113CV-2021-308-7 TELEPHONIC / VIDEO NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that FRANK DENNIS TELLER. A resident of the
City of GALLUP, County of MCKINLEY, State of New Mexico, and over the age of Fourteen years, has filed a Petition to Change Name in the District Court, McKinley County, New Mexico, wherein he/she seeks to change his/her name from FRANK DENNIS TELLER to FRANK DENNIS TAH, and that this Petition will be heard before the Honorable Robert A. Aragon, District Judge, on the 23rd, day of SEPTEMBER, 2021, at the hour of 1:30 pm., at the McKinley County Courthouse, 207 W. Hill Ave., Room 200, Gallup, New Mexico. Weldon J. Neff Clerk of the District Court By Rochelle Cheschiedly Deputy Clerk ***Please call in five minutes prior to hearing*** Judge Aragon’s Google Meet Information Phone: 423-657-0146 Pin: 42 923 507# (or) Video: meet.google.com/xxyinrv-zho Publish Date: Gallup Sun September 3, 2021 September 10, 2021 *** LEGAL NOTICE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Public Notice is hereby provided that the GallupMcKinley County Schools is accepting competitive sealed proposals for: College & Career Readiness Supplies Kits Multi-Term
Gallup High Class of 1971 50th Reunion El Rancho Hotel Friday Sept. 17th & Saturday Sept. 18th Friday September 17th 7:00 pm Meet and Greet • Open Bar - $25 per person Saturday September 18th 7:00 pm - Midnight Banquet - Dinner • Dance - $50 per person www.ghs7l.com to register or contact petroepa@hotmail.com can also pay by check to: Steve Petranovich P.O. Box 580, Gallup, NM 87305 Deadline to Register: September 12, 2021 CLASSIFIEDS
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Multi-Award RFP – 2021-08BK Commodity Code(s): 050 115 175 193 207 232 305 306 320 380 385 390 425 445 450 465 475 490 493 495 540 578 610 615 640 675 775 785 790 865 948 17508 30542 49063 49397 78588 92511 94882 97953 As more particularly set out in the RFP documents, copies of which may be obtained by downloading from the GallupMcKinley County Schools eBidding platform website: https://gmcs.bonfirehub. com/portal/?tab= openOpportunities
The New Mexico Citizen Redistricting Committee (CRC) needs your help! For the first time, New Mexico voters have a voice in how their political districts are drawn: VISIT www.nmredistricting.org
CLICK “Submit a Public Comment or Map”
LEARN how to draw maps with quick tutorials SUBMIT written testimony or your own map for Congress, the Legislature or the Public Education Commission HURRY! The CRC will begin reviewing maps created E\ YRWHUV IRU LQFOXVLRQ LQ WKH ȴQDO PDSV RQ September 16! Democracy starts at home.
Sealed proposals for such will be received until 5:00 P.M. (LOCAL TIME) on, October 6, 2021. FAX and HARDCOPY PROPOSALS will NOT be accepted. Offerors will not be able to upload proposals or documents after the specified CLOSING date and time. The Gallup-McKinley County School Board of Education reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, waive any formalities or minor inconsistencies, and/or cancel this solicitation in its entirety. st
Dated the 8 day of September, 2021 By: /S/ Charles Long, President Board of Education Gallup-McKinley County School District No. 1 RFP ISSUE DATE: September 8, 2021 PUBLICATION DATES: September 10, 2021 (Gallup Sun) *** Legal Notice Request for Proposals Public Notice is hereby provided that the GallupMcKinley County Schools is accepting competitive sealed proposals for: RETROFIT DISTRICT
FACILITIES WITH AUTOMATIC FAUCETS, FLUSHERS AND BOTTLE FILL STATIONS RFP-2022-09MA Commodity Code(s): 22530, 22532, 67055, 67073, & 91060 As more particularly set out in the RFP documents, copies of which may be obtained by downloading from the GallupMcKinley County Schools eBidding platform website https://gmcs.bonfirehub.com A NON-MANDATORY PreProposal Conference will be held virtually on September 22, 2021 at 10:00 AM MDT. Please see the proposal documents as to how to request to attend. Sealed proposals for such will be received until 2:00 P.M. (LOCAL TIME) on, October 6, 2021. FAX and HARDCOPY PROPOSALS will NOT be accepted. Offerors will not be able to upload proposals or documents after the specified CLOSING date and time. The Gallup-McKinley County School Board of Education reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, waive
Gallup Sun • Friday September 10, 2021
the specified CLOSING date and time.
any formalities or minor inconsistencies, and/or cancel this solicitation in its entirety.
The Gallup-McKinley County School Board of Education reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, waive any formalities or minor inconsistencies, and/or cancel this solicitation in its entirety.
Dated the 10th Day of September 2021 By: /S/ Charles Long, President Board of Education Gallup-McKinley County School District No. 1 RFP ISSUE DATE: September 10, 2021 PUBLICATION DATES: September 10 & 17, 2021 (Gallup Sun) *** Legal Notice Request for Proposals Public Notice is hereby provided that the GallupMcKinley County Schools is accepting competitive sealed proposals for: FLEET REPAIRS & PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE SERVICES RFP-2022-10MA Commodity Code(s): 928 As more particularly set out in the RFP documents, copies of which may be obtained by downloading from the GallupMcKinley County Schools eBidding platform website https://gmcs.bonfirehub.com Sealed proposals for such will be received until 2:00 P.M. (LOCAL TIME) on, October 7, 2021. FAX and HARDCOPY PROPOSALS will NOT be accepted. Offerors will not be able to upload proposals or documents after
NO MINOR SALE | FROM PAGE 19 a genera l ma nagement consulting firm based out of A lbuquerque t hat do e s work i n com mu n it y he a lt h , Ker e s C on s u lt i n g P r oj e c t M a n a g e r, L e s l e y Meyer, s a id, “Kere s st r ive s t o prevent t he i n it i a t ion of a pr o duc t (c i ga r e t t e s) t h a t h a s c a u s e d Na t ive A mer ic a n s t o s u ffer a g rea t er bu rden of death a nd disea se tha n t he gener a l popu l at ion i n New Mex ico. A s Nat ive A mer ic a n yout h h ave t he
Dated the 10th Day of September 2021
Read online at gallupsun.com
By: /S/ Charles Long, President Board of Education Gallup-McKinley County School District No. 1 RFP ISSUE DATE: September 10, 2021 PUBLICATION DATES: September 10 & 17, 2021 (Gallup Sun) *** LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that The Gallup Housing Authority will conduct its monthly Board of Commissioners meeting to be held on Friday September 17, 2021 at 9:00 am MST. Meeting will be conducted at the Gallup Housing Authority, 203 Debra Dr. Gallup, New Mexico 87301. A copy of the agenda and/or specific agenda items may be obtained at the Gallup Housing Authority office. This is a public meeting except for items to be considered in closed session. A general public comment period is allowed at the end of the business portion of the meeting.
McKinley County COVID-19 risk level, social distancing and mask requirements amongst attendee’s, and not allowing anyone who is sick or exhibiting signs of COVID -19 into the public meeting area. Documents are available in various accessible formats and interested parties may also participate by phone.
Please be advised the Gallup Housing Authority will comply with all Federal and State COVID-19 protocols; group sizes dependent upon the
If you are an individual with a disability who is in need of a reader, amplifier, qualified sign language interpreter, or any other form of auxiliary aid or service to attend or participate in the hearing or meeting, please contact the Gallup Housing Authority at (505) 722-4388, at least (1) week prior to the meeting or as soon as possible. Public documents, including the agenda and minutes, can be provided in various accessible
h ig he s t c u r rent ciga ret t e u se rate a mong a l l et h n icit ies i n t he st ate, ou r best oppor tunity to protect t he yout h is by prevent i ng them from ever sta r ti ng i n t he f i r st pla ce – t hat i s why we suppor t No M i nor Sa le.” We a r e s o g r a t e f u l t o a l l 47 o r g a n i z a t io n s a n d t oba cco ret a i l st ore s t h at h ave suppor t ed No M i nor Sa le a s we cont i nue bu i ldi n g aw a r ene s s t o pr ot e c t yout h i n New Mex ico f rom the da nger s of tobacco product s. Visit t he No M i nor Sa le website i f you r
orga n i z at ion i s i nt ere st ed i n becom i ng a ca mpa ig n pa r t ner. No Minor Sale’s 32 organ i z a t io n a l p a r t n e r s a r e: Adobe Acres Neighborhood Association in Albuquerque, A mer ica n Ca ncer Societ y Ca ncer Act ion Net work (ACS CAN), Avenues Early Child hood Ser v ices of G a l l u p, A z t e c B oy s a n d Girls Club, Chaves County Health Council, Children’s Librar y of Gallup, Chronic Disea se & Prevention Council (CDPC), Community Health Improvement Council of San Juan County,
22 Friday September 10, 2021 • Gallup Sun
formats. Please contact the Gallup Housing Authority, if a summary or other type of accessible format is needed Gallup Housing Authority Gallup, McKinley County, New Mexico By:/S/ Alfred Abeita, Chairman of the Board Publish Date: Gallup Sun September 10, 2021 *** INVITATION TO BID S.J. Louis Const., Inc. is soliciting subcontract and material bids for the NGWSP – Reaches 12.1 & 12.2 Project. Bids Due: October 7th, 2021 @ 2:00 PM MDT. Qualified DBE/MBE, Approved SLBE, and small business firms are encouraged to submit bids. We are seeking subcontractor and vendor quotes for
Farmington Public Library, G r a n t s P u b l i c L i b r a r y, Gu a da lupe Cou nt y Hea lt h Council, Guadalupe Cou nt y Hospit a l, Hea l+NM ( Fo r me r l y F ie r c e P r id e), Hea lth Equity Council (For merly Ber nalillo Cou nt y Com mu n it y Hea lt h Cou ncil), Keres Consulting i n A l bu q ue r q ue , K iw a n i s Club of Ga llup, Nacimiento Foundation in Cuba, Na schitti Chapter, N a t i v e Ve t M a t e r i e l i n A lbuquerque, New Mex ico A f r ica n A mer ican Tobacco Prevention Network (NM A ATPN), New Mex ico
Hauling/Trucking, Asphalt Milling/Paving, Pavement Markings, Bypass Pumping, Traffic Control, Aggregates, Concrete Material, Clearing/ Grubbing, Erosion Control, Trenchless & HDD. Please contact us if you need any assistance in obtaining bonding, financing, insurance, equipment, supplies, materials or related assistance or services. All qualified bidders will not be discriminated against due to race, age, religion, color, sex, or country of origin. Specifications and Plans available at www.sjlouis.com. Fax bids to (320) 253-3533. Please contact us at (320) 2539291 ext. 361 for additional information. Publish Date: Gallup Sun September 10, 2021 September 17, 2021
Allied Council on Tobacco ( N M ACT ), No More New Mex ico, Otero Cou nt y Community Health Council, Pa r tner sh ip for a Hea lthy Torrance Community, Quay Cou nt y Hea lt h Cou nci l, Roosevelt Cou nt y Hea lt h Council, Santa Fe Recovery C e n t e r, S o c o r r o C o u n t y O pt ics, P revent ion, a nd Education (SCOPE) Health Cou nci l, Sout her n New Mexico Diabetes Outreach in Las Cruces, St. Anthony P e d i a t r i c s i n A n t h o n y,
LEVITT-AMP CONCERT STREAMING 4 pm. Hear the Lindy Vision Levitt-AMP concert from Sept. 2 on KGLP 91.7 FM. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11
365 DAYS WORTH 11:30 am a virtual show opening of Christian Bigwater’s work will be live-streamed on the gallupARTS Facebook and Instagram pages. 12 pm-2 pm an in-person show opening forART123 Gallery’s largest-ever solo show features local Diné artist Christian Bigwater and includes 365 digital artworks created at a rate of one every three days over the last three years. The show will be on view at ART123 Gallery through Oct. 2. For more information visit galluparts. org. ART123 Gallery is on Facebook @ART123Gallery, gallupARTS is on Facebook and Instagram @gallupARTS.
SELF CARE SATURDAY 1 pm Join OFPL on Facebook, @ galluplibrary or YouTube to make a DIY Icy Hot with Essential Oils self-care product. Watch our previous self-care workshops on YouTube to boost your mental, emotional, and physical health. Ingredient list will be available at ofpl.online prior to the workshop. For more information email jwhitman@gallupnm. gov or call (505) 863-1291 for more information. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13
SCHOOL BOARD MEETING 1 pm-2 pm @ SSC 640 Boardman Dr.
CREATIVE CORNER 4 pm. on Facebook, @ galluplibrary or YouTube. Create your own art using materials found around your home! Courses are geared toward individuals approximately 15-years-old or older. Supply kits are available at
NO MINOR SALE | FROM PAGE 22 Umoja Beh av ior a l Hea lt h of A l bu q uer q ue, a nd t he Valencia County Community Wellness Council. No M i nor S a le’s 15 tobacco retail store CALENDAR
OFPL on a first-come, firstserved basis using the Supply Request Form at ofpl.online. Each session is limited to 20 individuals on a first-come first-served basis. If you have trouble finding the perfect card for an occasion, learn how to create your own stationary that you can customize. Can’t make the in-person session? Request your supply kit after the event and make your stationary at home with a pre-recorded tutorial. For more information email jwhitman@gallupnm.gov or call (505) 863-1291. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14
GMCS VENDOR EXPO 9 am-1 pm Gallup McKinley County Schools will have presentations on how to become a vendor with GMCS. This is an opportunity to get businesses involved with students in job shadowing, internships and hiring students.
GOING PLACES WITH STORYTIME 11 am. Join us outside by the playground at Octavia Fellin Public Library Children’s Branch. Join us for stories, songs and activities related to transportation and getting around. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16
2021 LEVITT AMP GALLUP MUSIC SERIES - WILDERMISS 7 pm @El Morro Theatre (207 W. Coal Ave.) in person @ El Morro Theatre and live streamed @GallupMain Street. Wildermiss is part of the 2021 Levitt Amp Gallup Music Series. Wildermiss is a Denver-based band with an upbeat sound.
6 pm LIVE on the gallupARTS Facebook page. Go behind the scenes of contemporary Diné and Christian Bigwater’s creative process.
4 pm on Facebook and YouTube @galluplibrary (all ages) for family-friendly crafts and step-by-step tutorials for all skill levels. Supply kits are available at OFPL on a firstcome, first-served basis using the Supply Request Form at ofpl.online. This week we will teach you how to make Pool Noodle Monsters. For more information email jwhitman@ gallupnm.gov or call (505) 863-1291.
6 pm @ City Council Chambers, Gallup City Hall (110 W. Aztec Ave.). The meeting will also be live-streamed on the City of Gallup’s Facebook page at City of Gallup, New Mexico Government – Home/ Facebook WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15
GOOGLE CAREER CERTIFICATE SCHOLARSHIP Jump-start your career with a Google Career Certificate scholarship. Prepare for entry-level positions in data analytics, project management, user experience design, and IT support-no college degree or relevant experience required. Apply for a scholarship at https://forms.gle/ 1jThmKPHVScnJuxr5 now through Sept. 15. For more information email bmartin@ gallupnm.gov or call (505) 863-1291.
p a r t n e r s , w ho s u p p o r t e d No M i nor S a le’s a d vo c a c y ef for t s w it h toba cco ret a i l l ic e n s i n g a r e : K o t a Va p e S hop i n A lbuq uer q ue, M i x N’ Mojo Smoke Shop i n A l bu q ue r q ue , O a s i s Va p e ( N i n e l o c a t i o n s) , P e a c e O u t Va p e , Ho ok a h , Sk a t e
PICTURING WOMEN INVENTORS POSTER EXHIBITION During the month of September, OFPL is displaying a series of posters that explore the inventions of 19 highly accomplished American women. Astronauts, computer pioneers, and businesswomen join athletes, engineers, and even teenagers in this remarkable group of inventors. It highlights the distinctive motivations, challenges, and accomplishments of exceptional 20th- and 21st-century inventive women who are diverse both personally and professionally. The exhibition illustrates the creativity of women inventors while inspiring young people (especially girls) to see themselves as future inventors. For more information email bmartin@ gallupnm.gov or call (505)
Shop in A lamogordo, Stag Tobacconists of Albuquerque, Stag Toba ccon i s t s of S a nt a Fe , a nd S t ew m a n’s Va por i n T r ut h or Con se quence s. The No Minor Sale campaign is a New Me x i c o D e p a r t m e n t o f
SPOOKTACULAR BOOKMARK DESIGN CONTEST Join OFPL for a wicked and spooky time as we host our second Bookmark Design Contest featuring the theme “Monster Mash.” OFPL is challenging the community’s creativity to design Halloween-themed bookmarks. Create your own haunted houses, creepy crawlers, and more! Pick up a paper submission from the Main Library or the Children’s Branch or submit at ofpl.online. All art mediums welcome! Winners will be selected in the following age categories: 0-5, 6-11, 12-18, 19+ and will receive a certificate of recognition, professional bookmark prints, and a gift card. Submission deadline is Nov. 1. Winners will be announced Nov. 15. For more information email jwhitman@gallupnm.gov or call (505) 863-1291.
BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS NEEDS HELP Following a break-in over the week end of July 24, a number of things were taken or destroyed at the 100 E. Aztec Ave. office. Because the organization is committed to its cause, the doors are open and people are back at work. However, they would appreciate donations to help replace some of the items that were stolen, enhance their security, and get the office professionally cleaned. If you wish to help, visit bbbsmountainregion.org, email info@ bbbsmountainregion.org, or call (505) 726-4285 or (505) 728-8356.
& strains, minor procedures, physicals – DOT Employment and sports.
MCKINLEY COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES 8 am-5 pm; closed 12 pm-1 pm Mon.- Fri. @ McKinley Public Health Office (1919 College Dr.) Call (505) 7222004 for WIC services. Call (505) 722-4391 for clinical services. For COVID vaccinations (Moderna & Pfizer), register at cvvaccine.nm.org or call for assistance. Services include vaccines for children up to age 18 and adults 19 and older; Confidential family planning & STI services and confidential harm reduction services on Thursdays from 9 am-12 pm.
MCKINLEY COUNTY BACK TO SCHOOL IMMUNIZATION CLINICS 8 am-4 pm @ McKinley Public Health Office (1919 College Dr.) Call (505) 722-4391 to schedule an appointment. Bring your child’s shot record. Vaccines will be provided at no cost for children through 18 years of age. Also available are: COVID vaccines Moderna/Pfizer We take walk-ins. Register on cvvaccine.nm.org site. Family planning and SDI testing (confidential service). Harm reduction is available Mon and Wed. 9 am-noon.
CIBOLA COUNTY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB The club meets monthly. It is a non-profit 501c, and an all-volunteer organization made up of local amateur radio operators who assist local governments during emergencies, find lost people, and help citizens obtain their licenses to become amateur radio operators at no cost. Visitors and members must pay for their own meals.
8 am-5 pm Mon.-Fri. @ College Clinic (2111 College Dr.). No appointments needed. For COVID testing please call (505) 236-1074 and someone will come out to your vehicle To post a nonprofit or to obtain a specimen. civic event in the calendar
RMCHCS RAPID CARE 9 am-6 pm Mon.-Fri. Closed weekends. @ 1850 E. Hwy. 66. Acute care, Minor sprains
Health Toba cco Use Prevention and Control ( T U PAC) P r o gr a m i n i ti ative to edu cate New Me x i c o’s c o m mu n i t i e s , parents, and retailers on evolving tobacco regulation s, the impact of selling tobacco to
section, please email: gallupsunevents@gmail.com or fax: (505) 212-0391. Deadline: Monday at 5 pm.
underage youth, how to help prevent sales to minors, and to educate about the dangers of f lavored toba cco prod ucts, including menthol, in New Mexico. For more information, visit: NoMinorSale.com
Gallup Sun • Friday September 10, 2021
24 Friday September 10, 2021 • Gallup Sun