Gallup Sun ● March 17, 2023

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VOL 9 | ISSUE 416 | MARCH 17, 7 2023

THE STORY OF LARRY CASUSE Part 1 of 3. Story page 4.


Gallup Sun • Friday March 17, 2023 1



Honoring Larry Casuse PART 1: FIGHTING FOR INDIGENOUS SAFETY, HEALTH By Molly Ann Howell Sun Correspondent


Nation, to change its ways. After going through the normal channels — he filed petitions; went to court to try and shut the bar down; sent appeals to the state liquor board; and had spoken to the mayor and city council multiple times — he decided to tackle issues he had with the city in a more drastic manner. His fight ended March 1, 1973, when he was reportedly shot and killed by Gallup Police after he kidnapped and held the mayor at the time, Emmett Garcia, hostage. He was 19 years old.

EVENTS PRECEDING THE KILLING Larry Casuse’s high school yearbook photo from his senior year. Photo Credit: Courtsey of Ursula Carrillo Larry Casuse spent the last moments of his life fighting for what he believed in: protecting Indigenous people from the alcohol industry and the way it took advantage of them. He specifically wanted a bar, the Navajo Inn, outside of Gallup on Highway 264, on the border of the Navajo


CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS The challenges of cleaning homeless camps

David Correia, a professor of American Studies at the University of New Mexico, ex pla ined the timeline of Casuse’s final days. He said that Casuse believed talking to Garcia would help fix the problem with the Navajo Inn. Cor reia explained that a s mayor, Garcia promoted strict alcohol laws, but he was also an owner of the bar. A lon g w it h bei n g t he mayor of Gallup and an owner


of the Navajo Inn, Garcia had also recently taken over the Gallup Indian Center. The center contained offices for several programs that provided benefits to Native Americans. It was also a place they could take a shower, and it was one of the few places they could get a drink of water without having to buy anything. Cor reia noted that the mayor had fired some revered leaders of the organization, which upset some UNM students and led to protests. Correia and Casuse’s sister Ursula Casuse Carrillo said that Casuse thought Garcia was “hypocritical.” Garcia’s actions and his inability to do anything about the Navajo Inn left Casuse frustrated. Further, Casuse stewed over Garcia’s recent nomination to the University of New Mexico Board of Regents, which is responsible for the general supervision of all educational activities within the university system. Casuse, a UNM student, and an acquaintance, Robert Nakaidinae, were in Albuquerque Feb. 28, 1973, a t t e n d i n g a c o n fe r e n c e that brought Native leaders

together. Ca su se’s f r u st r at ion s boiled over the night of the conference, and Casuse and Nakaidinae formulated a plan to kidnap the Gallup mayor.

THE DAY OF THE KILLING The men woke up March 1 and walked to the Albuquerque UNM campus. T h at ’s where t hey fou nd Delbert Rudy, a junior premed student. They threatened him with a pistol and knife, handcuffed him, and placed him in the backseat of his own vehicle, which they then drove to Gallup. Correia described Rudy a s a “ ver y” con ser vat ive R e pu bl ic a n . He h a d t he chance to interview Rudy in 2013 for his book An Enemy Such as This: Larry Casuse and the Struggle for Native Liberation in One Family on Two Continents across Three Centuries briefly before he died. Cor reia sa id that Rudy thought he was going to be killed, so he struck up a conversation with the two men

to try and find out what they planned on doing with him. Casuse allegedly told him all that he had done to try and get the bar shut down. “[He told me] he didn’t really care about what all these activists on campus were saying about civil rights issues,” Correia said of the interview. “But in the course of that two-hour drive [to Gallup], he became convinced that what Larry was doing was the right thing.” Casuse reportedly explained to Rudy that his plan was to kidnap the mayor and not let him go until he ag reed to shut dow n t he Navajo Inn or at least move it back from the road. After arriving at the mayor’s office in Gallup, Casuse a nd Na ka id i na e let Rudy go. They then went on to kidnap Garcia at gunpoint. Un for t u n a t ely for t hem , a police officer saw them almost immediately. Pol ic e fol lowe d t he m to their final destination, Stearns Sporting Goods store,



CITY PARKS County contributes to bolster Gallup’s parks

4 Friday March 17, 2023 • Gallup Sun

12 14 20 LADY BENGALS Shots from the State Championship showdown

MOVIE REVIEW The story of the “Boston Strangler” returns to screens

BUILDING FIRE Investigation underway for evening blaze NEWS


Gallup Sun Publishing, LLC Publisher Babette Herrmann

By Holly J. Wagner Sun Correspondent

Executive Director Mandy Marks Design Volodymyr Lotysh Contributing Editor/ Correspondent Molly Ann Howell Contributing Editor Cody Begaye Correspondents Dee Velasco Holly J. Wagner Photography Kimberley Helfenbein Merrisha Livingston Jenny Pond On The Cover A planter that used to be on Coal Avenue featured a painting of Larry Casuse. File Photo The Gallup Sun, published Fridays, is not responsible or liable for any claims or offerings, nor responsible for availability of products advertised. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. The Gallup Sun distributes newspapers in McKinley, Cibola and Apache counties. Office: 1983 State Rd. 602 Gallup, NM 87301

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n old western movies, it’s the sheriff that vows to clean up the town. In real

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life, it usually falls to code enforcement officers. It’s a thankless, and sometimes dangerous, job. “It’s a difficult job to be a code enforcement officer because you are enforcing codes that nobody likes and that a lot of people feel aren’t important, but they are,” Planning Manager Nikki Lee, who oversees property cleanups, said. Since July 1, the Planning and Development department has cleaned up nine private properties and cleared 20 homeless encampments. That blew through the department’s $150,000 budget for this fi scal year, so planners had

One of the homeless camps on private property was a mess before the code enforcement officers cleaned it up. Photo Credit: Courtesy of City of Gallup to go back for another $75,000 that will hopefully take them


Gallup Sun • Friday March 17, 2023 5

Parks to benefit from county contribution By Holly J. Wagner Sun Correspondent


shiny new swing set, fencing for a natural grass ball field and

shade for spectators are on tap for a few of the community’s parks, thanks to a $100,000 contribution from McKinley County to the City of Gallup. It started with Mentmore

The swing set coming to Hadden Park this spring will look a lot like this one. Photo Credit: Courtesy of Exerplay resident Lucy Saucedo, who’s lived across the street from Hadden Park for 23 years. Most of the swings there were removed around 1990 for safety reasons and never replaced, Parks and Recreation Director Vince Alonzo said. Saucedo’s seen her own grandchildren, who live two blocks away, and other neighborhood kids playing on “the one little [swing] set” there. She raised the issue with Alonzo and District 3 Commissioner Robert Baca, who asked his colleagues for money for more swings. “I made two calls and it happened. I talked to Vince and then I talked to Bobby Baca. They got together and the county gave funds…and figured out how to get some playground equipment in there,” Saucedo

6 Friday March 17, 2023 • Gallup Sun

said. The county commission approved the money – $25,000 for each city council district to use on parks – last October. The funds came through a couple of weeks ago. That may not seem like much against park needs of $43 million, but every little bit helps, and $25,000 per district is enough to make a noticeable improvement. The trick is getting bang for the buck. For Cou nci lor F ra n Palochak, Dist. 4, it put a $40,000 swing set for Hadden Park in reach, when she added some of her district discretionary funds. “Vince upgraded the landscaping last year,” Palochak noted. “Last year I spent money on the Sports Complex to add shaded areas for people to sit

and picnic, because they would sit in the ball field in their own chairs and they had no shade.” Shade will be the order of the day, or spring, at TDFL Park in Councilor Linda Garcia’s District 1 this year. “Some of it will go to getting some sun shades. I don’t know if that [amount’s] going to be enough or too much,” Garcia said. Alonzo said city construction crews will build four 12-ft. -by-18-ft. shelters with metal roofs for spectators at TDFL Park – two for the home team and two for visitors. Alonzo was already planning to try to restore a baseball field at Indian Hills Park with natural grass, an effort to get a


HONORING LARRY CASUSE | FROM PAGE 4 which was located on Historic Highway 66 just west of Coal Avenue. The two men barricaded themselves inside the store. Ga rcia wa s able to escape at one point, pushing Nakaidinae away from him, turning, and allegedly throwing himself through a plate glass window. Once they knew the mayor was safe, police reportedly began shooting. “Eyewitnesses report just a barrage of gunfire from police, including tear gas,” Correia said. Correia said that neither Casuse nor Nakaidinae fired at the police at a ny point during the standoff. I n a n i nt er v iew a f t er t he i ncident , Na k a id i n a e ex pl a i ne d t h a t he k new Casuse needed medical attention after being shot twice. So, Nakaidinae walked out of the store to try and find medical attention for Casuse. When he was leaving the store, Nakaidinae threw a r if le a nd shotgun out the window, leaving Casuse with only a .32 caliber handgun. Police officers grabbed Nakaidinae once he exited. Three other officers, including the police chief and an officer armed with a shotgun,

PARKS | FROM PAGE 6 few more seasons out of a field that’s well worn. Councilor Michael Schaaf’s District 2 allotment will go to putting a fence around the field, which will be out of service while the grass is growing. Artificial turf is expensive and Alonzo thinks by NEWS

went into the store to meet Casuse. Moments later, they pulled the fallen activist’s body out of the store. Correia said that the coroner later said Casuse died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, but Nakaidinae stated in an inter view that his gunshot wound did not match the caliber of his .32.

DEATH CAUSES CONTROVERSY Neit her Ca r r i l lo nor Correia believe Casuse shot himself. “Gallup, the people, they never liked Larry,” Carrillo said. “They tried to cover up the story. They tried to say he killed himself when he didn’t. He didn’t let Gallup look as good as they wanted to look.” Nakaidinae was sentenced to jail for his involvement w it h t he k id nappi ng a nd served over a year. He was released in the summer of ‘74. Casuse was buried March 5, four days after he died. O r g a n i z a t io n s a r ou nd Gallup, including gallupARTS and the Octavia Fellin Public Library, are holding events to celebrate Casuse’s life for the whole month of March 50 years later. As the month winds down, there are still a few event s lef t on t he schedule. A community conversation

about alcohol policy is slated for March 19 by the Gallup A lc o h o l Po l ic y Wo r k i n g Group. The purpose of this gathering is to explore and d iscuss ev idence -ba sed policy solutions to reduce a lcohol-related deaths a nd a cc ident s i n Ga l lup a n d M c K i n l e y C o u n t y. Participants will learn more about and work together to strategize potential policy

solutions. T he s e cond pa r t of a “Community Conversation with Indigenous Lifeways” will focus on healing. It’s scheduled for March 25. The first par t, which was held March 4, focused on the topic of “truth.” The two–part community dialogue uses art as a starting point to create a safe space for people to speak together

about issues of economic exploitation that impacts the community as a whole. To learn more about the events taking place in honor of Casuse, visit Tune in next week for Part Two of the Sun’s coverage of the Larry Casuse story and the events going on around Gallup to remember him.

“crowning” the field – building up the height before replanting grass – he’ll be able to fi x drainage issues so rainwater will run off the field, rather than flooding the middle. Dist. 3 Councilor Sarah Piano said she’s not heard much from her constituents about specific park issues and is open to suggestions for how to spend her share. After all,

community contact has been at the heart of this effort. “I had a community member call me and say ‘our park is falling apart, we need some help,’ ” Baca said. That led to his conversations with Alonzo, which he hopes are the first of a larger effort. “I represent the city. I just need people to talk to me so I can see where I can help.

We should be looking at our projects together to see what we can do,” Baca said. “If it’s possible, I want to keep something like that going….[what’s] good for the city is good for the county and what’s good for the county is good for the city.” All of these improvements would have had to wait another year or more without the county’s largesse. Now most of them

should go in during April and May, Alonzo said. But grass grows at its own speed. Saucedo is humble about her effort and will be glad to see the new swing set. She encourages other residents to contact their representative with issues. “I spoke to the right people,” she said. “You just gotta speak to the right people.”

Gallup Sun • Friday March 17, 2023 7

CLEANING UP | FROM PAGE 5 through June. “I think it’s because of the camps,” Lee said. “Years ago it was all private properties we were doing and we were doing OK with that. But now the camps are really eating up our budget.” All of the cleanups are complaint-based, meaning that when someone reports a derelict property or encampment, the department goes out and investigates. Cleaning up Gallup falls mostly into two categories: issues with occupied properties, and homeless encampments. Either way, the property owner may not be aware of the situation – Gallup has a lot of absentee landlords. In the first instance, the problems are usually things such as weeds, trash and

debris. For those the city has had the Clean & Lien program since 2012. That lets them contact property owners to ask them to clean up, then bill the property owner if the city has to do it. In between those things the city will give the property owner fi rst, second and third notices, which give 14, seven and 10 days, respectively, to comply. Many do, but not everyone. “Some of these property owners are repeat offenders and they know what’s going to happen so they refuse the mail. That makes it harder for us because then we can’t prove they were served a notice and we have to take extra steps to try to notify them,” Lee said. The city has about a 50% recovery rate on those cleanups. In the second case, the city has to organize a team to go to verify that there’s an encampment and to go back to clear it.

8 Friday March 17, 2023 • Gallup Sun

Clearing an e nc a m pme nt takes several steps, including contacting the property owner and the camp occupants and a walkthrough w it h a v e n dor to get an e s t i m a t e for cleanup. “Nor m a l ly we do it in a sweep, because mo s t of t he time there is more than one camp that w e’ r e g o i n g to,” Lee said. “We’re luck y The aftermath of code enforcement officers’ work left a clean area. Photo Credit: Courtesy of City of Gallup i f we on ly have four camps in one day. returns with a police officer between code enforcement Sometimes it’s the whole day, to do warrant checks and keep officers is “all we have to just visiting camps all day.” the peace, and a behavioral defend ourselves is a camera.” Once that’s done, a team health representative tries to The city just hired two connect people with shelter or new code enforcement offiservices. If children are in the cers to join the two seasoned camp, they have to call social veterans. services as well. Proper ty owners aren’t Encampments may be large helpless. Individual owners or small, and campers can get can clean up trash and weeds creative. on their properties, and it “Sometimes ca mps a re would help if some of them secluded. You just park and would get rid of inoperable you have to walk pretty far vehicles, which Lee said are a through the mud, through the huge problem in town. trees. But if it’s in city limits For vacant properties, ownwe have to address it,” Lee ers can clear trees and shrubsaid. bery that can hide campers, With homeless encamp- post no trespassing signs, fi le ments, the property owners are a form with police that allows often cooperative because they the city to enter a property want to get the camps cleaned that’s out of compliance and at no cost to them, Lee said. make sure to visit the properBut in other cases, the public ties regularly. can be brutal. “I know it’s expensive to “Code enforcement offi- put up a fence. But maybe put cers have a tough job,” Lee up a ‘no trespassing’ sign or said. “They get harassed. They just make it seem like there is a get yelled at. They get things presence of the owners coming thrown at their units. And to check what’s going on,” Lee they’re not like a cop, they said. “If [campers] know that don’t have the authority [to no one ever comes to check arrest].” anything, they can just do Lee said an ongoing joke what they want.” NEWS



Woman argues with roommate, gets arrested instead Staff Reports


woman accused her roommate of talking to underage women, but she ended up being the one arrested after she reportedly attacked him. On March 8, around 8:45 pm, Gallup Police Officer Francesica Henry was dispatched to 3069 Abode Ct. after a woman called Metro Dispatch and explained that she wanted police to check in on her daughter, Asia Farrar, who had reportedly gotten into an argument with her roommate. When Henry arrived at the residence, no one answered the door, and there were no cars in the parking lot. Henry got a hold of the mother again, and she said that Farrar, 28, was actually at the police department asking to speak to an officer. Farrar spoke to Henry then, and said that her roommate was speaking to underage women in a sexual way. Farrar said she didn’t feel comfortable with him being around her seen-year-old daughter. Farrar’s daughter was at a friend’s house at that time and was reportedly safe. When asked, Farrar admitted she did not have proof to back up her allegations, saying that what she said was just “say so.” According to Henry’s report, Farrar had spoken to other officers about this matter in the past. Farrar did have her roommate’s laptop. Officers told PUBLIC SAFETY

Asia Farrar

give up any information about her roommate. Farrar’s mother said Farrar “would get crazy” if asked about contact information for her roommate. Around 11:45 pm, a call from 3069 Abode Ct. came into Metro Dispatch in reference to a domestic dispute. Officer Patr ick La rgo a nd Hen r y responded to the call and met with Farrar’s roommate. The man allegedly had scratches on his face, and bruises on his right wrist. The victim said the bruises and scratches were from Farrar. T he v ic t i m s a id he’d

returned home from work and Farrar wasn’t home. When she did come home, they got into an argument, and Farrar attacked him. The ma n sa id he took Farrar’s phone, which he pays for. Farrar hit, slapped, and bit him. The man explained that when he tried to leave, Farrar got in between him and the bedroom door. The man tried to go out the front door, and then the back door, trying to get out of the house. When the victim was fi nally able to get to his Jeep, Farrar

was in the driver’s seat and had locked the vehicle. While the victim sat by the front door smoking a cigarette, Farrar allegedly tried to attack him with a stool that sits by the front door. She swung the stool, but the man was able to block the blow with his hands. Officers took photos of the bedroom door, which was damaged, and photos of the man’s injuries. Farrar was arrested for battery against a household member and false imprisonment. Her preliminary hearing is scheduled for March 22.

Farrar that a report would be f i led a nd sent to t he Detective Division for further investigation. Farrar was not willing to give officers any information about her roommate besides his name. Officers explained that they would need the information for the report, but Farrar became upset and began to argue with Officer Francis Collins and Henry. According to the report, Farrar began stepping closer to Collins, and the officer told her to stop getting so close. Nex t, Fa r ra r spoke to Officer Jerald Watchma n, although she was still not cooperating. Watchman offered her shelter assistance, but Farrar refused. She began talking over Watchman and stopped listening to him. After these arguments with officers, Farrar let the police depar tment. Henr y called Farrar’s mother back and explained that Farrar wouldn’t Gallup Sun • Friday March 17, 2023 9

Alleged hit-and-run driver arrested Staff Reports


allup Police were able to track down a man, Aaron Lay Smith, after witnesses saw him hit a pedestrian with his car and then followed him to a local store. The incident reportedly happened in the intersection

of East Hill Street and South Strong Drive around 9 pm March 13. Callers reported a pedestrian had been struck by a vehicle. The vehicle allegedly left the scene of the crash before the officers arrived. Witnesses followed the vehicle to Lowe’s Uptown, 1120 E. Hwy. 66. Officers identified

the driver as Smith, 23, of Yahtahey. Officers later learned that the vehicle Smith had been driving had been stolen from a man earlier that evening. Smith was arrested and charged with Homicide by Vehicle (a third degree felony), Leaving the Scene of an Accident involving a death (a

third degree felony), receiving or transferring a Stolen Motor Vehicle (a fourth degree felony), aggravated DWI (a misdemeanor) and Drivers Must Be Licensed (a misdemeanor). At press time, Detectives were still working to identify the pedestrian who was struck and killed by Smith’s vehicle.

Aaron Smith

House guest arrested for battery Staff Reports


man attacked a woman who was letting him stay at her house after she wouldn’t go get something from her car for him. On March 2, around 11 am, Gallup Police Officer Anthony Morales was dispatched to the

parking lot of El Sombrero Restaurant, 1201 Hwy. 66, after a woman who claimed to have been assaulted by a friend called Metro Dispatch. When he arrived, Morales met the victim, who said a man named Veltin Montana was staying with her. Montana, 55, from Zuni, allegedly became

upset with the victim after he asked to retrieve something from her car. Montana allegedly started the interaction by yelling at the woman, and when she told him she needed to get dressed before she went outside, he began slapping her face. Montana reportedly slapped

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401 E. Nizhoni Blvd. Gallup, NM 87301 (505) 863-4452 10 Friday March 17, 2023 • Gallup Sun

the woman six times, and then she shoved him away from her. That’s when he grabbed her by the throat and shoved her against a wall. He began squeezing her throat, and according to Morales’s report, the woman thought she was going to lose consciousness in that moment. But before the woman could pass out, Montana let go of her throat and started shoving her again. The woman opened her door and told Montana to get out of her house. According to Morales’s report, the victim had red marks and bruises on her face and strangulation marks on her neck. Morales sent out an attempt to locate on Montana, but officers were unable to fi nd him at that time. D i s t r i c t Ju d g e L o u i s

Veltin Montana DePauli signed a warrant for Montana’s arrest. Officers arrested Montana for the warrant March 10. He was charged with aggravated battery. His preliminary examination is scheduled for March 22.

Check out our FREE access community website! PUBLIC SAFETY

Weekly DWI Report Staff Reports Featured DWI Ronald Arnold Daggett Feb. 3, 4:41 pm DWI (Seventh) A Ga llup ma n, Rona ld Da g get t , 58, added to a substantial list of DWI charges when he was a r rested following a vehicle crash. McK i n ley County deputies were advised of a crash south of Red Rock on Highway 602 near Uprooted Tree Road. The calling party stated a white Chevy Malibu was traveling nor thbound when it drove off the road and parked facing east. Lt. Tammy Houghtaling responded to the call and traveled to the scene. She arrived at the same time as Sgt. Julian Henry of Crownpoint Police and advised him to approach the vehicle from the passenger side after she reportedly noticed a male asleep at the wheel and the vehicle running. Henry turned the vehicle off while Houghtaling woke the driver, Daggett, up and began questioning him. Daggett reportedly told Houghtaling he was waiting for a friend to come by and help jump his vehicle despite Houghtaling tell him the vehicle was running. After saying he didn’t know what happened, Daggett exited the vehicle and allegedly had to be assisted with walking to the roadway. Houghtaling noted signs

of intoxication from Daggett including bloodshot eyes and smelling of alcohol. She asked him if he had been drinking, to which he reportedly answered he consumed an unspecified amount of vodka prior to driving. Daggett said he had been drinking and refused to take the Standard Field Sobriety Tests. Med Star staff arrived to evaluate Daggett but he reportedly refused to be transported, stating he did not have any injuries while refusing to take any more tests. Houghtaling searched his vehicle and found a 375 ml bottle of Importers Vodka in the front but did not locate any insurance or registration information. The vehicle’s plate reportedly did not return from NCIC and the VIN was returning to an unidentified male in Thoreau. Daggett allegedly said the vehicle belonged to his daughter and she had not registered it yet before then saying he had a medical emergency and needed to go to the hospital. While waiting for the vehicle to be towed, Houghtaling was advised Daggett was on parole for a previous DWI and had seven prior DWI charges. He was also on the DWI felony list along with having five bench warrants for various charges. After obtaining a blood warrant signed by Judge Cynthia Sanders, Houghtaling transported Daggett to a local hospital for the blood draw. After the draw was fi nished, Daggett was transported to McKinley County Adult Detention Center and booked for DWI (seventh),




failure to maintain lane, no registration or insurance, no driver’s license, and an open container. His preliminary examination was March 15. Name: Timothy Francisco Age: 49 Arrested: Jan. 1 Charge: Aggravated DWI (Second) Status: Motion hearing on April 13

DWI (Second) Status: Pretrial hearing on March 21 Name: Roselyn Begay Age: 63 Arrested: Dec. 27 Charge: Aggravated DWI Status: Motion hearing on April 13 Name: Brittany Billie Age: 25 Arrested: Dec. 20 Charge: Aggravated DWI (Second) Status: Final pretrial hearing on April 12

Name: Jordan Soltero Age: 36 Arrested: Dec. 31 Charge: Aggravated

Name: Yvette Joe Age: 36 Arrested: Dec. 13 Charge: Aggravated DWI Status: Final pretrial hearing on April 12 Name: Terry Nelson Age: 52 Arrested: Dec. 4 Charge: Aggravated DWI (Second) Status: Motion hearing on May 9

Kids coloring & drawing contest! Rules:



• Kids 4-7 color the bunny on page 19! • Kids 8-10 create Easter-themed artwork on 8.5 x 11 paper! • 1st, 2nd, 3rd place prizes for each age group! • Parents send pic/scan of artwork to: Prize Winners Announced on April 7, 2023 in the Gallup Sun * Winners must come to Gallup Sun Office with original artwork to claim prizes. * Photo will be taken.

Gallup Sun Publishing, LLC 1983 State Road 602, Gallup, NM Phone: (505) 722-8994 FAX: (505) 212-0391 Gallup Sun • Friday March 17, 2023 11


Lady Bengals win state championship The team stands with the 4A state championship banner. Even Navajo Nation President Buu Nygren was there to congratulate the girls. Photo Credit: Jenny Pond

Gallup Lady Bengal Rylie Whitehair (34) battles Kirtland Central’s Jaylene Harris-Rhea (14) for the ball during the championship game at the Pit March 10. The Lady Bengals won 57-47. Photo Credit: Jenny Pond

12 Friday March 17, 2023 • Gallup Sun

Gallup Lady Bengal Daliyah Morris (22) and a Kirtland Central player watch another player score a basket during the championship game. Photo Credit: Jenny Pond


Lady Bengals succeed during state semifi nals Lady Bengal Rylie Whitehair (34) and Lady Sartan Desirey Ortiz (22) kick off the game with a jump ball. Photo Credit: Kim Helfenbein

The Lady Bengals prepare for their game against the St. Pius Lady Sartans during the state semifinals Mar. 9. The Lady Bengals defeated the Lady Sartans 68-49. Photo Credit: Kim Helfenbein

Lady Bengal Raeanna Chee (13) shoots a free throw during the game against the Lady Sartans Mar. 9 at UNM-The Pit. Photo Credit: Kim Helfenbein


Lady Bengal Aniyah Dahozy (5) races down the court while a Lady Sartan player tries to block her Mar. 9. Photo Credit: Kim Helfenbein

Gallup Sun • Friday March 17, 2023 13


‘Boston Strangler’ falls flat at times By Glenn Kay For the Sun

RATING:  OUT OF  RUNNING TIME: 113 MINUTES T h i s f i l m f rom 2 0 t h Century Studios is premiering Friday, March 17 exclusively on Hulu. In the early 1960s, the Greater Boston area was terrorized by a killer who randomly targeted and strangled women. A 1968 feature film chronicled the figure and was released just a year after a suspect was successfully prosecuted for the crimes. Boston Strangler is “inspired by” the exploits of the reporters who fi rst broke the story and tries to present a new take on the events. The movie is handsomely mounted and wellacted, but is neither as chilling

or gripping as hoped for. Loretta McLaughlin (Keira Knightley) is a journalist frustrated with her position writing for the Lifestyle section of a local paper. After learning about a murder in her neighborhood, she investigates further and sees connections between victims. Loretta pesters her editor Jack Maclaine (Chris Cooper) to write a story. He eventually relents and she breaks the story on the Boston Strangler. After blowback from the police department, fellow journalist and established crime scribe Jean Cole (Carrie Coon) is assigned to co-write features on the slayings. The pair become fast friends and Loretta learns a great deal about investigative journalism. Her obsession with work and articles critical of the police lead to confl icts with her husband James (Morgan Spector) and officials working the case like Detective Copley (Alessandro Nivola).

The film avoids explicitly depicting the gruesome murders, instead focusing on sound and a brief image or two of the crime. Initially, it’s an effective tactic, particularly when a neighbor hears a disturbing fracas in a next-door apartment. But, as the pattern of slayings and randomness is established, one simply sees a new character open a door and say a mere line or two before their deaths. Repetition and predictability set in, lessening the tension. And while this reviewer hates to make comparisons with similarly-themed movies, there are a couple of moments that seem modeled after bits from Zodiac, the 2007 David Fincher thriller. One scene involving Loretta interviewing a potential suspect plays out so similarly to the above title that it’s distracting and removes any sense of anxiety from the moment. As for the central plotline

Carrie Coon and Keira Knightley star as the two journalists who first break the story of the Boston Strangler in ‘Boston Strangler.’ Photo Credit: 20th Century Studios about the journalists, early sequences detail Loretta’s struggle to be taken seriously by her employers and officers at the crime scene. It’s a new detail that is intriguing to see. Another interesting aspect is the brusque protagonist’s relationship with her husband. He slowly turns from surprisingly supportive to antagonistic as the lead focuses on work and leaves her spouse and children adrift. Curiously enough, the more

seasoned writer Jean Cole comes across as more engaging. While the pair have similar life issues, Jean’s sharp wit and moments of her calming Loretta and showing her the ropes are enjoyable. As a central suspect arises, the movie also tries to differentiate itself from the previous cinematic adaptation. It seems that in the years since the actual events, there have been numerous alternative assertions about what occurred and this film fully promotes the more exaggerated but unconfirmed ideas as fact. The story ultimately details Loretta uncovering what is almost a conspiracy theory. It has been so long since the killings, no one can use DNA technology to prove that all 13 were the work of one individual (one surviving DNA sample did, however, recently confi rm the man successfully tried was responsible for one of the deaths). However, the film attempts to concoct a more elaborate scheme and add a

MOVIE REVIEW | SEE PAGE 20 14 Friday March 17, 2023 • Gallup Sun


Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for March 17, 2023 By Glenn Kay For the Sun


elcome to another examination of highlights arriving on Bluray and DVD. It’s an extremely busy week, filled with award nominees, as well as studio pictures and international fare. So, if you can’t make it out to the movies this week or need to stay indoors, be sure to give one of these titles a try! BIG NEW RELEASES!

ALICE, DARLING: In this thriller, a woman goes on vacation with friends and opens up about her psycholog ic a l ly abusive boyfr iend. They encourage the lead to stand up for herself a nd end the relationship. She does, but the nastiness she previously endured from the man becomes more threatening and physical. She must find the courage and use her wits to get the better of him. Reaction towards this feature was strong overall. A small contingent of critics didn’t care for any of the characters and commented that the story lacked thrills and was predictable. Still, the vast majority thought the cast were excellent and that the movie delivered plenty of tension. They also appreciated how it depicted warning signs of potential abuse. It stars Anna Kendrick, Tiio Horn, Charlie Carrick, Wummi Mosaku and Farah Merani. ANYTHING GOES: THE MUSICAL: This feature captures the London stage production of the Tony Award winning COMMUNITY

musical /comedy Anything Goes, with hit tunes from Cole Porter like “I Get a Kick Out of You,” “You’re the Top,” and the title track. The story involves two couples who embark on a cruise across the Atlantic. After they set sail, wackiness ensues and relationships are tested between the leads as well as crew members while they’re all isolated on the ship. The show originally came to Broadway in 1934 and is still regularly performed on stage. While there aren’t many movie reviews for the title, this particular production has aired on PBS and it received plenty of acclaim. Seems like if you enjoy musicals, this is a good disc to pick up. Kathleen Marshall is credited as the director and choreographer. THE APOLOGY: An alcoholic struggling with the disappearance of her daughter some 20 years ago decides to host a family Christmas dinner. Her best friend volunteers to assist and help make the evening go a s smoot h ly a s po s sible. The duo is surprised when the lead’s ex-brother-in-law arrives unexpectedly during a storm on Christmas Eve. He reveals a nasty secret that pushes the protagonist to the brink of rage and violence. The press was split on the results, with the picture earning a few more pans than recommendations. Those who appreciated the title wrote that it was engaging and claustrophobic, with several suspenseful sequences. Slightly more called the film cliched and contrived, calling it an ineffective

mystery/thriller. It features Anna Gunn, L i nu s Roa che, Ja nea ne Garofalo and Holland Bailey. E S CA PE T H R OUG H AFRICA: Set In 1914, this feature is set at a British outpost in Africa. After her husband is sent to another locale, a British nurse must contend with a violent attack by a German-led war party. With help from local warriors, she heads out into the wild to avoid capture and warn a neighboring station that they will be raided next. As this is occurring, the woman’s uncle tries to identify a traitor who may have helped the enemy. This very low-budget independent adventure fi lm hasn’t been seen by many and looks to have been filmed entirely in Los Angeles. There have only been a couple of online reviews, and they all note that the writing is poor and that the limited production funds means that the action scenes aren’t very elaborate or exciting. This is currently a DVD-only release. It features Eric Roberts, Linn Bjornland, Justin Gordon, Robert Okumu and Jeff Berg.

is a demon about to cause terror and bloodshed throughout the world… unless the man performs a sexual act that will satiate the monster. Horrified, the lead tries to figure out what he should do. Critics were entertained by this feature, which first debuted on the Shudder streaming service. A small number didn’t think the jokes landed and felt the story was padded out to an excessive length. Everyone else was amused, calling the performers excellent, the visuals stylish and the story unpredictable from start to fi nish. It stars Ryan Kwanten, J.K. Simmons and Sylvia Grace Crim. A MAN CALLED OTTO: Th is rema ke of the 2015 Swedish feature A Man Called Ove follows a grumpy old man who has seemingly given up on life after experiencing a personal tragedy. While he is planning to commit suicide, a new family move in across the street. They frustrate and

annoy him, but the new arrival’s quick-witted wife begins to engage and form a friendship that slowly changes his attitude. Response towa rds the finished product was more positive than negative. About one-third of critics found it difficult to buy into star Tom Hanks as a miserable grouch and called the movie predictable, overly sentimental and weaker than its source material. The rest appreciated the actor’s work and wrote that while the film lacked subtlety, it provided plenty of feel-good moments a nd a po sit ive me s sa ge. Besides Hanks, the cast includes Mariana Treviño, Mack Bayda, Manuel GarciaRulfo, Juanita Jennings, Mike Birbiglia, Rachel Keller and


GLORIOUS: This indie horror/thriller/comedy was scheduled for release on disc in January but encountered a delay a nd is now finally arriving. A man upset about a nasty break-up decides to drive to the country and regroup. Or, at least, he attempts to head out of town, but ultimately stops at a roadside restroom. After entering, a strange voice from an adjacent stall begins talking to him. It tells the lead that it Gallup Sun • Friday March 17, 2023 15

BLU-RAY/DVD | FROM PAGE 15 Truman Hanks. SADNESS AND JOY IN THE LIFE OF GIRAFFES: Those with an interest in international cinema may be intrigued by this award-winning title from Portugal. A lonely, 10-year-old Lisbon girl spends most of her days talking to an imaginary friend who looks like a bear. When she is told to take on a school project explaining how the adult world works, she and her pal get into a series of escapades (including trying to track down and question the Prime Minister of Portugal). It results in a striking report for her class. This fi lm earned plenty of praise in its homeland at the end of 2019, but has only recently found a North American distributor. Reviewers in Portugal called it a sharp and funny satire that pulls no punches in criticizing how governments and societies operate. They also complimented the stunning photography and strong performances. For the time being, this is a DVD-only release. Maria Abreu, Tónan Quito and Miguel Borges headline the film.

THE WHALE: This Oscarnominee for Best Actor, Best Supporting Actress and Best M a keup a nd H a i r s t yl i ng involves a morbidly obese man who teaches online and lives as a recluse. With his condition worsening, the lead is v isited at his apartment by various figures, including his estranged daughter, a nurse and friend, as well as a young man from a local church group. Over the course of the story, viewers learn about his past. Based on a stage play, the fi lm divided critics, although more appreciated it than disliked it. One-third of reviewers thought it was cruel towards its lead character and his condition, also writing that the presentation was overly theatrical. However, the majority called it convincing and honest, praising the performances and the way it managed to keep audiences in its grip despite never leaving one single, tiny location. It features Brendan Fraser, Sadie Sink, Hong Chau, Ty Si mpk i n s a nd S a m a nt h a Morton.

BL ASTS FROM THE PAST! Looking for something older? Cohen Media Group is putting out Secret Defense (1998). It’s a French drama about a 30-year-old scientist investigating the death of her father. The Blu-ray includes a 4K restoration of the fi lm, a director com ment a r y a nd a re -re lease trailer. Cr iter ion is presenting Last Hurrah for Chivalry (1979) on Bluray. This is a period action movie that follows a son trying to avenge the death of his father. The Hong Kong flick was an early effort from director John Woo that was produced a decade before he helmed notable action titles like The Killer, Hard Boiled, Broken Arrow, Face/Off and many others. The disc contains a 2K picture restoration, new subtitles, alternate English-dubbed tracks, an audio interview with Woo, a discussion about the movie with a film historian and a trailer. MGM is deciding to put out some Blu-ray of catalog titles. You can now pick up Hour of the Gun (1967), a reworking of the Wyatt Earp/Doc Holliday legend with James Garner and Jason Robards. Kings Go Forth (1958) is set during WWII and feat u re s F r a n k S i n a t r a a nd Tony Curtis as two American soldiers who fall for the same woman (played by Natalie Wood). The Man Without a World

16 Friday March 17, 2023 • Gallup Sun

(1992) is a r r iv ing on Blu-ray from Milestone. This fi lm’s history is actually quite amusing. It was advertised as a newly discovered silent film about Jewish villagers made by a Russian director. This was all a ruse and the feature is actually a homage to titles from that period. The disc comes with a couple of other, similarly-themed shorts from the fi lmmaker, Eleanor Antin. Extras include an interview with the moviemaker, trailers and more. The studio is also reissuing a Blu-ray of t he K a t e Winslett/Josh Brolin drama, Labor Day (2013). Wild Orchid 2: Blue Movie (1991) is arriving on Blu-ray from Scor pion Relea sing. W hile a lso d i r e c t e d by Zalman King (who helmed t he or ig i n a l Mickey Rourke feature), the story for this follow-up doesn’t have anything to do with the first picture. It instead focuses on a young woman who is taken and trained by a high-class brothel madam. She regrets her decision after falling in love with a regular guy whom she meets off the job. This disc comes with deleted scenes and a trailer. Nina Siemaszko, Tom Skerrit and Robert Davi headline the film. Universal is presenting the animated Biblical tale The Prince of Egypt (1998) as a

4K Ultra HD a nd Blu - r ay set. It won an Oscar for Best Original Song and the voice talent includes Va l K i l m e r as Moses, and Ralph Fiennes, Michelle Pfeiffer, Sandra Bullock, Jeff Goldblum, Da n ny Glover, Patrick Stewart, Helen Mirren, Steve Martin and Martin Short. And remember how Warner Bros. has been steadily putting out individual Rocky f i l m s i n 4K Ultra HD? This week, Rocky III (1982) is being released as a Best Buy Exclusive Steelbook with 4K Ultra HD and Blu-ray discs. YOU KNOW, FOR KIDS! Just one picture this week for kids, but it was a big release back in its day. The Prince of Egypt (1998) (Universal) 4K Ultra HD and Blu-ray ON THE TUBE! And here are all of the TV-themed titles arriving on disc. All Creatures Great and Small Season 3 (PBS) Blu-ray Highway to Heaven The Complet e S er ie s ( Vi su a l Entertainment Group) Blu-ray – may be delayed The Letter: A Message for Our Earth (PBS) DVD T h e L ost Sy m bol The Complete Series (Paramount) Blu-ray T h e S n o w b a l l E f fe c t (Filmrise) Blu-ray The Walking Dead Season 11 (Lionsgate) Blu-ray V ISIT: W W W. CINEMASTANCE.COM COMMUNITY


The historic tax omnibus bill will create broad economic opportunity Dear Editor, New Mexico’s greatest asset is its cultural, ethnic, and racial diversity. Our people are the heart of our state, and now, our Legislature is recognizing that in a big way. It’s not an exaggeration to say that the tax omnibus bill currently under consideration (HB 547) does more to improve economic opportunity and equity in our tax code than any legislation in our state’s history. The bill cuts personal income taxes for more than 94% of New Mexicans and provides nearly a billion dollars in tax cuts for everyday New Mexicans – workers, parents, veterans, rural health care professionals, and child care providers all receive targeted benefits. Increases in the Child Tax Credit benefit 350,000 New Mexico kids in a way that is proven to improve child outcomes, and tax benefits for New Mexicans earning low incomes help ensure everyone can afford basic necessities. On top of targeted relief, the bill has many provisions that broadly enhance economic opportunity statewide. The cut to the gross receipts tax rate – the most significant in New Mexico’s history – will benefit every resident and business alike without undermining the integrity of the tax base. Rebates for every New Mexican mean that folks will have assistance in meeting basic needs and more money will be circulating in our local economies. Building on tax policies enacted over the last few years that improved equity and fairness in the tax code, the bill remedies OPINIONS

earn through work. Limiting this unfair give-away by simply treating capital gains income the same as we currently treat hardearned wages is just one of the many ways that HB 547 brings economic fairness and racial

equity to the state’s tax code. All of these changes have been researched, discussed openly, and vetted by tax


Dine Local Restaurant Guide Please Support Local Businesses Amber Wallin, MPA, Executive Director at New Mexico Voices for Children

Kelly O’Donnell, Ph.D, independent economist

some of the failed trickle-down tax policies that overwhelmingly favored those who already had the most money. By restructuring personal income tax rates and making common-sense improvements to how we collect corporate taxes, the bill addresses some of the unfair breaks passed in 2003 for the wealthiest households and in 2013 for big, multistate corporations. Another highlight of the bill is how it addresses capital gains. The current deduction allows

those who profit from investments to keep a whopping 40% of that income tax-free. The vast majority of capital gains income goes to a small group of tax filers – all of whom have income at least twice that of typical households. Perhaps the most distressing aspect of the way New Mexico currently treats capital gains is that it means the profits made from the sale of an asset or investment are taxed at a lower rate than the wages that hard-working New Mexicans

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No one plans for death, but there it is! By Lawrence Castillo Guest Columnist


n my line of work, I have the unfortunate job to deal with the passing of someone’s spouse, parent, or sibling. I see how, in these moments of grief, if the details aren’t thought of ahead of time, the pain can be compounded with the frustration of trying to navigate through the messiness of financial matters not thought of ahead of time. Recently, a friend died, and now her husband not only has to deal with the grief of losing his spouse, but also with all the details of their fi nancial life. It soon became evident that he did not know the details of their finances (he didn’t even know the password to the checking account). And because of this, I thought that I would take the time to share what I advise my clients to do regarding the preparation of what is inevitable.

I advise my clients to keep a list of all their accounts (checking, savings, CD, annuities, life, mutual funds, etc.) in their Safe Documents folder. In it along with names and phone numbers of their advisors for each of those accounts. For the checking, savings, CD’s, etc., those accounts should have a POD (Payable On Death), as well as having their passwords for those accounts given to someone they trust. The reason I say give the password to someone you trust, you ask? What happens if the mortgage needs to be paid and yet the death certificate is not available yet? Even though the account may have the POD, until the death certificate is produced, only those on the account have authority to access the accounts to take care of any necessities. When it comes to a spouse having to deal with the fi nancial decisions; the grief can cloud their choices, and that is why having a plan written out

and discussed with the family and the advisor can take away one less decision to make, since it has already been made. This is especially true when it comes to planning the funeral. All the proper planning in the world will not be beneficial if the information cannot be found during the crucial days and weeks following the loss of a loved one, or not having a written-out plan that has been discussed with an unbiased advisor and attorney to help carry out those wishes. While the topic may be challenging to discuss, it is essential. Here a re some tips of things to have in your Safe Documents Folder. Will: If the deceased had a will, it outlines how their assets will be distributed and who will be in charge of carrying out their wishes. Trust documents: If the deceased had a trust, the trust document outlines how assets will be distributed and who will manage the trust.

Life insurance policy: The policy outlines the benefits and who the beneficiaries are. Marriage certificate: If the deceased was married, the marriage certificate may be needed to prove their relationship with their spouse. Social Security card: The Social Security Administration will need to be notified of the death, and the deceased’s Social Security number will need to be included on certain forms. Militar y discha rge papers: If the deceased served in the military, their discharge papers may be included. Being prepared is smart planning. L aw r e n c e C a s t i l l o i s a member of Sy n di cat e d Columnists, a national organization committed to a fully t r a n s pa rent approa ch t o money management. Lawrence Castillo Host

Lawrence Castillo of Safe Money and Income Radio. L and C Retirement Income Planners, 4801 Lang St. NE Suite 100 Albuquerque NM 87109. Interested in additional information? Register for my FREE Newsletter at 888-9983463 or click my newsletter link: lawrence-castillo-newsletter/ Syndicated Columnists is the sole provider of this material, both written and conceptual, for this column. All rights reserved.

Do you suffer from dontopedalogy? By Curtis Honeycutt Guest Columnist


t one of my previous jobs, we passed around a special trophy. The trophy had to be earned in an unusual way. It sported a marble base, a tall plastic column, and, adorning the top of the infamous award, the trophy featured a gold plastic backend of a donkey. The donkey’s — ahem — bottom award was awarded to a staff member who made a major blunder at work. Think about replying all to a sensitive email, publicly saying

something stupid or accidentally calling the fire department for a nonexistent emergency. One staff member was notorious for earning and keeping the donkey’s bottom award. He had a bad case of foot-in-mouth disease, or as Prince Philip used to call it, dontopedalogy. Do you have a friend or family member who has, as describes it, “the habit of making inappropriate, insensitive, or imprudent statements?” If you can’t think of someone in your life who often sticks her foot in her mouth, maybe you are the culprit.

18 Friday March 17, 2023 • Gallup Sun

Curtis Honeycutt Prince Philip, former Duke of Edinburgh and husband of Queen Elizabeth, passed away in 2021. However, he left his mark on language by coining

the word “dontopedalogy,” as he suffered from this unfortunate, habitual foible. In a speech to the General Dental Council in 1960, Prince Philip introduced dontopedalogy by describing it as “the science of opening your mouth and putting your foot in it, a science which I have practiced for a good many years.” The Duke of Edinburgh was a disaster when it came to diplomacy and off-the-cuff comments. Although I won’t share the examples of Prince Philip insulting entire countries in an often offensive way, I’ll share some of the more

humorous, innocent slip-ups. I’ll note here that many of his comments were racist and/or bigoted, although I’m doing my best to assume that he simply wasn’t the sharpest crayon in the box. While meeting with the London Assembly’s tourism chief at the opening of City Hall in 2002, Prince Philip noted, “The problem with London is the tourists. They cause the congestion. They block the streets.” Read the room, pal. Going back to 1969, as the





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Gallup Sun • Friday March 17, 2023 19

GFD respond to abandoned building fi re Staff Reports


n abandoned building recently caught fire. The Gallup Fire Department is still looking into what caused it. GFD responded to a report of a structure fire at 3191 Industry Dr. on March 13 around 7:45 pm. When they arrived, fire crews found a large single story vacant warehouse building that had heavy smoke and flames coming out of it. Fire Crews made an exterior attack to extinguish the main body of the fire and spent most of the night extinguishing small concealed fires and hotspots. The vacant building sustained heavy fire damage, which caused the roof to collapse. A general alarm was dispatched for offduty members to report to the location. A total of 23 firefighters responded, no injuries were reported. Damage estimates are still unknown at this time. The cause of the fire and its origin is under investigation.

MOVIE REVIEW | FROM PAGE 14 sense of mystery that seems forced.

THE HISTORIC TAX | FROM PAGE 17 committees in both chambers in a process that is notable for its rigor, transparency, and accessibility.

GRAMMAR GUY | FROM PAGE 18 queen was overspending her allowance from the government, Prince Philip noted, “We go into the red next year... I shall have to give up polo.” Open mouth, insert foot. Yes, Prince Philip had a

An abandoned building located at 3191 Industry Dr. caught fire March 13. Photo Credit: Courtesy of City of Gallup

A s ment ioned, B ost o n Strangler has some good moments when it focuses on the personal lives of the leads and how they made their mark

in a department fi lled almost exclusively with men. A few of the early slayings are also chillingly depicted. But the movie starts to struggle when

bits from other, stronger true crime titles are borrowed and the fi nal resolution feels concocted to connect everything to a single unified theme. It’s a

decent movie, but one that feels flat in spots with an unsatisfying pay-off.

New Mexico has recently become a recognized leader in the nation for passing tax policy that puts families first. Policymakers have a unique opportunity this session to build on that progress in a big way

and make smart and significant improvements to our tax code by passing HB 547. We love to see areas where the state leads, and this is one more area where we

have a chance to build the foundation for a bright future where all New Mexicans can thrive.

Amber Wallin, MPA , Executive Director at New Mexico Voices for Children Kelly O’Donnell, PhD, independent economist



chronic case of dontopedalogy. If you suspect you are suffering from the same condition, consult your doctor or therapist. Cur ti s Hon eycut t i s an award-winning syndicated humor columnist and author. Connect with him at

20 Friday March 17, 2023 • Gallup Sun


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CLASSIFIEDS GALLUP SUN ARCHIVES Need a past issue? $2.00 per copy. Note issue date and send check or M.O. to: Gallup Sun, PO Box 1212, Gallup, NM 87305. Subject to availability. AUTO SALES Amigo Automotive Center

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Gallup Living Rentals - Available Email berlinda@gallupliving. com for current rental list. Office (505)488-2344

HELP WANTED Entry Level Social Media Assistant - Knowledge of Jewelry Making Supplies - Ability to handle multiple projects/meet deadlines - Planning, Organizing & Scheduling Social Media Content - Help execute concepts visually, Strong attention to detail - Must be comfortable working on multiple devices and platforms: PC/Mac/iPhone - Full-Time Non-Remote Position Apply at Thunderbird Supply Co. 1907 W. Hwy 66 Gallup, NM 87301 Closing Date 3/31/23 ***

CLASSIFIEDS Read online at Delivery Driver The Gallup Sun seeks a delivery driver to drop off newspapers at designated locations in Gallup and beyond. Job requires availability every Friday. Route pay, plus mileage. Drug testing required upon hire, plus random screenings. Must have own vehicle, drivers license, current insurance and registration. Call (505)

722-8994 to make an appointment to fill out an application, plus interview. *** Reporter Wanted The Gallup Sun seeks a stringer or two to cover general


*** Black Diamond Dr. 4 bedroom, 2 bath. Refreshed interior, Washer/Dryer hookup $975 per month + security deposit. 1200 Sq. Ft. Approximately. Call Bill at (505) 7269288 to see and apply. *** Black Diamond Park 2 bedroom, 1 bath, freshly cleaned. $725 per month + water deposit + security deposit. Call Bill at (505) 726-

NOW HIRING Delivery Drivers Competitive Pay Good Work Environment Flexible Schedules Employment Advancement We are looking for Honest, Dependable, and Trustworthy persons. Please apply at 1717 S. Second Street CLASSIFIEDS

Gallup Sun • Friday March 17, 2023 21

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CLASSIFIEDS | FROM PAGE 21 assignment in Gallup and surrounding areas. Please email resume to: gallupsun@

LEGAL/PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICE March 17, 2023 TAKE NOTICE: Any One with prior, equal or superior equitable or legal right, interest in/ to/for/of the NAME and Title “LOPEZ ANITA FELICE”, “ANITA FELICE LOPEZ”, “ANITA LOPEZ”, or “Anita F. Lopez”; of such name and title in any style, derivative or variation thereof capable to confuse, suspend, or clog said NAME, title, rights, or interest is hereby warranted to present their claim to Witness: “Anita Lopez” c/o PO Box 1164, Espanola, New Mexico, near zip [87532], before expiration of thirty (30) days of initial publication of this Notice; of which at this time, Let it be known I hereby

NON PROFIT Freemasonry, the world’s largest and oldest fraternity, offers opportunities for personal growth and service to others. To learn more: or *** Four Corners Pet Alliance is looking for like minded and compassionate animal lovers to volunteer. Foremost, we need foster homes. We’re also looking for a fundraiser coordinator, savvy social media / website master. Please email:


Declare and Decree all Rights, Title and Interest to said title. Published: Gallup Sun March 17, 2023 March 24, 2023 March 31, 2023 April 7, 2023 April 14, 2023 April 20, 2023 *** NOTICE of PUBLIC HEARING DATE **CORRECTION** Public Hearing date: April 21, 2023 Notice to Public: In March 2023, Gallup Housing Authority previously advertised the Five-year plan public hearing date as April 14, 2023. The Corrected Date is April 21, 2023.

! g n iri


25 WORD OR LESS: $10 26-50 WORDS: $20 51-75 WORDS: $30 76-100 WORDS: $40 $10 FOR EACH ADD’L 25 WORDS EXTRAS - $10 PER WEEK, PER ITEM: TEXT BOX, YELLOW HIGHLIGHT, PIC, AND/OR LOGO Newspaper published Fridays. Prepayment required. Classifi eds due Wednesday Noon. Deadline subject to change Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s. Email: Offi ce (505) 722-8994

The Gallup Housing Authority is updating its CFP five-year plan in accordance with the requirements set forth in the Housing Quality and Work Responsibility Act of 1999. The plans along with supporting documentation will be available for review at the Administrative Offices of the Gallup Housing Authority located at 203 Debra Drive, Gallup NM through and up to April 21, 2023, during normal business hours. On April 21, 2023, at 9:00am, the Board

of Directors will conduct a public hearing to entertain any written or verbal comments that the public may have. Written comments or questions may be addressed to Richard F. Kontz, Executive Director. Published: Gallup Sun March 17, 2023 March 24, 2023 March 31, 2023 April 7, 2023 April 14, 2023

h e r a



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22 Friday March 17, 2023 • Gallup Sun



Community Calendar March 17 - March 23, 2023 FRIDAY, MARCH 17


9 am @ 203 Debra Dr.


10 am @ OFPL’s Main Library (115 W. Hill Ave.). Learn the fundamentals and techniques of rug weaving in traditional Diné style, including warping, carding and spinning. Please bring your own weaving materials and/or projects. Email or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.


4 pm on Zoom. For more information go to gallupnm. gov.


4 pm @ OFPL’s main library (115 W. Hill Ave.). Create a custom bookmark using a variety of recycled materials. Email jwhitman@gallupnm. gov or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.


1 pm - 3 pm @ Stuido123 at ART123 Gallery (123 W. Coal Ave.). Kids ages 8+ are invited to spend the afternoon coloring, cutting, collaging, constructing and crafting!


4:30 pm @ OFPL’s Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave.). Join the chess club at OFPL! Email pneilson@gallupnm. gov or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.


1 pm - 5 pm @ OFPL’s Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave.). Every Friday, come to the children’s library to unwind from a busy week! Email pneilson@gallupnm. gov or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.




@ Gallup High School (1055 Rico St.). The New Mexico High School Coaches Association will host its annual all-star game where the best high school basketball players in the state compete. SATURDAY, MARCH 18


12 pm - 4 pm @ Rio West Mall (1300 W. Maloney Ave.). Engage in a new kind of learning with fun exhibits that nurture thoughtful experiments with wind, light, electricity, rotation, and more! Email or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.


1 pm - 3 pm @ ART123 Gallery (123. W. Coal Ave.).Topics include: photography basics, camera setup, artificial and natural lighting, media literacy, and youth empowerment.


2 pm every Saturday @ OFPL’s Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave.) for weekly family oriented film screenings. This week’s movie is Wonder (2017). Email or call (505) 8631291 for more information.


9 am - 5 pm @ 340 9th Street. The Gallup 9th Street Flea Market is one of the largest Native American markets in the United States. SATURDAY, MARCH 18 AND SUNDAY, MARCH 19


11 am - 3 pm @ Northside Denny’s (836 Hwy. 491). Fundraiser for Team Bengals Forever. 10% of final receipt and all tips will be donated to Relay For Life. SUNDAY, MARCH 19



1:30 pm - 3 pm @ El Morro Theatre (207 W. Coal Ave.) The purpose of this community gathering is to explore and discuss evidence-based policy solutions to reducing alcohol-related harms in Gallup and McKinley County. MONDAY, MARCH 20


11 am @ the Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave.). This week, the theme is “Trains.” Email or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.


1 pm-2 pm @ SSC 640 Boardman Dr.


4 pm @ the Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave.). Use magnets, a battery, and copper wire to replicate one of the first electric motors! Email or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.


6 pm @ Wowies Event Center (1500 S. Second St., Suite 4). First meeting of 2023. All team managers and coaches must attend. For more information call 505-488-3081. TUESDAY, MARCH 21


9 am @ 207 W. Hill Ave.


4 pm @ OFPL’s Main Library (115 W. Hill Ave.). Make a seed starter pot and discover how to use the seed library at OFPL! Learn more about spring celebrations from across the globe. Email or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.


4:30 pm @ OFPL’s Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave.). Join the chess club at OFPL! Email or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.


5:30 pm @ Room 200 of the Student Services and Technology Center. Part 1 will feature faculty members Dr. Yi-Wen Huang, Dr. Tracy Lassiter and Dr. Sarah Llanque-White reading from their published works. The talk will also be available on Zoom. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22


6 pm - 7:30 pm @ Rio West Mall’s food court (1300 W. Maloney Ave.) A free chess club that is open to players of all ages and skill levels. For more information email


4 pm every Wednesday @ OFPL’s main library (115 W. Hill Ave.). This week’s film is The Woman King in honor of Women’s History Month.


11 am @ the Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave.). This week, the theme is “Trains.” Email or call (505) 863-1291 for more information.


4 pm @ OFPL’s Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave.) for an interactive, hands-on tech program for tweens & teens.


5:30 pm @ Gallup City Hall, City Manager’s Conference Room (110 W. Aztec Ave.). THURSDAY, MARCH 23


4 pm @ OFPL’s Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave.). For more information email: or call (505) 863-1291.


12:30 pm @ Room 200 of the Student Services and Technology Center. Part 2 will feature faculty members Dr. Carmela Lanza, Dr. Aretha Matt and Dr.

Keri Stevenson reading from their published works. The talk will also be available on Zoom. SAVE THE DATE FRIDAY, MARCH 24


6 pm @ OFPL’s Main Library (115 W. Hill Ave.). Complete a full painting while sipping on mocktails after hours at the library. Email or call (505) 8631291 for more information. SATURDAY, MARCH 25


1 pm - 3 pm @ ART123 Gallery (123. W. Coal Ave.). Book-ending the month of remembrance, this two-part, community dialogue will use art as a starting point to create a safe space to speak together about issues of economic exploitation that impact all of us.


2 pm @ OFPL’s Children’s Branch (200 W. Aztec Ave.). OFPL will provide a space where creative minds can give shape to their ideas, and help spread their passion. This month the focus is on origami and zoetropes as they discover animation! Email or call (505) 863-1291 for more information. FRIDAY, MARCH 27


4 pm @ OFPL’s main library (115 W. Hill Ave.).Learn how to build a train with no wheels using magnets. Email or call (505) 863-1291 for more information. To post a nonprofit or civic event in the calendar section, please email: or fax: (505) 212-0391. Deadline: Monday at 5 pm.

Gallup Sun • Friday March 17, 2023 23



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