SYSTEMIC PERFORMANCE EXCELLENCE - CREATE A SENSE OF PURPOSE Organisations are complex systems where many elements come together to enhance or inhibit performance. At Gallus we have developed an approach to creating systemic performance excellence; a performance environment that everybody can believe in. This is the second in a series of insights (the first being an overview) that will examine the approach. In the first insight of the series we outlined the model and basic elements of the 7 STEPS TO PERFORMANCE EXCELLENCE and the 4 PERFORMANCE ENABLERS. Over the coming months we will consider each step in detail and explore the practical steps you can take to move towards systemic performance excellence in your organisation. This insight focuses on how to create A SENSE OF PURPOSE...
A believe-able organisation.... Our approach is centred on creating a BELIEVE-ABLE ORGANISATION. In times of growth, change and challenge, belief is the fundamental factor that provides the resilience and tenacity to succeed. In good times and bad times belief is what makes the difference –belief in the purpose, belief in the destination, belief in an approach, belief in the contribution that an individual feels they can make and belief in the ability to succeed..
Our 7 STEPS TO PERFORMANCE EXCELLENCE are designed to take the organisation through a process of co-creation that drives belief, facilitates a thinking and planning process, enables everyone in the organisation to perform to the best of their abilities, and ultimately drives the organisation and everyone in it to be the outcome they are aiming to achieve.
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GALLUS CONSULTING Build it and they will come.... When talking with people in successful, fast growth organisations about their route to success, a clear trend starts to emerge. Early inspiration comes from a clarity of purpose – a ‘REASON FOR BEING’ - rather than a focus on the numbers. Interestingly, as organisations grow and the almost inevitable focus on the numbers starts to gain traction, growth seems to slow quite significantly. As we explore their history in greater detail it emerges that those that refocus on their purpose, identity and ‘REASON FOR BEING’ enjoy a return to a steeper growth trajectory and greater financial success. It’s almost as if focusing too heavily on the numbers dulls the energy – reduces passion, innovation, commitment, pride..... People tell us that a clarity of purpose and feeling connected to something positive, significant and worthwhile creates an environment where choices are made and behaviours are demonstrated that act as a magnet for successful outcomes. The numbers almost seem to take care of themselves….. Magic can happen when people feel part of something bigger than themselves that will make a positive impact upon society. Establishing a clear reason for being and a ‘why’ that drives belief, commitment, ambition and passion for the cause is clearly an important foundation to future success.
Create a Sense of Purpose… So how can you best create a common sense of purpose that propels your organisation towards greater success? Our eight ‘V’s capture the critical elements…. VALUE; VALUES; VISION; VECTORS; VIGNETTES; VOICE; VALOUR and VILLAGE….
VALUE at the heart CREATE A CAUSE!
VALUES to uphold CULTIVATE AN IDENTITY! VISION of the destination and legacy
Most theories of motivation point to the power of intrinsic motivators. Daniel Pink defines three motivational foundations that drive people to succeed; one of these is the desire to be part of something larger than oneself – PURPOSE! By building a passionate audience around a significant REASON FOR BEING, which makes a real difference and perhaps has social, political or cultural consequences, people can collaborate quickly and effectively to generate new ideas and solve complex problems with real meaning. Define your organisation’s WHY and create a compelling VISION for people to engage with…. Know what your organisation stands for and what it does not. Examine the VALUES that you want to be the foundation for all decisions, actions and behaviours so that people can feel proud to belong and contribute to your CAUSE in a way that reflects your IDENTITY…. A Vision TOLD creates people who follow; a vision SOLD creates people who contribute when the rewards are right; a CO-CREATED vision generates commitment, accountability, responsibility and activity. Inclusive VISION generation exercises create sustainable pictures of the future….
Make explicit choices around DIRECTION and SPEED. Scientifically define the paths to be followed. Enable people to take action and make decisions that generate VALUE by clearly defining the various MILESTONE DESTINATIONS, PATHS and TIMELINES. Be equally clear about the things the organisation has chosen not to do and why…. The numbers are important – yes; but far more important are the STORIES that surround them. Numbers provide the data to examine performance and make decisions. STORIES generate emotion, empathy and the drive to succeed where numbers can leave people cold. Which STORIES is the organisation proud of? How can it create more of these? Capture the STORIES that create the future you want to see…
VOICE to bring the voyage to life Constantly engage and remind people of the VALUE, VALUES, VISION and DON’T PUT IT ON THE SHELF!
VECTORS throughout the journey. Constantly capture powerful VIGNETTES that bring energy and positive emotion to the VOYAGE. SHARE successes, DISCUSS obstacles, ASK for opinions and ideas. Show, without doubt, that everyone has a part to play…
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VALOUR to make sacrifices and bold decisions
Hold the line when things get difficult. Make decisions and take action that underline the VALUE, VALUES, VISION and VECTORS and do not be tempted to take the easy route. Balance long-term success with short-term results and, where necessary, make SACRIFICES in pursuit of the long-term destination.
DO THE RIGHT THING WHEN THE GOING GETS TOUGH! VILLAGE that connects interests and voices
Create communities where the VALUE, VALUES, VIGNETTES, VISION, VECTORS and VOYAGE can be brought to life with VALOUR. Connect people beyond their function and team; enable them to work across geographical, cultural and regulatory boundaries to create a global VILLAGE
• Create an integrated,
• Define Game-changing
cohesive and collaborative organisation that considers every situation with the bigger picture in mind. Enterprise Mindset ensures that architecture, systems, processes and leaders consider the ambitions, needs and capabilities of the entire organisation and constantly maximise the synergies available to accelerate the achievement of results.
leadership in the context of the organisation and ensure that leaders are Committed, Capable, Aligned, Consistent and Courageous. The capability of existing leaders, coupled with the ability to identify, attract, retain and develop the leaders that are needed for the future is vital.
LEVERS TO LEVERAGE • Identify, optimise and
leverage the most effective levers for performance excellence across the system every time. By pinpointing the levers for change in an organisation, efforts can be aligned and amplified more effectively. Identifying and aligning the most impactful levers towards the desired outcome creates a clarity of focus and minimises distractions and counter productive messages.
• Targeted metrics and
analytics that focus on the things that make the difference. Create a performance guidance system that enables dynamic decisions and provides the rIgour for strategic loops.
CREATING A SENSE OF PURPOSE almost sounds easy when captured in this way but in reality it is a finely balanced set of complex processes, inquiry and debate, that involve opinion and emotion – it’s an art rather than a science. Is there a tangible SENSE OF PURPOSE in your organisation – could it do more to galvanise ENERGY and EMOTION towards SUSTAINABLE PERFORMANCE EXCELLENCE?
Gallus build sustainable, high performance environments that everybody can believe in. With particular expertise in leadership capability and alignment, organisation design, business transformation and enterprise risk management, Gallus challenge assumptions, cultivate belief and drive positive change by making performance excellence systemic. An established business with Headquarters in Northampton, UK and offices in London, Manchester and Aberdeen, Gallus work with ambitious organisations across the world from a wide range of sectors. Find us at or call +44(0)20 3751 6345.
0203 751 6345