“…while we can not work with sales volume, we can work with quality”
Every day is a lesson Company`s logo – meet us!
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Dear Colleagues, Here is the 1st issue of our magazine ÂŤGals-InformÂť. While working on the issue, we intended this issue to become an instrument which will improve the communications between our companies, broadcast our corporate culture and unite us in achieving our common goals. The publication is meant only for internal users with delivery to email addresses. For the employees without access to internet each issue will be printed and posted on the information boards of the company. Editors hope that the issue will be interesting for all of you. Your opinions, views and comments will play an important role in formation of the issue. We sincerely hope for your active position and participation in our common case. Please contact us at: galsinform@toyota.dn.ua Sincerely, editors.
The birth of Corporate Code book This month the group of our companies will meet the Corporate Code Book. The Book covers philosophy, main principles, rules and regulations that exist in the company since its foundation. We hope that the Corporate Code Book will help the beginners and our long time working specialists to remember the important aspects and company’s philosophy. The Corporate Code Book will be delivered to your dealership centers in the nearest future.
“Every day To support the management of our companies in time of crisis, the managing company conducted a series of business games in which, playing real life roles, managers were able to see their company from the inside — «what we have?» and «where to go?». In general, the event turned out bright - some participants discovered the unexpected knowledge in areas of management, others — clearly defined with the further direction for development.
is a lesson� Here are the interviews with some of the participants: Dmitriy Kostenko, director of Toyota Center Lugansk Autowind:
I think such business games are very useful. It gave us the possibility to rethink our positions as directors. It is also a chance to make corrections in the work, understand what is expected from you. For the director it is really important.
Vadim Ignatenko, director of Toyota Center Omega Motors Sevastopol:
Of course this training was necessary. For the directors the meeting with the Owner is always useful. This business game showed weak points in work of each participant. It inspired for personal development, thanks to this I made the control processes in the company stronger. The only thing needed to be improved in the course of training is that part where one person was
working at the board. “The legend” had to be give in advance, so the game could be more effective and logical. As for me, I think such meetings in the managing company have to be held at least once in a quarter (as TU plans); communicating with each other we could solve some general issues. Aleksander Malakhov, director of Toyota Center Delta Motors Simferopol:
I think that this business game was very effective. It is always interesting to look at yourself from outside considering gained experience. It let me see my weak points. For example the importance to place right goals and objectives. Not every-
thing is successful in dialogues. I am sure that such live dialogues will let us see the processes from outside as for the director so and for the employee. Such meetings will be very useful for the managers of the departments. The communications will become effective and straight to our common goal: “To become the most respected company in Ukraine!” Denis Chebanov , director of Toyota Center Donetsk Avtogals:
At the time when the business game was held I was the beginner, and this training was very helpful. Now I know for sure what is expected from me as the director. I realized my goal and my place in the
company. It helped me to understand how to work with employees right, so they can feel what is expected from them as well. In general, I am very satisfied with the training. It was a lesson. Now when I have to make a decision or put the objectives, I get back to that business game and remember the program and my colleagues work. Valery Nikerichev, director of Toyota Service Azovmotor Mariupol:
This training raised the issues of not just the rights of the directors of Dealership Centers but also their responsibilities for the owner and for their employees as well.
The issues of personnel management, self organization, planning were raised by the owner, so that the directors could use this knowledge in their everyday work. Understanding of goals and objectives of the owner and implementing them in life – is the task for the directors. In work with the employees it is important to see the prospective and the ability to model the situation, because it is always better to foresee the problem than solve it afterwards losing time and resources. Also, with the personal development there should be the development of the company. We have to be able to follow this policy and to be in the main stream of business but not on the side way.
It is quite obvious that such meetings give positive result that is why we made decision to “play� more often. The next tour is planned for the sales managers and after sales managers. The schedule of training will be given additionally.
Special Features
Company`s logo — meet us! Trademark, logo, a sign for the goods and services, brand name — all these terms are often used to note the same object of intellectual property — trademark.
Successful competition in the market is possible when the consumer knows the company, trusts a particular brand. Trade mark is an indicator of the relevant goods; it advertises products made by the specific manufacturer. Trademark
— is the sign by which a consumer identifies a company, its services and products. As the original card of the company, a trademark placed on the products indicates assortment and quality. Image activity of any company which cares of its status and position on the market is connected with certain company’s style and culture. 10th of November is a birthday of the original trademark . The word Avtogals is not chosen by chance. The meaning of its first part “Avto” — (auto) we all know, but the second part raises the curiosity with the public. The term Gals is a sea term. It is not simple and has serious meaning. Gals (track) — indicates the movement of the vessel relative to its route and wind direction. If the vessel stops, it is not gals already. The symbol above is the graphic representation of philosophy of constant movement and has the form of open sales. Also it looks like the high way. Such unusual combination of movement on the high way and open sales
makes our trademark really unique. Our goal — is the chosen course and we follow our direction. According to generally accepted standards, the logo was designed with an individual brand book, which contains the rules for the use and placement of the logo on different types of products, as well as a description of fonts and colors. The trademark is placed on branded products, and also can be used as the identification of company’s services. You could already meet our logo on
business cards of company’s experts, branded T-shirts and in the Corporate Code book and it is just the beginning. Successful competition in the market is possible when the consumer knows the company, trusts a particular brand. That is why we strive not only to improve the quality of services, but also increase the degree of recognition of our brand.
Current opinion
Try to do everything right — and success will find you! In spite of very hard position of auto business in the year of crisis, the group of our companies still finds ways to fight and survive. For sure it became possible due to many people, but the main responsibility remained on the captain of our common ship. The editors of “Gals Inform” (GI) asked chief executive of his plans, the secrets of success and for some advises for our readers. GI: “Vasiliy Dmitrievich, please, tell our readers, why you have decided to dedicate yourself to auto business?” V.D.: “First of all, because of my interest for the cars. As for me, automobile – is the implementation of all excising know-how. Please, name any other device which combines so many progressive technologies and is available to simple people. I think cars are interesting to everyone.” GI: “What are your strategic plans for the nearest future?”
As for me, automobile — is the implementation of all excising know-how. V.D.: “I do not place great goals, because our future is so not clear and it is useless to talk about great sales now. While we can not work with sales volume, we can work with quality. That is why the nearest perspective is to raise all dealership centers to L1 level. It
is a minimum task. Those who are ready to reach L2 level will reach it. Soon, we expect Donetsk dealer Avtogals to reach L2 level, and as soon as we do it, we will translate this experience to other dealers.” GI: “What brings you the enjoyment in work?” V.D.: “The question is quite difficult. I like when I see the final result. More over I can see the way how to get this result, I understand what recourses are necessary – they are people and processes…. And finally it gives it feedback, and I like it.” GI: “Does it mean that you consider yourself a successful person?” V.D.: Smiles. “In some way – yes.” GI: “What is your the most important factor of success? May be you have your own success formula, could you, please, share it with our readers?”
V.D.: “I do not have any particular rulers or secrets. Try to do everything right – and success will find you. This is my credo. I try to do everything right, honestly as an adult person and not to make bargains with conscience. I do not have the desire initially to be successful, this is not my target.” GI: “But the meaning of “right” can be different for every person.” V.D.: “Yes, and I think I reach it because as I say, I can put myself “in the other person’s shoes”. This ability to adapt to another person helps me to negotiate successfully with everyone. Switching to another person’s needs helps me to understand his problem. Sometimes it leads to certain softness, concessions, but it is effective anyway, just the result can be seen a little later.” GI: “Could you, please, give some advice for success for the employees of our companies as the first person?”
qualities which are necessary for the manager – here rises a conflict. One is not successful because “a little spaniel decided to become a successful bull-terrier”. That is why it is important to understand
But when we plan something that is absolutely impossible — later we can find ourselves with nothing. ourselves. Understand what is given to us and according to this to build our career then. Yes, it is possible to make certain changes in us – the procedure is painful but real. We have to look to the face of truth and build an adequate way of personal growth, and then there will be all the chances to get what we want. But when we plan something that is absolutely impossible – later we can find ourselves with nothing.
V.D.: “I would advise each of them to think about the reason of our living, let them ask themselves – what am I living for? This would lead to understanding how to live their lives. This is what I would like to wish to every person. As to the employees I would like to wish them to understand themselves, to realize what is their way in life from the position what they can do best, what qualities are dominating in them. Every person has his talents. And if someone wants to be a general manager, but he has no personal
The story about Temple construction Within a few weeks from the next valley over the mountains came the strange sounds. One of the boys from the village decided to go through the mountains and see what happens there. After two days of travel he reached the top of the hill and saw in the far away valley below, dozens of people employed with some activity. When he approached, he saw a chain of people sited in front of huge stones, over which they have worked hard with hammers and chisels. When the traveler finally reached the bottom, he came up to the boy at the end of the chain and asked, «What are you doing?» «Ha!» — Muttered the young man — I’m killing time until I will be free from work.» Puzzled, the traveler turned to the young woman who was next in the chain: «Sorry, but what are you doing?» «I am earning money to support my family» — the woman said. Traveler repeated his question, referring to the next person. «I help to build the Temple» — he replied ...