The co-pay is the just cost of ingredients when you use baking as therapy. While not a fix for serious mental health issues, baking cakes, cookies, breads, and other goodies can help you ease anxiety and stress.
Talk about flour power: Mounting scientific evidence proves that baking is one of the best forms of self-care. Even mental health pros swear by the therapeutic effects: “I consider this one of my greatest mental health strategies. I have declared Sunday ‘baking day’ for more than 15 years of my life," says Tracy Thomas, Ph.D., psychologist and founder of Dr. Tracy Inc., an emotional training company in California. "I go into a baking zone for a whole day and just bake my buns off, pun intended,” Thomas says. But why, exactly, is baking so good for your brain, your mood, and beyond? Preheat your ovens and read on for the top six reasons from Thomas and Nicole Beurkens, Ph.D., author of the