When you are pondering about physical activities that can help you create a more healthy lifestyle, you probably may not, at first, take bowling into consideration. The reason for that is because you might not be aware that there are a few ways bowling helps promote both your physical and mental well-being. Bowling happens to be a whole-body sport, and the mental side of the game challenges your mind as well.
The act of rolling the ball down the lane is just like the motion of walking, but including a hand-weight. The bowler's approach involves taking a few steps, and this repetitive movement could help to keep the leg joints along with the back limber.
The gesture of releasing the ball, as well as the follow-through are both whole-body movements, and this also aids in exercising various parts of your body. For otherwise sedentary individuals, the health advantages can be quite significant. A good sign is the muscle soreness a lot of ...
Read more at https://5amily.com/bowling/blog/bowling-a-healthy-pastime