If you pack the right gear and are prepped with know-how, camping in the rain can be a fun way to test your equipment and disaster preparedness skills.
The Survival Benefits of Camping in the Rain
Get Started with Your Rain Camping
Whoever said the rain has to spoil your outdoor adventure? Rainy day camp activities and camping in a rainstorm can teach you how to pack smartly and lightly, how to use your resources in the wilderness, and how to maintain a fire in the rain. It can also teach you how to implement safety precautions and think wisely. Here are some wet camping tips to get you started:
1. Rain Gear Checklist
If you are not packed for potential wet weather, it is best to head home. Talk about a buzz killer.
Here are a few items to keep in mind while packing for rainy weather, which we will go over throughout the article:
Nylon clothing
Extra socks
Synthetic sleeping bag
Steep dryer basket
Read more at https://5amily.com/camping/blog/disaster-preparedness-skills-when-camping