According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), over 3.3 million cats enter Us animal shelters. This a daunting number of stray animals that are roaming around in the streets, posing health risks to a great human population.
On average, kittens reach the age of sexual maturity around 4 months. Then, they are capable of breeding and producing little kittens of their own. Many people do not have the desire or need to breed from their cats. If they do, it would simply add to the numbers of already homeless stray cats and kittens, in a dire need of a home.
There is a general term to remove genitals from the pets (in this case, it is neutering the cat). It is castration in males – removal of testes, whereas in females, it is termed as spaying (removing ovaries and uterus).
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