Are you also looking for a luxurious feline for yourself? In this article, we have listed the top 12 breeds of cats around the world that are the most expensive
12. Maine Coon (1200$)
It is the largest and fluffiest of all the breeds. If we measure it from nose to tail it is approximately 3 feet but it is very intelligent and playful it loves to be with their owner. It has the largest tufted ears and snowshoe paws. It is a dog-like and trainable breed. It loves to drink water. This breed is called gentle giants. It is more friendly to everyone. Some people say that it is a developed Norwegian forest cat and some say that it is descended from Marie Antoinette’s Angora cats
11. Egyptian Mau (1,800$)
It is a naturally spotted breed and the fastest of all the domestic cats. It was featured in a movie called 'Cat Woman'. It has gooseberry green eyes encircled with dark eyeliner and widely spaced ears.
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