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Bending and Body Position 9-12-12

In this project a method by which to collect information pertaining to the shape of a chair was created. The information found was then altered and reused in novel ways to create something entirely different. The final structure takes the idea of bending to create a form to sit in and combines it with external forces. This means that if one person sits on this contraption it will change the way in which the other seats are positoned.

This project began by creating a novel tool for measuring. The tool was then used to map points on a chair

The points found by the measuring device were used to determine the maximum bending capacity of the chair (see mapping previous page). The diagram on the right shows the bending capacity of the seat; which was one of the elements used to determine the maximumbending parameters; along with the legs, back and the spine. The chair was rebuilt in a way that allowed for all the bending possibilities to be obtained at once in one system.

Bending and Body Position: Elevation and plan showing the different ways in which people can use the seats. Different body positions result in different seating possibilities

Sections showing the different seating arrangments created by people sitting in a specific way

These pictures show the full range of the seats. Interacting with a certain seat will result in the other seats changing their configuration

6. Structural Anchor Points

An Aerial Show for Enticement: A Cabaret made to dictate an individual’s view according to where they are in the building The design for this structure came from an investigation into the way in which we view a trapeze performance and a desire to give certain audience members different amounts of visibility to the show. The building is set up so that one must go further and further into the structure in order to see more and more of the performance space.


6. 6.

Motion through space Drawings:


These drawings show the different views one can get from the designated viewing zones. 1. Launch Plank 2. Swing Bar 3. Catcher Bar 4. Maximum Central Rotation 5. Maximum Distance From the Bar 6. Structural Anchor Points

3. 2.

4. 5.

Long Elevation View Of Trapeze Motion Plane Through Time






Short Elevation View Of Trapeze Motion Through Time Short Elevation View Of Trapeze Motion Plane Through Time

Instantaneous Motion Axo



M. F O.


L. P.

A. Vision Zone P1(1/6 of total visibilty) B. Vision Zone 1 (2/6 of total visibilty) C. Vision Zone 2 (full Visibility) D. Vision Zone 3 (4/6 of total visibility) E. Vision Zone 4 (1/6 of total visibilty) F. Overlapping Zones G. Physical Model of Overlapping Zones into Geometetry I. Geometry found from Overlapping Zones J. Trapeze System offering Maximum Variation views and posibilities for limitation of said views K. Geometry Zone P1 L. Geometry Zone 1 M. Geometry Zone 2 N. Geometry Zone 3 O. Geometry Zone 4

Visibility By Seating Area: Different zone’s dictated by height were assigned different percentages of visibility of the show. The process of how each zone was created without inhibiting another zones ability to meet its visibility requirements is illustrated by this diagram.

3 View


Zone 3

An Aerial Show for Enticement: Physical Form

2 View

1 View

Highest Plan Cut shows connection to external building and nonpublic seating with minimal view

P1 View

Outside View

Zone 1

Zone P1


Middle Plan Cut


Jackson Hole 2013

501 Studio Project Spring 2013

Interior Rendering Photoshop, VRAY, Rhino

501 Studio Project Spring 2013

2 Point Perspective Section Illustraor, Photoshop, VRAY, Rhino

Philadelphia 2013

Creating Art Using the Computer 9-9-12 Photoshop and Illustrator

Rendering 1-11-13 Vray

The Grand Canyon 2012

Philadelphia 2013

Camden 2013


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