Galway Early Music Festival e brochure 2018

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Myth and Legend Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque music inspired by Gods and Faeries, Heroes and Heroines!

Galway early Music would like to thank its sponsors and friends, without whose support the Festival would not happen.

Funded By

Media SponSoRS

pRint paRtneRS Venue SponSoRS

SuppoRted By

Galway Early Music is a member of REMA - The European Early Music Network

Galway Early Music


Myth and Legend Be prepared to meet gods, faeries, heroes and heroines at this year’s festival! Discover medieval, renaissance and baroque music inspired by classical mythology and celtic legend, performed by some of the most exciting ensembles in the world. Enjoy concerts, workshops, exhibitions and free family-friendly events. Join us in the liveliest medieval town in europe on the Wild atlantic way! pRe-FeStiVaL aSSoCiate eVent: aCadeMiC CoLLoQuiuM tHuRS. 24 May 10am - 4pm Hardiman Library, nui Galway ‘on the ten-stringed psaltery’: musical instruments as symbols in the Middle ages open to tHe puBLiC


CHANGE OF VENUE! Emily Anderson Concert Hall Aula Maxima, NUI Galway

tHe pipeR and tHe FaeRie Queen

Camerata Kilkenny and david power Maya Homburger , Claire Duff - violin, Marja Gaynor - viola, Sarah McMahon - cello, Malcolm Proud - harpsichord, Barry Guy - bass, David Power - uilleann pipes A programme of music by composers Telemann, Purcell, Marini, Biber, Handel and Leclair inspired by fantastical literary works from the 17th and 18th centuries alongside traditional Irish music with associated themes, including the incidental music from Henry Purcell’s opera The Faerie Queen, Irish traditional tunes such as An Leanbh Sidhe, as well as a Musette and Menuet from composer Jean-Marie Leclair’s opera Scylla et Glaucus. Virtuoso uilleann piper david power continues his collaboration with Irish harpsichordist Malcolm proud and Camerata Kilkenny, the internationally renowned period instrument group founded by Malcolm Proud and Swiss violinist Maya Homburger, in this exciting programme.

Fri. 25 May, 8 pm Aula Maxima, NUI Galway

€20 / €15 / €6

in partnership with Music for Galway period instruments, excellent players ….. and incredible music Irish Times [power’s] phrasing and meticulous employment of bent notes and timbral alterations cracked the heart of the tune wide open... Sydney Morning Herald


CoFFee ConCeRt

Collegium Chamber Choir, dir. Mark duley aisling Kenny - voice, Ziv Braha - lute This concert is a fundraising concert for the St Nicholas Schola Cantorum. We urge you all to support this wonderful music organisation. No hardship, because what could be more enjoyable than a cuppa, cake and beautiful music? Collegium is joined by Aisling Kenny and Ziv Braha for a fabulous programme of early music with classical mythological themes. Collegium, Schola Cantorum’s flagship chamber choir comprises 16-20 singers depending on the type of project undertaken, and is made up of Galway’s finest choral singers. In addition to performing under the direction of founder-conductor Mark Duley, Collegium has also worked with Andrew Lawrence-King and the Harp Consort in Sat. 26 May, 11 am presenting the medieval Play of Daniel as part St Nicholas of the 2015 Galway Early Music Festival.

Collegiate Church

Festival Associate Event

€10 at door

CHANGE OF VENUE! Chapel of the Poor Clares, Nuns Island


BeaStS and GodS Musical innovation in 14th century italy

Simone Sorini Syrenarum

Simone Sorini - voice and lute Claudia Viviani - voice & percussion This concert aims to rediscover a widespread musical practice both in traditional and in art music during the Italian Middle Ages: two-voice polyphonic songs. The favourite forms in this type of musical expression were the ballad and the madrigal, both well represented in this concert. In these compositions, male and female voices are often treated and used as instruments, with virtuosic passages and long melismas.The poetic texts often refer to epic and legendary themes, telling of ancient gods and strange animals, thus constituting a real "bestiary”. Simone wowed 2017 audiences as a member of Micrologus. We’re thrilled to have this modern-day ‘cantore al liuto’ (singer to lute) back this year with Claudia Viviani for a more intimate evening of Italian vocal pyrotechnics.

Sat. 26 May, 4 pm Chapel of the Poor Clares, Nuns Island

€12 / €10 / €6

The group played with such energy & vigour. There was great chemistry between them and of course they produced fantastic music! audience member


tRiStan et ySeut

alla Francesca Brigitte Lesne - voice, rote (psaltery-harp), codirection; Vivabiancaluna Biffi - voice, fiddle; Florence Jacquemart recorders, bagpipes; Emmanuel Vistorky - voice The tragic legend of Tristan and Yseut tells a tale of love, loyalty and jealousy. Alla Francesca create an atmosphere of magic and human emotion, singing lais found, with melody, in a Viennese manuscript of the 13th century, which are interspersed with dances and Estampittas of 13th and 14th century Europe. Alla Francesca are back in Galway by popular demand after their highlight concert, Trobar et Joglar, at the 2016 festival. Supported by Alla Francesca’s utterly convincing recreation of this music is full of magic, passion and humanity. BBC Music Magazine

Sat. 26 May, 8 pm St Nicholas Collegiate Church €18 / €14 / €6


a WaLK in tHe daRK WoodS

the Gregory Walkers with the St nicholas Choristers, athenry Music School Horizon orchestra, Galway adult Strings, Red earl’s Musicke Once upon a time there was a boy called Gregory Walker, so called because he liked nothing more than going on long walks where there was the chance of an adventure. He walked up mountains and down valleys, around lakes, and through enormous yellow fields but more than anything he liked to walk through the deep dark woods… Featuring princesses, fairies, evil sorcerers and smelly trolls, this musical adventure combines storytelling and music in a charming performance for the young and young at heart. This concert is the culmination of GEM’s Early Music for Young Musicians/Adult ensemble workshops led by The Gregory Walkers in April & May.

Sun. 27 May, 5 pm Meyrick Hotel Ballroom €7 children free

Supported by Galway County Council Community Arts funding Terrific! So very enjoyable! [We liked] the mixture of old and young players and singers. 2017 audience


in daRKneSS Let Me dWeLL Songs of night and desire

aisling Kenny - Soprano, Ziv Braha - lute In the duo’s debut at Galway Early Music Festival, Galway soprano, Aisling Kenny and Israeli lutenist, Ziv Braha, present a late-evening concert of English renaissance lute song by John Dowland, John Danyel, and Thomas Campion. Exploring the theme of darkness in its many guises, the programme features some of the most profound and beautiful works of the period including Dowland’s poignant In darkness let me dwell and Danyel’s moving trilogy, Grief keep within. Voice and strings are interwoven to express the poetry of these songs, some of which convey the most profound human passions, while others embody Ficino’s philosophy of inspired melancholy. Performed with a keen sensitivity to historical performance, the concert will be candlelit in the intimate and atmospheric space of St Joseph’s Church.

Sun. 27 May, 9 pm St Joseph’s, Presentation Rd €12 / €10 / €6


eaRLy iRiSH HaRp taSteR WoRKSHop

Sylvia Crawford and Simon Chadwick If you’ve always wanted to play a harp, this is the workshop for you. But the harp featured is a special harp: it is the harp that was played in Ireland from c. 1200 right up to the end of the 18th century, strung with brass and silver (and perhaps gold). taLK: 2pm - 2:30pm: Free event Simon Chadwick will talk about what makes this harp different from harps being played elsewhere in Europe, about the place of the harp in early Irish society and about the repertoire for the harp. WoRKSHop: 2:30pm-4pm - ₏10 Sylvia will then give workshop participants a harp to play and teach one of the first tunes learned by the Sun. 27 May early Irish harpers.

talk: 2 pm Workshop: 2:30 pm

pRe-BooKinG ReQuiRed - SpaCeS LiMited

The Hall, Busker Brownes, Cross St

Book at or at +353 (0)83 461 9039


BRanSLeS and FaRandoLeS

a Medieval dance Workshop Lise Carrel and Jacopo Bisagni In this workshop we will look at – and try to apply in practice! – the evidence for medieval dance found in three kinds of sources: (1) textual and iconographic sources that give us indications about dancing in the Middle Ages, dating from the period before the publication of the earliest Italian dance treatises, that is before the mid-fifteenth century; (2) French Renaissance treatises preserving dances that had roots in the Medieval past, such as bransles; (3) traditional French dances of modern attestation but of probable or possible Medieval or Renaissance origin, such as the farandole, the rondeau, the bourrée, etc. Before each dance, we will look at the manuscripts, paintings and texts that allow us to reconstruct a certain choreography, and then all the participants will be welcome to join the re-enactment of the dances – all of Sun. 27 May, 12 pm which will be accompanied by live music. The Hall, Busker Brownes, Cross St FREE EVENT - BEGINNERS WELCOME Donations Welcome

day By day tHuRSday 24 May 10:00 am4:00 pm Associate Event

aCadeMiC CoLLoQuiuM Musical instruments as symbols The Bridge, Hardiman Library, NUI Galway

FRiday 25 May 8:00 pm €20/ €18/€6

tHe pipeR & tHe FaeRie Queen Camerata Kilkenny, david power O’Donoghue Centre, NUI Galway

SatuRday 26 May 11:00 am2:30 pm

MytH & LeGend in pRe-HiStoRiC iReLand

ancient Music ireland Mechanics Institute, Middle St

11:00 am3:00 pm

inStRuMent MaKeRS eXHiBition

11:00 am

CoFFee ConCeRt

€10 at door

St Nicholas Collegiate Church

11:00 am2:00 pm

MuSiC in tHe Latin QuaRteR

1:00 pm

SMoKe WinG paW SinG the Spontaneous theatre people

Galway City Museum, Spanish Parade

Ruby Room, Kings Head Pub

2:30 pm Free Talk

tHe GReat HoRnS oF iReLand and tHe LeGend oF tÁin BÓ FRaÍCH

ancient Music ireland Mechanics Institute, Middle St

FeStiVaL tiCKet: €50 / €40 enjoy the full festival experience and immerse yourself in a weekend of glorious music! HaRp WoRKSHop: or 083 461 9039

day By day SatuRday 26 May 4:00 pm €12/ €10/€6

BeaStS and GodS Simone Sorini Syrenarum Nuns Island Theatre, Nuns Island

8:00 pm €18/ €14/€6

tRiStan et ySeut alla Francesca St Nicholas Collegiate Church

Sunday 27 May 12:00 pm

BRanSLeS and FaRandoLeS dance Workshop The Hall @ Busker Brownes

2:00 pm

intRoduCtion to tHe eaRLy iRiSH HaRp

Free Talk

The Hall @ Busker Brownes

2:30 pm

eaRLy iRiSH HaRp WoRKSHop The Hall @ Busker Brownes pre-booking required


5:00 pm €7 children free

9:00 pm €12/ €10/€6

a WaLK in tHe daRK WoodS the Gregory Walkers & Friends Connemara Ballroom, Meyrick Hotel

in daRKneSS Let Me dWeLL Candle-lit Concert aisling Kenny & Ziv Braha St Joseph’s Parish Church, Presentation Rd.

tiCKetS town Hall theatre / / 091 569 777 & at the door €6 Student tiCKet at door of concerts

FaMiLy FRiendLy

MuSiC in tHe Latin QuaRteR

There will be music wherever you turn in the Latin Quarter on Saturday! Pipes, recorders, harp, lute, hurdy-gurdy, and brass! The music starts outside of St Nicholas Collegiate Church and winds its way through the streets of the Latin Quarter. Musicians include Áine & Gurdy Gaia, Jacopo Bisagni (pipes), Sylvia Crawford (fiddle), Brenda Malloy (harp), and the Frenchville Brass ensemble. Enjoy the atmosphere, and do drop in to some of the other free events and concerts of this year’s Galway Early Music Festival. The Latin Quarter is in the centre of Galway’s medieval town. Take a walk around the area and find the marriage stones, curious carved animals and medieval windows. Many businesses have conserved medieval Sat. 26 May stonework. And enjoy the music! 11am - 2pm

Streets of the Latin Quarter

FRee Imagine a medieval bandeVent cutting loose in the village square on a festival day! The Welcome Boston Globe donations to Buskers

FaMiLy FRiendLy

SMoKe WinG paW SinG

tHe SpontaneouS tHeatRe peopLe Órla Mc Govern, niceol Blue, Zita McGowan Gather with The Spontaneous Theatre People for an afternoon of storytelling and songs. As the smoke wafts up the chimney, so too do the stories. We will travel with them back in time, seeking out tall tales and lofty legends. Discover what lies hidden in the mossy mountains and magical mists. Myths and legends for all ages from the creators of The Sky Babies Improv and Galway’s Moth and Butterfly.

Sat. 26 May 1pm

FRee eVent

Ruby Room, Kings Head

donations Welcome

FaMiLy FRiendLy

MytH and LeGend in pre-historic ireland

ancient Music ireland celebrating 30 years Simon O’Dwyer, Maria Cullen O’Dwyer the Great Bronze Horns and trumpets of the 1st Millennium BC and the legend of the táin Bó Fraích Ancient Music Ireland brings descriptions of the legends portrayed in the Táin Bó Fraích to life using a display of suspended and accessible horns and trumpets dating from the first millennium BC to the time of Christ in Ireland and Britain. This collection of reproductions of original instruments made by and for Ancient Music Ireland over a period of 30 years from 1988 to 2018, represents groundbreaking original research and composition that is incomparable in the modern world. Brass players and interested parties are invited to play a Bronze Age horn or a great Iron Age trumpet. These impressive musical instruments give us an exceptional visual and acoustic view into the first Sat. 26 May millennium BC. exhibition:

11am - 2:30 pm talk: 2:30 pm

Mechanics institute, Middle St FRee eVent - donations Welcome

FaMiLy FRiendLy

inStRuMent MaKeRS eXHiBition

Ériú Harps, paul doyle instruments, Vlad Smishkewych We are proud to promote instrument makers in Ireland who specialise in early instruments such as lute, flute, harp and symphonium. Come along and see beautiful handmade instruments, talk to the makers, and hear what the instruments sound like. Ériú Harps: Natalie Surina is based in Oughterard, Co Galway and specialises in reproductions of early Irish harps that have survived, such as the Trinity College harp and the Downhill harp. paul doyle: Based in Galway City in the west of Ireland, Paul specialises in creating his individual styles of stringed instruments. Vlad Smishkewych: Aside from his busy singing and radio career, Vlad also makes medieval instruments such as the symphonium and the hurdy-gurdy.

Sat. 26 May 11 am - 3 pm

FRee eVent

Galway City Museum

donations Welcome

diGitaL adVentuReS

MedieVaL SMaRtpHone appS Join us in two adventures with digital time travel! Commissioned by Galway Early Music for past festivals, these smartphone apps are available all-year-round.

GeMF Musical tour of Medieval Galway The GEMF Walking Tour of Medieval Galway is time-travelling at its best. Spanish merchant Captain Moreno has arrived in Galway, a town he knows well and loves, with a shipment of wine. He takes his shipmate (that’s you!) on a tour of this lively town. Along the way you visit some of the famous sites in Galway and hear the sounds and the music of a medieval town. Designed by Máiréad Ní Chróinín using 7Scenes. instruction cards at the Museum and The Hall of the Red Earl Instructions also on our webpage and youtube info video: search for GEMF Musical Tour of Medieval Galway.

Carolan’s Lost tune - Galway Ghost Hunt Hear ye, hear ye! The ghost of Carolan, a famous Irish harper, needs your help. His most haunting tune has been stolen by four ancient and malevolent ghosts. Do you dare hunt them down and find the missing melody? Carolan’s Lost Tune is an outdoors game that turns your smartphone into a spooky paranormal detection device. Download the free Haunted Planet app to start your medieval ghostbusting career!

all day every day

Start both apps outside the City Museum

9. the Kings Head, High St

8. Busker Brownes, Cross St

7. Meyrick Hotel, eyre Sq.

6. Mechanics institute, Middle St.

5. Galway City Museum, Spanish parade

4. St Josephs parish Church, presentation Rd

3. nuns island theatre

2. St nicholas Collegiate Church, Lombard St

1. o’donoghue Centre, nui Galway

Venue Guide

aBout GaLWay eaRLy MuSiC

Galway Early Music was founded when a group of Galway musicians travelled to the Lismore Early Music Festival in 1994. It was there that the idea was born: why not bring this rich and sometimes exotic music to the medieval city of Galway? Our first festival was in 1996 and has been held annually ever since. Past festivals have featured outstanding international musicians and ensembles such as Jordi Savall, Andrew Lawrence-King & the Harp Consort, Red Priest, Ensemble Unicorn, Sequentia, Franรงois Lazarevitch and Alla Francesca, plus outstanding Irish artists such as Siobhรกn Armstrong, Malcolm Proud, The Gregory Walkers, Mark Duley and Resurgam Chamber Choir, amongst many others. The Festival is known for its lively programming and its attention to the place of Irish music and musicians in the Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque European music scene. Galway Early Music is run by a voluntary committee and is a member of REMA, The European Early Music Network. / Facebook: Galway early Music / twitter: gwy_earlymusic +353 83 a461 9039band cutting loose in the village Imagine medieval square on a festival day! The Boston Globe

tHanK you!

Fergal McGrath and staff at the Town Hall Theatre for ticketing support; all the businesses in the Latin Quarter for their support and promotion of the Festival; Marianne Ní Chinnéide and the O’Donoghue Centre for Theatre & Performance NUI Galway for a concert venue and rehearsal space; all our volunteers; Sorcha Ní Chróinín for windows in Neachtains and the Library.

GeMF StaFF 2018 FeStiVaL diReCtoR: Maura Ó Cróinín pRoduCtion ManaGeR: Niamh Moloughney GRapHiC deSiGn: Mojo Workin’ GeM CoMMittee: Maura Ó Cróinín, Jacopo Bisagni, Kimberly Lo Prete, Nicola Murphy, Natalea Surina, Lise Carrel, Gabi Baehrens FeStiVaL inteRn: Lucy Hayward


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