Main Street Manager's Handbook

Page 30

MONTHLY PROGRAM REPORTING For communities to gauge At the end of each their economic impact, month Main Street it is important that we communities have capture specific data in a 30 days to input their timely manner. At the end of the month, all Main information into a Street cities, regardless Monthly Community of their individual Activity Report . . . designation, have 30 days to submit their information into a monthly Community Activity Report (CAR) link located on the top right-hand side of the Georgia Main Street Program website. All information reported is based on the information from the previous month’s impact. For example, the monthly report for April should be completed by the end of May, and the monthly report for May should be completed by the end of June. Upon completion of this report, managers will receive an email providing a copy of that month’s information submitted for your community. These emails are a great tool to help you track your own program’s impact. We strongly recommend that you provide a copy of your program’s current monthly report to your Main Street board of directors and city council. At the end of the year, the Office of Downtown Development will provide all reporting communities with an annual report of their community’s statistics.


We have created a video to walk you through how to complete the monthly report for your community. You can access this video along with other recorded webinars through our Georgia Main Street YouTube channel at gamainst.

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