March 24-30 2025 Volume 46 Number 12

March 24-30 2025 Volume 46 Number 12
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NolaDukes Jazz Quartet -Saturdayfrom12:30 pm to 4pm PeytonFalgoust AcousticalPerformance -Sundayfrom12:30 pm to 4pm
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Sarah Quintana releases new album ‘Baby, Don’t’
“For a long time, I’ve been put in the New Orleans music category without that being my intention,” Quintana says. “I grew up here. My family’s Cajun, and I sing in French and English,” but she didn’t consider her songwriting to fit in with what others may think when they hear the term “New Orleans music.”
Over the years, Quintana has played guitar or been a vocalist with a number of people playing Louisiana-rooted genres, like Cajun fiddler Michael Doucet and the traditional jazz band, the New Orleans Moonshiners. Her solo albums, though, have cast a wider genre net and incorporated her love for folk, jazz and pop.
With “Baby, Don’t,” though, Quintana decided to add her touch to the local sounds she grew up with.
“Traveling abroad and touring, I’ve kind of come to understand how I fit into things,” Quintana says. “It really is a different moment for me in my career, where instead of resisting that category, I’m being curious about it. What if I wrote a record that sounded like Louisiana music? What if I made a Mardi Gras song or a New Orleans ragtime?”
“Baby, Don’t,” Quintana’s third full-length and her first leading a full band, is out Friday, March 28, and she and her band will play an album release show at 9 p.m. that night at BJ’s Lounge. The Tin Men and Sofia Mock also will perform.
“My intention originally was to make a New Orleans feel-good album, something inspired by classic New Orleans rhythm and blues of the ’50s and ’60s, but I also wanted it to be more broadly a Louisiana record, so that I had permission to throw in a little Cajun French, play with some fiddle and cello parts,” Quintana says.
The nine-track “Baby, Don’t” features Quintana on vocals and guitar, and here she’s leading a band with reeds player Rex Gregory — with whom Quintana has often collaborated over the years — tuba player Jason Jurzak, drummer Rose Cangelosi and cellist Chris Beroes-Haigis. There also are guest appearances by Leyla McCalla on vocals and banjo, Louis Michot on fiddle, trumpeter Emily Mikesell and accordion player Corey Ledet.
Quintana and her band recorded in the room together at Dockside Studios outside of Lafayette, at Marigny Studios and other locations.
by Jake Clapp |
The New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Foundation’s two-day festival honors Congo Square and celebrates the African traditions that influenced the city’s culture and music. This year’s fest will feature two stages of music, exhibitions of African dance and percussion, an arts market, food vendors and activities for kids. The music lineup includes Big Chief Monk Boudreaux and the Golden Eagles, Bo Dollis Jr. and the Wild Magnolias, the Original Pinettes Brass Band, Gladney, Erica Falls, New Breed Brass Band, The Nth Power and more. The fest is open 10:45 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Saturday, March 29, and Sunday, March 30, at Louis Armstrong Park. Admission is free. Find more info at jazzandheritage.org.
Most of the tracks are originals, but the album opens with a modern spin on Shirley and Lee’s R&B classic “Let the Good Times Roll.” Quintana sings in French — and adapts the title to “Laisse le bon temps rouler” — and adds a swamp pop feel to the track.
Quintana also puts some gas into an electric cover of Michael Doucet and BeauSoleil’s “Rouler et Tourner” — itself an arrangement in Louisiana French of the blues standard “Rollin’ and Tumblin’.”
“I saw Michael in the band covering music but making it Cajun and making it their own to the point where it was different and said so much about the culture,” Quintana says. “I’m trying to do that on ‘Laisse le bon temps rouler.’ It’s a cover, but it’s a new arrangement. It feels like someone should have sang the song in French a long time ago.”
The title track, “Baby, Don’t (Change My Radio),” is a classic-sounding rhythm and blues track, and other songs on the record swing into blues, pop and more genres you might hear around South Louisiana. The album’s closer, “Bump in the Road,” is a sweet, timely tune about togetherness and recovery after Hurricane Katrina.
“I didn’t mean to put that last — I didn’t really know when this record was going to come out,” Quintana says. “My
musical journey started with Katrina. I was a student at Loyola studying French and planning on moving to France to be an English teacher. And then Katrina happened, and I ended up street performing and living in France.”
“I didn’t necessarily set out to be a musician,” she adds, “I just had this feeling of being homesick and needing to play. Then one thing led to another, and by 2008, I was playing Voodoo Fest, in 2009 playing my first Jazz Fest.”
The new album also comes when Quintana, who grew up in Gentilly and graduated from Benjamin Franklin High School and NOCCA, is closing in on 20 years as a musician. Shortly before the pandemic, she was working with Doucet and had a great tour as part of his trio. They were gearing up for another run along the East Coast and West Coast when the pandemic pulled the plug.
“After that experience and during the pandemic, I think my point of view shifted from ‘work, work, work’ to ‘play, play, play,’ ” says Quintana, who also is a speech pathologist specializing in voice at LSU Health. “I only wanted to do this record if it was at my favorite studio, with my favorite musicians and friends, with my favorite songs. The intention from the get-go was, ‘OK, we spent 20 years trying really hard. What if we just do something that feels good?’ Just giving myself permission to have fun was kind of a missing piece for me.”
Find “Baby, Don’t” and more at sarahquintana.com.
N’Fungola Sibo performs at the Treme Creole Gumbo and Congo Square Rhythms Festival.
Comedian W. Kamau Bell often comments on politics and complex social issues in his work, like on his CNN docuseries “United Shades of America,” his book “Do The Work: An Antiracist Activity Book” and the podcast he co-hosts with Hari Kandabolu, “Politically Re-Active.” In his stand-up sets, Bell comments on the absurdities of U.S. politics and tends to bring those issues closer to home with jokes crafted around his personal life and family. Bell is on his “Who’s With Me?” stand-up tour and performs at 8 p.m. Thursday, March 27, at the Joy Theater. Tickets start at $28 via thejoytheater.com.
Alexandria, Louisiana native Josh Johnson has been a writer and correspondent on “The Daily Show,” but he’s starting to stand out doing stand-up. He’s released a couple of specials, including “Up Here Killing Myself” in 2023, as well as the album
Glass Half Full, the New Orleans glass recycling organization, recently opened a new, threeacre facility in Chalmette. The facility will be able to recycle about 300,000 pounds of glass every day, giving Glass Half Full the capacity to begin collecting glass from outside of the New Orleans region. The nonprofit started in 2020 and works to convert glass into sand and gravel that can be used for coastal restoration projects.
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement allegedly lied to a Metairie family in order to deport them to Honduras in January, Verite News reported. According to the Ali family, which came to the U.S. from Honduras almost 15 years ago seeking asylum, ICE agents told them they were going to Houston for an immigration court hearing. But when they landed, they were immediately escorted to another flight bound for a Texas city near the border. The Ali family is now stuck in Honduras.
THE FIFTH AMENDMENT through her lawyer under questioning over allegations of misconduct in NOPD’s promotion process during what was supposed to be a public hearing that was anything but, according to a report by WWL.
The U.S. Constitution’s Fifth Amendment grants anyone the right to not incriminate themselves. During criminal proceedings, invoking the Fifth cannot be used against someone. However, during civil cases it can be.
The hearing was held into allegations of favoritism and other misconduct by NOPD and city officials in the promotion process for members of the police department.
is made aware they are happening so they can attend.
But the public was not informed of the meeting prior to it happening.
Since her re-election, Mayor Cantrell has increasingly refused to conduct public, open events which she and her allies don’t have tight control over. She’s essentially abandoned the practice of regular press briefings and her communications office has been run as a propaganda operation protecting the mayor from criticism while providing the public and media with little to no information. The office routinely ignores or blows off request for comment or provides incomplete or misleading information to reporters.
Sen. John Neely Kennedy has introduced a bill into the U.S. Senate to block federal funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which supports public radio and television stations like WWNO and Louisiana Public Broadcasting. CPB receives around $500 million each year through the federal budget.
Cantrell has been named in two criminal indictments and is the subject of at least two federal investigations – including one involving her alleged romantic interest former NOPD officer Jeffrey Vappie.
Legally, the March 14 civil service hearing is supposed to be a public event which the media and members of the community can attend – though recording is not permitted. Generally, these meetings are subject to notice, meaning the public
— John Stanton
CANTRELL’S ADMINISTRATION MISSED a deadline in resolving a sexual assault allegation against the city’s Office of Homeless Services and
Death row prisoner Jessie Hoffman was executed March 18 by nitrogen hypoxia. The state legalized the controversial and experimental method last year at the behest of Gov. Jeff Landry, a devout Roman Catholic who otherwise claims to be prolife. There are 56 others on death row in Louisiana, four of whom also face executions this year.
Which music festival are you looking forward to most this spring?
Strategy (OHSS) Director Nate Fields and has extended the inquiry’s length.
The city’s sexual harassment policy states, “It shall be the city’s objective to complete all investigations within 60 days unless compelling circumstances require additional time. An extension beyond 60 days will require a written request to the asst. CAO of the personnel division prior to the expiration of the investigation.”
Bonney said she’s been taking paid time off through Civix ever since and is unsure about the status of her job with OHSS.
“I feel profound disappointment at the lack of support and extreme anxiety from being in limbo,” she said. “This has been a very isolating experience, and I’ve done nothing wrong.”
The city confirmed in a February press release that they received a sexual harassment complaint from a contract worker on Jan. 13. They are referring to an allegation by Mary Bonney, a contract worker with the city’s homeless office, that Fields forcibly kissed her twice on the job on Jan. 6 and continued to harass her following the incident.
It has been more than 60 days since Bonney filed the complaint, but she told Gambit she has still not received an update on the investigation by the city. In a statement from the City Law Department, the administration says it has extended the deadline “to allow for the collection of additional evidence and information that was identified late in the original sixty-day period.”
Bonney, who is contracted through the company Civix to do work for OHSS, said she was told not to come to the city office after members of the Cantrell administration interviewed her about her complaint. Later the city tried to move Bonney to a different office, which she declined.
Furthermore, Bonney said she has sent multiple emails to members of the administration about their handling of her complaint and other workplace concerns, including to Cantrell, that they have not answered.
Bonney previously told Gambit that the city’s handling of the investigation process to be “super intimidating.” She said the administration has still not answered all her questions about the interview they conducted with her about the alleged assault.
“I feel let down on every level,” she said. — Kaylee Poche
MEMBER OLIVER THOMAS FINALLY ANNOUNCED he’s running for mayor in a campaign video March 18, after floating a potential run for months.
“People keep telling me the reasons I shouldn’t run for mayor,” Thomas said in the video. “For all the reasons they’ve said I shouldn’t run, this is why I have to run.”
Thomas, 68, is the second current council member to jump in the fall 2025 race, following Council President Helena Moreno’s announcement in December.
Thomas returned to the city council in 2022 after serving on it from 1994-2007. Winning the race would solidify a major political comeback for Thomas, who resigned from his citywide council seat in 2007, after pleading guilty to a federal bribery charge. He served more than two years in prison starting in 2008.
He alluded to his past early in the video, saying that some have said he shouldn’t run because of it. But, he said, “I’ve owned it, I’ve taken responsibility and I’ve learned immeasurably from it.”
Thomas, who represents New Orleans East and the 9th Ward, joins Moreno as one of the big names in the mayor’s race so far. Retired Orleans Parish criminal court judge Arthur Hunter and
indicted former 911 director Tyrell Morris have also announced they’re running.
Thomas’ entry into the race was largely expected. He’d hired campaign consultants and released his “PROJECT2025NOLA” last July, which appeared to be the start of a campaign platform.
In it, he committed to better enforcement of city rules and closing disparities between Black and white people in the city in the areas of health care, the criminal legal system and economic opportunities.
“The plan seeks to address the current perception that individuals can act without consequence,” he wrote. “By establishing clear and fair rules and ensuring their enforcement, PROJECT2025NOLA aims to create a more orderly and respectful community.”
In the announcement video, Thomas mentioned New Orleans becoming increasingly less affordable for residents and other problems facing the city.
“What’s happening in New Orleans is the high cost of living that’s become the norm. Property taxes keep going up, insurance rates sky high. The schools are struggling to be funded, the
council’s suing the city, families falling apart,” he said. “This is not the New Orleans we grew up in. It’s become a town of the haves and the have-nots.”
He also claimed the city council is in “turmoil” and not working together, despite the fact that they pass many pieces of legislation unanimously.
Thomas also framed himself as a candidate with a “track record of revitalization,” citing his involvement in revamping the Lower Garden District, the Lower St. Charles corridor, Central City, and more recently in securing projects to redevelop the site of the former Six Flags and Lincoln Beach.
Though in his late 60s and one of the oldest candidates in the race, Thomas also pledged in his announcement video to give “young people ... a seat at the table.”
“This city deserves and needs renewal. We need a comeback, and no one understands that better than me,” Thomas said.
— Kaylee Poche
Held in Conjunction With S AT URD AY, M AR CH 29TH | 11 A M H e l d i n C o n
M- 3PM
@GambitBlake | askblake@gambitweekly.com
Hey Blake, A NOLA.com story about Casamento’s mentioned another restaurant the family operated at one time on Broadway Street. It even had an oyster bar like the original. Where and when was it in business?
Dear reader,
CASAMENTO’S HAS BEEN A LANDMARK NEAR NAPOLEON AVENUE and Magazine Street since 1919. Known as a legendary oyster bar and fried seafood restaurant, it was founded by Joseph Casamento, an immigrant from the Italian island of Ustica.
About 1927, his brother Anthony opened a second Casamento’s at Broadway and Freret. Advertised as a restaurant, delicatessen, bar and package liquor store, it was a favorite among students at nearby Loyola and Tulane universities.
“It has gained a reputation for excellent cuisine, featuring such specialties as sea foods in season, including delicious oysters at the bar… fish and other like dishes, all of which are properly prepared and served at reasonable prices,” explained an October 1934 TimesPicayune profile. It also mentioned Italian specialties, including spaghetti
dishes “with excellent gravy, to be as good as can be had in New Orleans.”
Family members describe the Broadway restaurant as a mirror image of the Magazine Street location, famous for its tiled walls and floors, which the 1934 article mentions: “The public is always welcomed to visit Casamento’s tiled kitchen, one of the most sanitary and beautiful kitchens.”
Anthony Casamento died in 1955. His son Vincent, who took over the operation, died in 1967. The restaurant at 7130 Freret closed about the same time, with newspaper ads showing other bars and restaurants there, including the Hob Nob Inn, Hokus Pokus, Tin Lizzie’s and Orient Express. Casamento’s remains a fixture on Magazine Street, now run by third generation family member C.J. Gerdes and his wife Linda.
WHEN CHEF EMERIL LAGASSE OPENED HIS RESTAURANT EMERIL’S in the Warehouse District 35 years ago this week, restaurant critic Gene Bourg wrote, “The thrills never seem to end in this, the most exciting restaurant to appear on the local scene in memory.”
Lagasse, then just 30 years old and a native of Fall River, Massachusetts, had made a name for himself during a seven-year stint as executive chef at Commander’s Palace, long known as a training ground for outstanding chefs. So expectations were high when he went out on his own.
“Emeril Lagasse has forged a stunningly original menu that fuses New American creativity with every bit of the vigor and richness that Creole cookery has always stood for,” Bourg wrote in his initial Times-Picayune review of the restaurant in August 1990. “The range of dishes is as awesome as their quality is high. But this list is more than a menu. It amounts to a manifesto, aimed at radically altering the way we think of Creole cooking.”
Bourg was hardly the only one to take notice of Lagasse’s talents. Before long, Emeril’s was called Restaurant of the Year by Esquire and Lagasse named Best Chef: South at the James Beard Awards. Within a few years, he also had his own show on the Food Network, the first of many TV appearances which earned him international attention. His culinary empire would expand to more than 20 restaurants across the country.
In 2021, Emeril’s son E.J. {span}— {/span}who like his father graduated from Johnson & Wales University {span} {/span} joined Emeril’s restaurant, leading the day-to-day operations. The restaurant underwent a major renovation in 2023. On Wednesday (March 26), it will celebrate its 35th anniversary with a special dinner and tasting menu showcasing some throwback dishes.
AFTER A LONG CARNIVAL SEASON, the fun keeps going in spring in New Orleans with festivals of all sizes, concerts, comedy, parades, theater and more. Spring festivals match music and barbecue at Hogs for the Cause on the Lakefront. French Quarter Festi val brings hundreds of musicians to the riverfront and the historic district. The New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival brings its huge mix of touring acts, local bands and international visitors to the Fair Grounds. Bayou Boogaloo brings music, comedy and burlesque to Bayou St. John in May. And New Orleans Greek Festival celebrates its 50th anniversary.
There also is a big slate of concerts, including plenty of late-night jams at Jazz Fest time. Look for Wilco, Paul Simon, Curren$y, St. Vincent and more at local venues (see page 25).
Stand-up comedians also hit local venues from Sports Drink to the Saenger Theatre. Headliners include Kevin Hart, Taylor Tomlinson, W. Kamau Bell and Josh Johnson (see page 28).
Other events range from Art in Bloom at the New Orleans Museum of Art to horror films at the Overlook Film Festival at Prytania Theatres, and the New Orleans Giant Puppet Festival at a dozen downtown venues. Culinary events include Brews, Boils and Bubbles on the Lakefront and Food Fight in Metairie’s Lafreniere Park. Touring Broadway productions of “Hamilton” and “The Wiz” come to Saenger Theatre as well.
The following pages have dates, locations and other details for a host of events in the New Orleans area. Check Gambit’s print issue and bestofneworleans. com for more information and events through spring.
‘ONCE UPON A MATTRESS’ Princess Winnifred pursues her prince over the objections of his overbearing mother, the Queen, in the musical comedy adaptation of a Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale. At Rivertown Theaters for the Performing Arts. Tickets $41-$45 via rivertowntheaters.com.
Longue Vue House and Gardens hosts a Wednesday night concert series through April 30. Performers include Mia Borders, Paul Sanchez, Shovaly Plus and more. Events are at 5-7 p.m. Admission $7.50 per person, and
series subscriptions are available via longuevue.com.
The story of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons is told by the band members in a jukebox musical featuring the songs “Sherry,” “Big Girls Don’t Cry,” “Can’t Take My Eyes Of You,” “Rag Doll” and more. At Le Petit Theatre. Tickets $27-$97 via lepetittheatre.com.
The biennial theater festival features an array of events. Marking the 20th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, the festival’s theme explores bodies of water and connection and remembrance. Events include the AZUCAR New Play Reading Festival in early April and the experiential show “Wonder Wander” April 4-13 in City Park.
Many events are at the Andre Cailloux Center for Performing Arts and Cultural Justice. For a list of events and tickets, visit nodreamdeferrednola.com.
The weekly free concert series in Lafayette Square features two bands each night, an arts market and food and drink vendors. Upcoming headliners include People Museum on April 2, The Deslondes on April 9, Soul Rebels on April 16, George Porter Jr. and Runnin’ Pardners on April 23 and more. Concerts are at 5-8 p.m. Visit ylcwats.com for details.
MARCH 24-29
The week includes many events and a two-day summit with sessions on entrepreneurship,
3rd Street Band 3:30 -5PM
Royalty Introductions 5PM
ClayCormier 5:15 -7:15PM
Kings of Neon 8-10PM
Rhythm Chasers Band 5- 7PM
Yeah YouRight 7:45 -9:45PM
Parade Starts Downtown 9:30AM NOLA Rouge 11:45 -1:45PM
StrawberryEatingContest 1:45 -2:30PM
Royalty Introductions 2-2:30PM
Brittany Jenkins Band 2:30-4:30PM
PeytonFalgoust Band 5:15 -7:15PM
PaperChase 8-10PM
Parade Starts Downtown 9:30AM
Lindsey Cardinale 12 -2PM
Parade Winner Announced 2PM
The Dominos 5-7PM
Thomas Cain 7:30 -9:30PM
Tyler Kinchen &The Right Pieces 2:30 -4:30PM
Church Service 9AM
Nashville South 11:30 -1:30PM
StrawberryEatingContest 1:30 -2:15PM
Spank the Monkey 2:15 -4:15PM
The Mixed Nuts 5- 7PM
Egg Toss 11 -12PM
The Drunk Uncles 12 -1:30PM
Swampland Revival 2-4PM
Rouge Krewe 4:30 -6:30PM
innovation, technology, AI, finding capital, health care and more. The summit is at Loyola University New Orleans. Visit noew.org for schedule and details.
MARCH 26-30
The annual festival features tribute readings, discussions of Tennessee Williams’ work, writing marathons, panel discussions about literary techniques and topics, walking tours, live music and more. Mink Stole, a Dreamlander who starred in many of John Waters films and has released an album will sing, accompanied by Harry Mayronne on piano. Productions coinciding with the festival include “Orpheus Descending” by the Tennessee Williams Theatre Company of New Orleans, and “A Recluse and His Guest” by the Mudlark Puppeteers with Night Shade. Many events are at the Monteleone Hotel or French Quarter locations. Visit tennesseewilliams.net for a full schedule and tickets.
More than 40 restaurants, caterers and pop-ups compete in the tasting event at Metairie’s Lafreniere Park. There are categories for best traditional, creative and vegetarian dish, as well as creative and traditional cocktails. Participants include Addis NOLA, Bayona, Jamaican Jerk House, The Nori Guys, Origen Bistro, Union Ramen, Willie Mae’s, Wishing Town Bakery Cafe and more. There’s music by James Andrews, Pell will DJ and Dohm Collective will run a silent disco. Tickets $95-$145 via foodfightnola.com.
Visitors walk through an immersive space that recreates the Titanic and the story of its sinking through video animations and 3-D video, with scenes of the recreated interior rooms and the appearance of the iceberg that collided with the ship. The attraction opens March 27 at the Scottish Rite Temple. Tickets $20.90-$37.90 via expo-titanic.com/new-orleans.
MARCH 27-29
Tulane University hosts the festival of speakers and authors. Thursday opens with a symposium about the future of American democracy led by Jeffrey Goldberg, editor of The Atlantic. The festival line-up features Dr. Anthony Fauci, Bob Woodward, former New York Times editor Dean Baquet, Michael Lewis, Walter Isaacson, historian Doris Kearns Goodwin, W. Kamau Bell, Ken Auletta, former news anchor Don Lemon, Sarah M. Broom, Sarah Vowell, astronaut Catherine “Cady” Coleman, librarian Amanda Jones, Gen. Mark A.
Milley, political strategists and commentators David Axelrod and Karl Rove, columnists Charles Blow, Max Boot, Maureen Dowd and many more. There also are many sessions on New Orleans culture with local authors. Events are at Tulane University. Visit bookfest.tulane. edu for details.
MARCH 27-30
The annual floral show at NOMA follows the theme “Les Jardins de la Nouvelle-Orleans,” and designers and artists fill museum galleries with displays that match artworks. There’s a patron party on March 26 and events during the expo. Find details at noma.org.
MARCH 27-30
‘DISNEY ON ICE: MAGIC IN THE STARS’ Tiana leads a cast of more than 50 Disney stars from a variety of stories, including Moana, Woody and Buzz from “Toy Story,” Mirabel from “Encanto,” Raya from “Raya and the Last Dragon”
and more. The show incorporates skating, acrobatics, special effects and more. At UNO Lakefront Arena. Tickets $20 and up via ticketmaster.com.
Alex Martinez Wallace stars in playwright Duncan Macmillan and comedian Jonny Donahoe’s one-man show. In it, a boy copes with his mother’s mental health issues and other setbacks by creating a list of good things, which he maintains as he grows to adulthood and gains perspective. The NOLA Project presents the show at Big Couch. Tickets $20-$55 via nolaproject.com.
In Tennessee Williams’ 1957 drama, Val, a musician from New Orleans with a mysterious past, arrives in a small Southern town that’s full of its own hidden secrets and troubles. The Tennessee Williams Theatre Company of New Orleans kicks off its 10th season
with the show at Marquette Theater at Loyola University New Orleans. Tickets $10-$55 via twtheatrenola.com.
The Los Angeles-based World Ballet Company adapted F. Scott Fitzgerald’s story and added lavish costuming to invoke the Jazz Age and the wealth of Jay Gatsby. A troupe of 40 dancers recounts the story of Gatsby’s desire for Daisy and the truth behind all the decadent facades in the Broadway-style ballet. At Orpheum Theater. Find tickets via orpheumnola.net.
The artists at Orleania Art Studios hold an open studio night with live music, a DJ and food from El Pastor in the courtyard. There are more than 30 artists working in all sorts of media in the hub of studios at 1521 St. Ferdinand St. Visit @orleania.art.studios on Instagram for information.
MARCH 28-30
The touring bounce house attraction features seven huge inflatables, with a 24,000-foot bounce house, a 900foot obstacle course, sports-themed games and the sea foam OctoBlast. There are sessions for all ages, from toddlers to adults. At UNO. Find tickets and information at thebigbounceamerica.com.
MARCH 28-30
The Home Builders Alliance of Greater New Orleans presents the home show featuring 200 exhibits on products and techniques to build, renovate or decorate a home. Attractions include hot air balloon rides inside the Superdome. At Caesars Superdome. Find tickets via ticketmaster.com.
MARCH 28-30
follow his dream. Jefferson Performing Arts Society presents the show at Jefferson Performing Arts Center. Find tickets via ticketmaster.com.
The freshwater fishing rodeo takes place in City Park and along Bayou St. John, and there are kayaking races as well. Individual and student groups compete in catch-and-release bank fishing. There’s also entertainment and educational activities. Go to neworleanscitypark.org to register and for information.
The festival features a variety of boiled seafood from local restaurants and vendors, local craft beer and live music by Cupid, Tonya Boyd-Cannon, Big 6 Brass Band, Flow Tribe and more. On the Lakefront near UNO. Advance tickets $20 via brewsboilsbubbles.com, and $30 on the day of the event.
The festival features readings, panel discussions with writers, editors and publishers, workshops, pitch sessions and more. Writers include Robert W. Fiesler, Clayton Delery, Greg Herren, Frank Perez, Timothy Shaffert, Julia Watts and more. The Last Bohemia Soiree has entertainment by Kitten on the Keys, Fauxnique and Tim Murray. Many events are at the Monteleone Hotel. Visit sasfest.org for full schedule and tickets.
In the coming-of-age comedy, a coal miner’s son discovers he has great aptitude for ballet, and a teacher helps young Billy find an opportunity to
The street festival packs three stages and many local food and craft vendors onto six blocks of Freret Street from Napoleon Avenue to Valmont Street. Visit freretstreetfestival.org for details.
MARCH 29-30
The festival has two stages for live music and African dance, and there are food vendors, an art market and kids’ activities. The line-up features Big Chief Monk Boudreaux and the
Golden Eagles, Erica Falls, Bo Dollis Jr. and the Wild Magnolias, Trumpet Mafia, The Nth Power, Original Pinettes Brass Band, Bamboula 2000, Kumbuka Dance Ensemble, N’Fungola Sibo and more. The New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Foundation presents the festival at Congo Square. Find information via jazzandheritage.org.
The free festival celebrates Louisiana roots music with live performances and food and drink vendors at Abita Springs Park, next to the Tammany Trace. The regular Trailhead farmers’ market is open during the fest. Visit trailheadmuseum.org/busker-festival for details.
The Krewe du Fool presents its costumed parade with a brass band and Little Freddie King as Grand Marshal. The procession starts at Franklin Avenue and Royal Street and follows a route through Marigny. Visit krewedufool.com for details.
The concert series features Latin sounds in the New Orleans Botanical Garden on Wednesdays in April. Performers include Arpa, Margie Perez, AsheSon and more. Events are
at 5-7:30 p.m. Admission is free for Louisiana residents. Visit neworleanscitypark.org for information.
The line-up features more than 20 local and visiting companies and performers including Mudlark Puppeteers, Midnight Radio Show, ToyBox Theatre, Night Shade, Mr. Bone Tangles, Velvet Effigy, Quintron and Miss Pussycat and more. There are shows at a dozen venues, puppet slams, a parade and workshops. Visit neworleansgiantpuppetfest.com for tickets and information.
The horror film fest includes 25 new and classic feature films and three slates of short films, and many filmmakers will attend screenings. Opening night is Christopher Landon’s mystery thriller “Drop.” “Chain Reactions” is about artists whose lives were changed by “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.” The continuation of the Dracula story “Abraham’s Boys” gets a world premiere at the fest, and there’s a screening of David Lynch’s “Lost Highway.” Most screenings and panels are at The Prytania Theaters, and there are extra showings on April 7-8. Visit overlookfilmfest.com for details.
The annual barbecue and music festival features three stages and 90 teams roasting hogs and serving a variety of dishes. The music line-up features Charley Crockett, Stephen
Wilson Jr., Zach Top, Willow Avalon and more. The event raises funds to fight pediatric brain cancer. On the grounds of the UNO Lakefront Arena. Find tickets and information at hogsfest.org.
APRIL 4 & 6
The New Orleans Opera Association sets Gaetano Donizetti’s classic opera in the Wild West. The poor farmer Nemorino falls for the wealthy Adina, but she has her eye on Sgt. Belcore. Nemorino turns to doctor Dulcamara, asking for a secret potion that will gain him Adina’s affections. At the Mahalia Jackson Theater. Tickets $18-$235 at neworleansopera.org.
The German celebration of spring includes a maypole, Dachshund races, music, German food, wine and schnapps tastings and more on the grounds of Deutsches Haus. Visit deutscheshaus.org for details.
Arts District New Orleans organizes the night of gallery openings, music and drinks. The free event includes nearly 20 participating galleries clustered on Julia, Camp and Magazine streets and St. Charles Avenue. At 5-9 p.m. Visit artsdistrictneworleans. com for information.
The Louisiana Children’s Museum assembles a giant dirt pile for kids
to play on and explore with tools and toys. There are activities, music by Bruce “Sunpie” Barnes and the Louisiana Sunspots and Greyhawk Perkins, and sprinklers, pools and bubbles to clean off. Visit lcm.org for details.
The annual parade features floats, marching groups and throws, especially fruit and produce, on W. Judge Perez Drive in Chalmette. The procession begins at 11 a.m. Find information at facebook.com/iiiparade.
The monster truck show features Grave Digger, El Toro Loco, Jurassic Attack, Megalodon, Vendetta and more. At Caesars Superdome. Find tickets via ticketmaster.com.
New Orleans National Vodou Day includes two days of events, starting with a symposium at Xavier University on April 5. On April 6, there is a procession beginning at the Moonwalk on the Riverfront, followed by a ceremony and a blessing in Congo Square. Visit vodouday.org for details.
The LSU AgCenter sponsors the annual garden show with local master
at the
Festival-goers float on Bayou St. John during Bayou Boogaloo.
ical Garden. There are plant sales, educational displays, a craft market, live music, cooking demonstrations and more. At 9 a.m.-4 p.m. both days. Visit neworleanscitypark.org for details.
The self-guided tour includes courtyards and gardens of private homes in the French Quarter, open from noon to 4 p.m. The event is a fundraiser for Patio Planters. Visit patioplanters.net for tickets and details.
APRIL 8-20
Lin-Manuel Miranda’s blockbuster Broadway musical about Alexander Hamilton chronicles the Founding Father’s life, from his role in the American Revolution assisting George Washington to his relationship with Eliza Schuyler Hamilton. He also is a rival to Aaron Burr, resulting in their climactic duel. The touring production returns to the Saenger Theatre. Find tickets via saengernola.com.
APRIL 10-13
There are hundreds of local musicians on up to 22 stages spread throughout the French Quarter, from the New Orleans Jazz Museum to Jackson Square and along the River-
front to Spanish Plaza. Performers include Irma Thomas, Mia X, Kermit Ruffins and the Barbecue Swingers, Dirty Dozen Brass Band, Soul Rebels, Charmaine Neville, Rockin’ Dopsie and the Zydeco Twisters, Chapel Hart and more. There also are night concerts at select venues inside and outside the French Quarter, with performers including Shamarr Allen, Big Sam’s Funky Nation, Omari Neville and the Fuel and more. There are many food vendors, a kids’ area and more. Visit frenchquarterfest. org for details.
APRIL 11-13
The festival features live music, amusement rides, a parade, food and drink vendors, and local farmers selling strawberries in Ponchatoula Memorial Park in downtown Ponchatoula. Visit lastrawberryfestival.com for details.
The Easter egg hunt will scatter 13,000 eggs around the Carousel Gardens Amusement Park and Storyland, and some eggs include prizes such as tickets for City Park attractions. The hunt is meant for children under 9 years old, and admission is $25 for anyone over 36 inches tall. The event includes
amusement rides. Find information at neworleanscitypark.org.
The Thai new year festival is highlighted by cultural performances and Thai food. Admission is free. At Wat Wimuttayaram Thai Temple on the West Bank. Find information on Instagram: @watwimuttayaram.
The bunny-themed, costumed bar hop raises funds for animal rescue organizations. Find information via @nolabunarchy on Instagram.
The annual 10K run winds its way from Poydras Street near the Caesars Superdome to the French Quarter and ends in City Park. There’s a free two-day health and fitness fair at the Hyatt Regency New Orleans coinciding with the race. Visit ccc10k.com to register and for information.
‘JASON’S LYRIC LIVE!’ Playwright and producer Je’Caryous Johnson mounted a live version of the movie for the 30th anniversary of its release, including some stars from the 1994 movie, and the touring production comes to Mahalia
Jackson Theater. In the drama, after witnessing traumatic domestic violence as boys, two brothers grow up following distinctly different paths, and they cross again as neither can forget the past. Find tickets via mahaliajacksontheater.com.
The Easter parade features floats, bands, throws and more as it circles the French Quarter. There’s a hat contest before the parade, and the procession begins at 1 p.m. at Royal and St. Louis streets. Visit frenchquartereasterparade.com for details.
John Waters became a cultural icon for his movies “Hairspray,” “Serial Mom,” “Pink Flamingos” and other cult classics. He’s also an author and shares personal stories and his unique insights on stage. At Civic Theater. Tickets $35-$150 via civicnola.com.
APRIL 21-27
The PGA Tour tournament is at TPC Louisiana in Avondale. The week includes Pro-Am events. Visit zurichgolfclassic.com for tickets and information.
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APRIL 24-27 & MAY 1-4
Festival headliners include Pearl Jam, Lil Wayne & The Roots, John Fogarty, My Morning Jacket, Dave Matthews Band, Luke Combs, Ledisi, Kamasi Washington, Patti LaBelle, Irma Thomas, Big Freedia and many more. Hundreds of musicians perform on more than a dozen stages, many dedicated to Louisiana and New Orleans sounds. The music, culture and art of Mexico will be featured in the Cultural Exchange Pavilion and on other stages spread around the New Orleans Fair Grounds. The festival also features a large array of local food vendors, craft vendors from across the country, tents highlighting Louisiana folklife and more. Visit nojazzfest.com for tickets and information.
APRIL 25-27
Actor and playwright Ricky Graham gives Grimm’s fairy tales a yatty makeover, with stories like “Hansel and Gretna” and “Rouxpunzel.” The show is not aimed at the youngest audiences. At Rivertown Theaters for the Performing Arts. Find tickets via rivertowntheaters.com.
MAY 1-18
In John Patrick Shanley’s Pulitzer Prize-winning drama, a nun in a Bronx school is suspicious of the relationship between a student and a young priest and struggles with the truth and judgement. Ashley Santos directs the show for Le Petit Theatre. Tickets $22-$87 at lepetittheatre.com.
MAY 8-25
A struggling writer takes over an unpaid advice column gig and the persona of Sugar and tries to respond to the real problems of strangers. Crescent City Stage presents the adaptation of Cheryl Strayed’s best-selling book. At Marquette Theatre at Loyola University New Orleans. Visit crescentcitystage.com for information.
MAY 9-25
In the musical comedy, brothers Nigel and Nick Bottom run a theater in London in Elizabethan times. They’re struggling to succeed and constantly upstaged by William Shakespeare and his Globe Theatre, until they try a
sneaky way to beat him to the punch with a new production. At Rivertown Theaters for the Performing Arts. Tickets $41-$45 via rivertowntheaters.com.
MAY 10-11
New Orleans Ballet Theatre presents the classic French ballet, which tells the story of a young peasant woman who falls in love and dies of heartbreak, only to be resurrected in a story of ghosts and vengeance. At Orpheum Theater. Find tickets via neworleansballettheatre.com.
MAY 13-18
‘The Wiz’ adapted “The Wizard of Oz,” with Dorothy whisked away by a tornado to a strange land, with a soundtrack of soul, rock, gospel and funk and tunes like “Ease on Down the Road.” The touring Broadway production comes to Saenger Theatre. Find tickets via saengernola.com.
MAY 15
The Grand Kyiv Ballet presents Charles Perrault’s classic ballet, in which a King and Queen’s daughter is cursed by an evil fairy to sleep for 100 years and is eventually awoken by a prince in this full telling of the story. At Jefferson Performing Arts Center. Find tickets via ticketmaster.com.
MAY 16-18
The music festival on the banks of Bayou St. John has a line-up including
Fans gather at the Fair Grounds during the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival.
Big Freedia, 420 Mob featuring members of Parliament Funkadelic, former Meter Leo Nocentelli, rap collective glbl wrmng, LSD Clownsystem, Joy Clark, Desert Nudes, Bo Dollis Jr. and the Wild Magnolias and more. There’s also a variety entertainment stage with comedy, burlesque and more, as well as a crawfish eating contest and a large art market. Many festival attendees enjoy the fest from boats and rafts on the bayou. Visit thebayouboogaloo. com for information.
MAY 23-25
The festival marks its 50th year celebrating Greek culture in New Orleans. There’s live music and traditional Greek dance on the banks of Bayou St. John and inside the Hellenic Cultural Center. The festival offers an array of Greek food, Greek wines and beers, a market with a wide selection of pastries and baked goods, and more. Festival attractions also include kids’ activities and tours of the Holy Trinity Cathedral. Visit gfno. com for information.
MAY 30
The touring bingo show is a participatory game with high-energy gameshow segments, including dance-offs, lip syncing, prizes and more at Joy Theater. Find tickets via bingoloco.com or thejoytheater.com.
Guinness hasa maltysweetness anda hoppybitterness, with notesofco�ee andchocolate. Aroasted flavoralsocomes through, courtesy of the roastedunmaltedbarleythat goesintoits brewing. It hasa sweet nose,withhints of malt breaking through, andits palate is smooth,creamy, andbalanced. Best served in aglass.
Style- IrishDry Stout ABV- 4.2%
Sierra Nevada is awellknown in theIPA beer category, andHazyLittleThing is no exception. This IPAisdryhopped, with apotentfloral note andhoppyflavor.Hazy LittleThing is hazy becauseit is rawand unfiltered. It's a greatbet if you're looking forthatunmistakablehops bite.
Style- American IPA ABV- 6.7%
The spring concert preview is full of touring bands and special slates of shows at festival time. Check bestofneworleans.com and weekly Gambit listings for more concerts this spring.
Kraftwerk, Orpheum Theater
Blackberry Smoke, The Fillmore
Explosions in the Sky, Joy Theater
Trey Songz, Omarion, Bow Wow, Smoothie King Center
SAMOHT, The Howlin’ Wolf
Jessica Pratt, Merce Lemon, Tipitina’s
Skegss, Chickie Wah Wah
Geoff Tate, House of Blues
Tyler Childers, Smoothie King Center
Neon Trees, Tipitina’s
Paul Simon, Saenger Theatre
Red Rockers, Tipitina’s
Jontavious Willis, Chickie Wah Wah
Cryogeyser, Siberia
Shannon and the Clams, Being Dead, The Lostines, Tipitina’s
ZZ Ward, Chickie Wah Wah
John Moreland, Chickie Wah Wah
St. Vincent, Orpheum Theater
Wyatt Flores, The Fillmore
Hovvdy, Siberia
Slothrust, Gasa Gasa
French National Orchestra, Orpheum Theater
Teen Mortgage, Siberia
Caroline Rose, Gasa Gasa
Grateful Shred, Toulouse Theatre
Soul Coughing, Tipitina’s
YTB Fatt, House of Blues
APRIL 17-18
Drivin N Cryin, Chickie Wah Wah
Jacquees, Dej Loaf, House of Blues
Curren$y, The Fillmore
South Austin Moonlighters, Maple Leaf Bar
Melvins, Napalm Death, House of Blues
Michigan Rattlers, Chickie Wah Wah
David Ramirez, Gasa Gasa
Nothing More, House of Blues
Escher Quartet, Tulane University, Dixon Hall
Luke Winslow-King, Chickie Wah Wah
Band of Heathens, Chickie Wah Wah
APRIL 23-24
St. Paul & The Broken Bones, Tipitina’s
Mac Sabbath, House of Blues
Esperanza Spalding, Orpheum Theater
Trampled by Turtles, The Fillmore
CC Adcock and the Lafayette Marquis, Chickie Wah Wah
Soulive, Joy Theater
The Dip, Tipitina’s
Madonna Tribute with Cool Cool Cool, Elise Testone and Jason Hann, Toulouse Theatre
Black Uhuru, Chickie Wah Wah
APRIL 25-26
The New Mastersounds, House of Blues
Acid Bath, The Fillmore
APRIL 25-26
Axial Tilt: Celebration of the Grateful Dead with Joan Osborne, Stu Allen, Bob Eaton and more, Cafe Istanbul
Treme Threauxdown with Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue, Saenger Theatre
Samantha Fish and Tab Benoit, Civic Theatre
Prince Tribute with Cool Cool Cool and members of The Motet, Toulouse Theatre
Better Than Ezra, The Fillmore
Durand Jones, Chickie Wah Wah
Big Easy Blues Festival: Tucka, King George, Pokey Bear, West Love, Ronnie Bell and J’Wonn, UNO Lakefront Arena
Garaj Mahal, Cafe Istanbul
The Greyboy Allstars, Tipitina’s
North Mississippi Allstars, Tipitina’s
Take Me to the River Allstars, Joy Theater
Motet, Toubab Krewe, The Broadside
Nate Smith with Kiefer and Carrtoons, Toulouse Theatre
Fontaines D.C., Civic Theatre
Shorty Fest featuring Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue, Black Opry Revue, Robert Randolph and more, Tipitina’s
Melanie Maclaren, Howlin’ Wolf
WWOZ Piano Night, House of Blues
Shakey Graves, Civic Theatre
Daze by Nite with members of moe. and Umphrey’s McGee, Toulouse Theatre
APRIL 29-30
Daze Between: Umphrey’s McGee, moe., Allman Betts Band and more, Mahalia Jackson Theater
Daze Between: Eric Krasno, George Porter Jr., Ivan Neville, Tony Hall, Skerik and more, Tipitina’s
Spelling, Santos
LCD Soundsystem, Saenger Theatre
Patterson Hood, Chickie Wah Wah
Radiators, Civic Theatre
Daniel Donato’s Cosmic NOLA, Civic Theatre
Julien Baker & Torres, Tipitina’s
Lettuce, Orpheum Theater
A Dream We Dreamed:
Tribute to Phil Lesh, Joy Theater
MAY 1-2
Low Cut Connie, Siberia
Bayou Rendezvous with Johnny Vidacovich, Theresa Andersson, Kevin Scott, The Rumble, Adam Deitch and more, The Howlin’ Wolf
JD Simo, Luther Dickinson and Jesse Dayton, The Broadside
Mike Gordon, Joy Theater
CimaFest NOLA with Cimafunk & La Tribu, Civic Theatre
Karl Denson’s Tiny Universe: Exile on Bourbon Street II, Orpheum Theater
MAY 2-3
Joe Russo’s Almost Dead, The Fillmore
MAY 2-3
Melvin Seals & JGB, Cafe Istanbul
Ghost-Note, Chickie Wah Wah
Boyfriend with members of The Revivalists, Toulouse Theatre
Wilco, Waxahatchee, Saenger Theatre
Anders Osborne’s Birthday Bash, Civic Theatre
Neal Francis with the Altons, Tipitina’s
Son Rompe Pera, The Broadside
Crescent City Classics with George Porter Jr., Eric Krasno, Tony Hall, Ivan Neville, Benny Bloom and more, Joy Theater
Bill Murray & His Blood Brothers, The Fillmore
Bermuda Search Party, Siberia
Nicholas Payton Trio featuring Esperanza Spalding and Karriem Riggins, Cafe Istanbul
Remi Wolf, Orpheum Theater
Robert Glasper, Joy Theater
Tom Jones, Saenger Theatre
Dogs in a Pile, Chickie Wah Wah
Shinedown, Smoothie King Center
Sparta, Gasa Gasa
Brent Smith, Smoothie King Center
October London, Tamar Braxton, Saenger Theatre
Soulja Boy, Joy Theater
Turnover, The Fillmore
Master P, Smoothie King Center
MAY 10
Sierra Ferrell, Saenger Theatre
MAY 12
Livingston, House of Blues
MAY 13
Killswitch Engage, Shadows Fall, Fit for a King, The Fillmore
MAY 14
Smino, Joy Theater
MAY 14 Of Mice & Men, House of Blues
MAY 15
L.A. Guns, Southport Hall
James Murphy leads LCD Soundsystem on April 30 and May 1 at Saenger Theatre.
MAY 15
L.A. Witch, Gasa Gasa
MAY 15-16
Leon Bridges, Orpheum Theater
MAY 16
The Damned, Civic Theatre
MAY 16
Tribulation, Southport Hall
MAY 18
The Bar-Kays, Joy Theater
MAY 21
Marilyn Manson, The Fillmore
MAY 21
Testament, House of Blues
MAY 21
Volcandra, Saidan, Siberia
MAY 22
SiR, The Fillmore
MAY 23
Durand Bernarr, House of Blues
MAY 24
The Crane Wives, Tipitina’s
MAY 24
Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons, Saenger Theatre
MAY 28
Ryan Bingham and the Texas Gentlemen, The Fillmore
MAY 28
Reverend Horton Heat, Tipitina’s
MAY 30
Orion Sun, Joy Theater
MAY 30
Berlioz, The Fillmore
Grilledflanksteak with chimmichurriyellowrice andblack beans
Seafoodstuffedbaked redfish toppedwith shrimpcreolewith yellow rice andveggies
Friedtrout over seafoodjambalaya with seafoodcream
Shrimpcreole with friedcatfish forlunch blackenedredfish fordinner
Crawfishempanadas with jalapeñoaioli
Baconcheddar egg spicychicken biscuit with hash browns
Touring stand-up comedians are coming to local theaters and comedy clubs. Here’s a calendar of upcoming shows.
Shannon Ford Middleton, The Howlin’ Wolf
Taylor Tomlinson performs April 11 at the Mahalia Jackson Theater.
W. Kamau Bell, Joy Theater
APRIL 18-19
Rich Vos, The Howlin’ Wolf
MARCH 28-29
Anthony Robustiano, The Howlin’ Wolf
Luke Null, Sports Drink
APRIL 25-26
Stavros Halkias, Orpheum Theater
Trixx, Sports Drink
Zach Zimmerman, Sports Drink
Jiaoying Summers, Joy Theater
And That’s Why We Drink with Em Schulz and Christine Schiefer, Joy Theater
MAY 2-3
Kevin Hart, Saenger Theatre
Josh Johnson, Joy Theater
Anjelah Johnson-Reyes, Orpheum Theater
Kathleen Madigan, Joy Theater
Ziwerekoru “Ziwe” Fumudoh, Civic Theatre
Liz Miele, Sports Drink
Taylor Tomlinson, Mahalia Jackson Theater
APRIL 11-12
Jay Jurden, Sports Drink
D’Lai, The Howlin’ Wolf
Trevor Wallace, The Fillmore
Ali Siddiq, Mahalia Jackson Theater
The Sklar Brothers, Sports Drink
Gabby Bryan, The Howlin’ Wolf
Ariel Elias, Sports Drink
MAY 8-11
Toledano Comedy Fest, Sports Drink
MAY 16-17
Liz Treyger, Sports Drink
MAY 23
Skyler Higley, Sports Drink
LGBTLOL Queer Comedy Festival
MAY 31
Killers of Kill Tony: Kam Patterson, Ari Matti, David Jolly and David Lucas, Saenger Theatre
Judge rules Cantrell can hit the road using city funds — for now
CANTRELL’S REQUEST to pause a ban on non-essential travel by her and other city employees while Cantrell challenges that law in court.
In her suit Cantrell — an avid traveler who has spent tens of thousands of city funds on trips to music festivals, conferences and other events — alleges the council has no authority to regulate how she spends city funds beyond the annual budget ordinance, a law she has recently argued does not bind her or her administration.
She also used the filing to air a variety of grievances, including her insistence that oversight conducted by the council is part of a personal vendetta against her for unclear reasons.
According to Council President JP Morrell, the council’s lawyers were only made aware of the mayor’s lawsuit against the council the morning of March 18. After he and lawyers from both sides waited for nearly four hours, he said he was frustrated by Orleans Parish Civil District Judge Marissa Hutabarat’s
decision to grant Cantrell’s request without hearing arguments.
“It’s completely and utterly ridiculous for a judge to make us wait three hours and not permit argument before making a ruling,” Morrell told reporters following the decision.
He also decried Cantrell’s decision not to veto the travel ban, which the council passed unanimously, but instead use taxpayer dollars to hire four lawyers to fight it.
“The takeaway today is the mayor doesn’t believe the charter should govern her ability to travel, and she’d rather waste taxpayer dollars on lawyers than actually going through the process of vetoing a bill and having public debate on it,” Morrell said.
The council passed the travel ban in response to the Cantrell administration’s claims the city is in a financial crisis and can’t afford to make good on a settlement deal it made with the school board it made last year. The city is supposed to pay the school system $20 million this year as a result of that deal.
On the day the law went into effect, March 9, Cantrell attended the Yale Mayor’s College Conference in Washington, D.C Morrell said the council received
some records about the trip on Monday and went to the mayor’s office with follow-up questions.
In the lawsuit against the council, Cantrell called the travel ban “an unlawful and unconstitutional abuse of power by the Council, whose authority extends only to the consideration and adoption of the annual operating budget appropriation ordinance; whereas the Mayor has executive and administrative rights and duties, including the power to pursue economic development opportunities on behalf of the City.”
The mayor and her lawyers also argue that the law is “retaliation” by the council against her.
“The Ordinance has no rational basis or foundation in concern for the public welfare; rather, it is part of a pattern of Council bias and retaliation against the Mayor,” they wrote.
The current ban goes through April, but the council is also considering extending the ban through the end of the year.
There will be a hearing on the case on March 28, when both sides will be able to make arguments in front of Judge Sidney Cates. — Kaylee Poche
how the pandemic changed the restaurant labor model.
“The model of what is scalable and possible changed,” says the Jacksonville native. “It became pretty clear that people weren’t going to be dumping millions of dollars into restaurants like they were before.”
In the decade he’s been in New Orleans, Tabone has worked for Donald Link’s restaurant group, BRG Hospitality and a mom-and-pop spot, The Joint barbecue restaurant in Bywater. Then he had his own pop-up, Wood Duck, at Anna’s in the Marigny for a year.
With the December opening of Patula, a charming café and wine bar in the French Quarter, Tabone believes he’s created a sustainable restaurant. It’s a lean operation, with just Tabone, his sous chef Andrew Guidry and the bar manager, Aaron Dexter. Guests order at the counter and food and drink are delivered to the table.
“We’re like carpenters,” he says. “We are trying to build a pretty chair, but we still have to be able to sit in it. It’s a balance.”
Located at 619 Royal St., Patula is adjacent to the Krewe flagship store, whose partners own the complex. Tabone did some catering parties for the luxury eyeglass brand in the courtyard, so when they were looking for a permanent tenant, he was first in line.
The space formerly held Royal Blend coffee shop and a restaurant called Marigold. Patula’s gorgeous brick courtyard is a respite from the bustle of Royal Street, and the flagstone patio has a scattering of tables and inviting seating areas. Inside, there’s local art along with nosegays of dried marigolds hanging upside down on the walls.
The restaurant’s name, Patula, refers to its predecessor. Patula is the second part of the Latin name for marigold. Patula’s bottle list features all biodynamic wines from small producers. Some of the lesser known finds include Florez Wines’ Kind of
LOUISIANA’S OLDEST AND LARGEST CRAFT BREWERY OPENED ITS SECOND LOCATION along a riverfront strip that has emerged as New Orleans’ unofficial brewery row.
Abita Brewing Company opened its New Orleans brewery and taproom at 2375 Tchoupitoulas St. in the former home of Urban Roast.
The 39-year-old brewery’s new location features 35 taps, a sevenbarrel on-site brewing operation and a spacious outdoor area that attracted families on its opening weekend. Video projectors are set up to turn the building’s walls into large screens for game days and other special events.
Abita representatives say the brewery will use the Tchoupitoulas location for smaller-scale beer production, in addition to offering its existing line of beers like Abita Amber, Andygator, The Boot and Jockamo Juicy IPA.
Recent limited edition offerings include DeltaGator, Bourbon-BarrelAged Pecan, Maison Blanche, Vanilla Triple Dog Dare, Turbo Booster, Fruity Pebbles, Blueberry and a house beer.
Orange from Mendocino, California, and imported Conestabile Della Staffa sangiovese. There are a few cocktails on the menu, including a vesper, an espresso martini and a smattering of beer and cider. This is a perfect place to sit, sip and kibbitz with friends, and dogs are welcome.
Between the small dining room and courtyard, there’s room for 45 guests to enjoy coffee and pastries from Ayu Bakehouse in the morning. The focus later shifts to wine and Tabone’s succinct menu of shareable nibbles.
There’s always a cheese plate and a Caesar salad that sets a high bar with meaty boquerones. Tabone promises the best onion dip you’ve ever tasted, using a recipe from his sous chef. It’s served with Zapp’s chips. A plate of tinned seafood comes with housemade pickles and Calabrian chili.
The Patula sandwich is Parisian ham with celery root remoulade on an Ayu baguette. There’s Moroccanspiced meatballs with yogurt and a half pound serving of sliced tenderloin au poivre, a good addition to the salad for two to share. They will add a case of grab-and-go options in the near future.
For now, Patula’s hours are 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. every day but Tuesday. But Tabone will stay open until the last bottle of wine is finished.
“I want people to take their time, not feel rushed,” he says.
Tabone credits chef Kelly Fields, with whom he worked at Willa Jean, for helping him understand the business side of running a restaurant.
“We lost a generation of chefs and mentors during the pandemic to other jobs and industries,” Tabone says. “People were promoted to roles they weren’t ready for, myself included. Now, I’m ready.”
Heidi Guerra, Abita’s vice president of marketing, said the soft opening of the new location has been a big success so far.
“Adding this second location in New Orleans just makes sense,” Guerra says. “This location gives us the opportunity and freedom to experiment and develop innovative beers and offerings, since we have the capabilities to brew on a smaller scale, which opens a plethora of options for our brewing team.”
After outgrowing its original location, Abita’s owners relocated its brewing
This ar ticle is brought to you by the Hancock Chamber of Commerce.
Now is the perfec t time to fnd your dream home on the Mississippi Gulf Coas t wi th the Parade of Homes in Hancock Coun ty, the region’s larges t open house event.
Held March 29 —the same weekend as the annual Ar ts Alive Festival —the Parade showcases 52 homes, including es tablished residences and new builds. Visi tors can take self-guided tour s, wi th Real tors on -site to answer ques tions. Plan your visi t at hancockmsmyhome.com/ parade -of- homes.
“Hancock Coun ty is one of the fastes t- growing coun ties in Mississippi, thanks to our qualit y of li fe, prox imit y to New Or leans, and vibran t communit y,” said Aiss a Wiggins, Real Es tate Agen t at John McDonald Real ty and Chairman of the Hancock Chamber Reloc ation Commit tee.
The Parade of Homes coincides wi th the Ar ts Alive Festival, offer ing visi tors a taste of Hancock Coun ty ’s li fest yle and culture. Ar ts Alive will serve as an or ient ation poin t at the HancockMYHome Hospit alit y Tent on the grounds of the histor ic Bay St . Louis Depot (1928 Depot Way) Here, at tendees can pick up festival guides, home tour maps, and ge t their questions answered
Visi tors tour ing homes on March 29 can register at each proper ty for a chance to win a grand pr ize giveaway valued at
over $2,500, wi th ex tra en tr ies for each home toured
Whether you’re buying, downsizing, or seek ing inspiration, the Parade of Homes offer s some thing for ever yone Wi th excellen t values and ex pected lower in terest rates, now is a great time to buy.
Parade of Homes is presented by the Hancock Chamber of Commerce in partnership wi th Coas tal Mississippi.
Platinum Sponsors: John McDonald Real ty, Coldwell Banker Al fonso Real ty, Liz Renz Regions Mor tgage, Ashman Mollere Real ty, Latter & Blum -Compass, Keesler Federal Credit Union
Silver Sponsors: Allied Real ty, Benfat ti Construction, Coas t Electric, Gulf South Mortgage, Coas tline Ti tle & Escrow, Hancock Whitney, Lagarde’s Fine Wine & Spir it s, The Firs t Bank , Sass y Bird In terior s, HL Raymond Proper ties, Gulf Coas t Home, Pilger Ti tle Co, Aloha Wine & Spir it s.
Bronze Sponsors: Haas & Haas At torneys, 315 Main Street , Communi ty Bank , SouthGroup Insurance Gulf Coas t, Team Ti tle, Owen & Co Real Es tate, ByrneHo ffman Ti tle Company, Simple Mor tgage Solu tions, CMG Home Loans, Rêve Real tors, Winter s Real ty, MG S Real Es tate, Farragut
Lo fs, Bay Carpet & Flooring, Eustis Mor tgage
operation to Covington in 1994 and turned the original location into its current taproom across the Tammany Trace from the Abita Springs trailhead. A $12 million expansion in 2013 allowed for the current brewing facility on Louisiana Highway 36 to handle increased demand.
The brewery has long touted its use of artesian spring water from the Southern Hills aquifer north of Lake Pontchartrain.
That foundation will remain unchanged at the new location, with water trucked in across the lake to make its new brews.
“We are committed to our craft brewing principles and staying true to who we are,” Guerra says, “which means all our beverages crafted at the Tchoupitoulas location will be brewed with the same artesian spring water as our northshore location.”
With 79,000 barrels produced in 2023, Abita was ranked the 33rd largest craft brewer in the nation by the Brewers Association — and the only one of the top 50 based on the Gulf Coast.
Abita’s new Irish Channel taproom joins a cluster of local breweries to set up shop nearby, with Miel Brewery & Taproom, NOLA Brewing, Port Orleans Brewing Co. and Urban South Brewery all located within a mile of it.
A ribbon-cutting event is scheduled for March 26. Following its recent soft opening, taproom patrons on their first visit already had praise for its relaxed atmosphere.
Guerra says Abita plans to have a rotating presence of food trucks and vendors in the future. — Jonah Meadows / The Times-Picayune
SURROUNDED BY PACKS OF HARD SELTZERS AND SHELVES FILLED with wine bottles, a hanging sign at Elio’s Wine Warehouse reads, “You’ll never see this price again...”
The sign — referencing a quote from Elio Todaro, the Italian purveyor who opened the warehouse in New Orleans’ Fontainebleau neighborhood — is true for reasons beyond the shop’s prices on alcoholic beverages.
This month, the popular booze business announced on social media that it is closing at the end of May after 32 years of operation.
“It has been a remarkable adventure, filled with unforgettable memories, laughter, and, of course, delightful wine, beer, and spirits,” the post read, thanking its customers and staff.
The comments section was both mournful and appreciative, filled with fans who identified the warehouse as a city staple and questioned where they would get rum and kegs once its doors closed.
Decades after emigrating from Sicily to New Orleans, Todaro, who died in 2013, opened Elio’s Wine Warehouse near Tulane and Loyola universities in 1993. Six years prior, he and his family launched Vieux Carre Wine and Spirits, a business that is still operating in the French Quarter.
Todaro also co-owned Felipe’s Taqueria, the fast-casual Mexican restaurant that has a location across from the wine warehouse.
“He was passionate about his craft, and he loved talking to customers,” Craig Fasino, Felipe’s former chief financial officer, said of Todaro in 2013. “You would walk into [Elio’s Wine Warehouse], and he would light up, and the next thing you know you’re at Felipe’s eating a burrito with a case of wine in your trunk.”
On a recent late Monday morning, mariachi music blared from the Felipe’s next to Elio’s. More than a decade after Todaro’s death, the warehouse still bears a welcoming energy that’s noticeable when patrons walk through the front door, with employees who greet customers as they enter.
Three rows of wine are on display at one corner of the building. Some have descriptions attached to the price tag, detailing its tasting notes and listing which foods it pairs well with. Near the California and Oregon pinot noirs are shelves stacked with various whiskeys, bourbons and gins.
The other corner of the building features alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages that appeal to a younger generation of drinkers, including the college students nearby: THC-infused seltzers, Twisted Teas and fruit-flavored hard seltzers. Separating the main wine selection from the drinks in vogue is a rack of crackers, fig jam and chocolates. Elio’s Wine Warehouse pays homage to its founder with two images of him on the walls. One is a photograph of a smiling Todaro wearing a dandelion yellow bowtie. The other is a painting surrounded by barrels and high-end wines at the end of the store. On canvas, Todaro is lounging on a wooden chair while raising up a wine glass, his dark eyes fixed on the painting’s observer. — Poet Wolfe / The Times-Picayune
Captain, Piggy Stardust
by Will Coviello
PAUL DUFOUR GREW UP IN NEW ORLEANS and does some occasional barbecuing in his backyard in Lakeview. In 2012, he joined some of his friends on the Hogs for the Cause barbecue team Piggy Stardust. He’s been the team captain since 2021, and last year they won the title of Grand Champion in the barbecue competition and raised more than $80,000. The fundraising event supports families with children battling pediatric brain cancer and has made major grants to hospitals for care facilities. This year, the barbecue and music event is April 4-5 on the grounds of the UNO Lakefront Arena. Visit hogsfest.org for festival tickets and details. Visit piggystardustnola.com for information about the team.
How did you get involved in Piggy Stardust?
PAUL DUFOUR: I am a backyard recreational smoker at best. I have a Green Egg and a Pit Boss. I’ll do a rack of ribs or a brisket, but nothing crazy. I have been on the team since 2012. We’re all friends from high school and college. One of my buddies started it. I didn’t know anything about it. He told me to come check it out, and I went, “This is great.” I have been addicted to it ever since.
After Covid, the team almost shut down. I said that’s not going to happen, and I took over and have been the team captain since 2021.
When I took over, we brought in some new blood. I brought more college and high school buddies with me, and people I grew up with on the playground. We’re about 45 strong now. We have people who really like to be in the kitchen. We have people who really like to be in front of the booth where they’re punching in numbers and selling the food. We got some people that like to smoke what we sell. And we have some people who like to sit around and drink.
I am the glue that keeps the team together. I step back and let them do their work.
The team won the Grand Champion title last year.
D: Last year was great. There’s about 15-20 categories. Only four of them count toward Grand Champion. It’s impossible to compete in every single category. There’s social
It’s always total chaos getting assembled and getting the booth up there and the ice maker.
media, and best booth and best (Friday night) party and fundraising. We do well on fundraising. We turned in 80 grand last year, 100 grand the year before that. We’ve raised about a half million since inception. But the four main categories are whole hog, pork butt, ribs and a special category called Porkpourri, which is the most creative thing you can do with pork.
I wanted to win. We have gotten a handful of trophies in the past — a couple food ones, a couple non-food ones, like fan favorite. We got best sandwich and things like that. But I wanted to win. So I brought in a professional pitmaster from the outskirts of St. Louis, and I turned over the reins to him and said, “Let me know what you need.” The other members smoked meats we serve and focused on selling merchandise.
We finished first place in pork butts, we were sixth in ribs and eighth in whole hog. The fundraising is what put us over the top. It all calculated to Grand Champion.
At the end of the day, it is a charity, and the more points you get in fundraising the more you get. Everybody was happy.
How is this year shaping up?
D: We have a couple fundraisers online through the year. We typically start to get together after Mardi Gras as far as the planning goes. We did a practice a couple weeks ago and will do another. We’ve got it down pat at this point. We practice new menu items and see how long it takes to produce those — check quality control.
The Piggy Stardust name came from David Bowie in the ’70s and “Spiders from Mars.” We hang up several pictures of Bowie. We have the lightning stripe logo on our shirts and hats. It’s not over done. Some of those booths out there are intense. Some are three stories tall. We can assemble our booth in a day. We have a light-up banner and flags and pink lights. We have music and a disco ball. We play a lot of Bowie music from the ’70s.
One of my teammates owns a new pizza place in the Warehouse District called Forbidden Pizza. We have a special menu coming from Forbidden Pizza. It’s going to be a pork and pepperoni pizza roll. We practiced that last Sunday, and we’re moving forward with it.
We have a pork and pimiento cheese sandwich, which is my favorite. I think we sold 800 pork and pimiento cheese sandwiches last year.
We also had meat pies, but we took them off the menu because so many teams have meat pies. We probably served 1,500 people last year.
This year, we also have ribs and ice cream. Some teams have 30 menu items. We keep it simple. We have four or five. We do lemonade. A lot of teams don’t do a drink.
We have a girl who goes by Mambo Midge, and she makes earrings and lapel pins. We sell shirts and hats like a lot of teams.
I always tell myself I am going to take an hour and walk around, but it never happens. Until the final whistle, I am filling out orders. At 5 p.m. (Saturday) when all the sales are finished for the day, I step out into the field and listen to music and chat with people. It’s my favorite weekend of the entire year.
This wine is fresh andvibrant with punchyaromatics of passionfruit, guava and pink grapefruit with astoney minerality.The palate is fresh and energetic while being perfectlybalanced. There arelayers of tropical fruit with mouth-watering acidity and minerality providing a long and lingering finish.
In this bracing, uplifting, andsometimes laugh- out-loud memoir,Bagnerisrecalls his ac tivist career:asfounder of Houston’sPride Parade andasa politicalorganizer and mainstay of NewOrleans’s gaycommunity.
Out to Eat is an index of Gambit contract advertisers. Unless noted, addresses are for New Orleans and all accept credit cards. Updates: Email willc@gambitweekly.com or call (504) 483-3106.
Angelo Brocato’s — 214 N. Carrollton Ave., (504) 486-1465; angelobrocatoicecream.
com — This Mid-City sweet shop serves its own gelato, spumoni, Italian ices, cannolis, biscotti, fig cookies, tiramisu, macaroons and more. There also are coffee drinks. No reservations. Lunch and dinner Tue.-Sun. $
Annunciation — 1016 Annunciation St., (504) 568-0245; annunciationrestaurant.
com — Gulf Drum Yvonne is served with brown butter sauce with mushrooms and artichoke hearts. There also are seafood pasta dishes, steaks, lamb chops and more. Reservations recommended. Dinner
Thu.-Mon. $$$
Bamboula’s — 514 Frenchmen St.; bamboulasmusic.com — The live music venue’s kitchen offers a menu of traditional and creative Creole dishes, such as Creole crawfish crepes with goat cheese and chardonnay sauce. Reservations accepted. Lunch, dinner and late-night daily. $$
The Blue Crab Restaurant and Oyster Bar — 118 Harbor View Court, Slidell, (985) 315-7001; 7900 Lakeshore Drive, (504) 284-2898; thebluecrabnola.com — Basin barbecue shrimp are served with rosemary garlic butter sauce over cheese grits with a cheese biscuit. The menu includes po-poys, fried seafood platters, raw and chargrilled oysters, boiled seafood in season, and more. Outdoor seating available. No reservations. Lakeview: Lunch and dinner
Tue.-Sun. Slidell: Lunch Wed.-Fri., dinner
Wed.-Sun., brunch Sat.-Sun. $$
Broussard’s — 819 Conti St., (504) 5813866; broussards.com — Rainbow trout amandine is served with tasso and corn macque choux and Creole meuniere sauce. Brunch includes Benedicts, chicken and waffles and more. Reservations recommended. Outdoor seating available. Dinner Wed.-Sat., brunch Sun. $$$ Cafe Normandie — Higgins Hotel, 480 Andrew Higgins Blvd., (504) 528-1941; higginshotelnola.com/dining — The menu combines classic French dishes and Louisiana items like crab beignets with herb aioli. Sandwiches include po-boys, a muffuletta on flatbread and a burger. No reservations. Breakfast and lunch Mon.-Sat., dinner Fri.-Mon. $$
The Commissary — 634 Orange St., (504) 274-1850; thecommissarynola.com — A smoked turkey sandwich is served with bacon, tomato jam, herbed cream cheese, arugula and herb vinaigrette on honey oat bread. The menu includes dips, salads, sandwiches, boudin balls, fried oysters and more. No reservations. Outdoor seating available. Lunch Tue.-Sat. $$ Curio — 301 Royal St., (504) 717-4198; curionola.com — The creative Creole menu includes blackened Gulf shrimp served with chicken and andouille jambalaya. There also are crab cakes, shrimp and grits, crawfish etouffee, po-boys and more. Reservations accepted. Lunch and dinner daily. $$ Dahla — 611 O’Keefe Ave., (504) 7666602; dahlarestaurant.com — The menu includes popular Thai dishes like pad thai, drunken noodles, curries and fried rice. Crispy skinned duck basil is prepared with
$ — average dinner entrée under $10
$$ $11-$20
$$$ — $20-up
vegetables and Thai basil. Delivery available. Reservations accepted. Lunch and dinner Mon.-Sat. $$
Desire Oyster Bar — Royal Sonesta New Orleans, 300 Bourbon St., (504) 5860300; sonesta.com/desireoysterbar — A menu full of Gulf seafood includes chargrilled oysters topped with Parmesan and herbs. The menu also includes po-boys, po-boys, gumbo, blackened fish, fried seafood platters and more. Reservations recommended. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. $$
Dickie Brennan’s Bourbon House — 144 Bourbon St., (504) 522-0111; bourbonhouse.com — There’s a seafood raw bar with raw and char-broiled oysters, fish dip, crab fingers, shrimp and more. Redfish on the Half-shell is cooked skin-on and served with crab-boiled potatoes, frisee and lemon buerre blanc. Reservations accepted. Lunch and dinner daily. $$$
Dickie Brennan’s Steakhouse — 716 Iberville St., (504) 522-2467; dickiebrennanssteakhouse.com — The menu includes a variety of steaks, plus seared Gulf fish, lobster pasta, barbecue shrimp and more. A 6-ounce filet mignon is served with fried oysters, creamed spinach, potatoes and bearnaise. Reservations recommended. Dinner Mon.-Sat. $$$
El Pavo Real — 4401 S. Broad Ave., (504) 266-2022; elpavorealnola.com — The menu includes tacos, enchiladas, quesadillas, ceviche. tamales and more. Pescado Vera Cruz features sauteed Gulf fish topped with tomatoes, olives, onion and capers, served with rice and string beans. Outdoor seating available. No reservations. Lunch and early dinner Tue.-Sat. $$
Juan’s Flying Burrito — 515 Baronne St., (504) 529-5825; 2018 Magazine St., (504) 569-0000; 4724 S. Carrollton Ave., (504) 486-9950; 8140 Oak St., (504) 897-4800; juansflyingburrito.com — The Flying Burrito includes steak, shrimp, chicken, cheddar jack cheese, black beans, rice, guacamole and salsa. The menu also includes tacos, quesadillas, enchiladas, fajitas, nachos, salads and more. Outdoor seating available. No reservations. Lunch and dinner Thu.-Tue. $$
Katie’s Restaurant — 3701 Iberville St., (504) 488-6582; katiesinmidcity.com — The Cajun Cuban with roasted pork, ham, cheese and pickles. The eclectic menu also includes char-grilled oysters, sandwiches, burgers, pizza, fried seafood platters, pasta, salads and more. Delivery available. Reservations accepted for large parties. Lunch and dinner daily. $$
Kilroy’s Bar — Higgins Hotel, 480 Andrew Higgins Blvd., (504) 528-1941; higginshotelnola.com/dining — The bar menu includes sandwiches, salads and flatbreads, including one topped with peach, prosciutto, stracciatella cheese, arugula and pecans. No reservations. Lunch Fri.Mon., dinner daily. $$
Legacy Kitchen’s Craft Tavern — 700 Tchoupitoulas St., (504) 613-2350; legacykitchen.com — The menu includes oysters, flatbreads, burgers, sandwiches, salads and a NOLA Style Grits Bowl topped
with bacon, cheddar and a poached egg. Reservations accepted. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. $$
Legacy Kitchen Steak & Chop — 91 Westbank Expressway, Gretna, (504) 513-2606; legacykitchen.com — The menu includes filets mignons and bone-in rib-eyes, as well as burgers, salads and seafood dishes. Reservations accepted. Outdoor seating available. Lunch and dinner Mon.-Sat. $$
Luzianne Cafe — 481 Girod St., (504) 2651972; luziannecafe.com — Boudin Benedict features two poached eggs over boudin and an English muffin, served with green tomato chow chow and hollandaise. No reservations. Delivery available. Breakfast and lunch Wed.-Sun. $$
Mikimoto — 3301 S. Carrollton Ave., (504) 488-1881; mikimotosushi.com — The South Carrollton roll includes tuna tataki, avocado and snow crab. The menu also has noodle dishes, teriyaki and more. Reservations accepted. Delivery available. Lunch Sun.Fri., dinner daily. $$
Mosca’s — 4137 Highway 90 West, Westwego, (504) 436-8950; moscasrestaurant.com — This family-style eatery serves Italian dishes and specialties including chicken a la grande, shrimp Mosca, baked oysters Mosca and chicken cacciatore. Reservations accepted. Dinner Wed.-Sat. Cash only. $$$
Mother’s Restaurant — 401 Poydras St., (504) 523-9656; mothersrestaurant.net — This counter-service spot serves po-boys dressed with sliced cabbage and Creole favorites like jambalaya, crawfish etouffee, red beans and rice and more. Breakfast is available all day. Delivery available. No reservations. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. $$
Neyow’s Creole Cafe — 3332 Bienville St., (504) 827-5474; neyows.com — The menu includes red beans and rice with fried chicken or pork chops, as well as shrimp Creole, seafood platters, po-boys, char-grilled and raw oysters, salads and more. Side items include carrot souffle, mac and cheese, cornbread dressing, sweet potato tots and more. No reservations. Lunch daily, dinner Mon.-Sat., brunch Sun. $$
Nice Guys Bar & Grill — 7910 Earhart Blvd., (504) 302-2404; niceguysbarandgrillnola. com — Char-grilled oysters are topped with cheese and garlic butter, and other options include oysters Rockefeller and loaded oysters. The creative menu also includes seafood bread, a Cajun-lobster potato, wings, quesadillas, burgers, salads, sandwiches, seafood pasta, loaded fries and more. No reservations. Lunch daily, dinner Mon.-Sat. $$$
Orleans Grapevine Wine Bar & Bistro 720 Orleans Ave., (504) 523-1930; orleansgrapevine.com — The wine bar offers cheese boards and appetizers to nosh with wines. The menu includes Creole pasta with shrimp and andouille in tomato cream sauce. Reservations accepted for large parties. Outdoor seating available. Dinner Thu.-Sun. $$
Palace Cafe — 605 Canal St., (504) 5231661; palacecafe.com — The contemporary Creole menu includes crabmeat cheesecake with mushrooms and Creole meuniere sauce. Outdoor seating available. Reservations recommended. Breakfast and
lunch Wed.-Fri., dinner Wed.-Sun., brunch Sat.-Sun. $$$
Parish Grill — 4650 W. Esplanade Ave., Suite 100, Metairie, (504) 345-2878; parishgrill.com — The menu includes burgers, sandwiches, pizza and sauteed andouille with fig dip, blue cheese and toast points. Reservations accepted. Lunch and dinner Mon.-Sat. $$
Peacock Room — Kimpton Hotel Fontenot, 501 Tchoupitoulas St., (504) 324-3073; peacockroomnola.com — At brunch, braised short rib grillades are served over grits with mushrooms, a poached egg and shaved truffle. Reservations accepted. Dinner Wed.-Mon., brunch Sun. $$
Rosie’s on the Roof — Higgins Hotel, 480 Andrew Higgins Blvd., (504) 528-1941; higginshotelnola.com/dining — The rooftop bar has a menu of sandwiches, burgers and small plates. Crab beignets are made with Gulf crabmeat and mascarpone and served with herb aioli. No reservations. Dinner Mon.-Sat. $$
Tableau — 616 St. Peter St., (504) 9343463; tableaufrenchquarter.com — The menu features traditional and creative Creole dishes. Pasta bouillabaisse features squid ink mafaldine, littleneck clams, Gulf shrimp, squid, seafood broth, rouille and herbed breadcrumbs. Outdoor seating available on the balcony. Reservations recommended. Dinner Wed.-Sun., brunch Thu.-Sun. $$$
Tacklebox — 817 Common St., (504) 827-1651; legacykitchen.com — The menu includes raw and char-broiled oysters, seafood platters, po-boys, fried chicken, crab and corn bisque and more. Redfish St. Charles is served with garlic-herb butter, asparagus, mushrooms and crawfish cornbread. Reservations accepted. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. $$
Theo’s Neighborhood Pizza — 1212 S. Clearview Parkway, Elmwood, (504) 733-3803; 2125 Veterans Memorial Blvd., Metairie, (504) 510-4282; 4024 Canal St., (504) 302-1133; 4218 Magazine St., (504) 894-8554; 70488 Highway 21, Covington, (985) 234-9420; theospizza.com — A Marilynn Pota Supreme pie is topped with mozzarella, pepperoni, sausage, hamburger, mushrooms, bell peppers and onions. There also are salads, sandwiches, wings, breadsticks and more. Delivery available. Lunch and dinner Tue.-Sat. $
Tito’s Ceviche & Pisco — 1433 St. Charles Ave., (504) 354-1342; titoscevichepisco. com — The Peruvian menu includes several types of ceviche, as well as steak and seafood dishes. Traditional lomo saltado features sauteed beef tenderloin tips, onions, tomatoes, soy sauce and pisco, served with potatoes and rice. Delivery available. Reservations accepted. Lunch and dinner Mon.-Sat., brunch Sun. $$$
The Vintage — 3121 Magazine St., (504) 3247144; thevintagenola.com — There’s a full coffee drinks menu and baked goods and beignets, as well as a full bar. The menu has flatbreads, cheese boards, small plates and a pressed veggie sandwich with avocado, onions, arugula, red pepper and pepper jack cheese. No reservations. Delivery and outdoor seating available. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. $$
“Josh Johnson: Live From Before” last year. He’s got a distinctive hesitating and devastating delivery. He performs a trio of shows at The Joy Theater, at 1, 4 and 7:30 p.m. Sunday, March 30. Find tickets via thejoytheater.com.
Williams New Orleans Literary Festival
The festival celebrates the playwright’s life and work March 26-30 with tribute readings, writing marathons, panel discussions about literary techniques and topics, walking tours, live music, parties and more. Performers at the festival include Mink Stole, who appeared in many John Waters films. Productions coinciding with the festival include “Orpheus Descending,” see page 41. Many events are at the Hotel Monteleone or French Quarter locations. There’s also overlap with Saints & Sinners LGBTQ+ Literary Festival, which adds more events March 28-30. Visit tennesseewilliams.net or sasfest.org. for schedules and tickets.
Jessica Pratt
Los Angeles-based musician Jessica Pratt has become recognized for her psychedelic-leaning folk music. On her latest album, “Here in the Pitch,” she brings things a little bit closer to Earth with nods to ’60s pop — particularly The Beach Boys’ “Pet Sounds” — and bossa nova. Still, there’s an ethereal quality to Pratt’s music, as if it’s being broadcast from a higher dimension. Pratt plays at Tipitina’s with Merce Lemon at 8 p.m. Sunday, March 30. Tickets are $25 via tipitinas.com.
After a long, distinguished career, Germaine Bazzle has appropriately been called the “first lady of jazz” and the “grand dame of New Orleans jazz vocalists.” On Friday, March 28 — Bazzle’s 93rd birthday — the Music Alive Ensemble and the New Orleans Ladies of Jazz will pay tribute to the vocal legend and educator with a concert at the New Orleans Jazz Museum. The show will feature vocalists Naydja Cojoe, Nayo Jones, Stephanie Jordan, Sharon Martin and Betty Shirley. The music starts at 6:30 p.m., and tickets are $30 via nolajazzmuseum.org.
After watching his mother suffering from mental illness, a boy decides to list all the things that make life worth living. He’s even assisted by the
audience in the one-man show “Every Brilliant Thing,” by Duncan Macmillan and comedian Jonny Donahoe. As he grows, he builds on the list and reflects on the things that gave him hope. The NOLA Project presents the show at Big Couch. Shows are at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, March 28, through Monday, March 31, except for the 3:30 p.m. Sunday matinee, and the show also runs April 4-6. Tickets $20-$55 via nolaproject.com.
More than 40 restaurants, caterers and pop-ups compete in categories for best traditional, creative and vegetarian dish at the tasting event. There also are awards for best creative and traditional cocktails. The entertainment lineup features music by James Andrews, a DJ set by Pell and Dohm Collective’s silent disco. At 6 p.m. Thursday, March 27, at Lafreniere Park in Metairie. Tickets $95-$145 via foodfightnola.com.
New Orleans thrash metal greats Exhorder last year released its fourth full-length album, “Defectum Omnium.” Catch a rare hometown show at 7 p.m. Friday, March 28, at Southport Hall. Flesh Parade, Herakleion, Kamakazie Zombie and Pale Devil Sun also are on the bill. Tickets are $26.38 via southporthall.com.
New Orleans singer-songwriter
Dusky Waters hosts this concert series highlighting women songwriters in Americana. The next edition of Southern Nights will feature performances by Arsène DeLay and Crys Matthews. And the show will end with a “superset” featuring DeLay, Matthews and Waters. The show is at 8 p.m. Thursday, March 27, at Saturn Bar. Tickets are $12.47 in advance via blackamericanafest.com and $15 at the door.
As the band Skegss, Australian musicians Ben Reed and Jonny Lani write indie rock that feels loose and carefree — even if on their latest album “Pacific Highway Music” they’re working through some complex experiences. Skeggs is on a tour of the U.S. and plays Chickie Wah Wah at 8 p.m. Sunday, March 30. The band Twen opens at 8 p.m. Tickets are $24.91 via chickiewahwah.com.
To learn more about adding your event to the music calendar, please email listingsedit@gambitweekly.com
30/90 — Margie Perez, 6 pm; Piano Man ‘G’, 9 pm
ALLWAYS LOUNGE — Betsy Propane’s Smokeshow, 7 pm
BACCHANAL — Byron Asher, 6 pm
BJ’S — Red Beans & Blues with Jonathan Freilich & Washboard Chaz, 9 pm BOURBON O BAR — Blue Horn Jazz Band, 8 pm
BOURBON O BAR — Vince Henningfeld Duo, 4 pm; Abram Racin, 8 pm
CAFÉ NEGRIL — Gumbo Funk, 7 pm
CAPULET — Nanci Zee, 6 pm
CHICKIE WAH WAH CC Adcock and The Lafayette Marquis, Dash Rip Rock, 11 pm
D.B.A. — Secret Six Jazz Band, 6 pm; The Jump Hounds, 9 pm
THE FILLMORE NEW ORLEANS Trampled by Turtles, 8 pm
LOWPOINT Robin Rapuzzi’s Glo Worm Trio, 5 pm
MAPLE LEAF BAR George Porter Jr. Trio, 7 pm; 10 pm
ORPHEUM THEATER — Kraftwerk, 8 pm
ROYAL FRENCHMEN HOTEL — New Orleans Jazz Vipers, 9 pm
ST. ROCH TAVERN — T Marie & Bayou Juju + Slow Motion Cowboys, 9 pm
30/90 Sugar & The Daddies, 6 pm; Higher Heights, 9 pm
BACCHANAL Pete Olynciw, 6 pm
BOURBON O BAR Dr. Zach, 4 pm; Shawan Rice Trio, 8 pm
CAFÉ NEGRIL The Super-MostFantastic-Blues-N-Such Jam, 7 pm
CAPULET — Lady O & The Expats, 6 pm
D.B.A. Kid Chocolate & The Free P.O.C., 9:30 pm
DOS JEFES Tom Hook, 8:30 pm
HOLY DIVER The Amazing Henrietta, 8 pm
JAZZ PLAYHOUSE Amber Rachelle & Friends, 7:30 pm
THE MAISON — Jacky Blaire & The Hot Biscuits, 5 pm; Paradise Jazz Band, 8 pm
MAPLE LEAF BAR Ivan Neville & Friends, 9 pm
MARIGNY OPERA HOUSE Sariyah Idan, Maude Caillat Project, 7 pm
Wednesday, March 26 at 5 p.m.
MUSIC BOX VILLAGE — Water Damage and Thor & Friends, 8 pm
NO DICE — The Surfrajettes, 9 pm
PITOT HOUSE Tyron Benoit Band, 5:30 pm
THE RABBIT HOLE Rebirth Brass Band, 8:30 pm
Grayson Brockamp & The New Orleans Wildlife Band, 9 pm
SALON SALON Read the Sands, 7 pm
SANTOS BAR Bestial Mouths with Livernois and Nail Club, 10 pm
30/90 — Dapper Dandies, 6 pm; The Budz, 9 pm
BACCHANAL — Jesse Morrow, 6 pm
BAMBOULA’S J.J. & The A-OK’s, 1:15 pm; Boardwalker & The 3Finger Swingers, 5:30 pm; The Queen & Friends, 9 pm
BLUE NILE — Happy Hour with Yoshitaka “Z2” Tsuji, 8 pm; New Breed Brass Band, 9:30 pm
BOURBON O BAR High Standards, 4 pm; Serabee, 8 pm
CAPULET Belinda Moody, 6 pm
CHICKIE WAH WAH — Jon Cleary, 8 pm
COMMONS CLUB — Amethyst Starr, 8 pm
D.B.A. — Stephen Walker N’em, 6 pm; Lagniappe Brass Band, 9 pm
LAFAYETTE SQUARE — Wednesday at the Square: Maggie Koerner and Whisper Party!, 5 pm
NEW MARIGNY THEATRE André Bohren with Electric Yat Quartet, 7 pm
NO DICE Lesser Care, Swarm Comp and Cashier, 9 pm
NOPSI HOTEL Nell SimmonsBradley, 6 pm
SATURN BAR Friendly Spectres, Nail Club and Divtech, 9 pm
SIBERIA Pom Pom Squad and Caroline Kingsbury, 9 pm
VAUGHAN’S LOUNGE — Robin Rapuzzi’s Glo Worm Trio, 8:30 pm
30/90 The Saga Continues, 6 pm; Big Mike & The R&B Kings, 9 pm
BACCHANAL — Raphael Bas, 6 pm
BEANLANDIA Treme Brass Band, 6 pm
BJ’S — Woods on Fire Honky Tonk Band, 9 pm
BLUE NILE — Grammy Award-Winning Irvin Mayfeld's Music Church with Special Guests, 9 pm
BOURBON O BAR — Tifany Hall , 4 pm; Audrey & The CrawZaddies, 8 pm
CAFÉ NEGRIL — Sunny Side, 6 pm; Uncut, 10 pm
CAPULET — Coyote Anderson, 6 pm
CARROLLTON STATION — Freddie Blue & The Friendship Circle + The Lilli Lewis Project, 8 pm
CHICKIE WAH WAH — Anais St John: Simply the Best The Tina Turner Story, 8:30 pm
D.B.A. Palmetto Bug Stompers, 6 pm; Khris Royal & Dark Matter, 10 pm
DOS JEFES — Mark Coleman Quartet, 8:30 pm
THE FILLMORE — Blackberry Smoke, 8 pm
DJ P.U.D.G.E., 7 pm
HOLY DIVER Badzy, 610 Split and We Dreamt of Being Ghosts Among the Stars, 9 pm
JAZZ PLAYHOUSE Brass-AHolics, 7:30 pm
LE BON TEMPS ROULÉ Lynn Drury, 10 pm
MAPLE LEAF BAR Brian Coogan, 6 pm; Johnny Vidacovich Trio, 8 pm
MARIGNY OPERA HOUSE — Amina Scott and Gladney, 7:30 pm
NO DICE — Ofce Siren Rave, 9 pm
OKAY BAR Secret Sesh Crawfsh Boil with TR3 and Miah, 5 pm
LPO: Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 5, 7:30 pm
THE RABBIT HOLE Benn Schuchat and Amelia Chase, 9 pm
ROYAL FRENCHMEN HOTEL Glen David Andrews, 9 pm
SALON SALON — Geovane Santos, 7 pm
SANTOS BAR — Tainted Love 80’s Night with DJ Shane Love, 10 pm
SATURN BAR — Dusky Waters’ Southern Nights, 8 pm
SIBERIA Saxsquatch, 9 pm
TIPITINA’S Stooges Brass Band, 8 pm
VAUGHAN’S LOUNGE — Corey Henry & The Treme Funktet, 10:30 pm
30/90 — Orphaned In Storyville, 2 pm; Jef Chaz Blues Band, 5 pm; Caitie B. & The Hand Me Downs, 8 pm; Deltaphonic, 11 pm
BACCHANAL — David Sigler, 1 pm; Willie Green III, 7 pm
BJ’S — Sarah Quintana Release Party, 9 pm
BLUE NILE — The Caesar Brothers’ Funk Box, 8 pm; Kermit Rufns & The BBQ Swingers, 11 pm
BOURBON O BAR — Ellen Smith & April Spain, 4 pm; Mem Shannon Trio, 8 pm
BROADSIDE — Joslyn & The Sweet Compression, 8 pm
CARROLLTON STATION — BackReal + Gimmick + Concrete Confetti, 8 pm
CHICKIE WAH WAH — Grayson Capps & Sarah Lee Guthrie, 9 pm
D.B.A. — Trumpet Mafa, 6:30 pm; Dwayne Dopsie & The Zydeco Hellraisers, 10 pm
GOOD MEASURE — Brass-AHolics, 8:30 pm
HOLY DIVER — Rik Slave’s
DarkLounge Ministries, 8 pm
JOY THEATRE — Explosions in the Sky + Early Day Miners, 8 pm
Apricot Jam, 11 pm
MAPLE LEAF BAR — Marc Stone Band, 10 pm
NO DICE Kirkos + Two Tone Merigold & Planet Of The Little Green Men, 9 pm
JANE — Or Shovaly Plus, 3 pm
THE RABBIT HOLE Chkn Drum, 10 pm
ROYAL FRENCHMEN HOTEL — Big Easy Brawlers, 9 pm
SEAWITCH OYSTER BAR & RESTAURANT Silverline Serenaders, 5 pm
THE JOY THEATER — Explosions in the Sky, 8 pm
TIPITINA’S — An Evening With Honey Island Swamp Band, 9 pm
BACCHANAL — Miles Berry, 1 pm; Boma Bango, 7 pm
BAMBOULA’S — The Jaywalkers, 11 am; Boardwalker & The 3 Finger Swingers, 2:15 pm; Johnny Mastro Blues, 6:30 pm; Paggy Prine & Southern Soul, 10 pm
BEANLANDIA — La Louisiane Series, 6 pm
BJ’S — RAM de Haiti, 9 pm
BLUE NILE George Brown Band, 8 pm; Afrobeat NOLA, 10 pm
BOURBON O BAR Brian Wingard, 4 pm
BOURBON O BAR — The Blues Masters, 8 pm
CARROLLTON STATION — KIDNAP + David Suarez + Zach Smallman, 9 pm
D.B.A. Saskia Says, 2 pm; Tuba Skinny, 6 pm; Higher Heights, 10 pm
GASA GASA — Where Y’acht, 9 pm
GOOD MEASURE — Twin Sugar and DJ Madspinnz, 8 pm
LE BON TEMPS ROULÉ — The New Orleans Johnnys, 11 pm
LOUIS ARMSTRONG PARK Congo Square Rhythms Festival, 12 am
MAPLE LEAF BAR Marguirita Sunshine, 8 pm; Gov’t Majik, 11 pm
MARIGNY OPERA HOUSE The Light Set & Friends EP Release Show, 7:30 pm
OKAY BAR “Heatwave!” Soul + R&B Dance Party with DJ Ann, 9 pm THE PRESS ROOM AT THE ELIZA JANE Or Shovaly Plus, 4 pm
ROYAL FRENCHMEN HOTEL Glen David Andrews, 9 pm
SANTOS BAR — T.A.C.K. + T.U.F.T. + Gusher + Hard Fun, 10 pm
SILK ROAD — Johnny Lonesome, 6 pm
30/90 — Daphne Parker Powell, 3 pm; Andre Lovett, 6 pm; Manic Mixtape, 9 pm
ALLWAYS LOUNGE — Sunday Swing with Secret Six, 8 pm
ARMSTRONG PARK Congo Square Rhythms Festival, 10:45 am
BACCHANAL Tangiers Combo, 1 pm; Noah Young, 7 pm
BJ’S James McClaskey & The Rhythm Band, 9 pm
BLUE NILE — Street Legends Brass Band, 9 pm
BOURBON O BAR — Amber Rachelle & The Sweet Potatoes, 8 pm
BOURBON O BAR — Queta Cavalier , 4 pm
BRUTTO AMERICANO Or Shovaly Plus, 10:30 am
CHICKIE WAH WAH Skegss, 8 pm
D.B.A. — Treme Brass Band, 6 pm; Vegas Cola Band, 9:30 pm
GASA GASA — BulletsBetweenTongues, Empty Shell Casing, Panama Papers and Gumtpion, 9 pm
MAPLE LEAF BAR — Joe Krown Trio with Papa Mali, 9 pm
NO DICE — Tough Love pop-up with DJ Nile Ashton, 5 pm
OKAY BAR Sara Bug + Ritzy D + Tennessee Dixon, 7 pm
TIPITINA’S Jessica Pratt + Merce Lemon, 8 pm
VAUGHAN’S LOUNGE Domino Sound DJ’s, 8 pm
by Will Coviello
IN “A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE,” BLANCHE DUBOIS leaves her secret past in small town Mississippi and arrives in New Orleans, a place full of temptation.
In “Orpheus Descending,” which premiered on Broadway a decade later than “Streetcar,” Tennessee Williams tells almost a reverse story.
In “Orpheus Descending,” an attractive young musician named Val leaves New Orleans and his own questionable past for a small Southern town. He wears a snakeskin jacket and carries a guitar signed by the blues legend Bessie Smith and Jelly Roll Morton. When he arrives in the town’s central store, Carol Cutrere is sure she remembers something about him from a trip to New Orleans. Val attracts a lot of attention in a place that’s not necessarily welcoming to strangers.
The circle of acquaintances are drawn into the drama.
“Forbidden attraction is always fun to watch in Tennessee Williams,” Correro says.
Williams started working on the play well before “Streetcar” premiered in 1947. An early version was called “Battle of Angels.”
“Val shines light on places in these characters that they thought were long dead or didn’t know existed to begin with,” says Augustin J. Correro, who is directing the show for the Tennessee Williams Theatre Company of New Orleans. “It brings up questions that become dangerous because the status quo is so deeply important to so many of these folks.”
“Orpheus Descending” opens the 10th season for Tennessee Williams Theatre Company. It runs March 27-April 13 at Marquette Theatre at Loyola University New Orleans.
While the drama in some of Williams’ best-known works tend to revolve around a single character, there are a lot of subplots going on in “Orpheus Descending.” Val gains everyone’s notice, and that is unsettling in the small town.
Vee is an aspiring painter and sees the young musician as a fellow artist. Her husband is the sheriff, and he sees Val as trouble.
Val applies for a job at the mercantile store. It’s owned by Jabe and Lady Torrance, but he’s recovering from a recent surgery in a living space above the store, and Lady is running it. She hires Val, and she also takes a greater interest in the younger man.
“It’s dangerous,” Correro says. “When she encounters him, he’s a younger, attractive guy. She has a power dynamic that she’s never had with a man before. All these things are creating possibility for her.”
The name “Orpheus Descending” signals that the story reflects the Greek legend of Orpheus and Eurydice, in which the bard sought to rescue his wife from the underworld. But different elements of that story are reflected in different characters, Corerro says.
The setting is marked by the stifling and potentially dangerous social dynamics of a small Southern town, but Williams also shows the beauty and resourcefulness there. And many of the people Val meets have their own dark secrets.
“Orpheus Descending” runs concurrently with the Tennessee Williams New Orleans Literary Festival. The company has presented a Williams play during the festival every year except during Covid.
Correro and Nick Shackleford started the company doing Williams plays that are not often produced, like their debut production, “Kingdom of Earth,” and his one-act plays. They waited until they built a reputation before taking on landmark works like “Streetcar” and “The Glass Menagerie.” This season, the company will produce the landmark “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof,” as well as the partially autobiographical “Out Cry,” also called “The Two Character Play.”
The company also will bring productions out of state to festivals for the first time. That will include doing outtakes from “Orpheus Descending” at a Mississippi theater festival.
Tickets for “Orpheus Descending” are $25-$55, and $10 for Loyola University students, via twtheatrenola.com.
by Will Coviello
WITH MORE THAN 200 AUTHORS, the New Orleans Book Festival at Tulane University covers a lot of ground, and this year’s lineup is heavy on newsmakers and journalists. There are author interviews, panel discussions, book-signing sessions and more on March 27-29 at the center of Tulane’s campus in Uptown.
Among the recent newsmakers at the fest is Dr. Anthony Fauci, the doctor who ran the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for nearly four decades. He oversaw the government’s response to the HIV/AIDS crisis in the 1980s and was thrust into the spotlight during the Covid pandemic. His book, “On Call: A Doctor’s Journey in Public Service,” became a best-seller when it was released last year. He will be interviewed by Walter Isaacson at 10 a.m. Friday at McAlister Auditorium.
Opening the book festival is a panel discussion on the future of American democracy featuring several writers from The Atlantic and Bryan Stevenson, founder and director of the Equal Justice Initiative. Stevenson has argued numerous cases before the U.S. Supreme Court and championed efforts to fight inequality, injustice and discrimination. From The Atlantic, there is editor-in-chief Jeffrey Goldberg, staff writer and Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Anne Applebaum, Adam Serwer, author of “The Cruelty is the Point,” and more. The event is at 5 p.m. Thursday in McAllister Auditorium.
The New York Times is well represented at the festival. New Orleans native and former Times editor-in-chief Dean Baquet will be interviewed by former CNN anchor Don Lemon at 1 p.m. Friday. Baquet will also speak on a panel about AI, social media and traditional media, along with data analyst Nate Silver, author Ken Auletta and Molly Jong-Fast. The panel is at 2:30 p.m. Friday. New York Times columnists at the fest include Louisiana native Charles Blow and Maureen Dowd.
Other renowned journalists include Bob Woodward, author of more than 20 books on politics. Washington Post columnist and Ronald Reagan biographer Max Boot also is at the festival. A couple of political strategists from opposite sides of the political spectrum
share their views. David Axelrod, advisor to President Barack Obama and a commentator, and Karl Rove, advisor to President George W. Bush and a commentator, join each other onstage at 1 p.m. Friday at McAlister. Comedian and author W. Kamau Bell will attend the festival, and he’s on a couple of panels, including one with New Orleans native Michael Lewis, author of numerous books including “The Blind Side,” “The Big Short” and more. Bell is contributing a chapter to a project Lewis is editing, “Who Is Government?” Other contributors on the panel include Sarah Vowell and David Shipley, who created the concept for the book. The panel is at 2:30 p.m. Friday in Dixon Hall.
There are many sessions on cultural topics. Chef Nini Nguyen, who released a Vietnamese food cookbook last year, will sit on a panel with Nina Compton, who is releasing her cookbook, “Kweyol / Creole.”
A panel on humor includes Laura Moser of The Onion, Emma Allen, cartoon editor of The New Yorker, and Christopher Monks of McSweeney’s Internet Tendency at 1 p.m. Saturday at the Goldring/Woldenberg Business Complex. Local novelists include Sarah Broom, Nathaniel Rich and Katy Simpson Smith.
There also is music at the festival, and Deacon John performs at the closing event at 4:45 p.m. Saturday at the tent on the Berger Lawn.
The festival is free. There is a bookshop in the festival tent, and autograph sessions are scheduled there. Many authors sign books immediately following their speaking sessions.
Visit bookfest.tulane.edu for information.
By Frank A. Longo
Charles&Prytania offering privacy& convenience. Both unitshaveGreat floor plans forenter tainingguests. N.O. CharmfromorigHrwdFlrs to hi ceilings,frplc mantels& a wide wraparound balconyaccessiblefrommultiplerooms on the2nd Flrunit. 1stFlr Unit hasaGorgeousremodeled Kitw/SSAppls &Breakfast Counter, +HomeOfc.Bkyd spacew/a brickcrtyd &a recently renovatedbldgw/ BeautifulCustomBuilt Birchcabinets. Dr vw yprkgfor multiple cars!MustSee!! $670,000
a snarky, subtle insult, to a jeweler?
4BR, 4BAHomeonPrettyBlock 1stFlr has Hdwd Flrs &Lotsof Natural Light&2Ensuite Bdrms. Kitchenhas Cool MidCentury Modern design.2nd Flrhas 2Lrg EnsuiteBdrms w/ Cathedral Ceilgs &BambooFlrs. Primar y Bathroom hasaClawfootTub & tiledwalkinShower. Bkyd haslovelyPatio w/ estGarden Bed. Rear Bldg previously rented has potentialasa Guest Cottageorrental. Convenient Location w/ access to Tulane &Loyola+Claiborne Ave, directroute to Downtown &1-10. OffStreetPrkg! $595,000
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