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ARTS + ENTERTAINMENT Mid-Citymarinaparty
BayouBoogaloobrings music, art, food and comedy to BayouSt. John
FORYEARS,SeanPattoncame back to NewOrleans to film hislatest comedyspecial, “NumberOne,” at Tipitina’s.Itwas releasedin December on Peacock, andhe’s most recently been on an East Coast tour of rock clubsand theaters. This week,he’sheadlining thecomedytentatthe Mid-City BayouBoogaloo
It’s adaytime eventina30-foot by 60-foottentonBayouSt. John, butit’sa hometown show.It’salso anew dimension of theconstantly evolving festival
This year,Bayou Boogaloobrings music, art, comedy,a silent discoand more to BayouSt. John on Friday, May19, throughSunday, May21. Thecomedytentwill have stand-up acts allthree days.Friday nightfeaturesWait, What?, a stand-up comedy drinkinggame that typically runs at TheHowlin’ Wolf with five guestcomedians, andrecentcomic lineups have includedGeneva Joy, Laura Sandersand others. Saturday brings half-hour sets spaced throughoutthe afternoon by Rude Jude,MarkCaesarand KymbraLi.
On Sunday,Pattonperformsat5:50 p.m. VincentZambon,who hosts ComedyF—k Yeah at Dragon’s Den, performsat1:40p.m., andat3:45 p.m. there’sUkelele JokeswithJQ Palmsand ThomasJones
Musichas always been themain draw to BayouBoogaloo, andithas adiverse lineuponits twostages Colorado’s progressivebluegrass outfit Yonder MountainString Band headlinesSaturday.Closing Saturday’s live musicisa bounce and hip-hopshowcasefeaturing Juvenile,Partners-N-Crimeand DJ Jubilee. Texaspsychobilly band Reverend Horton Heat hasaclosing spot on Sunday.OnSundayafternoon, AtlantasingerBrooksMason leadsEddie 9V,a band that mixes soul,blues and Southernrock. Thelineupisheavy on localfunk, withWater Seedand TheRumble performingSaturday.OnSunday, psychedelic funk band TheIceman Specialhas atwo-set marathon slot from 5:45 p.m. to 8p.m Friday night, however, is focused squarely on localmusic,withthe Rebirth Brass Band,Bonerama, Boyfriend, People Museum and TheQuickeningall performing. Theweekend lineupalso includes LeTrainiump, BonBon Vivant,
JohnnySansone,Tascheand the PsychedelicRoachesand more. Thefestivalalso is trying outa silentdisco from 8p.m.to11p.m Friday andSaturday.Ina silent disco, patronsget headsets and can tune in to thestation they want to listen to,sopeople maybedancing to thesame or differentmusic
Another draw to thefestival is the de facto regatta. Foryears,patrons have broughtcanoes, kayaks, non-motorized smallboats,giant inflatables,rafts and makeshift barges.Floatingdevices canenter either endofthe bayou. Festival attendeeswho want to bring floating devices arerequired to payfestivaladmission,and a$100 refundable depositappliestosome flotation devicestoensurethey areremovedfromthe bayouafter theevent.Italso is possible to load some devicesintothe waterprior to thefestival.Standardstate laws forwatercraftusage and safety apply. Checkthe festival website fordetails
This year,the festival is trying out what it callsthe Moss StreetMarina. Usingthe spaceformerly occupied by R&SAutoonHaganStreet, there’sa hubofenvironmental groups witheducational displays. Thefestival also hasa Kids’ Tent.Someentertainment
by Will Coviello |
AMATHEMATICALLYTALENTEDTEENAGERWHO’SONTHEAUTISMSPECTRUM triestofigureout whokilled a neighbor’s dog,which leads to further questionsand discoveries.The drama is based on Mark Haddon’s novelofthe same name,though it’s substantiallyaltered from the book’sfirst-personaccount. At Le PetitTheatre May18-June 4. Find ticketsatlepetittheatre.com
Forthe Love of theCulture Fest

NEWORLEANSNONPROFITFEEDTHE SECONDLINETHROWS itsfirst For the Love of theCulture Festival onThursday, May18, with performances by TheRumble, Disturbing thePeace BrassBand, theSouthernBelle Baby Dolls, 79rs Gang andSpy Boys of the Nation.Big ChiefMonkBoudreaux of theGoldenEagles also will appear with TheRumble,which is frontedbyhis son, ChiefJoseph Boudreaux Jr.The fest runs 4 p.m. to 8p.m.atBeanlandia, 3300 RoyalSt. Find more info on Instagram,@feedthesecondline.
is participatory, andperformancesinclude Goat in theRoad Productions’ PirateImprovshow, kidskaraoke,Woodlawn Lions’ Vietnamese-style dance, AfroBraziliandrumming with Casa Samba’sCurtisPierre, Dances of theDiaspora, NewOrleans Hispano AmericanDanceand more.Therealsoare craftactivities such as puppetmakingand mask making.
Thefestival’s crawfish eating contest has alreadyhad itsinitial heats, and thefinalswill be on Saturday There’salso aloungeareaavailable to VIPticketholders.
Thefestival’sart market has nearly 50 vendors.Therealso are 20 food and drinkvendors. Festival drink booths arecashless,and attendeescan paywithcreditcards or electronic wristbands. Food and craftvendorsset theirown terms on acceptingcash andcredit.
Thefestival groundsstretchfrom LafitteAvenuetoDumaine Street Some streetsonsurrounding blockswill be closed to auto traffic. Parkingisavailable at Deutches Haus,The Canneryand elsewhere. Fortickets andinformation, visitthebayouboogaloo.com.
DARKPOP-ROCKERK.FLAYISONTOUR WITHTORONTO-BASEDALT-ROCK musician Grandson, whorecently releasedhis second album, “I Love You, I’mTrying.”Theyplayat7 p.m. Friday,May 19,atThe Joy Theater. Ticketsstart at $32 viathejoytheater.com
BlueKrewe, thenonprofit that operates Blue BikesinNew Orleans, has givenaway1,000 free helmetstolocals. Blue Krewestarted itsBlue Bikes Helmet Giveaway to promote bike safety and to help eliminatebarrierstobicycling around NewOrleans.Healthcare provider HealthyBlue and bike safetyadvocacy groupBikeEasycontributed to theprogram
LouisianaHouseRepublicansrejectadding rape,incestexceptionstoabortionban

KhalilMcKnight, astudent at NOCCAand HammondHigh Magnet School, has been named a2023U.S.Presidential Scholar. TheDepartment of Educationthisyearrecognized161 high schoolstudents fortheir accomplishments and selected threefrom Louisiana: McKnight,Baton RougeMagnet High student DanielLiu and CaddoParish Magnet High’s Ananya Bhatia McKnight plans to attend the Rhode Island Schoolof Designinthe fall
WEDNESDAYSHOTDOWNTWOBILLS that would have addedexceptionsfor rape and incest to the state’sstrictabortion ban.
Rep. DelishaBoyd,aNew OrleansDemocrat whoauthored oneofthe proposals, told the HouseAdministrationofCriminal JusticeCommittee shewas theresultofrape. She said her mother was15whenshe hadher and that theman whoraped her mother wasinhis late 20s.
“Mymother neverrecovered from that,” Boyd said.“She was dead before shewas 28 yearsold because no onetook time to take care of thechild that had been violatedbya predator.” Both Boyd andChairman JoeMarino, aGretnaindependent,tearedup during her testimony.
“Ifyou areforcing rape and incest survivors in Louisiana to carryforcedpregnancy, youare notsupporting victims,”she said Andrea Dube, whoworks on Democraticpolitical campaigns, said shewas rapedasa teenager andfelt“belittled”and “dismissed” when shereported it to thepolice.
“It’snot lost on me that in order to fightfor ourright to privacy, womenmust reveal themost intimate detailsoftheir most traumaticexperiences,” shetold thecommittee
Thestate’s largest hospitalsystemwill layoff employees across its42hospitals andother health facilitiesinLouisiana andMississippi. Thelayoffs will impact people in management,administrative andclerical rolesand come on theheels of Ochsner’sfirst unprofitableyearin more than adecade, accordingtoThe Times-Picayune. Thecompany’s CEO citedsoaring costsofmedical supplies, prescriptions,labor andequipment,as well as theend of governmentpandemic relief as reasons.
LouisianaHouseofRepresentatives passed ameasure 98-4 to requireevery public school classroom to display“In God We Trust”on11-by-14-inch paper.The bizarrecherry on topofthisridiculousrequirement: An amendmenttolower thepostersizeto8.5-by-14, so that themotto couldbe moreeasilyprinted,failed. The measureisnow goingtothe state Senate
ButRepublicanseasily defeated both measures on aparty line vote,withMarinojoining thefour Democrats in supportofthe bills.
Boyd’s wasn’t theemotionally impactfultestimonythe committeeheard Wednesday. Lawmakersalso heardfrom KatieHunter-Lowrey of the Louisiana Survivorsfor Reform Coalition,who said sheisasurvivorofrape by someone shewas dating andsuffers from PTSD from that experience
Some people whosaid they were theresultofrape or incest also testified in opposition to thebill,and some membersofthe committee sawthe testimoniesasevidence that womenand girlsshould be forced to carrytheir rapist’s child because thechild could grow up to be asuccessful adult
Boyd said Rep. Tony Bacala,a PrairievilleRepublican, asked her followingthe testimonyifshe was “gladthatyou’rehere.”
Boyd repliedshe wasbut that “noneofmychildhoodtraumas normyadult successes…gives me theright to decidefor another familywhattodointheir household.”
Thecommittee then rejected 5-9asimilar bill by Rep. Cedric Glover, aShreveportDemocrat. —KAYLEEPOCHE