Global Gaming Awards London 2023 Shortlist

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Lead Partner

A celebration of the leading companies and most dynamic individuals to have made their mark in the global gaming industry in the past year


With 2023 promising plenty for gaming, it’s a great time to take stock of what 2022 meant for the gaming industry as a whole. And every year at the Global Gaming Awards London, that’s what we do – celebrating the achievements of the past 12 months.

Believe me when I say there is a lot to celebrate. With leaps forward being made both online and offline to compete with rival entertainment products, gaming is at the forefront of technological development and customer-facing innovation.

There is, of course, huge growth in North America. But that doesn’t mean things have slowed down in Europe, Africa and Asia. Firstly, we have seen plenty from Europe’s land-based casinos this year – several of which have been nominated in our Casino of the year category. Indeed, 2022 felt like a truly ‘normal’ year for land-based gaming, following the huge break in proceedings the Covid-19 pandemic created.

Online, though, growth continued apace.

Operators have forged out dominant market positions across Europe, with many now either investing in or creating their own bespoke technology. Newly regulated markets and the development of new regulations have allowed legacy European firms to forge ahead.

we welcome two new categories in 2023: Platform Provider of the year and Online Slot of the year.

The Global Gaming Awards London overall are in their sixth instalment (fifth in person, given the pandemic year’s virtual edition) and the standard of nominees simply gets higher every year. As for the value of our Awards to their eventual winners, and even those who achieved making the final Shortlist, the rigorous nature of the process and the prestige associated within the ceremony are unparalleled.

But there remains room, too, for the relative newcomer. There will always be a place for start-ups in our industry, many of whom are able to generate impressive levels of growth very early on. At the Global Gaming Awards, too,

To this end, we must thank our esteemed judges, the Global Gaming Awards events manager, the Gambling Insider editorial team, our Lead Partner BetConstruct, our adjudicator KPMG in the Crown Dependencies and all those who took part. Due to its first-class production and the high quality of those involved, it is widely considered that the Global Gaming Awards are the best awards in the industry, and aim to reward only the most-deserving winners.

“Newly regulated markets and the development of new regulations have allowed legacy European firms to forge ahead”



BetConstruct is honoured to participate and be a Lead Partner at the Global Gaming Awards. We are always looking forward to meeting all of our colleagues from around the world in this warm gathering celebrating achievements and success.

Being a prominent market force puts weight on BetConstruct’s shoulders, a weight that can only be met with constant improvement and endless innovation. It sets a certain level of expectation which, we believe, BetConstruct never fails to exceed.

BetConstruct Resonance Fastex, a message that was talked about and spread for the past few weeks, is the result of all the values that we hold close to us, created to once again refine and redefine the boundaries of the iGaming industry. A complete Web 3.0-driven ecosystem that is designed to close the gap between iGaming and Web 3.0.

Innovation never stops at BetConstruct, and Web 3.0 is one of the biggest waves of innovation in the recent years; that is the reason why

BetConstruct is endorsing the Fastex ecosystem. With all the solutions and opportunities BetConstruct offers to its partners, we proudly say: Our Magnitude is Your Advantage.

This year’s Awards are a great way to celebrate our peers’ hard work, commitment and success. We wish the very best of luck to all nominees and look forward to what will undoubtedly prove to be another great event. To all winners, our congratulations on their well-deserved success. Good luck to everyone and see you soon.


How do you look back on last year’s Global Gaming Awards at the Hippodrome Casino?

It’s always a huge privilege to host the Awards at the Hippodrome; and the team behind it have become valued friends over the years. They’re true professionals. We also

get to welcome people here from a fascinating range of companies, individuals at the top of their game and at the forefront of innovation. But let’s face it, we also love to show off what stage we are in the evolution of the Hippodrome. There’s always something new to talk about.

What’s new for you at the property since last year’s show?

Of course, the loss of my father Jimmy at the age of 88, was a profound blow. He was the Co-founder and President of the Hippodrome and it will remain a legacy to his inspiring determination and our close partnership. The family

and I were truly overwhelmed by the messages of admiration and love that came from around the world. On a happier note, we celebrated a huge milestone, our 10th birthday, which gave us the opportunity for a party (as if we ever needed an excuse!) and, in truth, a period of reflection on what

we’d achieved and plans for the future. I also got to present more than 80 staff with their 10th anniversary pin, which I was especially proud to do. I’ve got a truly amazing team.

Along with attracting more than 15 million customers in our first decade, I’m proud that we’ve built a worldwide

reputation and garnered respect for delivering something genuinely new within the British sector. We’re leading from the front and being praised globally for our ambition, innovation, customer popularity and strong delivery; while having demonstrated how a casino business can become an

integral part of the local, mainstream, night-time economy. All the while, we employ 680 people and turn a healthy profit.

We’re now very much on the tourist map and one of those ‘must-see’ experiences for visitors and tourists during their time in the West End. This is no small endeavour, and something that demonstrates the ongoing evolution of the country’s casino sector and its future potential. In terms of bricks and mortar, we took the opportunity during the closure and curfew of Covid to complete some major projects, and begin work on others that we have finished in the past year.

Our three-floor outdoor terrace has proved a smash hit and we’re now looking at how we can extend it further, hopefully one day all the way up to the iconic pergola on the Hippodrome roof which has the famous charioteer atop; it’s a personal dream that one day I’ll have dinner up there, looking out on the West End.

In 2022, we re-purposed two former retail spaces within, but hitherto separated from, the core Hippodrome building. Planning and delivery on this £2.8m ($3.4m) investment took 10 months. These projects have unified the entire elevation of the Hippodrome building on its Cranbourn Street side.

One is Chop Chop at The Hippodrome, which we opened on 19 October 2022. The interiors were designed by Rachel O’Toole, the visual talent behind our Magic Mike Live theatre and the recently launched Permission cocktail bar. Its menu features dishes such as Four Seasons’ renowned roast duck – named by The Financial Times as the best in the world – and premium dim sum, including a range of vegan options.

There’s also CrêpeAffaire at The Hippodrome, opened in November 2022, which serves French crêpes and galettes, the brand’s new Crêpe & Roll range, coffees and desserts. A unique evening concept of “Crêpes & Cocktails”, exclusive to us, adds to the offering. The interior of the street level café recreates a relaxed living room vibe.

We also developed a new identity for the pre-show cocktail lounge, formerly known as The Boozy Tea Room. During 2022, the space was renamed Permission – a central theme to Magic Mike Live – and was given a complete makeover with new menu and cocktail list. Sales in the first month grew by 48% year-on-year.

Our dance show Magic Mike Live celebrated its fourth year and is nearing its 1,500th performance and is still playing to capacity audiences; it will be helped enormously no doubt by the imminent release of the third Magic Mike film starring Hollywood’s Channing Tatum, which is all about Channing opening his show in a London theatre… a true circle of life moment.

optimisation programme that helps us manage dynamic pricing on the live gaming tables. We’ve also installed SenGame onto all live gaming card tables, which helps us monitor number of players, hands per hour, accurate betting levels and side-bet contribution.

We’ve also installed the Focal Research ALeRT and BETTOR Protection system for identifying player scoring for low-risk, responsible gambling as well as models identifying those at-risk for prevention and harm reduction. And in partnership with Evolution, we’ll soon be bridging online gaming and the land-based environment which will come to life in the form of the world-renowned “Lightning Roulette”. New digiwheel games will also be on offer, including “Crazy Time.”

remain well ahead of our peers in adopting the latest technology exclusively, both to improve customer experience, run a more efficient operation and enhance customer safety. Our new Hippodrome App is a core component of using new tech to engage with customers, and has been downloaded by 20,000. We were the first British casino business to adopt the Tangam system, a table

How do you reflect on the past year from a land-based gaming perspective? It’s a curate’s egg. I think those out of London have found it tougher than those in the capital. The Hippodrome was fortunate enough to invest heavily into the pandemic wave, while the rest of the market had to shut its doors and turn off the lights. So we came out of Covid even more determined because we’d had the opportunity to re-frame the business; both physically, floor by floor, as well as redefining how the brand fits within the wider marketplace and closer to home in the West End.

What has your return to the European Casino Association been like? (We’ve dubbed it reverse Brexit!)

It’s been a highly positive experience

On a happier note, we celebrated a huge milestone, our 10th birthday, which gave us the opportunity for a party (as if we ever needed an excuse!)

and I’m delighted we’ve done it. In truth, we never really left because we maintained excellent relationships and strong lines of communication throughout. Let’s face it, we face so many common challenges and opportunities; it’s best we tackle them together.

As you look back on the past 12 months, what has the global gaming industry got particularly right?

If there’s one thing everyone realised, when the doors opened, the masks came off, and we began to come together once again, it was that we should embrace the opportunities our re-instigated freedoms now presents.

For so many people it made them realise how important it was to get out, experience something new, discover entertainment again, relish life. And there’s the opportunity. People want to be entertained. So it’s our job to innovate, be ambitious, provide that outlet for people to enjoy themselves and reach whole new markets.

By contrast, what can the sector do more to improve?

We’re doing it right now. We’re working hard with policymakers to educate them on the strength, scope, ambition and potential for the newly termed ‘fun economy’ that is now estimated to make up 15% of the world’s GDP. The

casino sector can be a fundamental part of that ‘fun,’ and our venues a keystone of the night time economy on dozens of the country’s new-look high streets. The potential is extraordinary.

As we look ahead to the ceremony at the Hippodrome this year, what are you looking forward to most for casinos in 2023?

The delivery of the white paper should give new freedoms and opportunities to the land-based casinos following years of, may I suggest, rather outdated regulations. For the Hippodrome specifically, I’ve a long list… new gaming products, partnerships, products, even an additional floor. Watch this space.

Shirley Bassey with Simon Thomas at a recent visit


What’s new with you and KPMG in the Crown Dependencies since last year’s Global Gaming Awards?

For the KPMG Islands Group, we’ve continued to merge our firms and teams, to maximise our ability to work together with clients throughout our region stretching from the Isle of Man down to Malta, and across to Bermuda and the Caribbean. Our eGaming Summits continue to be a really important part of our interaction with the sector, and we are looking forward to welcoming people back to the Sunborn in Gibraltar on 15 June 2023 – anyone interested can find details and a link to last year’s summit report on my or the KPMG Gibraltar LinkedIn page.

What are your fondest memories looking back at the Global Gaming Awards?

Too many to list – it is really a privilege to get to be the person who announces the winners & sees those delighted

“It has certainly been clear from my interactions with the large-listed operators that ESG, and within it DEI, are firmly at the forefront of their Board agendas”

people come up on stage to collect their own one of your coveted glass trophies – kind of like being the gaming equivalent of Santa Claus!

How much has the industry changed – or not changed – since you first started adjudicating the Awards?

The huge change has been the opening up of the US market for online gaming, and watching how the Europeans have contributed to the leaps, bounds and deals that have ensued – a ‘special relationship’ indeed! Attending G2E back in October (having been there first for the inaugural Global Gaming Awards in 2014), I was really struck by how the attendance has changed and how impressively our gaming team in the US, under the leadership of Rick Arpin in Las Vegas, has stepped up to meet the needs of the sector. There must have been around 30 partners and directors from KPMG in the US there at the event with me, and the other European members of the KPMG global gaming team.

What are you looking forward to most about this year’s ceremony?

Post-pandemic, we’re still revelling in the chance to be together in person, but the Hippodrome theatre is a lovely location too, so always an added pleasure to be there, especially on the eve of ICE!

How do you reflect on the past 12 months from a gaming industry perspective?

With my KPMG Islands Group hat on, it has been interesting to see a number of our Caribbean governments exploring the establishment of licensing and/or regulatory regimes for online gaming – I’m looking forward to seeing what direction they take in 2023.

In the wider sector, and business world as a whole, we have really seen our clients and contacts thinking very seriously about their purpose and impact from an environmental, social and governance point of view; and we have been working shoulder to shoulder with them on that, both on individual engagements and through our thought leadership events and publications. In particular, the consumer survey we conducted in June 2022 showed us that ESG is an area that the industry’s customer base cares deeply about. We collected more than 1,500 responses from respondents across North America and the UK, as well as insights from a number of operators – with 49% saying they factor ESG into deciding where to

place their bets, but 60% revealing that they know little or nothing about how gaming companies have implemented ESG. It feels like an opportunity that needs to be grasped, doesn’t it?

The aspect of the ESG agenda which particularly engages me, having led KPMG’s #WeAllWantToPlay initiative since its inception in 2016, is diversity, equity and inclusion, of course. I am always happy to talk to Boards and staff groups in the sector about the benefits of, and barriers to, DEI in the gaming sector – just get in touch.

And how do you reflect on the gaming industry’s past 12 months, from a diversity & inclusion perspective?

This was summarised perfectly in the run-up to Christmas when Andrew Bulloss (Head of Odgers Berndtson’s Global Gaming team) shared his executive talent takeaways for 2022 for the iGaming and gambling sector. On diversity & inclusion, he had this to say: “At board level and across executive teams, more diverse appointments are needed – not enough employers in our sector see this as important,

should and the ones that do will win. Purpose-led vision and sustainability have made it onto the board agenda of the bigger (often plc) businesses in our sector, but the industry lags behind other sectors in these two areas.”

It has certainly been clear from my interactions with the large-listed operators that ESG, and within it DEI, are firmly at the forefront of their Board agendas. This was particularly evident at Entain’s excellent Sustain event in October – but for the industry to grasp the opportunity to differentiate itself in a meaningful way by showing leadership in this important area, operators, service providers, industry bodies and the regulator will need to work in concert.

Finally from us, what are you expecting, and hoping, to see from the sector in 2023?

I am hoping to see innovation, customer centricity, purpose… in fact, the very qualities and behaviours which thrive in a diverse, equitable and inclusive environment – it sells itself really, doesn’t it? So I’d love the sector’s New Year resolution to be to make 2023 a year when everyone gets to play.

“In the wider sector, and business world as a whole, we have really seen our clients and contacts thinking very seriously about their purpose and impact from an environmental, social and governance point of view”


Just as the Global Gaming Awards London will take place at the Hippodrome Casino once again, our esteemed Judging Panel returns once more in 2023. Our Awards cannot be bought, sold or negotiated. Only those who truly deserve to be named a Global Gaming Award winner can achieve the feat – and that's precisely because they are judged by a panel of their peers.

With their votes officially adjudicated by KPMG in the Crown Dependencies, our Judges vote online to name the most deserving winners in each category. No Judge is allowed to vote in a category that represents a conflict of interest, and the diverse knowledge base our Panel brings to the table ensures a depth and breadth of expertise.

This in-depth Judging Panel is exactly why the Global Gaming Awards is like no other ceremony in

the industry – and remains the most prestigious of its kind within gaming.

Returning Judges include Aiste Garneviciene, BetGames COO, Daniela Johansson, Paf Deputy CEO, Chris Harrison, Google Industry Head, Jesper Svensson, Betsson Group CEO, Gustaf Hagman, LeoVegas CEO, Jordan Levin, OpenBet CEO, and many more.

Meanwhile, new members of our Judging Panel include Armine Sirunyan, Digitain Group COO, Tiina Siltanen, Casino Helsinki & Tampere General Manager, Dylan Slaney, Light & Wonder CEO, iGaming, Marinos Shiapanis, Campeón Gaming Co-Founder & CEO, and more.

A huge thank you to our Judges for their voting and participation; courtesy of their input, we are able to crown only the most worthy winners.

ADRIAN BAILEY Pariplay Managing Director
13 GLOBALGAMINGAWARDS.COM AISTE GARNEVICIENE BetGames COO ARMINE SIRUNYAN Digitain Group COO BJÖRN KRANTZ Yggdrasil Gaming CEO BOBBY LONGHURST Sportingtech Managing Director MIKAEL HANSSON Enteractive CEO & Co-Founder JESPER SVENSSON CEO Betsson Group GUSTAF HAGMAN Group CEO & Co-Founder LeoVegas CECILIA WACHTMEISTER CCO Kambi MARCO HERRERA President of EMEA Interblock Gaming MIKAEL LIJTENSTEIN AstroPay CEO NICK NALLY Continent 8 Technologies Chief Revenue Officer PASCAL CAMIA Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer COO PALLAVI DESHMUKH NetGaming CEO RICKARD VIKSTRÖM Internet Vikings Founder WOLFGANG BLIEM Grand Casino Luzern CEO DOTAN LAZAR LSports CEO & Co-Founder THE JUDGES
14 GLOBALGAMINGAWARDS.COM THE JUDGES DARIO JURČIĆ NSoft CEO FABÍOLA JAEGER Caleta Gaming Co-Founder & CEO JORDAN LEVIN OpenBet CEO VESSELINA ANDREEVA Amusnet Interactive COO DYLAN SLANEY Light & Wonder CEO, iGaming HELEN WALTON G.Games Founder & CCO LARA FALZON Bragg Gaming Group President & COO VIGEN BADALYAN BetConstruct Co-Founder EBBE GROES EveryMatrix CEO JENNIFER INNES Betting Jobs Managing Director LYUDMILA MILENINA First Sport Media CEO ELLEN SEZERINO Jogo Global General Manager JOHAN TORNQVIST Play'n GO CEO MARIJA HAMMON Relax Gaming Head of Marketing SHIMON AKAD Playtech COO
15 GLOBALGAMINGAWARDS.COM PIETER BOERS Holland Casino Vice President Gaming & Services SEBASTIAN SALAT Zitro CEO MARINA OSTROVTSOVA BGaming CEO OREN COHEN SHWARTZ Delasport CEO RENATO ASCOLI IGT CEO Global Gaming SIMON THOMAS The Hippodrome Casino Executive Chairman MARINOS SHIAPANIS Campeón Gaming Co-Founder & CEO MARINA ILINA PIN-UP Global CEO SOWBHAGYA SHETTY Data Sports Group Founder & CEO MARTINA ÅKERLUND Triggy CEO CARSTEN KOERL Sportradar CEO ROSSI MCKEE CT Gaming Vice President TEREZA MELICHARKOVA Swintt Head of Marketing MICHAL IMIOLEK Wazdan Group CEO TIINA SILTANEN Casino Helsinki & Tampere General Manager THE JUDGES
16 GLOBALGAMINGAWARDS.COM RETAIL OPERATOR of the year Fortuna Entertainment Group Groupe FDJ Paddy Power STS Gaming Group Intralot OPAP Danske Spil Ladbrokes Tipico William Hill Sponsored by: Upgaming is a reliable software provider company consisting of versatile, high-quality and bold features fully adapted to any casinos for their professional functioning. It also ensures its growing and further success. On the one hand, Upgaming creates a unified and multifunctional platform which guarantees casino profits through fast, efficient and high-quality performance, and on the other hand, increases the number of satisfied customers.



Groupe FDJ is the leading lottery and sports betting operator in France, and 2022 has seen it pick up strong momentum as we head into 2023. Its lottery games segment has continued to perform strongly, up 14% to €478m for Q3 2022 – benefitting from a large number of EuroMillions jackpots. The operator also managed to stabilise its sports betting revenue at €97m for the quarter, which left it in good stead for the FIFA 2022 World Cup in Qatar. Groupe FDJ’s nine-month revenue at the end of September was up 12% year-on-year to €1.8bn.


Founded in Poland, STS Gaming Group operates in European markets under UK and Estonian gambling licences. The company has over 400 betting shops in Poland alone, and bosses the market with 50% of the country’s market share. The operator’s Q3 results saw its revenue increase 25% yearon-year, and a 65% increase in profit totalling PLN 49m for the quarter.


Tipico is one of Germany’s leading sportsbook operators, with over 1,300 permanent betting locations. It is a partner of the Austrian Bundesliga and German Bundesliga giants FC Bayern München. According to its ESG Report released in July, the operator has over a 50% share of the market in Germany. The operator’s success in retaining control of the German market has been accredited to the operator’s ability to establish and maintain customer trust. Also in 2022, Tipico launched a number of security initiatives to reduce potential exposure to gambling-related harm.



Fortuna Entertainment Group has

grown from a small Czech operator into a multinational holding group since its founding. It is now one of the largest retail operators in Croatia where it operates under the PSK brand. PSK has partnered with over 2,000 café bars from which it operates its retail services. This unique approach to offering land-based services gives customers a unique sports betting experience not typically found throughout Europe. A sponsor of Dinamo Zagreb, Fortuna’s PSK brand also has self-service betting terminals in place across Croatia.


Irish sportsbook Paddy Power remains one of the top-performing retail sportsbooks in the UK & Ireland. The Flutter-owned sportsbook won Retail Operator of the Year at the Global Gaming Awards London in 2022, 2021 and 2020. Although it has felt the pinch at retail locations over the past year, alongside other retail destinations, a Flutter-led restructure of Paddy Power retail destinations in Ireland means its operating performance remained strong.


OPAP is one of Greece’s leading gambling companies. The past 12 months have seen an impressive year for the operator following two years of economic downturn as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Its Q3 2022 results show the company made €288,612 in profit, 61% up year-on -year. Cash flow from operations also grew 69% year-on-year for the quarter, while revenue was up 34% to €1.4m.


Ladbrokes remains one of Entian’s top-performing retail brands in the UK. In its interim results, Entain said retail performance was “ahead of expectations with a more interactive digital experience across gaming machines and betting

terminals driving greater customer engagement.” This has helped keep Ladbrokes at the forefront of the UK market, one of the biggest retail markets in the world.


2022 has been a big year for William Hill, following its acquisition by 888 Holdings. A stalwart of the UK retail landscape, times-are-a-changin’ for the once standalone sportsbook which was first acquired by Caesars Entertainment in 2020. 888 Holdings has since made its own independent approach to purchasing William Hill, meaning it can now kick on and build on its historic legacy. With a strong brand name, William Hill remains a leader in the UK’s retail betting market.


The lottery operator and supplier, headquartered in Athens, has a strong presence in European nations such as Italy. The company reported stable revenue for the first nine-months of 2022 – €301.7m ($317.8m) – which can be accredited to its business and capital restructure over the past year. For the first nine months of 2022, the company managed to keep capital structure optimization expenses down 93% from the same period last year. Its assets have also risen in value, from €575.3m for the first nine months in 2021, to €620.9m at the same point in 2022.


Danske Spil is an elite retail sportsbook destination within the Danish market. In its Q3 2022 report, GGR reached DKK 3.6bn ($473.1m), a slight rise in revenue despite a falloff in its sports betting and online casino verticals. Its lottery business has been its most successful, which operates both a retail and online offering. Its lottery service, Danske Licens Spil accounted for DKK 1.23bn of the operator’s total revenue.


Wazdan was created by a team of great people fascinated by games. The company sees itself as facilitator of operators’ growth. Innovation is Wazdan’s driving force – the company provides best-in-class games and a cutting-edge player engagement suite. The company is based in Malta and holds licences issued by the Malta Gaming Authority, the UK Gambling Commission, Swedish Gambling Authority, Romanian National Gambling Office ONJN, and Hellenic Gaming Commission. It is also certified in New Jersey (NJDGE), Estonia, Spain, Lithuania, Latvia, Denmark, Switzerland, Portugal, Colombia, Italy, and Belarus.

bwin Betsson Group Betway Supabets Sky Bet Smarkets bet365 888sport Betano Sponsored



With a strategy to strengthen its position as a global sports betting operator, Betsson Group has facilitated constant growth by becoming more agile and scalable. Its customers could bet on around 280,000 live events from 51.3 million markets, year-on-year increases of 18% and 28% respectively. Such a situation resulted in a sportsbook trading margin of 8.72%. The group continued its focus on customers, with site visits up 20%, bets per session up 22%, ratio of event pages views to sessions up 25%, views on event pages up 40%, and live stream views up 94%. The operator recently expanded into Africa through an investment in operator BetBonanza.


Launched in 2008 and operating both land-based and online betting and gaming, South African operator Supabets’ reach extends beyond its home country, stretching across the continent into Ghana, Tanzania and Zimbabwe. Owned by Intelligent Gaming, the operator made huge strides this year by teaming up with Evolution brands NetEnt and Red Tiger, with Supabets becoming the very first group in South Africa to offer a slots selection.


A division of 888 Holdings, 888Sport has enjoyed another very busy year, one that included partnerships with the likes of German football club RB Leipzig. The sports betting brand backed such agreements up with a 15% year-on-year revenue increase to $980.1m for the year ended 31 December 2021, as well as launching its first global ‘master’ brand to unite 888casino, 888sport and 888poker under the single brand positioning: Made to Play. This year, 888 also made key moves in the African market, being praised for how it has launched in the continent.


One of the many Entain-owned brands, bwin has expanded this year. The sportsbook offers an extensive sports betting section, ranging from US sports NHL, NBA, NFL, MLB and MLS to various European football leagues, tennis tournaments and boxing events. The operator also recently launched its fan-led campaign ‘Love Knows No Boundaries’ in its capacity as an official partner of UEFA.


Betway has, as always, been busy lately, partnering with various organisations and clubs across the globe. At the beginning of 2022, Genius Sports announced an extended working partnership with the sports betting and gaming operator, with former footballer Robbie Keane more recently becoming a Betway brand ambassador. Super Group-owned Betway has a focus on various jurisdictions, with Africa becoming its latest, with the group helping Twain Sport make its debut in the region via a new partnership.


Flutter Entertainment-owned Sky Bet has undertaken a customer-focused approach in 2022, whether it be letting email subscribers vote on price boost options, or playing its part in Safer Gambling Week with its very own ‘mythbusters’ programme, whereby customers were invited to learn more about wagering and betting fallacies. Sticking with its focus on promoting responsible gambling, the operator’s renowned partnership with the English Football League will continue to focus heavily on gambling responsibly, amid the increasing scrutiny of the sector.


Sportsbook accounts for 79% of overall revenue for operator bet365, with the group’s average monthly active

users enjoying a 48% growth, while its average monthly FTDs increased by 45%. The revenue was driven by availability of bets on 84 sports, across 8,000 competitions and 1.3 million individual events. The operator offered In-Play betting on 90% of those events, with Live Streaming available for 800,000 of them. Overall, 2022 saw periods of over 800,000 active logins and over 2,000 bets per second.


To say 2022 has been a busy year for Betano would be an understatement, with the group involved in several major deals, including a four-year agreement with Futebol Clube de Porto (FC Porto), as well as a partnership with football governing body FIFA for the 2022 World Cup. The sports betting and online gaming brand of Kaizen Gaming also helped Leap Gaming launch virtual sports in Romania.

SPORTSBET.IO’s quality product offering has allowed it to secure its standing as one of the leading crypto-focused sports betting brands, with its sponsorship deals with Premier League clubs Arsenal and Southampton helping bring cryptocurrency to a mainstream audience. The group’s innovations include its Clubhouse loyalty programme and its new payment options.


Headquartered in London, Smarkets also has offices in Malta and Los Angeles. The group operates the sportsbook app SBK, and prides itself on being different from its competitors. It has done a fine job expanding in recent times, also operating a betting exchange and betting market platform that is used to provide odds for the SBK app.

24 GLOBALGAMINGAWARDS.COM RETAIL SUPPLIER of the year Kambi FDJ Gaming Solutions Sportradar BetConstruct SUZOHAPP Inspired Entertainment Spotlight Sports Group GoldenRace NSoft Light & Wonder


of the year


FDJ Gaming Solutions has deployed more than 300,000+ terminals in partnership with Carrus Gaming. In 2022, the B2B arm of French national lottery and betting operator FDJ struck a deal with ISBB, Israel’s sports wagering monopoly, to deliver a total of 2,000 camera-based terminals to Israel’s sports betting retail network, along with its application and management suite.


BetConstruct’s land-based solutions enable operators to set up betting and gaming businesses from scratch, or grow an established one. Players get the opportunity to enjoy both live and pre-match sports betting, and wagers on virtual games at physical locations. BetConstruct’s software package comes pre-integrated with the company’s sportsbook, virtual sports, casino and live casino games. Moreover, BetConstruct keeps on improving its popular Betshop Client application by constantly adding more games from other suppliers. Most recently, BetConstruct freshened its land-based offering by adding titles from BetGames and GoldenRace.


NSoft is an omnichannel solution provider with strong land-based presence across various countries. NSoft’s betting platform serves nearly 14,000 betting shops and 6,200 betting terminals. The company’s hardware unit Stark produces self-service betting terminals, while the Terminal BackOffice application is a specialised tool that handles the daily transactions, processed tickets, terminal reports, operator shifts and access cards, terminal hardware configuration, maintenance mode, billing information etc.


Kambi is a trusted partner to more than 40 operators on six continents and has established itself as the foremost provider of on-property sportsbook technology. Kambi has an unmatched record of efficient and quality delivery,

transforming the retail offerings of Belgium’s Loterie Nationale, among other achievements.


In April 2022, Sportradar integrated the company’s internet-based Self-Service Betting Terminal (iSSBT) software into 245 retail outlets across Norway, as part of an expanded agreement to support the growth of the Norwegian state gaming operator Norsk Tipping. The iSSBT points of sale – more than 500 in total – provide bettors with a similar user experience and features to Norsk Tipping’s online sportsbook offering.


Inspired’s gaming, virtual sports, interactive and leisure products appeal to a wide variety of players, creating new opportunities for operators to grow their revenue. Inspired supplies gaming systems with associated terminals and content for approximately 50,000 gaming machines located in betting shops, pubs and gaming halls worldwide. In late 2022, the company secured its largest UK betting shop estate until 2028 after signing a deal with Betfred. Per the deal, Inspired will exclusively provide the UK bookmaker with fully integrated managed services for its entire estate of more than 5,500 terminals.


GoldenRace is a top developer and provider of virtual sports and betting solutions. With a reliable and cost-effective solution for retail and a cutting-edge online platform, operators can deliver GoldenRace’s attractive set of exciting sports customised according to their needs. Being the global leader in virtual football league play and pre-recorded video sports, GoldenRace’s games are currently available in over 50,000 shops. In 2022, the company released Game Launcher, a new retail feature to easily launch different viewers from any device. One of the Game Launcher’s main advantages is that it eliminates the need for a powerful computer or extra

hardware investment. With immediate application and access from any device, this tool transforms the retail offering.


A particular milestone from 2022 for Light & Wonder’s retail arm is extending its existing agreement with operator Entain through to 2030. The new agreement will see L&W continue to supply Entain with over 10,000 terminals, for Entain’s Coral and Ladbrokes retail shops. Additionally, L&W’s leading content aggregation platform provides Entain access to an extensive library of over 3,000 titles available from the world’s leading studios, complemented by cutting-edge player features including responsible gaming tools.


SUZOHAPP is a global supplier with a wide product portfolio of individual components for OEMs and casino operators. Popular products include the Elo Touch and Vision Pro monitors, custom printers, Microhard AGE300 card reader, Newland scanners, coin and bill validators, locks and more. As of recently, SUZOHAPP offers a complete sports betting ecosystem that is extremely beneficial in helping operators maximise their returns by automating the complete bet cycle. Two of the company’s newest products are the over-the-counter terminal and the bar top sports betting terminal.


SSG is the preferred choice for betting shops looking to enrich their sports content offering. Covering every sport, the company’s retail content is designed to give betting shop customers insight into how the experts think a key event will play out. Delivered through world-first digital screens, specifically configured to work in a retail betting environment. In 2022, SSG’s flagship brand Racing Post announced a transformation of its marketleading interactive betting shop display, while the latest version offers a new and improved customer experience with a redeveloped intuitive interface.

ONLINE SPORTS BETTING SUPPLIER of the year BetConstruct Altenar OpenBet Digitain NSoft Kambi Genius Sports BtoBet Sportradar Delasport GLOBALGAMINGAWARDS.COM



Altenar provides a fully managed sportsbook solution, integrated seamlessly into operators’ CMS and portals. The company’s software offers the stability of an established product, hosted on a secure infrastructure. Highlights for Altenar from the past 12 months include obtaining a Dutch licence, and becoming one of the first to introduce a sportsbook Cash Out product to the Italian market. Altenar also launched three new features with the aim to boost player retention for operators - Bore draw, Early Payout and 0% Margin. New sports such as table tennis, tennis and volleyball were also added to Altenar’s sportsbook.


Digitain’s omni-channel sports-betting platform offers AI-powered risk management, responsible gambling tools, flexible CMS, full reporting suite and a sophisticated CRM system, delivering a flexible, scalable and localised solution. It gives operators the power to differentiate and be successful, anywhere in the world. Covering 100 sports, 15,000 leagues and 3,000 betting markets, Digitain offers odds on 90,000 live events monthly.


Sportradar is the trusted partner of 900+ sports betting operators of all sizes in 120+ countries and the only independent one-stop-shop provider across the value chain. Offering sports data, pre-match and live odds, live streaming, trading and risk management, marketing, betting engagement tools, platform services, simulated reality and more, the company’s solutions drive business growth. In June 2022, Sportradar revealed ORAKO, an all-in-one sportsbook solution for betting operators seeking to introduce a sports betting offering or enhance an existing one.


BetConstruct’s Sportsbook is a fully managed sports betting platform with a comprehensive operator back office. With its Sportsbook solution, BetConstuct provides H2H stats for over 20,000+ matches monthly of over 2,400

tournaments. It covers 120+ sports types: from football betting to tennis to volleyball and hockey, all of these are available in 20+ languages. To help partners extend customer lifetime and achieve greater success in the industry, in September 2022 BetConstruct successfully released the Android SportsBook App v3 with a brand new, improved UI/UX and high stability.


One of the world leaders in sports betting entertainment, OpenBet has over 75 global customers and a 100% uptime record across major sporting events. In 2022, OpenBet acquired the assets and talent of Multi Builder Limited, as well as the talent of Sportsbook Training Services Limited, in a strategic move to continue enhancing its product offering. Other 2022 highlights include an extension to OpenBet’s partnership with Danske Spil, and an agreement with SAZKA to power sportsbook arm Sazkabet. In March 2022, OpenBet processed half a billion sports betting transactions during Cheltenham Festival, reaffirming its position as a leading provider during the world’s biggest sporting events.


Kambi is one of the industry’s leading providers of online sportsbook technology. The quality of Kambi’s product underpins commercial momentum outstripping that of any rival supplier - having agreed eight new partnerships in 2022. In 2022 Kambi acquired front-end specialist Shape Games, thus strengthening its sportsbook proposition. The addition of Shape Games extends Kambi’s excellence within the sports betting value chain and enables the delivery of the front end through either turnkey or modularised packages.


BtoBet’s Neuron 3 sportsbook platform provides technological excellence to its partners, no matter the market or size of their operations. The cloud-based platform allows for massive scalability while at the same time ensuring a very high degree of adaptability for

operators in Europe, Africa and LatAm. In the past 12 months BtoBet agreed deals with operators in Cameroon and Mozambique to name a few, and also gained Dutch certification for its sportsbook platform.


Delasport’s proprietary sports betting platform provides some of the richest betting coverage online, with more than 100,000 pre-match events and 70,000 live events, over 2,000 markets and 125 sports. Delasport’s sportsbook can be easily integrated into any operation via a simple and fully featured Sportsbook iFrame. In 2022, Delasport launched If Bet - a feature that allows bettors to link several single bets with a single wager, automating up to seven consecutive bets.


The NSoft Sportsbook includes Live MTS and Pre-Match MTS betting solutions. For large operators with the necessary infrastructure and in-house experts, NSoft delivers Self-Managed. In the past year, NSoft reported that the number of punters on online channels grew by an impressive 45% compared to the previous year. The number of tickets grew by 29.5%, and the total turnover is 27% higher than in 2021. Annually, NSoft covers 700,000 events across 30 sports in Live and over 750,000 events across 83 sports in Pre-Match.


Genius Sports is a trusted partner to sportsbooks around the globe. For example, Genius Sports has worked with Flutter Entertainment’s Sky Bet for over 10 years and, as a result of this successful partnership, Sky Bet is now the go-to brand for live football betting in the UK. In late 2022, Genius Sports launched In-Play MultiBet providing sportsbooks with a powerful new tool to engage players and grow revenues in time for the FIFA World Cup 2022 and ongoing NFL season. Through In-Play MultiBet, bespoke bets can be placed once the game has begun, enabling players to place bets after every goal, touchdown and during intervals.


CASINO of the year

Holland Casino

Cyprus Casinos Casino Estoril Casinos Austria


The Hippodrome Casino

Société des bains de mer de Monaco Casino Gran Via

Olympic Casino Latvia Grand Casino Luzern

Sponsored by:

Amusnet Interactive is a leading provider of products and services to online casinos. Players enjoy the excitement, rewards and innovative features that make Amusnet Interactive’s fully integrated online casino games portfolio so popular. With over 240 captivating slots, engaging table games, and an immersive live dealer studio, the company’s powerful software drives sign-ups and revenue for 500+ operators worldwide. Amusnet Interactive is currently licensed in over 30 jurisdictions, with more added all the time.



Opening up its 14th location – in Utrecht – this year, 2022 was a period of growth for Holland Casino. H1 revenue saw €353.4m ($351.9m) generated, while the operator is now welcoming a new era under CEO Petra de Ruiter. Although online growth was particularly notable for the company in 2022, Holland Casino’s properties remain its staple offering.


Boasting the Olympic Voodoo Casino in Riga as the biggest casino in the Baltics, this brand offers elite casino and poker games, alongside first-class sports bars. Focusing on customer entertainment, as well as loyalty and bonus schemes, Olympic Casino Latvia also emphasises its social responsibility and environmental protection initiatives.


The fifth-biggest casino in Europe, Casino Estoril has been around for 50 years. Front and centre for its visitors are live music and concerts – offering free access to the public – with 4 and 5-star hotels within walking distance. In 2021, €452.3m ($475m) in prizes were awarded, with 2022 another successful year for the Portuguese property.


A leading casino property in South Africa, Montecasino offers international theatre, family fun, world-class dining, shopping, movies and casino thrills. Operator Tsogo Sun Gaming reported a 43% year-on-year rise in income for H1 2022, with EBITDA also up 52%. Montecasino is another property offering plenty of perks within its reward scheme.


Enjoying huge success with its Magic Mike show, the Hippodrome Casino has continued upgrading its property, with rooms inside the historic building continually being converted to bars and lounge areas. All the while, table games continue to be a

CASINO of the year

priority, along with slot machines and high-profile tournaments in the Hippodrome’s poker rooms. This property was last year’s winner of this Award.



2022 was a strong year for the Monaco casino company, with H1 revenue up 39% for the operator of Casino de Monte-Carlo. It generated €432.3m ($453.5m) in revenue – better results than its pre-Covid fiscal year. Gaming revenue accounted for €131.3m, while hotel revenue was up to €235.4m. Monaco remains a top destination for VIP casino-goers, with the Casino de Monte-Carlo a huge reason as to why.


Open 24/7, Cyprus Casinos’ Limassol property offers 1,300 square metres of real estate, 33 tables and over 255 slot machines. The Salon Prive provides private games, with a number of different versions of poker available, as well as the C2 Rewards Club for regular players. Backed by parent company Melco Resorts, Cyprus Casinos looks to provide only the highest class of gaming experience.


Lambaart since 1 April, the new CEO’s

first few months have overseen healthy growth at the casino operator. Billing itself as boasting “four decades of excellence,” Casinos Austria runs 3,700 gaming machines across multiple properties, 250 gaming tables and 4,500 lottery terminals. Casinos Austria’s mission is to “attract new customers to both segments of its business: casino and gaming development and management.”


The Grand Casino Luzern Group is the leading casino operator in Switzerland, growing its revenue and profit in recent years. The land-based property’s success has allowed the casino’s online brand to grow, while it is also pursuing new markets. Mixing the glamour of Monaco with the casinos of Las Vegas, the Swiss casino boasts the famous Restaurant Olivo within its repertoire.


Advertising itself as the best poker room in Spain, the Casino Gran Via in Madrid has regularly hosted international poker tournaments over the past 12 months. The Spanish property offers “the best cocktails, gastronomy and spectacular architectural treasures.” The beautiful and historic building has stood in the heart of Madrid since the 1920s.

theatre, family fun, world-class
10bet Videoslots Betsson LeoVegas Jackpotjoy Campeón Gaming Casumo GGPoker PokerStars
ONLINE CASINO of the year
Bragg Gaming Group is a content-driven iGaming technology provider, serving online and land-based gaming operators with its proprietary and exclusive content, and its cutting-edge technology. Bragg Studios offers high-performing and passionately crafted casino titles. Its proprietary content portfolio is complemented by a range of exclusive titles from carefully selected studio partners. Bragg’s modern and flexible omnichannel PAM powers multiple leading iCasino and sportsbook brands. All content delivered via the Bragg Hub, whether exclusive or from Bragg’s large, aggregated games portfolio, is managed from a single back-office and is supported by powerful data analytics tools, as well as Bragg’s Fuze™ player engagement toolset.


of the year


Videoslots is a Malta-based online casino operator, licensed across European markets including Sweden, the UK and Denmark. The past 12 months has seen Videoslots sign a number of strategic partnerships. This includes a content agreement with Raw iGaming for its full portfolio, additional MGA games added to its portfolio and a partnership with Stakelogic in Italy. Furthermore, May 2022 also saw Videoslots join the International Betting Integrity Association (IBIA), a body whose existing members account for approximately $137bn of global betting turnover.


No Online Casino of the Year nominations can be complete without LeoVegas, the online casino operator that has won this Award every year since the Global Gaming Awards was first founded. The operator has continued its momentum in 2022, with Q3 2022 revenue totalling €98.7m ($96.1m). The year also saw LeoVegas enter a sports betting partnership with English Premier League side Manchester City FC. The online operator had its acquisition by MGM Resorts completed. This will surely cement LeoVegas’ status as one of the most prominent online casinos in Europe – also taking it to new regions.

STAKE.COM has had a year of product launches and partnerships in 2022. The crypto online casino signed a sponsorship extension with Championship side Watford FC and partnered with Premier League club Everton FC. This was followed by the launch of a new game – Wild West Bonanza – made in partnership with BGaming. Stake’s games reach a range of markets worldwide, joining the UK market after coming from Canada,

Brazil and Japan. It has further attracted attention via its collaboration with global superstar Drake.


The second half of 2022 has been a big year for 10bet, following its launch in South Africa. This comes as part of the company’s one-country-at-a-time expansion policy in African markets. The iGaming operator introduced a range of games to coincide with the FIFA World Cup 2022.


It has been a year of strong growth for Swedish iGaming and sportsbook operator Betsson. In fact, Q3 2022 represented the operator’s “best ever” quarter, posting €200.3m, up 18% year-on-year. Betsson’s Q3 results represented a 35% organic rise for the fast-growing operator, with its iGaming segment driving significant growth for the brand – with revenue up 8% year-on-year. The past 12 months also saw Betsson expand into new international markets, having also invested in African brand BetBonanza.


Headquartered in Greece, B2C operator Campeón Gaming has a focus on supplying tailor-made content, and it enjoyed a bustling 2022 thanks to various signifi cant partnerships. Such agreements include Campeón teaming up with notable casino supplier Swintt, as well as renowned provider Livespins. The disruptive and innovative iGaming hub now has over 30 unique brands and over 100 team members across multiple offi ce locations, celebrating fi ve years as a company with a special event in Athens.


GGPoker has made many signifi cant moves in recent times, with one such

move involving its Poker Integrity Council (PIC), which joins an industry-wide effort to identify and blacklist cheaters in poker. The group also partnered with Triton Poker events, and furthered its presence across the globe by obtaining a German gambling licence.


Flutter-owned PokerStars was kept very busy in 2022, going live in several new jurisdictions. The group also made significant strides in furthering female representation in gaming by partnering with Women Who Code (WWCode), as well as sending five of the leading US female poker players to the PokerStars European Poker Tour Barcelona. Overall, PokerStars enjoyed another big year full of poker activity.


Part of the Gamesys group, Jackpotjoy is licensed and regulated in Great Britain by the Gambling Commission and the Government of Gibraltar and Gibraltar Gambling Commissioner. Jackpotjoy is always a popular bet, with the group home to a range of online bingo, live casino and slot games. The company is transparent about its rules for customers and indeed its commitment to responsible gaming.


Founded in 2012 in Sweden and currently headquartered in Malta, Casumo is a mobile-fi rst online gaming group that specialises in providing casino and sportsbook products. The group’s portfolio of brands includes Casumo, Dunder, Casino Secret and Kazoom Casino, live in the likes of Sweden, the UK, Germany and Spain. Casumo is always on top of its game when it comes to issues such as major tournaments and match tips, as well as giveaways.



Galaxsys offers a wide range of fast and skill games in the iGaming industry. Its game portfolio has been developed to allow partners to increase their overall offering, improve both player acquisition and retention, and generate profitable growth.

The team is focused on continually improving both the range and variety of in-house developed games, to deliver a stream of fresh, entertaining, and engaging content to partners and their customers.

NOVOMATIC Interblock EGT IGT Merkur Gaming CT Gaming Dallmeier Zitro TCSJOHNHUXLEY Win Systems
of the year
Sponsored by:



Interblock’s product portfolio has now evolved to over 40 various products and hundreds of features/functionality within its portfolio, offering more ways to achieve increased handle and house advantage while reducing operating expenses. This diversification has been a direct result of the company’s industry knowledge and its understanding of the numerous player demographics. In 2022, Interblock expanded its presence in the Romanian market after installing its Stadium in the Grand Casino Bucharest at the JW Marriott Romania, and installing its hugely successful Universal Cabinet Blackjack at the new Elite Slots Casino in Pitesti.


IGT is a leading end-to-end casino supplier with products that create best-in-class user experiences. IGT’s performance-tested content portfolio drives play globally to help its customers succeed, and its ‘Peak’ family of cabinets are among the highest-performing in EMEA. The company recently extended its Mega Millions contract with Holland Casino venues in the Netherlands, and continues to drive growth in Eastern Europe. IGT sets the standard for systems performance, cashless gaming, and omnichannel content.


TCSJOHNHUXLEY is a leading manufacturer and supplier of Roulette Wheels, Gaming Tables, the popular Chipper Champ and A Plus Shuffler, the latest in Blaze LED Surface Technology and more. In 2022, the company further extended its European footprint after being granted a licence approval by the Andorran Gambling Regulation Council, allowing TCSJOHNHUXLEY to supply the principality of Andorra with its extensive product portfolio.


NOVOMATIC is one of the biggest international producers and operators of

gaming technologies and Europe’s largest VLT supplier. The company is fully active in all segments of the gaming industry and continues to develop its leading portfolio for the international markets. In 2022, NOVOMATIC launched its new cabinets for the international casino markets - the DIAMOND X 2.32 and the DIAMOND X 1.55 J-curve version. Another highlight for the company from the past 12 months was installing NOVOMATIC’s cabinets in the reopened Casinò di Campione.


Over the last 12 months, EGT proved once again that it is a trusted provider of gaming products and services. The company launched many new products that quickly became players’ and operators’ favourites. The company currently holds a 45% market share in Cyprus and in July 2022 installed its G 50-20 C VIP cabinet in the luxurious Concorde Nicosia and Concorde Bafra casinos. Other highlights for EGT from the past year include a large-scale installation of 170 cabinets of the P-27/27 St Slim VLT model in Italy, as well as installations of its latest slots in Monaco’s Casino de Monte-Carlo and Casino Café de Paris.


In 2022, CT Gaming released the next generation of slot machines that combine advanced technology for players and operators with a compelling game package, and cutting-edge design. In the past 12 months, the slot manufacturer continued to expand its market reach with new installations, after agreeing deals with Holland Norway Lines, Viva Casino in Cyprus and Palms Merkur Royale in Bulgaria, to name a few.


Zitro’s strong game portfolio has conquered players around the world. The company currently offers a wide selection of cabinets and a constantly renewed game library, to deliver new and exciting experiences to players. Highlights from

the past 12 months include installing 88 Link at Casino Tarragona in Spain, the Altius Glare in Casino Baden in Switzerland, the new multi-game Double Link at Casino Gran Canaria, Wheel of Legends at Casino Zurich, to name a few.


With its best-in-class casino management systems, gaming machines and an easily integrated end-to-end service, Win Systems now operates in more than 60 countries worldwide, with a multi-channel service offering across hundreds of venues of different sizes and across multiple regulatory jurisdictions. A popular product by Win Systems is the Gold Club electronic roulette.The WIGOS casino management system has also been popular across Europe. Most recently, Win Systems strengthened its partnership with Grupo Orenes and installed the WIGOS system in the group’s Gran Casino Extremadura in Spain.


Merkur’s huge library of titles are combined into multi-game cabinets to suit any client base. The company’s first-class cabinets are modern, packed with the latest technology. In 2022, the company expanded its presence in Croatia after installing Merkur Mystery in the Vulkan Premium City Mall in Split and Vulkan Premium Club in Slavosnki Brod. The company also made its first installation in Italy, with LinkZone arriving at the Casinò di Venezia.


With over 20 years of experience, Dallmeier has become an expert in video technology for land-based casinos. Dallmeier has planned and realised the biggest real-time IP systems in casinos worldwide. One of the company’s best products is the Casino Operating System (COS) called HEMISPHERE® SeMSy®5, a software platform that helps properties easily control and optimise their core areas: gaming, surveillance and marketing.

CASINO SUPPLIER of the year NetEnt Yggdrasil Gaming Amusnet Interactive Pragmatic Play Wizard Games Swintt Lightning Box Games Bragg Gaming Relax Gaming Greentube Sponsored by:
sports betting and
platform technologies,
reputation for providing reliable, cutting-
Digitain offers a wide range of premium products and
sports and fast games,
channels - online, mobile and retail.
Digitain is a leading provider of
back to 1999. Over the years, the company has developed a
edge solutions to the iGaming industry. At present,
services, including its proprietary
casino, live
esports, virtual
delivered across all available



Yggdrasil strives to offer the best games, innovative mechanics and engaging player experiences. In 2022, Yggdrasil released its first slot that uses the company’s new DuoMax™ mechanic. DuoMax™ is the seventh mechanic developed by Yggdrasil, joining GIGABLOX™, MULTIMAX™ and DOUBLEMAX™, which continue to drive superb game performance. Yggdrasil’s greatest piece of innovation, however, is GATI (Game Adaptation Tools & Interface) which allows multiple studios using diverse technologies, and in locations across the world, to securely build games into a single unifi ed platform.


Pragmatic Play combines an incredible array of verticals in its portfolio, all available via one single API. From impressive slot titles to live casino games that twist, transform and elevate the genre, no stone is left unturned in its quest for excellence. In addition, a bingo solution provides incredible gaming opportunities to players. In 2022, Pragmatic Play signed a number of partnerships and launched its games with operators in the Netherlands, South Africa, Switzerland and more. The company also agreed to deliver its Bingo content to bet365.


Over the past few years, Relax Gaming has established itself as one of the industry’s leading B2B suppliers. In total, Relax provides more than 3,000 online casino games, from its high-performing proprietary slots to an extensive library of content from hand-picked third-party studios via its partnership programmes. In 2022, Relax launched the Dream Drop Jackpots product, a five-tiered progressive jackpot designed to revolutionise slot gameplay, offering players the biggest must-hit jackpot to date. Relax also agreed to deliver its top-performing slots to operator giant bet365 and its games also made their debut in the Spanish market via a deal with Entain.


NetEnt is a premium provider of online casino content. It supplies high-quality gaming solutions to the world’s most successful online casino operators. In 2022, the company, which is part of Evolution, launched a number of successful new titles such as Space Wars 2™ Powerpoints™, Superstars™, Bee Hive Bonanza™ and more. The studio’s iconic Starburst™ game celebrated its 10th anniversary. In the last two and a half years alone, the game has seen an incredible 18 billion spins. Other 2022 highlights for NetEnt include launching in the Netherlands with Holland Casino Online, and in South Africa with Supabets.


Amusnet Interactive is evolving, adding more products to the existing 200+ online slots. Amusnet offers a captivating portfolio available in 30+ jurisdictions and powers 750+ live operators. The provider introduces new features and functionalities to the well-known classic slots, which make the players’ experience even more exciting. Cuttingedge graphics, attractive mechanics, entertaining features, re-designed casino lobby and scalable architecture all add-up to create Amusnet’s unique portfolio. In 2022, Amusnet expanded its presence in Italy, Spain and the Czech Republic.


While Swintt has established itself as one of the in-demand software suppliers in the online casino industry, there can be no doubt that the past 12 months have played a particularly pivotal role in the brand’s rise to prominence. Highlights include 44 new game launches, 52 go-live operators, with 17 being launched in Q1 2022, 264% increase in unique players and 362% increase in bets placed on Swintt’s games.


Bragg is a leading supplier of premium proprietary and exclusive content from both European & international gaming studios, Atomic Slot Lab, Wild Streak Gaming, Indigo Magic, Spin Games and Oryx Gaming, combining expertise,

tradition, and passion from years of experience in online casino game design, delivery and analytics. In 2022, Bragg launched over 20 unique and exclusive slots, carefully calibrated to the specific tastes of players in over 28 jurisdictions. In addition, Bragg’s state-of-the-art gamification and engagement toolset FUZE continued to be successful.


Greentube’s vast and continuously growing portfolio of impressive products and services includes classic slots, video bingo games, video poker games, table games, server-based gaming, social casino gaming and much more. Over the past 12 months, Greentube expanded its reach in Italy, one of Europe’s largest and most established online markets, through a deal with Scommettendo’s online casino. It also bolstered its presence in Germany following a content deal with RULEO, as well as in the Netherlands and Belgium after a deal with Gaming1 brand Circus.


Wizard Games delivers value-driven iGaming experiences. The company recorded a year-on-year growth of 117% in bets placed, a 98% increase in distinct players and an 88% rise in gross gaming revenue. Wizard Games’ 120 titles are live in 20+ regulated jurisdictions in Europe and internationally. In 2022, the studio released over 20 new games with attractive and innovative mechanics, themes, features and math models.


Lightning Box has enjoyed an incredible year with 57% growth in GGR, following its acquisition by Light & Wonder. Lightning Box’s Lightning Shenlong is one of the top 10 games from all available products on the OpenGaming platform. In addition to developing successful slot titles throughout 2022, in November the game studio made its table game debut with Keno, which includes player favourite mechanic lightning respin.

ONLINE SLOT of the year Stargate Megaways Light & Wonder Gold Digger Megaways IGT PlayDigital Sugar Rush Pragmatic Play Star Guardians Evoplay Elvis Frog TRUEWAYS BGaming Rise of Olympus 100 Play’n GO Space Stacks Push Gaming El Cowboy Megaways Stakelogic Alexandria Fire GAMOMAT 9 Coins™ Wazdan GLOBALGAMINGAWARDS.COM

ONLINE SLOT of the year



Gold Digger Megaways brought the lovable prospector Gold Diggin’ Gus to the Megaways stage in one of IGT’s best-performing slot titles ever. This action-packed game was a big hit with players and operators alike: triple-digit increases in wagers in the three months after its EU launch, and an overall wager increase of 76%. It’s not easy to make a successful sequel to a top-performing slot, but with Gold Digger Megaways, IGT PlayDigital struck gold.


Star Guardians is the loudest and biggest game release by Evoplay - the industry’s first third-person-shooter gambling game with manual control. The Star Guardians project includes not only the game itself but also a full-cycle marketing campaign with cinematic promotional videos, a comprehensive social campaign (50+ million reach and 1, 567 080 video views), and the first artbook and comic book that became an all-in-one exclusive business solution for Evoplay’s partners.



Alexandria Fire is the fourth game in GAMOMAT’s Fire series and has been one of the strongest releases for the studio during 2022. Within its first two weeks, the slot was played by twice as many players as usual. Furthermore, reports show that Alexandria Fire has had an 80% increase in spins. It is also one of the top fi ve games in almost all GAMOMAT jurisdictions to date. Alexandria Fire’s Reveal Feature & Fire Respins deliver an epic experience.


Stargate Megaways marked a new era for Light & Wonder as the very first game to be released under the studio’s bold new brand name. Based on MGM’s legendary sci-fi fantasy film Stargate, Stargate

Megaways is a flagship slot with highly innovative bonus features and mechanics. The Stargate Trail sees players unlocking modifiers and one of three free spin bonus rounds in a game that has generated turnover of $27m since its release in April, with a max win so far of 7,956x.


Sugar Rush™ is boosted by a unique cascading wins feature that adds multipliers, which can increase to up to 128x per symbol. Cascading wins quickly turn one spin into one of staggering possibilities. In free spins, all multipliers remain sticky, further driving engagement as players see their chances of huge rewards fill the reels. The game has been a huge success since its release in June 2022, and compared to an average launch it has seen 200% more spins, with weekly growth to date.


Rise of Olympus 100 is a dynamic grid slot sequel to the Play’n GO’s 2018 classic, Rise of Olympus. The story picks up where the first game left the characters, featuring mighty brothers Hades, Poseidon and Zeus. The game’s artwork is a spectacle to behold – building upon the first game’s stellar visual presentation. Taking creative inspiration from Greek Mythology, the title’s high-quality animations and dynamic gameplay elevate the player experience. For the ‘100’ remake of the game, Play’n GO inflated winning possibilities to 15,000x the bet, far surpassing the original’s 2,500x.


El Cowboy Megaways mixes elements of Mexican celebration of Dia de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) with cowboy iconography. The game offers up to 117,649 ways to pay across six dynamic reels, with explosive win cascades and a range of wild modifiers thanks to the Bonus Reels mechanic. The game received plenty of great reviews all round and

the game mechanics were praised by operators.


9 Coins™ introduces the innovative Cash Infinity™ mechanic. This easy-to -understand feature increases the chances of triggering the Hold the Jackpot bonus round, significantly boosting player engagement and allowing operators to generate better results. 9 Coins™ has quickly established itself as Wazdan’s best release of the year, outperforming its highest-performing titles. The incredibly popular slot has also spawned two sequels, as the entire franchise goes from strength to strength.



TRUEWAYS - In 2022, BGaming released the sequel to its popular Elvis Frog series in brand new TRUEWAYS mechanics, which provides players with more than 260,000 ways to win. TRUEWAYS works on the principle of reels spin and playing on 6 reels-layout, where a random number of symbols, from 2 to 8, can drop on each of the reels. Elvis Frog TRUEWAYS delights players with its impressive features, including Scatter symbols, Free Spins, classic Wilds, Wilds with multipliers, and Coin Respin Round, with three types of Jackpots and another unique addition to the gameplay – a Lightning feature, which makes the bonus game longer.



Push Gaming blasted off into outer space with its 2022 slot release Space Stacks. This 10x10 reel game has six Instant Prize Blocks, three Bonus Games and the Max Block. With 10 different Blocks to bet on, players are captivated with a whole universe of possibilities to win up to 5,000x in deep space. Space Stacks also marked the launch of Push’s new Reelbets™ mechanic, allowing players to split their bet between different Instant Prize Blocks, Bonus Round Blocks and the Max Block.

52 GLOBALGAMINGAWARDS.COM PAYMENT SOLUTION of the year Trust Payments Paysafe MiFinity Trustly ISX Financial AstroPay Xace Neosurf Nuvei OKTO



Paysafe has been supporting the global iGaming and sports betting sectors for over two decades by providing operators with a comprehensive suite of traditional and alternative payment methods through a single, streamlined API integration. Additionally, the company is a leader in digital and affiliate marketing technology, and services for iGaming operators through its Income Access business unit. In 2022, the company expanded its partnership with supplier Playtech so that now operators in the UK and Europe can leverage Playtech’s iGaming PAM, IMS platform to access a range of Paysafe’s payment solutions.


Trustly is a powerful player in the gaming industry, offering improved acquisition, increased customer loyalty and reduced admin among other key benefi ts. It allows gaming providers to accept payments, issue payouts and access valuable user insights. Trustly Express, which has launched in Finland, Sweden, the Netherlands and the UK, makes gaming easier by reducing the number of steps at checkout for returning users. Pay and Play is another powerful tool which combines the registration and deposit processes, and creates a seamless experience.


Nuvei’s modular, flexible and scalable technology allows companies to accept next-gen payments, offer all payout options and benefit from card issuing, banking, risk and fraud management services. In 2022, Nuvei entered into a partnership with Kindred Group to support the sports betting, bingo and online casino operator with payment services in many of its key markets across Europe; it extended its partnership with UK online gaming operator Eyas Gaming and reaffirmed its position as a leading payments provider for the igaming industry in

Italy by agreeing to exclusively supply payment technology for Lottomatica.


Trust Payments is a high-risk acquirer with 15 years’ experience in the gaming industry. Using its world-class technology, Trust Payments helps merchants stay compliant by blocking jurisdictions or card types where gambling is illegal or unregulated so that the merchant doesn’t have to. The company processes over £56bn ($68bn) volume per annum, with Gaming making up 20%. In 2022, Trust Payments was selected by the world-famous London Hippodrome Casino to power its new cashless wallet mobile payments offering.


MiFinity is a global payments provider supporting the gaming industry. Topline metrics include a 130% increase in transaction volume, 500 new brand integrations and a doubled merchant base. MiFinity has expanded to over 225 countries, integrated 75 payment methods, 17 native currencies and 20 languages. New services launched in 2022 include MiFinity eVoucher, virtual IBAN, MiFinity Affiliates, enhanced iFrame and the expansion of its PayAnyBank settlement service.


AstroPay is a global payment solution serving +7 million users and hundreds of merchants across the globe. Its digital wallet solution, OneTouch helps create a seamless digital experience and user data-driven solutions for the gaming community. In 2022, AstroPay launched its cryptocurrency offering, new prepaid Mastercard and VISA debit cards. It also introduced a VIP loyalty programme.


Neosurf is a popular payment solution in the gaming and esports community.

The company stands out from the rest by focusing on prepaid vouchers. This method provides players with the ability to control spend through limitations, allowing both spend management and helping any players who prefer to maintain discretion around their gaming spend. A number of leading operators such as bet365, William Hill and PokerStars use NeoSurf’s services.


OKTO.WALLET is a mobile payment platform, tailored for the gaming industry that aims to reduce payment friction, enhance player experience and boost retention rates, allowing real-time e-money fund transfers in a simple, secure and fast manner. In 2022, OKTO made its entry into the UK casino market via a partnership with the Hippodrome Casino, enabling the casino’s customers to pay responsibly for their entertainment with OKTO.WALLET.


ISX Financial offers a complete end-to-end regulated service across all its verticals. These include instant inter-bank payments, electronic money, card processing, card issuing, currency exchange and identity verification services. The group has been growing its presence in the regulated online gaming market, and supports industry giants Entain and William Hill among other companies.


Xace provides advanced yet simplified banking services and solutions for iGaming. In 2022, Xace announced its new FX product, spanning eight major currencies, all within a single IBAN. Instant business FX for gaming is the latest in a string of product announcements for the brand in the past 12 months, and completes a powerful multi-currency offering for the industry.

56 GLOBALGAMINGAWARDS.COM SERVICES PROVIDER of the year CSB Group Enteractive OCR Labs Continent 8 Technologies Gibtelecom mkodo Exacta Solutions Smartico Internet Vikings IDnow Sponsored by: Soft2Bet is a casino and sportsbook platform provider and operator group offering casino and sports betting options. With four major licenses, Soft2Bet supports over ten projects, including CampoBet, YoyoCasino, LightCasino, ZulaBet, Cadabrus, and Betinia. The company boasts over 60 developed websites, 8,500+ games, 120 game providers, and 150 payment providers.



Enteractive helps operators around the world increase their number of active players. The service is complementary to any brand’s core CRM operations. In 2022, Enteractive delivered 335% ROI for operator clients (on average), maximising the number of active player deposits and their ongoing retention. Across global markets, Enteractive currently provides revenue-generating CRM services for 120 brands across 39 operators.


Continent 8 is a managed hosting, connectivity & security services provider with 25 years’ experience, powering iGaming’s biggest brands including Microgaming, Playtech and 888 to name a few. The company’s network is growing rapidly with 90+ connected locations across Europe, the Americas & Asia. It innovates and constantly evolves its solutions: including the Gaming Exchange, hyperscale partnerships (AWS/Microsoft) & cybersecurity.


Internet Vikings is a global IT provider specialising in bespoke hosting solutions, domain management and marketing solutions in the field of brand traffic protection borne out of the need to fill in the missing gaps in the market. It is a supplier driven by the desire to build a foundation allowing its clients to provide players with the best possible uninterrupted gaming experience, and support further industry growth. Over the past 12 months, Internet Vikings has been helping its European clients expand into the US by offering more than just hosting and marketing solutions, but also helping them with licensing and legislation.


CSB Group assists operators with setting up and/or re-locating their iGaming operations to Malta, the European iGaming hub. The company is backed by a highly skilled advisory team who professionally assists with

various gaming-related services, from incorporating a company in Malta, support with opening a bank account, tax advice, to the submission and pursuance of the Malta iGaming licence applications with the Malta Gaming Authority (MGA).


OCR Labs removes the stress of identity verification for iGaming companies. The company’s technology seamlessly onboards new players to operators’ sites or apps, and reauthenticates loyal users quickly and securely for any step-up actions like detail change and cash out. OCR Labs Global uses advanced image analysis and deep learning technology to verify any user, by linking their face to their identity documents that are built to stay ahead of fraudsters. Its deep neural network is built to detect pixel changes, deep fakes, screens, printouts and more –and it continues to learn new techniques in real-time.


mkodo has over 20 years of expertise delivering the best mobile apps, websites and digital UX to sportsbook, casino, bingo and lottery operators. Additionally, mkodo also offers expert consultancy, app management services and a geolocation solution purposely built for the iGaming sector. Its suite of products and services equips operators with a comprehensive understanding of what it truly means to provide an exceptional UX across multiple channels, with a mobile-first approach.


Smartico is a Gamification & CRM Automation platform, which gives the tools and the know-how of retention and loyalty, with a vast amount of features and mechanics like Levels, Missions, Badges, Tournaments (Sports, Casino, Lottery...), Mini Games, with the recently added free-to-play Sport Prediction game MatchX. Smartico combines both CRM and gamification, which is a unique one-stop-shop no one else offers in the industry.


IDnow offers KYC & age verification tools to gaming operators. With IDnow AutoIdent, once customers register on an operator website or app, they are directed to the automated identification process. After successful identification, the customer data is transmitted to the operator, allowing them to verify the new account on the spot. In the event that regulations require human verification, IDnow VideoIdent offers fast and legally compliant online identification capabilities using an agent-assisted video chat process. Most recently, Eyas Gaming selected IDnow to deploy automated ID verification for the onboarding of its customers in the UK.


Gibtelecom, a global provider of data centre facilities, has served as a trusted partner in the gaming industry for 20 years. It expanded its locations, services and key personnel in the last 12 months. Gibtelecom’s Maltese data centre, launched in 2022, is probably the best connected on the island with direct connections to Africa. Link Managed Security capabilities is added to an expanding enterprise portfolio, allowing customers to benefi t from Security Operations Centre, Network Management and Monitoring and Firewall.


Exacta’s services include a comprehensive consultation to identify gaps and opportunities in a company’s business. From organisational setup to reward structures and hiring methods, Exacta’s team of professionals analyses current practice, identifies opportunities, advises on the way forward, and assists with execution. Exacta also offers extensive recruitment services and the company’s M&A advisory team is actively managing investment opportunities within the igaming industry.

60 GLOBALGAMINGAWARDS.COM PRODUCT LAUNCH of the year Sportsbook and Casino Platform Technamin Bonus Wheel Roulette Interblock FUZE™ for Sports Betting Bragg Gaming Cash Show Galaxsys Altius Glare Zitro Quantum and Qinetic Quixant JackpotEngine EveryMatrix DIAMOND X™ NOVOMATIC Dream Drop Relax Gaming Triple Sensor Jackpot with Charity Metres Galaxy Gaming Sponsored by: Evoplay is an industry-leading iGaming supplier, providing online casinos with video slots, table, classic and instant games. It uses groundbreaking gameplay, mobile-first thinking, and cutting-edge design to elevate user experience and bring new audiences to the world of iGaming. With a development centre and offices in Europe, Evoplay has an established partnership network throughout Asia, the CIS, Latin America and Europe. Its clients are found in 41 countries around the world.

PRODUCT LAUNCH of the year


Boldly designed with dual wheels, Interblock’s new Bonus Wheel Roulette makes an impactful addition to gaming floors and allures players with endless betting opportunities. Interblock has created a new level of roulette entertainment by offering a second wheel for players to multiply their winnings. This game is designed to increase the House Advantage for the casino, while providing players with a greater level of entertainment.


Galaxsys cooperated with Fashion TV Gaming Group to create the first-ever luxury fast game with cutting-edge graphics - Cash Show. The game logic is quite simple: Players place bets before the start of each game round. The round starts as the model begins her walk, and as she progresses, the odds start to grow until she stops and strikes unique poses for the player. The Galaxsys team has developed the concept and implementation of the innovative game to the highest level here.


In early 2022, Relax Gaming unveiled its Dream Drop Jackpot product, a fivetiered progressive jackpot designed to revolutionise slot gameplay, offering players the biggest must-hit jackpot to date, and for operators - an extremely powerful tool for acquisition and retention. Enabled by the Relax Apex™ platform, the jackpot offers multiple ways for players to win big with 5 winning opportunities; including Rapid, Midi, Maxi, Major and Mega Jackpots, all of which lead to a guaranteed hit. Between the five categories, there have been more than 1 million individual winners to date, including 53 Major Jackpots and five Mega Jackpots.


Launched in 2022, Technamin’s casino and sportsbook platform has been able to provide the company’s partners and

their players with the ultimate iGaming experience. A huge number of games from the top suppliers and a sportsbook with infinite possibilities provide quantity, alongside quality built into its fully customisable front-end. There’s also full player engagement, providing great retention and conversion rates, as well as full crypto-compatibility for the modern player.


FUZE™ is Bragg’s game-changing engagement toolset. Following the tremendous success of its tools in the casino sector, in 2022 the offering expanded to sportsbook, enabling operators to leverage event-driven betting demand with targeted gamified promotions that punters can track in real-time. The highly configurable sports betting promotions help operators promote specific sporting events, allowing punters to compete with each other and boosting wagers.


In September 2022, Quixant launched Quantum and Qinetic, its new range of turnkey cabinets, tailored to the requirements and legislation of all global gaming markets and the sports betting industry. The cabinets range is powered by Quixant’s market-leading gaming hardware platforms and comes with a comprehensive suite of peripherals. They are highly configurable, available in a range of display and button deck configurations and can be tailored to meet each customer’s individual product and market requirements.



After the launch of the DIAMOND X™ 2.32 multi-screen cabinet in March 2022, NOVOMATIC followed up with the DIAMOND X™ 1.55J in August. It is the first NOVOMATIC cabinet with the J-curved screen. Both cabinets have very quickly become popular with operators and players alike, delivering an impressive presence on the gaming floor, thanks to their stunning indirect LED lighting

concept against the backdrop of the black finish.


Galaxy Gaming agreed to supply the luxurious Les Ambassadeurs Casino in London’s Mayfair with the world’s first Triple Sensor table progressive, at £25 ($30), £50 and £100 bets. These robust progressive bets feed to 6 metres - 3 representing the available jackpot to win and 3 representing a charity donation to Les Ambassadeurs Good Causes charity arm. 20% of every bet feeds into this charity metre to be donated when the corresponding jackpot has been won.


In January 2022, Zitro presented its premium cabinet – Altius Glare – the tallest Glare cabinet with bigger real estate for stunning graphics and outstanding gameplay. With its impressive 55” and 27” Full HD displays, and its Intelligent LED Halo, Altius Glare is the ideal form-factor for a truly immersive gameplay. The cabinet also features 4k graphic resolution images, a smart deck digital keypad with large buttons, wireless mobile charger, and easy access to the interior for both players and operators. Since its launch in early 2022, the cabinet has landed in many casinos throughout Europe, including Casino Baden, Casino Zurich, and Casino Barrière Montreux.


In April 2022, EveryMatrix launched a new product for the casino vertical, JackpotEngine. The new gamification solution offers a comprehensive set of configurations that enables operators to manage complex jackpots and add an extra layer of excitement on top of the players’ ordinary betting. The product offers iGaming operators full control over the selection of games where the jackpot is offered, player segmentation, winning probability, seed amounts, winning cap, contribution distribution and the split of contribution funding between operators and players.

64 GLOBALGAMINGAWARDS.COM AFFILIATE PROGRAM of the year Campeón Affiliates N1 Partners 888 Affiliates V.Partners Entain Partners Betsson Group Affiliates Mate Affiliates Kindred Affiliates 1xBet Partners bet365 Partners Sponsored by: SOFTSWISS is an iGaming expert and the very first online gambling software company to start working with cryptocurrencies in 2013, having introduced a bitcoin-optimised online casino solution. Today the company has a vast product portfolio, which includes an Online Casino Platform, Crypto Casino Solution, Managed Services, Game Aggregator with thousands of casino games, the Affilka affiliate platform, the Sportsbook Platform and the Jackpot Aggregator, a Jackpot as a Service solution for creating promotional campaigns.



N1 Partners’ affiliate programme remains one of the best in the industry. With over 4,000 partners and two million registered players, the affiliate offers solutions that are designed to fit a player’s needs. Its affiliate programme allows patterns to earn as much as 50% of revenue share with no negative carryover. N1 Partners also offers CPA (cost-per-acquisition) and hybrid models, alongside $5m in prizes.


V.Partners has had a successful 2022, receiving approval from Affiliate Guard Dog for its affiliate programme. This certification means its terms and conditions have been fully verified and its host collaboration approved as effective. The approval means V.Partners fulfils its obligations to affiliates, pays out commission on time and only works with licensed brands. V.Partners works with several brands, including Vulkan Bet, Ice Casino and Green Casino.


1xBet Partners can still boast its affiliate programme as the industry’s largest. With over 50,000 partners, its affiliate programme is offered in over 69 languages, offering over 200 payment methods. The programme is known for its high conversion of registration to deposit up to 40%, lifetime commission per player up to 40% as well as automatic weekly commission payments and weekly updated advertising material. Its real-time statistics also provide immediate updates for real-time earnings.


Campeón runs a multi-brand affi liate programme with over 2,000 affiliates and

successful partnerships. The company’s affiliate programme offers tailored commission plans to suit the needs of its partners, giving each affiliate a dedicated manager and detailed reports of traffic results and web performance. Campeón’s affiliate programme has received testimonials from Bojoko, Raketch and affiliate giant Catena Media.


888’s Affiliate Programme allows partners to make use of the company’s strong brand name. Well known internationally, 888 Affiliates offers its partners a greater presence in regulated markets, with personalised commission plans and bespoke marketing material. 888 says its Affiliate Programme has monetisation in mind and is tailored specifically to each partner, to increase their online presence.


Betsson Group Affiliates has a range of partners in its portfolio, including Betsafe, NordicBet, Starcasino, Casino Euro and Jalla! Casino. Its affiliate programmes offer bespoke campaigns for each of its partners, including The NordicBet Million for NordicBet and the Betsafe Million for Betsafe. Betsson Group Affiliates has been taking part in a range of CSR activity this year, such as visiting the Foodbank lifeline Foundation that supplies food donations in Malta and Gozo.


Kindred Affiliates has partnerships with world-renowned brands including Unibet, 32Red, and Maria Casino. Kindred Affiliates is known for offering a local approach, supplying its clients in different regions with local affiliate managers, who provide market

and language support. Kindred’s affiliate programme is officially licensed in all of Australia, Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, Ontario, Romania, Sweden, the UK and 5 markets in the US.


Over the last year bet365 sought to build on the successes of previous years and further grow the bet365 Partners programme. Applications to the programme grew by 40% year-on-year, making 2022 the largest year to date in terms of new and prospecting advertisers. New depositors grew by more than 102% year-on-year, with total net revenue increasing by 18%. Affi liate-referred existing customers, measured via logins, grew by over 47% year-on-year.


Like its peers on this nominations list, operating giant Entain offers some of the world’s largest affiliate programmes, with over 10,000 affiliates on board. Entain’s affiliate programme distributes more than €6m ($6.3m) in commission every month, offering revenue share up to 35%. Through its affiliate programme, Entain offers some of the most attractive sign-up offers and promotions, with comprehensive reporting and customised affiliate-only deals.


Mate Affiliates is fast becoming an affiliate of choice for its industry-high revenue share offer of 60%. This year has seen Mate Affiliates increase its portfolio with two new brands, Oh My Spins and GreatWin. The company has received a string of testimonials from its partners around the globe.



EGT is an international supplier of gaming products, currently one of the fastest growing companies in the global gaming industry. EGT’s slot cabinets stand out with their stylish, elegant and comfortable design. All models follow the latest trends in the gaming product development and industrial design. The company’s game titles are curated to bring entertainment to players and excellent results to operators. EGT’s focus on the latest technologies in the industry has made it a highly appreciated partner worldwide. Its machines are installed in over 85 countries around the world.

Kindred Group IGT ComeOn Group Flutter Entertainment Parimatch Tech EPIC Risk Management
Betsson Group Paf
Play Française des Jeux (FDJ)
Sponsored by:



Paf is already known as the only international gaming company that has introduced an annual mandatory loss limit for all online customers. As of late 2022, the Finnish-based operator set a blanket mandatory loss limit of €10,000 ($10,560) per year for young people between 18-24 across its sites. Previously, the loss limit had been set at €20,000 for all online customers but now Paf is looking after its youngest customer segment with the new measures.


FDJ is among the most active companies in terms of ESG. Proof of that is the fact that for the fourth year in a row, FDJ Group was awarded the A1+ Sustainability Rating by Moody’s ESG Solutions. In 2022, FDJ offered a helping hand to all Ukrainians that fled to France from the war in their home country with a generous donation amounting to €200,000. In August, FDJ also launched its fifth campaign to safeguard “endangered heritage” in France.


Parimatch Tech is certainly one of the companies who did the most to help Ukrainians amid the ongoing war in the country. The brand doubled its financial assistance to Ukraine in March from UAH 30. to UAH 60m – approximately $2m. Within just four months, the Parimatch Foundation purchased and distributed over 50 tons of humanitarian help. The number of beneficiaries has surpassed 55 thousand Ukrainians. In May-June 2022, the Parimatch Foundation continued to increase financial assistance and identified several priority areas: psychological rehabilitation of children, sports programme renewal, and work with medical projects and facilities. By June, the amount of help from the company reached UAH 180m ($4.9m).


Player safety is one of Betsson Group’s cornerstone values. With 2 million+ yearly contacts, its customer service team is trained to identify potential problem gambling signs and handle them in a professional and emphatic manner, or

escalate to the RG team. Some stats from last year include: over 20,000 escalations related to player behaviour handled; Over 350,000 on-site players notifications pushed; Invested in preventive RG technology with an in-house behavioural monitoring tool. In addition to RG, Betsson Group is dedicated to giving back to the community it serves and has been involved in a number of charitable activities throughout the year.


Pragmatic Play has created waves in 2022 to prompt real change in the local communities where its main hubs are based, in Malta, Gibraltar and Romania, as well as in conflict-struck regions around the world. In total, donations to charities supporting those affected by the Ukrainian crisis totalled more than €200,000, while donations to various causes throughout its local communities saw contributions to animal welfare, women’s empowerment and environmental charities.


IGT’s sustainable growth strategy is centred on four key priorities: valuing its people, advancing responsibility, supporting its communities and fostering sustainable operations. As part of this strategy, IGT upholds nine of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), while adhering to the UN Global Compact. In July, IGT published the IGT Sustainability Plan 2022/2025, which consists of targets to further integrate sustainability and improve ESG impact in IGT’s daily operations across the globe.


In October, Flutter revealed that it is spending over €100m a year on safer gambling in the UK and Ireland. The company’s UK&I brands also introduced an industry first in mandatory deposit limits for customers under 25, a £10 ($12.27) limit on slot products. Flutter is also dedicated to supporting its local communities - for instance, recently Sky Betting & Gaming raised over £134,000 for charity Support Dogs. In November, Flutter renewed its partnership with Missing People UK, meaning that it will utilise the collective reach of its UK&I

brands to raise awareness, of the charity’s support services for vulnerable people in crisis and boost the charity’s campaigns.


EPIC Risk Management is the leading independent gambling harm-prevention consultancy. EPIC works closely with gambling operators, sports clubs and associations to educate them on the risks of problem gambling and how to mitigate these. Nearly 35,000 students from UK schools and colleges have benefited from EPIC’s range of education programmes in 2021/22. As of 2022, the company delivers its gambling harm minimisation expertise to the world of horseracing for the first time, following a new partnership with Racing Welfare. The company is also set to Gambling Harm Prevention in Sport Summit in London, in partnership with UCFB’s Global Institute of Sport (GIS).


Throughout 2022, Kindred Group continued to work on its “Journey Towards Zero” which aims to achieve 0% or revenue generated by problem gambling by 2023. In 2022, Kindred also became the first operator to offer French players access to self-exclusion feature Gamban through its flagship brand Unibet. Additionally, Kindred organises the Sustainable Gambling Conference to connect stakeholders within and outside the industry, to discuss how we all can work together to secure a more sustainable gambling industry.


In 2022, as part of its overall CSR and People strategy, ComeOn Group announced the rolling out of a new overarching programme called ComeOn Cares, in collaboration with Richmond Foundation, an NGO based in Malta that champions optimal mental wellbeing for all. As part of the programme, the company’s employees will receive mental health support, and ComeOn will sponsor various other programmes aimed at supporting the local community’s mental health. ComeOn also launched an extensive volunteering programme, enabling all employees to individually pick a good cause to support.


Light & Wonder, Inc. (along with our subsidiaries, “Light & Wonder”) is a leading cross-platform global game company focused on creating games that players love to play wherever they love to play them, be that land-based casino, online or on mobile. Headquartered in Las Vegas, Nevada with more than 5,000 employees across six continents, we create content, hardware, table games and systems that connect iconic titles across any place or channel. By turning games into expansive entertainment, Light & Wonder keeps thrilling players with characters and stories for endless fun.

72 GLOBALGAMINGAWARDS.COM PLATFORM PROVIDER of the year EveryMatrix Digitain SOFTSWISS BetConstruct Upgaming Sportingtech SoftGamings Soft2Bet OMEGA Systems Aspire Global Sponsored by:



In 2022, Digitain launched Centrivo - an all-in-one iGaming platform. Innovative features include an extensive range of proactive responsible gaming options, a comprehensive back-office management and reporting system, an intuitive and flexible CMS, a flexible cross-product bonus tool and a globally rich payment gateway, boasting over 400 payment providers. Centrivo can also handle up to 10,000 bets a second. The Centrivo multichannel, multilingual and multicurrency platform provides everything an operator will need to build a successful gaming business. As well as Digitain’s own wide range of products verticals, such as its sportsbook, additional content and products can be easily integrated.


BetConstruct’s all-mighty Spring Platform hosts more than 10,000 games. It is the backbone of BetConstruct’s omni-channel product and service portfolio as well as third-party integrations including sportsbook, peer-to-peer games (skill games), RNG games and slots, poker, virtual sports etc. and is currently integrated with all the major providers. As an open platform, it allows for integration with any choice of platform, product or service.


OMEGA Systems’ enterprise-level OLTP/OLAP platform management software solutions provide innovative tools for all operators, from online to land-based, and from crypto to social. OMEGA allows clients to take control of their own data, operations and player management. It connects operators to more than 270 providers and enhances players’ experience without complication. OMEGA’s ISO-certified system is seamless, fl exible and ready to power your dream, making it the only gaming platform you’ll need.


EveryMatrix delivers software, solutions, content and services for

casino, sports betting, payments and affiliate management to Tier-1 operators, as well as to newer brands. The company’s CasinoEngine provides a fully managed and robust casino platform solution to operators, including access to 12,500+ casino games across 250+ vendors. Additionally, GamMatrix combines PAM and wallet management, fraud detection and prevention tools, and RG features. Last but not least, EveryMatrix offers OddsMatrix - a modular and agile sportsbook platform offering sports and esports events coverage.


SOFTSWISS’ core product is the Casino Platform, a scalable solution for launching an online casino from scratch. Besides a robust technical, legal,and payment infrastructure, the platform continues to evolve on every front. In the latest updates, the Team Tournaments feature and the in-game currency conversion enhanced player engagement. In 2022, 34 new casinos joined the SOFTSWISS Casino Platform. SOFTSWISS also offers a sportsbook platform covering over 1,200 markets and sports betting on 180+ sports, pre-match and in-play betting, exclusive sports bonuses, live broadcasts, seamless wallet integration and gamifi ed player experience.


Sportingtech’s Quantum platform has seen significant commercial success thanks to the company’s localised and customised approach. Quantum covers more than 65 sports, 9,000 games and over 1,000 betting markets. In 2022, the company signed new clients, including SunBet which is owned by the casino and resort giant Sun International, as well as 888AFRICA. In the last 12 months, the casino platform delivered sustained double-digit growth of 75%.


Soft2Bet is a platform service provider that delivers white-label and turnkey solutions that provide limitless possibilities for customisation. In 2022,

the company launched its new and improved platform. The platform is built highly adaptable with a secure and intuitive structure, as well as top-notch security infrastructure that rivals the best in the business. The casino and sportsbook products have the highest level of gamification seen in the market, as well as content from the top providers and suppliers in the industry.


Aspire Global’s AspireCore platform provides operators with the gateway to countless online gaming opportunities, thanks to the scalable and flexible PAM solution that simplifi es the process of entering new jurisdictions. The platform offers proven technology; dedicated access to Aspire Global’s in-house sportsbook, a vast portfolio of content and market-leading payment solutions. A very stable platform, it handles over 3 billion monthly transactions and had a 99.97% uptime over the last 12 months.


Upgaming’s platform has been designed to help operators increase their productivity and profits without much effort and create a perfect gaming environment considering users’ needs. The platform offers a variety of features such as: payments, back office, security, affiliate management system, bonus system, etc. The combination of these options creates a desired environment for both players and casino owners.


SoftGamings develops feature-rich Turnkey platforms, white label platforms, self-service solutions and bitcoin casino solutions. Its platform has an advanced loyalty system, together with gamification and tournaments features and unlimited customisation options. The platform is able to handle millions of transactions per day without glitches and slowdowns, and its uptime metrics are one of the best in the industry. In 2022, SoftGamings acquired two new licences by the MGA and the Romanian National Gambling Office.

76 GLOBALGAMINGAWARDS.COM EXECUTIVE of the year Robert Chvátal Allwyn Gustaf Hagman LeoVegas Natalia Hilevych Parimatch Ukraine Jette Nygaard-Andersen Entain Carsten Koerl Sportradar Simon Thomas The Hippodrome Casino Neil Fairweather bet365 Jenna Ekström Paf Aregnaz Hakobyan Digitain Walter Bugno Games Global Simon Hammon Relax Gaming Tsachi Maimon Aspire Global Dan Taylor Flutter Entertainment Itai Pazner 888 Holdings Olabimpe Akingba Association of Nigerian Bookmakers Valentina Bagniya SOFTSWISS Brigid Simmonds Betting & Gaming Council Erwin van Lambaart Casinos Austria Pascal Camia Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer

Michael Silberling Metropolitan Gaming Stéphane Pallez FDJ (Française des Jeux) Irina Cornides Pragmatic Play

Lara Falzon Bragg Gaming Group Petra de Ruiter Holland Casino Jesper Svensson Betsson Group

Sponsored by:

GAMOMAT is a German-based online game developer focusing on delivering an outstanding gaming experience for slot fans. Originally, a highly successful land-based business, GAMOMAT moved into developing innovative iGaming products. GAMOMAT’s library of content currently includes more than 150 published online slots for real money and social casino verticals. These standout titles are being enjoyed in over 35 countries and 27 languages. Every GAMOMAT release is developed by a passionate team of over 70 people that love and live for gaming.


EXECUTIVE of the year


Chvátal has been the CEO of Sazka (which as of 2021 is Allwyn) since 2013; with him at the helm, the company has expanded its global reach to markets throughout Europe in Austria, the Czech Republic, Greece and Cyprus and Italy. Under his leadership, in 2022 Allwyn secured a major milestone as it was officially awarded the National Lottery licence in the UK for the next 10 years, ending Camelot’s 28-year tenure as the National Lottery operator. Shortly after, Chvátal led Allwyn to move forward to acquire Camelot’s UK assets from the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan.


Leading his organisation to the generation of several hundred million euros in revenue once again, Hagman has used his entrepreneurial experience to keep LeoVegas at the forefront of the European online casino sector. 2022 was rather different for Hagman, however, as he oversaw the completion of LeoVegas’ c. $600m sale to MGM Resorts International. A huge deal for one of online gaming’s pioneers.


Using her experience as a leader in both the alcohol and gaming industries, Gilevich has faced a unique set of circumstances head on during 2022. Carrying on running Parimatch Ukraine’s B2C operations is no simple task in a normal year. But, over the past 12 months, Gilevich has led her team to new results and developments, with strength and belief, during a time of war in Ukraine.


Nygaard-Andersen has been CEO of Entain since January 2021. This year, she headlined the company’s “Entain Sustain” conference, advancing awareness of the operator’s CSR initiatives around the globe. This follows the Entain sustainability programme she spearheaded, committing the group to zero net emissions by 2035. In the past 12 months, she also oversaw Entain’s

acquisition of SuperSport, among others.


Koerl has helped Sportradar oversee sustained growth throughout 2022. The company’s Q2 revenue of $186m was up 23% year-on-year, while in the same quarter, the company’s US growth rose by 66%. Its Q3 results were even more impressive, rising 31% year-on-year. Now a public company, Sportradar was given an estimated worth of $8bn in 2022, growing its worth from an initial $150,000 when it was first founded.


Thomas has overseen numerous renovations at the casino as it continues to evolve. Nothing on the casino floor can be overlooked as far as Thomas is concerned, even “a few inches” in table layout can make “all the difference.” The Hippodrome’s Executive Chairman is also a champion of creating an innovative experience, blending the casino floor with restaurant and event space experiences. Thomas is an active advocate for the development of not only gaming in the UK, but London’s West End as a whole.


In 2022, operator bet365 promoted Fairweather to Chief Marketing Operations Officer. Prior to this promotion, he was Head of Performance Marketing and has been instrumental in developing bet365 Partners (bet365’s affiliate programme) which, as the name suggests, treats affiliates as partners, and is one of the best and fastest-growing affiliate programs in the industry. Fairweather has also been involved in the launch of bet365’s Marketing Graduate Programme.


With almost a decade of experience in the gaming and casino industry, Ekström is the Responsible Gaming Manager and Team Manager HR at Paf. Ekström has been working to promote and advance

responsible gaming since 2015. The latest RG initiative at Paf is to minimise risk for young customers, which resulted in the company lowering its annual loss limit for people aged 18-24 to €10,000 ($10,520).


Hakobyan has been serving as Head of Marketing for Digitain since January 2022 and has already had a massive impact on the business. She was responsible for the company’s major marketing campaign this year involving former footballer Luís Figo, called,“Cooperation with the Legend.” This year has seen it sign partnerships with the likes of Gaming Corps, while releasing its own baccarat title and in-house game Keno Express.


Bugno needs no introduction, having catapulted Games Global to the forefront of the iGaming industry in 12 short months. Expertly amassing a leadership team with the drive and skill to oversee this mammoth undertaking, Bugno has instilled a culture of honesty, on amission to become the number one industry supplier.


Hammon was promoted to CEO of Relax Gaming in July 2022. Previously, he served 10 years within executive management teams, with close to five of these as Chief Product Officer for Relax Gaming. He has been instrumental in growing the company into a leading aggregator and supplier of unique content. In his short time as CEO, the company has already gained several new studio partners and continued its global expansion by debuting in new markets.


Maimon has served as Aspire Global’s CEO since 2013, while he is now also President of NeoGames. He oversaw NeoGames’ acquisition of Aspire Global last summer. It is by no means the only major deal Maimon has led, with the executive also in the hot seat for the Pariplay and BtoBet M&A in 2019 and


2020 respectively. Under Maimon’s leadership, Aspire Global has established itself as a leading iGaming supplier in numerous regulated markets.


Taylor has been CEO of Flutter International since it was rebranded from Paddy Power Betfair in 2019. In this time, he has led several growth projects and helped expand Flutter’s presence, taking gold-medal positions in key international markets. One such achievement was leading the acquisition of Sisal, vastly strengthening Flutter’s position in the Italian market. Taylor has also led growth strategies in India, increasing the growth of Flutter’s Junglee Games brand.


Under Pazner’s leadership, 888 Holdings completed the purchase of all non-US assets of William Hill from Caesars Entertainment for nearly £2bn ($2.38bn). As a result, 888 came into possession of over 1,500 betting shops in the UK, as well as iGaming businesses in Spain and Italy. Pazner was also instrumental in a partnership between 888 Holdings and Sports Illustrated.


Over the past year, Akingba has acted as a voice for Nigerian operators and sports betting investors in the face of governmental pressure. As part of her role at the Association, Akingba campaigns for both greater responsible gambling measures from companies, as well as defending the regulated industry from unfair criticism and against illegal operators. Formerly of 1960 Bet, Akina utilises her experience of both the operator and the association side of the industry.


Overseeing huge growth for the brand, new market entries and a wealth of new partnerships, Bagniya has been essential to the core of SOFTSWISS growth and marketing operations. Utilising past experience at the likes of Pepsi, Bagniya has orchestrated numerous new marketing campaigns at trade shows, online and throughout the industry for the online supplier. A recent campaign she developed for the company was called “Bringing the heat,” and included spicy ice cream and a Hot Chilli Bath.


Continually being in the public eye as a representative of the gaming industry in the UK, Simmonds has achieved further lobbying success in 2022. Despite political uncertainty over the new Gambling White Paper in the UK, Simmonds has played an active role as the Betting & Gaming Council (BGC) developed responsible gambling initiatives across the UK.


Following his move from Holland Casinos, Van Lambaart has overseen a successful several months at Casinos Austria. Van Lambaart has focused on strengthening player protection at his properties, as well as bolstering Casinos Austria’s online presence. Van Lambaart also continued his work as a Board Member at the European Casino Association.


Camia became Vice President of the Gaming Activity of Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer in December 2015, having joined in 1994 after spells in Paris, Rome and London. Regarding Monaco, the executive has strengthened its position as one of the most elegant and exclusive gaming destinations in Europe. Camia is also Senior Vice-Chairman of the European Casino Association.


A gaming industry veteran, Metropolitan Gaming CEO Michael Silberling has been working in gaming for almost three decades. His talents expand to the diverse UK and US markets, as well as the likes of Africa, Asia and South America. Looking after employees, building strong relationships and promoting responsible gambling are just some of his daily focus points. He has helped the group grow its portfolio, which increased most recently with the acquisition of the Park Lane Club London. Finally, Metropolitan Gaming recently launched its new Metropolitan Casino in Mayfair.


Pallez has built up a wealth of experience in fields such as finance and gaming, and has been serving as FDJ’s Chairwoman and CEO since November 2014. Among her many achievements in

the role, Pallez successfully steered the group’s privatisation and listing, exactly five years after her appointment to the position. Recent developments from the group include new payment solutions, gaming terminals and lottery games.


Appointed to the position of Pragmatic Play COO in January 2022, Cornides has helped the company grow in the months since in various different markets. She boasts over 10 years of iGaming industry experience, having previously served as Chief Commercial Officer for Asia at Gamesys (now Bally’s), where she led the fastest-growing division within the business. The company was producing up to five new slot titles per month when she was appointed, with that number now up to seven.


Appointed to the role of Bragg President & COO in February last year, Falzon has been responsible for the oversight of the group’s day-to-day operational performance, helping guide its growth -focused strategies. Her 10+ years of industry experience comes from roles as Operational CFO of NetEnt and CFO at Red Tiger Gaming, having also served as Group CFO at Evoke Gaming and Group Financial Controller at King, creator of the Candy Crush franchise.


Announced as the replacement for the outgoing Erwin van Lambaart in May 2022 and taking up her role in September, de Ruiter joined the industry from roles with Air France -KLM and Transavia. She took over at an exciting time for Dutch gaming, with Holland Casino recently forging partnerships with the likes of Nuvei and Playtech. The executive is focused on the customer experience, be it online or land-based.


Betsson Group’s CEO has delivered fantastic results: financially, mentally and reputation-wise. Svensson is a CEO who carries the company culture with him and inspires others. He sees and pursues new business opportunities, thanks to which today Betsson boasts a great product portfolio and max geographical spread. Under his leadership, Betsson’s stock surged 52% in the past 12 months.



After all the work that has taken place to once again host the Global Gaming Awards London at the Hippodrome Casino, we wanted to say a huge thank you to a number of people.

To all those involved in the Shortlist, our esteemed Judging Panel, to all the nominees and of course the attendees, we would like to extend our gratitude.

Assisting with the adjudication, our Awards would not be anywhere near as transparent or rigorous without the help of KPMG in the Crown Dependencies, while we also thank our category sponsors; in particular, our Lead Partner BetConstruct.

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So whether you are a neutral observer, a nominee or eventual winner, we thank you for your continued support of the Global Gaming Awards London. And we look forward to seeing you once again next year. For

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