Gamecca Magazine July 2013

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I S S U E 4 9 / Vo l . 5 Ju l y 2 0 1 3

w w w. g a m e c c a m ag . c o m

• The Last of Us • Remember Me • Fuse and more...

E3 Awesome!

70 Games to look out for!

The Long Road The Last of Us is an incredible journey

Filling the Big Chair in Saint’s Row IV

The New Drug Memories are addictive in Remember Me

Free Online Mag

I S S U E 3 3 / Vo l . 3 July 2013

R evi ews i ncl udi ng J abr a, S a m sung , S ony, Ro xio , H P, A s u s , Ra z e r a n d m o r e . . .

Cleaning Up!

Keep your Android device spruced up

Calling Trends Spying, speed and internet predictions

The Control Game The battle between two gaming titans...

Free Online Mag

Simplicity in information!

Inside 6 From the Editor 8 Got Mail More reader input... 10 10 on 10 Ten games we want to play again! 12 IDoubleDQD Hmmmm, donut! 14 The Art of Insanity Keeping things crazy in Saint’s Row IV 20 The Soapbox Let the sales begin! 22 Console General No winners yet... 24 E3 2013 Round-Up 70 games that we thought were awesome at E3 2013! 62 Reviews Six games dissected 78 Ramjet’s Rantality Baaa! Baaaa! 80 A Year in Games 2002... so much awesome! 82 Hardware All kinds of excellent kit. 96 From Space As good as it can get...

THIS MONTH’S COVER Saint’s Row IV keeps the crazy rolling... See our feature on page 14.


Competitions 89 MotoGP 13 gamecca49

Volume 4, done and dusted... now on to Volume 5!

GAMECCA Vol. 5 Issue 49 July 2013

Editor: Walt Pretorius Writers: Alex Scanlon Charlie Fripp Christo van Gemert Iwan Pienaar James Francis Lein Baart Nthato Morakabi Pippa Tshabalala Rob Edwards Sarah Snyman Suvesh Arumugam Walt Pretorius Letters:


Happy 4th Birthday Gamecca! 64

Remember Me




State of Decay


Resident Evil: Revelations


Combo Crew

Newsletter Subscriptions: Design & Photography: 1337 Media cc

The Last of Us


Competition Entries:

Marketing Contact: Katia Taliadoros

Taking fun seriously! All rights reserved. No content may be reproduced, copied or transmitted without the express permission of the publishers. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editors and publishers. All Trademarks and Registered Trademarks are the sole property of the respective owners.

GAMECCA is published by 1337 MEDIA


Copyright Š 1337 Media CC 2009 - 2013



From the Editor

It’s that time of year again… we have just started a new volume of Gamecca Magazine. That, of course, means that this is our birthday issue. In fact, it marks four years of producing this magazine, and providing it to readers for free via digital means. When we started out, there were more than a few people that found the idea odd. Here in South Africa, we sometimes move a little slower, so the whole idea of digital publishing of a magazine seemed strange to many, while overseas the trend was really kicking off. Still, we went with it, and now, four years later, we have not only seen that it was a good idea, but many other prominent South African publications have also gone the digital route. We’re pretty proud of what we have achieved with Gamecca Magazine, as well as Gladget (which will be enjoying its third birthday very soon). It’s a challenging job, at times, even when a veteran crew is


working on the project. Still, we cannot experience periods without growth, and so the last year (the last few months, actually) saw us launching two new offerings: Gamecca Video ( for the video side of things, and Gamecca Pod Squad ( to take care of the audio side. In short, it’s been a busy twelve months for us (as well as a busy four years). And yet… 2013 is half way through, and the last two quarters of this year – as well as the first two of 2014, I figure – will potentially be the busiest and most exciting time we have seen while creating these magazines. See, when we started, the 7th generation consoles were already established, and the crazy furore that accompanies a console release had settled down for both. But this year… wow. Not one, but two 8th generation consoles will be hitting the shelves in the fourth quarter (although they may only get to our shores a little


by Walt Pretorius

Volume V

later). That’s huge. I mean really, massively huge. We have gone through console launches before with Gamecca – the 3DS, PS Vita and Wii U were all launched after we started publishing – but nothing will quite compare to the absolute gravity of the 2013 Festive Season. And I, for one, am looking forward to the mad rush. Reviews, previews, videos and podcasts (not to mention all the editing and admin type stuff) are going to be coming thick and fast from my side, as well as from the rest of the Gamecca Crew, for the next few months. It really is a good thing that I love what I do so much, because if this was just a job, the end of 2013 would probably put me in hospital. But it won’t. So, before we get on with this issue (which includes a big E3 2013 section) I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to Gamecca Magazine during the course of Volume 4 for their everappreciated efforts. I work with really awesome people! g

Got Mail Send us a letter and let us know what’s happening in your head, your games or your community. Any Advice?! Torrents...

To the Editor Hi there. My name is Dewald and I am in Matric / Grade 12 this year. I was thinking that it would be great to follow a career as a video game journalist. Do you have any advice for someone who wants to get into it? Regards Dewald Venter

Hi there Dewald, Game journalism can be a great career, but it is also one that is quite tough to break in to, because there is a lot of competition out there. My best advice I can give anyone is to be dedicated, and focussed on what is important. While the games are what you are writing about, being a level headed and balanced journalist is the most important thing to keep sight of. While it is actually quite easy to start out as a game journalist, thanks to the ease of publishing on the internet (like a blog, let’s say) staying in the career for a long time takes dedication and the right kind of approach. Being ethical and level headed will help you stand out from the crowd. Oh, and being able to write well… well, that’s a given, right?

I recently found your magazine on a torrent site, and have since been tracking down all the issues. I think you said that the next issue is your fourth birthday (happy birthday for that!) Please keep up the good work. I was wondering, though… torrent sites are full of pirate games and movies which is meant to be illegal. Is it legal for them to have your magazine? Or are they harming your business? Cheers Warwick B Hey Warwick, Quite on the contrary! We give our magazine away for free, so anyone that wants to do so has every right to do just that… as long as they don’t do it for profit! We are strong believers in free information, which is one of the reasons why we distribute Gamecca as a free digital magazine. We like it when they let us know that they appreciate our efforts, though… so thanks for the letter! Ed



Hi there Editor




Send your mail to Letter of the Month writer will win a prize

Letter of the Month

Sponsored by Gioteck & Apex Interactive.

Clear Winner?

Hey Ed, Dear Ed, My friends and me were talking about the new consoles that are coming. I think all my friends have decided that they will buy PS4 consoles. I have not decided yet, but I was thinking that maybe it would be a bad idea to get the Xbox One because of all the copy protection and internet connection. Do you think it would be best to get a PS4? Regards Xbox Fanboi

Hey there XF, At the current time, it would be difficult to make a final decision. Microsoft recently announced that they would be dropping their DRM and internet connection ideas for the Xbox One, so those two problems aren’t there anymore. The biggest issue now is one of price, with the Xbox One being US$100 more expensive than the PS4. But we don’t know what pricing here in South Africa will be yet. On paper, both consoles perform well, and they both have a strong stable of exclusive and release titles. Perhaps you and your friends should take a little time before deciding how to spend your hardearned cash. After all, it is still a good few months before we will see either of the units. In the meantime, why not check out our sister magazine, Gladget (www. for the article it features that details what the current situation is. Always make a decision only once you have all the information, right?

I don’t care who says what, PS4 has won the war! It is clear that they will dominate the market with their new, better console. Ch4rger Hey there Ch4rger, That’s not entirely true, at least not just yet. As far as I can tell, there is still a lot that can happen between now and the release of the two big boys. For more information regarding this matter, feel free to look at the July issue of Gamecca’s sister mag - Gladget (Consumer Tech) Magazine ( We have written an extensive cover feature regarding the console battle between Microsoft and Sony. Perhaps we should wait until we have some more information – including local pricing –before we leap to any conclusions. Just saying. Ed

Our Letter of the Month writer will be recieiving a set of Gioteck X 05 Multi Wireless Headphones, courtesy of Gioteck and Apex Interactive.


* Prizes for South African residents only. gamecca49


Ten Games We’d Love to Play Again


Wow, four years! Sometimes it seems like we started up Gamecca only yesterday. Well, ok maybe not yesterday… maybe last week. Something like that. You get what I mean. Anyway, it’s great to look back at how awesome a trip this has been, largely because of the great games that we have got to play over the last 48 months. So, we thought “hey, why not do a birthday kind of thing and list our favourite games that we have got to play over the last 48 months?” Crazy, right? But we’re doing it anyway, because we like to remember the good times.


10 10 The Last of Us


Admittedly, we haven’t had this one for very long – it’s reviewed in this issue – but we figure that it’s so awesome, we’ll probably play it again. Hell, Walt’s played it through twice already. We kind of wish he’d stop hogging the disk so that the rest of us can give it a try. Joel and Ellie’s adventures in the American wasteland are awesome amounts of fun!

Ten on 10

10 10


Tomb Raider

When it comes to reboots, not many can hold a candle to the awesome job that was done with Tomb Raider earlier this year. It’s an awesome thrill ride that not only reinvents the main character, Lara Croft, but also the way that the game is played. A really fantastic title that deserves more than one play through.


Bioshock: Infinite


Far Cry 3

The whole Bioshock franchise has been great, but Booker DeWitt and Elizabeth’s adventures certainly are the best of a great bunch. This fastpaced action title never stops coming at you, and it gets pretty intense. But what’s awesome is that it doesn’t hide a poor story behind all the action; Bioshock: Infinite has a great plot, too.

Ah, yes, Jason Brody and his tropical island adventures. Far Cry 3 was one of the high notes of late 2012, providing the player with tons of action, lots of different things to do, plenty of enemies to splatter and a massive island to explore. Great for FPS fans!




Borderlands 2


Assassin's Creed 2

Borderlands 2 doesn’t need a second play-through, probably because fans just never stopped playing it. The high action, great humour and completely addictive nature of those randomised weapons makes this game one that can easily be called “gamer crack”. There’s always something new in it, even if you’ve played the whole thing through six times.

There are a lot of Assassin’s Creed titles, and all of them deserve at least a second go, but it’s nostalgia that drives the need to revisit Assassin’s Creed 2. It stems from the fact that, when this game arrived, almost everyone said “whoa, that’s awesome!” Few games showed that much development between iterations, making Ezio’s first adventures ones that are really awesome.

10 10 7

Mass Effect 3


The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim


Infamous 2

OK, ready that as Mass Effect, the whole thing. But 3 is the crowning achievement of the franchise, despite the complaints that were levelled at the ending. It is the game in which the developers finally got everything right, and our favourite hero – Shep, the champ – lives up to his (or her) final, galaxy shaking destiny.

Here’s another one that doesn’t get another play through, strictly speaking, because you’re probably still busy with the first. Despite numerous bugs, this game is a massive achievement, aside from just being plain old massive. It’s enticing, addictive fantasy fun!

Once again, this is a franchise that deserves replaying in its entirety, but Infamous 2 sees Cole McGrath become a better good / bad guy than before. The improvements between 1 and 2 are incredible, and the free-roaming action that the game provides makes for many hours of awesome.



OK, maybe not the best game around, but when it comes to brainless, crazy-ass fun, Bulletstorm is right up there. We’re still hoping for the sequel to come out (please, please please) but, in the meantime, we reckon there’s enough reason to give this zany action game another spin or two.



Tapping Out IDoubleDQD

by Sarah Snyman


just got a donut. A whole damn donut. I am ecstatic about this donut! It’s a basic donut, with pink icing and multi-coloured sprinkles. With this donut, I can do a variety of things. None of these things involve getting fat. Yay! This donut can speed up time, it can buy me an escalator that leads to nowhere, and it could buy me Duff Stadium! It can even buy me fake friends! What can this donut not do? This donut is unable to pay the data charges on my iPhone. You see, for the last two months I’ve had a problem. An addiction. I have not been clean from this habit for more than a few hours at a time since I first started, and it just seems to keep getting worse. It all started when my brother started to annoy me with incessant bizarre phone notification


noises that consistently interrupted our dinner and our lives. I bitched and whined until, one evening, it got even closer to home. Mid-cuddle, my boyfriend’s phone suddenly explodes in a dark voice exclaiming… “MMMMmmmmm crops arggg arggg gurgle arrgg”. By far the most disturbing noise that has ever come out of a cell phone. I was shocked and turned off immediately. The anger only set in when he moved me, picked up his phone, and harvested his crops. It was official, the EA Simpsons game, Tapped Out, had taken over my personal life. Every few minutes I would hear Homer Simpson shout “Rather them than me!” followed only a few seconds later with “Rather them than me! Oh wait… that was me.” Signalling the completion of his challenge. There was furious screen tapping and excitement when “woohoo

new building” buzzed up in the middle of the Game of Thrones. In a last ditch effort to put a stop to this madness, I confronted my sister in law when I noticed that both my brother and my boyfriend were both ignoring us for their screens. She looked at me with an expression of indulgent guilt. Slowly, she turned her phone towards me and gave me a glimpse of her newly built Springfield. Even she had abandoned me. After staying with them for a few days, I gave in. I got the app and started gaming. Springfield has been blown up in a nuclear accident; there is some kind of parallel universe called “other Springfield” and a bucket load of snakes?! Whacking day had begun; a seemingly endless stage of the game in which it is your God-given duty to destroy snakes by whacking


them and collecting their decaying corpses for prizes that hardly warrant the effort. We went through days of placing snake eggs in each other’s towns, whacking snakes, getting Ned Flanders to send them back to hell and asking Cletus to politely shoot the offending snakes in their serpentine faces. When whacking day finally ended weeks later, I was an addict. I’m dead set on overtaking the family members who started before me with a better understanding of game mechanics. My phone bill is higher than ever and I have been ridiculed in meetings for Homer’s voice coming across on a teleconference. My life has been destroyed by what is by far the best mobile game I have seen in ages. Do yourself a favour and get Tapped Out. And then never ever leave. Ever. Never ever.. g


23.08.2013 18 © 2013 by Koch Media GmbH, Gewerbegebiet 1, 6604 Höfen, Austria. Deep Silver is a division of Koch Media GmbH. Developed by Deep Silver Volition, LLC. Saints Row, Deep Silver and their respective logos are trademarks of Koch Media. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. KINECT,Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox LIVE, and the Xbox logos are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies and are used under license from Microsoft.. “PS3”,“Ô, and “À” are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Distributed Exclusively by Apex Interactive Tel: (011) 796 5040 Email: All rights and trademarks and logos are copyright of their respective owners.


THENothing ARTandOF no 14


Fo one INSANITY is sacred

by Lein Baart




solid shooting and driving mechanics, a (semi) serious plot and an open-world city waiting to be torn apart by the player’s antics. It was also stupidly, ridiculously fun. Chronicling the rise of the Third Street Saints gang, the player took control of an unnamed protagonist and proceeded to cause absolute mayhem in the city of Stilwater. Critically (and ironically) though, what set Saints Row apart from the other clones of the times was that it aimed to capitalise on the gameplay of GTA, rather than introduce completely new mechanics. Even its most praised aspect, the side missions or “Activities�, were an extension of what GTA had done before it, albeit vastly more imaginative and (most importantly) entertaining. From drug running to escorting prostitutes to throwing yourself into traffic to commit insurance fraud, there was never a dull moment to be had, and the online multiplayer (a first for the


ith any open world game featuring a story that focuses on crime, Grand Theft Auto looms like the big bad wolf at the door. Comparisons seem inevitable, maybe even mandatory, as no title can hope to escape unscathed from the shadow that GTA throws. Of all the open world games and series that have come and gone though, including the likes of Mafia, Godfather and True Crime (recently re-invented as Sleeping Dogs), none have quite managed to do what the Saints Row franchise has accomplished, namely carve a niche of its very own. A review of the Saints Row series is a study of a descent into sheer lunacy. The first game was, relatively speaking, a serious title. It was, for all intents and purposes, an unashamed rip-off of the GTA games that preceded it, blatantly copying everything that had made the franchise great. It had



genre) only added to the game’s already considerable appeal. Saints Row 2 upped the ante of the first game, taking the pandemonium that it thrived on to new heights. Set five years after the events of Saints Row, the player, now known as “The Boss”, was once again tasked with eliminating all the rival gangs that had appeared Stilwater during his/her absence. Despite various issues with its technical aspects, the visuals of the game being the most obvious (particularly on the PC), Saints Row 2 was greeted with rave reviews all round, and for good reason. It took what was fast becoming the franchise’s signature style (absolutely chaotic gameplay), and ramped it up, with a playable area 145% larger than the first, more Activities, more weapons, and of course the crazy character customisation of the first game. Once again though Saints Row 2 drew comparisons with

GTA, this time GTA IV, however as lead producer Greg Donovan stated, “It seems like they’re going in a more realistic direction. For us it’s more about almost a hyperrealistic quality, over-the-top, all about these memorable moments.” By the time Saints Row: The Third appeared, any pretence that Saints Row was a serious franchise had been lost under an avalanche of giant purple dildo bats. The plot (if it can be called that) saw the Third Street Saints, now a criminal and media empire, once again engage in a turf war, this time in the city of Steelport. While it was a blatant rehash of old and familiar plotlines, The Third’s saving grace came in the form the unadulterated madness that the game unleashed. Everything that the developers had ever imagined seemed to make it into the game, from the Fart in a Jar which caused uncontrolled vomiting to the Mollusc



earlier this year saw the franchise and developer Volition, Inc. briefly without a publisher. Deep Silver, under the Koch Media banner, was quick to pick up the studio though, and according to Jim Boone, senior producer of Saints Row 4, “With Deep Silver they’ve been awesome – they totally get our culture, our processes, they’re not interfering with that, and the games they totally support them, they haven’t asked for any changes... it couldn’t have gone more smoothly.” A good thing for Volition, as what has been shown has already caused more than a few raised eyebrows, not the least with the Australian Classification Board who have effectively banned the game from the country. Saints Row 4 is not only looking as whacky as its predecessors, it seems that Volition are doing everything they it can to take franchise’s craziness to new levels. The Boss has somehow managed to wrangle


Launcher which fired mind controlling octopi. It was, quite literally, GTA on acid. The Third did attempt to change some things up however. The completely open mission structure was replaced with a linear narrative, with the Respect system used to unlock character upgrades, which on its own was another level of insanity. It was not a title without its criticisms though, the least of them being the mundane graphics. While the series at this point had acquired a reputation for eschewing compelling drama in favour of toilet humour, The Third took it to new lows, most notably with a mission involving slave trafficking. Despite this the game performed incredibly well, both critically and in sales, and so the stage was set for the sequel. The development of Saints Row 4 hasn’t been without its hurdles though, as THQ’s bankruptcy



his way to the top of the political ladder, becoming president of the United States of America. As ludicrous as this sounds, where things get really cracked is that at least part of the game is going to take place in a virtual simulation of Steelport, setup by invading aliens in order to indoctrinate The Saints into their way of thinking, thereby allowing them to conquer Earth. Read that sentence again if you need time to wrap your head around it. Even Volition knows that they’re stretching the limits here, with Jim Boone stating, “So yeah, we’re conscious of the fact that we’ve taken it to the brink of what we would do.” This pales in comparison to the other changes that have been however. The gameplay trailers have shown an arsenal, which Volition rather quaintly dubbed “exotic”, that is frankly mental. From a dubstep gun, which causes nearby NPC’s to break out into dance if

not hit by deadly sonic waves, to an inflator gun that expands body parts until they exploded to the now infamous alien anal probe gun, absolutely nothing seems to be left out. And this is before The Boss gains access to his superpowers, which looks likely to change the Saints Row franchise from a GTA clone to a Prototype competitor. From its humble beginnings as a GTA knock off, the Saints Row series has never forgotten what it actually is, and what it’s really out to do: entertain us. The single-minded dedication of the franchise to fun above all else has elevated to the level of legitimate competitor, and while you may love it or hate it, no one can deny that Saints Row has not left its mark. Epic plotlines, gripping character developments and cohesive world building this is not, but for me personally, I can’t wait to smash an alien in the nuts. g



One + 4 = SALE! The Soapbox

by Suvesh Arumugam


e all knew the big announcements were coming. Sony beat Microsoft to the punch by unveiling the PS4 controller and specs back in Feb, while Microsoft unveiled the Xbox One in May, to much fanfare and delight in live video cast to fans. Everyone knew that E3 was headed for a big dust up between the titans of console gaming, with many feeling that the PS4 came out tops, by delivering a knockout blow on pricing, followed by a DRM-free finisher. But the real judges decision is somewhat less pronounced. Availability. Here in South Africa (a small but significant gaming market) there were huge sighs of discontent when Microsoft’s initial press releases stated that South Africa was not on the first launch wave. Now while that may not be a huge issue, many would look to imports, Microsoft’s DRM and geolocation


rules would render most consoles unplayable, except for the very clever few who know how to use proxy servers over the internet. Sony countered by immediately announcing that PS4 will be in SA in 2013. While Microsoft disentangles themselves from the whole DRM debate, Sony seems to be smiling. Whichever side of the debate you come out on, there is no question that the gaming retail community is reacting big time, with current consoles (soon to be retitled “legacy”) selling for a song. I recently walked into a tech retail store to purchase some office supplies, and ended up walking out with an armful of marked down games. Truth is, I’m not even sure I will even get a chance to play (let alone finish) most of these games. Not to say that I won’t try, though! But it’s that awesome silly season when everything

has to go to make way for the new stuff. Again, the big winners here have to be Sony. No other console manufacturer has ever had three consoles competing in the market, and since there is no sign of discontinuing PS2, Sony will be cleaning up this Christmas. With the PS2 already going to lower income households in very cheap bundles, or for the younger kids who can’t be trusted with high-value electronics just yet, prices will most likely drop even further, and there’ll be thousands (millions) of kids around the world getting a PS2 for Christmas. And that’s just the new market, there’s also second hand to think about. PS3 is already dropping dramatically in price, and Sony timed their release of 12GB Flash Memory model perfectly. The big losers, sadly, are Nintendo. In the frenzy to stay competitive, they simply have to drop prices on the Wii U console (less


than a year old now) or risk having almost zero market share by Christmas time. New release games on Wii U are already being slashed to less than half price. While it may be great for those who own the console, like me, who can grab a lot more titles than they may have expected, it can’t be great for the brand. Smart gamers may realise that it’s a great time to buy a very cool concept console at a good price, but parents may just feel that it’s too expensive still to buy a product that may not be around in a year or two. Regardless of what happens, it’s a great time to be a gamer right now. Whether you’re hocking your current stuff to make space for that brand new console, or you’re just cleaning off the sale shelf to have a decadent gaming Christmas, everyone should be smiling in just under six months from now.. g

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No Winner Yet... Console General

by Montgommery Paton


The last few weeks have been interesting, to say the least. One big announcement after another, all trumping the one before in some way or another. At least, that’s what Sony did at E3. They played on every weakness that Microsoft showed (or created for themselves.) No mandatory internet connectivity. No draconian DRM. And US$100 cheaper. That’s what the PS4 hits us with, in the face of Microsoft’s apparent insistence that their DRM and connection ideas won’t affect gamers overly much. However, Microsoft weren’t born yesterday. They realised, after the


Sony press conference, that no amount of TV services and exclusive titles would reverse the trend that they were facing-a trend of criticism from the very public they need to buy their Xbox One. And so, a few days after E3 closed up, they dropped a bombshell of their own. They decided to scrap the whole DRM thing, as well as the mandatory internet connections. In other words, you can trade, loan, rent and resell games for the Xbox One pretty much just like the Xbox 360. Sure, there is still the price difference, but the Xbox One suddenly became a much better prospect to many of the

people out there that were complaining about those aspects. It looks better for us here in South Africa, too, because now our inferior internet infrastructure doesn’t have to be an issue. With all the big noise and hoopla going on, one needs to wonder what exactly Nintendo are doing. The Wii U hasn’t had the success that it should have. Yet, at E3, Nintendo had a massive stand, and they were going on as if they didn’t have a care in the world. And maybe they don’t. While Microsoft somewhat grudgingly admitted that their policies were maybe, you know, not the best, Nintendo


blatantly came out and said it: “we messed up with our marketing of the Wii U.” So perhaps the Japanese giant has a card or two up their sleeve. They certainly have some strong IPs and products on the way. Or maybe they have, over many decades of having consoles that climb towards the top of the pile more slowly, realised that early adopters aren’t always the best indicators of whether a console will succeed or not. Either way, counting them out of the 8th generation race would be premature. There is still a lot that needs to, and is going to happen before a clear victor can be identified…if ever at all. g


E3 2013 Round-Up



elcome to Gamecca’s E3 2013 Round-Up. It’s becoming a traditional feature in our birthday issue, and this year we feature no less than 70 games that caught our eyes at E3. They follow on the next pages, in almost alphabetical order. The list is by no means exhaustive 24

they’re the games we thought stood out, for various reasons. Oh, yes, and we’re fortunate enough to have a introduction written by Pippa Tshabalala, giving her impressions of E3 as a first timer. What are you waiting for? Get on with it!




The first impression you get when you walk through the doors of the main hall at E3 is an overwhelming sense of organised chaos. A wall of sound assaults you, filled with excited chatter, music, bass rumble, blips, loudspeakers – every conceivable video game associated noise you could possibly imagine is there. Not everyone knows that this is a trade show. That means it’s not open to the general public. You might find the odd guest who has won a competition or been invited to attend by an exhibitor, but by and large the majority of attendees are industry related, media or investors. You have to be over 17 and a legitimate part of the video game industry before you’re allowed through the doors – and they do actually check, so you might get as far as the entrance hall without a pass, but don’t think you’re going to go much further than that. Despite this, there are still queues. Queues for the coffee, queues for the food, queues for the games, queues for the doors, fewer queues for the bathrooms luckily but queues nonetheless, queues for the behind closed doors sessions, queues, queues, queues. Luckily there are certain scheduled slots for interviews, and I was fortunate enough to be allocated a few for some one on one time with a developer or three. The insights you get into a game, the challenges they faced during development, the excitement and at the same time weariness that is evident from working on a project for such an extended period of time and finally seeing it reach fruition, is so palpable and infectious that you can’t help but get excited. For those of you who also one day hope to attend one of the world’s most prominent gaming expos, hold on to that dream, you never know when it could be thrust upon you. In the meantime you can find everything you wanted to know about 2013’s gaming developments right here in these pages. Be warned. The next year is shaping up to be an explosive year in video games. Hold on to your controllers – here we go!


- Pippa Tshabalala

3 is a massive geek fest – in the best possible way. Video games, the people who make them, the people who play them and the people who write about them are, in every respect, cool and acceptable to every person walking through the doors of the Electronic Entertainment Expo. And for the first time, five years after I began my career as a gaming journalist, and after what seems like a lifetime of dreaming, I was luckily enough to be able to attend. Ok perhaps not a lifetime, but being able to attend E3 has been on my “todo” list for about ten years now, and after some gaming angels in the form of Ster Kinekor Entertainment, decided they wanted to send me to cover it for them, I jetted off to Los Angeles for a week of gaming madness. I have to say right up front, that yes, I have travelled before. Not perhaps as widely as I would have liked to, but nevertheless this was not my first time out of the country. I say this because our only yardstick of comparison when it comes to gaming expos is rAge (more on that in a moment), and so I was, quite simply, blown away by the scale, the budget and the decadence of E3. I felt like a complete n00b. To step back quickly, I need to point out that rAge is by no means a low budget production, it caters well to the South African market, and as always the mood and excitement is generally dictated by the scale of the LAN and the current year’s gaming line up, the latter of which is a variable outside of the control of the organisers. rAge is also open to the gaming public, so while some might complain that it’s overcrowded, it allows the ordinary gamer on the street to get a look, sometimes even a hands on preview, of games that have not yet hit our shelves. And yet rAge is a blip in the ocean compared to E3. Two immense halls as well as multiple external venues house massive stands that would make the most hardened gamer froth at the mouth. I would hazard a guess that the Microsoft and Sony stands alone are much the same size as the majority of the rAge floor.

Armored Core:Verdict Day PS3 / X360 Q3 2013

Dash through bullet-bristled levels, weave through enemy fire, fight through sevenbattle devastated landscapes while commanding a squadron of Armored Core Units, in this fast paced third-person mech shooter. The title boasts innovative weapon customization, a multimissioned storyline, adapting A.I units and an engaging online multiplayer.

Batman: Arkham Origins

PC / PS3 / X360 / Wii U / 3DS / PSV Oct 2013 Batman is a young, unrefined hero, seeking justice within Gotham. However as powerful villains rise and allies are forged, he must defeat his demons to become the Dark Knight. Players will have to utilize in-depth detective skills and new gadgets to face the various enemies while exploring a larger Gotham.

Bayonetta 2 Wii U 2014


Bayonetta returns for more action-packed adventures, which see her sporting a new costume, hairdo, weapons and abilities. Gorgeous cut scenes, epic battles and exhilarating gameplay are sure to satisfy action-adventure players. This Wii-U exclusive will feature two gameplay styles and the option to play off-TV.



Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag PC / PS3 / X360 / Wii U / PS4 / XO Nov 2013 Taking a step back in the franchise, developer Ubisoft opted to go slightly backwards in history, instead of advancing forward as per the usual formula for Assassin’s Creed. In the latest title, players will assume to role of Ratonhnhaké:ton’s grandfather. The title will feature seamless transitions from land-based combat to all-out open naval warfare, coupled with enhanced graphics during the golden age of piracy. For added realism, the title will feature Edward “Blackbeard” Teach, Benjamin Hornigold, and Anne Bonny, as well as other well-known pirates of the era. As part of Abstergo Entertainment, players will have to unravel the many mysteries and learn more about his family.



Below XO TBA

Below is an Xbox One exclusive adventure title that focuses on exploration, survival and discovery, all to be played from a topdown perspective. Players will have to traverse a mysterious world with randomly generated environments, fight arduous battles and experience the repercussions of in-game permanent death.

Beyond:Two Souls PS3 Q4 2013

Ellen Page and Willem Defoe star in this psychological-thriller, excusive to PlayStation, that centres around Ellen Page’s character, Jodie Holmes, and the supernatural entity known as Aiden. Players go through the game looking to find out more about Aiden and answer the ultimate question - “What happens after death?”

Bound by Flame PC / PS3 / X360 Q4 2013


This dark fantasy title will have players guide a mercenary, possessed by a flame demon, along an uncertain path; give in to the demonic influence and possess power or resist the temptation and grow heroic talent. Replayability, real-time battles, weapon crafting and fantastical creatures are the core of this title.



Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons PC / PS3 / X360 Q3 2013

While a father lies dying, his two sons must venture out to find a cure for him, surmounting various obstacles and solving puzzles while working together as brothers. A unique control scheme sees each analogue stick control a brother, which should make for an interesting game.

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 PC / PS3 / X360 Q4 2013

A weakened Gabriel Belmont, now cursed as the dark lord Dracula, yearns to be set free from his immortality. When the chance occurs, he must reacquire his old powers, locked within his castle. In the midst of this, the famed Belmont clan seeks to destroy him in this epic conclusion.

Charlie Murder X360 Q3 2013


This RPG brawler, inspired by coin-op beat ‘em ups and dungeon crawlers, focusses on punk rock band Charlie Murder, and their clash against rivals, the death metal band Gore Quaffer with their army of the damned. Zombie bashing, crazy combos, varying artillery and heavy rock music rock this arcade title.



Battlefield 4

PC / PS3 / X360 / PS4 / XO Nov 2013 The Battlefield franchise has been one of the most successful franchises in history, spawning a great number of titles, sequels and expansion packs. The fourth major title in the franchise will take place six years after Battlefield 3, in the year 2020. As part of a US special operations squad, players will be tasked with bringing several evil leaders and combatants to justice. In terms of an exact plot, little has been revealed, but the title will take place in China, Azerbaijan, Russia, and several other locations. Naturally, a strong multiplayer element will also be introduced.




PC / PS3 / X360 / PS4 Q4 2013 Players manoeuvre the young Dawn through the world of Contrast to help a little girl by the name of Didi, who has some hardships bearing down on her. Dawn has the ability to become her own shadow at will and uses this ability to traverse this jazzy world.

CounterSpy PS3 / PSV TBA

This secret agent inspired title has players infiltrate enemy bases, stealthily take down guards and sabotage the bases of two opposing super power nations, on the brink of war. The title showcases a distinct visual style, coupled with a wide selection of weapons, and music synonymous with the word “spy�.

Crimes and Punishments PC / PS3 / X360 2014


Solving crimes has never been this much fun, as players analyse, deduct, absolve and condemn characters as they step into the shoes of super sleuth Sherlock Holmes. In this darker Sherlock tale, players will be able to stop time in order to find clues that will assist in solving various cases.



Crimson Dragon XO TBA

Crimson Dragon is set in an era where humans can ride on the backs of dragons. Players have a selection of six types of dragons to raise, ride and use to fight. Dazzling graphics, intense sky battles and massive foes await players in this Xbox One exclusive title.


A traumatic incident involving the death of his wife leaves a private investigator unable to recollect the memories of that event. He finds himself able to time-travel and uses this power to try and prevent his wife’s death. Players will rely on the Kinect to solve this noir mystery.

Dark Souls 2 PC / PS3 / X360 Q1 2014

Dark Souls 2 returns for yet another exciting instalment of old -school action RPG, thrusting players into a gorgeous new world filled with deadly creatures, intricate weapon and armour customization. A vast selection of characters and various other gameplay features, sure to get players deeply involved. gamecca49



PS3 / X360 / PS4 TBA Bungie and Activision’s partnership looks like it will deliver. Destiny is a firstperson shooter that will bring players together in a persistent online world – sort of like an FPS MMO. Players will be able to explore a massive world, and even encounter other players in story mode. Destiny has tons of sci-fi promise!

Destiny of Spirits PSV TBA

Using elements like geographical location and time of day, Destiny of Spirits is a social strategy game being designed for the PS Vita. With a game world based on our own, the player will collect spirit characters from different regions and do elemental battle with enemies.

Don’t Starve

PC / PS4 2014 (PS4) / PC Available Now


Don’t Starve is a charming indie game all about survival in a world of magic and science. Simple graphics complement the zany title, which will have the player collecting, building and battling in a weird and dangerous setting. It looks super addictive, so prepare to lose a lot of time to it!



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Donkey Kong Country:Tropical Freeze Wii U Nov 2013

The follow up to 2010’s Donkey Kong Returns, Tropical Freeze is the first Donkey Kong title made in high definition. When a group of cold-loving creatures invade Donkey Kong’s island, he must enlist the help of friends and do battle with them in this action side-scroller. Fans may just go ape…

DuckTales Remastered PC / PS3 / X360 / Wii U Q4 2013

This game is a remastering of one of the best loved 8-bit Disney titles ever released. It will revisit the classic ‘80s TV series, allowing the player to explore a rich world. The graphics are hand drawn, and the voice talent is all original. This should be a great homage to a classic!

D&D: Chronicles of Mystara PC / PS3 / X360 / Wii U Any day now…


Miss the heady days of coinop arcade games that were actually games and not just ticket-vomiting machines? Well, this is a remake of two classics, Tower of Doom and Shadow over Mystara, both under the D&D banner. It was a last minute showing at E3, so you may be able to get it already…



Call of Duty: Ghosts

PC / PS3 / X360 / Wii U / PS4 / XO Nov 2013 The tenth instalment in the Call of Duty series, Ghosts takes place following a catastrophic event that changed the global balance of powers in the world. Since the US has been dethroned as a superpower, a new enemy steps up the conflict, and players will be tasked in putting a stop to their plans, as well as restoring order to what was once the America they knew. This will also mark the third subseries overall, with Modern Warfare and Black Ops serving as mechanical inspiration. Although Activision expects lower sales than Black Ops II, it will still be a smash-hit.



Dying Light

PC / PS3 / X360 /PS4 / XO 2014 It’s another outbreak game, and we love it. By day the player will hunt and scavenge in a vast, free roaming environment – a city decimated by a vicious outbreak. By night, the hunter becomes hunted, as aggressive infected come out to feed. It looks like a lot of scary fun!

Elder Scrolls Online PC / PS4 / XO Q2 2014

The Elder Scrolls series has been around for two decades, but this is the first time that it will be in a persistent online setting. Not only that, but the awesome fantasy action will also be coming to next generation consoles. That’s something that fans have been asking for, and it’s awesome.

Fable Anniversary X360 TBA


Lionhead Studios are revisiting the start of the popular Fable franchise in the form of Fable Anniversary. This will be a reworked and remastered version of the original game, complete with improved systems and dynamics. Fans will definitely be thrilled, and newcomers will be able to experience the start of Fable in a much better way.



Dead Rising 3 XO Nov 2013

Ten years after the Fortune City event, Nick Ramos takes the reigns as the new protagonist in this upcoming sequel. The city of Los Perdidos has been overrun with the living dead and he must survive this neverending zombie apocalypse in any way he can. Players will have the freedom to fully explore the vast city of Los Perdidos either on foot or with a vehicle, gathering items and weapons as they travel. They will have the ability to craft and customize weapons on the go, opening possibilities for a myriad of combinations and some fun ways to eradicate zombies.




PC / PS3 / X360 Sep 2013 A year without a new FIFA game would be like a day without sunshine. But this year EA are promising big tech moves, including improved player decision making, precision movement and elite technique. Fans will be thrilled as EA once again attempts an improved footballing experience.

Just Dance 2014

PS3 / X360 / Wii U / PS4 / XO Oct 2013 (current gen) Forty new tracks will await those brave enough to take on the sequel to the fifthhighest selling game of 2012. Available on current and next gen consoles, Just Dance 2014 will enable players to find all new ways to embarrass themselves in front of friends and family. Get your dance on!

Killer Instinct XO TBA


A new fighting game franchise? You bet! The Xbox One exclusive Killer Instinct will have players brawling across various settings, using an awesome cast of characters – all with the added power of the Xbox One. Fighting fans will likely have a great time with this game’s fresh ideas.



Killzone: Mercenary PSV Sep 2013

Ever wondered what playing both sides is like? In Killzone: Mercenary, players will do just that. This new entrant to the franchise will be available for PS Vita, making it the first Killzone game to go to the small screen. Using the Vita’s unique control ideas, this will be a whole new way to play Killzone.

Killzone: Shadow Fall PS4 TBA

Set thirty years after the events of Killzone 3, Shadow Fall will introduce the player to a very different world, where the Helghast and Vektans live in an uneasy peace. But it won’t last, we’re betting, as this PS4 exclusive kicks into high gear. More Killzone? Yes please!

Knack PS4 TBA

From the mind of Mark Cerny, Knack will put the player in control of a diminutive hero who uses mysterious relics to transform into a massive wrecking machine – all in order to save the world from a goblin invasion. Knack looks kind of cute, kind of zany… and like it will be tons of fun. gamecca49


LEGO Marvel Super Heroes

PC / PS3 / X360 / Wii U / 3DS / PSV / PS4 / XO Q4 2013 Players will be able to control over 100 characters, and will all be done in the very familiar LEGO game style. The game takes place in a Lego version of New York City, and gamers will have to collect the shattered pieces of The Silver Surfer’s surf board.

Lost Planet 3

Release Platform: PS3 / X360 Release Date: TBC The title will take place before the events of the first title, serving as a prequel to the franchise. Making use of a better plot and mechanics similar to the first title, players will have to battle the Akrid for control of E.D.N. III - while unravelling its secrets.

Luftrausers PS3 / PSV Q4 2013


In this rather uniquelylooking title, players have to pit themselves (and the most powerful airplane ever built) against increasingly difficult odds. Taking place during the height of war, the Luftrauser will have to perform quick aerial moves if it wants to gain the upper hand in combat.



Forza 5 XO Nov 2013

The flagship Xbox driving simulator will burst on to shelves with the release of the Xbox One (which means we will have to wait a while for it here in South Africa). Developers Turn 10 studios are primed to take every advantage of the increased system specification of the Xbox One, and will deliver a driving game unlike any we have seen before. There are tons of features to talk about, including laser-scanned tracks, unique careers and Top Gear exclusives, but fans of the franchise know that this game will be all about the driving, and it looks set to really deliver.



Mad Max

PC / PS3 / X360 / PS4 / XO 2014 Taking strong cues from the films, players will assume the role of Max as he traverses on open landscape in search of his beloved (and deadly) car, The Interceptor. Not much in known at this stage, but sadly Mel Gibson won’t be reprising his role.

Malicious Rebirth PSV Q4 2013

While the original title was released on PlayStation 3 almost three years ago, Rebirth is an enhanced port for the PlayStation Vita. Players will assume the role of a Spirit Vessel, who has been tasked with subduing the Malicious – and can choose to be either male of female in the game.

Mario Kart 8 Wii U Q1 2014


The title is the eleventh instalment in Nintendo’s hugely-successful Mario Kart franchise. The title takes on the familiar racing theme, where players get to race against characters from the Mario universe in go-karts and motorcycles – naturally with power-up and plenty of new obstacles in the way.



Infamous: Second Son PS4 Q1 2014

Sucker Punch’s comic book inspired world of conduits and morality is back, this time with a new protagonist, familiar gameplay and absolutely stunning graphics. Set seven years after the events of Infamous 2, and following the “good” ending, Infamous: Second Son will you see play as Delsin Rowe, a cocky superhuman with the ability to absorb the powers of other conduits. Life for Deslin will not be easy though, as the world has come to hate conduits due to the machinations of the Beast, and he will be hunted as a bio-terrorist for his abilities.



Mercenary Kings PC / PS4 Q4 2013

With similar titles like Metal Slug being hugelysuccessful, this game features 2D cooperative gameplay with precise platforming. Players assume the role of King, the most skilled mercenary ever, and most venture out to rid the world of evil. The title will also feature up to four local players for multiplayer, and weapon-crafting.

Metal Gear Solid V:The Phantom Pain PS3 / X360 / PS4 / XO TBA

The latest title in the franchise will serve as a continuation of the events in Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, and is actually the combination of two previousannounced Kojima Productions titles. Taking on the familiar MGS style, the title starts off in 1975, while the main plots kicks off in 1985. Snake forms the Diamond Dogs, and sets out to find the men responsible for MSF’s destruction.

Mirror’s Edge II PC / PS4 / XO TBA


The original title was released with mixed reviews, but when the follow-up was revealed at E3, gamers were introduced to a whole lot of new mechanics, updated graphics and a better control system. While not much has been revealed in terms of plot, it was announced that Faith will get an update in terms of looks, and the plot will revolve around her past and beginnings.



Need for Speed: Rivals PC / PS3 / X360 / PS4 / XO Nov 2013

The franchise has millions of fans across the world, and while the title isn’t as technologically-advanced as Forza Motorsport, Rivals will give it a good run for its money. Being an open-world racer, it will be similar in style to Hot Pursuit and will once again feature exotic cars and high-speed police chases.

PES 2014

PC / PS3 / X360 Sep 2013 Pro Evolution Soccer has been a firm favourite of PlayStation 3 players, and the latest addition will be no different. Using a modified version of the Fox Engine, the title will feature a wealth of teams as well as the UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League and UEFA Super Cup. It will also for the first time feature Asia’s AFC Champions League.

Pikmin 3 Wii U Jul 2013

The upcoming real-time strategy video game for the Wii U will be a direct sequel to Pikmin 2. Just as with the previous titles, players will control the little Pikmin characters and use them to build bridges, destroy barriers and defeating enemies – while collecting treasures. Each Pikmin also has a unique set of abilities and skills – almost like modern-day Lemmings. gamecca49


Project Spark PC /X360/ XO TBA

Announced to much applause during Microsoft’s E3 presentation, Project Spark will allow gamers to almost create their own games and terrains in this semi top-down combat adventure title. Players will be able to manipulate almost anything in the game’s environment to help them in combat.

Puppeteer PS3 Sep 2013

Being a platform game, Puppeteer will be playable in both 2D and in 3D, and revolves around a boy named Kutaro, who has been turned into a puppet. Kutaro makes use of a giant pair of scissors to defend himself against enemies, cutting objects in the background to reveal secrets and advance further into the game.


PS3 Q3 2013


This title takes on a rather unique style, as players will be assuming the role of a nameless young boy who needs to track down a girl after they turned invisible. After turning invisible himself, he realises that there are more invisible creatures in the world, and it becomes a struggle to find the girl again.



SID MEIER’S CIVILIZATION V BASE EDITION REQUIRED TO PLAY © 1991-2013 Take-Two Interactive Software and its subsidiaries. Developed by Firaxis Games. Sid Meier’s Civilization V: Brave New World, Sid Meier’s Civilization V, Civ, Civilization, 2K, Firaxis Games, Take-Two Interactive Software and their respective logos are all trademarks of Take-Two interactive Software, Inc. Fork Copyright © 2013 Fork Particle, Inc. Rapid XML Copyright © 2006-2013 Marcin Kalicinski. Lua Copyright © 1994–2013, PUC-Rio. Uses Granny Animation. Copyright © 1999-2013 by RAD Game Tools, Inc. Uses Miles Sound System. Copyright © 1991-2013 by RAD Game Tools, Inc. © 2013 NVIDIA Corporation. NVIDIA, the NVIDIA logo, and The way it’s meant to be played are trademarks or registered trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. Intel, the Intel logo and Ultrabook are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. All rights reserved. The content of this videogame is fictional and is not intended to represent or depict an actual record of the events, persons or entities in the game’s historical setting.

R.I.P.D.The Game PC / PS3 / X360 Q4 2013

Movie game tie-ins have a rather bad reputation in the community, and with good reason. That being said, R.I.P.D., based on the upcoming movie of the same name and the Dark Horse comic, has shown enough solid two player co-op action to be interesting, despite the otherwise complete lack of details.

Skylanders: Swap Force

PC / PS3 / X360 / Wii U / 3DS / PS4 / XO / Wii Oct 2013 Skylanders (A.K.A. “crack for kids”) has become a billion dollar franchise already, with a third instalment on its way. There’s a host of new features, such as jumping, but the most exciting aspect comes from the 16 new hybrid characters, whose top and bottom halves can be swopped to merge powers.

Sonic: Lost World Wii U / 3DS Q4 2013


One has to admire Sega’s perseverance when it comes to the Sonic franchise, though this time things are looking surprisingly good. Lost World’s apparently seamless blend of 2D and 3D gameplay more than harks back to Sonic’s roots, with the game looking (most importantly) great fun to play.



Ryse: Son of Rome XO Nov 2013

With sword in hand and shield at the ready, take up the armour and honour of Rome, for the call to battle has been uttered and it is your time to rise. Step into the sandals of Marius Titus, a Roman soldier driven by revenge for the death of his family and empowered by Rome to exact out his vengeance. This cinematic adventure brings the realism of the Roman Empire in its immersive world and realistic environments. Experience the thrill of the fight as players seek to master visceral sword and shield combinations; truly a beauty of a title.



South Park:The Stick of Truth PC / PS3 / X360 Q4 2013

Despite THQ’s bankruptcy, The Stick of Truth is back on track with Ubisoft at the helm. Billed as an RPG, and featuring classic elements such as turn-based combat, South Park creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker are providing the plot and voices for the game, which looks to be irreverently hilarious.

Splinter Cell: Blacklist PC / PS3 / X360 / Wii U Aug 2013

Sam Fischer will once again stalk through our screens, this time at the head of Fourth Echelon following the events of Conviction. Blacklist will feature a new mechanic called “Killing In Motion”, allowing Sam to take out multiple targets while on the run, as well a full Kinect integration.

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Wii U / 3DS 2014


Nintendo’s penchant for relying on established franchises was in full view this E3, and Super Smash Bros. was one of the many titles that will have the faithful returning. There will be unique levels for each of the platform releases, while Mega Man’s series debut has fans abuzz about other possible additions.




PC / PS3 / X360 / PS4 / XO 2014 One of gaming’s most venerable franchises is getting the reboot treatment, and considering that Thief practically created the stealth genre as we know it, older gamers will be chomping at the bit to get their hands on it. Once again we will step into the shoes of Garrett, who returns to the City only to find it under the iron-fisted rule of the Baron. There’s a host of new gameplay features, including a new Focus mode, but stealth will still be vital to Garrett’s survival, and all signs point to a game that should please both veterans and newcomers alike.



The Division PS4 / XO Q4 2014

Set in a world in which the US has been ravaged by plague, the Division is billed as 3rd Person MMORPG shooter. With integrated support for tablets (in which you act as a support drone), and Tom Clancy titles’ penchant for excellence, keep a close eye on this upcoming release.

The Evil Within

PC / PS3 / X360 / PS4 / XO 2014 Shinji Mikami, the creator of Resident Evil, is looking to return to his roots with The Evil Within. The E3 trailers showed a title that was horrifying in its depiction, and by all indications, fans of true survival horrors should be getting very excited about this title.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt PC / PS4 / XO 2014


For those that love their RPG’s, Witcher 3 absolutely stunned this E3. Complemented by breath-taking visuals and an improved combat system, this will see Geralt’s first foray into an open-world gameplay, reportedly 20% bigger than that of Skyrim, with approximately 100 hours of pure RPG hedonism.



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TMNT: Out of the Shadows Aug 2013 PC / PS3 / X360

In a return to nostalgia driven gaming (at least for me), Activision is resurrecting the TMNT gaming franchise after a four year absence. Essentially an action brawler with a four player online co-op, which at least looks fun, Activision is touting the “hyper-realistic 3D graphics” of the game.

Total War: Rome 2 PC Sep 2013

As grand strategy games go, the Total War franchise is one of the best, and Rome 2 isn’t looking to disappoint. The stats are massive, with 117 factions and over 500 unit types; however the real star is the new Warscape engine, which Creative Assembly hopes will show the inhumanity of war.

Transistor PC / PS4 2014


A rather quirky (yet imaginative) offering, Transistor will be a real-time action game with tactical turn based combat. As with Supergiant Games’ previous title, Bastion, Transistor will be played from a 3D isometric perspective, with the same gorgeous graphical style as the first, albeit with a sci-fi theme.




PC / X360 / XO Q1 2014 Titanfall takes the independent single and multiplayer game modes and amalgamates them into one immersive multiplayer experience that incorporates single-player elements into the game. As elite assault pilots, players will have to fight and survive the battlefield, using abilities such as the double jump and wall run to take down enemies. When not on foot, players will be strapped into the Titan, a heavily armoured mech with the agility of a foot soldier. With stunning graphics, a game engine able to run at 60 FPS and the use of cloud computing, Titanfall looks to create an amazing online gaming experience.



Warframe PS4 TBA

Warframe, the free to play action MMO, is making its way to the PS4, and with good, if somewhat critical, reviews and a strong fan base, Sony is hoping that Warframe’s frenetic OTT style, and the fact that it will be F2P, will translate well for the PS4 at launch.

Wii Party U Wii U Oct 2013

Nintendo is hoping that old tricks will save its somewhat floundering console, and an update to the ever popular Wii Party should help that along. Featuring over 80 new mini-games, with some only using the gamepad, Wii Party U is likely to be a title family centred gamers will lap up.

Wolfenstein:The New Order PC / PS3 / X360 / PS4 / XO Dec 2013


B.J. Blazkowicz will once again grace our screens at the end of the year, this time in an alternate history in which the Nazis won World War 2. Single player only, the developers have stated the story is of tantamount importance, along with action that looks wildly inventive and immersing.




PC / PS3 / X360 / Wii U / PS4 / XO Nov 2013 Watch Dogs has been in the media spotlight since it showed at E3 2012, and absolutely nothing that has been shown has dampened the anticipation this game has created. Taking on the role of Aiden Pearce, Watch Dogs will be an openworld stealth game that aims to blend combat and hacking into one seamless package. It’s an intoxicating combination, and the features that have been shown, such as escaping an area by hacking into traffic lights in order to cause an accident, show tantalising possibilities. The proof is in the pudding, but Watch Dogs is shaping up to be a stunning game.




But What About...? And that’s a wrap for our E3 1023 coverage. There is a lot of exciting gaming on the way for the rest of this year, as well as 2014. One of the biggest highlights of the show was something that is rather conspicuous in its absence from this round-up: the announcement of two major next-generation consoles. Both Microsoft and Sony went to town to elaborate on earlier announcements for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 respectively. So why is there so little mention of these two new giants in this round-up? Well, quite simply, it is still a little early to bring any hard and fast facts to our readers, particularly in terms of the South African market. This is evidenced by the fact that Microsoft, mere days after the conclusion of E3 2013, pulled a 180 on us with regards to their DRM and Internet connectivity policies. They announced that they would drop the controversial and draconian ideas that gamers around the globe were griping about. As the console war goes, nothing - absolutely nothing - is set in stone. This is the first time that two big names will be releasing machines that (on


paper) have very similar performance at the same time. The battles are going to be fierce, and the big players need to keep on their feet to stay viable. Microsoft may have reacted to what gamers were complaining about (I am sure they did, to a degree) but they also had to pay attention to what Sony was saying. All this comes down to the fact that, at the moment, there are still too many things we don’t know about these consoles (particularly in a South African context) to tell you exactly what to expect. We would rather avoid rumour, speculation and reactionary reporting in favour of giving you a more accurate picture a little later down the line - at least after some local announcements have been made. If you do want to see what the situation is (in an article that cuts out all the rubbish and reports the facts) be sure to check out this month’s issue of Gladget magazine ( For now, we’re sure you’ll agree that the next few months of gaming will remind us exactly why we love this activity... they’re going to be crammed with awesome!


Reviews Highlights 64 The Last of Us An incredible journey! 68 Remember Me But will you? 70 Fuse Mindless co-op violence 72 State of Decay Zombies, zombies everywhere...


s can be expected with this time of year - the E3 Big Chill - new releases have all but dried up. This midyear dearth of games is something you get used to over time. Besides which, it is also the time that a massive release invariably hits the shelves. This year that release comes in the form of the stunning The Last of Us. Now here’s a game that everyone should be playing. And rest assured, with what we’ve seen at E3 this year, there are extremely exciting times ahead as we zoom towards the also-inevitable end-of-year craziness! g



The Last of Us

At the End… Powerful entertainment in a dying world.

by Walt Pretorius


only lived up to its hype, but exceeded it. The Last of Us paints a grim picture of humanity’s future, as the name implies. A terrible fungal infection turns much of the population into flesh craving Infected, mindless zombie-like creatures that prey on those who have not succumbed to the disease. Those that are left are herded into tightly controlled quarantine zones, or remain in the resulting wastelands to fend for themselves, either as paranoid settlers clinging together, or as bloodthirsty predators who see their fellow man as something to be hunted. And it is through this world, with its ramshackle cities slowly being reclaimed by the wild, and vast open stretches where no-one dares live, that two survivors must journey. The first is Joel, a middle-aged man who’s past has left him bitter and angry, and more than a little brutal.


aughty Dog really rose into prominence when they developed the Uncharted series for the PS3. Back when the console was still young, this remarkable development studio delivered a game that was – for its time – breath-taking. And they continued to improve on the formula, with each successive Uncharted title looking and feeling much better than those that had come before. And then, a couple of years ago, they announced that they would be bringing a second IP to the PlayStation 3. Even just after it was announced, The Last of Us got everyone talking. The hype that built up around the game was slow and steady, with just enough information released to keep us wanting it. And when it finally did arrive, we were treated to one of those rarest of gaming occurrences: a game that not



The second is Ellie, a teenage girl who knows nothing of the world before the outbreak, but who’s innocence in tainted by life in difficult circumstances. Together they need to travel across the USA to… ah, wait. That would be a spoiler. And spoilers for this game would be a sin. The player spends most of their time in control of Joel, the grizzled veteran who doesn’t shy away from violence in this savage world. Ellie, therefore, is mostly an AI controlled companion, but great programming means that she is an asset rather than a liability. The game often relies on the two working together to overcome obstacles, which the AI does dutifully and efficiently. There are other characters that share the limelight for short periods, and they too possess the virtual brains the player needs them to. In fact, all of the AI, from companions to mindless infected and sly, sneaky

human enemies, is top notch. The player will often find themselves up against enemies that try to flank them or play to other advantages, which adds a beautiful level of realism to this title. Speaking of realism, Naughty Dog have done numerous things to the game dynamic to not only further the idea that the situation is real, but also to add tension to the proceedings. The Last of Us plays off like a survival horror and cover-based shooter hybrid, with healthy doses of stealth dynamics thrown in for good measure. And so ammo and resources are scarce, and enemies are plentiful and relentless. But further tension comes from the fact that aiming a weapon is more difficult than in other games, because there is no aim assist and weapons tend to waver a bit. That’s not bad coding – it’s exceptionally good coding. In addition,



linearity in a game is often frowned upon, it is important to The Last of Us, because all that exploring, shooting, crafting and sneaking is secondary to the real shining gem of the title: the characters. The plot is fairly straight forward, but existing within it are some of the most compellingly believable characters that video games have ever seen. Not only are they written well, with carefully constructed dialogue adding to the player’s perception of them, but the game’s excruciatingly good graphics and pitch perfect voice acting allows the player to read between all kinds of lines. The sullen Joel, for example, never really says how he feels about his companion, but his body language and facial expressions speak volumes. That, combined with a wonderfully atmospheric sound track, makes The Last of Us a game that is not only engaging and exciting, but


healing takes time, as does crafting items like health kits, Molotov cocktails, shivs and nail bombs. Even improving Joel’s skills takes a bit of time (hold the button, rather than press it). In addition to improving skills, Joel can also make his weapons better. Both of these need resources that are scarce, so choosing the right skill increase or weapon modification is vital. Even though the game allows a ‘plus’ playthrough when you have completed it, that doesn’t mean that you will necessarily find everything you need to max the character out. Speaking of finding things, because it is quite plot driven The Last of Us is pretty linear. Still, the levels are large and have tons of exploration potential, with nooks and crannies hiding resources or those couple of extra bullets that may make all the difference. While



also extremely emotionally charged, right from the getgo. Even the most hardened head-shot hunter will get misty eyed from time to time as this powerful piece of entertainment unfolds. And that is why action junkies who race through games and skip cut scenes simply won’t gain a full appreciation of how good this game really is. The game dynamics are fun and exciting, but the real meat of the offering lies in the story, and the complex relationship between Joel and Ellie. It has massive implications for the plot, too, which you will see as the game draws to a close. At the risk of sounding like a gushing fan-boy, The Last of Us truly is a gaming masterpiece. Everything about it screams quality, and the final result is greater than the sum of its already impressive parts. Yes, it has a bug or two – like when your AI partner, on rare occasions,

gets in your way. But these are very uncommon, and even when they do crop up, the player will be likely to forgive them, purely because the rest of the experience is sublime. It’s the kind of game that you’ll want to play more than once… and it has a decent multiplayer component, too! The word “masterpiece” is one that I generally don’t like putting into game reviews. But it is totally applicable in this case. Naughty Dog have not only shown that they are capable of great game design, but also that they can create a piece of true art in the form of the video game. It is a massive achievement, both for the PS3 and for gaming in general, and a title that every gamer simply must play. The Last of Us proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that games can transcend stereotypes and become wonderful pieces of entertainment art. g

AT A GLANCE: Third person adventure

Reviewed on:

The Last of Us is, quite simply, one of the finest games ever made. Similar to: MaxPlayers Developer: Publisher: Distributer:

Uncharted Local





Naughty Dog SCEE Ster Kinekor

Parental Advisory

18+ gamecca49


Violence Language Sex Drug Use Prejudice

Accessibility Hard-Core Medium Casual

PS3 Platforms


PC X360 Kinect

PS3 Move

Wii U Wii PSV 3DS DS


98 67

Remember Me

Remember What Now? Memory loss is a drag…

by Charlie Fripp


point of view. With Remember Me, the graphics - while strong - do not test the computing power that resides within PlayStation and its ability to handle images. The environments are rich in detail and small add-ons do go some way to make the game a bit more believable. Nillin’s main objective is to defeat any enemy that gets in her way and she accomplishes this rather effectively using a set of combos and powers. Players will have to manage the combos themselves through a series of level-ups, but luckily it is not very difficult to work out. As for the rest of the button scheme, during the short tutorial it is clear that it will not take a great deal of skill to guide Nillin around the world and to complete tasks, but this simplicity is also what makes the game enjoyable. And she does have some rather impressive powers at her disposal, easily within reach…


hat would happen in a world where memories can be bought, sold, traded and stored? In today’s age, that would certainly create a lot of havoc, and that is exactly the situation that plays itself out in Dontnod Entertainment’s futuristic Remember Me. Taking place in highly-technologically driven Paris in the year 2084, the city is entirely transformed through technology – and it’s not all for the better. Players will assume the role of Nilin, a memory hunter who aims to bring down a large corporation that has commercialised the storing of memories online– and the removal of unpleasant ones. But are gamers in for a technological whirl-wind of adventure? Or will it slide into the ‘delete’ pile? As is the case with most titles that are released, there is a tendency to push the boundaries from a graphics



One of the most exciting aspects of the title is the ability to remix the memories of her targets. Sadly this cannot be done at will, and there are not nearly enough of these sequences, but it is still highly entertaining. During the Memory Remix, Nillin changes small aspects of a person’s memory to create scenarios that differ vastly from actually occured in reality. This is done for various reasons, but mostly so that people either kill themselves, or other people. While the rest of the game is action-packed, the addition of Memory Remix sequences would have made the title stand out from other third-person action adventures. There are far too few of them and they are incredibly interesting to piece together. Another area where the game lacks somewhat is combat. Do not get us wrong – the combat works pretty

well, but once gamers have filled up their slots of combos, it is really down to simply remembering each one to successfully pull off the attack. It can become a bit repetitive after a while and a bit more variation would have gone a long way. Going through the levels, navigation and orientation of the narrow alleys and streets of Neo-Paris can become tedious and pedestrian. Gamers will be guided around every turn, where to go, what to jump on and what to swing off of. A bit of room for free-thinking on the player’s part would have been a nice touch, or more of an openworld in which players could explore other options. Remember Me is something that most gamers might not remember at all. While the concept is great (although not something entirely new), the game misses the opportunity to truly stand out. g

AT A GLANCE: Adventure

Reviewed on:


The exciting concept and good graphics ultimately isn’t enough to sustain attention Similar to: MaxPlayers Developer: Publisher: Distributer:

Tomb Raider Local





Dontnod Entertainment Sony Ster Kinekor

Parental Advisory

16+ gamecca49


Violence Language Sex Drug Use Prejudice

Accessibility Hard-Core Medium Casual



PC X360 Kinect

PS3 Move

Wii U Wii PSV 3DS DS


79 69


All or Nothing Play this one co-op… for your own sanity

by Walt Pretorius


Fuse tells the tale of four elite operatives on the trail of an organisation that is trying to steal a mysterious alien technology called Fuse. Who are the aliens? Where did Fuse come from? How did it fall into human hands? The game pretty much yells “who cares?” at these questions as it loads up another clip and lets loose on the bad guys. The plot line is simple, derivative and completely underdeveloped. It’s about co-operatively killing lots of enemies, and little more. It hints at deeper character stories and does a tiny bit of development, but none of this is important to the game itself. In terms of expanding on the world presented in Fuse, well… the game could have been set anywhere, with any back story. Except, of course, for the Fuse powered weapons that the characters use. Each character has a unique weapon that more or less ties into their role in the team, and the


veryone loves a co-op game. Well, almost everyone. There’s something about working together in a game environment that is extremely appealing, and this is something that Fuse definitely gets right. With four playable characters that are well balanced to support each other’s roles, the need for support in terms of healing and missions that are failed in anyone dies, it pushes the idea of co-op into new realms. It’s not about players giving each other boosts to higher platforms anymore – this one really needs a level of co-operation. That, of course, brings a problem to the picture. You need to find the right players to enjoy Fuse with. If you do so, and can forgive the game a few of its eccentricities, you’ll have fun blasting bad guys for a few hours.



special effects that these weapons result in can be rather fun. In truth, while it is lots of fun, Fuse is also rather mediocre. The graphics are okay, the voice acting is not bad, the level design is acceptable. There is nothing that makes this particular title stand out. Until, of course, you start playing it as a single player. The AI that controls the rest of the characters is also mediocre, meaning that it simply isn’t good enough for the single player to get through the game properly. This is particularly apparent in times missions, when the lacklustre performance of the AI characters simply isn’t effective enough to beat the clock. Sure, the player can jump between characters in single player, but that still doesn’t change the fact that there is a pervasive feeling of being punished for daring to play Fuse

without the required four humans. Fuse is great as a time killer, but it is little more than that. It doesn’t try to be deep, or to deliver anything but a B-grade sci-fi movie experience. Even as a multiplayer game, people will likely only want to play it through once (and single players might not even get that far). And that’s sad, really, because the concept of the game could have resulted in a lot more of… well, everything. Including quality. There are some truly annoying bugs that crop up, although they are pretty few and far between. Event triggers may fail to engage, or the camera may literally get stuck. That kind of thing that isn’t a minor glitch. Still, you may well enjoy it, if you’re after a bucket-load of mindless action. Just make sure you find three friends after the same thing before you even start. g

AT A GLANCE: Third person action

Reviewed on:


Fuse is mindless fun if you’re playing it co-op. Going solo is painful. Similar to: MaxPlayers Developer: Publisher: Distributer:

Army of Two, Star Trek Local





Insomniac Electronic Arts EA South Africa

Parental Advisory

18+ gamecca49


Violence Language Sex Drug Use Prejudice

Accessibility Hard-Core Medium Casual



PC X360 Kinect

PS3 Move

Wii U Wii PSV 3DS DS


69 71

State of Decay

State of Play Great fun, thin plot

by Charlie Fripp


church in another town with other survivors. That is when the missions start being dished out. While players start off with Marcus, they are semi-free to swap between whichever character is available. However, characters do become injured and fatigued – which will render them unavailable for selection. Fighting zombies is also no easy task and the right tools of the trade must be used. The title features a number of weapons - 99 different guns and about 40 melee weapons in total – but players will have to choose carefully. Characters have limited inventory space and bigger guns take up more room – leaving very little space for smaller items. There are many things to pick up around the world, which will help the player and the community they are living in. What is rather awesome is that players have to earn


n general, zombies titles would like players to believe that the fate of humankind rests squarely on their shoulders. While that is kind of true for State of Decay, there is no rule that says that gamers can’t have a bit of zombie-smashing fun on the side. A number of infected titles have taken a bit of a comedic angle on the undead, and while State of Decay is no different, there are some serious parts – people are dying, after all. At the start of the title, players assume the role of Marcus, and during the first couple of missions, players are helped out and shown how to get around. The title takes it rather easy on the player for the first few activities - but once they leave the relative safety of the camp, is when things truly go pear-shaped. The title really gets underway when players arrive at a



their keep in the community and must contribute by keeping zombies at bay, bringing resources back to camp and generally help out. As players progress, they will earn ‘influence points’, which can then be used to upgrade the community’s facilities and earn more weapons. There is a minor role-playing element to the game in the sense that characters gain experience in certain aspects - such as fighting, stamina and health, but these aspects cannot be upgraded by players. The graphics are pretty good for a studio that has only developed one title, and while it is not award-winning, they tend to focus on smaller details as well, which is a nice touch! One of the aspects that developer Undead Labs neglected somewhat was the plot. While there is a general plot – which is to survive – there is not much in the way of a story. Sure,

there are some elements that tie into the general feeling and objective of the title, but the majority of the missions are fetch-based. Even while the general feeling of the title is just to survive, there is no urgency to complete the plot points that actually drive the plot – which is probably the title’s biggest downfall. As a first title for Undead Labs, they should be applauded for their efforts and it just goes to show that they have what it takes to make a successful title. State of Decay has actually been so successful, that it has sold more than 550 000 copies since release. With great graphics, easy controls, tons of fun and a highly-interactive free roam elements, players will experience hours of enjoyment exploring the incredibly vast map. It is definitely worth a play, and its replay value is higher than average, which is always a great thing. g

AT A GLANCE: Third-person shooter

Reviewed on:


Great in concept with moments of fun, but the plot is a bit thin Similar to: MaxPlayers Developer: Publisher: Distributer:

Dead Rising, The Walking Dead, Grand Theft Auto. Local





Undead Labs Microsoft XBLA

Parental Advisory

18+ gamecca49


Violence Language Sex Drug Use Prejudice

Accessibility Hard-Core Medium Casual



PC X360 Kinect

PS3 Move

Wii U Wii PSV 3DS DS


78 73

Resident Evil: Revelations

A Bigger Screen But is that a good thing?

by Walt Pretorius


big one is never easy, but Capcom have managed the transition fairly well. At least, that’s the case for character models. They actually look great. The environments, though, look rather dated and out of place on a current generation console. Speaking of environments, the Queen Zenobia – the ship that forms the setting for Revelations-has got to be one of the best settings that Resident Evil ever used. The cramped confines and meandering passages (not to mention tons of dark nooks and crannies) helps heighten the tension of the game immensely, even if the graphics leave something to be desired. Being based on a ship, Revelations has a lot of movement and swaying related to the environment. That means that the player’s aiming reticle will move a lot, and hitting enemies is not as easy as one may like


hen it comes to survival horror games, there are a few franchises that spring to mind immediately. One of those is the Resident Evil series, which spent many years carving out a specific niche in the genre, and doing it well. But there have been a few weaker moments for the series of late. When Resident Evil: Revelations came out for the 3DS a while ago, it served as a high point. The graphics were great and the game worked well on Nintendo’s hand held system. It was one of the franchises recent high points – so it is little wonder that Capcom have now brought Revelations to other systems, too. The question that leaps to mind, first and foremost, is that of quality. Going from a small screen to a



it to be. Added to this comes a technical problem; the controls in Revelations just don’t feel right. Aiming is finicky and the overall controls seem quite inconsistent. Other than that, it really is the same game. It is possessed of the same crazy plot and often ridiculous dialogue that the 3DS version had, and it provides a lot of enjoyment, if you are willing to look past its many issues. Taking a game from a hand held platform and putting it onto a powerful current generation console is not a simple prospect. And it’s obvious that a lot of work went into this; it’s not just a port (which would, let’s be honest, have been a disastrous mistake). It must have been a real challenge for the developers, taking a game intended for a small screen and built for a very different set of controls, and bringing it to a TV based console

system. And in that regard, they really did do a smashing job. The game is, as said before, enjoyable, and fans of the franchise will likely lap it up. Unfortunately, though, this does feel like lip service rather than a release that was taken seriously. Sure, it would have been more work, but would it have equated to that much more to put extra effort into the areas that are lacking in the title? As it stands, Resident Evil: Revelations is enjoyable, but it doesn’t feel like it belongs on the bigger consoles. If this was the game’s original release, it would have been slammed. The title is still more at home on the 3DS, and is a better experience there. Fans of the franchise will likely enjoy the additional story information, though, and the game can be enjoyed here (if you’re willing to be forgiving). g

AT A GLANCE: Survival Horror

Reviewed on:


It’s nice to have on bigger consoles, but Revelations’ true home is still the 3DS Similar to: MaxPlayers Developer: Publisher: Distributer:

Resident Evil 6, Silent Hill. Local





Capcom Capcom Ster Kinekor

Parental Advisory

16+ gamecca49


Violence Language Sex Drug Use Prejudice

Accessibility Hard-Core Medium Casual



PC X360 Kinect

PS3 Move

Wii U Wii PSV 3DS DS


68 75

Combo Crew

Swipes Of Fury Let your fingers do the brawling.

by James Francis






Reviewed on:

A fun if technically demanding brawler, but not for slow devices. Similar to: MaxPlayers Developer: Publisher: Distributer:

Games Games Games Games Games Local





The Game Bakers The Game Bakers Google Play Store

Parental Advisory

3+ gamecca49


Violence Language Sex Drug Use Prejudice

Accessibility Hard-Core Medium Casual

Android Platforms

ho knows where this fascination with fighting up a tower came from. Cultural pundits like to credit Bruce Lee’s Game Of Death, but it’s a fair bet that God must have been tempted to use ascending deathmatches for settling the whole Tower Of Babel thing. He just ran out of quarters. The concept lives yet again in Combo Crew, a beat-em-up for touchscreens. Four fighters are kidnapped and placed in a tower, where they have to fight to the top - all to gratify some evil boss type on who the best brawler of them all is. Inconvenient, perhaps, but it’s probably what pugilistic pros all live for anyway. Avoiding on-screen controls, Combo Crew instead plays by making swipes on the screen. A single-finger swipe unleashes an attack. Hold-and-swipe is a power punch, while twofinger swipes unleash different special attacks. Each fight takes place in a static environment - brawl until no more bad guys show up. After several successful fights, you transition to a new area and tougher bad guys. Every fighter has a series of special moves, which can be unlocked in a separate mode where you have to meet certain challenges, such as blocking a certain type of fighter ten times or reaching a certain combo level. The rest is simple: build your attacks and scores with combos - broken when you get punched. Punch everyone in the face and move up a rung. This is a fun game, if a tad hectic. It’s also not great for devices with slower screens. Though it tempts the swiping equivalent of button bashing, soon the difficulty demands skill. But it certainly rewards players willing to invest the time needed to unleash the fingertip dragon. g

PC X360 Kinect

PS3 Move

Wii U Wii PSV 3DS Android



g a m e c c a r ev i ew • i s s u e 1 7 • N ove m b e r 2 0 1 0

Listening to Sheep by Ramjet

Ramjet’s Rantality

The views expressed in this column are not necessarily those of 1337 Media or Gamecca Magazine... or even those of a sane, rational human.


ow. Just freakin’ wow. I will never cease to be amazed by this industry or, more accurately, the people who use the products created by this industry. Yes, you, gamers, I find you fascinating. But not in the good way… more in the way that a scientist studies something like the Ebola virus. Yeah, like that. OK, quick definition here: a gamer isn’t every person who plays games. A gamer is one of those types who thinks that games are actually important, and that their achievements is games actually count for something. So, in other words, those annoying geeks who think that the world revolves around their headshot count. You know the ones I mean. You might just be one of them. I have never come across


a group of people more self-important, more selfaggrandising, more selfabsorbed. I know I have bitched about this before, but seriously, recent events have just pushed me over the brink of angry repetition. It’s incredible that we think that, now because we have a platform where everyone’s voice can be heard (that’s the internet, idiot) that everyone’s voice should be heard. So you end up with a nauseating flood of drivel pouring out of your monitor because everyone thinks that their opinion actually matters. “Oh, I won’t buy an XBone because they are going to screw gamers with DRM.” Yeah. I saw that one. Three days after Microsoft announced dropping their DRM and internet connectivity policies for the console. So, in other words, the

guy who wrote that not only thinks his opinion is so very important that he can waste my time by telling me something I don’t give a shit about, but the opinion that he is stating is based on being an uninformed moron. And no, it’s not a single example, or even a minority. The internet is heaving with this kind of mental effluent, and it’s enough to make me want to carve my eyes out of my head. Dude, no one cares what you’re going to buy. Keep in mind that, not only are you a self-important little turd, but most of the people reading what you write are just the same. So, no, they don’t care about your stupid, uninformed opinion. And that, I am sad to say, extends to certain journos out there as well. See, a good friend of


mine once told me that he believed the majority of game journalists weren’t journalists at all, but rather reactionary, uninformed fan boys. And he’s right. That’s the problem. The self-important, selfaggrandising, self-absorbed morons who think they are game journalists because they have a blog. Here’s a little guideline – if you have to buy the games you review, you’re a fan boy. No, it’s not the industry bribing real journalists with free stuff. It’s a benefit of experience, ability and staying informed… not to mention probably some actual training as a writer of some kind. So that’s that. Go ahead. Tell me your opinion after that little bit of venom hits you. I won’t read it, but why should you buck the trend, sheepboy? g





he action RPG genre had been sorely missing of a few practical innovations. Like a pack animal you could labour with all the trinkets you pick up. Dungeon Siege finally came to the rescue with a donkey that could also double as the world’s toughest substance.

A Year in Games

any attempts have been made at a mobthemed game. Others tried to really capture storytelling within sandbox worlds. Mafia would pioneer both. Sadly neither the sequel nor any other sandbox title ever matched its accomplishment.

f a sequel gets highlighted, it’s usually something special. But if a spin-off of a sequel gets a nod, like GTA III’s GTA: Vice City, it’s simply genius. And, really, what could be more inspired than taking the series’ debauchery and injecting it into a fictional version of drug-crazed 80s Miami?

ow big a deal was Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell? The creator of Metal Gear Solid said that he wished his series was made to look like it. And why not? The way Sam Fisher popped lightbulbs, shimmied up walls and took care of business made Solid Snake look like Mr. Bean...









aldur’s Gate created a true blueprint for digital role-playing games. Neverwinter Nights was the much-anticipated next iteration of the series - and it did not disappoint with lush graphics, a giant world and plenty of I’m-pretending-I’m-an-elf stuff.

here is nothing to merit the existence of BMX XXX, but it deserves a mention just to remind the world that once there was a really attempt at producing sleazy blockbuster games. Ultimately it ended up being what everyone expected: a half-baked extreme sports game with boobs.

ak and Daxter were the all-stars of the PlayStation 2 platforming era. Next in line stood Ratchet & Clank, the DIY specialists who managed to get themselves into all kinds of trouble. Nintendo may claim the platforming crown, but this pair showed the PS2 was really the ruler of the genre.

ave you been to Wake Island? Have you flown a plane into a tank? Did you ramp jeeps into enemy bases? Did you steer the carrier into the bay? Did you ever try to stand on the bomber’s wings while someone took off? Ah, Battlefield 1942, you were the one who got away...

2002 gamecca49


Roxio Game Capture HD Pro

Record video from any game platform with this effective solution.


the Platf



by Walt Pretorius



ecording footage of video games is not something that everyone is going to do. But for those that are after effectively capturing video game footage, there are a few problems that may arise. First of all, many capture cards or units feature only one kind of input. In other words, they feature either component cable plugs, or HDMI ports. While it might seem like a good idea to leap on the HDMI port option, there is a problem that arises from capturing footage from PS3; the HDMI port on the Sony console is protected by HDCP, a highdefinition copy protection system mainly aimed at stopping people from pirating Blu-Ray movies. It can’t be turned off for games, though – everything that passes through the PS3’s HDMI port is protected. That’s what makes Roxio’s Game Capture HD Pro such a great device. This external capture device allows for both HMDI and component inputs and outputs. That means versatility in connection, and a way around Sony’s HDCP implementation. What’s even better, though, is that signal input via component can be output as HDMI. This means hooking the unit up to a monitor or TV while recording is really simple. Sure, there is a bit of clarity loss, but you’re going to do this for video recording, not general gaming. And if you’re going to upload your videos to something like YouTube, the 720p cap for component recording is really enough. Once connected to the console (or consoles, if you use a component connection for PS3 and HDMI for Xbox, for example) the Game Capture HD Pro interfaces with the PC that will be capturing the footage via a USB cable. Roxio-s software then captures the footage while the player enjoys gaming with no lag on the output monitor. There might be lag in the software’s monitor area, but absolutely none of that appears on the screen that the signal from the unit outputs to. With such an easy-to-use, effective solution taking care of current-generation console game recording, it’s a wonder that more people aren’t doing it. The Game Capture HD Pro is almost fool-proof, and the unit and software enjoy extensive support coverage online, should you run into any problems. Speaking of online, the capture software insists on an internet connection while recording, which is the only real downside to this system. It is a great option – in fact, Gamecca Video have switched to using the Roxio solution for online video reviews. Check out the reviews of The Last of Us and Remember Me to see the quality of the recordings at In short, if you want to get all your gaming recorded effectively and simply, this is the way to go. g


Tech Specs:

The Game Capture HD Pro not only captures great quality video game footage, but it provides a solution for all consoles.

M a nufa c turer Distributer: O nline: RRP:


Very easy to use Great capture quality Multiple inputs

Component input HMDI input Component output HDMI output Live streaming Editing software included

Roxio Phoenix Softwa re www.roxio.c om TB C

Pros • • • • •

• • • • • •

Cons • • • • •

Only 720p from component


92 83

To the Max A















Asus Maximus VI Hero Motherboard












by Rob Edwards



ith Intel releasing their new Haswell processors (which, in layman’s terms, are an upgrade to multi-core processing, based on the Ivy Bridge CPUs) motherboard manufacturers are working all out to ensure that they get a slice of the inevitable early-adopter upgrade pie. This, combined with the relatively recent move towards gaming oriented components, means that we are seeing some very interesting ideas popping up. While only hard-core enthusiasts get truly excited about motherboards, various companies are offering options that should get a wider variety of people looking forward to new system backbones. Asus’ Maximus VI Hero is one such motherboard and it brings with it more than a few features that are rather exciting. For example (and this is one that we love) it has a built in Sonic Radar system. What this means is that, when gaming, the board scans for sounds within the 3D environment of the game, and displays precise directions of gunshots, footsteps and more on an on-screen radar. Cheating? Well, maybe, but it certainly will gamers that use it an edge. But the Maximus isn’t just about visual representations of audio stimuli. Rather, it packs in a number of features that make the overall gaming experience great. GameFirst II, for example, is a LAN system that prioritises game traffic over a network, cutting down on lag. The system is even customisable, allowing the user to manage traffic volumes effectively. RAMDisk is another system that improves the experience by using part of the system’s physical memory as storage. This means that smoother performance and less strain on drives are the order of the day. The board’s audio also uses carefully calibrated systems and architecture to deliver extremely good sound. In terms of components, the Maximus uses top notch bits and pieces to ensure level power consumption and greater stability. These include NexFET Power Block MOSFETs, Black Wing Chokes and 10K Black Metallic solid stateW capacitors. In simple terms, these equate to less heat generation, more efficient power consumption and improved overall stability. The Maximus VI Hero really is a great motherboard, in terms of performance. It might not look quite as flashy as some other boards do, but this system backbone manages to offer great performance – which really is the most important aspect of it. With support for both Crossfire and SLi, the board allows for added graphics punch. However, overclocking it is not as simple as other boards –it’s possible, but it takes a little more work than on other boards. That shouldn’t be a problem for most users, though, because the Maximus manages to deliver the goods without tweaking. It’s fast and effective, and a very reliable device for tying all your PC components together. g


Tech Specs:

This board is a great solution for gamers, and anyone else wanting a high performance PC system.

M a nufa c turer Distributer: O nline: RRP:


Great stability Sonic Radar system Good audio

Z87 Express chipset 4 RAM ports 6 USB 3.0 ports 8 USB 2.0 ports Crossfire compatible SLi compatible

A sus A sus www.a sus.c om A pprox R3 200

Pros • • • • •

• • • • • •

Cons • • • • •

A little less userfriendly


88 85

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Mad Catz R.A.T. 5 Gaming Mouse

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by Walt Pretorius

Serious Rig W

e have seen numerous good mouse devices over the years that we have been putting this magazine together. But only on one occasion did we see a mouse that offered an extreme degree of physical customisation. By ‘physical’ we mean actually allowing the user to alter its shape for a more comfortable fit. It was the Razer Orobouros, and it remains a firm favourite. But there is a whole range of mice that offer that kind of customisation, plus something that the Razer solution did not – variable weight.Originally created by Cyborg and now by Mad Catz (thanks to one of those business-type take-over things) the R.A.T series of mice offer users a massive degree of customisation. The R.A.T. 5 offers it in mainly two ways. The first is that the mouse features a length adjustment, which allows the user to find a very comfortable fit. The second is in 30g of weighs which can be added or removed, giving the user the perfect heft for the mouse as well. While other devices in this range offer even more options (like width adjustment) the R.A.T. 5 is a more stripped down version. That said, it still gives virtually any competitor a good run for their money. Built on an aluminium frame, it is extremely sturdy, and features a look that is, to say the least, very striking. While other mouse products are about smooth lines and curves, the R.A.T. 5 is about edges and dramatic angles, making it stand out among the crowd, in terms of looks. Other mouse products look like cool devices – the R.A.T. 5 looks like a tool. Several other features are quite exceptional, in addition to the 5600 dpi performance that it delivers with its high grade laser. The DPI can be adjusted and set to four predefined setings, for example. Also, the mouse features a precision aiming mode, when the smallest movement is vital to gaming success. A mode switch next to the left button allows the user to switch between three modes, making the total number of programmable button sets 18 – that’s six times three. And then, just to add insult to injury for competitors, it comes in a variety of colours, too. Mad Catz are working hard to become a company that produces high-end, aspirational products, and with devices like the R.A.T. 5, they are achieving that goal. Sure, these aren’t the cheapest mice around, but the 5 is better priced, placing it within reach of a wider audience. It may not have all the bells and whistles of the higher end R.A.T. units, but it still offers great performance and a good level of customisation, both physically and in terms of control. g


Tech Specs:

At the lower end of the R.A.T. range, the 5 performs beautifully nonethe-less.

M a nufa c turer Distributer: O nline: RRP:


Unique looks Excellent performance Customisation

5600 dpi 3 modes 6 programmable buttons Length customisation Weight customisation Four DPI presets

M a d Ca tz Comet Computing www.c ometc omputing .c TB C

Pros • • • • •

• • • • • •

Cons • • • • •

Not the cheapest mouse around


92 87


Looking after your peepers

Gunnar Digital Precision Eyewear

by Rob Edwards

W Review


e spend a lot of time in front of computers, and the resulting potential eye-strain can wreak havoc with our health. Not only eyesight can be affected; headaches and other maladies are also possible. It is vital to visit an optometrist, who can help out with prescription lenses. However, if you don’t need glasses, then there is a solution for you. Gunnar Digital Performance Eyewear products are available in a number of styles, but they all have one thing in common – their specialised lenses. These lenses help to reduce the negative impact of staring at a computer monitor for long periods of time. That’s great news for those that want to preserve their eyesight without compromising on their computer use. They do take a little getting used to, but perseverance has its rewards in this case. We’re impressed with the decrease in eyestrain and related problems that using them brought about. g



Tech Specs:

A great solution for those who get eye strain from computer use, but don’t need prescription glasses.

M a nufa c turer Distributer: O nline: RRP:


Comfortable Effective A variety of styles

Several styles Protective lenses

Gunna r Comet Computing www.c ometc omputing .c Va ries a c c ording to sty le

Pros • • • • •

• • • • • •

Cons • • • • •

Take some getting used to



a MotoGP 13 hamper! Courtesy of Apex Interactive TO ENTER: Send an email to Tell us who developed MotoGP 13. Tell us which platform you would prefer (PC, PS3 or Xbox 360) Insert MotoGP in the mail’s subject line Subscribe to Become a fan on Gamecca’s Facebook Page Competition closes 31 July 2013. Gamecca subscribers only. South African residents only. Prizes may not be exchanged for cash. Competition closed to employees (& employee’s family) of 1337 Media CC and Apex Interactive. The judges’ decision is final. co mp e t i t i on • c o mp et it io n • c o mp et i ti on • com pe ti ti on • com pe ti ti on • com p etition •

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MSI Z87-G45 Gaming Motherboard


The Next

ith Intel’s new series – that would be series 8, or Haswell – processors, motherboard manufacturers have jumped on board. They’re producing a number of solutions aimed at bringing end users boards that take advantage of all of the new Haswell features and abilities. Haswell, quite simply, is an enhanced multicore system that is a revision of the Ivy Bridge processors that were released not that long ago by Intel. In very basic terms, that means better processing power, but it also means having the right motherboard to handle not only the new chip, but also what it can do. One such motherboard manufacturer is MSI, who have introduced a series of Haswell based motherboards to their Gaming Series range of products. One such board is the Z87-G45 Gaming motherboard, and it brings with it the kind of quality you would expect from both the manufacturer and the series, combined with a number of new features. Among these features is simple overclocking, thanks to OC Genie 4. Additionally, overclocking can be done in the board’s BIOS, but OC Genie 4 keeps things very simple and effective. Also included, aside from the expected Military Class 4 components and other things that we see time and again from MSI, the Z87-G45 offers a few very nice extras that make a difference in the enduser’s performance. Killer Ethernet, for example, prioritises gaming over other network traffic, which leads to a reduction in lag. Then there’s the Audio Boost chipset, which employs studio-level materials (including gold jacks and EMI shielding) to get the best out of the boards built-in audio. This is supported by a SoundBlaster Cinema component, which enhances the surround sound performance of both games and movies. And then there’s the gaming device port, which has a PS/2 and USB ports that are triple gold plated and trimmed for high performance. The Z87-G45 is a good looking board, complete with the Gaming Series dragon trim that sets it visually apart from others. But it is also a great performer, providing stable and effective operation of pretty much every computing task it is put through. And that’s hardly surprising; when a motherboard is trimmed towards gaming – which is a very intensive activity for the PC system –all other tasks more or less fall into place. Those that want to keep on top of things may well be considering an upgrade with the release of the Haswell chips, and moving to a high-grade gaming motherboard may be an excellent option. If this is a route you want to follow, the Z87-G45 represents a reasonably priced, effective alternative. And that Z87 chipset really is great to see in action! g



A gaming solution for the Haswell chipset



Tech Specs:

MSI presents yet another great motherboard for gamers, this time in a Haswell flavour

M a nufa c turer Distributer: O nline: RRP:


Haswell CPU support Great gaming elements Looks killer!

Z87 Express chipset 6 USB 3.0 ports 8 USB 2.0 ports SLI / Crossfire compatible 4 RAM ports 8 channel audio

M SI Corex www.c orex.c TB C

Pros • • • • •

• • • • • •

Cons • • • • •

It’s upgrade time again!


89 91


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Razer Taipan Expert Ambidextrous Gaming Mouse

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T Review


he mouse market is far more complex than one would think. But if you walk into a well-stocked retailer and try to find a mouse, you’re going to be overwhelmed with choices. There are all kinds of products available in this hotly contested market, and the trend for new ideas and innovations isn’t going to be slowing down any time soon. Razer offer a massive variety of mice, including the Taipan. Once again named after a venomous snake, the Taipan manages to bring a new idea to the table that will have those wanting a high degree of precision doing a jig of delight. See, instead of using one sensor system, the Taipan sports two: this mouse uses a laser and an optical sensor. That may seem redundant, but what it essentially means is that the Taipan will work very well on absolutely any surface, and it offers a high degree of


precision tracking. The system uses an 8200 dpi sensor as well, so it is extremely responsive and quick. Here’s the irony, though… you would think that Razer would work that kind of a system into a mouse that was crammed with features. In essence, though, the Taipan is a fairly simple device. It may have fast reflexes, including 50g of acceleration and a 1 millisecond response time, but just looking at it wouldn’t have you thinking that it is particularly fancy. Not that it looks bad, mind you – Razer mouse devices all look sleek and impressive. But it is hard to distinguish this mouse from any other ambidextrous form factor Razer mouse. It features nine programmable buttons, which include the two standard buttons, a scroll wheel, two smaller buttons just rear of the scroll wheel and two buttons on each side. As with most ambidextrous Razers, the two buttons on the off side – away from the thumb – are


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by Rob Edwards

pretty tough to get to, but that still leaves seven easily accessible controls. The mouse sports a seven foot braided cable (because we all know that a mouse with a cable performs better) and has a contoured, rubberised thumb grip on either side. It is Synapse 2.0 compliant, and features all the glowing bits you would expect from the Razer stable. It’s a great mouse to use, and the responsiveness is clear right from the word go. But adding yet another mouse to their offering certainly muddies the waters a bit. What Razer need to do is pour all this innovation into one flagship product, creating a clearly superior mouse possessed of all the features and technology they have at their disposal. Still, if you’re after a mouse so sensitive that it cries during chick-flicks, the Taipan is the beast for you. g


Tech Specs:

This mouse really is extremely sensitive, and great fun to use.

M a nufa c turer Distributer: O nline: RRP:


Extremely sensitive Comfortable to use Ambidextrous

8200 DPI Dual sensor system 9 programmable buttons 7ft cable Ambidextrous

Ra zer Corex www.c orex.c A pprox R850

Pros • • • • •

• • • • • •

Cons • • • • •

Off-side buttons hard to reach


89 93




Mad Catz F.R.E.Q. M Mobile Gaming Headset Review

ad Catz is a company that has grown from strength to strength. With this growth has come the acquisition of names like Tritton and Saitek, adding more punch to their portfolio and bringing in new technology and techniques required for creating the aspirational products that Mad Catz want to bring to market. In addition to this, Mad Catz love innovation, and they have a tendency to innovate intelligently; that means creating products that make sense, rather than just doing cool stuff because they can. One of the areas that they are looking at is mobile, and because they have a strong background in gaming peripherals, mobile gaming specifically. Not that the F.R.E.Q M headset is purely intended for gaming… or for mobile, for that matter. This small, very portable stereo headset can be used with any number of mobile applications, including calls and listening to music, and is at home with any device that uses a 3.5mm audio jack. It ships with two cables – one for use with mobile devices, with an integrated in-line mic, and one that gets used with PCs or Macs – also with an integrated inline mic. The difference is that the mobile cable only has one audio jack for plugging in to devices, while the other cable has a headphone and mic jack. That’s an example of the smart innovation I mentioned – other headsets ignore the need for a computer based microphone, even if they do bring out a two cable system. The PC cable in those cases tends to have no mic support at all. The F.R.E.Q. M is a small headset, which means that the ear cups are small, too. They are of the onear variety and, by necessity, house small drivers. This might cause concern over sound quality but, to be honest, the audio that this headset delivers is very, very good. With great response over the entire audio spectrum and no distortion, even at the highest volume levels (and these babies are loud) the performance they deliver is much better than one might expect at first glance. The ear cups are also generously padded, meaning that they are very comfortable to use. The foldable headset is easy to carry around (it even comes with a carry pouch) but the build doesn’t seem quite as tough as it could be. That means that the user will need to exercise care to avoid damaging the headset. With good looks, great sound and simple-yeteffective ideas, the F.R.E.Q. M is a great headset. Although it doesn’t feel very tough, it is still well worth consideration if you are after good quality headphones that fit a wide number of uses. g

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by Alex Scanlon

es Summary

Tech Specs:

In terms of performance, the F.R.E.Q. M mobile headset packs a massive punch.

M a nufa c turer Distributer: O nline: RRP:


Great audio Nice cable set Comfortable

Stereo 40mm drivers Foldable Computer compatible Smart device compatible In-line mic and controls

M a d Ca tz Comet Computing www.c ometc omputing .c TB C

Pros • • • • •

• • • • • •

Cons • • • • •

Might not stand up to rough treatment


95 95

Shifted Goal Posts From Space

by Christo van Gemert


ast month’s column ended with a promise to have a run down, this month, of the worst games from E3 2013. Never one to break a promise, here we go: 1)

All of them.

Also, there was that spectacular backlash around the Xbox One and its DRM requirements, then an even more embarrassing (though welcomed) about-face. Yes, you can now play games on the Xbox One just as you can on your Xbox 360. Viva progress. Who wants the convenience of digital


games and being able to lend them to friends? (As an aside, I still suspect that functionality will come further down the line, after people have committed to buying the new console.) But let’s get back to the games. Why are they all terrible? Well, put simply, none of them show any promise of doing for gaming what The Last of Us has done for gaming. I just finished up my play-through of said masterpiece and my goodness, what a spectacular game. It makes you feel bad for shooting things. It makes you doubt

the sanity of the character you’re playing as. The Last of Us is a landmark moment in gaming. Naughty Dog did great things with Uncharted, which brought us cinematic gameplay. That game is just a Nicholas Cage movie when compared to TLoU, which is art cinema in comparison. I just hope that by the time the Game of the Year awards roll around in November, after many other blockbuster games have been released, that everybody remembers how Naughty Dog’s zombie epic has moved the goal posts. You know, rather than get


lost in the hype of the new consoles and their launch games. Or the just-won’tdie Call of Duty franchise. Perhaps we’ll have a repeat of what happened with GTA4: a bad game getting awards on the back of hype. If you don’t have a PlayStation 3, make a plan. Borrow one, or pay your friend some rent to use theirs for a week. You simply have to play The Last of Us. Sit down in a dark room, turn off the lights, switch off your cell phone, and get lost in the best game that nothing at this year’s E3 even bothered to match.. g

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