Game Changers: The Conscious Culture Magazine Volume 1 Issue 3

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Are You A Winner?

Most people will die without experiencing the life they once dreamed of living. A fact that is evidenced by the willful ignorance of the reality that most people are not who or what they wanted to be, could be, or perhaps even should be. Masters of deception, if nothing else, many of us have all but forgotten that there once was a time when we actually wanted to win. There are few things more sobering than the realization that you have been conned out of your dream and the life you could have lived. A disheartening exchange, to say the least, the replacement of your dreams for someone else’s dreams, can, under no circumstances, be considered a winning experience. But there are many who, daily, choose to settle for less fulfilling roles as pawns or props in the life productions of others. And though some do resist, more times than not, like a well-executed Ponzi scheme, the divestiture of dreams happen with the victim’s cooperation. With the stealthiness of death quietly purging the body of life, so are dreams excavated from minds of unassuming victims and replaced with images and thoughts whose sole function is to facilitate the interests of the opposition. Trading in the opportunity to win for the comfort of a fixed income, a so-called normal life, or just the opportunity to survive, winning is a concept that is reserved for recreational teams and activities, never to be mentioned or considered in our daily pursuits of family, business, education, or purpose. While the responsibility of winning is solely that of each individual, the absence of winning from our daily considerations is the result of a well-executed plan that increases the probability for others to win by reducing the possibility that we will even consider winning as a destination. How many times today have you said or thought “Am I winning?” If the answer is not once, then I submit to you that you are not winning. Hell, you may not even be in the game. If you are not in the game you have no chance of winning. Excuse me, I am getting ahead of myself. Here is a question for you - Are you a winner? Think about the question, before you answer. Are you a winner? If you are like most people, you answered yes. Yet instinctively most of us are wired to respond in the affirmative when asked this question, despite the fact that we are performing under our potential. Even in light of the fact that if we are honest, we have failed to meet most of the goals and timelines that we have set, personal and professional. Without exception, when I ask this question to large groups, whether students, teachers, business owners, elected officials, or just ordinary people, the answers are the same, a resounding “yes” from approximately seventy-five

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percent of the audience. And then I ask “What makes you a winner? This question is generally followed by silence, looks of bewilderment, and then comes the clarifying question from the audience – What do you mean winner? - to which I respond - the more important question is What did you mean? In spite of the fact that we live in a society where someone is always keeping score – the number of college graduates, how much wealth you have accumulated, who owns their own business, are you a high school dropout, how much did you donate to charity, how much do you weigh, and the list goes on, most of us are unaware that we are engaged in competition. Ironically, a common response to the question - what makes you a winner?, is “I am a survivor.” While there are obvious benefits to surviving as opposed to not surviving, surviving is not winning. This, I must admit, is a response that truly bores me, as survivors do not win. Survivors survive, and winners win. Whether it is your interest to be a suc-

by Vincent B. Watkins, J.D.

cessful professional, a successful parent, a successful student, or a successful person, if you expect to be a winner, achieving any of those things will not necessarily deliver you to the winner’s circle. As a matter of fact, success is often presented as the distraction to prevent you from even thinking about winning. Of course, there will be the temptation for some to push back and to rationalize your posture, to now argue that they are winners, in spite of the fact they have never even said the word winner in relationship to their personal and professional life. They cannot even describe what winning looks like. Winning is the process through which victory is achieved. While for each person victory is different, or at least it should be different, winners share many similarities, among which the most important is the identification of purpose. If you have not identified your purpose there is no possibility for victory; though you may experience success, you will not win. Additionally, winners are leaders in their respective fields of interests,

meaning they perform at the top of their games. Winners have committed to positively impacting the world or at the very least the world in which they live. What impression are you making on the planet? So I ask you the question again, are you a winner? If your answer is yes, congratulations. If your answer is no, but you want to be a winner the good news is that no matter where or how you started, if you make the right moves you can finish a winner. If you truly want to be a winner, it’s time that you WAKE UP and live the life of a winner. For more information on how you can be a winner please visit If you were to die today what is your legacy? Vincent B. Watkins is the Chief Executive Officer of The Watkins Group and Founder of For Winners Only.

Give The Woman Back Her Throne by Cheyanne Camilah Williams @Kamilah_KaMaat @SoulSistersOfSavannah

She has been beaten, abused, degraded, traumatized, victimized, and silenced long enough. It is now the time where she be empowered, encouraged, and elevated back to who she truly is, a Queen or better yet a Goddess. She is the epitome of God in a manifested expression, molder and shaper of life from within her womb. Chosen to be the vessle of a vortex how dare anyone disrespect her when she deserves to be bowed to. The oppression of a Woman has placed her within the shadows of herself unknowing of her pure divine light. She is a teacher, nurturer and Healer by intuitive nature but because of so many unnatural restrictions on her being she has not been able to fully express herself freely. She has taken on the spiritual blame for Eve eating the apple but without it we wouldn’t have a knowing of the dark and light, good and evil, they say. Also that Eve came from Adam’s rib, when we know that all life comes through the blood of her flesh. Said she was a gift to him a help mate, but does he help her or hinder her? Does he remind her that she is Heaven on Earth, that she holds the power to transform many paradigms, that she is guide to peace, the director to a man’s higher being, or does he weigh her down with tangible responsibilities making it impossible to remember her capabilities? This is not to put him down, but to put her up so even he can rise higher within himself. He can only rise as high as her, if she is in her knowing. We must take a moment to remember her and that she is more than a help mate, she is a heal mate so help her, mate. Treat her like the Queen she is cook for her, run her bath, massage her body, rub her feet, protect her, trust her, support her visions, be her reminder that her being here is purposed and should not fade in vain. Help her reawaken. At this time we’re witnessing the rise of the Divine Feminine and the balancing of the Divine Masculine for the Divine order and restoration. I hope this triggers a memory for my sisters to study themselves. Go deeper within than you’ve ever done before. We’re what we’ve been waiting for. Start gathering and building with eachother weekly on how to heal yourselves, your relationships, families and communities. Create a Sister Circle, Brothers do the same by creating brotherhoods. In the mean time give her that throne back. Love and Light reflections. Something to think about to check ourselves so we may correct ourselves. May we rise in our supreme intelligence. I’m here if needed. Ase.

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Radical for Health

by LaKya Boone-White Call me crazy or radical but I truly believe that the earth contains everything we need to survive happily and vibrantly! I am not a preacher, doctor or even vegan but I am a living witness that herbs, fruits and vegetables can heal your mind, body, and soul. As you continue reading please note that this is my story, I am not against conventional doctors or medicine, I only encourage you to educate yourself and make informed decisions. Do extensive research before making drastic changes that may affect your health. With that being said, let me say this again: fruits, vegetables and herbs can change your life if you let them! What does our Creator say about the plants He created specifically for us? God said, “Behold, I have given

you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.” (Genesis 1:30) And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed. (Genesis 2:8) And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden (Genesis 2:9) This is a snippet of God’s Word telling us about what he created for us to eat. When He created the first human beings they were perfect, so I can’t help but believe that when he created trees and gardens for them; he created the perfect foods. In my opinion, these foods are still perfect for us today! When I realized something was going on with me, the doctors told me nothing was wrong,

the prescriptions did not work and I was overweight, depressed, fatigued, my skin was dull and had a dark film over it, I had no libido and chronic yeast infections. I had been feeling this way for so long that I thought this was how 30 felt, it was normal to feel not so good. I longed for sleep ALL DAY, and on top of that I started having chest pains. I sat in my car one day and cried my eyes out. I asked God to please help me and give me the motivation to do something. I asked Him to show me what I needed to know about healing my body, because I truly felt like death. So, over the next few years…yes years, you better believe that God began to show me all kinds of things I would have never discovered on my own. He put before my eyes different resources by natural health prac-

titioners, herbalists, local farmers; all of the “weird” people who live off the land. I heard true stories of people healing themselves of cancer and disease by eating only avocados and carrots. My faith was growing! I received a major “A-HA” moment when He reminded me of a passage in the Bible: And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. (Genesis 2:7) Again, like I said before, NOT a preacher, however looking at this passage you clearly see that God formed mankind out of the dirt. This is the revelation He gave me: “YOU ARE MADE OF DIRT. THEREFORE YOU MUST EAT OF THE DIRT.”

@realflyyeducator Game Changers Magazine Nov/Dec 2016 - 6

Jacquiline’s Corner There’s so much going on in the entertainment industry. Films are being shot EVERYWHERE, so if you don’t have an agent you better get a good one. And, you have to be extra careful when choosing an agent so that you know they are taking care of you in the best possible way. It is also imperative that you have a great head shot! That is considered your calling card 7 - Game Changers Magazine Nov/Dec 2016

in the industry. Getting a great acting coach is very detrimental to your career as well, as it is like having a personal trainer to help build your craft. Networking and attending workshops is a MUST! Especially in places where great information is being given by serious actors and agents. Just like the Jazzy talk with Jacqueline show, which is taped once a month

in front of a live audience with guests such as actors, agents and directors, all who have a lot of great insight to offer in the entertainment industry. You can catch previous shows on our YouTube channel at YouTube. com/ JazzyTalkWithJacqueline, so stay connected. I will always have a great information available to you!


by Shana Thornton Have you thought of your future? Have you wondered about your potential success? Do you often daydream about excellency? If you answer yes to any of the above questions, then I will make one bold request of you. Stop wondering about your future and live it. Yes, one should plot her success but not over think every possible moment. We can get so caught up in every what if that we miss our very chance to seize the moment and ponce on the opportunity.

Are we misguided by the fear of failure? Are we afraid of an uncertain future? Are we more comfortable in a fantasy state than facing a reality with unfriendly factors? I think the hesitation to act is a personal matter. At times, we stand in our own way. Our past, present and future can feed our attitude towards opportunity. There will be many bystanders in our lives. Let’s ensure the person staring back in the mirror is never a bystander in your life.

Shana Thornton is an award-winning digital journalist. For more information on her, please visit

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Jeffery Thomas

A Bridge Over Troubled Waters!!! Written by Kameelah Montgomery If I must be the bridge for others to walk on... that’s what I’m willing to be!! This was the opening statement Jeffery Thomas shared with me when I sat down to conduct this interview with him. At first sight, I could already tell he was a force to be reckoned with; a true go getter. He entered the room with a confidence that was hard not to notice. And as the interview progressed, I found this to be the absolute truth. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you this months’ feature artist, Mr. Jeffery Thomas. Jeffery was born and raised in Henry County, Georgia in the small town of McDonough. He was raised by strong parents, Jesse and Virginia Thomas and also grew up with three siblings, Reginald, Jesse Rashun and Vernitra. He shared with me that his family was very close knit and remains that way even today. Now he has a beautiful daughter, Jacquiethia and four grandchildren to add to this union. But growing up in such a small town and being surrounded by a loving family wasn’t always what he needed to keep him feeling safe and protected. “McDonough, Ga. was the rural south and most times could be very brutal considering the racial tension was extremely high at that time” stated Jeffery. It was then that Jeffery began to pay close attention to the way he and his friends were being treated by the white citizens of that county. He didn’t like it and decided to do something about it. By getting involved

in sports he knew he could reach out to his friends by letting them know that they could be great and succeed in anything they put their minds to. One way to get that accomplished was to make sure he also excelled. So Jeffery signed up and began to play every sport that was afforded to him; football, baseball, basketball and track, with baseball being his favorite. Now, although he was enjoying them all, he realized he had become a loner. The plan he had for reaching out to his comrades was not working out as he had intended. The whites didn’t really like him per se; they just needed him to lead their team to victory. Most of his friends were not afforded the opportunity to play so they became very envious of him. It became a lonely time for Jeffery, but he decided to forge ahead, rekindle his desire for his community to be great and become the activist he knew he was destined to be. He gave everything he was involved in 150 percent. Jeffery said, “Giving that 150 percent was a core value my parents taught me early on in life and I have always held tight to their teaching.” Jeffery’s achievements granted him a football scholarship at Fort Valley State College and also later on received an additional scholarship for baseball from the same college. He went on to attend the University

of Maryland, Central Texas College and the University of Munich where he majored in Criminal Justice, another avenue where he could help others. It was then that I asked Jeffery about the people that touched him in his own life that he felt were mentors to him. Immediately he told me about his Dad. “My Father was most instrumental in raising me to be the person I am today. He was my rock. He raised me to always do my best and I’ve never deviated from his teachings. I also looked up to and admired Mr. Ernest Reese, who was deemed “the community Dad.” Not only was he a school teacher and sports coach, he also took the time to help everybody with their homework. Mr. Reese was considered the holy grail of our neighborhood being that he owned a basketball goal in his yard. He took me, and countless others, under his wing and taught us some of the same values that my Dad had previously instilled in me. He became my second Father.” stated Jeffery. A few other persons that Jeffery mentioned were Apostle Monteze Head, who does outreach programs throughout the city, Rev. E. W. Lee, the Pastor of Shiloh Baptist Church and his present Pastor, Rev. Dr.

Eddie F. Collier of Towaliga County Line Baptist Church in Jackson Ga. He stated he has the utmost admiration and respect for them all. So now, Jeffery knew the time had come to embrace his teaching and begin his ministry of mentoring others. Around the age of 25 he took his vision to another level. He noticed that random people would stop him in the grocery store or gas station and ask him to help their children with homework or to just speak a word to them because they may have been headed in the wrong direction. These parents believed in him and this propelled him on even more. So when their children began to approach him with questions or doubted their ability to succeed in life, he would always give the same answer… You can! Those two words became his slogan for life no matter what the situation. It was always “You Can!” It was around this time in Jeffery’s life that he traveled to Germany and found himself working at a facility as the Director for Youth activities. His duties were to spearhead outreach programs for teenagers. Some of the activities included Continued, Page 14

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This 4 Year Old is Determined To Help His Community “Mommy, I don’t want anyone hungry.” Those hard-hitting words would move any mother or father. The insightful statement came immediately after 4 year old Treandos Thornton saw an international commercial spotlighting hunger throughout the world. He would elaborate more and eventually ask, “what can I do to really help another kid who doesn’t have an afternoon snack?” His mother responded with telling him that the family could participate with a local community food drive. The eager boy responded with confidence. “Let’s put our own help drive together.” Thus, the 2016 Community Holiday Food Drive was birthed.

The young helper assured his mother, a local radio personality, that her radio show could help out. “Your show can lead the way and tell others about the food collection.” The growing and curious kid is the son of Treandos and Shana Thornton. When he isn’t helping out, he loves to build Legos and wear super hero capes. He loves school and dreams of being a doctor someday. He also enjoys playing soccer with his youth league and dribbling the basketball wherever he can find open space. Treandos is excited to be named the Co-Chair of the 2016 Community Holiday Food Drive sponsored by the award-winning

family radio talk show Let’s Talk America with Host Shana Thornton. He wants to get everyone excited about helping others. “I’m very excited to help out.” He did insist that his younger brother help out too. Thus, his younger brother will be a ‘Food Drive Youth Ambassador’. “My baby brother will share our plans with others.” His young toddler broth- to participate. All donations benefit er happily said, “yes!” the non-profit United Food Force, Inc, a local food pantry serving The 2016 Holiday Food Drive thousands throughout the state. For is seeking other passionate more information, please email ambassadors as well. We invite or call (678) community members of all ages 719-2045.

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Contributing Writers: Vincent Watkins of The Watkins Group Dr Edward Womack of Man Rise Up Jamal Burt, CEO of Education Builds Opportunity LaKya White, Educator and Autism Awareness Activist DeaRonda Harrison, of June First Firm Shana Thornton, of Let’s Talk America Radio Jacqueline Hilton, of Jazzy Talk With Jacqueline Cheyanne Williams, Activist Kameelah Montgomery of Poetic Flows Feature Story Curtis Butler III - Retired Army/Author/ Philanthropist

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Editor & Chief Andreal Mallard General Manager Ken Warner Graphic/Layout Design Andre Allen Photography by Tabby J Photography Marketing by

Real Marketing Services LLC

Jeffery Thomas (Continued)

essay contests, karate, dances, movie night and programs that would award the teens for the highest grade point averages. Jeffery stated, “The program was very successful because people gravitated to me. We worked as a team and anyone who was misbehaving or acting out, if you will, would soon observe what we were trying to accomplish and come on board. This brings to mind a young man in particular named John. He used to hang out in the community smoking cigarettes and drinking beer. But I could see he was curious. After a while, he asked to shoot pool with me. That allowed me to form a bond with him and therefore begin to minister to him. From those interactions, he turned his life around and I’ll always consider him my success story from that facility.” Fast forward to present day, Jeffery is involved in so many programs it is hard to keep up with him. Presently, he is tirelessly working everyday with plans to open an Outreach community center which will offer various programs such as Anger management, GED, and Substance Abuse training. The participants will also be privy to things such as going to barber or beauty shops so that they can look presentable when applying for jobs. Jeffery is conversing with different Professors to implement various programs for first time offenders or young people who are struggling with life. The initiative will allow them to go to college for six weeks and live in a dorm like a regular college student. When they complete the program, they will be certified to go into an office environment as competent business men and women or even become entrepreneurs if this is what they choose. “What I love most about my work is being able to give an

individual hope,” stated Jeffery. Jeffery is an Umpire and holds clinics to train people how to become one as well. He has done this work for over 36 years. When he is not on the court, he is a motivational speaker at various inner city and rural schools talking to the youth about how to incorporate everything you do with having a relationship with God. Jeffery also works in the private security field. A lot of his security jobs are done in the nightclubs. He feels it keeps him connected to what’s going on in the streets. Jeffery shared with me, “No matter where I am, whether it’s in a club, community center or church, I don’t have to change who I am, at any point in time.” He has received awards from various daycare centers for taking the time out to read stories to the children. He is involved in several mentoring programs and also feeds the homeless with Apostle Monteze Head every Saturday morning in the Atlanta shelters. Last and certainly not least, Jeffery teaches bible study once a week at Georgia Diagnostic Center to death row inmates. This is by far the most rewarding of all the work that he does in the community and has received numerous awards and certificates for his efforts. When Jeffery is not on the battlefield working to better the community he loves to just relax by fishing, going to stage plays and attending sporting events. I asked this brother one last

question, “If you could leave one message for all the world what would it be?’ He replied, without hesitation, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!” It was truly and honor and

pleasure to share a few moments with Jeffery Thomas and hear a bit of his life story. He is truly that bridge we spoke about, allowing others to stand on his shoulders to cross over into greatness.

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Shining Light Bria Armani Johnson

Bria Armani Johnson is an Upcoming Super Star for the next generation. Bria passion is acting and dancing and would let the world know how much she loves the Lord. Although Bria is very active in the community as a leader and role model for her generation,Bria shows excellence in her academics. Since the Age of 3 Bria has been training for her future goals as an Actress/Ballerina. She has dreams of attending Julliard in New York City and be a professional Ballerina and Director/producer. Bria has had the opportunity to work with many Great Directors and producers in the Georgia area. Bria made it to the Big Screen on October 7th 2016 as

a Feature Slave in the Nate Tuner story “ The Birth Of a Nation “ produced by Nate Parker. She also had the opportunity to work on a Tyler Perry movie and many more as a Background Actress. Film is not the only place you can see Bria’s star shine;, She also has done supporting roles in Theatre as well. This shining Star has accomplished so much as a 12 year old little girl in our community while maintaining her A/B average in her academics. Bria has been recognized at school for leadership, citizenship and a all around excellent student. Bria was also recognized and receive an award in church for the most Vibrant in ministry, also as an Awesome Girl with the Regina Sunshine Show in Atlanta Ga; and just receive a nomination for ATL’S Hottest Kid Award for the Hottest Kid Actress. To know Bria is too Love Her ! Beautiful, Respectful, caring, Humble, Silly, Full of Energy, Creative , hard worker, Loving and dependable. Bria Armani Johnson a Shining Star !

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NOVEMBUR HILL Novembur Hill is more then just a model on the runway. She is also the CEO of New Generation Youth Human Trafficking nonprofit organization. She makes youth aware of the dangers surrounding them right in there own backyard. She also shows children that they too can be like her. Novembur Hill produces Fashion runway show here in Atlanta at the tender age of 9. And her models are learning 17 - Game Changers Magazine Nov/Dec 2016

to be entrepreneurs up under her wing. She is honestly the the most humbled young lady you will come across. With all she has going on she still finds the time to give love to the one that seen truth in her. Mrs.Tina Bridges, Denise Gillyard, David Noten, Delena IPH and Nicole King are they are her support system. You can reach my Momager KAVON at 317-8018895

Top 10 reasons to Own Gold From Curtis Butler III Retired Army/ Author/ Philanthropist/ and Global Network Director

1) Gold is universal money, a tangible store of value and wealth protection. 2) Physical gold cannot go bankrupt or broke. Gold bullion will never default on promises or obligations. 3) In times of crisis, gold bullion Tends To Increase Sharply In Value. 4) Gold is not created by governments nor is its value dependent upon governments. All of today’s governments issue paper fiat currencies ( dollars, euros, yen, pounds, yuan, rupees, pesos, etc. ). Fiat currencies have no tangible value and are backed only by government decree ( namely legal tender laws ). Historically, governments always create and issue too much fiat currency. Over the longterm, paper fiat currencies are worth less and less, until they are ultimately worthless. The Average Lifespan Of A Fiat Currency Is 27 Years. 5) Individuals Buy And Own Physical Gold privately and anonymously. 6) Super-national and national bank regulatory agencies are making moves to Reclassify Gold As Zero Percent Risk-Weighted Asset helping to further drive physical demand from smaller banks. 7) Today, most nations are inflating and devaluing their respective fiat currency’s purchasing power to both boost international trade and exports, and to more easily finance their nominal debts and social program liabilities. For instance, in the USA, retirees will most likely receive future promised Social Security checks... although there is no promise on how many goods and or services these checks will actually buy. 8) Gold bullion bars are extremely portable, liquid, and Easy To Store In One’s Home. 9) Governments And Central Banks Are Now Net Buyers Of

Gold, meaning they are buying and hoarding more gold bullion than they are selling. 10) Politically or through market demand, governments will come under increasing pressure in returning to currencies backed by gold. Returning To A Monetary System Anchored In Gold could cause the value of gold bullion to rise considerably in the months and years ahead. Did You Know That? Money As You Know Is Not Real The paper dollars you have in your pocket were created as a substitute for gold. Every currency in the world is now “fiat” because it is not backed by anything tangible. · In 1971 President Nixon announced that the US government will remove the gold standard from the US Dollar. · Shortly after, governments all around the globe followed and simply printed ink on paper in order for the population to continue trading. ·

This is called fiat currencies.

· The current global monetary system - the US Dollar - is now not backed by gold AT ALL. · The aging US dollar system represents more than half of the value of all the world’s currency.

able or replaceable, in whole or in part, for another of like nature or kind.

Gold: The Only Real Money, it is a Store of Value Gold has and will always maintain its purchasing power through every economic collapse. Greek philosopher, Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC) said gold is money because: It’s durable. Gold handles wear and tear extremely well, therefore preserves value.

Store of Value. Over time Gold has shown not to lose its purchasing power. No other commodity has the same characteristics. An ounce of gold has more than quadrupled in the last 10 years against the US Dollar. Gold is the only money which has never failed in the 6,000 year history of its use by humans.

It’s portable. Gold is very dense and holds a high amount of value relative to its size and weight.

Gold can’t be duplicated (i.e. printed)​

It’s divisible. Gold is easy to separate and re-combine without affecting its fundamental characteristics.

In times of crisis, gold is an insurance which also has the greatest potential to increase your wealth.

· The mass printing of Fiat currencies are the reason for rising prices, causing inflation.

It has intrinsic value. Gold is independent of any other object and contained in the money itself.

· History shows that on average Fiat currency has a life expectancy of approximately 27 years.

Fungible. Gold freely exchange-

Go to tbatcb1830 Be Blessed!

· Looking at history, one discovers that thousands upon thousands of fiat currencies have failed -with no exceptions. A 100% failure rate! The Current Global Monetary System Will Collapse Very Soon

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In this era, it is easy to get carried away with all the vanities and emptiness around. Everyone is eager to get things done in a hurry; and hence the cleverly coined name…Jet Age. In a society like ours, a dog eats dog society, it is easy to get carried away and imitate the crowd; just to blend in. When this happens; most persons tend to lose who they are; they lose their identity living the life not meant for them; often a life of pleasure, fun and emptiness. Despite the pleasure, emptiness and void is all evident. But why? Why the void despite the seeming appearance of affluence and wealth? The answer is simple. You lack spiritual core. Signs That You Lack Spiritual Core and Not Free There are loads of folks that are just floating around in the society. They might have the financial wherewithal and have all that money can buy; but they lack direction in that they are imitators, just floating along with the crowd or what’s in vogue. Such people lack happiness. How do you know if you are not free from yourself; that you are spiritually void? • When you discover that you keep on trying to meet up with the joneses. • When you have the monetary capabilities but

still lack happiness • When you don’t think of the life after now; but more concerned about the immediate pleasure • When you live a make believe life, and seems to have lost your self-identity. • When you don’t have people you can call your real friends around you • When you don’t believe in God

in. Freeing Yourself From Yourself To free yourself from yourself, and start living, you need to first admit that you are floating and in bondage to the cultures of the world around you. You MUST see yourself as you truly are, dependent and empty. Then, you must accept God into your life. Without a source of spiritual power or a spiritual core, you would

Christ in to your life. The moment you do this, you then have a source of spiritual power. Then, see the world as it truly is. That it is all vanity. People pursuing wealth; living false lives; going after pleasures and fun; living in imitations, etc. lack spiritual core. There is no happiness there and often the source of bondage. To free yourself and live fully, you would need to let

• When you don’t believe in a life after now. People who are stereotyped and not free from their selves are all around us. This is a bad situation to be

still be empty and in bondage. Accepting God into your life means submitting ALL of your life to him and admitting that without him you can’t do anything. You do this by admitting Jesus

go of the mundane things around you and cling to the real source of power and happiness so you can find your true identity.

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DJ Popo One of the top DJ’s In Atl. DJ Popo born and raised in New York. 21 Years old and professionally experienced! He was titled and known as the “Scratch Master” of the age of 17. Dj Popo has been djing since the age of 3. He dj’s of all cultures and well diverse. He comes from a Hispanic background of being from Panama, Panama! Dj Popo teaches of all ages how to become a great DJ. His quote “If you love something, turn it from a hobby into a job, honor it to the end no matter what anybody or life throws at you”. Dj Popo is Insured, Equip with

professional equipment and is willing to travel to any destination. He not only play’s just to play but also , he cares about his clients and different people he met. Dj Popo is definitely the guy to hire for any occasion. Booking Info : Perelhumberto@ (770)-855-6631

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Meet Jazzy Brown

Michael Brown, fondly known as “Jazzy Brown” is a recording artist with many gifts. He reads, writes and arrange music and gives you a performance to remember. Michael’s primary instrument is tenor saxophone; however he also plays soprano and alto as well. He is known for his melodic flute and clarinet playing and has mastered the piano well enough to write and arrange. Michael has

played and recorded with numerous well known artists. Although versed in all genres of music, jazz remains his favorite. Michael has had several strokes and is no longer able to play or travel the world, which had become his way of life. Some very special people who have heard him, followed his career and believe that he has made a tremendous contribution to the artistic world, decided they would reward him with a venue name after him. With the vision and determination of a devoted wife and manager, Margaret LeeBrown, Director of Operations, Booking & Promotions at Jazzy Brown has helped Jazzy Browns to become a place where musicians “can shine” and people can enjoy special events and private parties.

Game Changers Magazine Nov/Dec 2016 - 22


KATHRYN REESE Most 17 year olds are busy with taking selfies or on snapchat, but not Kathryn Reese. She is busy studying to maintain straight A’s

and perfecting her talents as a singer, dancer and actress. Kathryn is a senior at Union Grove

High School in McDonough. She is a member of the Advanced Chorus under the direction of Chris McMichen. Last year, Kathryn was voted best treble singer by her peers. She is also a member of Union Groove, a show choir, where they sing and dance. On the weekends, she sings on the praise team at Tabernacle of Praise International Church where T.J. McBride is the pastor. Kathryn is also an aspiring actress and loves theatre. She is a member of the drama club and has landed a part in every school play, elevating her to the status of Thespian. Future plans for Kathryn includes getting her college degree is secondary education and teaching others to realize their gifts in the arts.

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Game Changers Magazine Nov/Dec 2016 - 26

5 Reasons Why Your Non-profit is Broke! about your charity’s work. Treat your donors like you treat your friends. If you are moved by the stories you hear….then your supporters will be moved as well.

by DeaRonda Harrison I’m sure we can all remember being asked as early as kindergarten – what do you want to be when you grow up? You heard a rumble from the tiny crowd as each child shouts out: Doctor, Lawyer, Teacher, Gymnast, Fireman, or maybe even a Princess. You probably think back and see your life take a different path than your kindergarten interests. Over the years, you may have grown to care less about your self and more about others. Having the opportunity to transform lives by starting a nonprofit agency can be a dream come true. Alternatively, you may struggle to get funds for your charity because your Big heart won’t automatically bring you money. Is it clear what you do – or are you trying to do everything for everybody. Do you have a business plan and a strategy that is laid out for all staff, board, and volunteers to see. Consider every possible cost including paying for overhead, staff salary, and equipment. Do you have strict financial record keeping to account for every penny? Don’t solely depend on fees for services or you’ll find your nonprofit struggling to survive. Nonprofit doesn’t mean not in business to make money but it’s how you file taxes to the IRS. If you don’t run your nonprofit like you run a business you will soon have to close your doors. If you are looking for multiple ways to bring in revenue for your agency, focus on these 4 core fundraising elements:

1. Connect with Individuals. Individual donations are from regular people like me and you. These donations can range from one person donating $5 to a single donor sending as much as 100s of thousands of dollars. If you want to operate like leading organizations such as Charity Water, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, or United Way, then you must create a strategy to appeal to individual donors. According to Giving USA, donations from individuals provide 83% of the private funding that supports nonprofits. What does your individual support look like? If you lack funding and have a ton of ideas but don’t know where to start, talk about the people that are impacted and the lives that are changed because of your charity. The closer you can bring people to the work you’re doing on the ground, the more they will feel your impact. Talk to your supporters or potential donors by inviting them to events to learn

2. You don’t have to be so Corporate When you think of receiving sponsorships for your nonprofit you may think of large corporations. But think about the businesses in your local community to support your cause. What about your local family law office or printing shop. They can be potential good partners to sponsor your charity and get their name out about their company. Sponsors are additional revenue for your agency and it brings local community and businesses together. For instance, a computer and accessories small business that also conducts iPhone repair can be a great partner for your youth program that targets teens. Businesses know that consumers are more willing to try their product if they are associated with a good cause. 3. Special event fundraisers not for the faint of heart Another stream for your charity is that you can host a special fundraising event and sell tickets

and have silent and/or live auctions. Some organizations raise as much as $100,000 from one annual event. Event-planning, catering, and auction logistics is an undertaking so make sure you have the capital to host an event. You can sell high priced tickets ranging from $50 - $250 for guests to cover costs to bring in additional revenue. For instance, a large youth organization hosts an annual golf tournament at Cherokee Town & Country Club on a beautiful green where the Masters has been played. And this nonprofit raises over $200,000 from this one-day event. Learn your donors and why they give to your nonprofit and find out what they like to do and target your event around what excites them to create a giving atmosphere to raise money. 4. Just Grant me this Most large corporations have foundations that may fund your cause through their grant program. What group do you serve? For instance, find organizations that provide support to children of incarcerated parents to help you serve this demographic. Grants from local and federal government can be a good fit for your programs.

For instance, Department of Juvenile Justice awards grants to empower youth to achieve self-sufficiency through employment, education, social services, and leadership development ( There is possibly a federal agency that may support your program. Many grants require that you already be in a financially sound position with audited financial statements, prior grant awards, and the ability to function with or without grant funding. Ensuring that your nonprofit has enough resources Tabernacle of Praise Christian Academy (TOPCA) was founded in 2014 by Pastors, T.J. and Shunnae McBride of Tabernacle of Praise Church International. The couple moved to Georgia in 2005 with a bold vision, but did not imagine how expansive and brilliant that vision would become. The pair set out to create a rigorous academic program that combined Christian principles with the training of practical life skills with the feel of a preparatory academy. They opened TOPCA in the fall of 2014 with 14 students. The school has since quadrupled in size. It stands firmly on three principles, faith, service and excellence. The school’s faculty includes certified master educators along with a committed and caring staff that meets the daily needs of the growing institution.

to conduct business is a full-time job and grant awards can be an additional stream of income. 5. Fee for service A fee-for-service is more than likely how your agency is currently bringing in revenue so this gets a half a point. Even though most nonprofits charge a fee-forservice in order to run programs, these fees barely cover administration costs. If you target seniors you may charge a minimal fee to bring them meals, or gardening or “plant nursery” where a min-

imal fee paid to plant, grow, and care for a garden, or a weekly fee to host job readiness seminars. If your charity is only collecting a fee-for-service, your nonprofit may be struggling to pay expenses. Create a strategy to include the above 4 revenue streams: • individual giving • business sponsors • special event fundraisers • grants You should never tackle fundraising without a plan because it will result in your nonprofit being broke. Start with a plan especially

TOPCA educators are energetic, enthusiastic, and prepared to impart their knowledge. They work diligently, each day to help students advance personally and academically. They value and require a higher level of critical thinking from their students. It ensures that students master the given content. TOPCA educators engage with the philosophy of “Tell me and I’ll forget. Show

me and I may remember….but involve me and I will learn.” Since its inception, Tabernacle of Praise Christian Academy has been recognized as an emerging academic institution in the City of McDonough. Students have been featured on CBS46 News, the Henry Herald and in Tabernacle of Praise Church International church services for their musical achievements and

to target individuals to fund your cause so that you can continue to change lives. DeaRonda Harrison works with nonprofits to make sure they are operating at their full potential. She will be hosting grant writing training seminars. Sign up to get information on the next training session: 678-883-2935

academic success. Dr. Rosalyn Camp serves as Principal. She has been an educator for nearly 40 years. To learn more about how your child can be a part of Tabernacle of Praise Christian Academy visit www.topchristianacademy. org or call 770-626-4125.

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