Game Changers Magazine 2021 Business Edition Featuring TN Bow Tie Brothers

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Game Changers 2021 Business Edition

The Conscious Culture Magazine


Volume 5: Issue 25

How Ken Wilson is Changing Lives thru Music




A Visual Depiction of The Beauty of Brotherly Love


Will Justice be Served?

B A R T O N A N D B OY D TA X S E R V I C E: F I L I N G YO U R TA X E S I N 2021



Game Changers 2021 Business Edition

The Conscious Culture Magazine


Volume 5: Issue 25

How Ken Wilson is Changing Lives thru Music

THE BUSINESS ISSUE 2021 The Business Edition EDI T OR IN CHIEF Andreal Mallard, Founder & Publisher Design a nd L ayou t Anna Yang, Pierre Br anding Group, LLC




A Visual Depiction of The Beauty of Brotherly Love


Will Justice be Served?

B A R T O N A N D B OY D TA X S E R V I C E: F I L I N G YO U R TA X E S I N 2021


Con tr ibu t or s Richard Stewart, Shawn Raleigh, Sarah Billips, Gloria LaGrone, Shana Thornton, Gus Gregory, Azureblue White, Andre Allen, Rodney Boyd, Tieranie Umba Zuri, Gale Lawrence, and Sandra Rozier Br a nd M a nagemen t Serv ices Ly di a P ier r e, Pierre Br anding Group, LLC w w w.pierrebr Info@pierrebr EDI T OR I A L OFF ICES Game Changers Magazine 1535 Pennsylvania Ave McDonough, GA 30253 404-201-8754 |







G A M E C H A N G E R S M AG A Z I N E I S P U B L I S H E D BY G A M E C H A N G E R S M E D I A N E T WO R K , L LC D I S C L A I M E R : T H E A R T I C L E S A N D T H O U G H T S I N T H I S P U B L I C AT I O N A R E T H E S O L E O P I N I O N O F T H E I N D I V I D UA L AU T H O R O R G R O U P T H AT E X P R E S S E S T H E M A N D D O N O T N E C E S S A R I LY R E F L E C T T H E V I E W S O F G A M E C H A N G E R S M E D I A N E T WO R K . B Y A L L M E A N S , W E W E LC O M E C O M M E N T S F R O M O U R R E A D E R S . T O S E N D M AT E R I A L T O B E I N C LU D E D I N T H I S P U B L I C AT I O N , E M A I L U S AT  G A M E C H A N G E R S T VA N D R A D I O @ G M A I L . C O M . B E S U R E T O I N C LU D E A N A M E A N D A R E A O F R E S I D E N C E . P L E A S E N O T E , W E M A I N TA I N T H E R I G H T T O E D I T F O R B R E V I T Y A N D C L A R I T Y. A L L S U B M I T T E D A R T I C L E S B E C O M E P R O P E R T Y O F G A M E C H A N G E R S M AG A Z I N E A N D M AY B E U S E D AT A N Y T I M E A N D B Y A N Y O F O U R A F F I L I AT E S .

















A visual depiction of brotherhood in one of the best fashion periods in history  / P31





KIDPRENEURS & PROUD Learn about the 3rd grader and kindergartner who lead their own food and toy drive annually. / P40












On Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and other key players in the community / P16

Will justice be served?  / P43



with post that look like they are making money extremely fast, when in reality it’s an illusion of the truth because behind closed doors they don’t know if they can truly make it month to month paying bills with the full load on their shoulders of this type of responsibility. However deep inside they have the drive, will and determination to go for it! This edition of Game Changers Magazine focuses on up and coming Business Owners and Entrepreneurs some just starting a business and some with a little bit more experience behind their belt. No matter what level you’re at in your business we hope this edition educates and enlightens you with some of the stories we captured from some of Georgia’s hidden gems! With the economy suffering recent hardship from COVID-19 pandemic, we would like to share with you, our readers, how a few of these movers and shakers are navigating to make it happen in the industry of choice and what they are doing differently to change the game.


Starting a Business That Changes The Game


ne of the most challenging things to do or accomplish in life is starting a business. It’s very risky, no real guarantees, and chances are you won’t see or get the support you think you should from family, friends, and peers. Some of us have had a light go off at some point and say, hey I want to start my business, whether it’s a tee shirt printing business, a car wash, a restaurant or beauty salon the journey to be successful and thrive can be a tough one!

As editor and chief, it is an honor to bring this edition to the forefront with so much attention being placed on politics and government, I realize in order to get the economy truly back going, we had to focus on the business owner and help other business owners and entrepreneurs in the process. Yes the road may be bumpy but it is light at the end of the tunnel and personally I want to see everybody win that has the heart to try. Special thanks to all who contributed to this project to help make it a success! However I can’t end without giving a special shout out to the bow tie Brothers. These young kid entrepreneurs are amazing and I love being a part of the same community they are from seeing them grow! Also special thanks to K Piano Music Academy, Stony Terrace, Big Chic Lovejoy and all the businesses that participated to help us bring this message to the community! Thank you and thanks to our subscribers, without you we wouldn’t be able to make it happen. It is because of you the community we are able to share the Conscious (The Awaken) Culture! #EEEsUp #EducateTheMind #ElevateTheSpirit #EliminateTheStereotype

Andreal Mallard

Editor in Chief / Founder / Publisher

We all see other entrepreneurs and business owners on social media boosting and raving about how great it is to be a business owner or entrepreneur GAME CHANGERS MAGAZINE  | 7

Digital Marketing Solutions GameChangersMediaNetwork.Online offers custom solutions through our strategic and creative advertising opportunities: Editorial Alignment Native Integration at Events Video, Digital and Social Executions Podcast Sponsorships Mobile App Experience For more information, please contact please contact Publisher Andreal Mallard at


Game changers magazine is a full color print and digital urban lifestyle magazine with focus in Entertainment, Politics, Education, and Community based initiatives as they relate to the urban audience. Targeting readers between the ages of 18 to 55, the readership is advantageous to advertisers. After years of thorough research and contributing to the best selling Urban Entertainment Magazines, Game Changers has developed a foundation that embodies the best attributes. Game changers differentiates itself from other entertainment related publications by covering the various facets of urban culture in a manner that is not only reader friendly but also well received equally by both male and female audiences. This is greatly due to our involvement in the community and our relationships which includes several of the most well respected community leaders offering a broad range of perspectives for our audiences reading pleasure. Our editorial staff not only writes about the urban lifestyle, we live it. You can expect competitive content due to our relationships with several entertainment/politically related companies. We would like to offer you the opportunity to have your clients, products, or services featured in various sections of our magazine. We support many entrepreneurs, business owners, elected officials, community leaders and small businesses in the community and supporting the fastest growing Independent Urban media outlet.

Bank on Your SECOND CHANCE once financial stability. Under any circumstances there has to be accountability in order for the process of rebuilding to began. Being accountable will reveal solutions. These solutions to some degree can appear somewhat of a discomfort or even an embarrassment however it is your ticket to a fresh start. A second chance! Just what you need! This fresh start or second chance may come by way of filing bankruptcy. In most cases bankruptcy is the best option to put your life or business back together. Although many are frightened by the thought of having to file bankruptcy it is often times the best solution to get you back on the right track of feeling great about your financial security. Pictured above: LaShone Rivers, owner of “You File BK”



hen you think of big name companies like Marvel, Converse, General Motors, Six Flags or Delta Airlines you often think of the longevity and success they have accomplished. You may assume that everything ran smoothly but to some degree that’s not the case. In fact these companies have all faced a time where their future seemed uncertain. Much like most of us can relate to for one reason or another. Financial crisis can strike from a variety of angles. There are times when we indulge in irresponsible spending, lending money we can’t afford to lend, or sometimes just doing bad business. There are many reasons our finances can go spiraling downward. Even emergency situations that are beyond our control can take ahold of what was

The process can seem overwhelming and emotional draining. That’s when you can call on “You File BK” We will be there every step of the way giving you high quality service and integrity. We don’t work for you we work with you detail for detail to a fresh start to financial stabilty. The question is are you ready! Ready to feel good about you savings, investments, or assets? Lashone Rivers, the owner of “You File BK” has over 20 years of experience of being proven and resilient in assisting individuals through the bankruptcy process. Working alongside various prominent bankruptcy attorney’s she is not only full experience she is also there for the emotional support of her clients. She is someone you can count on. So if you find yourself at a financial dead end, just like the big name companies mentioned above, take a moment to give “You File BK” a call. It could very well be the best decision you ever made. Go after your fresh start! Take advantage of you second chance! Make your finances great again! GAME CHANGERS MAGAZINE  | 9


Firearms in Georgia


So now that you have a new firearm, what is the most important thing you need to know regarding protecting yourself? The answer is YOUR RIGHTS. Many people carry firearms but unfortunately, they never take the time to discover their gun rights. As we proceed with this article, I will shed light on some important laws in Georgia so that you are lawfully and safely protecting yourself.

The first thing you should know about the state of Georgia is contrary to what you may have heard. Georgia is not an open carry state. At least not to the extent that you thought it may have been. Georgia law states that any person who can legally own a firearm, whether it is a weapon or long gun, can carry a firearm on their person without a weapons carry license on their own property, inside your own home, inside your motor vehicle, or at your own place of business. The open carry portion of the law you may have heard about mainly applies to long guns such as shotguns or rifles. Georgia law states in code section 16-11-126 that a person can legally carry a long gun without a valid weapon carry license provided that the long gun is loaded and shall only be carried in an open and fully exposed manner. That same code section also states that a person not prohibited by law from possessing a handgun may have or carry any handgun if it is enclosed in a case and unloaded. So, you see carrying a weapon without a weapons license in Georgia is legal but has its limitations. Therefore, you should fully research the law along with purchasing a weapon to protect yourself within the law. The best way to legally carry a firearm in Georgia is to go to your local probate court and apply for a weapon carry license. A weapon carry license will allow you to legally carry a concealed firearm in Georgia. Even with a weapon carry license you should still do your part and research the law to see if there are any unauthorized locations listed that you may not be able to carry weapon. A good starting point for this Georgia law is in Georgia code section 16-11-127 there is a list of unauthorized locations and descriptions. To list a few of the locations as bars, government buildings, courthouses, jail or prison, and places of worship. Another limitation for a person licensed to carry a firearm can also be found in Georgia Code Section 16-11-127 and it states that a person licensed to carry a firearm shall not consume alcoholic beverages in a restaurant or other eating establishment while carrying a firearm, and any person in violation of this law shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

The first thing you should know about the state of Georgia is contrary to what you may have heard. Georgia is not an open carry state.

Although this article may list some portions of Georgia Code Sections it is not to be used for legal advice and it is highly encouraged that you as the reader and responsible firearm owner research Georgia law for yourself, and seek and all legal advice from a licensed attorney.

In recent times there has been a drastic increase in firearm and ammunition sales. So much of an increase that there has been a shortage of ammunition in stores across the nation. This increase in firearm sales shows us quite a few signs. Signs such as there is a growing desire for people to protect themselves and family. Given the current climate and election time there was also a desire for individuals to protect their property, and businesses from potential civil unrest. Whatever the reason for recent firearm purchases it is good that people want to take their safety into their own hands as opposed to waiting for outside sources to arrive and save them such as law enforcement. Although law enforcement is a source that is in place to protect and serve, their resources are limited, and may not be able to get to you in time. Let us face it thirty seconds can seem like an eternity during a dangerous situation where your life could potentially be on the line. As you go on throughout life as a firearms owner, and prepared to protect yourself, and loved ones we all pray that we do not ever have to put our self defense skills to use. But you must keep sharp and practice/ routinely train which ever method you use for self defense. As an extra precaution you can utilize other resources to assist you with your protection such as private security. That is where we come in at feel free to contact People First Security LLC to assist you with all your security needs. GAME CHANGERS MAGAZINE  | 11



How can family members help those that are suffering without pushing them away and give support?

BY GLORIA LAGRONE SAK DUI SCHOOL & TREATMENT PROVIDER Utilizing a multi-disciplinary approach, S.A.K Treatment is committed to improving the lives of individuals living with the devastating effects of Substances abuse and lessening the adverse impact on their families, and society. We provide a supportive staff of certified professionals who demonstrate integrity and the highest standards of ethical practice in our organization. Taking responsibility for their actions and obligations, as a treatment provider by engaging in open and honest communication, fairness and equitable treatment to every client, family member and everyone with whom we interact.

With the COVID-19 pandemic most users aren’t going out to party or socialize and now tend to drink or use more at home due to boredom or simply dealing with personal and financial matters. What effect does that play now vs getting behind the wheel trying to make it home from a good night? Covid-19 Pandemic has exacerbated challenges for millions of adults, and teens especially those with substance abuse disorders. We all have been challenged to adjust to a “new normal” our lives have been disrupted in all areas, social and economic stressor, loss of loved ones has placed individuals with substance abuse disorders at a heightened risk of relapsing and possible overdose. It becomes increasingly risky for those with addictions, who are home alone and yes, many are more apt to make that “high risk” choice and abuse drugs more. Being home provides them with a sense of comfortability or safety net. Being home there is no fear of auto accidents, being stopped by the police for driving irately, falling asleep at the wheel, they feel no restraints, they are in the comfort of their own home. So, they tend to abuse more which can have serious health implications, for example alcohol poisoning, especially if they are mixing other illicit drugs such as “Cocaine” which could create a serious health issue. Mixing Alcohol and Cocaine for example could produce a sustained “euphoria” effect for the substance abuser, the substances form a very unique substance known as the Coca ethylene Effect. Result of the substances being metabolized in the liver causing an increased powerful effect that Alcohol or Cocaine alone could not produce, which could possibly lead to a stroke or heart attack.

What are some of the resources for those that are thinking about relapsing, one can use as a source of support? There are many resource centers available for individuals suffering with addictions, thankfully there is no need to feel you are alone in your struggle. Henry County has several resources available for individuals needing support. McIntosh Trail is an excellent source offering a number of services, under the Leadership of Director Amy Kuhns also the Community Bible Church in Stockbridge – offers Celebrate Recovery, which meets on Thursdays. One of our Counselors attended one of their numerous breakout group sessions. He was thoroughly impressed we have referred individuals to both centers. National Hotlines which operate 24/7, 365 with trained staff to listen and talk with individuals experiencing relapse or suicidal thoughts. S.A.K. has an office cell which our DUI/DRUG court participants can call if they need to talk after hours. Additionally, we teach them coping techniques, breathing exercises and other forms of relaxation they can use at home. We encourage our clients to journal when they have identified their triggers, the day/time/what they were doing/where they were/who was with them/or if they were alone, journaling is an excellent tool to chart and reference your reactions.

Nothing is more important to an abuser’s recovery than having a positive support system, people who will encourage you during the tough times. Remember the addict has a disease, it doesn’t mean they did not have good family dynamics, values, it means you have a person/s who has a disease do not threaten, lay blame on, nag, embarrass, bring up past or present mistakes. It doesn’t mean they don’t love their family and friends, so don’t lay guilt trips on the addict, this creates more stress and negative feelings which again be careful not to give the addict an excuse to continue abusing. As a support system, you must be cognizant of the fact you are dealing with an addict, manipulation is something they do well. Do not allow yourself to be exploited by idol promises of cutting back monitor what the addict does not what he/ she says. Do not allow yourself to be manipulated into being a “Cash App” ATM. Don’t hide their drugs as they will only find them or buy some more. Your talks must be positive, open in your discussion, not placing blame, not judging, instead encouraging but not being an enabler. We encourage our participants to make themselves a list of Supporters, a Support System, people who are not abusers, keep their names and phone numbers accessible. As a support system you must be Honest with the Abuser. Set limits which must be adhered to, also be prepared to enforce those stipulations should they be disregarded. Additionally, many workplaces being aware of increased Substance Abuse, sponsor (EAP) program, Employee Assistance Programs which allows their employees to participate in short-term counseling and/or assistance programs, some employers paying for their employees to enroll in a treatment program.

Gloria LaGrone, Owner/CEO Office: (470) 781-1893 Office Cell: (770) 545-1656 Follow us on Facebook #HOPEforHURTINGPEOPLE Visit us online: NOW OFFERING Virtual Classes via Zoom and GOTOMEETINGS.


FAMILY BUSINESS with Georgia Flavor & Chicago Style

Pictured left: Bryan Harvey and Ken Hall

Where did we start? Prior to venturing into business, Bryan Harvey & Ken Hall would throw events for friends and family in the comfort of their own homes. Rave reviews accompanied accounts of each moment from attendees fueling the motivation for the two to serve the public. Ken, (a Chicago, IL native) and Bryan, (from Americus, GA) then made a decision that would do just that with the tools needed to be successful. In September of 2018, they incorporated themselves and began to build what would

become Stony Terrace. With approximately 20 years of prior experience within the food industry in commercial locations, the transition was seamless. The duo prides themselves on great customer service by making sure the food is piping hot, fresh, & delicious. They remain shamelessly involved in as many experiences they can manage. Whether through catering &/or mobility to events, they are specialists in feeding the audience we serve! How we differ from other mobile kitchens. We are not a chain. Fresh, hot, inspired foods, with our personal touch is our specialty. We pride ourselves on a menu that reflects our roots. Be sure to visit us at to stay up-to-date with events, updates, etc. GAME CHANGERS MAGAZINE  | 13




e’re here today with a true renaissance man among us. If there is such a thing as a person who is both left brain and right bring it’s my friend, and brother Kenneth. Kenneth, having passed the CPA Exam worked in consulting for over a decade with PricewaterhouseCoopers helping to build their international Enterprise Risk Management practice. However, not only is he one of the sharpest strategic thinkers, he is also an accomplished musician who has composed, played for, and worked with many top names in the music industry. When you start talking about giving kids the opportunity to play the Piano and I mean early you are literally building a stronger future. So says Kenneth Wilson, the brains behind K-Piano, an innovative new app that has found its market during Covid giving kids a hands on teaching experience, from a distance. “I think the difference between K Piano and other Apps is that I don’t think the other apps give you music the way we all got it. You can play an app but there is no algorithm there’s no software that substitutes a real teacher looking at where you are. Critiquing you staying on you if you’re not practicing.” But he also has plans to expand to other markets in GA as well as adding a mobile unit that can come to a neighborhood near you and teach music. Despite coming out of a tough 2020 Kenneth still has aggressive plans to expand his business and mission. “2020 has been a hell of a year! My Dad passing was huge and then the business partner dying and then Covid hitting

The only thing you can do is teach a child’s brain to process information creatively and to solve problems.

is Changing Lives thru Music with K Piano

right as we have the mobile steam labs getting ready to go.” Mobile Steam being his latest initiative to bring the gift of music to more disadvantaged communities. “We actually purchased a former Dekalb co Mobile Police Precinct, gutted it out and put a piano lab in there so it teaches piano, computer coding and stem lessons.” An ambitious initiative that he is fully aware needs the help of the community. “My main goal is to solicit the support of our parents, our community, our artistic community as well to come together and make that a reality. I hope that in 2021 when the world opens back up, we will be able to pull the mobile steam labs back up to the schools.” His passion is based on his own personal experience in both the music and corporate worlds! While some may find the two a strange mix. Kenneth Wilson is perfectly comfortable helping others understand just how perfectly the two worlds fit together. “Music Opens so many doors. I can say how much music has opened doors for me. Not just artistically but in the corporate world. I want to make sure at the end of the day Kids get the opportunity to learn and get the gift.” Like a proud General remarking about his well trained troops Kenneth beams with pride talking about their skill levels. “My kids can play. I got kids playing the beginner level all the way to Chopin Johan Sebastian Bach.” He also is extremely clear about the positive effect music can have in changing the course of a young child’s life. He wants to positively impact his community with the gift that has so positively impacted him and he can explain in no uncertain terms just how important music education can be! “Our Mission statement is changing lives through music. Did you know that if a kid plays an instrument before the age of 12 he has a graduation rate of 98 percent? So literally putting a child on an instrument is tearing apart the school to prison pipeline.” As a true community leader, Kenneth Wilson is fully aware of the battles that face our Black youth in an education system that often underserves, if not outright ignores, our children’s intellectual needs. “More than half of the jobs that are in demand today didn’t exist ten years ago. So teachers are teaching kids to solve problems that haven’t even happened yet using solutions that haven’t been invented. So the only thing you can do is teach a child’s brain to process information creatively and to solve problems.” Music teacher indeed or maybe revolutionary.

Making it with


Mandy’s Homemade Dressing for the Holiday! You will be making your chicken broth from scratch!!

Chicken Broth:



here’s nothing like Southern Hospitality! Especially when it is displayed in the most eloquent way. Bring in some fresh seafood along with some southern styled soul cooking and you are guaranteed the taste and service of a lifetime while “Making It With Mandy Catering and Bartending Services, LLC. It’s a southern bond to remember! Owner Mandy Bond describes her business as more of a service to her customers. A service where passion lives. One that was birthed along the southeastern coastlines of Georgia in Darien, Ga where she was raised spending time in the kitchen alongside of her grandmother who also loved to cook. Mandy loved every minute of it. From the wonderful aroma that filled the kitchen to being grandma’s official taste tester. It all triggered a vision within her to one day hone the skills as her grandmother did to cook and serve other’s. To go along with your catering needs Mandy is also a certified mixologist prepared to spice up your event with a variety of delicious mixed drinks. Now is the time to share the love passion soul and southern hospitality of “Making It with Mandy “with the world. Mandy looks forward to introducing many to this intriguing unique style of flavor. For starters she has shared a recipe for all to try. Now that’s southern hospitality! Let’s see what it’s all about!

1 large pack of chicken thighs 1 bunch of celery 4 large yellow onions 2 Knorrs Chicken bouillon 1 stick of real butter 3 teaspoons of salt 3 teaspoons of pepper 3 teaspoons of Garlic

In a large stock pot put your 4 large onions whole, add your celery using several pieces of the celery tops to enhance flavor. Add chicken and all of the remaining ingredients and seasonings to taste. Fill your pot with enough water to cover chicken plus more. Your water should be a little over half a pot, put your lid on and cook on low/ medium for 4 hours. Continue to check your flavor while cooking and make sure we have the Southern Soul taste!!!


2 Cups Aunt Jemima buttermilk corn meal mix 4 tablespoon of Vegetable oil 6 Eggs 2 cups of chopped Celery 2 cups of chopped onion 1 teaspoon of sugar 2 sticks of real butter 2 tablespoons of salt 2 tablespoons of pepper 3-4 tablespoons of Sage

Prepare your pan of cornbread. Get a large mixing bowl and crumble your cornbread very fine. Add 6 eggs to cornbread, mixing very well. In a large skillet, sauté your chopped onion and celery with your butter with your salt and pepper. When your vegetables are soft add this to your cornbread mix. Drain your broth leaving all vegetables and Chicken separate. You will no longer need those vegetables, only broth. Shred your chicken thighs very thin and add your meat to your mixture. Us Southern ladies use our hands to do the mixing. Add all remaining seasoning. Put your vegetable oil in the pan you will be baking with in the oven to melt butter then add to your mix. Slowly begin to add your chicken broth to your mix, your mix should be very moist. Make sure you add your safe at this point to taste. Poor your mix into your baking pan, covering with aluminum foil and cooking your southern soul dressing for approximately 55 minutes on 375 degrees.. Hope you guys enjoy and you can’t leave out the main ingredients that all my dishes are made with; made with LOVE!! GAME CHANGERS MAGAZINE  | 15



WHO IS DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR? The Multi-Dimensional, Multi-Symbolic Example of Leadership and Courage BY SARAH M. BILLUPS, MSW, LCSW, ACSW

Pictured: Author Sarah M. Billups


he name, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, is usually met with a smile and a congenial nod of the head with approval. This name symbolizes many things for many people. This lone man, born in Atlanta, Georgia, with family roots right here in Henry County at the historic Floyd Chapel Baptist Church in Stockbridge, had a lasting impression on the people. He was one of the people; he understood the real world of Black America. It was never his plan to become a Civil Rights icon. He was a family man, Pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church, when history came knocking at his door. He weighed the reasons presented to him by a small delegation of community leaders, and decided to join in the fight, the rest is history. Due to his concept of non-violence, he was able to work with the multitude of unknown marchers, who put their lives on the line to fight for basic civil rights. They marched for the right to hold good jobs at a fair and equitable wage; they marched for the right to live in decent housing, and to not be discriminated against due to the color of their skin; they marched for the right to a decent educational system which would treat all of the students in a fair and just way; they fought for the right to walk down the street as free and equal citizens, and not be treated in a subservient manner; they fought for the right to sit down and eat a meal in any restaurant, especially ones where they spent their money in the retail part of the chain; they marched for the right to VOTE in any and all elections without fear of reprisals. They fought for the right to live as decent human beings without the insufferable shadow of segregationists and Jim Crow hanging over their heads. Dr. King was front and center in this fight for civil rights. He was reviled by certain segments of America, who hated his voice for freedom in America, which he used most effectively. They were met while marching, by rage filled whites snarling racial epithets, hurling threats of physical violence,

The best lesson those heroes left us with are the understanding that WE CANNOT GO BACK! and throwing objects like bricks.. ALL of this anger was the result of racial animosity by some whites in America, who just could not accept that slavery was over, and the rules had to change. The Civil Right struggle illuminated many of the hidden issues in America to the outside world. The horrific photos of AMERICA’S TREATMENT OF THE BLACK CITIZENS WENT ALL OVER THE WORLD. The Country was embarrassed to see its dirty laundry being revealed around the world. Dr. King, and the other civil rights leaders, including Georgia’s beloved John Lewis, continued to press forward. They had the BIBLE in one hand, and the CONSTITUTION in the other. Dr. King was a scholar , a father, a husband, a leader, a politician, an author, a warrior, man of the people, a lecturer, a world traveler, a patriot, and A CHILD OF THE KING!!! He might have been snatched out of this world on APRIL 4, 1968… BUT HIS IMPACT WILL LIVE THROUGH GENERATIONS!!! Because of Dr. King’s Legacy, lives are better all over AMERICA…BECAUSE OF HIS Legacy, young black people, as well as all other groups, have a fair chance at an education. What they do with it is up to them, but the door is open. Fair housing laws now make discrimination in housing punishable… Because of his Legacy, ALL Americans can get on public transportation and sit anywhere they choose, in any State throughout the Nation….People can travel anywhere in the USA, and stop at any hotel or motel for service…People can sit down and eat at any restaurant, lunch counter, and be served without obvious prejudice….People can VOTE in all elections without having their lives threatened, or their homes or churches burned or bombed… People can work a union job, for a decent wage, using the Fair Employment Act.

Dr. King is a national hero. His statue stands in Washington D.C. as a testimony to the contributions he made to the world. At a time of great danger from within AMERICA, THEY STOOD STRONG, FIGHTING A RIGHTEOUS FIGHT. They stand in our memories as an inspiring example of why and how we must fight. Their footprints walk forever over our hearts, keeping us awake and aware. As we celebrate Dr. King’s Legacy, we are keenly aware of the racial conditions which we are presently living in 2021. There are some similarities to the days of the Struggle, most notably, the rage of some whites, and the unequal use of white privilege, spilling over in the assault upon our Nation’s capital. Dr. King, John Lewis, and all of the other civil Rights leaders were eye witnesses to this kind of unbridled rage… recipients of their violence. The best lesson those heroes left us with are the understanding that WE CANNOT GO BACK!!!! There is no Era in AMERICA’S PAST that will work for AMERICANS OF COLOR. So, we must continue to move forward. We have demonstrated that we still have the ability to vote in a block.. THAT was one of the lessons. “Like minds working on one accord.” … Dr. King would be proud of the outcome of the RUNOFF!!! The Legacy of Dr. King will stand in the actions of the youth of today. AS PEOPLE LIKE ME HAND OVER THE MANTLE OF LEADERSHIP TO THE YOUNG AND STAND AS AN EVER READY RESOURCE FOR THEM, WE CONTINUE TO MOVE FORWARD. Leadership is supposed to change over time. It is the natural order of things. We have the wisdom of experience… The youth have the energy to move the fight forward. We also have the lessons from yesterday, experiences of today, as we work for a better tomorrow. Thank you Dr. King. GAME CHANGERS MAGAZINE  | 17



Representing Jesus Christ in the World!


astor Kearse is no stranger to the Kingdom of GOD. She has a quiet Spirit; humble, yet bold in the business for Christ our LORD. She is a trouble shooter of sorts in the Kingdom. The Bible is her backpack meaning, she tries to do everything based on the Bible, “The Word of Truth”. She prays, acknowledges GOD about the right moment to activate her assignments given to her by Him, then, she acts!


In her service to Jesus Christ and His people, she has served over 35 years in ministry and possesses multi-faceted gifts in which she uses for the up-building of the Kingdom of GOD. St. Jude Methodist Church, is where her childhood upbringing in Christ began. From there is where she followed her father Bennie Lee Shaw here to Wesley United Methodist church where Pastor Kearse began her first phase of pastoral ministry. Following her husband years later after being married at Wesley; she went to Canaan Miss. Baptist church where she served on the ministerial staff at Canaan, under the beloved Pastor Alfred Williams. In addition, she was elected as Foreign Missions Officer representing the State of South Carolina. It was short-lived because her husband received an offer for a job elsewhere.


Pastor Kearse is a former Bereavement Coordinator and Chaplin for Heartland Hospice and St. Francis Hospital in Charleston, SC, where she received her training in CPE. She exudes care and concern for God’s people everywhere she goes regardless of denomination and race.


She is a graduate of Charleston Southern University in Religion and Behavioral Psychology for Children. She is a published author and the latest of her books, “The Grief Buster”, was written and designed in simplicity to help someone that may be going through a difficult time. She clearly explains how many people can experience many forms of losses in their lifetime; whether it is a good loss or not, it is displayed through our behavior. Also, a small, yet powerful prayer book, that you can carry in your coat pocket or business binder, called “A Book of Prayers for Every Need”. (Available to you now!)


Pastor Kearse and her husband Carroll, tag team in empowering churches and entrepreneurs in grant-writing and obtaining tax exempt status. She also oversees a powerful ministry called, “The Praying Wives Ministry International and Jesus Center of Life”.

She has a quiet Spirit; humble, yet bold in the business for Christ our LORD. It has been very effective in helping wives and perspective wives to walk alongside their husbands with humility and without reproach. When Pastor Kearse and her husband moved on to their next assignment in Florida; that is where GOD used them in ministries all over Orlando and the surrounding areas. There, is where GOD, promoted them to their next earthly level in ministry, where Pastor Kearse received an Honorary Doctorate and her husband became Elder Carroll Kearse. These honors were administered by Apostolic Leader and Pastor, Arleavy Hermany of Johns Island, SC and Pastor Michael and Heather Gardner of Atlanta, GA.


And last, but not least, she is a huge advocate for God’s people in Africa, Haiti and Israel. As a former pastor, Rev. Dr. Kearse has seen and experienced first-hand, the perils of living in a Third World Country. In West Africa she witnessed a mother and newborn child living on a stone pavement with a light bulb to keep them warm; an old mother, with no legs, just a bare ground to sleep on. Also, very sadly, she met a family of five, with all their belongings living in a 5 by 10 ft. space, no bigger than a closet and they were still holding on to hope. She is SOLD OUT to MISSIONS for GOD’s Beloved people. After that experience in 2006, her goal was to make aware, as many people and leaders as possible, the dire need of financial assistance for medical care and education for our brothers and sisters across the waters. Even today, she and her husband still practice this good will towards men in all places, especially here in the states. In conclusion she says, “May the Holy Spirit of GOD stir our hearts and minds to do what Christ has taught us.” And lastly, letting the Word of God speak for itself, Romans 10:15 b says, “as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the Gospel of Peace, and bring good tidings of good things”! That is the Word of GOD…let’s welcome the Woman of GOD, Rev. Dr. Sandra A. Kearse.

Pictured: Rev. Dr. Sandra A. Kearse



WHO IS REV. TIMOTHY GOULD? I am a bi-vocational Pastor who is employed by the DeKalb County BOE. A native of NY, my family and I relocated to McDonough 14 years ago in search of a change. I am a born-again believer, who is the husband of one wife, father of 4 adult children, and grandfather of 6, soon to be 7. I have almost 40 years of experience in the Ministry having served as a Missionary, a Deacon, a Sunday School Teacher/ Superintendent, an Associate Minister, an Interim Pastor, and now a Pastor. I am a firm believer that if God said it then He means it!

What is your testimony? What led you to preach God’s Word? I often tell this story when I am attempting to let people know that no matter who you are, what you have done, or where you come from in life God can use you. Early one Sunday morning, some 40 years ago, after a long night of getting high something came over me. I started thinking about my life and where I was in it. Right then I knew that I needed a change. I was sitting on my bed and I told God that “I didn’t want to die in my current state”. Right then and there He changed my life. I had no idea that “my change” would be so drastic, but in a good way. When I think back, I use to say “this church would probably blow up if I ever went in”, as I sat with my friends drinking and getting high on the steps. God later blessed me to preach in many of those very same churches. When God turns things around for you there are no limits! My actual conversion experience occurred at a street tent revival in the Bronx on a hot summer night. As I listened as a choir sang, Lord Do It For Me, and Pastor Noel Jones preached, something happened that night that changed my whole life. God showed me that no matter who are, no matter what you have done, or where you come from, through Him you have the ability to change.

How did your Ministry’s “Hour of Power” service come about?? Prior to starting Full Life, I had the opportunity to serve communion at Westbury Nursing Home and I was blessed to share the word of God with the patients at Crescent Pines, a local crisis stabilization hospital, where my wife was employed. As I served at these two places, I interacted with individuals interested in getting the word who were unable to attend church services because of their work schedule. The “Hour of Power” was initially on Sunday evenings from 6-7PM. It was birthed as a solution for individuals who were working in retail, food service, healthcare, and other fields that required that they work during traditional church service times.

Pictured: Rev. Timothy Gould

What is the vision and mission of that platform? The vision and mission of the “Hour of Power” service is to provide a “not church as usual” worship service for believers and those seeking a personal relationship with God, in the community. It is geared towards individuals who want to know God but are unwilling to commit to attending a traditional 3-hour church service. The “Hour of Power” is a one hour, balance of praise, worship, and the preached Word of God.

Beyond the four walls what does your Ministry do and focus on to reach those that are not coming to church or maybe not as involved as they should be? Full Life Community Church welcomes everyone. We are committed to assisting both believers and unbelievers alike, with achieving all aspects; spiritual, emotional, physical, and material, of a “full life”. Since its inception Full Life Community Church has been committed to serving the community. We believe in serving the whole man and assisting him with achieving all components of a Full Life.

that this will pass. After my condition did not improve, I was finally approved to go to Urgent Care and was seen in person, after having quarantined as instructed for 14 days. After a quick examination, I was asked by the staff if I wanted them to call a Chaplain or my Pastor. My immediate response to them was “NO, I know a Man”. I had tested positive for Covid, had pneumonia in both lungs, and could barely breath. I hadn’t eaten hardly anything for 2 weeks and was dehydrated. It was not looking good for me. I was transported by ambulance to Emory Midtown by myself, no wife, no family. According to my doctor they didn’t think that I was going to make it through the night. I was in the hospital, for two long weeks, fighting for my life, but I wasn’t alone. My God, my protector, the one that I serve, the one that my faith is in, the one that gives me new mercies everyday was right there with me. But that was not the end of my test because a week later my wife was also diagnosed with the virus and she was sent to a different hospital.

In addition to distributing more than 250 coats to the community, we have distributed food, pampers and school supplies, turkeys to families at Thanksgiving, distributed toys at Christmas time, provided workshops on obtaining medical insurance, and assisted individuals in need of employment with referrals. Other outreach activities include Free Gospel Concerts and Community movie nights!

You speak on the Full Life experience. What is the Full Life Experience and how does it apply to everyday life? The Full Life experience involves achieving spiritual health, emotional health, physical health, and obtaining material necessities. Jesus said that He came to give life, and life more abundantly. At Full Life we believe that in order for God’s word to move in people’s lives they need to know for themselves who He is, and what He can do in their life. The Full Life experience involves our helping to fulfill the needs of the “whole man/woman” by assisting them in achieving spiritual maturity, so that they can enjoy God’s promise of an abundant life, and become an active witness for Christ in the world.

As a Corona Virus Survivor what is your testimony and what would you say to families that may have not experienced the direct effects of it? In the beginning I didn’t have any idea that I had the virus. I felt like I just had a cold or maybe the flu. Because of the shelter in place order I was unable to physically see a doctor, for weeks, although I was speaking to one every day. For well over a week, under doctor’s orders, I laid around thinking

She was admitted to the ICU and put on a ventilator. The doctor said she would most likely be on it for about two weeks, but I told my God that He promised me that whatever I ask for in His name He would perform. Instead of my wife being on that ventilator, in the ICU for two weeks God brought her out in TWO DAYS!! As I started the recovery process staff offered to bring me bibles so I could read the word. I declined their offers because I told them that I keep the word hidden in my heart. After I had been released from the hospital and had recovered enough to be able speak without oxygen, I preached a message entitled “How to fight your fears”. This message was geared to those who had not as of yet been touched directly by Covid. It was intended to be a word of encouragement for them, a road map for how to activate their faith. A reminder that God did not give us a spirit of fear, and that He is our protector. It was no one but God who spared me and my wife’s life. He brought us through this trial safely and he can bring you through your trials safely also.

With most churches being affected by Covid-19, and what is happening in the world today, what is your plan to reach those who seek a full life and what adjustments are you making during this process? Like most other churches we are following the CDC’s recommendations as they relate to minimizing the spread of Covid. As such, we have been working diligently to upgrade our technology to allow us to live stream on various platforms. We have not allowed Covid to keep the word from going forth although we have had to limit our face to face activities.

Currently we are streaming both our Bible Study, which is on Tuesdays from 7-8 and our Sunday worship service which is @2pm on Sundays, live on Facebook. Coming soon streaming on YouTube. GAME CHANGERS MAGAZINE  | 21


Pictured: Dr. Joseph Haig



e can all recall those days where our parents would have us come in the living room to show off our talents. And although there may have been some dread or a bit of shyness your parents weren’t taking no for an answer. You were gonna do it whether you liked it or not. Well that wasn’t the case for a young man born in New York City by the name of Joseph Haig, who loved every opportunity to show off his latest tap dancing moves before family and friends. It didn’t matter who was in the room little Joseph was gonna put on a show and give you something to talk about once you left the Haig’s home.

He says that approaching each year as if it’s his first one helps keep him going. In fact, he loved dancing so much that his parents thought enough of his skills to invest in their son’s talent, so they sent him to dancing school. And at the age of 16 he received a scholarship for his dancing ability. A young man pursuing his education by way of what he loved to do seemed like the ultimate life. But in his junior year of college his father informed him that dancing was fine but there was no guarantee that it would sustain and feed him. An injury could end it all! After much consideration Joseph decide to switch his major to U.S. History. Transitioning from studying dancing to studying history seems far fetched and uncommon, Joseph Haig was well prepared for that challenge. Just as he had been encouraged to move forward with his dance moves he also had a passion for history. At his mother’s request he had written the family’s history book. A task the he was greatly appreciative of. It was inevitable that history would become part of his life. It was a no brainer to embrace the change carrying with him inspiration from great people like Shirley Chisholm, Harriet Tubman and Nelson Mandela. Dr. Haig received education from multiple institutions of learning. He received his degree in dancing and American Government from State University in Albany, New York. He received his Master’s in Administration Supervision in Providence Rhode Island. He also was a graduate of the first class of the merger between Atlanta University and Clark University. What is now known as Clark Atlanta University. Shortly thereafter his over 40 year career in education began. The first step was taken in the DeKalb County School System at Cedar Grove High School. Dr. Haig continued his journey within Dekalb County by also serving at Dunwoody, Druid Hills High, and SW Dekalb High Schools. With great recommendation and good reputation he was able to share his knowledge in California where he served as Assistant Principal and in Rochester, New York where he served as a Principal. The journey came back around full circle to Cedar Grove where is currently continuing to educate. Adding on to his mileage of educating and grooming our future.

He says that approaching each year as if it’s his first one helps keep him going. It’s like getting a fresh tune up and oil change in preparation for a long trip. When asked about the challenges of being an educator he mentions that discipline and respect was once a given. He indicates that with social media and other tools students have today it creates a lack of focus in the classroom. However he believes that teachers should be in control of the classroom. Even so far as the seating. From there he provides students with all the information he can so that they can be prepared not only to pass tests but to thrive in life as adults. He first focuses on citizenship and then economics. Economics is what he believes will dictate and sustain their livelihood. He says that all kids are teachable you just have meet them where they are. He is always seeking ways of innovating the minds of his students. It’s no surprise that he is head of the debate team where he has lead them to one state debate title. Or that he was a 2016 finalist for Teacher of the Year in the State of Georgia for Economics. As a member of the Georgia Council of Economic Education and the Federal Reserves in Atlanta he is endowed with resources to utilize in the classroom. So how much longer will Dr. Joseph Haig grace the classroom? That is a question that he himself could not answer. But he did leave us a hint that included a mention of a famous person by the name of Oprah Winfrey. Haig said he would love for Winfrey to attend his retirement ceremony. But there is one catch! She will need a years advance for scheduling an attendance. So when there’s an acceptance from Oprah we can look forward to the retirement of Dr. Haig at least a year after. What’s in store after retirement? He plans to take it back to his family roots. “Haig Layer” created by his mother is the last garment that can be placed on your feet. It is a family investment that he will serve as CEO of. We wish much success in your next endeavor Dr. Thank you for your service as you continue to serve in education. GAME CHANGERS MAGAZINE  | 23



Pictured: Sandra Rozier, swearing in


he never would have thought that fulfilling her daughter’s request to spend their summer vacation in 2018, helping the residents of Flint, Michigan recover from being exposed to contaminated drinking water, would come full circle to public service closer to home as a Member of the Henry County Water Authority Board. But that’s how inspiring Sandra Rozier’s daughter Mary is, as her parents watched her purchase, pack, and personally deliver bottles of drinking water to the residents of Flint, in addition to later being honored at the Henry County Science and Engineering Fairs for her projects on Chemical Analysis of Purified Water. “I drew my inspiration to serve on the Henry County Water Authority Board from my daughter,” says Mrs. Rozier. Now three years after the Roziers put daughter Mary’s idea into action, Mrs. Rozier is the first African American and female to serve as Vice Chair of the Authority Board. She represents the citizens in Henry County’s District IV, following her appointment by Commissioner Vivian Thomas. “I am humbled and honored to serve as a Board Member for the Henry County Water Authority, and I look forward to diligently supporting practices that provide and protect our precious water resources,” says Mrs. Rozier. “I will govern to drive environmental, innovative, social and economic change that will result in the HCWA providing quality water and sewer services, as well as superior customer service, for our more than 60,000 customers. The ultimate goal is to serve with fellow Board Members and staff to ensure sustainable growth, while achieving the highest possible (AAA) bond rating.” Additional issues of interest to Mrs. Rozier include a desire to promote awareness about careers in the water profession, especially through student internships at HCWA. In addition, she is passionate about advancing opportunities for small minorityowned, women- and veteran-owned businesses to participate in the procurement of contracts to provide goods and professional services to the HCWA.

Mrs. Rozier was born and raised outside of Metropolitan Detroit, in Pontiac, Michigan. She received her Bachelor of Science Degree from Eastern Michigan University and her Master of Science Degree from Central Michigan University. Her family has resided in Henry County for 18 years. Husband Randall is a retired Special Agent with the FBI, while daughter Mary is an all-A honor roll student and star athlete – where she made the All-County Swim Team as a Freshman – at Eagle’s Landing High School. The Roziers are Members of Mt. Olive Baptist Church in Stockbridge, and Mrs. Rozier is a Lifetime Member and Education Chair of the Henry County NAACP and a Lifetime Member of the National Association of Black MBA’s. She is a Member of Jack and Jill of America’s Lake Spivey Chapter and a Member of the Eagle’s Landing Country Club Women’s Golf Association. She also is a Parent Volunteer and Fundraising Coordinator at Eagle’s Landing High School.

“I’m committed to fostering supplier diversity, equity, and business development,” she says. “To whom much is given, much is required. I delight in using my gifts and talents to serve this public utility and advance our community.”

“I hope to bring my business and economic development, community engagement, and project management experiences to this Authority to assist with the development of a comprehensive CIP that will position the HCWA to have more efficient practices and streamline processes for enhancing water distribution and sewer collection throughout Henry County and beyond,” says Mrs. Rozier.

Professionally, Mrs. Rozier is an entrepreneur and CEO of TeamHOPE, LLC, which provides marketing, business development, project management, community engagement and consulting services for clients. She also is a Code Ninja Franchisee, one of 484 Code Ninjas located across the United States, Canada, and the UK, who make coding fun for kids, noting that “coding is a universal language.”

“Without a safe, clean natural resource like water, or efficient sewer collection and treatment methods, our community’s positive economic development will be limited,” she adds. “Natural resources should never be taken for granted. They should be protected and made available to improve the quality of life for all.”



ary Rozier, a 15 year old, scholar athlete, who actively demonstrates her love of God by serving others. She is inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King’s notable quote, “Everybody can be great...because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.” Mary has been recognized most for her service to her local community, as well as, the residents of Flint, Michigan. She requested to have her parents drive her to Flint, Michigan the summer of 2018 on 4th of July weekend to make a difference in the lives of others. She stated “We can’t celebrate independence, while people are suffering in Flint and getting sick from bad water”. She asked her parents to park in front of Flint City Hall, where she donated cases upon cases of clean drinking water to the residents of Flint, who lined the streets in their cars to receive the free cases of water until the last case had been donated. Mary earned 1st Place honors and also won the Naval Science awards in the Henry County Science and Engineering Fair for two consecutive years for her research. She was inspired to conduct science fair projects to help find ways to purify contaminated water for human consumption and also how to use chemical analysis to do the same. Mary has been recognized as the State of Georgia and National Leadership Representative for Jr, Beta Club, 1st Youth Lifetime member of the HCNAACP, National President’s Volunteer Gold award for more than 100 hours of community service, 100 Black Women of Metropolitan Atlanta Unsung Heroine for community service and many more awards and accolades. Most recently, Mary participated in the call to action by Henry County, District IV Commissioner Vivian Thomas who helped coordinate a water drive for the residents of Texas. She won first place in Councilman Rufus Stewart’s, Henry County Dr. Martin Luther King Essay contest. Her essay was entitled, Where do we go from here: Chaos or Community. Mary is truly committed to serving her community, excelling academically and athletically. She was humbled to make the All County Swim team as a Freshman and is a believer who has been blessed and strives for excellence. She is truly a game changer who is destined for continued success.

Pictured: Flint Michigan water donation, HC Science and Engineering Fair 1st Honors

Mary is the daughter of proud parents, Retired FBI Agent Randall Rozier and Entrepreneur Mom and Community/Social Activist, Sandra Rozier, who was recently appointed to the Henry County Water Authority, and has been elected to serve as the first African American female Vice Chair in it’s 60 year history. The Rozier family is certainly serving and leading by example in Henry County and beyond. GAME CHANGERS MAGAZINE  | 25



HEALTH & MEDICARE INSURANCE At GEL Health Advisors, we constantly remind ourselves that we are in the business of getting wealth. Our health is our wealth. Our main focus is to educate and then serve. ‘’ People suffer because of the lack of knowledge.” As ‘Agents with a Servant’s Heart’, we have specific goals that have to be done. First, we access our client’s unique situation. Second, design a Health Insurance Program and assist in choosing a plan that fit their health and financial needs. Our main goal is to improve the quality of life for our clients and even people that are not our clients. We take care to get as many benefits as we can for the least amount of money. However, we do want to design a complete Health Insurance Program and sometimes a Gap Plan need to be added. Gap plans help reduce the cost of copayments and deductibles. For our Medicare Clients we have a Program we call ‘ A LongTerm Care Clone Using Medicare Advantage’ to keep our clients safe at home as long as possible, especially our chronic conditioned clients.

LongTerm Care Clone: Medicare

actually does not cover long-term care, but using the benefits that are a part of some Medicare Advantage plans will help more beneficiaries to live at home. We use the term beneficiaries when we talk about Medicare Clients instead of Seniors, because not all Medicare Clients are Seniors. People who have been on disability for 24 months qualify for Medicare. In addition, people with certain chronic diseases such as Lou Garrison Disease and End Stage Renal Disease qualify for Medicare.

Before we explain the topic, keep in mind that to qualify for a Medicare Advantage plan, the plan must 1.

be available in the beneficiary’s service area, meaning the beneficiary’s permanent address, not POB, that is listed with Medicare.

2. a beneficiary must have Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B and have their new Medicare Card that was issued approximately 2 years ago. All of the recent issued cards will have the new number. You can give us a call if you need assistance in getting this card. 817-381-1500. Some of the benefits in these plans can keep people at home longer and sometimes they never to go to the nursing home. Not in all cases now but some. Remember, I’m not a doctor; we are Health Insurance Advisors. In addition, there are some Gap Plans outside of Medicare like Hospital Cash, Home Healthcare Short-term Stay Plans, that can assist also. So, let’s talk about the services that Traditional Medicare provide. •

Nutrition services

Home safety devices, such as grip bars for your bath.

Medicare will only cover long-term care if a beneficiary requires skilled services or rehabilitative care under Part A. This start with acute hospital care, and can transition to skilled nursing care and hospice care. These are the steps required to receive traditional LongTerm Care through Medicare: 1) a beneficiary must be an inpatient at an approved hospital for at least three days; 2) they must be admitted into a Medicare-certified nursing facility within 30 days of the inpatient visit; 3) beneficiary must require physical or occupational therapy along with a medical condition that demands skilled nursing services. Remember it is important to note that coverage is limited and only available on a short-term basis. long-term care benefits carry a 100-day cap. Once this is exceeded, the beneficiary is responsible for 100% of the costs.

Now this is how our LongTerm Care Clone works. Medicare Advantage plans were design to cover everything that traditional Medicare plans cover and can add other valuable supplements. In Addition, due to legislation passed in 2018, Medicare Advantage plans include benefits for supplemental home care services for chronically ill beneficiaries as well. Now, Medicare does not provide for Assisted Living Expenses, but some of the benefits are awesome when it comes to living at home with a chronic condition and the expenses associated with them. These services will not be needed by everybody, but for those that need them, they are great.

Adult daycare service: It is exactly

as the name says, Adult Daycare Services. These centers are designed to keep the beneficiary engaged in a wholesome environment with their on Medicare and put emphasis on memory care and physical ability. This is a valuable access for the Caregiver.

In-home personal care services:

Beneficiaries receive assistance with daily activities such as getting dressed, eating, using the bathroom, etc. The length of time and days vary on these benefits.

Call a Doc Services: Beneficiaries

can call a doctor’s office by phone or computer and not have to get up, get dress, get to the car, go in the doctor’s office, waiting for 3 hours, see the doctor for 10 minutes, get back in the car, go get a prescription filled, get back in the car, go back in the house, get undress and take a nap for this activity. You get the picture.

Prescription Delivery Services:

This service is available to everyone on a Medicare Advantage or Prescription Drug Plan.

Over the Counter Products:

Beneficiaries can shop at their own drug store by viewing a catalog of items in the Over The Catalog or on phone or Computer. Beneficiaries order those items and they are delivered to their front door. These include non prescription items such as aspirin, cold medication

some durable medical equipment. The amount that the beneficiary receives varies from plan to plan and are usually ordered monthly or quarterly. Keep in mind that these are benefits that come with most plans and there is no additional cost. To see if your plan includes this and any of the other benefits that we will discuss, just contact the GEL Health Advisor of your choice

Medical and Non Medical Transportation: Some plans cover

medical transportation to and from the doctor, pharmacy, fitness center, therapy center, etc. With the growing demand for transportation and meal delivery services, some Advantage plans will now cover transportation services, such as Lyft and Uber. This will help beneficiaries get to doctors’ appointments, fitness centers, or pick up prescriptions, hair salon and grocery stores.

Keeping with our theme, a long-term care Clone, it’s just that a clone. If you have a LongTerm care plan or want more information on LongTerm care plans, we will be happy to custom design one for you here at GEL Health Advisors. One of the best ways to reduce expenses is by focusing on prevention before treatment. We know the old saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Having regular check-ups can help discover problems can prevent major problems. Consider adding a Hospital Cash or Short-term Care plan to your Health Insurance program.

64 and Below: For our below 65

clients, we stress using as many of the 74 Preventive services that are included with their Health Insurance plan. This will create a head start on a healthier lifestyle. In addition we

demonstrate that a change in lifestyle delay the chances of poor health while at the same time an adjustment in vocations help save on the cost of health insurance and increase their bottomline.

Life Insurance: When we recommend Life Insurance, we always recommend like insurance with health benefits and financial goals.

We invite you to join our website, Facebook,, YouTube channel and school. We are available to speak in group or individual settings – Zoom and soon in person. You can see and read more about us on our website:; Facebook. com/gel health advisors; gelhealthadvisors- channel/UCeSI51KtQcNt9y0E9z2eoiw; Clients can always call or text us at 817-381-1500.




ounds of Afro beat music play in the background. The smoke of burning incense, glide in the air, dancing to the rhythm of blackness. It’s sweet smelling fragrance fills the atmosphere with knowledge that flows to the beat of the djembe drum. It reminds us of our Ancestors’ resilience and strength. Welcome to Lubulu Square African Cultural Arts. Expression of art, fashion, and beauty lies within the fabric of our being. The African-American culture is a trendsetter of innovation. We, as a melinated people, undeniably carry a contagious creativity that moves the spirit of life throughout the world. Lubulu Square is a marketplace on a mission. We bring awareness and information to the black community. Our goal is to enlighten and educate the community about African culture and the richness of it’s heritage. Lubulu Square African Cultural Arts is a place that embrace and promote black entrepreneurs. It is a place that encourage the freedom of economic development in the black community. It is a place that highlight the value of self-importance, self-awareness, and self-realization.



Lubulu was established in 2013. It was originally a project designed to empower women. As time progressed, the project came to a stand still. It remained dormant until the year 2020. The era of the two pandemics, Covid 19 and racial injustice; both on an all time high. Due to the climate of our nation, the project began to re-awaken. There was a need in our communities of color. There was a need to love ourselves more; a need to continue to stand for what is right, a need to get what we want without having to beg anyone. The name “LUBULU” stands for “Loving Us Being Us Living Us”. It is a declaration that stands firm in the souls of black folks who pushed through the depths of pressure with courage and strength. It began with the beat of a broken heart for the people and a dream that flowed through the pulse of hope. We are all of America with African blood flowing through our veins. Our origin may come from another place but we are born here and our ancestors built America off of the sweat and blood of their hands. Lubulu Square is a place where the purpose is to cultivate the black community and motivate the people of color to be confident and proud of who they are and who they are becoming. We support and promote black entrepreneurs and small black businesses by providing space for them to display their merchandise for retail. This would allow the merchants to expand their customer base and help build their business. With this strategy, we will be able to meet the needs of the community and create an easy access to products and merchandise that they will want and need. We are a place that provide an environment that inspires and encourages those who have no sight nor vision of where they are going in life. If you don’t know where you come from then you won’t know where you’re going. We believe here at Lubulu Square, that knowing your culture and the origins from whence you came, gives definition to who you are. It exudes a sense of importance and it opens the eyes of the value that an individual carries within. LUBULU SQUARE African Cultural Arts, a movement where love is freedom and freedom is love. All are welcomed.

TIERANIE UMBA ZURI Founder of Lubulu Square African Cultural Arts

BROTHERHOOD [ bruhth-er-hood ] • noun

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

the condition or quality of being a brother or brothers. the quality of being brotherly; fellowship. a fraternal or trade organization. all those engaged in a particular trade or profession or sharing a common interest or quality. the belief that all people should act with warmth and equality toward one another, regardless of differences in nationality, creed, ethnicity, etc.

Brothers can be bonded by more than blood. With these young men that is absolutely the reality of their relationship. Gestures of their solidarity is evident in everything they do. From sports, school, projects, birthdays, and entrepreneurship. Brotherhood is a Visual Depiction of The Beauty of Brotherly Love set in one of the best fashion periods in history. As brothers, together you can be prepared to face many tough choices that will shape you as you unravel the secrets of the world around you. Discussions about advocating for social change and how it affects young men of color are also at the core of the photoshoot. This visual depiction was unique in that, In effort to pour into these young black teenagers two sisters crafted an homage to friendships unlike any other, built out of respect and love, will always have each others backs. Together with 2 black photographers, 2 Sisters & 2 Brothers recreated timeless art that will be spoken about generations to come.



“BrotherHOOD” 2 Brothers +1 Vision = Black ART Shot by: Darius Varnado @shabazzborn & Eric Jordan II, @jordanviision Creative Directors: Akevia Monè Seldon & Darlene Felix of The Creative Eye @_thecreativeeye Stylist: Darlene Felix @__laplace & Akevia Monè Seldon @Monesavemyhair Young Kings: Ronald Felix Jr. (Rj) @rjfelix & Jomaro Djau @jomaro.djau



Gig economy jobs turn workers into small business owners As a business owner what can they expect to see with the changes in filing taxes and write offs etc, this year? There are no new laws; the only changes are coming from the new tax code that was implemented last year.

What are some of the loopholes people should look for filing their taxes this year?


ig economy jobs have boomed in recent years and even more so since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic. Many people found different employment in 2020, including jobs in the gig economy. With new business opportunities from companies such as Uber, Airbnb, and DoorDash, taxpayers are finding it easier than ever before to work for themselves. As workers take on these new jobs, they’re probably not thinking of what the gig economy means for their taxes. Gig-economy workers generally do not have taxes withheld from their pay as salaried workers normally do, however, they must report income earned in the gig economy on their tax return. Many people are surprised that as a gig economy worker, you are considered an independent contractor, which means they actually own a small business in the eyes of the IRS. This is true whether your gig economy job is your primary source of income or your side hustle. The IRS encourages people earning income in the gig economy to consider making quarterly estimated tax payments to stay current with their federal tax obligations.

People should make sure that all documents are complete. If you have health insurance through the Affordable Care Act make sure you have your form 1095 A so the preparer can file with your taxes or they will hold your refund until it is filed. Make sure that they have all income documents W 2, 1099 and any other.

Most people received stimulus checks. Unemployment. Government loans, etc.. how would that affect how they file this year due to all that’s happened in 2020 with COVID-19? New for business owners that had employees and filed for any covid relief you must have all documentation for your business as it applies to employers and employees. All covid loans that may be subject to some kind of tax should have all documentation. As of right now we don’t have any information as to what they may do because they are still in the phase of creating the rules.

What are 5 tips you would give to those who are filing taxes this year regarding changes and the unknown of things being so different as we seem to be facing a new norm? 1) Choose direct deposit The safest, most accurate and fastest way to get a refund is to electronically file and choose direct deposit. Direct deposit means any tax refund is electronically deposited for free into a taxpayer’s financial account. Eight out of 10 taxpayers get their refunds by using direct deposit. It is simple, safe and secure. This is the same electronic transfer system used to deposit nearly 98% of all Social Security and Veterans Affairs benefits into millions of accounts.

2) Earned Income Tax Credit The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) can give qualifying workers with low-to-moderate income a substantial financial boost. EITC not only reduces the amount of tax someone owes but may give them a refund even if they don’t owe any taxes or aren’t required to file a return. People must meet certain requirements and file a federal tax return in order to receive this credit. The EITC assistant on can help people determine if they qualify. The IRS reminds taxpayers that they may elect to use their 2019 earned income to figure the EITC if their 2019 earned income is more than their 2020 earned income. For details, see Publication 596, Earned Income Credit. Taxpayers also have the option of using their 2019 income to figure the Additional Child Tax Credit for 2020.

3) Taxable unemployment compensation Millions of Americans received unemployment compensation in 2020, many of them for the first time. This compensation is taxable and must be included as gross income on their tax return. Taxpayers can elect to have federal taxes withheld from their unemployment benefits or make estimated tax payments, but many do not take these

options. In that case, taxes on those benefits will be paid when the 2020 tax return is filed. Taxes can be paid throughout the year. For safe and secure ways to pay taxes electronically go to Taxpayers can find more details on taxable unemployment compensation in Tax Topic 418, Unemployment Compensation, or in Publication 525, Taxable and Nontaxable Income, on

4) Interest is taxable income Many individual taxpayers who received a refund on their 2019 tax returns also received interest from the IRS. The interest payments were largely the result of the postponed filing deadline of July 15 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The 2019 refund interest payments are taxable, and taxpayers must report the interest on their 2020 federal income tax return. The IRS will send a Form 1099-INT to anyone who receives interest totaling at least $10. The average refund interest amount is $18, but the amount for each taxpayer varies based on the tax refund that the taxpayer received. Form 1099-INT will be issued no later than February 1, 2021.

5) Home office deduction The home office deduction is available to qualifying self-employed taxpayers, independent contractors and those working in the gig economy. However, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act suspended the business-use-of-home deduction from 2018 through 2025 for employees. Employees who receive a paycheck or a W-2 exclusively from an employer are not eligible for the deduction, even if they are currently working from home. IRS Publication 587, Business Use of Your Home, provides more on the home office deduction.

How can we find you online to learn more about the process of filing taxes and up to date info on filing for 2020? Follow us on social media @BartonandBoyd, visit our website at GAME CHANGERS MAGAZINE  | 39


Pictured: Treandos and Noah Thornton

Kidpreneurs & Proud THESE YOUNG MEN ARE COMMITTED TO MAKING A POSITIVE DIFFERENCE BY SHANA THOMAS-THORNTON In an effort to support families, 3rd grader Treandos Thornton and kindergartner Noah Thornton lead their own food and toy drive annually. The Thornton brothers also operate the bow tie boutique T&N Bow Ties and Apparel. Treandos is the Founder and CEO of the kid operated business while Noah is the President. 2020 marked the 5th year that the kid entrepreneurs have led the Annual Community Food and Toy drive. All collected items from the drive support the United Food Force, Inc, which assists thousands of people each year by providing food and additional services. Area businesses and individuals throughout the nation have helped Treandos and Noah with their altruistic efforts.   @TNBowTies




“We want to assist those in need because it’s the right thing to do, “ said 9-year-old Treandos Thornton. “Both kids and adults should have the necessary items to live. Nobody should go hungry. COVID-19 has made it tough for many people. Our business is more than bow ties; we also stand for giving back. We are stronger when we help each other.” “We like helping other people a lot,” said 5 year-old Noah Thornton. “We can each be community helpers.” The support of community members has made the difference. The annual food and toy drive has collected thousands of nonperishable food items and toys since its inception. The team at T&N Bow Ties and Apparel believes that style can have a purpose which can help boost the confidence of young men and women throughout all communities. The boys highlight life skills such as tying a bow tie and offering firm handshakes. Both Treandos and Noah have been recognized with accolades including being listed as Top 25 Under 25 In Business by the Atlanta Business Chronicle. The two elementary school students are on a personal mission to help people in various ways.

The Thornton brothers just published their own children’s book which highlights the importance of literacy. The young men want fellow kids to celebrate the power of reading. Some proceeds from book sales will go to assist the homeless through fundraising with the Atlanta Mission. For more information on the new book and T&N Bow Ties and Apparel, community members are encouraged to visit The bow tie business is on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube at @TNBowTies.


In response to the killing of Ahmaud Arbery, some Georgia lawmakers have made strides in introducing legislation that could prevent future similar tragedies. On February 23, 2020, Ahmaud Marquez Arbery, an unarmed 25-year-old African American man was fatally shot near Brunswick in Glynn County, Georgia. Chased by multiple individuals claiming they were attempting to make a citizen’s arrest of a burglary suspect in an unprovoked attack. Arbery was shot trying to escape from his attackers. Even though Arbery was known to jog his neighborhood on a regular basis. “It is a repeal of Georgia’s outdated late 1800 Bill. If this bill had been in place, possibly Ahmaud would be alive today. The individuals from Brunswick that murdered him used this as an excuse claiming that they were performing a citizen’s arrest” says Rep. Carl Gilliard of Savannah. Using Arbery’s and other examples of “frontier justice” “citizen arrests” that have been used in several high profile murders of unarmed African Americans for the reasons the Bill needs to be repealed he states “Trayvon Martin might be alive­—and the list goes on.” For African Americans, this struggle is not new. In fact, it is quite the contrary and has only been brought to light to the masses with the technology of social media. With protestors in the streets demanding change, many would consider this legislative action a step in the direction of progress. GAME CHANGERS MAGAZINE  | 43


Homemade Chicken with Homemade Love: Big Chic, Growing the Family Business


Chances are if you live in South Metro

Atlanta and you love fried chicken, the chicken sandwich, grilled chicken, Bar BQ chicken, chicken tenders, a two piece dark, a two piece white or even chicken gizzards then you’ve eaten at or at least heard of Big Chic restaurant. This South Metro Atlanta institution has two locations in LoveJoy and McDonough and has been around for almost 50 years under different owners. Today’s owners are Jason and Edreani McKenzie, a power couple that spent years developing and honing their entrepreneurial skills before becoming the proud owners of this establishment. “We’ve been eating at Bic Chic for years at the McDonough location and we went by there one day and we saw the business up for sale. Me and my wife wanted a chicken restaurant for years.” But the success of the restaurant didn’t come overnight. As Jason and Edreani worked for and created other businesses for years before perfecting the chicken restaurant business. “I worked at Toys R Us for a couple of years and I thought why put all this out for someone else when I can do it for myself. So the first business we started was a carpet cleaning business and we did that for about 6 years and wanted to go to a higher level. Then an opportunity came up with Big Chic.” Says Jason explaining that the couple plan to move aggressively to expand the restaurant to other parts of GA.

Pictured above: Owners are Jason and Edreani McKenzie “The next big move is we want to get another brick and mortar location...that and we want to get a food truck. We want to expand into the food truck arena.” Part of the success of Jason and Edreani’s version of Big Chic (besides the amazing food) is the couple puts such an emphasis on hiring the right people and making sure those employees understand the value of customer service. “The obstacle that we think about is the right employees. Finding the right people to trust to run your business. You can have 20 locations but if you don’t have the right people giving customer service and cooking the food according how you told them to do serving people. It’s going to be a struggle. Finding the right people to run your business when you are not there.” Yet despite the power couples phenomenal success and plans for expanding the brand they still focus on doing more for their community by starting a non profit to help the homeless. “We give back to the community that we are from. What we really do is just give people inspiration. We do give a lot of inspiration to people who want to be entrepreneurs who want to start a restaurant. Who want to start their businesses, Black business. “We collect stuff for the homeless. We make food for them. Once we did that people were coming to the lobby to donate.” It is no great surprise that a couple that shares this much love for each other can translate that love into food for a community that loves them back.


Good news. Rates just got lower. Rates just got lower. Good news. Rates just got lower.

We’re excited to announce auto insurance rates just went down. We can help you find coverage that works for you. LET’S TALK TODAY. We’re excited to announce auto insurance rates just went down. We can help you find coverage that works for you. We’re excited to announce auto insurance rates just went down. LET’S TALK TODAY. We can help you find coverage that works for you. LET’S TALK TODAY.

We’re excited to announce auto insurance rates just went down. We can help you find coverage that works for you. Mays, Agent Sherry Ann Devouse-Dennard, Agent LET’S TALK Kim TODAY.


893 Highway 138 W 422 Highway 155 S Stockbridge, GA 30281 McDonough, GA 30253 Bus: 770-282-6622 Bus: 678-782-3005 Kim Mays, Agent Sherry Ann Devouse-Dennard, Agent 893 Highway 138 W 422 Highway S Mon-Friday 9am155 - 5pm Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm Stockbridge, GA 30281 McDonough, GA - 30253 Saturday 9am 1pm Agent Saturday 9:00am-1:00pm Kim Mays, Agent Sherry Ann Devouse-Dennard, Bus: 770-282-6622 Bus: 678-782-3005 893 Highway 138 W 422 Highway 155 S Stockbridge, GA 30281 McDonough, GA 30253 Mon-Friday 9am - 5pm Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm Bus: 770-282-6622 Bus: 678-782-3005 Saturday 9am - 1pm Saturday 9:00am-1:00pm Mon-Friday 9am - 5pm Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm Saturday 9am - 1pm Saturday 9:00am-1:00pm Kim Mays, Agent Sherry Ann Devouse-Dennard, Agent 893 Highway 138 W 422 Highway 155 S Stockbridge, GA 30281 McDonough, GA 30253 Bus: 770-282-6622 Bus: 678-782-3005 State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL Mon-Friday Monday-Friday State9:00am-5:00pm Farm County Mutual Insurance Company of Texas, Richardson,9am TX - 5pm Saturday 9am - 1pm Saturday 9:00am-1:00pm


State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL State Farm County Mutual Insurance Company of Texas, Richardson, TX


State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL State Farm County Mutual Insurance Company of Texas, Richardson, TX


State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, State Farm Indemnity Company, Bloomington, IL State Farm County Mutual Insurance Company of Texas, Richardson, TX



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