2009 Football Parking Guide and Application
Dear Gamecock Club Member, We hope you enjoyed the 2008 Gamecock Football season at Williams-Brice Stadium! As part of our continuing efforts to improve and enhance the game day experience for our fans, you may have noticed several changes both inside and outside of the stadium. The biggest change for the upcoming season is the renovation and beautification of the South Carolina State Fairgrounds. This approximately $4.3 million project that the Fairgrounds is undertaking includes the addition of a new grass parking surface, curbing, and paved drive areas with improved landscaping features. Other elements, such as the planting of Palmetto trees and other native foliage throughout, will help to transform the Fairgrounds into an area fit for Gamecock Football fans. Due to the change in the configuration of the Fairgrounds parking, all Reserved Fairgrounds parking spaces will be reassigned based on priority point totals. Members with spaces in other lots will be able to renew their spaces as well as request to change lots. All new applications for parking will also be allocated based on priority point totals. This brochure includes diagrams of the new Fairgrounds parking area and an overview of all game day parking lots. Please return the attached application to reserve your parking space for another exciting season of Gamecock Football! Go Gamecocks!
Patrick McFarland, Gamecock Club Director
Jeff Crane, Director of Revenue Development
Gamecock Club Parking Fairgrounds Reserved Red ($260) Fairgrounds Reserved Green ($225) Fairgrounds Non-Reserved (ends after 2009 season) ($200) Armory ($75) Stadium ($595) Renewals Only ETV ($420) Renewals Only Key Road Lot Reserved RV spot ($895)
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2009 Fairgrounds Reserved Parking To be reassigned by points
Fairgrounds Reserved Red ($260) Fairgrounds Reserved Green ($225)
South Carolina State Fairgrounds
Parking Improvements The improvements to the 30-acre parking area will result in approximately 4,000 parking spaces that will be available for events at the fairgrounds, as well as University of South Carolina football games. The project is scheduled for completion in June 2009. The parking area features paved driving aisles and parking spaces composed of Bermuda grass. The area will be heavily landscaped, with a 25-foot landscaped area surrounding the site and landscaped islands interspersed among the parking spaces. The landscaping features native trees and shrubs and local favorites such as live oaks, red maples, black gums, crepe myrtles, sabal palmettos, tulip poplars, abelias, and tea olives that are designed to provide aesthetic interest throughout the year and spectacular foliage during the fall. An irrigation system will be installed for maintenance of the trees and shrubs. The parking improvements also include new lights and poles.
2009 South Carolina Football Parking Application
q I would like to renew my current parking space for the 2009 season. (does not apply to members with Reserved Fairgrounds parking)
q F or current members with a Reserved Fairgrounds space: I request a Reserved Fairgrounds parking space assigned by my priority point total.
q I would like to request a new parking space (or reassign my current space) in the following lot*:
City_ ________________________ State_____________ Zip________________ Booster #_____________________ 2009 Membership Level________________ Home Phone (
)_ _______________________________________________
Mobile Phone (
)_ ______________________________________________
E-mail___________________________________________________________ q Make checks payable to South Carolina Athletics.
q Fairgrounds Reserved Red ($260) ____Number of Spaces* q Fairgrounds Reserved Green ($225) ____Number of Spaces* q Fairgrounds Non-Reserved (ends after 2009 season) ($200) ____Number of Spaces* q Armory ($75) ____Number of Spaces* q Stadium ($595) Renewals Only q ETV ($420) Renewals Only
q I f available, I would like to defer my parking space for a reserved RV spot in the Key Road Lot ($895).
q Please bill the following:
q I would like to be assigned a parking space with the following members:
Amount $ ______________ q VISA q MC q Discover q American Express
Name_______________________________________ Booster #_____________
Credit Card #: ________ - ________ - ________ - ________ Exp ____/_____ Signature: ________________________________________________________ Your credit card will be charged. If a space is not available, your credit card will be refunded when assignments are completed.
Due: May 15, 2009
For questions related to parking, please call 803-777-7328. Return form to: S outh Carolina Athletics Ticket Office, Colonial Life Arena 801 Lincoln Street, Columbia, SC 29208 ALL RESERVED FAIRGROUNDS PARKING WILL BE REASSIGNED IN 2009.
Name________________________________________Booster #_____________ Name_______________________________________ Booster #_____________ Group parking assignments will be based on the priority point total of the friend with the lowest number of points. All group members’ applications must be turned in attached together.
*Additional parking spaces are based on availability. Season Tickets Purchased 1–4 5–8 9–12 13–16
Parking Spaces Eligible to Purchase 1 2 3 4
South Carolina Athletics Ticket Office Colonial Life Arena 801 Lincoln Street Columbia, SC 29208
Due: May 15, 2009 www.gamecockclub.org
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2009 South Carolina Football Parking Application
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