Science Experiment for Kids
Introduction: •
Have you ever wondered why a candle burns for a longer time when kept inside a bigger glass in comparison to a candle that is kept in a smaller glass?
Or ever imagined that you can light a bulb with the help of two candles?
Well even though that seems remotely possible it is pretty easy to perform either of those experiments.
The Fun Kids Experiments is a hub of best and newest science experiments that you can easily perform for your school projects or even at home for fun.
Features: •
A number of different experiments on various objects.
All the experiments are very easy to understand and perform anywhere.
You can easily manage all the apparatus used for all the experiments.
A lot of animations, images and design makes these experiments more interesting and fun to perform.
You will be provided the all steps to perform the experiments and conclusions at the end of so that you can understand the aim.