Furniture and Equipment Specifications EC BP4A(EB)-3 - Convention Centre Extension Qatar Foundation Education City
Furniture Specification Sheet Tag:
Lockers, metal double tier
Performance Specifications:
Finishes: Image:
Prefabricated fully welded perforated steel two tier locker * 16 gauge perforated prime grade mild cold rolled sheet steel cabinets * 14 gauge one-piece perforated doors with formed channels on hinge and lock sides and right angle formations on top and bottom edges * Continuous sloping tops attached with concealed fasteners * Vertical steel filler panels to enclose space to adjacent surfaces with flush hairline joints * Electrostatic powder coat baked-on enamel paint finish, all steel surfaces * Recessed stainless steel door handle with combination touchpad lock, two-point latching * Comfortable door operation with silencers and sound deadening connections * Polished aluminum number plate at each door, 57mm x 25mm, black numerals * One double prong ceiling hook and two single prong wall hooks, zinc plated * Continuous 16 gauge galvanized steel base, 100mm high Overall: 300mm W x 450mm D x 1930mm H Single locker: 915mm H Paint, interior and exterior: FIN8 Medium Gray Powdercoat Indicative of required aesthetic only.
Refer to Furniture Layout Plans
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XC08100300/FF&E QP PROJECT NO. 1875, BP#4A-(EB)-3