Happy Deepawali

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Happy Deepawali with Prosperous Joy & Happiness.

Sri Sai Baba at your door steps. With a dong of 12 midnight on the on the 16th Oct, let us receive the blessings of

Sri Sai BABA

in various forms, Who is visiting your dwelling to greet you with a very Happy & Prosperous Year with Shraddha & Saburi to enrich you with Bhakti with lots of strength to unload all your negatives on the boundless shoulders with Smile‌

chant His sweet name as Sai....... Sai....... Sai.......Sai Baba........., unmindful of hardships expenses, pain, while in journey.

Yes..... he is Sai Baba, who dwells in every devotee's heart to bestowing tranquility, happiness, joy and leading him on the righteous path. Sainath showers love, mercy, Devotion & compassion to protect his devotees everywhere, As He is worshipped in this cosmos.

Baba dwells within you! Divine responses your Prayer & Mantras chanted or candles lit or lights waved or bells rung or books read, when performed with Shraddha & Saburi. Be positive in dealings & loving All. Positive actions brings you closer to Baba. Chant His name in Silence.

Have implicit faith in Pujya Gurudev & abide by His guidance for He knows your welfare better than any other person. There are innumerable sages in the world, but our Father, Mother & Guru is Pujya Gurudev. Love Pujya Gurudev, wholeheartedly, surrender to Him; prostrate to Him with Shraddha & Saburi & you will usher in lofty heights by igniting your inner corridor with your Pujya Gurudev & will merge with Him for ever & ever

May Sai Baba, the God Incarnate, bestow peace and happiness and protect all of us from negatives. May we be merged with God as we all are part of the WHOLE. WISH YOU ALL A HAPPY, HEALTHY AND PROPEROUS DEEPAVALI.!

"Give Charity with faith without any expectations in return. Be

modest, sympathetic and respectful to all. The best way to receive is to give. The giving of 'dakshina' leads to Vairagya‘, 'Bhakti & Gyan." "Why fear when I am there. Cast all burdens on Me to bear them." "Have faith in Me. Even though I have given up this body, My bones in My Samadhi will give you hope and confidence. My Samadhi would be speaking, moving and communicating with those who surrender to Me with Shraddha & Saburi to benefit you always." “Dive deep into My 'Leela's‘ & pick up precious jewels of knowledge." "My Guru never taught Me any Mantra, then how could I blow any Mantra in your ears? Just look at the Guru's tortoise loving glance, which showers Grace, Blessings & Happiness. Look at Me wholeheartedly and I, in turn, will look at you similarly." “Spread your palms with devotion & I shall immediately be with you at any time of the day and night. Though I may not be physically present, yet I know all happenings beyond the seven seas. I dwell in your heart. Blessed indeed is he, who is aware of My omnipresent and omniscient form.

OM SAI RAM Om Namah Shirdi Sai Baba Om Shirdi Sai Baba Prasanam Om Shanti Om Shanti Om Shirdi Sai Baba Prasanam Om Shanti Om Shanti Om Shirdi Sai Baba Prasanam Om Shanti Om Shanti Om Shanti Allah Malik nimano fakir-16.10.09

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