1 minute read
Wood Moisture Structural Moisture
Air Humidity Temperature: Air
WOOD MOISTURE Products and accessories that are identified by this icon are used to measure moisture in wood. For this, our Hydromette® units use two measuring techniques: electrical resistance measurement or capacitive radio frequen-
cy measurement.
STRUCTURAL MOISTURE Products and accessories that are identified by this icon are used to measure moisture in building materials. Four measuring techniques are used: electrical resistance
measurement, capacitive radio frequency field,
sorption isotherms, and the Calcium Carbide Method (CM).
AIR HUMIDITY Products and accessories that are identified by this icon are used to measure relative air humidity. For measuring, capacitive sensors are used that operate rapidly and precisely.
TEMPERATURE: AIR Products and accessories that are identified by this icon are used to measure air temperature.
Temperature: Surface Temperature: Material Air velocity
TEMPERATURE: SURFACE Products and accessories designed for measuring surface temperatures use resistance-based Pt100 and infrared sensors.
TEMPERATURE: MATERIAL Products and accessories that are marked with this symbol are used for measuring material or core temperatures.
AIR VELOCITY Products and accessories that are identified by this icon are used to measure air velocity. Accessories Package
ACCESSORIES For products that are identified by this icon, additional accessories are available which are detailed in the second part of the catalogue.
PACKAGE For products that are identified by this icon, packages of different contents (different product accessory combinations) are offered.
At the bottom of a product page, an info box is used to show the accessory available, arranged according to the particular measuring task. Similarly, we provide an overview on each accessory page by means of an info box showing the products to which the respective accessory may be connected.
* = Special catalogue available on request