HIGHER EDUCATION Scores of scholarship funds
available to students in the Fond du Lac area
Published in Partnership with the Fond du Lac Area Foundation
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
A Special Section of the Fond du Lac Reporter
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Scholarship search tips A college education is expensive. Many students graduate from college with tremendous debt in the form of college loans. Scholarships are one way to cut down on that debt. By Sandi Roehrig, Executive Director of the Fond du Lac Area Foundation
Scholarships differ from loans, in that it is money that does not have to be repaid. The scholarship search is not an easy one. It can be very time consuming. Receiving a scholarship makes it time well spent. Understanding the criteria for each scholarship and matching your own situation to that criteria is critical in a successful scholarship search. Scholarships vary by intended major, dollar amounts, age, interests, geographic location, and employment. Some scholarships are awarded to graduating seniors and others to those already attending college. Many scholarships are one-time only. The greatest value is found in those that are renewable. Some scholarships are merit based, others need based, others interest based, others cultural based. You may need different information for different scholarships. Personal statements are commonly asked for in scholarships applications. Don’t try to use one statement to “fit all” applications. You will be more successful if you tailor each personal statement to meet the specific criteria for each application. The Fond du Lac Area Foundation awards more than $100,000 each year in college scholarships to area students. We see applicants using the same statement for multiple
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Tuesday, January 24, 2012
A Special Section of the Fond du Lac Reporter
scholarships when the criteria and questions for each scholarship differ.
Organize your personal information. The more unique the criteria of your scholarship, the more likely you will be awarded a scholarship when you find one you are eligible for. Examples of what you should compile are: ■ High school of graduation. ■ Colleges/professional or trade schools you are interested in attending. ■ Sports. ■ Hobbies (yes, even video games). ■ Major (or favorite subjects if undecided). ■ Clubs and associations (Future Farmers of America, National Honors Society). ■ Employment /parent’s employer (business names or unions associated to the student’s family). ■ Favorite books. ■ Awards and honors. ■ Medical conditions. ■ Family or personal status (single parents, lower income, or unemployed).
Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (known as the FAFSA). It is a form that should be filled out annually by current and anticipating students and sometimes their parents to determine eligibility for federal student financial aid. The federal government provides billions of dollars in grant aid to post-secondary students annually in both grants and loans. The aid comes in several forms.
Need-based federal aid: ■ Federal Pell Grants. ■ Federal Subsidized Stafford Loans. ■ Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants. ■ Federal Work Study. ■ Perkins Loans.
Financing options: ■ Federal PLUS loans (also known as Direct Plus Loans).
■ Federal Unsubsidized Stafford Loans (Also known as Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans). ■ Loans from parents. ■ Alternative student loans from banks, credit unions, etc. Even if you don’t think you would qualify for need-based federal aid, you should still file the FAFSA application. Most states and schools use information from the FAFSA to award non-federal aid. Documents Needed for FAFSA You will need the following information to complete the FAFSA financial aid forms necessary for determining federal student financial aid eligibility. Many scholarship and state programs will also require copies of or information from these documents: ■ Social security number. ■ Drivers license. ■ W-2 and 1099 forms. ■ Most recent federal tax return. ■ Records of your family’s untaxed income from the past year(for example, Social Security, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Veteran’s benefits, welfare, etc.). ■ Most recent bank statements. ■ Business income records. ■ Mortgage information. ■ Investment information (stocks, bonds, etc). ■ For Non-US citizens, a permanent resident card or alien registration number. ■ Dependent students nts will need all information for or themselves and their parents. arents. ■ Married studentss will have to supply information ation for themselves and their ir spouses. Yes, this is a lot of information to compile. That is why it important to be organized and keep this information where
you can access it throughout your scholarship search. Once you have it compiled and organized, it will make the rest of your search much easier.
Research. Rule Number One: Do not pay for scholarship information! There are many resources available, free of charge, to assist you in locating and applying for scholarships. Research is critically important in your scholarship search. You can start researching potential scholarships anytime. However, most of the application process will take place in your junior and senior years of high school. The following list is a good place to start your research: ■ Your high school guidance/financial aid office or your high school scholarship website. ■ Check with your local community foundation or other local foundations. ■ Watch the local newspapers for scholarship announcements. ■ Contact service organizations that may offer scholarships. ■ Check with your employer or your parents’ employers to see if they offer scholarships or if they have foundations or national affiliations that offer scholarships. ■ Contact the financial aid office at the colleges you are considering or the one you are attending and check the college website. ■ Contact professional organizations in your field or intended major. ■ Check w with your local library for scholarship resources. r The following are some of the types of scholarships that may be available. Make sure your situation meets the criteria: ■ Merit Scholarships (Academic achievement, SAT/ACT test scores). achi ■ Financial Need-Based Scholarships. ■ Athletic Scholarships (Often identified recruiting college rather than an application by rec process). process ■ Sc School-Based Individual Scholarships (both high school and colleges). offered by hi ■ The Mili Military (awarded in return for a tour of duty).
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A Special Section of the Fond du Lac Reporter
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Various Scholarships
AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN ELIZABETH WATERS SCHOLARSHIP Multiple Scholarships Awarded DEADLINE: March 15, 2012 The Fond du Lac Branch of AAUW elected to establish scholarships in 1924 to support and encourage female students choosing to pursue a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university. Elizabeth Waters, an 1881 graduate of Fond du Lac High School, devoted her life to education. She was a high school German teacher, a Fond du Lac school administrator, and served on the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents. Always a champion of equal rights, she continually sought greater educational opportunities for women. ELIGIBILITY: Legal resident of Fond du Lac County. Attend SMSA, Fond du Lac High School, Horace Mann & WLA. Rank in upper 15percent of class. School activities. Community involvement. Personal statement. APPLICATION: School Guidance office or Fond du Lac Area Foundation. GS
AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN MAREE HUBER REENTRY SCHOLARSHIP Multiple Scholarships Awarded DEADLINE: March 15, 2012 The AAUW Maree Huber Re-entry Scholarship is available to a woman who has returned, or is planning to return, to college as a non-traditional student after a lapse of several years (minimum five years) in her formal education. The Fond du Lac Branch of AAUW elected to establish this scholarship to assist mature women seeking a baccalaureate degree in order to enter or re-enter the work force or to improve current employment status. ELIGIBILITY: Female re-entry students over the age of 27. Legal Resident of Fond du Lac County. Demonstrate financial need. Attend an accredited institution of higher learning. Pursue a course of study that will result in a baccalaureate degree. APPLICATION: Local colleges and Fond du Lac Area Foundation. NT
MARY E. ABEL SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: March 31, 2012 Mary E. Abel was an elementary teacher in the Fond du Lac area. She earned a BS deree from Marian College and a MA degree from UW-Oshkosh. She attended Fond du Lac Normal School for one year in 1931 and then began her teaching career Her career began at a one-room school where she taught all eight grades. Mary Abel taught at the
following schools in the Fond du Lac School District: James Otis School, Luco School, Lincoln School, Washington School and Fahey School. She retired in 1978 but continued as a substitute teacher through the age of 72. She married George Abel in 1944 and she and her husband owned a farm on Highway V in Marblehead. Their children include Brian Abel, Allen Abel, Anne Abel, and Maureen (Abel) Andrejeski. Her hobbies included music and flower and vegetable gardening. She was very active and involved in local organizations until her seven-week illness, with gastric cancer that took her life. ELIGIBILITY: Reside in Fond du Lac County. Plans to major in elementary education. Citizenship. Scholastics. Personal statement APPLICATION: School guidance offices or Fond du Lac Area Foundation. GS AGNESIAN HEALTHCARE VOLUNTEERS SCHOLARSHIPS DEADLINE: March 15, 2012 Students who plan to pursue a career in healthcare are invited to apply for scholarships sponsored by the Agnesian HealthCare Volunteers. ELIGIBILITY: High school students living in Agnesian HealthCare service area, pursuing a career in healthcare who will attend either a college, university or technical school/college. There are four $1,000 awards for bachelor’s degrees, and one $500 scholarship for a technical school/college degree. APPLICATION: High School guidance offices and clinic and hospital information desks. For more information please contact office support center at 926-4304. GS FOND DU LAC AGRIBUSINESS COUNCIL SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: Postmarked by April 13, 2012 The Fond du Lac Agri-Business Council Scholarship was established to aid those pursuing a career in agriculture. ELIGIBILITY: 2 letters of recommendation. Fond du Lac County or those schools with ties to the Fond du Lac area. Graduating seniors and students currently attending college, technical school, trade school UW-Short Course, etc. APPLICATION: Local high schools. Fond du Lac Area Association of Commerce website: www.FDLac.com in the Agri-Business Council section or email request to info@ FDLac.com. GS,CS,NT ALLIANCE TO THE FOND DU LAC COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY DEADLINE: March 31, 2012 The Alliance to the Fond du Lac County Medical Society
GS - Graduating Senior
CS - Current College Student
is offering scholarship awards to college and graduate students who are participating in a four-year degree program or graduate program at an accredited college of university in medical or health related fields, exclusive of dentistry, veterinary medicine and chiropractic. ELIGIBILITY: College and graduate students. Graduated from a Fond du Lac County High School and legal residents of Fond du Lac County. Completed 30 credit hours at time of application. Immediate family members of physicians are not eligible. APPLICATION: Local colleges and Fond du Lac Area Foundation. CS/NT TRIERPUDDY POST #75, AMERICAN LEGION HAROLD C. BERKHOLTZ SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: April 15, 2012 This annual scholarship is made possible through a grant from Mr. Harold C.Berkholtz,a deceased member of TrierPuddy Post #75. ELIGIBILITY: High school graduate who is related to a member of the Trier-Puddy Post #75. Copy of acceptance from the school the applicant plans to attend. One letter of recommendation. APPLICATION: Guidance office at respective schools and Fond du Lac Area Foundation. GS EDMUND A. & MARGARET A. ANDERS SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: March 31, 2012 This scholarship was established in memory of Edmund and Margaret by their children and grandchildren. Ed and Marge believed in the value of education. Throughout the years they were known to have helped those in need, anonymously. This scholarship honors Ed and Marge and recognizes their desire to help those who have a financial need and are looking to continue their education. ELIGIBILITY: Be a legal resident of Fond du Lac County. Have completed a minimum of 24 college credits during semester of application. Financial need. Personal statement. APPLICATION: Local colleges and Fond du Lac Area Foundation. CS ELOISE RUEPING ATKINSON SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE:Set by Respective Schools This scholarship fund was established in 1991 by Eloise Rueping Atkinson to encourage and reward academic excellence and achievement and good citizenship on the part of students who are preparing for college enrollment. ELIGIBILITY: Scholarship available to a graduating
senior from Fond du Lac High School, St. Mary’s Springs Academy, Winnebago Lutheran Academy. GPA 3.3 or the scholastic equivalent. Good character and citizenship. Selection made by appropriate committee at respective school. APPLICATION: Guidance office at respective schools. GS OFFICER CRAIG BIRKHOLZ LAW ENFORCEMENT SCHOLARSHIP OF THE FOND DU LAC AREA FOUNDATION DEADLINE: June 15, 2012 Officer Craig Birkholz was killed March 20, 2011 while carrying out his job duties as an Officer with the Fond du Lac Police Dept. He was a military veteran, an inspirational individual, and a person who brought out the best in others. This scholarship is in his memory and is intended to financially help students committed to a career in law enforcement or police science who will hopefully develop into the quality individual Craig was. ELIGIBILITY: Initial scholarship is $3,000 and will go to an individual who graduated from an accredited high school in either Fond du Lac County or Kenosha County (Wisconsin), is enrolled in a Wisconsin-based college or university in either law enforcement or police science and who has completed 30 credit hours (if in a 2-yr program) or 60 credit hours (if in a 4-yr program) with an overall GPA of 3.0. Finalists will be interviewed in person. APPLICATION: Fond du Lac Area Foundation. CS BEN BOOHER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: March 31, 2012 Ben Booher was a 2004 graduate of Oakfield High School where he was a standout soccer player and wrestler. He was a member of FFA and active in the youth group at his church. Ben participated in his family’s show pig business and competed at the Fond du Lac County and Wisconsin State Fairs. Ben was a freshman at Lakeland College where he was on the wrestling squad when he tragically died as a result of an automobile accident. ELIGIBILITY: Scholarship to a graduating senior from Oakfield High School. Plans to pursue post-secondary education. Participation in a high school sport as well as other activities. Minimum GPA of 2.0. Personal statement. APPLICATION: Oakfield High School guidance office and Fond du Lac Area Foundation. GS RON BRIEN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: April 1, 2012
NT - Non-traditional student with a gap in education or minimum age requirement
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This scholarship was established by Schenck S.C. and shareholders and managers in memory of Ron Brien. Ron, a CPA, was employed by Schenck S. C. since 1991. Ron died as a result of an auto accident on December 15, 2010. Ron was known for his dedication to his profession, his family, his church and his community. ELIGIBILITY: Graduate of Fond du Lac High School, St. Mary’s Springs Academy, Winnebago Lutheran Academy, Horace Mann High School, or Legal Fond du Lac County resident enrolled in a college, university or technical school. Majoring in accounting and /or business major. GPA 2.75 or above. Essay. APPLICATION: Respective schools and Fond du Lac Area Foundation. CS
PAUL J. BUTZEN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Amount determined by the number of entries in this year’s Walleye Run. DEADLINE: May 31, 2012 Paul Butzen was an elementary physical education teacher in the Fond du Lac School District. He coached cross country and track at Goodrich High School. His love of running led him to start the Fond du Lac Running Club, which he led as president until his untimely death in a boating accident in 2004. To honor his memory the running club is offering two scholarships. ELIGIBILITY: Area of major — health, physical education or a medical field. Written statement. Graduating senior of Fond du Lac High School, NFDL High School, St Mary’s Springs Academy or Winnebago Lutheran Academy. Two scholarships will be awarded. APPLICATION: Applications available at respective schools.
COPS FOR KIDS SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: April 1, 2012 This scholarship is available through the Cops for Kids Foundation. Two separate scholarships will be awarded. ELIGIBILITY: Graduating senior who resides in Fond du Lac County. GPA higher than 3.0. Community service. Leadership. Character. Personal achievement statement APPLICATION: Respective high schools and www. FDLpolice.com. GS
GEORGE M. & MARGARET E. CORCORAN AND THOMAS & CATHERINE FITZGERALD MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: March 31, 2012 This scholarship was established by the bequest of Margaret E. Corcoran. It was Mrs. Corcoran’s wish that this scholarship be made available to students who may not, for whatever reason, find scholarships available to them but who have expressed a desire and an aptitude for continued study in a medical field. CELIGIBILITY: ompleted (or will have completed) a minimum of 60 college credits during semester of application.
A Special Section of the Fond du Lac Reporter
Financial Need. Community, school and health related involvement. Fond du Lac County High School graduate and a legal resident of Fond du Lac County. Personal statement. APPLICATION: Fond du Lac Area Foundation. CS/NT DONALD P.& MARJORIE W. CUMMINS SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: April 1, 2012 This scholarship was established by Donald P. Cummins and his children, in memory of Marjorie Cummins. Marjorie was a primary education teacher in the public schools for 10 years where she influenced children’s lives through her love of the arts. ELIGIBILITY: Returning adult who is 28 years of age or older. Financial need. Fond du Lac County resident pursuing post-secondary training at an accredited institution of higher learning. Recent transcript. Personal statement. APPLICATION: Fond du Lac Area Foundation. CS/NT ELMER AND NELLIE DIXON SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: March 31, 2012 Elmer and Nellie Dixon Scholarships are available to posthigh school students graduating from Fond du Lac County High Schools and studying in fields related to agriculture or Protestant Christian Ministry. Elmer Dixon was a special “Philanthropic” man in Fond du Lac who was active in numerous local organizations. ELIGIBILITY: Resident of Fond du Lac County or graduate of a high school in Fond du Lac County. Certified school transcript. Majoring in either Protestant Christian ministry or agriculture or related field. Personal statement. Financial need. APPLICATION: Guidance office at respective schools and Fond du Lac Area Foundation. GS CS/NT
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FOND DU LAC AREA RETIRED EDUCATORS SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: April 1, 2012 Fond du Lac Area Retired Educators Scholarships are awarded to high school seniors intending to become educators. Since 1988, more than $30,000 in scholarships has been awarded by the FAREA to deserving students. ELIGIBILITY: Five $500 scholarships to high school seniors intending to be educators. Two $500 scholarships to Fond du Lac County residents who are currently pursuing a college degree in a school of education. Reside in Fond du Lac County or attend school in Fond du Lac County. Written statement, area of major, and certified transcript. APPLICATION: Applications available at Fond du Lac County high school guidance offices or from FAREA Scholarship Chairperson Catherine Birschbach at 920-9212871. GS/CS
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A Special Section of the Fond du Lac Reporter
FOND DU LAC AREA FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIPS DEADLINE: March 31, 2012 Fond du Lac Area Foundation Scholarships, available through the E.C. Kiekhaefer Memorial Fund under the administration of the Fond du Lac Area Foundation, are available to high school seniors for continuing education purposes. ELIGIBILITY: Resident of Fond du Lac County. Rank in the upper 15 percent of their graduating class. Certified school transcript and rank in class. School activities. Work experiences. Financial need. Personal statement. APPLICATION: Guidance office at respective schools and Fond du Lac Area Foundation. GS
FOND DU LAC ARTISTS’ ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIPS DEADLINE: March 31, 2012 Fond du Lac Artists’ Association awards two $750 scholarships to senior high school students attending Fond du Lac County high schools. ELIGIBILITY: Applicants who are pursuing an art-related career are invited to apply. APPLICATION: Guidance office at respective schools. GS
FOND DU LAC MUSIC PARENTS ASSOCIATION MUSIC SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: May 18, 2012 Each year the Fond du Lac Music Parents’ Association raises approximately $10,000 which is used to support various aspects of K-12 music education. In addition to the $500 Music Parents’ Senior Scholarship, the organization makes available 24 $200 scholarships for middle school and high school music students who attend a qualifying summer music camp. Interested students should contact their music teachers for details. ELIGIBILITY: Must be an active, participating member of the Fond du Lac High School band, chorus, or orchestra program. Must display interest, ability and aptitude for future music study. APPLICATION: Application available from high school music instructors. GS
ARNOLD & META FIRLE SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: April 1, 2012 This scholarship was established to honor their daughter, Susan, who motivated Arnie to start painting. Arnold & Meta Firle were successful business owners, world travelers, and active community members. At the age of 80, Arnold developed a kidney problem which forced him to undergo dialysis. The Firle’s daughter, Susan Krause, an accomplished artist introduced Arnie to the world of art. He started taking art lessons. He produced many beautiful watercolor paintings and his work won awards. The Firle’s establish this scholarship to pass on the appreciation of art that was
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
passed on to them by their daughter. ELIGIBILITY: Graduating Senior from Fond du Lac High School, Winnebago Lutheran Academy, and St. Mary’s Springs Academy. Major in an art-related field. School and Community involvement. Academic achievement. Personal statement. Samples of artwork. APPLICATION: Guidance office at respective schools and Fond du Lac Area Foundation. GS FOND DU LAC SOFTBALL INC. SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: April 1, 2012 The three F.S.I. Athletic/Academic scholarships are available for educational purposes. ELIGIBILITY: Applicants must be a senior at St. Mary’s Springs, Fond du Lac High School or WLA. 3.0 GPA. Attending a 4-year accredited college full-time. Athletic achievements with a minimum of two time letter winner in any varsity sport. Personal Statement. APPLICATION: Respective high school guidance offices. GS JIM GESCHEIDLE SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: March 31, 2012 This Scholarship was established by Mary Gescheidle in memory of her husband, Jim, who was killed in a plane accident in November of 2002. Jim was Supervisor of Building & Grounds for the Fond du Lac School District. ELIGIBILITY: Graduating senior from Fond du Lac High School. Minimum B average. School and community involvement. Financial Need. Personal Statement. APPLICATION: Guidance office at Fond du Lac High School and Fond du Lac Area Foundation. GS JIM GESCHEIDLE SCHOLARSHIP CUSTODIAL SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: March 31, 2012 This Scholarship was established by Mary Gescheidle in memory of her husband, Jim, who was killed in a plane accident in November of 2002. Jim was supervisor of building and grounds for the Fond du Lac School District. ELIGIBILITY: Graduating senior of Fond du Lac High School who participated in the student custodial program that was established by Jim or a graduating senior of Fond du Lac High School who has a parent/guardian that is currently working as a custodial or maintenance worker in the Fond du Lac School District. Minimum of B average. School and community involvement. Financial need. Personal statement. APPLICATION: Guidance office at Fond du Lac High School and Fond du Lac Area Foundation. GS JIM GILMORE LAW ENFORCEMENT SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: April 15, 2012
GS - Graduating Senior
CS - Current College Student
Jim Gilmore retired from the Fond du Lac County Sheriff ’s Department in 1998 after 28 years of service. Jim completed his Bachelors degree at UW-Oshkosh while working night shifts as a dispatcher and patrolman. He knows first hand the difficulties young people can face in securing an education. He established this scholarship to assist future officers with their education and to give something back to the community that supported him. ELIGIBILITY: Graduating High School Senior. Reside in Fond du Lac County. Recent certified high school transcript. Pursuing 2- or 4-year law enforcement degree. School/extracurricular/community involvement. Financial need. Written essay. APPLICATION: Guidance office at respective schools and Fond du Lac Area Foundation. GS WILLARD “JAKE” GORES SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: Contact Fond du Lac High School Willard “Jake” Gores was a teacher at L.P. Goodrich High School for 40 years. During those 40 years, he also coached football, baseball, and track. In 1960, he was appointed Athletic Director. In 1977, he was selected as a Wisconsin Athletic Director of the Year. There is an athletic field named in his honor adjacent to the former L.P. Goodrich High School building. Jake and his wife, Agnes, were life-long Fond du Lac residents, raising four children who graduated from the Fond du Lac school system. ELIGIBILITY: A graduating senior from Fond du Lac High School with plans to major in education. Must have participated in a high school sport at the varsity level. Minimum GPA of 2.75. APPLICATION: Guidance office at Fond du Lac High School. GS THE LEWIS C. HACK & LOIS E. HACK SCHOLARSHIP FUND OF THE FOND DU LAC AREA FOUNDATION DEADLINE: April 15, 2012 The purpose of this scholarship fund is to assist students of Fond du Lac County in attaining or completing a vocational or bachelors degree at an accredited college, university or vocational school for a general or specialized degree. ELIGIBILITY: Legal Fond du Lac County resident. Financial need. Have completed (or will have completed during semester of application) a minimum of 36 credits toward a bachelor’s degree or 24 credits toward a vocational degree. APPLICATION: Local colleges and Fond du Lac Area Foundation. CS CHRIS HENNING SCHOLARSHIP IN PARAMEDICS DEADLINE: April 15, 2012 Scholarship established in memory of Chris Henning who was a firefighter/paramedic with the City of Fond du Lac
Fire Department who was killed in an automobile accident in 2003. This scholarship is for a high school senior who will be furthering their education towards a career as a Paramedic or any Fond du Lac County resident currently enrolled in a Paramedic program. ELIGIBILITY: Resident of Fond du Lac County. Certified high school transcript. Personal qualifications. Scholastic ability. Community involvement. Personal statement. APPLICATION: Guidance office at respective schools and Fond du Lac Area Foundation. GS/CS HOME BUILDERS ASSOCIATION OF FOND DU LAC & DODGE COUNTIES RICHARD SALM SCHOLARSHIPS DEADLINE: March 31, 2012 The Home Builders Association of Fond du Lac & Dodge Counties, Inc. would like to encourage students to seek educational and career opportunities related to the shelter industry. ELIGIBILITY: Construction management. Building trades (including qualified apprenticeship programs). Engineering (with emphasis on construction trades and intent to work in the construction industry). Interior design. Other related fields of study. Questions can be directed to Home Builders Association at 920-922-9067 or www.homebuildersFDLdodge.com. WEBSTER M. HURST SCHOLARSHIP FUND DEADLINE: Contact School Webster M. Hurst was a teacher at Goodrich High School for more than 30 years. The scholarship was established by Webster’s son, Timm Hurst in honor of his father. Timm graduated from Goodrich and attended UW-Madison on a Giddings & Lewis Scholarship. This scholarship was also his way of giving back to the Fond du Lac Community. Timm Hurst passed away in May 2007. ELIGIBILITY: Available to a Fond du Lac High School graduating senior. Up to $8000; $2000 per year for up to four years. Selection made by Fond du Lac High School Scholarship Committee. APPLICATION: Guidance office at Fond du Lac High School. GS IAM LOCAL LODGE #1947 SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: April 30, 2012 This scholarship fund was established to provide scholarships for members or immediate family members of Local IAM Lodge #1947. Scholarship recipients will be selected randomly at a monthly meeting of the IAM Local Lodge #1947. ELIGIBILITY: GPA Average of 2.5 or higher. Most recent certified transcript. Must be member or immediate family
NT - Non-traditional student with a gap in education or minimum age requirement
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CHAPTER K P.E.O. SISTERHOOD INDEPENDENT WOMAN AWARD DEADLINE: June 1, 2012 Chapter K of the P.E.O. sisterhood is sponsoring a $1,000 scholarship for women who are currently attending the college of their choice in pursuit of a degree. Applicants must be citizens of the United States and residents of Fond du Lac County. ELIGIBILITY: Applicant must be a Fond du Lac County resident, completed at least 30 hours of post-high school education and have achieved a minimum grade point average of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale. APPLICATION: Applications available at www.peochapterk.org or by request from Chapter K - P.E.O. Scholarship Committee, P.O. Box 1794, Fond du Lac, WI 54936-1794. CS
IZAAK WALTON LEAGUE OF AMERICA A.D. SUTHERLAND CHAPTER SCHOLARSHIP FUND DEADLINE: April 1, 2012 This Scholarship was established by Don Thuerwachter and is available to Fond du Lac County High School graduates who are entering or continuing in conservation, ecology, or directly related undergraduate fields of study. ELIGIBILITY: Resident of Fond du Lac County or graduate from a Fond du Lac County high school. Academic excellence. Certified transcript. School and community activities. Work/job experience. Personal statement. APPLICATION: Guidance office at Fond du Lac County High Schools and The Fond du Lac Area Foundation. GS,CS, NT
DANI JOHNSON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: March 31, 2012 Dani was a 9 year-old who attended Friendship Learning Center in North Fond du Lac. In August of 2000 she died in an automobile accident. She played many sports and was a talented violinist. Dani’s dream was to play basketball for UW- Madison. This scholarship was established in Dani’s memory by her mother, to assist other students with pursuing their dreams. ELIGIBILITY: Graduating senior who lives in North Fond du Lac School District. Top 25 percent of their class. Participation in music and sports, church and community involvement. Written Statement. APPLICATION: Horace Mann High School or Fond du Lac Area Foundation. GS BERNIE JONES MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: March 23, 2012 This scholarship was established in memory of Bernie
Jones who died in 1990. At the age of 38, while raising a family and working Bernie enrolled at UW-Fond du Lac. When he graduated from UW-Oshkosh he joined the staff of UW-Fond du Lac as a business manager and golf coach. Two scholarships to attend UW-Fond du Lac for a traditional student and a non-traditional student. ELIGIBILITY: GPA of 2.50 and will be enrolled for six or more credits at UW-Fond du Lac. Scholastic ability. Community or campus Involvement. Written Statement. APPLICATION: Contact UW-Fond du Lac at uwFDLfoundation@uwc.edu. CS, NT SCHENCK S.C. PATSY KRUG MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: April 1, 2012 This scholarship was established by Schenck S.C. in memory of Patsy Krug, a highly valued 25 year associate. ELIGIBILITY: Graduating senior from Fond du Lac High School, St. Mary’s Springs Academy, Winnebago Lutheran Academy, or Horace Mann High School. Majoring in Accounting and /or Business major. GPA 3.0 or above. Essay. APPLICATION: Respective schools and Fond du Lac Area Foundation. GS, CS ALAN R. LEMERY CHORAL SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: April 15, 2012 This scholarship was established in memory of Alan by his wife, Dorothy, family and friends. Fond du Lac lost the biggest supporter of choral music in our community with the death of Alan in December 2006. He was the Director of the Fond du Lac Oratorio chorus, Choirs at L.P. Goodrich, numerous church choirs, and the Elk’s Men of Music. ELIGIBILITY: Graduating senior who attends Fond du Lac High School. Majoring in choral music education, vocal performance, or musical theater. Participation in choral activities. Certified High School Transcript. Written Statement. APPLICATION: Fond du Lac High School or Fond du Lac Area Foundation. GS NATHAN MANIS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND DEADLINE: Contact Fond du Lac High School This scholarship fund was established by the Harry and Judy Friedman Family in memory of Judy’s father, Nate Manis. Nate Manis was a life-long resident of Fond du Lac … and he wouldn’t have had it any other way. ELIGIBILITY: The student receiving this scholarship should exemplify kindness, decency, and a strong desire to help other without asking for anything in return. This person would be a role model, encouraging peers, younger children and even adults to do the right thing for others. APPLICATION: Guidance office at Fond du Lac High School. GS
FOND DU LAC COUNTY MASTER GARDENER ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION DEADLINE: For 1st Semester — April 1 DEADLINE: For 2nd Semester — October 1 The Fond du Lac County Master Gardener Association offers this scholarship in order to support and encourage students of Fond du Lac County or a child of a Fond du Lac County Certified Master Gardener to pursue careers in horticulture based studies at a college or technical school. ELIGIBILITY: The student receiving this scholarship should be enrolled in a full-time formal program of higher education, and plan to, or is already majoring in horticulture. APPLICATION: Applications are available at the UWExtension Office, 227 Administration Building, and the Fond du Lac Area Foundation. GS/CS/NT FOND DU LAC COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY SCHOLARSHIP FUND DEADLINE: April 1, 2012 In 1996 the physicians of the Fond du Lac County Medical Society elected to establish this scholarship in order to support and encourage students of our county to pursue careers in the health sciences. ELIGIBILITY: Major in a health related field. Academic Excellence. Certified school transcript and rank in class. Community, school, and health related activities and involvement. Personal Statement.
APPLICATION: Guidance office at respective schools and Fond du Lac Area Foundation. GS JEFFREY MERRILL SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: April 1, 2012 This scholarship was established in memory of 15 year old Jeffrey Merrill who died tragically while competing in a Goodrich High School hockey game in 1989. ELIGIBILITY: Scholastic Achievement. Fond du Lac High School graduate who has lettered in at least two varsity sports. Personal Statement. APPLICATION: Fond du Lac High School guidance office. GS DAVID AND RITA METZGER SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: Contact Fond du Lac High School This scholarship fund was established by Mr. and Mrs. David Metzger as a memorial in honor of Georgina Dobson Hendricks. ELIGIBILITY: Graduating Senior at Fond du Lac High School who achieves good grades, demonstrates financial need and is identified as being worthy, deserving, and hard working. APPLICATION: Guidance office at Fond du Lac High School. GS continued on page 8 ❯❯❯
Fond du Lac Area Foundation From One Generation…...to the Next
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Do you have a charitable dream? Would you like to establish a fund that will support your favorite charity? Do you want to leave a legacy to honor your family or a loved one?
If you’ve said yes to any of these questions, call the Fond du Lac Area Foundation at (920) 921-2215 and find out how the Foundation can help you achieve your charitable dreams. The Fond du Lac Area Foundation has been in the community for more than 30 years and has the local expertise to assist you with your charitable objectives.
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of member of Local Lodge #1947. APPLICATION: Fond du Lac County schools, IAM Lodge #1947, and the Fond du Lac Area Foundation. GS,CS,NT
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Fond du Lac Area Foundation 384 N. Main Street Suite 4, Fond du Lac, WI 54935 www.fdlareafoundation.com
A Special Section of the Fond du Lac Reporter
JOHN NEWMAN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: Contact Fond du Lac High School This scholarship was established in memory of John Newman, longtime Fond du Lac junior high school teacher, by his wife, Connie and family and friends. ELIGIBILITY: Graduating senior at Fond du Lac High School in the top 20percent who demonstrates financial need. APPLICATION: Guidance office at Fond du Lac High School. GS
NFDL OPTIMIST SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: April 15, 2012 Optimist clubs mission is friends of youth. The North Fond du Lac Optimist Club works hard to support local youth groups and students within the North Fond du Lac school district. The scholarship was established to support high school graduating students. ELIGIBILITY: Must reside in NFDL School District (Includes graduating seniors from schools other than Horace Mann HS). Emphasis placed on community involvement. Letters of recommendation. APPLICATION: Applications can be requested from: Chuck Hornung chornung@charter.net. GS
OAKFIELD LIONS CLUB SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: April 27, 2012 The Oakfield Lions Club has given out scholarships since 2010. This year they will award one $500 scholarship. ELIGIBILITY: Open to all graduating Oakfield High School seniors who plan to enroll in a college or technical school. APPLICATION: Applications are available from the Oakfield High School guidance office or from Paul Helm, Technology Education Instructor at Oakfield Jr/Sr High School. GS
PCE PROGRAM FOR CONTINUING EDUCATION This award is sponsored by a PEO Sisterhood Chapter. This Award provides grants to women whose education has been interrupted and who find it necessary to resume studies due to changing demands in their lives. ELIGIBILITY: Available to Fond du Lac County residents who have had at least 24 consecutive months as a nonstudent sometime in her adult life. Within 24 consecutive months of completing her education goal. Not enrolled in a doctoral degree program, e.g., educational, law, medical or clinical. APPLICATION: Inquiries should be sent to: Chapter K P.E.O. Sisterhood Scholarship Committee, P.O. Box 1794, Fond du Lac, WI 54936-1794 P.E.O. CHAPTER BD SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: March 31, 2012
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The P.E. O. Sisterhood is interested in and supportive of women’s higher education. ELIGIBILITY: Female U.S. citizen and resident of Fond du Lac County. Desires to pursue post-high school education. Has been accepted to a school of higher education. Financial need. Written essay required. APPLICATION: Contact Martha Zunker for application. Email: mhzunker@gmail.com. GS, CS, NT P.E.O. CHAPTER DO SISTERHOOD SCHOLARSHIP FOR WOMEN DEADLINE: March 31, 2012 This scholarship is offered to area women who have returned to or who are beginning their post secondary education after a lapse of at least two years in their formal education. ELIGIBILITY: Full or part-time students. Minimum of 6 credits per semester. Resident of Fond du Lac County or a graduate of a Fond du Lac County high school APPLICATION: Local Colleges and Fond du Lac Area Foundation. NT JOSH POLHAMUS SCHOLARSHIP FUND DEADLINE: April 15, 2012 This fund was established in memory of Josh Polhamus, a firefighter/paramedic with the City of Fond du Lac Fire Department, who died in a car accident in 1994. ELIGIBILITY: Fond du Lac County high school senior planning on a career in firefighting or a student that is currently enrolled in a fire protection program. Scholastic ability. Written Essay. Community involvement. APPLICATION: Fond du Lac Area Schools, Fox Valley Technical College or The Fond du Lac Area Foundation. GS,CS FOND DU LAC PROFESSIONAL POLICE ASSOCIATION DEADLINE: Contact Fond du Lac Police Dept. The Fond du Lac Professional Police Association will once again be awarding scholarships to local high school seniors in the Fond du Lac area. ELIGIBILITY: Awards to high school seniors in the Fond du Lac area. Multiple achievement, character, leadership, community service and scholarship. APPLICATION: Applications are available at the front desk of the Fond du Lac Police Department 126 N. Main St., Fond du Lac. Questions directed to Steve Kaufman at 322-3725. GS ROBERT & ALICE PROMEN SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: April 1, 2012 This scholarship was established by Robert and Alice Promen to provide an annual scholarship to a graduating high school senior who lives in or attends school in Fond du Lac County.
GS - Graduating Senior
CS - Current College Student
ELIGIBILITY: Plans to major in social services. Financial need. Personal statement. APPLICATION: Fond du Lac County Schools and the Fond du Lac Area Foundation. GS HAROLD REINECKE SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: April 13, 2012 This scholarship was established in memory of Harold Reinecke, former 4-H and Agriculture Agent for Fond du Lac County. ELIGIBILITY: Majoring in agriculture or conservation. Fond du Lac County Resident. School activities. Financial need. Selection made by Association of Commerce selection committee. APPLICATION: Area high schools, Association of Commerce and Fond du Lac Area Foundation. GS,CS CLIFF & MARY ROHDE SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: Set by Respective Schools The scholarship was established by Cliff ’s wife, Mary Rohde and family, in memory of Cliff and in honor of the family’s commitment to education. Upon Mary’s death on April 7, 2008, the children of Cliff and Mary Rohde chose to continue this scholarship in their parent’s names. ELIGIBILITY: Graduating senior from Fond du Lac High School and St. Mary’s Springs Academy. Major in education. Financial need. Scholastic achievement. Good moral and personal character. APPLICATION: Guidance office at respective schools. GS FOND DU LAC MORNING ROTARY DEADLINE: April 16, 2012 The Fond du Lac Morning Rotary encourages young adults from the Fond du Lac area to continue their education in the Fond du Lac community after high school graduation. ELIGIBILITY: Graduating senior from a high school located within the city of Fond du Lac or North Fond du Lac, (or have recently completed high school equivalency. Must be attending Marian University, Moraine Park Technical College, or UW-Fond du Lac. APPLICATION: Application information available at Morning Rotary website: www.FDLmorningrotary.com. GS RITA & ROBERT E. RUCKS SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: Contact MPTC This scholarship was established by Robert Rucks in memory of his wife, Rita, who was an avid and excellent baker and cook. ELIGIBILITY: Scholarship to a second-year student of Culinary Arts at Moraine Park Technical College. APPLICATION: Contact Moraine Park Technical College for the application process. CS
SABISH STUDENT COUNCIL SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: March 31, 2012 This scholarship is available to graduating seniors of Fond du Lac High School who were active members of student council while attending Sabish Middle School. ELIGIBILITY: Minimum of a 3.0 GPA. Personal essay. Official high school transcript. APPLICATION: Guidance office at Fond du Lac High School, Sabish Middle School, and Fond du Lac Area Foundation. GS SEARL FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUND DEADLINE: March 31, 2012 This scholarship was established by Kathleen Searl. The scholarship will be awarded annually to a Fond du Lac High School graduate to attend college. ELIGIBILITY: Fond du Lac High School graduate who has lettered in varsity hockey and one other Varsity sport. Exemplifying sportsmanship and teamwork. Selection made by Fond du Lac High School committee. APPLICATION: Fond du Lac High School Guidance office and Fond du Lac Area Foundation. GS SERVICE LEAGUE SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: March 31, 2012 This scholarship, established by members of Service League of Fond du Lac, is available to a non-traditional Fond du Lac County resident seeking a degree at UW-Fond du Lac, Marian College, or Moraine Park Technical College. ELIGIBILITY: Non-traditional student. Financial need. Personal statement. Legal resident of Fond du Lac County. APPLICATION: Fond du Lac Area Foundation and financial aid departments of local colleges. NT SIGMA SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: April 1, 2012 Sigma of Fond du Lac is a non-profit, women’s charitable organization whose purpose is devoted to community service. ELIGIBILITY: Female, non-traditional student. Resident of Fond du Lac County. Enrolled or plan to enroll for a minimum of 9 credits at an accredited institution. High school or college transcript demonstrating a minimum of 2.5 GPA. Written Statement. APPLICATION: Fond du Lac Area Foundation and local colleges. NT MARIAN R. SIMONS MUSIC SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: March 31, 2012 This scholarship was established by friends and family of Marian R. Simons in memory of her lifetime contributions to the musical life of Fond du Lac. ELIGIBILITY: Graduating senior who attends Fond du Lac High School and is pursuing a baccalaureate degree in
NT - Non-traditional student with a gap in education or minimum age requirement
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music from an accredited college or university participating in music activities — either in school and/or outside of school. Written statement. APPLICATION: Fond du Lac High School guidance office and Fond du Lac Area Foundation. GS
HAZEL L. STEPHENSON SCHOLARSHIP Multiple scholarships are awarded DEADLINE: Mid April. Specific date will be listed on application. This scholarship was established over 30 years ago by the will of the late Hazel L. Stephenson. Its purpose is to assist students from Fond du Lac county in attaining or completing an education at any UW system school. ELIGIBILITY: Resident of Fond du Lac County. Attending a UW system school. Must be a full-time student. Official transcripts and a completed application. Personal statement. APPLICATION: Edgarton, St. Peter, Petak, & Rosenfeldt Law Office. GS,CS,NT
HERMAN C. STIEG SCHOLARSHIP FUND Multiple Scholarships Awarded DEADLINE: April 15, 2012 This scholarship fund was established by the Revocable Trust of Herman C. Stieg. It was Mr. Stieg’s wish that this scholarship be made available to worthy students who may not, for whatever reason, be able to afford the costs of attending college. ELIGIBILITY: Applicants must have completed or will have completed a minimum of 24 college credits. Attend college full-time. Fond du Lac County resident. Most recent certified college transcript. Financial need. Work history. Personal statement. APPLICATION: Local colleges and Fond du Lac Area Foundation. CS, NT
JEROME N. AND GERDA F. STRUPP SCHOLARSHIP FUND DEADLINE: Contact Fond du Lac High School This annual scholarship fund was established by Gerda Strupp, family and friends, in memory of her husband, Jerome Strupp, a teacher, principal, personnel director and superintendent of Fond du Lac Public Schools. ELIGIBILITY: Graduating Fond du Lac High School senior. Major in education. Financial need. Exceptional character. Scholastic achievement. Selection is made by the Fond du Lac High School Scholarship Committee. APPLICATION: Fond du Lac High School guidance office. GS
ANNA GRIFFIN SWEET AWARD DEADLINE: April 15, 2012 This scholarship was established by one of the charter members of Chapter K - P.E.O. Sisterhood. ELIGIBILITY: Applicant must have attended Fond du Lac
High School for three years, plan to continue her education at an accredited university or college, and be among the top ten senior girls. APPLICATION: Applications available at: www.peochapterk.org or by request from Chapter K - P.E.O. Scholarship Committee, P.O. Box 1794, Fond du Lac, WI 54936-1794 JOHN THEIS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP/ ROBERTS SCHOOL PTO DEADLINE: April 27, 2012 Since 1997 Roberts School has had a scholarship. In 2002 the name of the scholarship was changed to honor John Theis who passed away in 2001. Mr. Theis was principal at Roberts School from 1991 - 1998. ELIGIBILITY: Graduating senior from Fond du Lac High School, St. Mary’s Springs Academy or Winnebago Lutheran Academy, who attended Roberts School for the majority of his/her elementary school grades. APPLICATION: Applications available at respective high schools or call Roberts School 929-2835. GS FOND DU LAC COUNTY CHAPTER OF THE WISCONSIN ALUMNI ASSOCIATION DEADLINE: Tentative deadline is March 23, 2012 Since 1992, the Fond du Lac chapter has provided scholarships to more that 170 county residents. Multiple scholarships are awarded. Students must be entering the University of Wisconsin-Madison for the first time. High School seniors and students transferring from UW-Fond du Lac are encouraged to apply. ELIGIBILITY: All applicants must be residents of Fond du Lac County. APPLICATION: Applications available from local guidance offices and from the Wisconsin Alumni Association web site at www.uwalumni.com, select chapters and affiliates from the menu, go to Wisconsin Chapters and then Fond du Lac. FRANCES AND JOHN WELLES SCIENCE SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: Contact Laconia High School This scholarship was established by John Welles to provide support for scholarships for graduating seniors of Laconia High School. ELIGIBILITY: Graduating senior from Laconia High School, top 50 percent of the graduating class who shows an aptitude/interest in science. APPLICATION: Contact Laconia High School guidance office. GS JOHN AND DIXIE WIER SCHOLARSHIP FUND DEADLINE: Contact Fond du Lac High School The scholarship was established by Dr. John Wier in memory of his wife, Dixie. ELIGIBILITY: Scholarships are awarded annually to pro-
GS - Graduating Senior
CS - Current College Student
mote proficiency in American History, English and English Composition by students of Fond du Lac High School. APPLICATION: Fond du Lac High School guidance office. GS ROY F. & MINNA WILLIS SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: Contact Fond du Lac High School This scholarship was established by the bequest of Minna Willis. Former Fond du Lac residents, Roy worked for the railroad and Minna was a former teacher and librarian in the Fond du Lac School District. She also taught U. S. History at Marian college. ELIGIBILITY: Graduating Senior from Fond du Lac High School, St. Mary’s Springs Academy or Winnebago Lutheran Academy. Recipients chosen by appropriate procedure established by each of the schools. APPLICATION: Respective schools. GS DAVID ELDON WOHLER SCHOLARSHIP FUND DEADLINE: Contact Fond du Lac High School This scholarship was established by Eldon and Marian Wohler as a memorial to their son, David, who died unexpectedly in 1989. ELIGIBILITY: Fond du Lac High School graduate. Majoring in the field of pharmacy. Selection is made by the Fond du Lac High School selection committee. APPLICATION: Guidance office at Fond du Lac High School. GS MICHAEL J. WOLFE SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: March 31, 2012 This scholarship was established in Michael’s memory by family, friends, and his parents, Jim and Cathy Wolfe. Michael’s young life was cut tragically short when he died in an automobile accident in October 1999 while he was home from Purdue University where he was a freshman in the honors engineering program. ELIGIBILITY: Fond du Lac High School graduating senior. Major in engineering, math, science, or a medical field. Academic excellence: top 20 percent. Participation in music and/or sports. School involvement. APPLICATION: Guidance office at Fond du Lac High School or The Fond du Lac Area Foundation. GS YOUTH FOR CHRIST SCHOLARSHIPS DEADLINE: March 31, 2012 This scholarship is available through the Warren and Florence Schellinger Memorial Fund which was established by their daughter Bonnie, and son-in-law Dan Springborn, who have also been very active as volunteers with Youth for Christ over the years. ELIGIBILITY: Available to high school seniors who are current active participants in a ministry of Fond du Lac Area Youth for Christ. Academic excellence. Financial need.
Personal statement. School, community, and volunteer involvement. APPLICATION: Respective high schools, Youth For Christ, and Fond du Lac Area Foundation. GS FOND DU LAC HUMAN RESOURCES ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: March 16, 2012 The Fond du Lac Area Human Resources Association Scholarship was started by the Association to support the development of human resource professionals in the Fond du Lac Area. It was started by the Fond du Lac Area Human Resources Association operating under the Fond du Lac Area Association of Commerce. ELIGIBILITY: Scholarships are awarded primarily for interest in/contribution to the Human Resources profession, leadership experience, academic attainment and financial need. High school or most recent college transcript (minimum 24 credits). APPLICATION: Applications may be obtained through the financial aid office of area schools or from the Fond du Lac Area Association of Commerce. GS,CS, NT FOND DU LAC HUMAN RESOURCES ASSOCIATION SONS & DAUGHTERS SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: March 16, 2012 The Fond du Lac Area Human Resources Association is offering this scholarship to promote and professionalize human resource administration and encourage good HR philosophies. ELIGIBILITY: Scholarships available to sons and daughters of Human Resource Association members enrolled in an undergraduate degree program at an accredited two or four-year undergraduate program. APPLICATION: Applications may be obtained through the financial aid office of area schools or from the Fond du Lac Area Association of Commerce. GS,CS, NT FOND DU LAC RUNNING CLUB SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE: May 21, 2012 The Fond du Lac Running Club offers scholarships in the amount of $350 each year. The number of club scholarships awarded each year (maximum of three) is based on the number of applications received and people are eligible to win the scholarship a maximum of two times. ELIGIBILITY: Current member or immediate family of a current member of the Fond du Lac Running Club. Applicants who have received two scholarships are no longer eligible for the Fond du Lac Running Club Scholarship. Graduating high school seniors actively pursuing a full-time, post-secondary degree. Other post-secondary students actively pursuing a full-time degree. APPLICATION: online at www.fonddulacrunningclub.com www.fonddulacrunningclub.com or request paper form by writing to P.O. Box 102, Fond du Lac, WI 54936-0102.
NT - Non-traditional student with a gap in education or minimum age requirement
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Moraine Park Technical College The Moraine Park Foundation, Inc. administers various scholarships to help students begin or continue their education. ELIGIBILITY: All scholarships awarded through the Moraine Park Foundation must meet the following criteria: Students must be enrolled in at least six credits per semester and maintain a minimum 2.75 GPA. Other restrictions may apply. For more information, contact Kelly Norton at 920-924-3225 or knorton4@morainepark.edu. Or visit www.morainepark.edu/scholarships. DEADLINES: 2012 High School Graduate Scholarships are due by March 30, 2012. For all other awards, a completed Foundation application is due by June 1, 2012. APPLICATION PROCESS: For complete directions and application form, go to www.morainepark.edu/ scholarships.
2012 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES $400 ELIGIBILITY: One award per high school within the Moraine Park district. JF AHERN CO. SCHOLARSHIP $1,000 PROGRAM: Civil Engineering. ELIGIBILITY: 2nd year student. ALLIANT ENERGY FOUNDATION $700 PROGRAM: Electrical Power Distribution; Information Technology. ELIGIBILITY: Six awards; one reserved for a female or minority student. ALTRUSA CLUB OF FOND DU LAC Varies ELIGIBILITY: Over 25; female; demonstrated financial need. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN $1,000 ELIGIBILITY: Washington County female resident; over 28; demonstrated financial need. TED AND GRACE BACHHUBER FOUNDATION $3,000 PROGRAM: All program areas except Apprenticeships, Hospitality and Tourism and Human Services. ELIGIBILITY: Three awards; Mayville-area resident; renewable for a second year.
CARLA BERNDT MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP $400 PROGRAM: Culinary Arts; Legal Administrative Professional. ELIGIBILITY: Resident of Green Lake County or Ripon area. CHIROPRACTIC TECHNICIAN SCHOLARSHIP FUND Varies PROGRAM: Chiropractic Technician. ELIGIBILITY: Second-year student; CT club member and seminar participant. CULINARY ARTS GOURMET DINNER Varies PROGRAM: Culinary Arts program students. ELECTRICAL INSPECTORS ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHEAST WISCONSIN $1,500 PROGRAM: Electricity. FOND DU LAC AREA FOUNDATION KIEKHAEFER FUNDS Varies ELIGIBILITY: Two to three awards. Fond du Lac area students enrolled at the Fond du Lac campus. FOND DU LAC AREA FOUNDATION RITA J. AND ROBERT E. RUCKS MEMORIAL $400 PROGRAM: Culinary Arts. ELIGIBILITY: Second-year student. FOND DU LAC AREA FOUNDATION AGNES ROSE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP $1,000 PROGRAM: Business, Marketing or Publishing. ELIGIBILITY: Fond du Lac County resident; over 25; enrolled at the Fond du Lac campus; four awards available; renewable. Demonstrated community/charitable service. FOND DU LAC AREA FOUNDATION SUSAN M. HENKEN ZIBUNG MEMORIAL FUND $500 PROGRAM: Nursing. ELIGIBILITY: Second-year student.
FOND DU LAC ROTARY CLUB CHARITIES $2,000 ELIGIBILITY: Recent graduates of Fond du Lac high schools; four awards; renewable for a second year.
CAROL AND MARCIA NAPPI MEMORIAL $1,000 PROGRAM: Mechanical Design Technology. ELIGIBILITY: Female.
FOND DU LAC CHAPTER 45 OF THE SOCIETY OF MANUFACTURING ENGINEERS $500 PROGRAM: Mechanical Design Tech., Tool Design Engineering Tech., CNC/Tool & Die Tech., and Industrial Maintenance Technician.
NEW MANUFACTURING ALLIANCE’S FUTURE ALL STARS SCHOLARSHIP $500 PROGRAM: Manufacturing – related Associate of Applied Science degree. ELIGIBILITY: Current year high school graduate. Must reside in a NEW North county. Renewable.
ADAM GRAY MEMORIAL DIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIP Varies ELIGIBILITY: Available to a student of color. NELSON AND VERA HICKS FOUNDATION Varies (generally several $1,000-$1,500) ELIGIBILITY: Beaver Dam campus student. WALLACE AND JANET LICHTENBERG FAMILY FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP $1,000 ELIGIBILITY: Waupun High School grad or resident of Waupun Area School District; 3 awarded. KENNETH G. MARSDEN FOUNDATION $1,000 PROGRAM: Associate Degree Nursing. ELIGIBILITY: Washington County resident; four awards; renewable for a second year. MERCURY MARINE E.R.D. SCHOLARSHIP $1,000 – Five awarded PROGRAM: Engine Research and Development Technician. ARLENE METZHAMLIN AND MARLENE METZFEUCHT SCHOLARSHIP Varies PROGRAM: Health Care programs. TOM MICHAEL MEMORIAL Varies PROGRAM: CNC/Tool and Die Technologies or Tool Design Engineering Technology.
MILWAUKEE SOCIETY OF PLASTIC ENGINEERS EDUCATION FOUNDATION TRIANGLE TOOL SCHOLARSHIP $1,000/student – two available PROGRAM: CNC/Tool and Die Technologies in Tool and Die Making track; second-year student. ELIGIBILITY: Preference to demonstrated financial need. MARC IAN NIETO MEMORIAL $500 PROGRAM: Automotive Technician. ELIGIBILITY: Enrolled at the Fond du Lac campus; renewable. HERBERT H. NITSCHKE MEMORIAL Varies PROGRAM: Trade and Technical program area. ELIGIBILITY: Beaver Dam High School graduates. SCOTT OLSON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP $500 PROGRAM: Welding. ELIGIBILITY: Preference to Washington County resident. RODNEY PASCH SCHOLARSHIP Varies ELIGIBILITY: Available to children of Moraine Park employees. LARRY PASQUINI MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Varies ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. ERIK M. PFEIFER MEMORIAL Varies (generally $750) PROGRAM: Engine Research and Development Technician. ELIGIBILITY: Second-year student.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012 BERNARD A. POTTER MEMORIAL $500 PROGRAM: Criminal Justice – Corrections. ELIGIBILITY: Over 40. WEST BEND COMMUNITY FOUNDATION ZIEGLER FAMILY FOUNDATION FUND $1,200 – Four awards available PROGRAM: Associate of Applied Science Degree programs. ELIGIBILITY: Enrolled at the West Bend campus; renewable. WISCONSIN HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION $2,000 max – two awards available PROGRAM: Two-year health care programs. ELIGIBILITY: Final semester tuition, books and fees. WISCONSIN SOCIETY OF RESPIRATORY CARE SCHOLARSHIP $500 PROGRAM: Respiratory Therapist. ELIGIBILITY: Second-year student.
A Special Section of the Fond du Lac Reporter MORAINE PARK ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIPS MR. AND MRS. L.R. AMUNDSON MEMORIAL ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP Varies PROGRAM: Associate Degree Nursing. ELIGIBILITY: West Bend, Slinger or Kewaskum school district; enrolled at the West Bend campus. AIR CONDITIONING, HEATING AND REFRIGERATION INNOVATION ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP Varies PROGRAM: Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration. ANN MARIE BURROUGHS MEMORIAL ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP Varies PROGRAM: Graphic Communication. ROSS AND VIOLA GALBREATH MEMORIAL ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP Varies (Up to full tuition and fees) PROGRAM: Business, engineering or technical. ELIGIBILITY: Wisconsin high school graduate with strong math skills; preference to Dodge County residents; renewable.
KETTLE MORAINE SUPPORT SERVICES, INC. ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP Varies ($1,000-$2,000) PROGRAM: Nursing programs. ELIGIBILITY: Washington County resident; preference to career interest in hospice services; renewable to three years. ELMORE AND ALYCE KRAEMER ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP Varies ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. BRADLEY J. MATUSIAK MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Varies PROGRAM: Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Associate (AODA) program. ELIGIBILITY: Second-year student; 3.0 GPA minimum. STEPHANIE NEVINS FOR HEALTH CARE ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP Varies PROGRAM: Health care programs. ELIGIBILITY: Preference to employees of Agnesian Healthcare and its affiliates.
FRANCIS R. AND RUTH E. OBERREICH ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP Varies ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. CAROLYN J. SCHUCHT ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP Varies (up to full tuition and fees) ELIGIBILITY: Enrolled at the West Bend campus. JOHN J. SHANAHAN ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP Varies ELIGIBILITY: No restrictions. WASHINGTON COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP $500 PROGRAM: Associate Degree Nursing. ELIGIBILITY: Washington County resident; on West Bend campus. KENNETH WEDELL ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP FOR APPRENTICES $400 PROGRAM: Apprenticeship program. ELIGIBILITY: Preference given to those concurrently enrolled in the Technical Studies – Journeyworker program.
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A Special Section of the Fond du Lac Reporter
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
University of Wisconsin-Fond du Lac The University of Wisconsin-Fond du Lac Foundation annually awards scholarships to new freshmen and continuing students. Scholarship applications are accepted in the spring of the year for the following academic year (September through May).
UWFOND DU LAC FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIPS DEADLINE: March 23, 2012 Multiple scholarships are available through the UW-Fond du Lac Foundation which area made possible through generous donations and endowment funds given by alumni, UW-Fond du Lac faculty/staff, community members, businesses and service organizations to the UW-Fond du Lac Foundation Scholarship and UW-Fond du Lac Fund. ELIGIBILITY: Available to any entering, continuing or non-traditional student registered as a full-time (12 credits) UW-Fond du Lac student unless specified otherwise by special scholarships offered through UW-Fond du Lac. APPLICATION: UW-Fond du Lac website at www.fdl. uwc.edu, guidance offices at area high schools and by contacting the UW-Fond du Lac Foundation at (920) 9291335 or uwfdlfoundation@uwc.edu.
UWFOND DU LAC FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP ALLIANT ENERGY FOUNDATION Two - $500 scholarships DEADLINE: March 23, 2012 Alliant Energy Foundation makes two $500 scholarships available to UW-Fond du Lac students each year, one of two scholarships will be awarded to a minority or underrepresented group within the student population or a woman. ELIGIBILITY: Available annually to a full time UW-Fond du Lac student in one of the following programs: Agriculture Education or Agribusiness, Engineering, Computer Science or Environmental Studies. The student or his/her immediate family must be customers of Alliant Energy. Required: copy of the most recent Alliant Energy bill, GPA of 2.5 or above, full-time enrollment. APPLICATION: UW-Fond du Lac website at www.fdl. uwc.edu, guidance offices at area high schools and by contacting the UW-Fond du Lac Foundation at (920) 9291335 or uwfdlfoundation@uwc.edu.
UWFOND DU LAC FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP ALTRUSA CLUB OF FOND DU LAC One $500 scholarship DEADLINE: March 23, 2012 Altrusa Club of Fond du Lac makes a $500 scholarship available annually to a female UW-Fond du Lac student
meeting the specific requirements of this scholarship. ELIGIBILITY: A full-time female UW-Fond du Lac student. Required: 25 years or older, GPA of 2.5 or above, demonstrated financial need, and an additional essay as specified in the application. APPLICATION: UW-Fond du Lac website at www.fdl. uwc.edu, guidance offices at area high schools and by contacting the UW-Fond du Lac Foundation at (920) 9291335 or uwfdlfoundation@uwc.edu. UWFOND DU LAC FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP ART LEAGUE CONTINUING STUDENT SCHOLARSHIP One scholarship available DEADLINE: March 23, 2012 This scholarship is made possible through annual donations by the UW-Fond du Lac Art Students League. ELIGIBILITY: A continuing, full-time UW-Fond du Lac student. Required: GPA of 2.25 or above, Art as the stated field of study, and must submit one piece of artwork to be reviewed by a committee (students who have taken a Studio Art class do not need to submit a piece of artwork). APPLICATION: UW-Fond du Lac website at www.fdl. uwc.edu, guidance offices at area high schools and by contacting the UW-Fond du Lac Foundation at (920) 9291335 or uwfdlfoundation@uwc.edu. UWFOND DU LAC FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP GEORGE J & MARY C BECKER SCHOLARSHIP One scholarship available DEADLINE: March 23, 2012 This scholarship is made possible through the endowment fund established by Mary Becker. ELIGIBILITY: Awarded annually to a full-time UW-Fond du Lac student with financial need as described in a required essay. APPLICATION: UW-Fond du Lac website at www.fdl. uwc.edu, guidance offices at area high schools and by contacting the UW-Fond du Lac Foundation at (920) 9291335 or uwfdlfoundation@uwc.edu. UWFOND DU LAC FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP BERNIE JONES SCHOLARSHIP Two - $750 scholarships available
DEADLINE: March 23, 2012 This scholarship is made possible through the generosity of the Jones Family through the Fond du Lac Area Foundation. ELIGIBILITY: A traditional student, and one non-traditional student. Required: GPA of 2.5 or above, enrollment in at least 6 credits both semesters, and involvement in co-curricular activities. APPLICATION: UW-Fond du Lac website at www.fdl. uwc.edu, guidance offices at area high schools and by contacting the UW-Fond du Lac Foundation at (920) 9291335 or uwfdlfoundation@uwc.edu. UWFOND DU LAC FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP CITIZENSFIRST CREDIT UNION One $500 scholarship available DEADLINE: March 23, 2012 This scholarship is made possible annually by CitizensFirst Credit Union ELIGIBILITY: Awarded to a graduating high school senior in good standing of CitizensFirst Credit Union. Required: GPA of 2.5 or above and recent bank statement APPLICATION: UW-Fond du Lac website at www.fdl. uwc.edu, guidance offices at area high schools and by contacting the UW-Fond du Lac Foundation at (920) 9291335 or uwfdlfoundation@uwc.edu.
UWFOND DU LAC FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP SUSAN M. HENKENZIBUNG MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP One $1000 scholarship available DEADLINE: March 23, 2012 This scholarship is made possible through the endowment fund established by Dr. Willard J. and Delores M. Henken in memory of their daughter Susan M. Henken-Zibung. ELIGIBILITY: Awarded annually to a continuing UW-Fond du Lac student having completed 24 college credits, planning to enroll for 12 degree credits per semester at UW-Fond du Lac. Required: must be pursuing a medical related degree (preference given to a student pursuing nursing degree), GPA of 3.0 or above. APPLICATION: UW-Fond du Lac website at www.fdl. uwc.edu, guidance offices at area high schools and by contacting the UW-Fond du Lac Foundation at (920) 9291335 or uwfdlfoundation@uwc.edu. UWFOND DU LAC FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP RICHARD A KNAR SCHOLARSHIP One scholarship available DEADLINE: March 23, 2012 This scholarship is made possible through an endowment fund that was started by Coach Knar, his family and friends upon his retirement from UW-Fond du Lac. Coach Knar
Tuesday, January 24, 2012 was a long time math professor and basketball coach at UW-Fond du Lac. Annually those same family and friends continue to contribute to this fund. ELIGIBILITY: Awarded to a continuing (has previously completed a minimum of 12 credits at UW-Fond du Lac) UW-Fond du Lac student who is studying mathematics, mathematics education, engineering, pharmacy, accounting or business. Required: GPA of 2.25 or above, involvement in varsity athletics. APPLICATION: UW-Fond du Lac website at www.fdl. uwc.edu, guidance offices at area high schools and by contacting the UW-Fond du Lac Foundation at (920) 9291335 or uwfdlfoundation@uwc.edu.
UWFOND DU LAC FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP LASHAY MUSIC SCHOLARSHIP One $500 scholarship available DEADLINE: March 23, 2012 This scholarship is made possible through annual donations by Charmaine LaShay. ELIGIBILITY: Awarded annually to a full-time UW-Fond du Lac student majoring in music. Required: GPA of 2.25 or above, audition with a UW-Fond du Lac music faculty member. APPLICATION: UW-Fond du Lac website at www.fdl. uwc.edu, guidance offices at area high schools and by contacting the UW-Fond du Lac Foundation at (920) 9291335 or uwfdlfoundation@uwc.edu.
A Special Section of the Fond du Lac Reporter UWFOND DU LAC FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP MULTICULTURAL CLUB SCHOLARSHIP One scholarship available DEADLINE: March 23, 2012 This scholarship is made possible through an annual donation by the UW-Fond du Lac Multicultural club. ELIGIBILITY: A UW-Fond du Lac student enrolled in 6 or more credits per semester. Required: GPA 2.25 or above and must submit an additional essay as specified in the application. *You do not need to be a member of the Multicultural Club to receive this award. APPLICATION: UW-Fond du Lac website at www.fdl. uwc.edu, guidance offices at area high schools and by contacting the UW-Fond du Lac Foundation at (920) 9291335 or uwfdlfoundation @uwc.edu. UWFOND DU LAC FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP THE REPORTER SCHOLARSHIP One $1000 scholarship available DEADLINE: March 23, 2012 This scholarship has been made possible through annual donations by the Fond du Lac Reporter/Gannett Foundation. ELIGIBILITY: A UW-Fond du Lac student with a specific interest in the field of News Media, preference given to students involved or planning to be involved in the Falcon Flier. Required: GPA of 2.25, 1-2 paragraph statement required on what will be gained by the Falcon Flier experience.
APPLICATION: UW-Fond du Lac website at www.fdl. uwc.edu, guidance offices at area high schools and by contacting the UW-Fond du Lac Foundation at (920) 9291335 or uwfdlfoundation@uwc.edu. UWFOND DU LAC FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP FOND DU LAC ROTARY SCHOLARSHIP Four - $2,000 scholarships are offered DEADLINE: March 23, 2012 This scholarship is made possible through annual donations from the Fond du Lac Noon Rotary. ELIGIBILITY: Full-time UW-Fond du Lac students who have graduated from Fond du Lac High School, St. Mary’s Springs High School, Horace Mann High School or Winnebago Lutheran Academy. Required: full-time enrollment (12 credits or more), and GPA 2.25 or above. APPLICATION: UW-Fond du Lac website at www.fdl. uwc.edu, guidance offices at area high schools and by contacting the UW-Fond du Lac Foundation at (920) 9291335 or uwfdlfoundation@uwc.edu. UWFOND DU LAC FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP WINGS OVER WISCONSIN EDEN SCHOLARSHIP One $1,000 scholarship available DEADLINE: March 23, 2012 This scholarship is made possible through annual donations from the Wings Over Wisconsin, Eden Chapter.
ELIGIBILITY: A full-time UW-Fond du Lac student studying in one of the following areas: Natural Resource conservation, Forestry/Forest Science, Park Ranger, Natural Resources, Wild Life Ecology or Recreational Resources. Required: GPA 2.25 or above and an additional essay as specified in the application. APPLICATION: UW-Fond du Lac website at www.fdl. uwc.edu, guidance offices at area high schools and by contacting the UW-Fond du Lac Foundation at (920) 9291335 or uwfdlfoundation@uwc.edu. UWFOND DU LAC FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP JOHN K. AND SANDRA J. WRIGHT SCHOLARSHIP One $500 Scholarship available DEADLINE: March 23, 2012 This scholarship is made possible through the endowment fund established by John and Sandra Wright. ELIGIBILITY: A UW-Fond du Lac nontraditional student planning to enroll for 6 or more credits both semesters of the upcoming academic year. Required: include a statement about financial need on essay, demonstrated extra-curricular and/or employment as part of application; EFC number from financial aid forms on application. APPLICATION: UW-Fond du Lac website at www.fdl. uwc.edu, guidance offices at area high schools and by contacting the UW-Fond du Lac Foundation at (920) 9291335 or uwfdlfoundation@uwc.edu.
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A Special Section of the Fond du Lac Reporter
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Marian University You can find continuously updated information under Scholarship Opportunities on the Financial Aid page of Marian University’s website by going to www.marianuniversity.edu. If you have any questions contact the Financial Aid office at 1-800-2-MARIAN ext. 7614, (920) 923-7614, or finaid@marianuniversity.edu.
ALLIANT ENERGY Up to 25 $1,000 DEADLINE: February 15, 2012 CRITERIA: Must have participated in a leadership role in community service work or volunteer activities. Must be a US resident age 24 or under. Must be a dependent child of a current customer or must be a current customer of one of Alliant Energy’s utility subsidiaries (Interstate Power and Light or WI Power and Light). Must have a cumulative high school GPA between 2.5 and 4.0. Must reside within the Alliant Energy service territory at the time of application and be enrolling for the first time in full-time undergraduate study at an accredited two-year or four-year college, university or vocational-technical school located in Iowa, Wisconsin or Minnesota for the entire 2012-13 academic year. Application must be submitted electronically. Please go to the link to get the electronic application. In addition to the electronic application you must mail your high school transcripts. Incoming Freshmen only.
AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN RACINE BRANCH $3,000.00 DEADLINE: March 5, 2012 CRITERIA: Applicant must be a female, legal resident of Racine County, Wisconsin; first or second semester junior at a four year accredited college in Fall 2012; full time student; cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above. In addition to application must submit a copy of your financial aid form from your university, an essay, a copy of transcripts and two letters of recommendation(one from a dean, professor, teacher or advisor and the other from a non-academic source-no parents or guardians). AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN AAUW APPLETON BRANCH 3 scholarships $1000 - $2000 DEADLINE: April 15, 2012 CRITERIA: Applicant must be a woman who has graduated from high school in the greater Fox Cities area. Must be enrolled as a full-time student in a baccalaureate or post baccalaureate program at an accredited college or university for the 2012-13 academic year. In addition, must be entering junior or senior year or be enrolled in a greaduate school program. If entering graduate school, must provide proof of acceptance into the school. Applicant must also provide an official transcript. In addition
to application, please submit an official transcript, a reference letter from at least one professor and verificaiton of financial need from the institution or a statement of anticipated cost of graduate school you will attend.
a list of extra-curricular activies and honors received in school and the community. Also include a list of paid work experiences and one letter of recommendation, not from a family member.
ARMY NURSE CORPS ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Multiple $3,000 Scholarships DEADLINE: March 31, 2012 CRITERIA: Must be a nursing student who plan to enter a component of the US Army; a nursing student who have previously served in a component of the US Army; an Army Nurse Corp officer in a component of the US Army enrolled in a baccalaureate or graduate nursing program not funded by a component of the US Army; an enlisted soldier in a component of the US Army enrolled in a baccalaureate nursing program not funded by a component of the US Army, or a nursing student who parent(s), spouse or children are or have served in a component of the US Army. Applicants can go to the link http://e-anca.org/ANCAScshpAppl.doc to find the application. There are various components to the application so review it carefully.
FUTURE TEACHER SCHOLARSHIP CENTRAL MIDDLE SCHOOL $500.00 DEADLINE: March 12, 2012 CRITERIA: Must be a graduate of Hartford Union High School and Central Middle School who has been accepted into the College of Education and is presently an intern or student teaching. Each applicant must submit a letter of inquiry to: Pam Brandt, Scholarship Chairperson, Central Middle School, 1100 Cedar Street, Hartford, WI 53027, 262-673-8040
AURORA HEALTH FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM $500-$1000 Scholarships DEADLINE: February 10, 2012 CRITERIA: Applicant must be a resident or attend school in the one of the following counties; Fond du Lac, Sheboygan, Winnebago or Waushara; and accepted or pending acceptance to an accredited two or four year institution; and majoring in a health care field. Each candidate must submit the scholarship application, a minimum of one - two letters of recommendation, supply an official transcript, ACT and/or SAT scores, and complete a personal essay. FOND DU LAC AREA RETIRED EDUCATORS SCHOLARSHIP Multiple $500 DEADLINE: April 1, 2012 CRITERIA: Must be a high school senior or a current college student who is pursuing an education degree. In addition to application, must provide high school or college transcript, copy of ACT/SAT, a personal statement indicating your future plans, financial need and worthiness as a scholarshi recipient. Applicant must also include
IRA A. RIDENOUR MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Several $2,500 DEADLINE: Until funds are used up CRITERIA: Must declare a business major in one of the following: Applied Information Technology, Economics and Finance, Management, Marketing or Sport and Recreation Management; be full time, undergraduate for 2008-09 academic year; be non-Pell and non-Wisconsin Tuition Grant eligible; have an EFC under $15,001; minimum 2.5 GPA. KATHY WELTER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP $2,000.00 DEADLINE: March 1, 2012 CRITERIA: Must be a senior Nursing student and have financial need. In addition to application, written resume of work record and higher education required. Two letters of recommendation and a plan of study must also accompany the application. MARINE CREDIT UNION SCHOLARSHIP 5 - $500 scholarships DEADLINE: February 17, 2012 CRITERIA: Applicant or their parents must be members in good standing of Marine Credit Union as of the scholarship deadline. Membership at MCU can be established for $5 savings deposit. Applicant must be enrolled as a full time collegiate student during the 2012-13 academic year. Applicants must submit application, letters of recommendation, transcripts and goals.
NORTHEASTERN WISCONSIN INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM $2,000.00 DEADLINE: March , 2012 CRITERIA: Applicant must be a resident of Northeastern Wisconsin. Must be currently enrolled as a full-time student in a four-year degree institution in the above referenced geographical area, pursuing international studies, related degree(s), or an accredited international study abroad curriculum (business, economics, or international studies) with a 3.0 GPA and have completed 50% of requirements for a degree within the current academic year. In addition to application, must submit a list of extracurriculur activites and/or community service. Also required a copy of your transcript and the answer to the three questions on the application form. SAM HENNESSEE SCHOLARSHIP, VFW POST 10452 $1,000.00 DEADLINE: April 30, 2012 CRITERIA: Applicants must be admitted into and pursuing an associate degree or greater in the medical field. Must reside in or have graduated from a Green Lake or Manitowoc county high school. Applicant must also submit a 250-500 word essay describing experiences that demonstrate potential in the health care field being studied. Also provide a letter from the school confirming attendance and good academic standing after one semester or more. A letter or recommendation from an instructor is also required. Complete the application along with the required details and submit to address on cover sheet. THOMAS B AND GRACE STEVENSON JONES SCHOLARSHIP $1,500 to $3,000 DEADLINE: March 1, 2012 CRITERIA: Must be students residing in the Wisconsin counties of Grant, Iowa and Lafayette. Must be enrolled or accepted in a duly accredited four year college or university in Wisconsin. The scholarship is limited to students who are pursuing a degree in undergraduate studies. Applicants must submit the application along with an official transcript, certification from the Dean’s office and a letter of recommendation.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
to: Robyn King, PO Box 204, Fond du Lac, WI 54936. US BANK One of 40 $1,000 scholarships DEADLINE: March 31, 2012 WISCONSIN MEDICAL SOCIETY AMY HUNTER WILSON, MD SCHOLARSHIP CRITERIA: Applicant must be a high school senior or college Freshman, Sophmore or Junior. Student must also be $1,000 or more enrolled by September 2012, and be a U.S. citizen or perma- DEADLINE: February 1, 2012 nent resident alien. Apply online at usbank.com/scholarship. CRITERIA: Applicant must be a US citizen and be an enrolled member of a federally recognized American Indian VIRGINIA “BEAâ€? ROOT NURSING SCHOLARSHIP tribe who has completed high school. Applicant must also be enrolled in an acredited technical school, college or $500 - $1,000 university in a medical or health-related program (includes DEADLINE: March 1, 2012 medical doctors, physician assistants, nurses, technicians CRITERIA: Must be in ďŹ nal year of Nursing, demonstrate and other health careers). Adults returning to school ďŹ nancial need, seek employment in spinal cord injury or rehabilitation facility. In addition to application, a record of in a health care ďŹ eld or those who currently work in a employment and two letters of reference must be submitted. non-professional health-related ďŹ eld who are purusing a professional license or degree are eligible to apply. UnVIRGINIA M WAGNER EDUCATIONAL GRANT/ dergraduate students majoring in a health-related ďŹ eld or pre-med program are also eligible to apply. Preference will SOROPTIMIST INTERNATION be given to candidates from Wisconsin who are attending OF THE MIDWESTERN REGION an educational institution in Wisconsin. Submit the Amy $1,000.00 Hunter-Wilson MD Scholarship application along with a DEADLINE: January 15, 2012 personal statement, copies of transcripts, two letters of CRITERIA: Must be a woman that is a resident in the Midwestern Region (Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, recommendation, proof of tribal membership. Ohio and Wisconsin) who is currently attending college or a university working toward a bachelors, masters or WISCONSIN MEDICAL SOCIETY doctoral degree in her chosen ďŹ eld. In addition to applicaGENERAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND tion, must provide a copy of student transcript for the Varies past academic year, and a two page essay. You may ďŹ nd DEADLINE: February 1, 2012 the application at the top of this page. Mail applications CRITERIA: Applicant must be a US citizen. Must also
A Special Section of the Fond du Lac Reporter be a full-time student enrolled in a medical school or in one of the health career programs( The Foundation’s Scholarship Program offers support to outstanding medical students and to those pursuing other direct patient care health careers identiďŹ ed as having critical workforce shortages. Currently, this limits eligibility to medical students, nurses (min. 2 yr. program), respiratory therapists, physical therapists and occupational therapists), and be attending an accredited institution in Wisconsin. Applicant must have completed, or be in the process of completing, at least one year of medical school or a qualifying health career program. Preference is given to candidates closer to completing their degree, those from Wisconsin and also to those who demonstrate ties to their community, along with a desire to practice in Wisconsin upon completing their training. In addition to application, please submit a personal statement, transcripts, letters of recommendation and a copy of your ďŹ nancial aid award letter.
Recipients of the KUSD Achievement Scholarship are not eligible for other Marian University merit scholarships or the KUSD/Marian University Teacher Education Scholarship. Incoming Freshmen only.
KENOSHA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT/ MARIAN UNIVERSITY TEACHER EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP $12,000 per academic year CRITERIA: KUSD students interested in becoming a K-12 teacher are considered for this scholarship. Recipients will complete their studies in one of Marian’s teacher education programs, have the opportunity to student teach in the KUSD and may be offered a letter of intent for a full-time position in the KUSD following graduation and successful completion of the DPI licensure requirements. To be considered for this scholarship, students must be current year graduates from KUSD, possess a solid college preparatory background, complete a KUSD Scholarship Application, and be admitted to Marian University. Typically, students will demonstrate their potential for KENOSHA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT success through strong academic achievement (3.5 GPA $10,000 per academic year or better) and examples of outstanding leadership and/ CRITERIA: Students must be current year graduates or community involvement. Changing majors, outside of from KUSD, posses a solid college preparatory backthe education department, will result in forfeiture of this ground, complete a KUSD Scholarship Application and be scholarship. Recipients of the KUSD/Marian University admitted to Marian University. Typically, students will Teacher Education Scholarship are not eligible for other demonstrate their potential for success through strong Marian University merit scholarships or the KUSD Achieveacademic achievement (3.0 GPA or better) and examples of outstanding leadership and/or community involvement. ment Scholarship. Incoming Freshmen only.
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A Special Section of the Fond du Lac Reporter
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
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