Fond du Lac Area Association of Commerce 2015

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Promoting Commerce Developing Partnerships Creating Opportunities Building Community

Fond du Lac Area Association of Commerce │ │ 920.921.9500

F O N D D U L A C A R EA A S S O C I AT I O N O F C O M M E RC E 2015 A N N UA L R E P O RT 1


Rebecca Zivkovich, chair Agri-Business Council Mark Diederichs Dustin Gierach Jeff Liner Sarah Loehr Erik O'Brien Brian Orvis Kurt Petik Tim Pruss Kendra Ruplinger Anne Schrage Greg Smedema Mark Steffes Tammy Wiese Brenda Gudex - AC

David Thiel, chair Ambassadors Club Megan Acheson Jean Braun Cathy Christensen Pat Friedel Kim Galske Eric Gurholt Gail Johnson-Daveau Al Kietzmann Paul Krasin Steve Leaman Brian Mace Nanci McGray David Noe Joan Pinch John Schaeve Kim Schmitz Teri Wall Joe Reitemeier, CCE - AC

Sam McClone, chair Communications Council Megan Acheson Grace Bruins Mandra Gruber Alan Hathaway Dr. Bryan Henslin Anne Pierce Carrie Rule Mike Schmidt Marcia Snyder Katie Leist - AC Joe Reitemeier, CCE - AC

Rick Parks, chair Community Sounding Board Bonnie Baerwald Allen Buechel Bob Fale Martin Farrell Elizabeth Hayes Lee Ann Lorrigan Joe Moore Dr. Jim Sebert Dr. John Short Joseph Reitemeier, CCE - AC Executive Committee Daryl Gormley Tim McFarlane Tom Schneider Joe Reitemeier, CCE - AC

Mike Frydryk, chair Fond du Lac Works Bonnie Baerwald Daryl Gormley Sen. Rick Gudex Ryan Haase Lisa Halbach Steve Jenkins Kurt Langel Steve Little Robert Lloyd Rick Parks John Pfeifer Tammy Pitts Gina Popp Dr. Jim Sebert Paul Stelter Joe Reitemeier, CCE - AC

Ryan Haase, president HR Association Beth Bayless Jackie Braatz Melissa Hayes Michele Hlavacka Meg Joas Polly Nachreiner Matt Parmentier Kelly Peterson Rachel Schaeve Shannon Schill Gary Thorpe Jim Cleveland - AC

Melissa Worthington - AC

Jim Cleveland - AC Mary Denzin - AC

Jason Brenner, chair Leadership FDL Alumni Group Julie Budde Andy Gill Michele Hlavacka Barb Jansky Karri Klemm Barbara Piechowski John Williams Lesley Manowske - AC

Joe Reitemeier, CCE - AC, chair Legislative Forum Bonnie Baerwald Allen Buechel Martin Farrell Rep. Glenn Grothman Sen. Rick Gudex Lee Ann Lorrigan Joe Moore Sen. Luther Olsen Rick Parks Rep. Michael Schraa Dr. Jim Sebert Dr. John Short Camille Solberg Rep. Jeremy Thiesfeldt

Joanne Schneider, president Safety Council Michele Adams Patty Birschbach Penny Claggett Joscelyn Deanovich John Gormican Mylea Juidici Joe Pausha Bill Ripley Pat Schomisch Pat Smith Kathy Templin John Williams Joe Reitemeier, CCE - AC

Amy Jessen, president Young Professionals of Fond du Lac (YPF)

Nancy Birschbach Jessica Ehrenberg Quinn Gudex Dr. Bryan Henslin Molly Jaster Jenny Knuth

Garry Moise Nick Nell Christina Plummer Gina Popp Joe Truesdale Katie Leist - AC

2014 VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR - JENNY KNUTH A true original, Jenny Knuth, art director at LLC, is an innovative leader with a passion for pushing the envelope. Her ability to transform ideas into realities is a rare talent and a tremendous gift – especially to the individuals and organizations she works with. Jenny’s introduction to the AC began with the support of peers and mentors, encouraging her to get

involved and share her talents. Seemingly the perfect match, she immersed herself in helping to advance the Young Professionals of Fond du Lac (YPF). A graphic designer by trade, Jenny brought clarity to the YPF organization and helped to bring awareness to the opportunities provided by YPF and available to the Fond du Lac community. From volunteering, to leading and recruiting, Jenny has since done it all. Fast forward almost ten years later and the YPF organization, as well as the AC, continues to benefit from Jenny’s limitless creativity and volunteerism. Not one to shy away from a challenge, Jenny willingly accepted the call to serve; sharing her expertise with the organization in countless ways. In 2014, Jenny led the YPF organization as

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president. In one year, she helped to grow the organization, expand program offerings, host a regional professional development event, give back to the Fond du Lac community, institute benefits for area employers, create a student membership program, develop a new online presence and much more. While it is incredible to reflect on all that Jenny has done, what is even more remarkable is that she is still going strong. Jenny’s dedication to and enthusiasm for the Fond du Lac community is inspiring. As a young professional and an emerging leader she is certainly not finished yet. In addition to continued leadership in YPF, Jenny is also involved in the work of Fond du Lac Works, Envision Fond du Lac and more. And for that, YPF, the AC and the entire Fond du Lac community is lucky.

A MESSAGE FROM THE 2015 AC BOARD CHAIR “Previously, Fond du Lac was a place I drove past to go somewhere else. I didn’t have an inkling to stop but what I’ve found after working here for ten years is that Fond du Lac is a destination, not a place to pass.” – Rick Parks

The art of “telling it like it is” is just that, an art. It’s a delicate balance of honesty and understanding. In the world of business it’s a skill inherent to the most successful and passionate individuals. Anyone in the insurance business knows its power; the ability to build trust, develop relationships, propel ideas and encourage innovation. Which is exactly the case for the 2015 chair of the Fond du Lac Area Association of Commerce Board of Directors, Mr. Rick Parks, president and CEO of Society Insurance. Parks strongly supports the mission and vision of the Association of Commerce (AC) and in January of 2015, Parks began his one-year term as AC board chairman. This year’s agenda is set to expand the organization’s advances in workforce and community development, as well as

continue to provide exclusive benefits, networking opportunities and educational programming to assist members. In leading the AC in 2015, Parks has a unique perspective on the organization and its value in the Fond du Lac community. “You never know when you are going to need insurance,” explained Parks. “And if you don’t have it, you don’t have it. The same goes for our Association of Commerce; and trust me, coming from an insurance guy that’s a pretty powerful sentiment.” Parks went on to explain the impact of the AC and the coverage it provides the Fond du Lac business community. “Our collective power to represent member interests and be the voice of business in Fond du Lac is invaluable. Our capabilities are incredible and in continuing the successes of 2014, it is an exciting time for the Association and the entire Fond du Lac community.” The growth and development of numerous workforce initiatives in 2015 is certainly top of mind. Strategic developments have made way for innovative ideas and ground-breaking resources and programming, culminating in the launch of Fond du Lac Works – a division of the AC. In addition to community and business development, the AC continues to deliver unparalleled business services. The work of various divisions ensures that the needs of businesses, organizations and employees are met. Professional development through the Human

Resources Association, Safety Council, Leadership Fond du Lac program and the Young Professionals of Fond du Lac continues to aid employers in their need for a skilled and dedicated workforce; and the social connections made establish stronger ties to the Fond du Lac community. And the uniqueness of the Agricultural Ambassador program and work of the Agri-Business Council brings value to the Fond du Lac community unlike anything else. “My first introduction to the Association and really the Fond du Lac community was through participating in the Leadership Fond du Lac program,” recalled Parks. “The experience opened me up to what the AC has to offer and I started picking around the edges, learning what I could get involved in and how I could better serve.” “There are so many things going on through the AC,” stated Parks. “Beyond the services and opportunities provided to members, how much you personally gain from everything you get involved with, the skills you develop and the lessons learned are huge. And the results go right back to employers and member businesses, a winwin.” Having lived and worked in many communities, Parks brings a unique perspective when it comes to his role as 2015 AC board chairman. “My observation of Fond du Lac is that we have a strong sense of proactively advancing the community,” stated Parks. “The commitment of people working together is an incredible asset and it is an honor to serve in this capacity.”

PAST AC CHAIRS E.J. Perry William Mauthe T.E. Ahern H.F. Wetter G.L. Gloyd M. Fitzsimmons A.D. Sutherland L.G. Korrer J.P. Hess E.J. Stenz H.C. Berndt W.L. Ainsworth William E. Rutz Emery Martin Sr. H.B. Kraut W.A. O’Brien J.B. Atkinson

1912-13 1914 1915 1916-17 1918-20 1921-22 1923-24 1925-26 1927-28 1929-30 1931-33 1934-35 1936 1937-38 1939-40 1941-42 1943-44

R.E. Hanson J.C. Kiley Clarence Sheridan Ben Sadoff A.L. Edgarton Carlton Mauthe Dr. K.K. Borsack Andre J. Perry Fred Whitely J.L. Hanish J.S. Berger Sr. C.L. Ludden William J. Nuss William A. Sanders Louie A. Lange Sr. George P. Andrew C.E. Rodman

1945-46 1947-48 1949-50 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964

Arthur Sadoff Dr. E.H. Pawsatt Fred C. Freund David W. Tack A.D. Edgarton George F. Hutter Burton C. Peters Louie A. Lange Jr. C.W. Kurth R.J. Deitte Robert L. Wilson Robert B. Frieler R.P. Sorenson Donald G. Jones H. Thomas Hierl Steven Stone D.N. Langkamp

1965 1966-67 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981

F. William Harvat James J. Sexton Alan D. Storzer Wayne N. Huberty Dr. Willard Henken Walter M. Tack Roger B. Sattler Michael Casper Jean Winkler Dale G. Brooks H. Jack Pollei Thomas Tobin Jr. Robert W. Carew Barbara A. Siehr Michael Burch Steven Millin Richard Kleinfeldt

1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998

Michael Spaude James W. Neumann Robert A. Fale John St. Peter James Chatterton Wayne Matzke John  E.“Tripp” Ahern III Mark Hopper Carol Hyland Gary Ott Lisa Washa Alan Hathaway Stephen Peterson Steve Little Steve Cramer Tim McFarlane

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

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Rick Parks AC Chair Society Insurance President & CEO

Tom Schneider AC Chair Elect Silica For Your Home President

Daryl Gormley AC Treasurer Grande Cheese Co. Group VP, Italian Cheeses

Tim McFarlane AC Past Chair Hometown Bank President & CEO

Holly Brenner Agnesian HealthCare VP of Strategic Development & Marketing

Patrick Broeske Lakeside Wealth Management LLC

Stephan Cloutier Mercury Marine VP of Global Procurement

Lisa Halbach Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield Staff VP of Medicare Operations

Todd Huempfner ACH Foam Technologies Senior VP of Operations

Peter Manowske Manowske Welding Corporation Owner & President

Sam McClone McClone Strategic Risk Advisor

Carmina Mendez AMC of Wisconsin Vice President

Brian Twohig Twohig Flooring America President

Linda Wendt Wendt’s on the Lake Owner

Steve Jenkins, CEcD FCEDC President (Ex-officio Member)

Registered Investment Advisor

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5-YEAR PLAN CRITICAL NEED #1 The corporate structure of our community is changing through mergers and acquisitions, entrepreneurship and economic development strategies of the city, county and townships. For the business community to remain unified in our desire to maintain an environment for growth and development, we will partner with other entities in the county to identify and address the new and emerging interests and concerns of business. Objectives & Strategies: • Create broader appeal for AC membership and involvement. • Treat all businesses with professionalism and dignity. • Encourage involvement by executives employed here who do not live in the area.

CRITICAL NEED #2 We exist in a regional marketplace and the historical approach to addressing issues no longer will serve our needs. We should adopt a regionalized focus that features intergovernmental initiatives and public and private sector collaborations to fuel economic development. Objectives & Strategies: • Establish the AC as a key facilitator of regionalized decisionmaking in a way that encourages broad participation. • Create strategic alliances with other businesses and organizations based upon complementary strengths. • Educate the community on the benefits of unity/common focus.

CRITICAL NEED #5 The preservation of, constant improvement in and access to area educational systems will be even more critical in the next several years. Also critical: the alignment of the educational process with the needs of the business community. Objectives & Strategies: • Enrich the relationship between business and education to create a mutual understanding of each other’s needs. • Recognize that K-12 educational issues must be considered within a broader framework of social issues. • Emphasize the advantages of vocational education in specific career opportunities to allow the business community greater access to area graduates with the required skills. • Provide programming on education’s “Best Practices” that helps companies understand the processes used to develop tomorrow’s workforce.

CRITICAL NEED #6 Quality of life issues are highly visible and important to the public, policymakers, governmental agencies, as well as corporate executives and small business operators. Addressing these issues should be done on a united front to allow for shared ideas as well as the expression of individual needs and priorities. Objectives & Strategies: • Identify core quality of life attributes and strategies and help integrate these values with other community issues and needs. • Engage the business community in dialogue about economic development and quality of life trade-offs. • Encourage private and business funding of quality of life programs or initiatives, elevating Fond du Lac as a destination.

CRITICAL NEED #3 U.S. Census Bureau statistics foretell traumatic changes in local workforce demographics, availability, skill sets and security. Undoubtedly, this will affect the economic growth and opportunity experienced by our members unless reasonable and deliverable solutions are implemented. Objectives & Strategies: • Develop accurate data that identify the labor requirements over the next 20 years. • Advance the initiatives of Fond du Lac Works, continuing to provide solutions for the anticipated labor shortage and help address skill deficiencies while creating partnerships with postsecondary education. • Promote workforce availability and capability in economic development efforts in a way that offers assistance to member firms seeking specific workforce data. • Lead the commitment to and awareness of inclusiveness while educating members about opportunities that evolve from a more diverse workforce.

CRITICAL NEED #4 The viability and cost-effectiveness of infrastructure affect area communities’ economic development. Integrating infrastructure issues with economic development, quality of life, workforce availability, etc., will ensure our future as a viable location for economic prosperity. Objectives & Strategies: • Advocate for projects that will have a positive long-term economic impact. • With partners, identify opportunities for infrastructure improvement. • Serve as a watchdog for the business community, on the alert for burdensome programs, expenditure increases or funding shifts.

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AC BENEFITS AND NETWORKING OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS CONNECTIONS Take place the third Tuesday of the month from 5 - 7 p.m. at various AC member businesses.

COFFEE CONNECTIONS Take place the first Wednesday of the month from 7:30 - 8:30 a.m. at various AC member businesses. * Schedule subject to change, refer to AC website for official listing (

AC networking opportunities and outreach initiatives bring business people together to connect and establish relationships that help to move area businesses and the community forward. On a monthly basis, people gather to connect and stay up-to-date with fellow Fond du Lac professionals and community members.

AMBASSADORS CLUB: AC Ambassadors provide public relations and goodwill for

the Association of Commerce every day through their representation at grand openings, ribbon cuttings and open houses. The Ambassadors actively recruit new members for the AC, building a stronger foundation of business support.

AC ANNUAL GOLF OUTING Monday, July 13 South Hills Golf and Country Club BENEFITS AT A GLANCE

• Save Local Now - Create content and reach consumers; member promotions are pushed to the AC website, to a mobile app, and can be shared directly on social media and through email marketing. • Fond du Lac Works - Job posting and recruitment tools. • Referrals - Thousands are given every year to our member businesses via phone, e-mail, walk-ins and website. • Business Listing - 24/7 on • AC Annual Report - Listing in (30,000 copies distributed). • AC Member Mailing List - Discounted price. • Constant Contact - Discount program. • LifeLock Benefit Solutions - As an employer, you can help protect your employees from becoming victimized by one of the fastest growing crimes in the United States. • Staples Advantage - Reduce expenses through discounted prices.

AC Ambassadors gather to support and celebrate new AC member businesses.

COMMUNICATIONS COUNCIL: The AC’s Communication Council helps to develop

new and valuable networking opportunities for AC members. Additionally, the volunteer group works to improve and monitor communications and marketing strategies for the organization.

AC networking events help build community and business. A Fond du Lac Area Association of Commerce (AC) membership is a year-round investment in services and benefits that help you grow your business, thrive in the Fond du Lac area and connect to a dynamic community working for a stronger economy and higher quality of life. To learn more about how your business can take advantage, contact 920.921.9500 or e-mail

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Mark your calendar! AG SHOWCASE

The Fond du Lac Area Agri-Business Council promotes a positive understanding of agriculture in the Fond du Lac community.

Mission: Cultivating passion for agriculture in the community through education, promotion and partnership.

Saturday, March 7 8:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. Fond du Lac Fairgrounds Recreation Building


Sunday, June 28 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. Dan & Brenda Michels Farm


2014 Agriculture Showcase


If you are interested in joining a volunteer committee or making a donation to the Agri-Business Council, contact Brenda Gudex at 920.921.9500 or e-mail

For more information contact 920.921.9500.

2014 Day on the Farm

(N11805 Butternut Road (Lomira))

Get started!

Mark your calendar and plan to attend the 2015 Ag community events!

The Fond du Lac Area Breakfast on the Farm provides community members with the opportunity to experience area agriculture.

From a delicious breakfast to educational displays to farm tours and children’s activities, there is something for everyone to enjoy on the farm.

AG SHOWCASE The Fond du Lac Area Agriculture Showcase bridges the gap between consumers and agricultural producers. The annual event brings consumers together with agricultural producers to better understand the role of agriculture in the local economy.

The Fond du Lac Area Agricultural Ambassador program brings agriculture into the classroom, educating young students on the diversity of this industry. Three Ag Ambassadors visit over 50 schools in the greater Fond du Lac area to educate both students and teachers on the positive identity of all aspects of agribusiness. The Ag Ambassador program is a non-profit entity. Donations and grants are the main source of funding. For more information or if you or your company would like to make a donation contact Brenda Gudex at 920.921.9500 or e-mail

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FOND DU LAC WORKS The Fond du Lac Area is a hotbed of opportunity. To position Fond du Lac for continued success and growth in the future, Fond du Lac Works was developed by community stakeholders, visionaries and creative thinkers as a means of addressing current and future workforce needs. Fond du Lac Works has identified three core areas of strategic focus:




To promote the Fond du Lac area as a great place to live and work for recent college graduates, young professionals and the skilled workforce by highlighting the community assets and attractive work-life balance.

To keep the individuals living and working in Fond du Lac employed, engaged and passionate about the opportunities available. Focusing on the requirements and needs of new college graduates, young and seasoned professionals and our soon-to-be retiring workforce is of critical importance.

To increase awareness among students, parents and educators, at all divisional age levels, of the opportunities available in the Fond du Lac area. Collaborating with K-12 institutions to enhance curriculum which better prepares and guides youth into career pathways that fit the needs of our future business community is a clear focus.

FDLWORKS.COM A unique solution has been developed and launched to respond to the skilled labor shortage in the Fond du Lac community. Based on feedback provided by many stakeholders across multiple job types and industries, has something for everyone including: • One-stop shopping for job seekers both within and outside of the community • Valuable information for business partners • Tools for parents, teachers and students • Tailored information for retirees 8 F O N D D U L A C A R EA A S S O C I AT I O N O F CO M M E R C E 2015 A N N UA L R E P O RT

Visit today! If you have any feedback, please contact: or 920.921.9500.



Brings “Best Practices” to area business leaders and companies. Experts in a variety of fields will engage with the Fond du Lac business community, encouraging forward thinking and developing a network of like-minded individuals.


Aims to drive deeper engagement between businesses and area schools; including exposure to and understanding of high-demand career opportunities in the Fond du Lac area. Participating business professionals and educators have direct, active contact with each other to share what their professions entail and what is necessary to be successful and establish mutually-beneficial partnerships.

LEMONADE DAY A community-wide educational program that teaches youth the entrepreneurial skills necessary to start, own and operate their own business…a lemonade stand.

Participants learn the steps and planning necessary to start a business; and just as importantly, learn life skills such as leadership, collaboration, responsibility and teamwork. Visit fonddulacarea. for more information.

SPARK, YOUTH APPRENTICESHIP A statewide school-towork initiative, providing high school students with hands on learning through worksite and classroom instruction. This one or two year elective program combines academic and technical instruction with mentored on-thejob learning.

On-site Job Training

PROJECT G.R.I.L.L. Improves the perception of local manufacturing and enables hands-on learning for students. The program… • Partners local manufacturers and area high school tech-ed students on a year-long project to design and build a working charcoal grill. • Helps students and parents understand that careers in manufacturing offer opportunity, creativity, challenge and substantial rewards.

Designed to provide business and industry with the opportunity to discuss job openings with interested candidates, conduct interviews on-site, extend an offer or develop a strong portfolio of qualified candidates for the future.

BUSINESS AFTER-SCHOOL Aims to bring local students into area companies to experience first-hand career options and perform hands-on, project-based learning activities. The week-long program is designed to peak interest and raise awareness of high-demand career opportunities in Fond du Lac. Educators, parents and community organizations are also a part of the learning experience.

Get started! To learn how your business can benefit, contact Jim Cleveland or Mary Denzin at 920.921.9500 or e-mail or

SENIOR TOURS Senior Tours provide an opportunity for area high school seniors to explore career interests by touring Fond du Lac area companies. Students learn about the industry, what career opportunities are available, education attainment requirements and salary ranges.

Company Tour F O N D D U L A C A R EA A S S O C I AT I O N O F C O M M E RC E 2015 A N N UA L R E P O RT 9

LEADERSHIP FOND DU LAC Leadership Fond du Lac is a nine-month adult program with classes held monthly, September through May. Participants learn more about the community through classes focused on: • • • • • • • • •

Team Building Fond du Lac County History State and Local Government How to Run for Public Office Social Issues / Human Services Health Care Education Business / Economic Development Arts in the Community

Being a great leader is more than intuition, it’s education! To get started in the Leadership Fond du Lac program, contact Lesley Manowske at 920.921.9500 or

2014-2015 Adult Leadership Class

Along with a deep understanding of how the community works, Leadership Fond du Lac participants develop interpersonal skills and a strong network of resources within the Fond du Lac community.

LEADERSHIP ALUMNI The Leadership Alumni Group provides continued professional development and networking opportunities for Leadership Fond du Lac graduates. The group... • Is dedicated to enhancing the image of the Leadership Fond du Lac program and assisting in the recruitment of quality leadership candidates. • Organizes and implements an annual community fundraiser - the Empty Bowls Luncheon. • Hosts an annual leadership development series.

YOUTH LEADERSHIP Youth Leadership Fond du Lac is an eight-month program open to high school juniors, with classes held monthly, September through April. The program... • Gives emerging young leaders the chance to learn how the community works, where its opportunities lie and how they might fit into future solutions.

2014 Empty Bowls Fundraiser

2014 Leadership Alumni Seminar

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2014-2015 Youth Leadership Class


PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Gain knowledge and skills for personal, professional and career growth.

YPF programs and workshops provide growth and development opportunities for members.

SOCIAL CONNECTIONS Meet like-minded individuals at outings focused on fostering fun and making connections.

YPF helps to keep young professionals in the area – living, working, volunteering and making a difference.

BUSINESS NETORKING Grow your business, make valuable connections and build relationships.

YPF connects young professionals to each other and helps members get to know the community.

The Future 5 Award, developed in 2013, recognizes young professionals making a difference.

MEMBERSHIP: Whether you’re new

RECRUIT: By connecting young

to the workplace or looking to recruit new talent for your team, YPF is right for you! For just $50 a year, members can grow with and through professional development and networking.

professionals and providing opportunities, YPF supports the growth of Fond du Lac - helping to attract individuals to live and work in the community.

RETAIN: In facilitating opportunities

ENGAGE: YPF provides young professionals with opportunities to network, connect with like-minded individuals and grow professionally through educational programming, social events and volunteer opportunities.

Give purpose to being a part of a community by giving back and creating positive change.

Get started!


to become involved in the Fond du Lac community, YPF assists young professionals in their development. With each connection made young professionals are more likely to remain rooted in the Fond du Lac community.


STUDENT: FREE membership Leaderfest 2015 - Fond du Lac

available to full-time students, co-ops, apprentices and interns.

CORPORATE: Ideal for companies that want to provide an unlimited number of individual memberships to their staff. For more membership information contact Katie Leist at 920.921.9500 or e-mail

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SUPERVISORY SKILLS SERIES The Supervisory Skills Series (SSS) provides well-trained, connected and equipped managers, supervisors and employee leaders ready to help AC businesses succeed.

SSS classes meet once a month in Fond du Lac for 13 months; and are taught by Dave and Adam Podeszwa of D. L. Podeszwa & Associates. Participants can make up or even repeat sessions at no charge. New Supervisory Skills Series start up on a regular basis. Seating is limited. More information is available through the AC at 920.921.9500 or at

The Fond du Lac Area Safety Council provides programming and resources that help to make Fond du Lac safer – in businesses, homes and public places. Throughout the year the Safety Council offers safety training and learning opportunities for safety professionals and the entire community.

Membership dues are affordable. For just $50 a year, members have the opportunity to learn about specific safety topics that impact businesses and organizations. More information is available through the AC at 920.921.9500 or at

Supervisory Skills Series - Class Work

HUMAN RESOURCES ASSOCIATION The Fond du Lac Area Human Resources (HR) Association offers cuttingedge learning opportunities for HR professionals, helping to share best practices among Fond du Lac area employers.

The HR Association... • Facilitates monthly programming and events, both professional and social in nature. • Offers volunteer opportunities in a variety of areas including: diversity, workforce readiness, scholarship and programming.

Safety Training Program

More information is available through the AC at 920.921.9500 or at

If you are an AC member who spends the majority of your time in an HR capacity, you are encouraged and invited to fill out a membership application.

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In 1972, the Board of Directors of the Fond du Lac Area Association of Commerce established a program that has become known as the Annual Community Awards. The purpose of the award program was “to pay recognition to area citizens for their volunteer contribution to the community and to area businesses for their contribution to the growth and development of the area.� A fund was established for the AC Community Awards through a gift from local businessman, the late Joseph Berger Jr. to help pay for the plaques awarded each year. Mr. Berger requested that the AC Community Awards program be a way of honoring his father, Joseph Berger Sr. for his contributions to the greater Fond du Lac community. We are proud to recognize the 2014 Community Award Recipients:

AGNESIAN HEALTHCARE: In recognition of the growth and

MANOWSKE WELDING: In recognition of the growth and

THE ARC FOND DU LAC: In recognition of the significant


investment made in the greater Fond du Lac community through employment and expansion.

contributions made by The Arc Fond du Lac to the less fortunate within the greater Fond du Lac community.

development of the company and for the commitment made to the greater Fond du Lac community.

recognition of the significant contributions made by the Shannon Family Foundation and by Holiday Automotive for the improvement and advancement of the greater Fond du Lac community.


Joe Reitemeier, CCE President & CEO

Jim Cleveland, Director of Educational Programs

Melissa Worthington, Vice President

Lesley Manowske, Director of Leadership Fond du Lac

Brenda Gudex, Director of Agricultural Programs

Ann Meyers, Assistant Agricultural Ambassador

Amy Ries, Assistant Agricultural Ambassador

Katie Leist, Director of Communications

Dave Podeszwa,

Kathy Manlove Accountant

Gerrie Andrew, Administrative Assistant

Debbie Froh, Administrative Assistant

Supervisory Skills Series


Mary Denzin, Director of Educational Partnerships

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WELCOME TO THE AC - NEW MEMBERS! Affinity Employer Solutions Ang An Eddies Anytime Fitness Fond du Lac Bank Mutual Bank of Fond du Lac Bauer Chiropractic, LLC BFW, LLC Boudry Dental, LLC Brazen Creative Solutions Carlone’s Bar Casa Del Tequila Comfort Keepers

Copier Consulting, LLC Cujak’s Wine Market, LLC Damark Manufacturing Corp. Eagle Lake Island Lodge Emergency Fire & Water Restoration Excel Engineering, Inc. Fond du Lac Acupuncture Clinic Fond du Lac Glass and Framing Forest Mall Hansen’s Auto Care, Inc.

Hansen’s BP Hardee’s of Fond du Lac Junior Achievement of WI, Inc. Just B-Still, LLC Kwik Trip Liberty House & Adelaide Place Locate Staffing Loves Travel Stops Main Street Fashion Marine Insurance Services, LLC Mayville Engineering Company

The MS Shoppe, LLC PanelTEK, LLC Personal Finance Company Red Cabin at Green Acres Reflexions Salon & Spa Regal Ware, Inc. Riesterer & Schnell Rural Mutual Insurance Salute the Troops Schieks Secord, Jana

St. Bernard’s Animal Medical Center Staples Advantage Sunset on the Water Grill & Bar Sweet N Easy Events Thank Our Troops USA Corp Thrivent Financial The Voice & Acting Studio, LLC What Not Shoppe Worthington Remodeling & Repair


Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP Colton Tax Service Erickson & Associates S.C. Foy & Springborn, S.C. Grant Thornton, LLP H & R Block Huberty CPAs & Trusted Advisors Lindgren, Lester & Co. RRK CPA, LLC Schenck SC Suttner Accounting, Inc. The Hietpas Group Wipfli LLP


3-D Dairy, LLC A.D.M. Alliance Nut. Abel Dairy Farms, LLC ABS Service & Sales Accelerated Genetics ADM Agromatic Inc. Agropur, Inc. Alta Genetics, Inc. American Bank Anhalt, Terri Associated Veterinary Clinic Badgerland Financial Baker Cheese Factory, Inc. Bank of Oakfield Bartzen Farm Baumhardt Trucking, Inc. Beck’s Meat Processing, LLC Bee-Bow Acres Beechwood - H, LLC Birschbach, Harold & Linda Bluestem Bison / Tallgrass Farm Bo-Kay Dairy, LLC Bock Farms Bonnie-Lee Farms Brandon Meats & Sausage, Inc. Burledge Holsteins Butz Farm C P Feeds, LLC Calumet Dryer Services, LLC Campbellsport National Exchange Bank Campbellsport School District

Chilton High School Circle H Dairy Circle Seven Farms Clover Hill Dairy, LLC Conger Construction, Inc. Cooper, Gary & Julie Costello, Brian & Chris Costello, Greg & Tari Country Hills Animal Health Country Visions Cooperative Crestbrooke Holsteins & Jerseys Dairy Farmers of America Dawn-Dusk Farm Dinnerbell Farms, LLC Double S Dairy Drexel Building Supply Eden & Fond du Lac Veterinary Clinic, Ltd. Eden Meat Market & Catering Edgarton, St. Peter, Petak, & Rosenfeldt Equity Cooperative Livestock Sales Evergreen Dairy Farm Farm First Dairy Co-op Fer-Li Farm Flood, Dan Forest Ridge Holsteins Fox, Jim & Deb Fox Valley Cooperative Farm Mgnt G & C Acres, LLC Garnet Distributing Co. Glacier Valley Seed Gordon Immel Farm Grande Cheese Co. Great Northern Land & Cattle Co., Inc. Gudex, Sam Guell Farm’s, LLC Guell-Crest Farm Hayescrest Farms Hillside Dairy, LLC Holiday Chrysler Dodge Jeep, Inc. Immel Insurance & Financial Services Immel, Norm Investors Community Bank Jackson Kahl Insurance Services, LLC Jaeger, Gerald & Barbara John R. Smith Trucking, LLC Jul Farm Holsteins Just R Mess Dairy Knaus Cheese, Inc. Knowles Produce & Trading Co.

Kramer Farm Kraus Custom Forage Harvesting, LLP Laconia High School Lake Breeze Dairy, LLC Lakerest Farm Lazich Trucking Lesczynski, Ervin Liberty Hoof Care/Liberty Quest Inc Loehr Dairy, LLC Lomira School District Ludtke, Mark & Michelle M.P.B. Builders Inc. Maedex Holsteins Malin Embryo Transfer Marghael’s, LLC Marshview Honey & Alpaca Farm Morgan, Michael Muck Broadcast Services Mullet View Farm National Bank of Waupun New Holstein High School FFA Nolan Insurance Agency, LLC O’Brien Livestock Oakfield Elevator Company Inc Oechsner Farms, LLC Ottery Transportation Inc. Pebble Knolls Dairy Pierquet, James & Carrie Pineylawn Acres Pollack Farm Pollack-Vu Dairy, LLC Possin, Irv Prairie Rock Farm, Inc. Pumper, Fred & Gloria Quality Liquid Feeds Rabo AgriFinance Rainbow Acres Ray’s TV & Appliance of FDL, Inc. Redeker Dairy Equipment Redtail Ridge Dairy, LLC Rhein Realty, Inc. Rickert Brothers, LLC Ripon High School RO-BA Acres Rose, David Rosendale Dairy Ruedinger Farms Inc. Ryan-Vu Dairy S & L Goebel Farm

14 F O N D D U L A C A R EA A S S O C I AT I O N O F CO M M E RC E 2015 A N N UA L R E P O RT

Salon J Salter’s Place Sartori Schaefer, Dick Schmitz, Dave & Mary Schneider,Nick & Janet Schrage Bros Inc. Schraufnagel Implement, Inc. Schwenck, Ron & Chris Second Look Holsteins, LLC Senland Farms Service Motor Company Sheridan, Rosemary Smith & Hatch Insurance Agency Inc. Sonnentag, Carol Stettbacher Farm Tanis, Inc. Tom Ottery Transit, Inc. UW-Extension Fond du Lac Co. Vir-Clar Farms, LLC Vision Aire Farms, LLC Warlin Farms Waupun Feed & Seed Waupun High School Waupun Veterinary Service We Energies Wesswood Registered Holsteins Wiese Dairy, LLC Wieser Concrete


Andrew Law Offices, S.C. Davis & Kuelthau, S.C. Edgarton, St. Peter, Petak, & Rosenfeldt Fortune Law Office, S.C. Ryan Kromholz & Manion, S.C. Sager & Colwin Law Offices S.C.


Diamond Auto Parts Pomp’s Tire Services, Inc. Auto Parts Anders Auto Parts, Inc. Auto Sales & Service Holiday Automotive

Holiday Chrysler Dodge Jeep, Inc. Lenz Sales & Service, Inc. Van Horn Hyundai of Fond du Lac, Inc. Auto Service Hansen’s Auto Care, Inc. J & K Summerfield Alignment Matthews Tire & Auto Service Center Scotty’s Auto Works Stenz Auto Body, Inc. Wendt’s Auto Body, LLP Specialty - Auto Dreher Collision Concepts Fond du Lac Truck Sales Open Road Harley-Davidson RT Restorations Towing Service J & M Towing & Service Whealon Towing & Service, Inc.


Westward Ho RV Resort & Campground / Sun RV Resorts


ADVOCAP, Inc. Agnesian HealthCare Foundation American Legion Foxhole Bar & Hall Beacon House Big Brothers Big Sisters of FDL County Boys & Girls Club of Fond du Lac, Inc. Brooke Industries, Inc. Brothertown Nation, Inc. FABOH FDL Area Convention & Visitors Bureau FDL Area United Way FDL County Economic Development Corp. Fond du Lac Area Foundation Fond du Lac Blue Line Hockey Club, Inc. Fond du Lac County Historical Society Fond du Lac Elks Lodge #57 Fond du Lac Family YMCA Fond du Lac Festivals, Inc. Goodwill Industries

2015 AC MEMBERSHIP ROSTER (CONTINUED CLUB-ASSOC-ORG) Habitat for Humanity Salvation Army Solutions Center Thank Our Troops USA Corp Thelma Sadoff Center for the Arts, Inc. Volunteer Center of FDL Co., Inc.


ABC Supply Company Badger Masonry & Fireplace Supply Drexel Building Supply FloorQuest McNeilus Steel Midpark Nurseries, Inc. Wisconsin Building Supply Worthington Remodeling & Repair, LLC Asphalt/Concrete Area Asphalt Inc. Fond du Lac Asphalt Paving, Inc. Lycon, Inc. Northeast Asphalt, Inc. Electric Ellison Electric Supply, Inc. Helmer Electric, Inc. Jake Schommer Electric Riley Electrical Supply Shea Electric & Communications, LLC W.J. Leasa Electric General Contractor Bayland Buildings, Inc. C. D. Smith Construction, Inc. Capelle Bros. & Diedrich, Inc. Cardinal Construction Co. Inc. J. F. Ahern Co. Keller, Inc. Michels Corporation O’Laire Construction & Remodeling, LLC Searl, Inc. Smith Builders, Inc. The Commonwealth Companies Winfield Homes Natural Stone Eden Stone Co. Inc. Fond du Lac Stone Rademann Stone & Landscape Co., Inc. Plumbing Ahern-Gross Plumbing Area Mechanical, Inc. Guenther Supply, Inc. Rundle Spence Roofing Marianne’s Roofing Company, LLC Siding Wrightway Home Improvements Specialty – Contractor AMC of Wisconsin, Inc. Fond du Lac Decorating, Inc. Schneider & Schneider Professional Painting


Associated Family Dentistry Associated Periodontics, S.C. Boudry Dental, LLC Dental Associates Dr. Jeffrey Kraig, D.D.S., S.C. Dr. Mark A. Bruhn DDS Orthodontics Kenneth J. Scholz, DDS SC

Maury Family Dental Oral Surgery Associates Twohig Family Dentistry Twohig Orthodontics Winnebago Oral Surgery, S.C. Wm. C. Mauthe & Associates


Campbellsport School District City of FDL Police Dept. City of Fond du Lac Community Development Department of Public Works Dept. of Social Services FDL Fire Dept. FDL School District FDL Sheriff’s Office Fond du Lac Area Job & Career Center Fond du Lac Christian School Fond du Lac County Fond du Lac County Highway Department Fond du Lac Public Library Fox Valley Workforce Development Board, Inc. Housing Authority of the City of Fond du Lac Lakeland Care District Lomira School District Marian University Mary Linsmeier School Moraine Park Technical College North Fond du Lac School District Rosendale - Brandon School District School District of Oakfield St. Mary’s Springs Academy Taycheedah Correctional Institution UW-Fond du Lac Village of North Fond du Lac Winnebago Lutheran Academy


Children’s Museum of Fond du Lac, Inc. Fond du Lac County Fair Ledgeview Lanes, Inc. Midstate Amusement Games, LLC Rolling Meadows Golf Course South Hills Golf & Country Club, Inc. The Golf Club at Camelot, Inc. Whispering Springs Golf Club


American Bank Associated Bank Bank Mutual Bank of Fond du Lac Bank of Oakfield BMO Harris Bank CitizensFirst Credit Union Fond du Lac Credit Union Fox Valley Savings Bank Hometown Bank Horicon Bank Marine Credit Union National Exchange Bank & Trust Personal Finance Company St. Agnes Employee Credit Union U.S. Bank Waterstone Mortgage Corp World Finance Corporation


Burial Calvary Cemetery / Mausoleum Homes Mach Funeral Chapel & Crematory Twohig Funeral Home Uecker-Witt Funeral Home Zacherl Funeral Home, Inc.


Affinity Employer Solutions Agnesian HealthCare Sports, Spine & Work Center Agnesian Plastic Surgery & Cosmetic Services Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin - Fox Valley Fond du Lac Surgery Center Generations Home Care & Hospice, Inc. Heartland Hospice Rehab Arisces, LLC Ripon Medical Center St. Agnes Hospital St. Agnes Hospital Home-Delivered Services Waupun Memorial Hospital Chiropractor Bauer Chiropractic, LLC Fond du Lac Chiropractic & Wellness Center Judkins Chiropractic, LLC Oakwood Spine, Sport & Wellness Clinic Wink Chiropractic Wellness Center Clinic Agnesian Convenient Care Clinic Agnesian EZ Care Agnesian HealthCare Aurora Health Center Agnesian Family Foot Clinic Fond du Lac Acupuncture Clinic, LLC Fond du Lac Regional Clinic Fond du Lac Regional Clinic Dermatology Fond du Lac Regional Clinic South Fond du Lac Regional Clinic West Fox Valley Wellness Center/Midwest Hyperbarics North Fond du Lac Clinic Miscellaneous-Healthcare/Medical Back-in-Action Rehabilitation, SC Consultants Laboratory of Wisconsin, LLC Doll & Associates/Agnesian Flight For Life Fond du Lac Psychiatry, LLC HOSPICE Advantage Integ-Net Vision Center Family Focus Eye Care Lens Crafters Wisconsin Vision


All About Life Rehabilitation Center Artisan Assisted Living Grancare Nursing & Rehabilitation Center Harbor Haven Health & Rehabilitation HCR – ManorCare Lake View Place Liberty House & Adelaide Place Lutheran Homes & Health Services, Inc.

St. Francis Home of Fond du Lac, WI Inc. Villa Loretto Nursing Home HOTEL-MOTEL Blue Harbor Resort & Spa Comfort Inn Country Inn & Suites Days Inn of Fond du Lac Eagle Lake Island Lodge Heidel House Resort Holiday Inn Retlaw Plaza Hotel


AAA Insurance American Family Insurance Group - Tim Cruz American Family Insurance Group - Brad Tagliapietra American Family Insurance Group - Travis Van Dyn Hoven American Family Insurance Group - Chuck Westby Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield Arthur J Gallagher Risk Management Behnke Insurance Agencies, Inc. Colonial Life Diedrich Agency, Inc. Goebel Insurance & Financial, Inc. Hierl Insurance Hollrith Retirement Solutions Jackson Kahl Insurance Services, LLC Marine Insurance Services, LLC Maritime Insurance Group, a HUB International Company McClone McNamara & Thiel Insurance Agency Network Health Plan Rausch Insurance Agency, LLC RC Insurance Services Rose Roberts Insurance Agency, LLC Rural Mutual Insurance Society Insurance WPS Health Insurance/Arise Health Plan


Edward Jones Feucht Financial Group, LLC Northwestern Mutual Rose Bertram, LLC Security Finance Thrivent Financial Wells Fargo Advisors Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC


ACH Foam Technologies Agromatic Inc. Airgas Alliance Manufacturing, Inc. Badger Liquor Co., Inc. Baker Cheese Factory, Inc. Basic American Metal Products Baumhardt Sand & Gravel BCI Burke Company, LLC Brenner Tank, LLC Central Wire Combination Door Company Damark Mfg. Corp.

Electro-Plating, Inc. FDL Wilbert Vault Corp. Fives Giddings & Lewis Fond du Lac Tent & Awning Grande Cheese Co. Hansen Refrigeration Machinery Co., Inc. Integrity Saw & Tool, Inc. Interior Systems, Inc. International Paper Jor-Mac Company (The) Kelbros, Inc. Kondex Corporation Ledgeview Precast Concrete Manowske Welding Corporation Marchant Schmidt, Inc. Mayville Engineering Company, Inc. Mercury Marine Mercury Racing Metal-Link Corp. Mid-States Aluminum Corporation Milk Specialties Global Muthig Industries NAFCO International Natural Stone Veneers International, Inc. Nemesis Metals, LLC Oakfield Elevator Company Inc OTCO, Inc. PanelTEK LLC Pepsi Beverages Company Quality Packaging, Inc. RB Royal Industries, Inc. Regal Ware, Inc. Sadoff Iron & Metal Company Saputo Cheese USA Tanis, Inc. Tobin Machining, Inc. U.S. Chrome Corp. of Wisconsin United Manufacturers, Inc./Faris Gourmet Popcorn Vassil Machine Products, Inc. Vixmer Manufacturing Corp. W.W. Electric Motors, Inc. Wells Vehicle Electronics Warehouse OHL Warehouse Specialists, Inc. Wholesale Baker’s Pride Bakery Bob and Bonnie’s Donuts and Cakes Hornung’s Golf Products, Inc. Purina Animal Nutrition, LLC Rosendale Dairy


Electronic B104.7 BFW LLC Insight Publications, LLC K107.1 FM News-Talk 1450 KFIZ Radio Plus/WFDL, WMDC, WTCX, AM1170 Print Action Reporter Media Business News (The) New North B2B

F O N D D U L A C A R EA A S S O C I AT I O N O F C O M M E RC E 2015 A N N UA L R E P O RT 15


Action Printing EP>Direct Graphic Center, Inc. H. Derksen and Sons Haber/M & M Printing, Inc. Minuteman Press Quad/Graphics, Inc. Roto-Graphic Scott’s Discount Printing, Inc.


Adashun Jones, Inc. First Weber Group Realtors Lunda Home Inspection, LLC RE/MAX Heritage Roberts Homes Schmitt Title, LLC Seth Gade Solberg Real Estate ZA Commercial, LLC


Bar & Grill Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill & Bar Big Al Capone’s Buffalo Wild Wings Carlone’s Bar Coliseum Sports Bar & Grill (The) Eden Grill Fat Joe’s Bar & Grill Friar Tuck’s Peebles Grille (The) Schmitty’s Bar & Grill Sunset on the Water Grill & Bar Trepanier’s Backyard Grill & Bar Café Erbert & Gerbert’s Bistro Catering Aramark Education Boda’s Restaurant Eden Cafe & Catering Linstrom’s Special Occasion Catering Royal Ridges Ethnic Ala Roma Italian Pizzaria & Pub Ang An Eddies Casa Del Tequila Gino’s Italian Restaurant Mazatlan Family Restaurant Family Faros Family Restaurant Rolling Meadows Family Restaurant Schreiner’s Restaurant Fast Food A & W Drive In Culver’s of Fond du Lac Gilles Frozen Custard Hardee’s of Fond du Lac Jimmy John’s McDonald’s Taco Bell Taco John’s Management McDonald’s/Valley Management, Inc. Progressive Investor’s Inc. Taco Bell (RAD, Inc.)

Pizza Domino’s Pizza Mancino’s Restaurant Pizza Ville Rocky Rococo Supper Club Blanck’s Lake Aire Supper Club Blanck’s Supper Club Jim & Linda’s Lakeview Supper Club, LLC Red Cabin at Green Acres Salty’s Seafood & Spirits Sebastian’s Steak House Welsch Restaurant and Ale House (The) Wendt’s on the Lake, Inc.


Bridal Edith’s of Fond du Lac Convenience/Gas E Z Mart Ultimart / Subway Hansen’s BP Korneli’s Express Korneli’s Express Convenience Korneli’s Main Street Express Kwik Trip Philly’s on 4th Philly’s on the Miracle Mile Department Target Walmart Electronics Best Buy Communications Electronics Ray’s TV & Appliance of FDL, Inc. Silica For Your Home Floral Haentze Floral Company Woods Floral Food/Grocery Festival Foods Pick ‘n Save Piggly Wiggly Spice Crate, LLC (The) Furnishings/Interior Jack Twohig’s Carpet One Partners by Design & Fine Furnishings Twohig Flooring America Verlo Mattress Factory Hardware Integrity Glass & Paint, Inc. Mills Fleet Farm Jeweler C.W. Smith Jewelers, Inc. Goldsmith Krail Jewelry, Inc. Liquor Cujak’s Wine Market, LLC Moe’s East Side Spirits Mobile Homes Flood Homes, Inc. Office Equipment Ross Imaging, LLC Office Supplies Cartridge World Staples Advantage Wegner Office Supply Co. Inc.

Pharmacy Agnesian Health Shoppe Agnesian Pharmacy Agnesian Pharmacy NFDL Agnesian Pharmacy Plus Agnesian Pharmacy West Kremer Pharmacy Specialty Shop Fond du Lac Glass and Framing, LLC Forest Mall Gallery & Frame Shop, LLC Hounsell’s Greenhouse Inspired By You, LLC Just Fare Market Kreative Kraftwerks, LLC Kristmas Kringle Shoppe Lillian’s Main Street Fashion Mattress Firm MS Shoppe, LLC (The) Needsom Supplies Ollie’s Olive Oil Haus, LLC Riesterer & Schnell Saavy Boutique Schieks Sherwin-Williams Company What Not Shoppe Woolgatherers Ltd, LLC Sporting Goods Dutch’s Outdoors Fred’s Fastrac Sales & Service, Inc. Jack’s Team Sports Pro Motorsports of Fond du Lac, Inc. Tuffy’s Outpost


Barnes, Ed Casper, Richard Fale, Robert Gutermann, Stefanie Henken, Willard Kleinfeldt, Richard Lapierre, Ray Meisinger, Jim Secord, Jana Sheridan, Rosemary Simon, James Townsend, John Walcott, Joe


Compass Surveying, LLC Consumer Credit Counseling Service of FDL Forward Service Corporation Loves Travel Stops Mahala’s Hope, Inc. Mentore Pit Stop Portables UPS Store Wisconsin Lake & Pond Resource, LLC Advertising Agency BrownBoots Interactive, Inc. Advertising Promotion Brazen Creative Solutions Flyway Signs & Lighting Service Hopper’s Silk Screening and All Star Trophy New Vision Signs & Decals PDS (Publishers Dev. Service) Promotions with Pizzazz, LLC

16 F O N D D U L A C A R EA A S S O C I AT I O N O F CO M M E RC E 2015 A N N UA L R E P O RT

Appraisals/Titles Christ Appraisal Services, Inc. Guaranty Title Services, Inc. Knight Barry Title Services, LLC Wisconsin Title, Inc. Audio Visual Wright Communications, LLC Car Care Jet Stream Car Wash Rich’s Engine Repair & Service, LLC Computer & Telephone Executive Computer Consulting Services Consulting & Training Servicing/Consulting/Training Copier Consulting, LLC MRA - The Management Association Employment Services Adecco Employment Agency Flex Staff, Inc. Locate Staffing Manpower Omni Career and Staffing Services, LLC Peer Technical Group, LLC QPS Employment Group Remedy Intelligent Staffing SEEK Careers / Staffing, Inc. U.S. Tech Force, Inc. Financial Financial Recoveries Lakeside Wealth Management, LLC Health Care – Service ACTRA Rehabilitation Associates, Inc. BidRx, LLC BioLife Plasma Services Clarity Care, Inc. Comfort Keepers Health Club Anytime Fitness Fond du Lac Planet Fitness TNT Fitness Results, LLC HVAC/R, Water & Gas Air Tech Heating Inc. Culligan Water Conditioning D.R. Kohlman, Inc. Merwin Oil Co., LLC Sure-Fire, Inc. Janitorial Schmid Custom Cleaning, LLC Servicemaster Residential & Commercial Services Landscaping Stuart’s Landscaping & Garden Center Laundry Service Econo-Laundry & Cleaners Georgetown Cleaners Model Cleaners Marketing Research Nielsen Company (The) Medical Billing Accupro Business Solutions, LLC Miscellaneous-Service FDL Center for Spirituality & Healing Hy-Test Safety Shoe Service Ideal Glass Co. Michler Enterprises Rodan & Fields Service Motor Company

Sweet N Easy Events Voice & Acting Studio, LLC (The) Westbrook Rental and Repair, LLC Woolhether Clean Sweep Pet Services/Boarding Chelstar’s Bed & Biscuit Photo Studio Studio One Designer Photography Real Estate Development Awve’s Development Co. Rental/Supplies Always Ready Services Lebakkens Rent To Own Wolf River Expo Services, LLC Repair Emergency Fire & Water Restoration Ledgeview Mobile Service Salon Classic Cut Day Spa (The) Essence Salon & Spa, LLC Euphoria, Inc. Just B-Still, LLC Reflexions Salon & Spa Renaissance Salon, LLC Rob’s Riverwood Salon & Spa Storage Hoerth Storage, LLC Travel Agency Fox World Travel Travel Leaders/Discovery World Travel Website Design / Internet Provider Heartland Business Systems & Avastone Technologies, LLC Wyld Desyns, LLC


Batzler Trucking, Inc. CN FDL Skyport Fond du Lac Express, Inc. Herlache Truck Lines, LLC Johnson School Bus Service, Inc. Northern Battery Osborn & Son Trucking Co., Inc. Ottery Transportation, Inc. Quality Cab T.T.I.


Alliant Energy Charter Charter Business We Energies Wireless Communication AT&T TDS Metrocom, Inc. U.S. Cellular


Companion Animal Care Eden & Fond du Lac Veterinary Clinic, Ltd. St Bernard’s Animal Medical Center Town & Country Veterinary Clinics, S.C.


N6637 Rolling Meadows Drive, Fond du Lac 920-922-8640

Action Printing

N6637 Rolling Meadows Drive, Fond du Lac 920-922-8650 |

Baker Cheese Factory, Inc.

N5279 Cty. G., St. Cloud, WI 920-477-7871 |

Baumhardt Sand & Gravel Sand, Gravel, Trucking,

W3998 Hwy. 45, Eden | 920-477-2511

Ahern-Gross Plumbing

Mary Gerlach 166 South Park Avenue, Fond du Lac 920-923-3999 |

Since 1983 ”Visit our plumbing showroom” 218 S. Main Street, Fond du Lac 920-921-1414

American Bank

676 W. Johnson Street Fond du Lac, WI 54935 920-922-9292 |

Anders Auto Parts, Inc.

Serving Fond du Lac since 1956 16 W. Sibley Street, Fond du Lac 920-922-3390

Associated Family Dentistry

Todd Sarauer D.D.S. 845 S. Main Street, Suite 130 920-922-7012 |

Aurora Health Center

Beacon House

Bob & Bonnie’s

Voted #1 Bakery, Cakes & Donuts in Fond du Lac 54 A Halbach Court, Fond du Lac 920-923-4321 Call for no obligation tour and free information folder 686 Fond du Lac Avenue | 920-923-2202

C.D. Smith Construction, Inc.

Fond du Lac Credit Union

Steve Millen 68 N. Main St. | 920-923-0970 Dan Sprader 976 E. Johnson St., Ste 700 920-923-3934

920-921-1123 |

Fond du Lac School District

72 W. 9th Street, Fond du Lac 920-929-2900 |

Fond du Lac Tent & Awning

Electro-Plating, Inc.

321 W. Scott Street, Fond du Lac 920-921-7321 | fax: 920-921-7329

430 Arlington Avenue, Fond du Lac 920-922-4250 |

DONATIONS S TAY L O C A L Monday-Friday 9am-5pm Saturday 9am-2pm

889 E. Johnson Street, Fond du Lac 920-924-2900 |

Home improvement resale store selling: • Building Materials • Tools • Household Items

Restore 921-2893 WI-5001872061

Build a LASTING Career Engineering Machining Assembly Sales/Support

116 N. Main Street, P.O. Box 1303, Fond du Lac 920-929-2928 |

“A Member of Agnesian HealthCare” 430 E. Division Street, Fond du Lac 920-929-9300

Calvary Cemetery

210 Wisconsin American Drive, Fond du Lac 920-907-7000

• • • •

Fond du Lac County Economic Development Corporation

THANK TO THE SPONSORSEdward OF THE Excavating,YOU Snow Removal JonesAC ANNUAL REPORT91 N. Pioneer Road, Fond du Lac

Agnesian HealthCare

430 E. Division Street, Fond du Lac 920-929-2300 |

Consultants Laboratory of Wisconsin, LLC

• Appliances • Furniture • Bathroom Fixtures

Habitat for Humanity 921-6623




A proud member of the community

Visit for current openings & online application

We are a premier global printing company, proud to be celebrating 30 years in the Lomira area. | 920.269.4100 WI-5001870680

Discover a Better Banking Experience 505 Main St., Brownsville

Offering job opportunities with growth potential and superior benefits to take care of our employees.


676 W. Johnson St., Fond du Lac


ONLINE: Full-time, part-time and seasonal EMAIL: F O N D D U L A C opportunities. A R EA A S S O C I AT I O N O F CO M M E RC E 2015 A N N UA L R E P O RT 17 employment PHONE: 920.269.4700



F O N D D U L A C A R EA A S S O C I AT I O N O F CO M M E RC E 2015 A N N UA L R E P O RT 17



Care … Comfort … Commitment 1028 S Main St, Ste C, Fond du Lac 920-922-0134 | 877-545-0551 OF THE AC ANNUAL REPORT

Habitat for Humanity of Fond du Lac County 65 W. Scott Street 920-921-6623

Habitat For Humanity ReStore 65 W. Scott Street 920-921-2893

The Natural Choice “Visit our Blue Goose Coffee House” 854 E. Johnson Street, Fond du Lac 920-921-3070

Kondex Corporation

1500 Technology Drive, Lomira 920-269-4100 |

Ledgeview Precast Concrete, Inc. N6672 County Trunk UU, Fond du Lac 920-921-2530

ΖWȇV GL΍HUHQW KHUH 0(& LV 100% EMPLOYEE OWNED and everyone is vested in the success of the company.

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18 F O N D D U L A C A R EA A S S O C I AT I O N O F C O M M E R C E 2015 A N N UA L R E P O RT

55 S. Main Street | Fond du Lac | 920.929.2200 55 E. 3rd Street | Fond du Lac | 920.929.2272 718 Wisconsin Avenue | North Fond du Lac | 920.929.2274

Member FDIC

Employee Owned © 2015 Mayville Engineering Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. WI-5001872233

18 F O N D D U L A C A R EA A S S O C I AT I O N O F C O M M E R C E 2015 A N N UA L R E P O RT

Marian University

45 S. National Avenue, Fond du Lac 1-800-2-Marian |

Mayville Engineering Inc.

715 South Street, Mayville, WI 53050 920-387-6051 | Employee Owned 817 West Main Street, Brownsville 920-583-3132 |

Moraine Park Technical College

235 N. National Avenue, Fond du Lac 920-922-8611 |

NAFCO International, Inc.

206 West McWilliams Street, Fond du Lac 920-921-5757 Customer Support: 800-558-4810

Oral Surgery Associates

464 S. Hickory, Ste. A, Fond du Lac 920-923-0111 |

THIS IS MY COMPANY MEC is one of the nation’s leading manufacturers, providing metal fabrication, tube forming, performance structures and tanks to leading OEMs.

When we invest and take part in the communities we serve, everyone profits. Leading families and businesses to realize their dreams is the cornerstone of our success, and yours.

821 South Military Road, Fond du Lac Phone: 920-922-3340 | Fax: 920-922-3341

Michels Corporation

Horicon Bank

Some of our best investments have nothing to do with banking

Manowske Welding Corp.

THANK YOU TO THE SPONSORS OF THE AC ANNUAL REPORT N7440 Osborn Way, Fond du Lac 920-922-0230 |

Personal Finance Company

Hometown People with a Personal Touch 459 W. Johnson Street, Fond du Lac 920-933-6250


N11896 Hwy. 175, Lomira 920-269-4700 |

Rausch Insurance

Society Insurance

Suttner Accounting, Inc,

Certified Public Accountants THANK YOU TO THE SPONSORS OF THE AC

T.T.I. Inc.

2266 Hwy. B, Eden 920-477-5132 |

Twohig Flooring America

Brian Twohig • Kevin Twohig 316 N. Rolling Meadows Drive, Fond du Lac 920-922-6340

The Reporter

U.S. Bank


Tax preparation and planning Robyn King, CPA 55 S. Main Street, Ste. 240 Second Floor US Bank Building, Fond du Lac 920-251-0240 |

RT Restorations


Tax Returns: Individual & Business | Small Business Consulting Payroll Services | Accounting & Bookkeeping Services

920-922-1040 |

“Where your agent makes the difference!� 73 E. 1st Street, Fond du Lac 920-924-2131 N6637 Rolling Meadows Drive, Fond du Lac 920-922-4600 |


Small details. Big difference.SM 150 Camelot Drive, Fond du Lac 920-922-1220 |

976 E. Johnson St., Ste. 1100 • Fond du Lac

Offices also located in Chilton, Oshkosh and Sheboygan


Osborn & Son Trucking Co., Inc.

(920) 922-1040 • Mailing Address: P.O. Box 187, Chilton, WI 53014-0187

Teamwork makes everything possible.

2014 Reader’s Choice voted Best Bank in Fond du Lac 55 South Main Street | 920-929-2200 55 East 3rd Street | 920-929-2272 718 Wisconsin Avenue, NFDL | 920-929-2274

Whealon Towing & Service, Inc.

375 N. Hickory Street, Fond du Lac 920-923-6551 | WI-5001872188

206 West McWilliams Street, Fond du Lac 920-921-6863



friends send friends

Brian & Kevin Twohig

www.twohig 316 N. Rolling Meadows Dr., Fond du Lac • 922.6340



Serving customers and the Industry with quality light pole products since 1973 NAFCO International, Inc. 206 West McWilliams Street Fond du Lac, WI 54925 email:

Phone: 920.921.5757 Customer Support: 800.558.4810

â€œâ€Śon the street, at the show, and around the trackâ€? F O N D D U L A C A R EA A S S O C I AT I O N O F CO M M E RC E 2015 A N N UA L R E P O RT 19

Randy Rupp

206 West McWilliams Street • Fond du Lac, WI 54935 Phone: 920.921.6863 • Fax: 920.921.0781 Email: • F O N D D U L A C A R EA A S S O C I AT I O N O F CO M M E RC E 2015 A N N UA L R E P O RT 19

20 F O N D D U L A C A R EA A S S O C I AT I O N O F CO M M E RC E 2015 A N N UA L R E P O RT

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