Manitowoc future 15

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Clue This year’s

to future success!


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future15 | November 2013

What is Future15?

Sail is once again hosting their annual awards banquet and this year is Clue themed! We will be recognizing 15 young professionals ages 21-40 who make a difference in Manitowoc County. Thank you to all of you who took the time to nominate a young professional (or more than one!) that you believe is making a contribution to the community and will continue to do so for years to come. These are young professionals who are presently growing and excelling in their respective field, and will continue to positively influence the growth, prosperity and quality of life in Manitowoc County well into the future. And the winners are... Melissa Blackburn, Lakeshore Technical College Molly Cianfarani, Holy Family Memorial Stacie Cihlar, School District of Mishicot Eric Haban, Manitowoc Jaycees Philip Hoff, Philip L. Hoff, Attorney Rebecca Martell, Holy Family Memorial Kathleen McDaniel, City of Manitowoc Jeremy Otte, Two Rivers High School Angie Popp, Holy Family Memorial

Many young professionals excelling in our community Energetic, dynamic, and spirited are just a few words that describe the members of the Sail organization. These members have accomplished a number of impressive things in 2013 under the great leadership of Missy Stuckman, Schenck SC. Her enthusiasm is amazing as she works with the committee on planning educational and networking opportunities for the members. The committee believes in the importance of giving back to the community they live in and now are actively helping out many of the non-profit organizations in Manitowoc County. Needless to say, The Chamber of Manitowoc County is pleased and proud to support this organization and all of its accomplishments. On behalf of The Chamber of Manitowoc County, congratulations to the 2013 Future 15 Award recipients. There are many young professionals excelling in our community and it gives us great pride to watch them be recognized at the Sail Banquet. Each year the judging gets harder as the amount of applications increase. It is a testament to our young professionals and another reason Forbes once again rated Manitowoc the #2 small city to raise a family. Thank you to the Sail organization for your dedication and commitment to Manitowoc County, and congratulations to the winners.

Karen Szyman Executive Director | The Chamber of Manitowoc County

Jamie Propson, School District of Mishicot Michael Schumacher, Valders Stone & Marble Annie Short, Northeast Wisconsin Area Health Education Center Jolene Szydel, Orthopaedic Associates of Manitowoc BayCare Clinic Christine Thelen, Hayden’s Batten Disease Foundation, Inc. Chad Zeller, Schenck SC

Congratulations to all of you! Thank you to our sponsors who

make this event possible: Bank First National, Award Recipient Dinner Sponsor Associated Bank, Young Professional of the Year Award Sponsor Manitowoc Trophy, Future 15 Award Sponsor Photography, Kari Krull “Photos by Kari”

Sail aims to retain, honor community standouts Sail is a Young Professionals organization of The Chamber of Manitowoc County. Sail’s mission is to provide a vehicle for the attraction, development, and retention of young professionals in Manitowoc County. Sail’s primary goals are to attract and retain young talent, provide opportunities for professional development, encourage community involvement, and create networking opportunities. Every year, Sail has an Annual Banquet. Similar to years past, we will be honoring our Future 15 winners at the Annual Banquet this evening. The Future 15 award is a prestigious award given to individuals that are standouts within their respective field, have proven success and aspired growth as a professional in Manitowoc County. Congratulations not only to the Future 15 winners, but also everyone that was nominated. It is truly amazing to know there are so many individuals in Manitowoc County that are going above and beyond and helping within our community. I would also like to thank the Sail committee and The Chamber of Manitowoc County for all of the dedication during the year to make Sail such a huge success. Together, we’ve planned all of our events and created great friendships this year. If you are not a member of Sail and would like to learn more, do not hesitate to contact The Chamber of Manitowoc County at (920) 684-5575 and we will get you more information. If you are already a member of Sail, I would like to thank you for making this organization so dynamic and I encourage you to continue to attend our events.

Missy Stuckman Schenck SC | 2012-2013 Sail Chair

future15 | November 2013


JANUARY Mini-Bowling and Sail After Hours at Revolutions Bar & Grill

FEBRUARY Council Member Panel at UW-Manitowoc


Submitted photos

For information about Sail events, email webpage: Facebook:

Sail 2013 Calendar of Events:

Speed Networking at Silver Lake College of the Holy Family

APRIL Progressive Dinner at Tony’s Pizza, Machut’s Supper Club, and Beerntsen’s Confectionary

MAY Sail Lunch N Learn - Meeting Etiquette

JUNE Dinner at Christopher’s Restaurant

JULY Sail After Hours at Legend Larry’s

OCTOBER Sail After Hours at Benchwarmers at Fox Hills

NOVEMBER Sail Annual Banquet Sail Lunch N Learn - Citizen’s Academy Presentation

DECEMBER Sail Holiday Celebration – Courthouse Pub Family Event at Pinecrest Historical Village

FUTURE 15 is published by the Manitowoc Herald Times Reporter Media. Contents of the section are for Herald Times Reporter Media. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior consent of Herald Times Reporter. For information, contact Dale Mahloch at 920-686-2124; Publisher / Scott Johnson | General Manager / Lowell Johnson | Advertising Manager / Dale Mahloch


future15 | November 2013

Melissa Blackburn

Case File

Being a transplant to Manitowoc County from Appleton, Melissa Blackburn has worked hard the last couple of years to find ways to give back to the community while furthering her career at Lakeshore Technical College as well.

Do you still play board games? Which ones?

Financial Project Management Specialist Lakeshore Technical College

She is the financials project management specialist at LTC. She is the financials team lead for the WILM Consortium, which is comprised of three technical colleges from within the Wisconsin Technical College System. She represents overall interests of the Consortium by providing oversight, leadership, and development of the project plan and the functional aspects of the Financials PeopleSoft team, leads the records retention management schedules, policy, procedure and training efforts, trains all project managers and manages the operational system. She successfully implemented an upgrade for the PeopleSoft Financials Enterprise Resource Planning System for three colleges. Blackburn was a graduate of The Chamber of Manitowoc County’s Leadership Program in 2012. She believes each of us can make a difference whether through volunteering our time, paying forward simple gestures, or serving on nonprofit boards and committees to enhance our community. She was a Habitat for Humanity board member and fundraising chair from March 2012 to June 2013, organizing a large fundraiser “Tools and Treasures” for the first Habitat for Humanity home built in Valders, resulting in $10,000 being raised for construction costs. Other community involvement includes raising funds for the Domestic Violence Center through the ugly sweater/tie contest. Blackburn also benefited the Salvation Army by helping with the adoption of two local families. Since 2006, each Thanksgiving she delivers meals to those who are alone or cannot leave their residence. She has been a Lunch Buddy for more than four years through the Big Brothers Big Sisters, paired with a 5th grader at Cleveland Elementary School since September 2009. Other organizations she belongs to include: Jaycees member and volunteer since June 2013, Sail member and volunteer since April 2011, and Facebook Manitowoc Runners Group ambassador since June 2011. She is continually recruiting runners to join Manitowoc Runners to promote and encourage running.

What was your favorite board game growing up? Why?

Growing up I loved playing card games like spoons and UNO. Spoons would get my heart racing and I would get so excited to be able to quietly grab a spoon while others were still trying to get four of a kind. I also enjoyed giving others “draw 4” cards with UNO.

What was the first video game you played?

The first video game I played was Nintendo Mario Bros. I would play Mario Bros as much as I could and would even leave the game on with the television off so I could resume my game the next day.

I occasionally play board games and enjoy: The Game of Things, Poker, Apples to Apples, and lately am hooked on Candy Crush and Words with Friends.

Did you have a favorite game board character? Who, why? No, the games I enjoyed did not have characters.

Did your family have a board game night? Do you have a favorite memory from that? We had family card nights, mostly poker where we would bet nickels, dimes if we felt lucky, for hours. One night I had a royal flush and my grandpa wanted to take me to the casino but I was underage.

Her future career goal is to become a business adjunct instructor at Lakeshore Technical College and increase her records retention management and project management duties. Blackburn lives in Manitowoc with her 10-year-old cat, Wild One.

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future15 | November 2013

Molly Cianfarani Healthcare Leader Holy Family Memorial

Molly Cianfarani has had many career milestones at Holy Family Memorial over the past five years. She began her career as a post-graduate administrative fellow and then served as the leader of several successful teams including an Innovation Department, HFM General & Vascular Surgery, the HFM Pharmacy and the HFM Family Health Shoppe. “Each new area I have been given the chance to lead has represented a new and unique challenge that has tested my leadership skills and analytic abilities,” said Cianfarani. She has learned that great leaders harness their teams’ strengths and then get out of their way and let them do what they do best. “I have learned that honesty and humility will take you farther than analytical knowledge at times, and that establishing a meaningful vision for the future and letting those you lead work to achieve it can be much more important than always ensuring that every step of the way has been executed perfectly,” noted Cianfarani. In the 5-1/2 years she has lived in the Lakeshore region, she has been involved with Big Brothers Big Sisters, first as a “Big Sister” and then as a member of the board of directors. She has also been involved as a member and trustee of the local chapter of Women In Management, helping to ensure the professional growth, development and success of local female leaders. She has also been involved with The Chamber as part of the 2012 Leadership Manitowoc County class. Cianfarani’s future goals are to become more involved in volunteer associations “to ensure that I am doing my part to make Manitowoc County a great place for all to live.” However, she might have to wait on that goal for a while because she and her husband, Dominick, are expecting twin boys in December. When she is not working as a healthcare leader or volunteering, she and her husband spend their time fixing up the old farmhouse they bought outside of Reedsville. She is also a backyard beekeeper, horse enthusiast, and mother to 2 large dogs, Miscka the Newfoundland and Doolin the English Setter. They also have a barn cat named Cruiser, as well as chickens and honey bees.

Case File What was your favorite board game growing up? Why?

I liked the game “Stratego.” This is a game for two players where you try to use strategy to capture the other person’s flag without getting blown up by any of their strategically placed bombs, while at the same time trying to defend your own flag. Besides enjoying the strategic aspect of it, I think I liked it because it was one of the few games my brother and I agreed was worth the time to play— he wasn’t quite as interested in playing Barbies or Ponies with me. I also liked that I could blow my brother up with a fake bomb…what kid doesn’t like that?

Do you still play board games? Which ones?

I play cribbage with my husband from time to time when we’re in the U.P. with nothing to do, though he always has to remind me how to play. To his credit, he’s patient with me and every time goes over the rules with me all over again.

Did you have a favorite game board character? Who, why?

Colonel Mustard for sure. He had a great mustache & a Monty Python aire about him.

Did your family have a board game night? Do you have a favorite memory from that? My family played board games together when we would go up north. My favorite memory has to be playing Pictionary with my family as a kid—my dad is a notoriously terrible artist and it was his turn to draw. He drew a box with a bunch of circles in it and lines shooting out of the box. No one could guess what on earth he was trying to express, so finally when the timer ran out he told us emphatically that he had drawn “Biscuits!!!” He then proceeded to explain to us how each of the circles in the box was a biscuit, and how the lines showed how each biscuit was jumping out of the box. (Huh??) We laughed so hard at these “jumping biscuits” we decided to hang his drawing on the fridge,

where it was displayed proudly for months.

What was the first video game you played?

If you don’t count the Atari they had for us kids at our dentist’s waiting room to try distract us from the fact that we were indeed at a dentist’s office, it had to be Super Mario Brothers. And not the good version where you have to get to the end and jump up the flagpole, either—the boring original one where there were just floating platforms that you had to jump around on. My brother always made me be Luigi because he wanted to be Mario, though I don’t think I cared all that much. I would’ve rather have been playing outside anyway.



future15 | November 2013

Eric Haban

Case File What was your favorite board game growing up? Why? Checkers

Manitowoc Jaycees

Eric Haban has tried to make a positive impact in improving the local community in many different ways and is proud to live, work and play in the Manitowoc area. He started out at LDI Industries, Inc. as a youth apprentice as a junior in high school. He was then offered a 4-year state indentured apprenticeship program, which he completed in 2004. That fall, he went back to LTC and earned his associate degree in supervisory management. During this time, he also became a mentor to LDI’s youth apprentices and eventually took over the youth apprenticeship program along with managing the adult program. Additionally, Haban has been actively involved in supporting the youth apprenticeship and adult apprenticeship programs both at the local and state level. He serves on the state’s machine tool advisory board and has been chair of the Chamber’s manufacturing panel the past number of years for all the 10th grade students in the county at Lakeshore Technical College. Haban also serves on the board of directors for the McKinley Academy local charter school. He said, “I try to bring relevant industry experience and help bring a real world side of things in hopes to better prepare future graduates for the world beyond high school.”

Do you still play board games? Which ones?

Occasionally the game of LIFE.

Did you have a favorite game board character? Who, why? I would say I’m the Banker.

Did your family have a board game night? Do you have a favorite memory from that? We did not have a family game night.

What was the first video game you played?

I do not play video games but do remember playing Duck Hunter on Nintendo when I was a kid.

He has been a member of the Manitowoc Jaycees for the past five years, serving in leadership roles and currently as the local chapter president. “It has been a great way to help create positive change in our community and help support many local causes,” said Haban. His twin brother, Elgin, has cerebral palsy and is in a wheelchair so he is involved in the new organization, Miracle League of the Lakeshore. “The new baseball field for special needs children will be a huge asset to our community,” he noted. Haban’s future goals are to continue to make a positive change in the community and grow in leadership roles in manufacturing with the long-term goal to be a manager in a mid to upper level position.

I suggest it was Mr. Haban, in the Ballroom, with the rope.

“ Celebrating over 50 years

He and his wife, Nancy, reside in Manitowoc with their 2-year-old dog Trevor.

as a manufacturer of hydraulic and lubrication components and accessories.


future15 | November 2013

Employment Coordinator Holy Family Memorial

Rebecca Martell of Manitowoc believes in leading by example, taking opportunities to contribute and positively impact Manitowoc County. She served 4 years in the Air Force after graduating from high school, returning to Manitowoc afterwards to be close to family while raising a small daughter. She continued her schooling, first at UW-Manitowoc and then Silver Lake College. Martell was first employed as a Human Resource specialist at Holy Family Memorial and then was promoted 5 years ago to employment coordinator. She graduated with her master’s degree from Silver Lake College of the Holy Family in 2009. She is a member of many Manitowoc County organizations including the Lakeshore Area Human Resources Association and Sail, networking with other professionals to build relationships in the community.

Case File What was your favorite board game growing up? Why?

Monopoly, it was a neighborhood favorite at my house including my mom playing. We would keep it set up night after night since the game can take forever.

Do you still play board games? Which ones? Yes, some include Balderdash, Trivial Pursuit, Scattergories and, of course, Monopoly with the kids.

Did you have a favorite game board character? Who, why? My favorite was the “car” in Monopoly because I thought it would help me zoom by faster than the other players.

Did your family have a board game night? Do you have a favorite memory from that?

She is a lifetime member of the American Veterans and is one of only 4 female members and part of the 10% under age 40. She helps review essays each year submitted by Manitowoc County youths and encourages younger veterans returning home.

I created a question/answer board game for my kids, husband and I to play building our family memories by creating historical questions of places we have been, etc.

Martell participated in Leadership Manitowoc County this past year. “I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and was flattered to be selected as the class speaker representative,” she said.

What was the first video game you played?

She is a United Way coordinator for her employer as well as volunteering to work with other companies in the community on behalf of the organization. Since she has four children in the Manitowoc Public School District, she has assisted in many volunteer capacities including working the concession stand at JFK and serving food to the teachers at Jackson Elementary School for teacher appreciation day. She also is active in her church, focusing on the younger children and coordinating events. Martell said, “I have to be a role model to my kids since they are the next generation that Manitowoc County will need to lead.” She and her husband, Chad, have a blended family of 4 children: Dakota age 17, Lauren age 16, Delany age 16, and Alexa age 11. They also have a dog named Violet and two bunnies named Snickers and Midnight.


I suggest it was Mrs. Martell, in the Hall, with the Candlestick.

“ WI-5001722047

Rebecca Martell



future15 | November 2013

Philip Hoff

Case File What was your favorite board game growing up? Why?


Attorney Philip L. Hoff started his own law firm after moving to Manitowoc County eight years ago. He has the distinction of being the youngest member of the Manitowoc County Board of Supervisors, winning election in 2012. In his legal practice, he focuses on criminal defense. He has obtained acquittals for his clients after jury trials on felony charges such as substantial battery, recklessly endangering safety, felon in possession of a firearm, and delivery of THC. As a County Board supervisor, Hoff oversees adoption of the county budget, oversight of county facilities, adoption of ordinances, resolutions and policies, and appointment of county officials. He also serves on the Personnel Committee, which oversees employee compensation and benefits. “The actions taken by the County Board impact all the residents of Manitowoc County. It is important to me that our actions make sure that Manitowoc is a great place to live and work for citizens of all ages,” stated Hoff. As far as community involvement, he serves as a board member for the Manitowoc Citizens Academy Alumni Association, a group that administers the Manitowoc Police Department’s annual Citizens Academy. He also takes part in community theater and has acted in several local productions. For the past eight years, Hoff has been a volunteer attorney for the Three Little Pigs Law Day trial and also serves as a volunteer attorney at the Aging and Disability Resource Center providing pro bono legal advice to elderly members of the community. He is a proponent of the Painted Pathways Clubhouse, an organization whose goal is to provide peer support, advocate for, and assist individuals with diagnosed mental illnesses to receive services and find employment and housing so they can remain in the community. He also attends meetings for Circles of Support, a group that assists in mentoring individuals released from prison in the community. Hoff has also volunteered at Sputnikfest, Pinecrest Historical Village, Crime Prevention Days, the Maritime Marathon, and enjoys attending local community fundraising functions such as Lakeshore Weekend, Chairs for Charity and Brewfest. He is married to Kathleen McDaniel. They have no children or pets.

My favorite board game when I was a small child was Marbles. My father had drilled out and wood burned the holes for the game board. The game was similar to Sorry and it was fun deciding to either get your marble home or trying to land on an opposing player’s marble to send them back to their home. Because we had a large family, we could also have six people playing at the same time. I also enjoyed playing a game at school called Diplomacy. The game was a World War I game in which there were seven countries: England, France, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy, Russia, and Turkey. Each of the countries was played by two people and the country had armies and navies that they could move on the game board themselves or support an allies troop movement. In order to gain more territory and more armies or navies, the countries had to make alliances with each other so that the other countries would support their movements. The movements would then be written on a piece of paper and turned into the teacher who would move the pieces once a day at the end of the school day. You would then get to see whether your “allies” were actually supporting you or betraying you by supporting a different country.

I don’t recall having a specific board game night with the family, but we would play board games including the above-referenced Marbles, Life, Candy Land, and Sorry. We also played cards on occasion including Uno, Rummy Royal, Canasta (and later, after I learned it in college, Sheepshead). My wife and I are now playing the Game of Thrones card game. We also played dice games such as Yahtzee and pig mania (kind of dice). I don’t recall a favorite memory but did enjoy playing games with the family.

What was the first video game you played?

I believe that the first video game I ever played was Pong.

Do you still play board games? Which ones? I still play board games. While I have not played it in a while, I enjoyed playing Axis and Allies and Risk in high school and college. I also have played Monopoly on occasion.

Did you have a favorite game board character? Who, why? The only board game character I can think of is the Monopoly man, so I guess it would be him by default.

Did your family have a board game night? Do you have a favorite memory from that?

Congratulations Attorney Philip L Hoff Future 15 Winner Criminal Defense • OWI & Traffic Defense • Divorce-Child Custody/Support

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future15 | November 2013

Kathleen McDaniel Assistant City Attorney City of Manitowoc

Serving as assistant city attorney for the City of Manitowoc, Kathleen McDaniel strives to make the city a safe and welcoming place to live, work and visit. Her job includes prosecuting individuals who violate state traffic laws or city ordinances. She has handled hundreds of drunk driving cases and has never lost a drunk driving trial. She also drafted the social host ordinance passed by the Manitowoc Common Council, which punishes adults who host underage drinking parties at their residence. McDaniel has been involved with the newly-organized Manitowoc County Youth Diversion Program, which is a teen court for firsttime juvenile offenders. She also works in conjunction with the municipal judge and the Manitowoc Public School District to reduce truancy. “All our citizens benefit from safer streets and fewer truant students,” she stated. She is the current president of the Lakeshore Business and Professional Women. Her goal this year has been to increase the membership so that more women in the area promote women’s equality. The organization raises funds each year for three scholarships benefitting local women furthering their education. McDaniel also serves as the vice president of the Manitowoc Citizens Academy Alumni Association, an organization which funds and directs the annual Manitowoc Police Department’s Citizens Academy. “As an academy graduate, I know firsthand how the academy can help citizens understand the role of police in our local community,” she said. McDaniel volunteers each year at the Three Little Pigs trial at the courthouse, which is designed to give area second graders an exposure to the legal system, and has been volunteering for HeartA-Rama since 2009 helping to raise funds for the American Heart Association. Other community involvement includes being a Lunch Buddy with Big Brothers Big Sisters since 2009. Every week during the school year, she eats lunch with a student at Stangel Elementary. “I believe that mentoring this student has provided her with a positive example of women’s leadership and has allowed us to form a special friendship,” said McDaniel. Her long-term career goal is to become city attorney. She and her husband, Philip Hoff, live in Manitowoc and look forward to starting a family “and raising our children in the beautiful Lakeshore area.”

Case File What was your favorite board game growing up? Why?

As a young child, my favorite game was either Chutes and Ladders or Candyland. As I got older, I liked Monopoly and Clue. I liked Clue because I read a lot of mystery novels and it reminded me of those.

table now, and whenever I see the dents in the middle it reminds me of that game.

What was the first video game you played? Either Tetris or Pac-Man on Atari.

Do you still play board games? Which ones? Yes. My husband and I have been playing a lot of Game of Thrones lately. When my family gets together for holidays, we play board games or cards. We like Trivial Pursuit, Monopoly, Smartass, Songburst, and Clue.

Did you have a favorite game board character? Who, why?

I was always partial to the dog in Monopoly and Miss Scarlet in Clue. I liked Miss Scarlet because she was the youngest Clue character and I am an only child, so I was always the youngest person playing.

Did your family have a board game night? Do you have a favorite memory from that? We didn’t have a formal “Board Game Night” but we played a lot of board games and cards. I think my favorite memory is playing Pig Hog (spoons) with my mom’s extended family. We are extremely competitive at games and blood was drawn on more than one occasion when people would reach for the spoons. My husband and I have my grandparent’s

Congratulations Kathleen McDaniel! FUTURE 15 WINNER


Mission Statement

The Manitowoc Catholic Community exists as a sacramental body of Christ, to love as Christ loved, by boldly proclaiming our faith, teaching our youth, spreading the Good News of Jesus, and serving one another and others in an ever changing community.



future15 | November 2013

Stacie Cihlar

Case File What was your favorite board game growing up? Why?

My favorite board game growing up was Clue. I loved trying to figure out who did it, where, and with what.

Do you still play board games? Which ones?

Director of Auxiliary Services School District of Mishicot

She has served in many roles including classroom teacher, Integration coach, and now Director of Auxiliary Services. In all of these roles, she has focused on working with staff and students “in a dynamic district that is distinctly focused on student learning, college and career readiness, and 21st century skills.”

Did you have a favorite game board character? Who, why?

I didn’t have a favorite board game character, but I always picked the iron in Monopoly or the green pawns in Sorry!

As Integration coach, she successfully led a technology overhaul, implementing interactive technologies into the school district such as SMART boards and iPods/iPads. Cihlar has developed a district program, MOVE Academy, providing a virtual curriculum option to families and developed an innovative Bring Your Own Device for students. Her leadership in these initiatives has allowed the district to evolve to meet the ever-changing needs of the community.

Did your family have a board game night? Do you have a favorite memory from that?

Currently as Director of Auxiliary Services, she works closely with teachers “to ensure we are providing opportunities and educational programming for all students to be successful members of the community,” said Cihlar.

Her five years of involvement with the People to People Student Ambassador program has given Manitowoc County students the ability to travel abroad and experience other countries “building tomorrow’s leaders by promoting tolerance and acceptance,” noted Cihlar. Besides helping families inside the school community, she also helps families outside of the school district walls as well, supporting local community organizations such as the United Way, Salvation Army, and the Domestic Violence Center by donations and school-wide donation drives.

The first video game I played was Frogger on Atari. I could get across the road but always struggled with those logs!

Absolutely! I still love to host game nights with my friends and family. We often play Trivia Pursuit, Pictionary, Catch Phrase, and Cranium. It is always guaranteed fun.

Stacie Cihlar’s mantra has been “service to the School District of Mishicot and the greater Manitowoc County community” during her 14-year career in education.

She leads teachers through the new teacher mentoring program, providing her the opportunity to support and guide young professionals in the district. “Working with new educators provides me the opportunity to give back to my profession,” said Cihlar.

What was the first video game you played?

My family did not play board games often but instead we played a lot of cards, especially in the winter. My brother and I were taught sheepshead and cribbage from early on. I remember playing cards with my grandfather and if you made a mistake he let you know. He took his card playing very seriously!

I suggest it was Ms. Cihlar, in the Library, with the Rope



Her future professional and personal goals include effectively leading both staff and students in innovative ways to become productive members of the community.



future15 | November 2013

Jamie Propson

Agricultural Educator School District of Mishicot

As the agricultural educator for the Mishicot School District, Jamie Propson is moving the classroom to a more hands-on learning atmosphere with science connections and real world applications. She graduated in 2012 from UW-River Falls as the outstanding senior in the College of Agriculture. In her classroom, students are required to find their individual passion through a supervised agricultural experience (SAE) that they work on outside of class to explore agriculture while learning responsibility and time management. These SAEs range from job shadows and work experiences to coordinating a volunteer effort or starting a small business. In addition to teaching nine courses from biotechnology to horticulture, Propson is also the advisor of the Mishicot FFA, a student organization focused on leadership with strong ties to agriculture. She has revitalized the program in the past year to get students involved while helping the Mishicot community. She is currently a Farm Bureau board member, working with Farm to School via Healthiest Manitowoc County, as well as a member of the Wisconsin Association of Ag Educators, and a lifetime FFA Alumni member who is planning the 2014 alumni convention in Elkhart Lake. Propson has served as a State FFA officer, a judge for FFA events, Agricultural Ambassador, and with GO: Africa. She is currently attending a Farm Bureau Institute to gain new agriculture industry knowledge as well as piloting an Educator Effectiveness series for the Mishicot School District. Besides school-related activities, she is active in the community by helping with various local events such as Pumpkinfest, Sagbraw and establishment of a community garden. She and her students have done invasive species removal at Woodland Dunes and landscape projects for the elderly in the community. Propson is improving the quality of life in Manitowoc County by helping children understand where their food comes from and how to eat healthy as well as overall agriculture education and leadership. “These lessons will become lifelong habits and idealistic standards that can be handed down through generations to come,” she stated.


Case File What was your favorite board game growing up? Why? Growing up I loved the game Clue, mysteries engage deep thinking and require you to pay attention which I have always enjoyed. We had a few different Clue theme games from a Simpson’s version to a master detective one.

Do you still play board games? Which ones?

I love playing board games and all games when I get the time to do so with family and friends. Some of my favorites include Clue (still!), Apples to Apples, and Trivial Pursuit with my in-laws every holiday.

Did you have a favorite game board character? Who, why?

My favorite board game character would have to be King Kandy from Candyland because it was the first board game I recall playing and reminds me of my childhood. I loved all his crazy colors and candies.

Did your family have a board game night? Do you have a favorite memory from that? We do not have a family board game night, but do play cards (Sheephead) as a family.

What was the first video game you played?

I do not play video games. I did have a Gameboy growing up and liked Tetris.

I suggest it was Mrs. Propson, in the Lounge with the Candlestick


She and her husband, Dave, live in Denmark and hope to build a home in Mishicot in the future.





future15 | November 2013

Jeremy Otte

English Teacher Two Rivers High School

Jeremy Otte is an English teacher at Two Rivers High School. However, “teacher” does not fully convey his actual contributions. At any given time, he may be a mentor to an at-risk student, a tutor in any subject ranging from Calculus to American History, an ACT prep facilitator, a curriculum coach to other teachers, a counselor to struggling students, a contributor to special needs student meetings, a curriculum planner for the English department, a musical director, a JV volleyball coach, a varsity basketball assistant coach, and a Common Core school coordinator. An area of education close to Otte’s heart has been the struggling, impoverished students that the Two Rivers school district serves. There is a high rate of unemployment within the community and 60% of the students come from single-parent or broken homes. Approximately 64% of the students participate in the free or reduced lunch program because of low family income. “On top of these struggles, Two Rivers also is battling a high school drop-out epidemic,” noted Otte. Two years ago, the successful graduation percentage for seniors was 82%, which is 10 percentage points below the state average. “These statistics and school profile only help build up to one of my biggest goals -- helping at-risk students achieve success and enter into a postsecondary education,” he stated. His background and personality have made him a key contributor when it comes to the school’s outreach and at-risk programs. “I have also been very successful at working one-on-one with atrisk students within the framework of our high school day,” said Otte. His future goals are to set up a twice-a-week ACT prep program to help students work toward scholarship funding, develop more youth volleyball and basketball camps to help kids stay active and involved year-round, and setting up a summer beach volleyball course for elementary and middle school students that will meet at Neshotah. The next step on Otte’s path is to earn his master’s degree in administration so that he can serve half time as an English teacher and half time as a curriculum coordinator for the school district. He and his wife, Jessica, live in Two Rivers. They have a 2-monthold baby boy.

Case File What was your favorite board game growing up? Why?

Favorite board game growing up was the Game of Life because I loved the sound the spinner made (honestly!) and because it was a tradition for my brother and I to play when we were at Fox Hills for vacation--it was always one of the first things we took out to play.

Do you still play board games? Which ones? No to the board games today, but Monopoly has been a “recent” tradition when we get together for the holidays--it has just been three or four years since we have had the time to be together long enough to play through a full game.

What was the first video game you played?

First video game I ever played was the Original Super Mario Bros. for the original Nintendo. One thing that always will stick in my mind is a secret “cheat” that you can access in level 4-3 (I think). You jump on a turtle as it’s walking down a set of stairs and if you time it just right, you rack up a whole bunch of free lives. I remember that so clearly because it was a trick my dad learned from a co-worker while he was delivering pizzas at Pizza Hut (his second or third job at that time). He woke my brother and I up when he got home that night just so he could show us the cheat.

I suggest it was Mr. Otte, in the Library with the Lead Pipe






future15 | November 2013

Angie Popp

Nurse Holy Family Memorial’s Cancer Center Nursing is Angie Popp’s passion. She believes patients and their families deserve care and compassion during their disease process at Holy Family Memorial’s Cancer Center. Popp earned her BSN degree in 1996 and received the Peg Gill Nurse of the Year award in 2009. She has been a medical oncology nurse at HFM since 1996, first as an inpatient nurse and then at HFM Cancer Center since 1999. She was nominated for professionalism in nursing in both 2011 and 2012 at HFM and has received four nominations for the Daisy Award. Her daily job is to improve the quality of life for Manitowoc County residents at the HFM Cancer Center. “I am here to support patients in their diagnosis, potential recurrence, remission, and sometimes their final stages of life. I am here to provide compassion and caring in all these phases,” said Popp. She gave the opening ceremony speech at Relay for Life in 2010, having participated in Relay for Life since 1996 in support of cancer patients, volunteering time and money for the cause. Other cancer-related activities Popp was involved in include Daffodil Days from 1999 to 2011, volunteering time for delivery and patient lists; the NoCancer Bike Ride in 2010 and 2011, helping with setup and takedown besides riding the course; and the Carol Rose Wester memorial run/walk helping with registration since it began in 2008 but also participating in the run/walk. Popp attended the WONE Nursing Leadership Academy in 2011 and received their scholarship for education in 2012. She has been the co-chair to the Professional Development Council since 2012 at HFM and participated in HFM’s Aspiring Nurse Leader Program in 2012. Her goals over the next 5-10 years are to complete her master’s degree in nursing with an emphasis on leadership and management in health services, as well as serve the community and uphold nursing excellence during healthcare reform.


Popp is married to her high school soulmate, Jody, and they reside in Two Rivers. They have two children: Zander age 8 and Vivian age 6. They also have a Shih-tzu named Mittens.

Case File What was your favorite board game growing up? Why?

My cousin and I used to spend hours playing Monopoly and Pay Day when we could stay overnight by each other. We would play till 4:00am sometimes. We both loved to see who could be more successful, by having the most money of course.

What was the first video game you played?

Munch Man (the spinoff of Pac-Man) from Texas Instruments was the first video game I remember playing.

Do you still play board games? Which ones?

My children are only 6 and 8 so we play simpler games such as Sequence, Life, and Othello. But I can’t wait!

Did you have a favorite game board character? Who, why?

Not sure why but I always liked being the hat in Monopoly.

Did your family have a board game night? Do you have a favorite memory from that?

My family did not have a board game night, but I will never forget the nights my cousin and I played all night. She died after a car accident when she was 16. They are some of my most favorite memories of her.

I suggest it was Mrs. Popp, in the Study with the Wrench



future15 | November 2013

Michael Schumacher

Business Development Valders Stone & Marble

Michael Schumacher, responsible for business development at Valders Stone & Marble, Inc., has a number of awards and achievements, showing his leadership abilities in various ways. He has been named Associated Builders & Contractors of Wisconsin (ABC) state skill craft champion in carpentry, ABC apprentice of the year, received the Marble Institute of America Natural Stone Scholarship Award (Rising Professional award), Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Accredited Professional, Rotary International group study exchange team member with Italy, Young Professional of the Week (Fond du Lac Reporter), and recent Leadership Fond du Lac graduate. Schumacher’s leadership history includes being class president for three years, construction crew leader/site superintendent, crew leadership instructor for ABC of WI, and author and instructor for all internal and external education for Valders and Eden stone companies (nationally accredited by the American Institute of Architects and American Society of Landscape Architects), and committee chair for several construction and stone industry committees. In his spare time, he volunteers for Habitat for Humanity, Salvation Army, Make-A-Wish, Thunder on the Lakeshore, Hayden’s Hope, the ARC, and Disabled American Veterans. He also has served as a tutor and mentor for other young professionals in the area. When Schumacher first started working in Manitowoc County, he joined Sail where he “was able to network with a diverse group of wonderful people and start connecting professionals with one another,” he said. He worked on aligning construction companies with material suppliers and subcontractors, introducing new residents to service providers for insurance, banking, healthcare, etc. and helped spread the word about great places to visit and dine. Schumacher strives to be a part of nearly every type of event that Sail/ The Chamber hosts including Lunch N’ Learns, Business Connects with Government, Business After Hours, Sail annual meetings, sports awards, volunteering opportunities, company tours, open houses, and discussion panels. “Joining the Sail group was one of the greatest things that I have ever done. This organization provides me the means to grow in countless ways, while making wonderful new friends,” he stated. Schumacher’s professional goals are to work with the executive team to break their current record years of profitability, teach more classes for ABC, further develop industry educational curriculums, and attend new training such as Leaderfest.

Case File What was your favorite board game growing up? Why?

I really didn’t play too many board games as a child. I did not have brothers or sisters, so there wasn’t anyone to play against. The only board games I remember playing were Checkers and Candyland. I spent a great deal of my time playing outside, helping my father work on things, and learning lessons from my grandfather who ran our family farm. If we played games inside, it was usually cards with my grandmother. I lived in a rural area, so when I got together with my friends we usually played sports, rode our bikes, went swimming at the lake, etc.

Do you still play board games? Which ones?

I cannot tell you the last time I played a board game. I think it may have been a game of checkers with my friend’s daughter. I don’t recall winning a single game against her, despite several attempts. I actually had to “Google” the game Clue to learn what it was all about. I am definitely going to have to attend the Sail Game Night on January 16th!

Did you have a favorite game board character? Who, why? My favorite board game character would have to be Milburn Pennybags, a.k.a. Mr. Monopoly. I have never actually played Monopoly, but he seems like the king of all board games. Plus he has a top hat and a monocle – there is no topping that!

Did your family have a board game night? Do you have a favorite memory from that?

I don’t recall us ever having a family game night, but I do remember the adults playing things like Pictionary, Scattergories, etc. I always felt important when they

would let me play with them. It was just great to have the whole family together and enjoy each other’s company.

What was the first video game you played?

I’m not too sure – I didn’t play too many video games. It may have been Pac-Man at one of those big tables that you could sit down at to play. I remember there being one at a local supper club. My mother and father let me play when we would go out for dinner. The first video game console that I ever got was a Nintendo. I know I played Duck Hunt a lot. That stupid laughing dog STILL haunts me.

Valders Stone & Marble and Eden Stone Company would like to congratulate Michael Schumacher for his selection as one of the “FUTURE 15” Award Recipients.

Dedicated to Hope, Healing and Recovery 1445 North 7th Street, Manitowoc, WI 54220


Congratulations All Future 15 Winners!

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future15 | November 2013

Program Manager N.E. WI Area Health Education Center Annie Short’s job as program manager of the N.E. WI Area Health Education Center is to address community health and education issues and improve the quality of life for residents. She is always seeking grants, programs and activities to accomplish this. Some of her key achievements include: Starting the Healthy Teeth Healthy Kids program in 2006 which provides dental services in the schools to underinsured children; in January of 2010 organizing a hygiene service for pregnant moms without insurance; in July of 2010 helping to develop and establish a dental clinic for underinsured adults in Manitowoc County; and currently working to set up a community health clinic and behavioral health clinic. From 2007 to 2010, Short helped organize a community weight loss challenge called Lighten Up Manitowoc County. A total of 1,889 members participated and 8,311 pounds were lost. She developed and hosted the first Freshmen Academy for incoming freshmen at Two Rivers High School in 2011 and has assisted with such academies now at Reedsville, Valders and Hilbert high schools. She has also developed and hosted many student leadership conferences for area high schools. Short is the program coordinator for the Alliance for Wisconsin Youth N.E. Region, which provides leadership training and technical assistance to 17 coalitions in the Northeast Region to address substance abuse. She and her husband, Dave Petri, have started the Prodigal Son Project out of their home. This is a ministry where they take in men who have no place to live and want a second chance at life. “We provide food, shelter, spiritual guidance, and work with them on social, financial and job skills out of our home,” she stated. Short also would like to set up a youth resale store in the county, help establish a teen court, find resources to begin a drug court and youth center, work on programs that would ensure that every child can read beyond a third grade level, and help establish a volunteer center that promotes volunteerism among companies and youth. She and her husband live in Manitowoc. They have two dogs, Lady and Sparky, and 11 chickens.

Case File What was your favorite board game growing up? Why?

Scrabble. Why? My mom and I would play it all the time. I had problems with spelling in the early years, so she would play Scrabble with me to get better at spelling.

What was the first video game you played? Pac-Man.

Do you still play board games? Which ones?

Yes and I love board game nights. Which ones? Scrabble, Clue, Cranium, Apples to Apples, Pictionary, Catch Phrase, Yahtzee, Mexican train, Stratego (I understand not all are “board” games, but they are what we play for game night.)

Did you have a favorite game board character? Who, why? No.

Did your family have a board game night? Do you have a favorite memory from that? Besides Scrabble, my mom and I would play Yahtzee and Connect Four. I always just enjoyed time with my mom.

I suggest it was Mrs. Short, in the Conservatory with the Wrench


Annie Short Future 15 Winner From Northeast Wisconsin Area Health Education Center


Annie Short



future15 | November 2013

Jolene Szydel

Case File What was your favorite board game growing up? Why?

My favorite board game growing up was Monopoly. It was a family game that all could play and I got to be the banker and in control of the money and properties. It was also a game of chance where you had to make smart money decisions in order to be the winner.

Site Manager Orthopaedic Associates of Manitowoc BayCare Clinic

The first video game I played was the old school Ms. Pac-Man where you could have two players.

Do you still play board games? Which ones?

I don’t get to play a lot of board games anymore. I do play more card games with friends and family such as Sheepshead and Poker.

Jolene Szydel, site manager at Orthopaedic Associates of Manitowoc BayCare Clinic, sets out to accomplish her dreams and goals, bettering herself and making a difference in the community she lives in as a result. At 21 years of age, she joined the Two Rivers Jaycees to give back to the community. During her membership with the organization, she held a couple of different office positions, such as individual development vice president and secretary until they disbanded in 2005.

Did you have a favorite game board character? Who, why? My favorite board game character was the dog from Monopoly.

Shortly after that, Szydel joined Manitowoc County’s young professionals group, Sail. She has been an active participant on the Steering Committee since 2006 and has helped plan various events that have been widely attended.

Did your family have a board game night? Do you have a favorite memory from that?

Since the Two Rivers Jaycees disbanded, she decided to become a member of JCI Manitowoc where she is an active member not only helping the Manitowoc community, but also traveling to other cities in Wisconsin in order to help other chapters with their events. She has traveled to Oshkosh to help with their Blues and Brews event and attended a Chili Cook-Off in a Minnesota vs. Wisconsin competition. Szydel is a member of the Two Rivers Elks BPO Lodge #1380 where she has had the opportunity to help fill in different chairs during Elk meetings. She also volunteers to help at community events such as Carp Fest and the Car Show. She has joined the Chamber’s Education Committee and is an active member of The Chamber of Manitowoc County. She likes to attend events in order to spread awareness of the Sail organization and “how important it is to attract and retain younger generations to our work environments. Without organizations such as Sail and the Jaycees, the area has the potential to lose such amazing talents to larger communities,� she stated.

What was the first video game you played?


Szydel was selected this past May to take part in the Twinning Program between JCI Wisconsin and JCI Hessen, Germany, in order to help maintain ambassadorship between the two states. A future goal of hers is to obtain her Ph.D. in business. She would like to become a clinic director.

Growing up, there wasn’t a set game night, it was more spontaneous. Some of my favorite memories are of us playing Scrabble and my dad having to “check on something� only for him to sneak away and read the dictionary for words that would score higher points.

I suggest it was Ms. Szydel, in the Dining Room with the knife

“ Congratulations Jolene Szydel Future 15 Winner






future15 | November 2013

Christine Thelen President Hayden’s Batten Disease Foundation Inc.

As president of Hayden’s Batten Disease Foundation Inc., Christine Thelen wants to help children with Batten Disease receive treatment, provide funding for research, and promote awareness of the disease. On January 28, 2008, her daughter Hayden was diagnosed with the rare incurable genetic disorder known as Infantile Batten Disease. She and her husband, Eric, had to watch for months as Hayden regressed and then were told she had the terminal disease. Because the disease is so rare, money and advancement for research is slow. With the help of family and friends, Hayden’s Batten Disease Foundation Inc. was formed. The local foundation has donated more than $150,000 to Batten Disease research. They received an award in 2009 for their fundraising efforts. They have also presented $9,000 in scholarships to graduating high school seniors who have a strong desire to work in a healthcare-related field. Thelen, who has a Certified Public Accountant license, worked in public accounting for 14 years, 11 of which were with LBR Accounting & Tax Service Inc. Although Hayden’s illness does not allow her to work outside the home anymore, she stays up-to-date with the current tax laws and one day would like to have her own practice. Over the years, she has helped out in the community and through her childrens’ schools. Thelen was a member of the Roncalli Athletic Association for two years, serving as co-vice president for one year; secretary of the St. Peter the Fisherman Catholic School Athletic Association for the last eight years; member of St. Peter the Fisherman’s Auction Committee; treasurer of the Two Rivers Family Swim Club for two years; coached track and volleyball at St. Peter the Fisherman Catholic School and has helped with basketball and volleyball tournaments. “I believe in youth athletic programs. Sports teach our children teamwork, sportsmanship, unity, cooperation, responsibility and build self-esteem,” she stated. Thelen and her husband live in Two Rivers with their four children: Amanda, 19; Bailey, 10; Hayden, 7; and Tyler, 3. They also have a miniature dachshund named Ellie.


Case File What was your favorite board game growing up? Why?

My favorite board game growing up was Monopoly, because it is so cut-throat and brings out the true personalities of the players. It teaches you about real estate, managing properties, managing money and bankruptcy.

Do you still play board games? Which ones?

Today, I play Chutes & Ladders and Candy Land with my children.

Did you have a favorite game board character? Who, why? I didn’t have a favorite game board character, but I remember fighting over who was going to be the shoe, iron or top hat when we played Monopoly.

Did your family have a board game night? Do you have a favorite memory from that?

We didn’t have a specific game night set aside, but when the occasion came up we would play board games...snow days.

What was the first video game you played?

The first video game I ever played was Atari Pong, because my Dad was obsessed with it!

I suggest it was Mrs. Thelen, in the Billiard Room with the Rope


(920) 553-7308




future15 | November 2013

Chad Zeller

Case File What was your favorite board game growing up? Why?

CPA Schenck SC of Manitowoc

Chad Zeller, CPA and shareholder of Schenck SC of Manitowoc, said he has been inspired by the people of Manitowoc County and hopes to emulate the great leaders he has come in contact with. From a career perspective, he has multiple leadership roles within Schenck. First, within the Manitowoc office, he works closely with managing shareholder Tom Giesen to set the direction of the office and then communicate expectations and mentor the staff of approximately 20 professionals. Second, he serves as a co-leader of the real estate and construction industry team. Third, he was asked two years ago to be part of a three-year leadership program offered by Upstream Academy. Fourth, he has been asked to be a part of a special firm committee that is reviewing Schenck’s vision strategy. From a community perspective, Zeller is a board member of the Manitowoc County Home Builders, demonstrating leadership through events such as the Home Show, Parade of Homes, golf outing, and other networking opportunities. He is an active Chamber of Manitowoc County Ambassador making it a point to regularly attend monthly meetings and as many Business After Hours and ribbon cutting events as possible. He has volunteered the past two years with the Chamber golf outing both in preparation of the event and assisting with registration and oncourse activities. He is also a member of the Manitowoc Noon Rotary Club. From a personal perspective, he and his wife Kimberly have three children: Carson 11, Makenna 9, and Zoey 7. “My wife and children are most important to me and I strive to find balance in my life so that they can receive the best of me. Whether it’s helping out with my son’s baseball team or attending Girl Scout events with my daughters, it’s important that I play an active role in their lives,� said Zeller.

Life was my favorite board game. I really enjoyed the variety of the game. And it was pretty cool if you were a lawyer or doctor earning $50K each Pay Day!

What was the first video game you played?

My parents bought my sister and me the ColecoVision game system. My favorite game was Mr. Do! That is of course, until Nintendo created Techno Bowl.

Do you still play board games? Which ones?

Absolutely. My son loves Monopoly and we have five different versions including two card games. I also like to play Allowance with my two daughters.

Did you have a favorite game board character? Who, why?

Not really. When you have kids, you usually get stuck with what’s leftover.

Did your family have a board game night? Do you have a favorite memory from that?

We played a lot of board games together (usually on the weekends). It was always a good time beating my sister. No mercy!


Career goals include achieving equity status as a shareholder, being recognized as an industry expert in construction, and growing the Manitowoc office. His primary personal goal right now is helping raise his three children. “They are the future of America and I need to be a great father and leader for them,� said Zeller.

I suggest it was Mr. Zeller, in the Study with the candlestick






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Baird GM 866-642-5307 Homan Ford 877-270-6316


Executive Auto Sales of Shawano 1-888-864-1445


Adell Auto Center 877-436-0340 Budget Auto Sales 888-893-4877


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WISCONSIN RAPIDS Johnson & Sons, Inc. 888-220-2401 Rapids Ford 888-532-5569

20 future15 | November 2013

15 young professionals from the lakeshore

The Herald Times Reporter congratulates all winners of this year’s Future 15 award.




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